RE: SOAP/WSDL support?

2001-05-02 Thread Robert Nicholson

Did they do what WL 6 does and use their own packaging for the parser they
depend on and let people simply interface others from whereever they please?
The XMLRegistry idea seems pretty neat.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Mike
 Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2001 7:30 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: SOAP/WSDL support?


 Orion 1.4.8 supports JAXP 1.1 and removes the need for Xerces. (It updates
 to the latest Xalan, and also uses Crimson).

 Not sure how this affects your ApacheSOAP stuff (sounds interesting - any
 URLs to read up?)


  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Duffey, Kevin
  Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2001 11:59 AM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: SOAP/WSDL support?
  Hey all,
  I am wondering why it is Orion still uses an old version of
 xerces.jar and
  such. There are a number of new things that I can't do with
 their shipping
  version of xerces.jar.
  Anyways, I think (if the Orion team reads this), that adding support for
  SOAP using ApacheSOAP would be a great feature. Having built in
  support for
  running SOAP services (with examples of writing a service, as well as a
  client to access that service) would be a very good thing.

RE: How to access EJB's from client (not packaged in .ear) ?

2001-05-02 Thread Frank Eggink


If I'm correct the attached files should give you a working example, if not let me 
know. I have not looked at
it for a year, apart from changing the readme format from (UNIX) text to HTML just now 
onder the save
assumption not everybody works on UNIX.



On Monday, April 23, 2001 10:37 PM, Harley Rana [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
 Hi i have just started out with orion, i can't figure out how to access bean
 from a client. i've followed the Hello-Planet primer and made some changes
 to the bean, repackaged the .ear and redeployed.  Now every thing works fine
 when access the bean from a servlet that is packaged in the .ear file.
 My question is how do you access a bean, from a client not packaged in the
 .ear file?
 Im getting an NamingException usally saying :
 java:comp/env namespace is only available from within a J2EE component
 sometimes saying :
 javax.naming.NamingException: Error reading application-client descriptor:
 No location specified and no suitable instance of the type 'hello.ejb.Hello'
 found for the ejb-ref HelloPlanet
 I do have the application-client.xml file, and if i change details in it i
 see change in message from the second exception type.  so it must be reading
 the .xml file to see the change.
 What do i need to do?
 Could you include code examples please.
 I appreciate any help you can give!
 Thanks, Harley Rana.
   File: HelloClient.javaFile: hello-planet.ear  


I've got a simple remote client running. As it took me quite some time, maybe
other people might find this example useful to get started.

All this is based on the Orion-Primer of Ernst de Haan. Have a look on his site for a more detailed explanation of the JSP example before
running the remote client.

In the attached archive files you find:

the unchanged sources from Ernst,

an addapted application.xml file (is that file right?),

two extra files: HelloClient.Java and application-client.xml and

an addapted build file.

If you have successfully compiled the example as described by Ernst using my
sources, you will find a 'orion-primer-client.jar' file in the rel/

B.T.W. It is fun to see the autodeploy working. Check the log of the server while running 'ant clean' and 'ant'. You'll see the autodeploy picking the file up.

You run the remote client as follows:

Make sure you have a proper java setup on your remote machine.

Copy a file from a orion demo (e.g. the cart demo) to
   directory X. You'll find it in the directory orion/demo/ejb/cart. Make
   sure it refers to the server and not localhost.

Copy the following jars from the orion installation dir to directory X:

Copy the orion-primer-client.jar to directory X on your remote machine.

Run the following command:
   "java -classpath .:orion.jar:ejb.jar:jndi.jar:orion-primer-client.jar hello.client.HelloClient"

If all runs fine you will get some messages on your screen ending with:
"Exit cleanly".

The code is straightforward, but as it is an example and things can go

Amongst others:

First thing is to get a context. You'll run into trouble here if your are not right.

Next step is the get the Home Interface. If the application-client.xml
is not right or server does not run (or you point to the wrong server)
things will break here.

I guess there are more ways of having fun ...


The example file is pretty straightforward. It describes under which
name you can find the Home Interface, in our case 'ejb/HelloHome'.
You have to use that same name in your source file ''.

The type of the Bean is of course the same as in the ejb-jar.xml: Session.
The other entries in the application-client point to the right Home and
Remote interfaces.

classpath / / jars

The '.' in the classpath is necessary to pick up your file.
The first three jars mentioned (orion, ejb, and jndi) in the classpath are
necessary for the execution environment. The Orion runtime environment will
look for the other jars you have copied (mail, jdbc, parser and jaxp) in the
directory where the orion.jar file resides (directory X in our example).

The reason why you need mail.jar and jdbc.jar is unclear to me. You get error
messages if don't include them. I understood from Karl Avedal that Orion is
working on a smaller 'client.jar' that also contains a subset of orion.jar.
That would be great for connecting to Orion from a browser. That would take
less downloading.

Next step for me is to get it running using an applet and a browser. All that
work and who will notice the difference with the JSP example 8-).


Orion crashing silenty

2001-05-02 Thread Ron van Pol


I'm running orion with the -secure option on Windows 2000 Server. The
problem is that orion crashes each and every time now when I access a JSP.
I've tried different JVMs (SUN 1.2.x, 1.3.x and IBM 1.3.0) and versions
1.4.5, 1.4.7 and 1.4.8 of orion. In all configurations the result is orion
crashing silenty. The weird thing is that the all of the above seem to work
ok on Windows 2000 Pro. Other differences between the 2 windows
configurations are that on windows 2000 server the filesystem is NTFS and on
windows 2000 pro the filesystem is FAT32. Is there anyone out there that can
confirm having the same problem? Or suggestions on how to get on top of this

Thanx a lot,

Re: How to access EJB's from client (not packaged in .ear) ?

2001-05-02 Thread Bar Orion Barak

In the directory $ORION_HOME/demo/news-app/news-client-source you have
a working example of a client.
You have to add the file somewhere at your CLASSPATH

[barak@gandalf]$ cat ~orion/orion/demo/news-app/news-client-source/ 

the relevant xml files are:
that have the application module defination:
and the file 
that holds the EJB reference for JNDI.

On Apr 23, Harley Rana wrote:
 Hi i have just started out with orion, i can't figure out how to access bean
 from a client. i've followed the Hello-Planet primer and made some changes
 to the bean, repackaged the .ear and redeployed.  Now every thing works fine
 when access the bean from a servlet that is packaged in the .ear file.
 My question is how do you access a bean, from a client not packaged in the
 .ear file?
 Im getting an NamingException usally saying :
 java:comp/env namespace is only available from within a J2EE component
 sometimes saying :
 javax.naming.NamingException: Error reading application-client descriptor:
 No location specified and no suitable instance of the type 'hello.ejb.Hello'
 found for the ejb-ref HelloPlanet
 I do have the application-client.xml file, and if i change details in it i
 see change in message from the second exception type.  so it must be reading
 the .xml file to see the change.
 What do i need to do?
 Could you include code examples please.
 I appreciate any help you can give!
 Thanks, Harley Rana.


one servlet was invoked many times by one request!

