[OGD] Golden Gate Park / San Francisco (US)

2007-02-16 Thread viateur . boutot
 From a press release :

The Park Access for All coalition... denounced a transportation study 
conducted by the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (MTA) 
examining conditions for Saturday closure of Golden Gate Park, saying the 
study is flawed...

The members of 'Park Access for All' include:
... San Francisco Orchid Society

URL : http://biz.yahoo.com/bw/070215/20070215006284.html?.v=1



the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] terrestrial orchids in Florida (US)

2007-02-16 Thread viateur . boutot
reed stem Epidendrum and Spathoglottis...

...The reed stem orchid...
bloom for about six months -- from spring to fall...

light purple Spathoglottis plicata...

spathoglottis orchids are susceptible to anthracnose, a leaf spotting 
fungus, and at least one type of orchid virus...

in Pamela Crawford's 'Easy Gardens for South Florida'.
Trim to remove brown leaves. This plant normally has some brown portions 
on the leaves. These need not be removed unless they become an eyesore. In 
the winter, quite a few leaves turn yellow, she wrote.
they can be propagated by dividing the clumps.

article URL :




the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

Re: [OGD] Patented Plants

2007-02-16 Thread IrisCohen
In a message dated 2/16/07 6:03:33 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 the pirate plants can be prevented from entering the US market.
That may be true, but it is difficult to prevent pirating of plants that are 
developed within the US. There are regulations in several states controlling 
the labeling of landscape plants, but as far as I know, labeling of pot plants 
is pretty unregulated. I know of two well-known patented bonsai varieties that 
have been pirated for years. One of them may be out of patent by now, but I 
know when the other one was patented, and it has been sold unlabeled ever 
since. I only saw it once with a legal label.
By the way, I have never seen Burr. Nellie Eisler sold with a label saying it 
was patented. The clone name was simply omitted.
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Gerardus Staal

2007-02-16 Thread viateur . boutot
Ecuador... an orchid named after Gerardus Staal.

Staal, 81, earned his namesake... Masdevallia staaliana, through multiple 
orchid collecting trips to Ecuador. He has also named and registered scores 
of hybridized orchids...

Staal will be one of hundreds of vendors at this weekend's 55th annual 
Pacific Orchid Exposition...

He oversees thousands of orchid plants in his backyard greenhouse from his 
Palo Alto home, where he runs a small business creating hybrids and 
propagating rare species.
Another vendor at this weekend's show, Scott Dallas, owner of White Oak 
Orchids in Pacifica, manages 250,000 plants...

While Dallas' relationship with orchids is strictly business, Staal is a 
hobbyist who has hybridized orchids for more than 30 years.

A Dutch native, he got a doctorate degree in entomology before moving to 
the U.S. in the 1960s to develop insecticides

article URL : 



the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Burrageara Nelly Isler-note spelling Iris!

2007-02-16 Thread aeaston
You silly woman. of course it does not have a patent tag when sold in the 
United States because as has been clearly explained, it is not patented here! 
It is protected in Europe.

Andy Easton.

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

Re: [OGD] Orchids Digest, Vol 9, Issue 61

2007-02-16 Thread WJTJP
Nice to see all  the puppets now know which exhibit to viote for in the Miami 
show.Will make all the judging assignments easier for the employee judges. A 
study in ethics.
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

Re: [OGD] AOS awarded plants

2007-02-16 Thread peter croezen
Jean Allen Ikeson

Your comments are wasteful and misdirected. No suggestion was made, by either 
myself, or Marc,
that the AOS judging  is crooked and deliberately aimed at aiding commercial 
vendors of orchids. 
We all know this is not true and we do not need to read the AOS handbook on 
judging to know it.

It is a well known fact, among all who grow orchids, that AOS awarded plants, 
whether  these are sold by individuals 
at local orchid society meetings, or by commercial orchid vendors, are more 
desirable and fetch more money
than non-awarded plants. Thus whether you like it or not, AOS awards do endorse 
plants on the sales table.

It is puzzling that you, as a student AOS judge, take offence at a by-product 
of  AOS judging excellence.


the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Chuck Acker

2007-02-16 Thread peter croezen
It is reported on Slipper Talk Forum that Chuck Acker has sent a letter of 
apology to all who purchased
his Peruflora  Pk seedlings. 

see: http://www.slippertalk.com/forum/showthread.php?p=29466#post29466

Apparently Chuck found out that the Peruflora Pk seedlings, already in compots 
in his greenhouse, were not Pk.

With his letter of apology, Chuck included a refund cheque for the deposit made.

It was I who in 2005 warned people on  orchid forums that a reliable Lima 
source told me that Peruflora could not possibly propagate the number of Pk 
flasks they sold from five legal Pk plants. The suggestion was made that 
therefore Peruflora would have to have purchased Pk seeds from illegal plants 
outside their nursery.
I received a lot of flack over this and was told that I did not know what I was 
talking about.

Soon after, I received another message from Lima telling me that an enemy of 
the Arias family had managed to have someone sell Manolo Pk seeds which were in 
fact seeds of another Phragmipedium species. 
Knowing my sources to be very reliable, I publicly announced that the 
Peruflora's Pk species labels are unreliable, if seeds were purchased, and if 
indeed it was true that non-Pk seeds were sold to them, the seedlings in their 
flasks may not at all be Pk.
Again I was blasted for this by many, publicly and privately.

Last May while at the Redland International Orchid Festival, a very angry 
Manolo Arias stormed into the sales booth (tent) I was in, directed there by 
one of his friends who talked to me in the line up for the festival BBQ for 
Manolo told me that I was spreading false rumours about Peruflora when I stated 
on orchid forums, which he monitors, that their Pk flasks may not contain Pk 
seedlings but other species.

Well, we now know that my friends and I did not lie but told the truth and that 
all who contradicted me on the forums truly did not know what they were talking 
about. Believe me I take no pleasure in this. I feel terribly sorry for all who 
got stung by this. 

Chuck Acker did the honourable thing and I expected no less from him.
His business will not suffer, quite the opposite will result.

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] VB Thank You

2007-02-16 Thread Australian Orchid Nursery
I'm not sure who you are, or even where you are from,

 But I would like to whole heartedly thank you for your extremely
interesting contributions and links you have been contributing to the Digest

You are making the Digest a very interesting read 

Politics, judging and personalities make very uninteresting reading on the
other side of the world

Please keep it up

Kind regards Wayne Turville AONAustralia 

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Iris and big mouth

2007-02-16 Thread cgcruise
Maybe Iris, you should think about what you post  BEFORE you actually post it! 
Your comment on patents was quite niave. I've read quite a few of your posts 
and not voiced my opinion, now I'm thinking you shouldn't voice yours as much 
as you do. Do you have something else to keep you occupied?

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)