[OGD] more IOSPE photos needed

2006-10-01 Thread Jay Pfahl
Dear OGD's
Continuing through Habenaria and up to Lepanthopsis. Please send any 
photos of these species to [EMAIL PROTECTED] as jpeg files
Habenaria clypeata
Habenaria cogniauxiana
Habenaria dentifera
Habenaria distans
Habenaria entomantha
Habenaria eustachya
Habenaria florabunda
Habenaria gollmeri
Habenaria hondurensis
Habenaria mesodactyla
Habenaria microstylina
Habenaria novemfida
Habenaria oerstedii
Habenaria  pygmaea
Hab quinqueseta
Habenaria septrophora
Habenaria strictissima
Habenaria trifida
Habenaria umbratilis
Hapalorchis lineatus
Helleriella/Ponera nicaraguenis
Hirtzia benzingii
Houlletia lowiana
Huntleya lucida
Isochilus carnosiflorus
Isochilus latibractatus
Isochilus unilateralis
Jaquiniella cobanensis
Keferateinia andreettae
Kefersteinia aurorae
Kefersteinia benvenathar
Kefersteinia delcastilloi
Kefersteinia escalerensis
Kefersteinia expansa
Kefersteinia guacamayoana
Kefersteinia hirtzii
Kefersteinia jarae
Kefersteinia koechlinorum
Kefersteinia licethyi
Kefersteinia minutiflora
Kionophyton pyramidalis
Koellensteinia ionoptera
Koellensteinia peruviana
Lacaena bicolor
Lankestrella orthantha
Leochilus johnstonii
Leochilus tricuspidatus
Lepanthes aculeata
Lepanthes aurorae
 Lepanthes caveroi
Lepanthes cordeliae
Lepanthes edwardsii
Lepanthes exima
Lepanthes guanacastensis
Lepanthes helicocephala
Lepanthes helleri
Lepanthes ilense
Lepanthes johnsonii
Lepanthes leonii
Lepanthes mairae
Lepanthes oreocharis
Lepanthes oxapampaensis
Lepanthes pastorellii
Lepanthopsis apoda
Jay Pfahl

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)


2006-10-01 Thread IrisCohen
In a message dated 10/1/06 6:03:51 AM, Giles Smith writes:
3 years ago I bought a nice Phalaenopsis schilleriana 'Pink Butterfly."  It was a meristem propagation.   The next year it produced a nice inflorescence and also another growth that first appeared to be a normal inflorescence but soon turned out to be a new basal shoot that rapidly produced leaves and roots of its own.   After a while I separated the new growth and potted it up.   That plant grew well and is now producing another new basal shoot, but no normal inflorescence.

I assume all your other Phals, especially those with strong P. schilleriana inheritance, are growing & blooming normally, & this problem is not cultural.
This is a genetic mutation caused by excessive meristemming. It is commonly caused by nurseries trying to milk as much profit as possible out of a hapless prizewinner. That is why stem props, which are actually developed parts of the mother plant, are so much more expensive than meristems. Your plant may never bloom again. If you can, go back to the supplier & see if you can get a refund or a different plant. It is against the law in some states, and against the code of ethics of the nursery trade, to sell a plant that is not "true to name," although the ability to bloom is never guaranteed.
Many years ago I bought a meristem of a famous hexaploid, P. Golden Emperor 'Sweet', FCC/AOS. Like your plant, it bloomed properly once, if I recall correctly. The following year it reverted to the diploid form. I could see right away by the foliage. When it bloomed, it was a frightful dog & I threw it out. Those are the breaks.
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Intercept

2006-10-01 Thread cgcruise

I've used Intercept in the past for both mealy bug 
and scale successfully. You have to be patient though, as the pesticide is 
systemic and takes about one month to notice any results. The orchids seem to 
take it up rather slowly. I'd suggest using Intercept as both a drench and 
foliar spray at the same time if possible.
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Illuminometer

2006-10-01 Thread Peter Croezen

I am trying to find a copy of 
the user manual for a  Reed K7020 illuminometer. 
If you have one, or know where I can get one, 
please contact me off forum.
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

Re: [OGD] Strange Phal behavior

2006-10-01 Thread Nicholas Plummer
> From: "Giles Smith"
> What is going on with the new basal shoots?  Is the original plant just a 
> genetic
> freak?  Is there some cultural factor that is influencing these particular 
> plants to
> perform in such an odd way?  I would rather have the bloom!  Any comments
>  would be appreciated

Are you referring to shoots that appear to be inflorescences but which 
produce a terminal keiki instead of flowers?  If so, I suspect cultural 
factors but have no idea what they are.  When I grew my P. schilleriana 
under lights for several years, it produced these terminal keikis but no 
flowers.  Since moving it to a greenhouse three or four years ago, it has 
flowered well but has not produced any keikis.

Nicholas Plummer

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] orchid flasking thailand

2006-10-01 Thread stuart h

Try this again as it didnt seem to work before..
looking for commercial orchid seed flaskers in Thailand or similar area.
Recomendations welcomed

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)


2006-10-01 Thread Peter O'Byrne
Giles Smith asked: "I hope someone can help me understand what is
going on with my Phalaenopsis schilleriana. ... It produced a new
basal shoot that rapidly produced leaves and roots of its own
After a while I separated the new growth and potted it up.  That plant
grew well and is now producing another new basal shoot, but no normal
inflorescence.  I grow these in sphagnum moss and they seem to be
happy, carrying 3 to 4 good leaves on each side. What is going on with
the new basal shoots?"

Giles, if a plant only has one stem it is vulnerable to being damaged
or eaten. Having multiple stems increases the chance of the plant
surviving. So most members of the Aeridiinae (which includes
Phalaenopsis) routinely propogate themselves via basal vegetative
shoots when they get a chance.

Your plant is only doing what comes naturally. Look on it as an
opportunity to grow a nice large specimen-size plant.

Peter O'Byrne

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)