2001-05-02 Thread xu huiying

  I began to migrate our e-commerce system from
weblogic server to orion server last week.During
that,I met a problem.I have a servlet invoked by every
The servlet are as follows:
public class MainServlet extends HttpServlet {
  public void init() {
Debug.println(MainServlet: Initializing);
public  void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse  response)
throws IOException, ServletException {
and the web.xml is as follows:
?xml version=1.0?
!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC -//Sun Microsystems,
Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN;

descriptionMMI Event Registration/description
descriptionno description/description

But the follow setence result_rd.forward(request,
response); always invoke a new doGet() method.I mean
my one request was traslated many many times.
Have you met the same problem?

Thanks in advance.

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Re: install issues

2001-05-02 Thread Johan Fredriksson

We use :

UnZip 5.32 of 3 November 1997, by Info-ZIP.  Maintained by Greg Roelofs.
bug reports to the authors at [EMAIL PROTECTED]; see README for

which works fine.

- Original Message -
From: elephantwalker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, April 30, 2001 3:39 AM
Subject: install issues

 Every now and then I do something that reminds me I am human.

 I am trying to use 1.4.8 with the autoupdate. This usually works fine, but
 have been working on a machine which I unzip from win98 onto a samba
 directory in linux. This is great, because all of the permissions
 the X for the directories is preserved, as well as the time stamp.

 But on a straight linux box, an unzip -X will not give you
 on the directories, which of course makes them useless. I want to use
 since it preservse the timestamp...which is necessary for autoupdate to
 work. What am I doing wrong?


 the elephantwalker

 .ps I am running as j2ee user, since I am useing ipchains to redirect my
 packets to another port.

RE: SOAP/WSDL support?

2001-05-02 Thread Michael J. Cannon

Gottabe xerxes.  After their victory in the W3C, IBM borged XML4J and handed
the dregs to Apache.  Xerxes is required.  Apache doesn't know from Crimson
or JAXP (although the XP model leapfrogs SOAP for Java, as per the comments
in JSR101).  Right now, if you want ApacheSOAP, you gotta break Orion's

From the ApacheSOAP page:
Apache-SOAP requires Apache Xerces (Java) version 1.1.2 or later. These
versions support the DOM level 2 candidate recommendation which provides
namespace support. If you have any other XML parsers (or other JAR files
which may have the org.w3c.dom.* interfaces), then it is very important that
you place the JAR file xerces.jar from Xerces at the front of your
classpath. Apache-SOAP will not work otherwise.


While it is possible to use another parser, the current codebase does not
support making this change conveniently; hence the mechanism is not
documented here.

The link is here:

(hope that wraps properly.)

My experiences with SOAP on WebSphere, JRun, Oracle and the BEAst, is that
its like a side of beef followed by a pound of bacon, followed by a
quadruple-decker banana split without the fruit, washed down with a gallon
of buttermilk:  it may sound appetizing, byut in the long run, it just
serves to clog things up. (joke folks, for the humor impaired).  It's big,
fat, slow and UGLY.

With JAXP/Crimson and the various XSLT implementations, as well as JMS and
JAXM (WG/JSR 67) and XML-RPC (WG/JSR 101) as well as JSR 102 (JDOM 1.0), JSR
104 (XML TRUST) and JSR/WG 95 (J2EE Services for Extended Transactions), we
get FAR MORE than the W3C gave us.  Keep in mind (in becomes clearer when
you analyze the Executive Committee voting records) that SOAP is seen by the
WAS vendors as an 'additional service' for which they can charge a lot of
additional money.  For IBM, it will be MQSeries, for the BEAst, more
connectors, and for Oracle, well that will further their drive to 'increase
prfits and improve margins (sic).'

XML-RPC is the way to go, not SOAP.  SOAP is simply what pieces of XML-RPC
Microsoft let us have.  They lost in court and they're back to their old
'embrace-extend-extinguish' tricks, this time cheered on by their former
rivals, who see nothing but bigger margins.  Which would you rather have.
Pieces of proprietary classes, or the whole schmeer as a true Java API?

Or, to put it in the words of Dave Winer,  (the creator of XML-RPC and
co-creator of SOAP) candidly at a Web conference before Microsoft fully
suborned him:  SOAP is for dopes.

Now, here's the Java way for J2EE, from the Blueprint:

and more:
(watch that wrap, again)

and, finally, the WAS vendors, in all their nastiness:

Looking at the Apoache Project's XML pages, though, looks like the pressure
is on Sun to knuckle under, or Apache's gonna take it's ball and go home:

The Crimson codebase is based on the Sun Project X parser. It is also the
parser currently shipping in Sun products; however, the future plan is to
move to a different codebase called Xerces Java 2. Xerces 2 is currently
under development. [Link to Xerces 2, once a project page has been


If I got a vote (which none of us do) it would be to wait and follow the JCS
and spend the time optimizing Orion for EJB and JSP and servlets and XHTML
DOM.  FASTER, smaller, better.

For those that want all of the functions of Apache/Tomcat with all of its
stability and speed (heheheheheh), use that, or follow the directions above
to implement Xerxes and SOAP for JRun.  It should work for 1.4.7 and 1.4.8.

Speed is good. Simple is better.  Both are best.  Go Magnus and Karl.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Mike
 Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2001 9:30 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: SOAP/WSDL support?


 Orion 1.4.8 supports JAXP 1.1 and removes the need for Xerces. (It updates
 to the latest Xalan, and also uses Crimson).

 Not sure how this affects your ApacheSOAP stuff (sounds interesting - any
 URLs to read up?)


  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Duffey, Kevin
  Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2001 11:59 AM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: SOAP/WSDL support?
  Hey all,
  I am wondering why it is Orion still uses an old version of
 xerces.jar and
  such. There are a number of new things that I can't do with
 their shipping
  version of xerces.jar.
  Anyways, I think (if the Orion team reads this), that adding support for
  SOAP using ApacheSOAP would be a great feature. Having built in
  support for
  running SOAP services (with 

Re: Is it possible to have Apache as Reverse Proxy (front-end) and LoadBalancer ?

2001-05-02 Thread Joni Suominen

Take a look at Squid ( I have successfully
used it as a front-end accelerator with Orion. With simple redirect
rules I guess you can use it as a load balancer too. It is open source,
very stable and available for most platforms. Although I found a
possible bug in Orion relating to frontend tag. See:

There's also Linux Virtual Server project which is aimed for load


Joseph B. Ottinger wrote:
 Sure, it's possible. Dumb, but possible. See for more
 on it. Note that we saw degradation on a massive scale - something that took
 12 seconds without apache proxying took 1 minute 45 seconds with apache, in
 the worst case. :)
 On Mon, Apr 30, 2001 at 08:04:17PM +0200, Ismael wrote:
  Is it possible to have Apache as Reverse Proxy (front-end) and LoadBalancer
  at the same time.?
  I think that on the servers you define the front-end and they will collide.
  Anyone knows how to do it?
 Joseph B. Ottinger   [EMAIL PROTECTED] IT Consultant

How to config orion to invoke method via RMI

2001-05-02 Thread Van Duong

I have a method deployed on one server. I want to invoke it from other
server. Both of them run on application orion webserver. Does anyone help me
to config rmi.xml file and the way to call this method in *.jsp from remote

thanks in advance,


RE: can't find classes - help

2001-05-02 Thread Roland Dong

Your jdbc class file should be under orion/lib

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jim
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2001 9:52 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: can't find classes - help


Yes, I am aware of that. However, even though I am doing that - providing
entire path - the classes are still not found. That is what is giving me the

For example, let's say I have com.myclasses.Class. and
They are both there in the directory that I should be putting my classes in.
Load does a:

try {
}catch(ClassNotFoundException c){

sure enough, it says that the class was not found. I have even put the class
that is running (Load) in the Class.forName(). It throws a ClassNotFound
exception as well.

