[Origami] a couple of requests from your list admins

2020-12-09 Thread Anne LaVin
Hi, everyone! Just a couple of requests:

 - please don't use any URL shortening services (like tinyurl and its
cousins) when posting web addresses to the list. A large number of ISPs
think any message with such a URL in it is spam, and so the initial message
bounces, and then the replies that include the original bounce as well...
and so on. You'll get your email through to more people if you just include
the actual link.

 - this time of year (holidays? winter break?) people seem to have their
account storage quotas fill up more often - if you're going to be away from
your email, please make sure that you leave enough quota in your account to
handle any list mail that might pile up there. The list server will
automatically stop delivering to your account, and eventually unsubscribe
you, if you're over quota for too long.

 - try to remember what account you used to sign up for the list, and only
post replies from that account. To stop spam, the list server only allows
subscribed members to post to the list. We're seeing increasing numbers of
messages from people using alternate email addresses to reply, which cause
work for us (to let you know it didn't go through) and you (to have to
resend your message from the right address.) Contact the admins:


if you need help figuring out what address you subscribed with, or if you
don't have "send" access to the account any more, or similar problems.


We hope everyone is weathering the end of this crazy year as well as can
be. Now, go fold something and come back and tell us about it!


[Origami] Foldeas with Barbara Pearl (Saturday October 12)

2020-12-09 Thread Gerardo @neorigami.com
 *Barbara Pearl* will be the guest speaker at the next session of my
hands-on presentations Foldeas. http://www.mathinmotion.com

She titled her presentation *Math in Motion: Origami in the Classroom K-8.
Every Child Counts!*. It'll be on Saturday December 12, 10:00 - 12:00 (New
York) / 15:00 - 17:00 (London) / 20:30 - 22:30 (New Delhi)

Whether you plan to attend or not, I appreciate it if you share and repost
the session's poster on your social media platforms and groups, asking
others to also share and repost it. Thank you in advance and see you at the

[image: Image] 

Before you register, read the details and requisites on the poster.
Registration form: *https://tiny.cc/foldeas *

And these are some images of Matt's session [image: :D].

[image: Image]

[image: Image]

[image: Image]

Matt taught us how to fold his model *Japanese Mapple Leaf* to show the
rhombase in action.

[image: Image]

We wanted to present our folds of the model* : )*

[image: Image]


*Gerardo G.*
*Knowledge and Curiosity in Origami:*
*six private classes online*