I am going to put this code on tomcat just to see if it will do the same


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of elephantwalker
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2001 10:56 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: can't find classes - help


somehow long ago, in a galaxy far that's another story. Yes, I had
this problem sometime ago. As far as I know, the forName argument has to be
the full package path. So that would be,
Class.forName(org.somepackage.myclasses.Foo). If you don't include the
full path...if will throw the exception you are getting.


The elephantwalker

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jim
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2001 8:26 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: can't find classes - help

I have a problem that is kind of throwing a wrench into my works:

Without going into a great amount of detail - this is the problem:

I am attempting to create a new instance of a class. To do so I am using
Class.forName(the class);

All of these classes are where they are supposed to be, as far as I can
tell. For example, if my directory structure is :

all my classes are in myclasses. However, no matter what class I attempt to
do Class.forName() on, there is a class not found exception thrown.

Can anyone provide some insight?

RE: Orion crashing silenty

2001-05-02 Thread Thomas Pridham

We have been running Orion 1.3.8 / Sun JDK 1.3.0 / Windows 2000 Advanced
Server SP1 (NTFS file system) in production for months without an incident.

Tom Pridham

-Original Message-
From: Ron van Pol [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2001 3:20 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Orion crashing silenty


I'm running orion with the -secure option on Windows 2000 Server. The
problem is that orion crashes each and every time now when I access a JSP.
I've tried different JVMs (SUN 1.2.x, 1.3.x and IBM 1.3.0) and versions
1.4.5, 1.4.7 and 1.4.8 of orion. In all configurations the result is orion
crashing silenty. The weird thing is that the all of the above seem to work
ok on Windows 2000 Pro. Other differences between the 2 windows
configurations are that on windows 2000 server the filesystem is NTFS and on
windows 2000 pro the filesystem is FAT32. Is there anyone out there that can
confirm having the same problem? Or suggestions on how to get on top of this

Thanx a lot,

How to acces multiple ebjs using single Application.

2001-05-02 Thread Vikram vp

Hi all,

I have a problem to access multiple ejbs using 
stand alone application,
I have tried to put two ejb-ref in 
application-client.xml but , does not work.

Anybody who could give me solution to this problem 
would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,
VIkram V P

Many Users

2001-05-02 Thread Michael_Caspari/Adica%ADICA


has anyone experiences with clustering orion and a lot of users (around

Are there any benchmarks from within such an environment?

many thanks

RE: Orion-based JSP bug -- The Case of the Exhibiting %00

2001-05-02 Thread Manne Fagerlind

I get a 400 Bad Request on my Orion installation:
sun jdk 1.3
Orion 1.4.5
 Has the bug been fixed between orion 1.4.1 and 1.4.5, Karl/Magnus/anyone!?


-Original Message-
From: Rex McFarlin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 02 May 2001 04:21
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: Orion-based JSP bug -- The Case of the Exhibiting %00

Thanks. We are trying, but are running into other non-related issues (if I
remember correctly, they have to do with internationalization).


| -Original Message-
| From: Hani Suleiman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
| Sent: Monday, April 30, 2001 11:18 AM
| To: Orion-Interest
| Subject: Re: Orion-based JSP bug -- The Case of the Exhibiting %00
| This bug was reported and fixed a long time ago, you should upgrade!
| On Mon, 30 Apr 2001, Rex McFarlin wrote:
|  Can anyone help us solve a perplexing JSP bug? We have been 
| unsuccessful.
|  If a %00 is attached to the end of a URL (as in,
|  http://localhost:8008/dcr/index.jsp%00
|  http://localhost:8008/dcr/index.jsp%00  ) to a JSP page 
| that is being
|  served by Orion server, the user receives, not the rendered 
| HTML page that
|  he or she might be expecting, but a textual output of the 
| raw JSP code for
|  that page. 
|  We have found this to be true with the following configuration:
|  Orion 1.4.1
|  Win2K
|  JDK1.3
|  Thank you,
|  Rex McFarlin

RE: SOAP/WSDL support?

2001-05-02 Thread Rabi Satter

If you want SOAP it is no big deal. You just need a SOAP client. Also who
needs to write a web service when you can just use the EJB directly via
SOAP. Works great. MS may have thought up something worth while.

I don't know why you need to break Orion's optimization.

-Original Message-
From: Michael J. Cannon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2001 3:06 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: SOAP/WSDL support?

Gottabe xerxes.  After their victory in the W3C, IBM borged XML4J and handed
the dregs to Apache.  Xerxes is required.  Apache doesn't know from Crimson
or JAXP (although the XP model leapfrogs SOAP for Java, as per the comments
in JSR101).  Right now, if you want ApacheSOAP, you gotta break Orion's

From the ApacheSOAP page:
Apache-SOAP requires Apache Xerces (Java) version 1.1.2 or later. These
versions support the DOM level 2 candidate recommendation which provides
namespace support. If you have any other XML parsers (or other JAR files
which may have the org.w3c.dom.* interfaces), then it is very important that
you place the JAR file xerces.jar from Xerces at the front of your
classpath. Apache-SOAP will not work otherwise.


While it is possible to use another parser, the current codebase does not
support making this change conveniently; hence the mechanism is not
documented here.

The link is here:

(hope that wraps properly.)

My experiences with SOAP on WebSphere, JRun, Oracle and the BEAst, is that
its like a side of beef followed by a pound of bacon, followed by a
quadruple-decker banana split without the fruit, washed down with a gallon
of buttermilk:  it may sound appetizing, byut in the long run, it just
serves to clog things up. (joke folks, for the humor impaired).  It's big,
fat, slow and UGLY.

With JAXP/Crimson and the various XSLT implementations, as well as JMS and
JAXM (WG/JSR 67) and XML-RPC (WG/JSR 101) as well as JSR 102 (JDOM 1.0), JSR
104 (XML TRUST) and JSR/WG 95 (J2EE Services for Extended Transactions), we
get FAR MORE than the W3C gave us.  Keep in mind (in becomes clearer when
you analyze the Executive Committee voting records) that SOAP is seen by the
WAS vendors as an 'additional service' for which they can charge a lot of
additional money.  For IBM, it will be MQSeries, for the BEAst, more
connectors, and for Oracle, well that will further their drive to 'increase
prfits and improve margins (sic).'

XML-RPC is the way to go, not SOAP.  SOAP is simply what pieces of XML-RPC
Microsoft let us have.  They lost in court and they're back to their old
'embrace-extend-extinguish' tricks, this time cheered on by their former
rivals, who see nothing but bigger margins.  Which would you rather have.
Pieces of proprietary classes, or the whole schmeer as a true Java API?

Or, to put it in the words of Dave Winer,  (the creator of XML-RPC and
co-creator of SOAP) candidly at a Web conference before Microsoft fully
suborned him:  SOAP is for dopes.

Now, here's the Java way for J2EE, from the Blueprint:

and more:
(watch that wrap, again)

and, finally, the WAS vendors, in all their nastiness:

Looking at the Apoache Project's XML pages, though, looks like the pressure
is on Sun to knuckle under, or Apache's gonna take it's ball and go home:

The Crimson codebase is based on the Sun Project X parser. It is also the
parser currently shipping in Sun products; however, the future plan is to
move to a different codebase called Xerces Java 2. Xerces 2 is currently
under development. [Link to Xerces 2, once a project page has been


If I got a vote (which none of us do) it would be to wait and follow the JCS
and spend the time optimizing Orion for EJB and JSP and servlets and XHTML
DOM.  FASTER, smaller, better.

For those that want all of the functions of Apache/Tomcat with all of its
stability and speed (heheheheheh), use that, or follow the directions above
to implement Xerxes and SOAP for JRun.  It should work for 1.4.7 and 1.4.8.

Speed is good. Simple is better.  Both are best.  Go Magnus and Karl.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Mike
 Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2001 9:30 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: SOAP/WSDL support?


 Orion 1.4.8 supports JAXP 1.1 and removes the need for Xerces. (It updates
 to the latest Xalan, and also uses Crimson).

 Not sure how this affects your ApacheSOAP stuff (sounds interesting - any
 URLs to read up?)


  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Duffey, Kevin
  Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2001 11:59 

AW: Advanced OR mapping

2001-05-02 Thread Joerg Weishaupt

Hi Alex,

thanks for your reply.

Actually maybe I've overseen something, but as I read in the
article Advanced Object-Relational mapping I thought I have
to do some modifications within orion-ejb-jar.xml directly
which resulted in a lot of error messages.

It would be great if you could point me to some documentation
about what I have to do for a reference mapping as well
as for collections.
Or may be you can give me an example.


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Im Auftrag von Alex
Gesendet: Montag, 30. April 2001 20:05
An: Orion-Interest
Betreff: RE: Advanced OR mapping

I have been able to do amazing things with Orion's OR mapping.  What
specific problem are you having?  As you have described:

Product - ProductType
Product - Supplier - Country
Product - Packing Unit
Attribute - AttributeType
Media - MediaType
Price - Currency
Price - ClientType
Price - SalesTax

Are all unidirectional relationships and are supported directly by Orion.
The finders such as findProductsBy(ProductType),
findProductsBySupplier(Supplier) and findProductsBy(PackingUnit) are
directly supported by orion using EJB-QL (supplier = ?1, for example).

Product - Attribute(s)
Product - Price(s)
Product - Media(s)
Product - AccessoryProduct(s) (Product and AccessoryProduct as two
different ejbs)

is a 1-n relationship, and is also directly supported by Orion (in

I belive all of these are supported by Orion, and you can write finder
methods for any of these using orion-ejb-jar.xml.  Please note that some of
the more complicated finder methods are NOT supported through ejb-jar.xml
(because ORION does not implement full EJB-QL, however, you can always use
orion-ejb-jar.xml to do such a find).

Here is an example of a more complicated finder that I have manged to get

finder-method query=SELECT i.* FROM model_entity_Interest i,
symbiosis_model_entity_Node n WHERE i.nodeEntityId = AND = (SELECT
nn.parentNodeId FROM model_entity_interest ii, symbiosis_model_entity_Node
nn WHERE ii.nodeEntityId = AND = $1) partial=false
  !-- Generated SQL: SELECT i.* FROM model_entity_Interest i,
symbiosis_model_entity_Node n WHERE i.nodeEntityId = AND = (SELECT
nn.parentNodeId FROM model_entity_interest ii, symbiosis_model_entity_Node
nn WHERE ii.nodeEntityId = AND = ?) --


This method will find a parent for a child in a tree (circular relationship
through external nodes).


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Joerg
Sent: Sunday, April 29, 2001 10:42 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Advanced OR mapping


I'm having some problems with the OR mapping, especially for
entity bean reference mappings.
Although I've gone thru the Advanced Object-Relational mapping
topic on, I'm unable to transfer this to our
object model, i.e.:

EJB Product has references to
  - ProductType
  - Supplier which references to
  - Country
  - PackingUnit
and also has Collections of
  - Attributes which references to
  - AttributeType
  - Prices which references to
  - Currency
  - ClientType
  - SalesTax
  - Medias which references to
  - MediaType
  - AccessoryProducts which are of the same type as the Product itself.

So it's quite complicated and maybe someone can give me some
directions of what to do.
For me it's very important to see, whether for this model
Orion CMP works better (in regard to performance) than the
existing BMP, as I've seen that it's faster for simple EJB's


RE: Orion crashing silenty

2001-05-02 Thread Ron van Pol

I have no problem running orion on the different configurations *without*
the -secure option. The silent crashes *only* occurs when running *with*
the -secure option.

Ron van Pol

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Thomas Pridham
 Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2001 3:07 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Orion crashing silenty

 We have been running Orion 1.3.8 / Sun JDK 1.3.0 / Windows 2000 Advanced
 Server SP1 (NTFS file system) in production for months without an

 Tom Pridham

 -Original Message-
 From: Ron van Pol [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2001 3:20 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Orion crashing silenty


 I'm running orion with the -secure option on Windows 2000 Server. The
 problem is that orion crashes each and every time now when I access a JSP.
 I've tried different JVMs (SUN 1.2.x, 1.3.x and IBM 1.3.0) and versions
 1.4.5, 1.4.7 and 1.4.8 of orion. In all configurations the result is orion
 crashing silenty. The weird thing is that the all of the above
 seem to work
 ok on Windows 2000 Pro. Other differences between the 2 windows
 configurations are that on windows 2000 server the filesystem is
 NTFS and on
 windows 2000 pro the filesystem is FAT32. Is there anyone out
 there that can
 confirm having the same problem? Or suggestions on how to get on
 top of this

 Thanx a lot,

Calling my EJB from tomcat webserver

2001-05-02 Thread Jean-Guillaume LALANNE

Hi everybody,

I am trying to disconnect my webserver from my ejb 
server. Up to now, I have only worked with Orion as web + ejb 
I decided 2 days ago to experiment the separation 
of both servers.
In order to carry out this experiment, I first 
tried to access my ejb (still sitting on the orion Ejb server) from an simple 
client application.
This works fine.
I have just to set these following properties 



where demo corresponds to demo.ear ...

So, I tried to do the same from ajsp client 
sitting on Tomcat. I launched my tomcat webserver with the same previous system 
In my jsp (the code is similar to the one I put in 
my simple client application), I am creating as usual myinitial context 
and I am doing my lookup
to get my ejb home ...

Context iContext = new 
Object object = iContext.lookup( 
"java:comp/env/whip/ejb/find/memberfinder" );

where I do this, I get the following exception 
java:comp/env namespace is only available from within a J2EE component 

It seems to be a fair error because in the J2EE 
spec, it is written that the beans mapped to the java:comp/env  cannot be 
accessed from outside
a container.
So how can I accessed them from my client 
application ...!?!?

If I change the code like this:

Context iContext = new 
Object object = iContext.lookup( "whip/ejb/find/memberfinder" 

I get the following error :
whip/ejb/find/memberfinder not found 

So my question is obvious : HOW COULD I GET ACCESS 
TO MY BEANS ??? With which jndi names ???

Has anyone a clue about this problem.

Thanx a lot for your advises.
Best Regards 
Jean-Guillaume LALANNE

properties files and JSP's

2001-05-02 Thread Sam

where does Orion look for the properties file for JSPs that
use them.

RE: has any one tried XSL extensions with orion1.4.7?

2001-05-02 Thread Andre Vanha

I've managed to get XSL extensions working with orion 1.4.5.  I'm surprised
to hear that xalan uses the class loader of the current thread.  It appeared
to me that it was using the class loader that loaded xalan (most likely the
main orion thread) since when I added the extension to my application
classpath xalan couldn't find it.  If it is using the current thread class
loader, it should be enough to simply add a lib tag to you
orion-application.xml file with you extension.  Since this didn't work for
me, I created a work around by starting orion using the command below.
MailParser.jar contains my extension, and
I needed to include the bsf classes as well.

Hope this helps,

D:\orion-prodD:\jdk1.3\bin\java -cp
jar;NDSupp/bsfengines.jar com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer

-Original Message-
From: Kesav Kumar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2001 2:12 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: has any one tried XSL extensions with orion1.4.7?

Has any one tried xsl extension mecahnism with orion.  I am using xalan2.0
with orion.  I wrote a java class and I want to call the class from my xsl
stylesheet.  xalan loads the class using the classloader of the current
thread.  The class loader what it is getting is from orion.  Orion is never
able to load the class no matter where I keep my class. Has any one tried
this feature with orion1.4.7.

Thanks in advance.

Kesav Kumar
Software Engineer
Voquette, Inc.
650 356 3740
Voquette...Delivering Sound Information

Q:Kawa 5.0 Ent SP1 and Orion, deployment problem

2001-05-02 Thread Kalle Anka

Hi all,
I am trying to use Kawa 5.0 ENT SP1 with Orion and I can't deploy to Orion. 
I klnow that Orion is started and working fine but when I try to deploy from 
Kawa I'll get the following message:

C:/java/jdk1.2.2/bin/java.exe com.allaire.ejb.deployment.orion.OrionDeployer 
C:/orion C:/projects/helloworld/HelloApp.ear connect (code=10060)  at 
com.sun.xml.parser.Parser.fatal(   at 
com.sun.xml.parser.Parser.externalParameterEntity( at 
at javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder.parse( 
Compiled Code) Process Exit...

My guess is that this is depending on that Kawa can't find the Orion server 
(installed locally) or a security issue ?

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Re: Calling my EJB from tomcat webserver

2001-05-02 Thread Earl Marwil

I haven't tried running the web component out of a servlet container
other than Orion yet. The experiments I have run suggest that Orion
maintains a RMI-Context containing the namespaces for ejb, jdbc, jms,
 First I would try naming your ejb something like
ejb/whip/find/memberfinder and reference it the same way in your web
component. If this works, then you might try using the ejb-link
tag on the web side to map a web component name like ejb/my_find to your
ejb in question. I would be interested in knowing how this works



At 17:36 5/2/2001 +0200, you wrote:

I am trying to disconnect my webserver from my
ejb server. Up to now, I have only worked with Orion as web + ejb
I decided 2 days ago to experiment the
separation of both servers.
In order to carry out this experiment, I first
tried to access my ejb (still sitting on the orion Ejb server) from an
simple client application.
This works fine.
I have just to set these following properties



where demo corresponds to demo.ear

So, I tried to do the same from a jsp client
sitting on Tomcat. I launched my tomcat webserver with the same previous
system properties.
In my jsp (the code is similar to the one I put
in my simple client application), I am creating as usual my initial
context and I am doing my lookup
to get my ejb home ...

Context iContext = new
Object object =
iContext.lookup( java:comp/env/whip/ejb/find/memberfinder );

where I do this, I get the following exception
java:comp/env namespace is only available from within a J2EE component

It seems to be a fair error because in the J2EE
spec, it is written that the beans mapped to the java:comp/env cannot be
accessed from outside
a container.
So how can I accessed them from my client
application ...!?!?

If I change the code like this:
Context iContext = new
Object object =
iContext.lookup( whip/ejb/find/memberfinder ); 

I get the following error :
whip/ejb/find/memberfinder not found 

So my question is obvious : HOW COULD I GET
ACCESS TO MY BEANS ??? With which jndi names ???

Has anyone a clue about this

Thanx a lot for your advises.
Best Regards 
Jean-Guillaume LALANNE

Earl Marwil
1690 International Way
Idaho Falls, ID 83402

RE: Orion-based JSP bug -- The Case of the Exhibiting %00

2001-05-02 Thread Ray Harrison

The error for which this mail was originally posted has been fixed.
--- Manne Fagerlind [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I get a 400 Bad Request on my Orion installation:
 sun jdk 1.3
 Orion 1.4.5
  Has the bug been fixed between orion 1.4.1 and 1.4.5, Karl/Magnus/anyone!?
 -Original Message-
 From: Rex McFarlin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 02 May 2001 04:21
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Orion-based JSP bug -- The Case of the Exhibiting %00
 Thanks. We are trying, but are running into other non-related issues (if I
 remember correctly, they have to do with internationalization).
 | -Original Message-
 | From: Hani Suleiman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 | Sent: Monday, April 30, 2001 11:18 AM
 | To: Orion-Interest
 | Subject: Re: Orion-based JSP bug -- The Case of the Exhibiting %00
 | This bug was reported and fixed a long time ago, you should upgrade!
 | On Mon, 30 Apr 2001, Rex McFarlin wrote:
 |  Can anyone help us solve a perplexing JSP bug? We have been 
 | unsuccessful.
 |  If a %00 is attached to the end of a URL (as in,
 |  http://localhost:8008/dcr/index.jsp%00
 |  http://localhost:8008/dcr/index.jsp%00  ) to a JSP page 
 | that is being
 |  served by Orion server, the user receives, not the rendered 
 | HTML page that
 |  he or she might be expecting, but a textual output of the 
 | raw JSP code for
 |  that page. 
 |  We have found this to be true with the following configuration:
 |  Orion 1.4.1
 |  Win2K
 |  JDK1.3
 |  Thank you,
 |  Rex McFarlin

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Re: properties files and JSP's

2001-05-02 Thread Sarathy Mattaparti

default orion home directory.  for example if you installed it on windows OS 
on your drive d:\orion.. It'll look under d:\orion unless u specify any path 
in jsp.

where does Orion look for the properties file for JSPs that
use them.

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Re: Calling my EJB from tomcat webserver

2001-05-02 Thread Alex 'Kazuma' Garbagnati

Context iContext = new InitialContext(env);
file://ObjectObject object = iContext.lookup( 
java:comp/env/whip/ejb/find/memberfinder );

I'm using Tomcat for development and Resin on the deployment platform and I 
do not have any problem.
The code is the same and in both cases I'm using something like

Context ic = getInitialContext();
Object o = ic.lookup(Displayer);

where Displayer is the name of my bean.

It works great and Resin it's a faster servlet container than Orion.

 Best regards,

Those who do not understand Unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly.

Alex Garbagnati, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mountain View, CA

What is nl.unwired.sgs.vwr.ActGrpPK@6c730 ??

2001-05-02 Thread Eddie

What is this ?

I have a findByPrimaryKey method, with a Primary key wrapper class as the
primary consists of two fields.
I have a few of them which work fine, except this one, that all the time
returns  nl.unwired.sgs.vwr.ActGrpPK@6c730 , whereas it should throw a
 I mean: if I copy the query from the db log and perform it manually it
return the ok value.
If I call a metho on the object, with this value above, it throws a
NoSuchMethod exception. ???
I checked everything, class typesetc.. but can't find whay I am doing
wrong. What does the above mean and what do I do wrong ??? please some help.


orion 1.4.5 upgrade

2001-05-02 Thread Rex McFarlin

We are trying to 
upgrade from version 1.4.0 and we keep getting the following 

Exception occurred 
during Index Initialization Error 
(de-)serializing object: com.evermind.server.http.HttpApplication; nested 
exception is: 
com.evermind.server.http.HttpApplicationjava.rmi.RemoteException: Error 
(de-)serializing object: com.evermind.server.http.HttpApplication; nested 
exception is: 
at initialized

We haven't done 
anything different with our classes and archictecture. The only change we make 
is uprading to 1.4.5, and we get this message.



clustering - bug in loadbalancer.jar???

2001-05-02 Thread Mike N. Christoff

Is there a bug in loadbalancer.jar?? 
Sounds like the orion team tested their loadbalancing with the default-web-app, 
saw it worked it assumed things were properly set up for it to work with other 
applications as well.

Why do I think this? Well I've been 
trying to get orion to cluster other apps forover a week now.

Also, the only person I've spoken to who 
has successfully gotten load balancing working *IS NOT* using loadbalancer.jar - 
they are using a hardware load balancer.

Has anyone out there gotten clustering 
working on app other than the default-web-app *using loadbalancer.jar*?? 
If so, I would appreciate if you could provide me with any info on how you set 
it up.


Michael N. ChristoffDeveloper, Eldan 
Software, Ltd.Toronto,

SSL How To

2001-05-02 Thread Stan Ng

To shed more light on my problems, I also get the 
following error:

keytool error: java.lang.Exception: Failed to 
establish chain from reply


Sequence Tag Error in the SSL How to

2001-05-02 Thread Stan Ng

For some reason, I'm getting the following 
keytool error: IOException: Sequence tag 

I'm following the SSL HowTo that's on The exception occurs during the first step, part 
five. My environment is jdk 1.3, orion 1.4.8, 

I followed the instructions exactly... is there some sort of setup I'm 
forgetting to do?

broken default web app - not found

2001-05-02 Thread joey sark

I managed to deploy a website/app but in so doing, broke the default website
with all the nice jsp examples. I would like to use that default app to test
and learn about jsp and plug modified versions into my app.

now i get this error from orion:

Error initializing site Default Orion WebSite: No application named 'default'
found in the server

how do i unbreak the default web app and keep it working alongside my app -
and KISS?

thanks in advance.

newbie in distress

relevent config files:

global-application name=pussycat path=application.xml /
!--global-application name=default path=application.xml /  can't do
global-web-app-config path=global-web-application.xml /
web-site path=./pussycat-web-site.xml /
web-site path=./default-web-site.xml /

web-module id=pussycat   path=../applications/pussycat /
web-module id=defaultWebApp  path=../applications/default-web-app /

web-site host=[all] port=80 display-name=Default Orion WebSite
default-web-app application=default name=defaultWebApp / 

web-site host=[all] port=80 display-name=Pussycat Web Study 

default-web-app application=pussycat name=pussycat /
!-- default-web-app application=pussycat name=defaultWebApp / can't do


global-application name=pussycat path=application.xml /
!--global-application name=default path=application.xml /  can't do
global-web-app-config path=global-web-application.xml /
web-site path=./pussycat-web-site.xml /
web-site path=./default-web-site.xml /


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RE: has any one tried XSL extensions with orion1.4.7?

2001-05-02 Thread Kesav Kumar
Title: RE: has any one tried XSL extensions with orion1.4.7?

Hi Thanks for your reply.

I looked into the source code of the xalan I found the following line for the classloader.

Thread.class.getMethod(getContextClassLoader, new Class[0]);

I don't know what the above is going to return. With your idea of giving the classpath and then start the orion with the com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer will work definetly(I tested before). Though I have a problem in using this I have multiple versions of same application running in orion with different app setups. If I give reference in the classpath all apps which are running under orion are going to get the same class file. Is there any better way of doing? 

Thanks for you input.

Kesav Kumar
Software Engineer
Voquette, Inc.
650 356 3740
Voquette...Delivering Sound Information

-Original Message-
From: Andre Vanha [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2001 9:32 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: has any one tried XSL extensions with orion1.4.7?

I've managed to get XSL extensions working with orion 1.4.5. I'm surprised
to hear that xalan uses the class loader of the current thread. It appeared
to me that it was using the class loader that loaded xalan (most likely the
main orion thread) since when I added the extension to my application
classpath xalan couldn't find it. If it is using the current thread class
loader, it should be enough to simply add a lib tag to you
orion-application.xml file with you extension. Since this didn't work for
me, I created a work around by starting orion using the command below.
MailParser.jar contains my extension, and
I needed to include the bsf classes as well.

Hope this helps,

D:\orion-prodD:\jdk1.3\bin\java -cp
jar;NDSupp/bsfengines.jar com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer

-Original Message-
From: Kesav Kumar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2001 2:12 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: has any one tried XSL extensions with orion1.4.7?

Has any one tried xsl extension mecahnism with orion. I am using xalan2.0
with orion. I wrote a java class and I want to call the class from my xsl
stylesheet. xalan loads the class using the classloader of the current
thread. The class loader what it is getting is from orion. Orion is never
able to load the class no matter where I keep my class. Has any one tried
this feature with orion1.4.7.

Thanks in advance.

Kesav Kumar
Software Engineer
Voquette, Inc.
650 356 3740
Voquette...Delivering Sound Information

RE: Please Help on jms -urgent

2001-05-02 Thread Komal Kandi (Contractor)

Hi Keshav,
cuold pls tell ur requirement clearly if it posible i will try.

-Original Message-
From: Kesav Kumar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2001 4:35 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Please Help on jms -urgent


Can any one please help me in retrieving messages stored in the orion
server from out side orion.  I am using orion 1.4.7 jdk1.3 on WinNT.  I
tried the sample application I am always getting NullPointerException.
Its a little urgent for me.  

Thanks in advance. 

Kesav Kumar 
Software Engineer 
Voquette, Inc. 
650 356 3740 
Voquette...Delivering Sound Information 

Re: broken default web app - not found

2001-05-02 Thread Tim Endres

In my server.xml file, I have the following line:

   global-application name=default path=application.xml / 

Looks to me like you've replaced the default web-app with your own 'pussycat'.
You application should be defined by a separate app line, such as:

   application name=pussycat path=/path/to/app/dir auto-start=true /

Note how the path is a path, not an xml file. It could also be your EAR file
if you have deployed that way.


 I managed to deploy a website/app but in so doing, broke the default website
 with all the nice jsp examples. I would like to use that default app to test
 and learn about jsp and plug modified versions into my app.
 now i get this error from orion:
 Error initializing site Default Orion WebSite: No application named 'default'
 found in the server
 how do i unbreak the default web app and keep it working alongside my app -
 and KISS?
 thanks in advance.
 newbie in distress
 relevent config files:
 global-application name=pussycat path=application.xml /
 !--  global-application name=default path=application.xml /  can't do
 global-web-app-config path=global-web-application.xml /
 web-site path=./pussycat-web-site.xml /
 web-site path=./default-web-site.xml /
 web-module id=pussycat path=../applications/pussycat /
 web-module id=defaultWebApppath=../applications/default-web-app /
 web-site host=[all] port=80 display-name=Default Orion WebSite
   default-web-app application=default name=defaultWebApp / 
 web-site host=[all] port=80 display-name=Pussycat Web Study 
 default-web-app application=pussycat name=pussycat /
 !-- default-web-app application=pussycat name=defaultWebApp / can't do
 global-application name=pussycat path=application.xml /
 !--  global-application name=default path=application.xml /  can't do
 global-web-app-config path=global-web-application.xml /
 web-site path=./pussycat-web-site.xml /
 web-site path=./default-web-site.xml /
 Get free email and a permanent address at

RE: Please Help on jms -urgent

2001-05-02 Thread Jason Smith
Title: Please Help on jms -urgent

sure you have edited your jms.xml file to specify your particular server, 
otherwise it will default to

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Kesav 
  KumarSent: Wednesday, May 02, 2001 6:35 PMTo: 
  Orion-InterestSubject: Please Help on jms -urgent 
  Can any one please help me in retrieving messages stored in 
  the orion server from out side orion. I am using orion 1.4.7 jdk1.3 on 
  WinNT. I tried the sample application I am always getting 
  NullPointerException. Its a little urgent for me. 
  Thanks in advance. 
  Kesav Kumar Software Engineer 
  Voquette, Inc. 650 356 3740 
  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Voquette...Delivering Sound Information 

RE: property files or similar

2001-05-02 Thread elephantwalker

You can set the env properties for the application in the deployment
descripter xml file. This allows you to pass parameters to the
application...for example, your properties path.

OR more recklessly, you could pass the information you are pulling out of
your properties in your env, and bury the properties thingy once and for


the elephantwalker

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Holden Glova
Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2001 5:42 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: property files or similar


Aside from hardcoding a path to the
properties file we are using, is there
anywhere you specify these types of
resources to orion instead of hardcoded
in a class?

What would be the alternative to using
something like a property file, given
that a property file is *very* easy to

Many thanks in advance for your inputs.

Software Engineer
Alchemy Group Limited
Level 6 Royal Sun Alliance Bldg
PO Box 2386
New Zealand
Phone: +64 3 962-0396
Fax: +64 3 962-0388

RE: broken default web app - not found

2001-05-02 Thread Michael J. Cannon

working on it...2morrow shud havee it sussed...

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of joey sark
 Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2001 5:56 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: broken default web app - not found
 I managed to deploy a website/app but in so doing, broke the 
 default website
 with all the nice jsp examples. I would like to use that default 
 app to test
 and learn about jsp and plug modified versions into my app.
 now i get this error from orion:
 Error initializing site Default Orion WebSite: No application 
 named 'default'
 found in the server
 how do i unbreak the default web app and keep it working 
 alongside my app -
 and KISS?
 thanks in advance.
 newbie in distress
 relevent config files:
 global-application name=pussycat path=application.xml /
 !--  global-application name=default path=application.xml 
 /  can't do
 global-web-app-config path=global-web-application.xml /
 web-site path=./pussycat-web-site.xml /
 web-site path=./default-web-site.xml /
 web-module id=pussycat path=../applications/pussycat /
 web-module id=defaultWebApp
 path=../applications/default-web-app /
 web-site host=[all] port=80 display-name=Default Orion WebSite
   default-web-app application=default name=defaultWebApp / 
 web-site host=[all] port=80 display-name=Pussycat Web Study 
 default-web-app application=pussycat name=pussycat /
 !-- default-web-app application=pussycat name=defaultWebApp 
 / can't do
 global-application name=pussycat path=application.xml /
 !--  global-application name=default path=application.xml 
 /  can't do
 global-web-app-config path=global-web-application.xml /
 web-site path=./pussycat-web-site.xml /
 web-site path=./default-web-site.xml /
 Get free email and a permanent address at

Backward compatibility

2001-05-02 Thread Adam Cassar

Orion 1.4.8 not backward compatbile with at least 1.4.7?

Anyone else experience this problem?


Adam Cassar
Technical Development Manager
Tel: +61 2 9641 8609 | Fax: +61 2 9699 6088
PO Box 270 Broadway NSW 2007 Australia

RE: Backward compatibility

2001-05-02 Thread Mike Cannon-Brookes

In what way? I'm having no problems. The only possible problem area is XML
(but only if you've coded your software to use Xerces directly - which is
bad ;))


Mike Cannon-Brookes - Technology Director, Asia Pacific Corporation - The Internet Industry Portal
Ph: (612) 9290 1088 - Mob: 0416 106090

- The Media Network @
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 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Adam Cassar
 Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2001 12:37 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Backward compatibility

 Orion 1.4.8 not backward compatbile with at least 1.4.7?

 Anyone else experience this problem?


 Adam Cassar
 Technical Development Manager
 Tel: +61 2 9641 8609 | Fax: +61 2 9699 6088
 PO Box 270 Broadway NSW 2007 Australia

Re: SSL How To

2001-05-02 Thread Fleming Shi

The problem you have is that the certificate wasn't chained
certificate. You should be able to use Thowte's Netscape
At 03:38 PM 5/2/2001 -0700, you wrote:
To shed
more light on my problems, I also get the following error:

keytool error: java.lang.Exception: Failed to
establish chain from reply


Fleming Shi
Senior Software Engineer
360 N. Bernardo Avenue 
Mountain View, CA 94043 

Re: Backward compatibility

2001-05-02 Thread Tim Endres

You will need to be more specific.

We ran into a problem with XML. We coded to the Xalan 1 API,
making use of a class named 'XPathSupport'. However, this API
has changed in Xalan 2, and Orion 1.4.8 uses Xalan 2. So we
have put off updating to 1.4.8 until we can update our code
to Xalan 2. We have not spent a great deal of time on it, but
it does appear there is no way to work with Xalan 2 as our
code is currently written.


 Orion 1.4.8 not backward compatbile with at least 1.4.7?
 Anyone else experience this problem?
 Adam Cassar
 Technical Development Manager
 Tel: +61 2 9641 8609 | Fax: +61 2 9699 6088
 PO Box 270 Broadway NSW 2007 Australia

Cannot stop orion with CTRL-C

2001-05-02 Thread Eduardo Estefano

Since I upgraded to 4.8, I cannot stop orion with CTRL-C anymore.

I can't stop using the shutdown command either. When I do so, I get a

Shutting down...

But it never actually shuts down. 

This only happens after I start using my application. If I just start orion
and right after do a CTRL-C, it will shutdown.

Could it be some resources that are locking orion?

Any ideas?

Re: broken default web app - not found

2001-05-02 Thread SCOTT FARQUHAR

default-web-app application=default name=defaultWebApp / -- default-web-app 
application=pussycat name=defaultWebApp /

You may also have problems as you are running two websites that are both listening on 
port 80 to all hosts:
web-site path=./pussycat-web-site.xml /
web-site path=./default-web-site.xml /

You may need to change orion/config/default-web-site.xml:
web-site host=[all] port=80 display-name=Default Orion WebSite - web-site 
host=[all] port=8080 display-name=Default Orion WebSite

All you examples should then be available on port 8080.

I think this is right.

What you should have done is left the default-application as default in server.xml, 
and then don't worry about the extra web-site.  You can then add extra web-apps in 

If I haven't explained things properly, let me know and I'll write a full example.


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 05/03/01 08:56am 
I managed to deploy a website/app but in so doing, broke the default website
with all the nice jsp examples. I would like to use that default app to test
and learn about jsp and plug modified versions into my app.

now i get this error from orion:

Error initializing site Default Orion WebSite: No application named 'default'
found in the server

how do i unbreak the default web app and keep it working alongside my app -
and KISS?

thanks in advance.

newbie in distress

relevent config files:

global-application name=pussycat path=application.xml /
!--global-application name=default path=application.xml /  can't do
global-web-app-config path=global-web-application.xml /
web-site path=./pussycat-web-site.xml /
web-site path=./default-web-site.xml /

web-module id=pussycat   path=../applications/pussycat /
web-module id=defaultWebApp  path=../applications/default-web-app /

web-site host=[all] port=80 display-name=Default Orion WebSite
default-web-app application=default name=defaultWebApp / 

web-site host=[all] port=80 display-name=Pussycat Web Study 

default-web-app application=pussycat name=pussycat /
!-- default-web-app application=pussycat name=defaultWebApp / can't do


global-application name=pussycat path=application.xml /
!--global-application name=default path=application.xml /  can't do
global-web-app-config path=global-web-application.xml /
web-site path=./pussycat-web-site.xml /
web-site path=./default-web-site.xml /


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Re: Backward compatibility

2001-05-02 Thread Adam Cassar

Sorry guys,


two seperate processes - process (1) using the orion 1.4.7 libraries,
process (2) using
1.4.8, where process (1) is acting as a server and (2) the client.

Process (2) cannot make any RMI invocations to process (1), complaining
that the protocol
is not ormi.

On 02 May 2001 23:36:17 -0400, Tim Endres wrote:
 You will need to be more specific.
 We ran into a problem with XML. We coded to the Xalan 1 API,
 making use of a class named 'XPathSupport'. However, this API
 has changed in Xalan 2, and Orion 1.4.8 uses Xalan 2. So we
 have put off updating to 1.4.8 until we can update our code
 to Xalan 2. We have not spent a great deal of time on it, but
 it does appear there is no way to work with Xalan 2 as our
 code is currently written.
  Orion 1.4.8 not backward compatbile with at least 1.4.7?
  Anyone else experience this problem?
  Adam Cassar
  Technical Development Manager
  Tel: +61 2 9641 8609 | Fax: +61 2 9699 6088
  PO Box 270 Broadway NSW 2007 Australia


Adam Cassar
Technical Development Manager
Tel: +61 2 9641 8609 | Fax: +61 2 9699 6088
PO Box 270 Broadway NSW 2007 Australia

Orion and TopLink

2001-05-02 Thread sub k

Anyone tried using TopLink on Orion?. Please give some
basic steps to follow.

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Re: broken default web app - not found

2001-05-02 Thread joey sark

That did bring back the default Orion Web App, and as the default site/app 

my other app is dead now:

Error instantiating application at file:/C:/orion/applications/pussycat/:
Unable to find/read assembly info for C:\orion\applications\pussycat
Error initializing site Pussycat Web Study: No application named 'pussycat'
found in the server
Orion/1.4.5 initialized

I guess the real trouble is that I'm not sure of the distinct meanings
web site
web appliction
default web site
default web appliction

i have not found these defined on the orion site.

Tim Endres [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In my server.xml file, I have the following line:
global-application name=default path=application.xml / 
 Looks to me like you've replaced the default web-app with your own
 You application should be defined by a separate app line, such as:
application name=pussycat path=/path/to/app/dir auto-start=true
 Note how the path is a path, not an xml file. It could also be your EAR
 if you have deployed that way.
  I managed to deploy a website/app but in so doing, broke the default
  with all the nice jsp examples. I would like to use that default app to
  and learn about jsp and plug modified versions into my app.
  now i get this error from orion:
  Error initializing site Default Orion WebSite: No application named
  found in the server
  how do i unbreak the default web app and keep it working alongside my app
  and KISS?
  thanks in advance.
  newbie in distress
  relevent config files:
  global-application name=pussycat path=application.xml /
  !--global-application name=default path=application.xml /  can't
  global-web-app-config path=global-web-application.xml /
  web-site path=./pussycat-web-site.xml /
  web-site path=./default-web-site.xml /
  web-module id=pussycat   path=../applications/pussycat /
  web-module id=defaultWebApp  path=../applications/default-web-app /
  web-site host=[all] port=80 display-name=Default Orion WebSite
  default-web-app application=default name=defaultWebApp / 
  web-site host=[all] port=80 display-name=Pussycat Web Study 
  default-web-app application=pussycat name=pussycat /
  !-- default-web-app application=pussycat name=defaultWebApp / can't
  global-application name=pussycat path=application.xml /
  !--global-application name=default path=application.xml /  can't
  global-web-app-config path=global-web-application.xml /
  web-site path=./pussycat-web-site.xml /
  web-site path=./default-web-site.xml /
  Get free email and a permanent address at


Get free email and a permanent address at

Re: broken default web app - not found

2001-05-02 Thread joey sark

That did bring back the default Orion Web App, and as the default site/app 

my other app is dead now:

Error instantiating application at file:/C:/orion/applications/pussycat/:
Unable to find/read assembly info for C:\orion\applications\pussycat
Error initializing site Pussycat Web Study: No application named 'pussycat'
found in the server
Orion/1.4.5 initialized

I guess the real trouble is that I'm not sure of the distinct meanings
web site
web appliction
default web site
default web appliction

i have not found these defined on the orion site.

Tim Endres [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In my server.xml file, I have the following line:
global-application name=default path=application.xml / 
 Looks to me like you've replaced the default web-app with your own
 You application should be defined by a separate app line, such as:
application name=pussycat path=/path/to/app/dir auto-start=true
 Note how the path is a path, not an xml file. It could also be your EAR
 if you have deployed that way.
  I managed to deploy a website/app but in so doing, broke the default
  with all the nice jsp examples. I would like to use that default app to
  and learn about jsp and plug modified versions into my app.
  now i get this error from orion:
  Error initializing site Default Orion WebSite: No application named
  found in the server
  how do i unbreak the default web app and keep it working alongside my app
  and KISS?
  thanks in advance.
  newbie in distress
  relevent config files:
  global-application name=pussycat path=application.xml /
  !--global-application name=default path=application.xml /  can't
  global-web-app-config path=global-web-application.xml /
  web-site path=./pussycat-web-site.xml /
  web-site path=./default-web-site.xml /
  web-module id=pussycat   path=../applications/pussycat /
  web-module id=defaultWebApp  path=../applications/default-web-app /
  web-site host=[all] port=80 display-name=Default Orion WebSite
  default-web-app application=default name=defaultWebApp / 
  web-site host=[all] port=80 display-name=Pussycat Web Study 
  default-web-app application=pussycat name=pussycat /
  !-- default-web-app application=pussycat name=defaultWebApp / can't
  global-application name=pussycat path=application.xml /
  !--global-application name=default path=application.xml /  can't
  global-web-app-config path=global-web-application.xml /
  web-site path=./pussycat-web-site.xml /
  web-site path=./default-web-site.xml /
  Get free email and a permanent address at


Get free email and a permanent address at

Stateless Session Beans

2001-05-02 Thread SCOTT FARQUHAR

I'm hoping that someone can help me with this.

Can you have a stateless session bean that actually has class variables?

Ie I want to have a variable that is loaded once per application, and then accessed by 
all the whole application.

I know that SLSB are pooled and created and destroyed at will - but will they be 
created with the variable containing a value?

Any thoughts are much appreciated.
