Re: MYSQL, Orion, EJB and transactions ??

2000-10-27 Thread Jonas Larsson
Title: MYSQL, Orion, EJB and transactions ??

You could always use Interbase which now is 

  - Original Message - 
  Laufer, Michael 
  To: Orion-Interest 
  Sent: Friday, October 27, 2000 10:41 
  Subject: MYSQL, Orion, EJB and 
  transactions ??
  Hi there, 
  I know that the question has been discussed here 
  before, but I'm still a little confused about using MYSQL together with Orion. I've just downloaded mysql (version 3.23.22 beta) and the manual 
  announces that mysql is now supporting transactions. If I understood it correctly, that would mean, that it 
  should be possible to use mysql with entity beans. Am I right ?? 
  What's confusing to me is the fact, that I only 
  find news in mailing-list, that mysql is not supporting transactions. 
  So I don't really now, if I can use mysql for 
  entity beans. If not, which database would 
  you suggest ?? It should work on NT and not 
  be the most expensive one as I use it 'only' for writing my Master's 
  Thanks in advance, 

Re: EJB preformance Was: Does Orion eliminate RMI?

2000-05-30 Thread Jonas Larsson

I've done some very simple performance tests invoking methods of a simple
session EJB on both ejboss 1.0 and orionserver 0.9 (a time ago;).

The result was that orionserver was about 10 times - 50 times faster than
ejboss. Both in VM calls and out of vm calls (both on the same machine).

Can anyone confirm?

The ejboss container uses the new dynamic proxy feature in jdk1.3
(java.lang.reflect.Proxy etc) which I don't belive can be as fast as
precompiled stubs because of the code overhead in the invocationhandler. The
design and implementation with dynamic proxy is tough much simpler to
implement. This might be the reason of the performance difference between
ejboss and orion. (Orion team: Deny if I'm wrong!)

Can anyone please continue this discussion about EJB-performance and
orionserver since it is a quite important issue?

Any other performance tests done? Please inform this list :)


 -Ursprungligt meddelande-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]For Eric Richardson
 Skickat: den 30 maj 2000 16:25
 Till: Orion-Interest
 Amne: Re: Does Orion eliminate RMI? Was: How are database JOINS
 achievedwith EJBs?

 Steven Punte wrote:

   Al Fogleson wrote:
then you start adding all the RMI calls over the network
 and that adds
   some load too
   Well, EJBs will not always be called remotely to start with. A very
   common scenario is that you write Servlets/JSPs that communicate with
   EJBs. Usually you will run your Web components and EJBs on the same
   servr and no RMI calls will be made. Of course though, if you need the
   remote access it will be used. But that is an overhead you need no
   matter what technology. Orion's RMI-transport protocol is very
  I agree with Karl that RMI, even on the same machine, is a
  overhead.  Think of CPU consumption to serialized and de-serialize
  member function arguments and return value.
  When ones' client and EJB container are both on the same machine
  and in the same process, CAN Orion bypass the RMI protocol
  here and achieve near optimum performance?

 I believe this is what JBoss does. See at

  It would be like having your cake and eating it too, to have both
  the Enterprise architecture and near optimum performance
  in this single server scenario.  :-)

SV: java.lang.NullPointerException

2000-02-25 Thread Jonas Larsson

I've run in to a similar problem when I was using Orion 0.9.1b without a
web-site setup and only as an EJB container, but in my case I got several
NullPointerException's one thrown every second (about). Perhaps it has
something to do with a timed check of changes in the servlet classes and
with no website available a NullPointer is given instead of the first site?


-Ursprungligt meddelande-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]For Olav Rabe
Skickat: den 25 februari 2000 08:48
Till: Orion-Interest
Amne: java.lang.NullPointerException


When I start a client, I get the following exception:

D:\ntapps\orionjava -jar orion.jar
Auto-deploying FooBarApp...
Auto-deploying FooBarEntities.jar... done.
Orion/0.9.1b initialized

Any ideas?

In order to make the client stubs (...WrapperXX.class) available to the
I simply included the ejb-jar file (FooBarEntities.jar) which orion
at deployment time in the client's classpath. Hope that's like it's meant to
be. The application-client.xml is placed in both, the ejb-jar file
(FooBarEntities.jar) and the client's classpath root. Is that ok?


JSP-buffering implementation in Orion.

2000-01-12 Thread Jonas Larsson


I have been trying to use the "response.sendRedirect()" feature of the
Servlet API from a JSP page. It works very good when I'm doing it before any
jsp:include (when a jsp:include is proccessed the buffer is flushed and the
headers cannot be changed).

My real question is:
Doesn't Orionserver support autoFlush=false in the page directive and
flush="false" in the jsp:include directive?


Virtual host err, jsp:param err!

1999-12-15 Thread Jonas Larsson


I have also discovered the earlier mentioned error when trying to user the
virtual-hosts feature in web-site.xml.. Orion server throws a
nullpointerexception durning startup when any virtual-hosts atttribute is
set to some name..

It seems like jsp:param doesn't really work   in the way the JSP spec 1.1
want it to..

Whenever you use a jsp:param in a jsp:include or jsp:forward all other
request parameters are lost.. Only the one mentioned in the param should be


Bean managed Entity-EJB error!

1999-10-17 Thread Jonas Larsson

Does anyone know why i get the following error when trying to use a bean
managed entity bean?

Auto-deploying file:/D:/www/orion/ejb/Comunity/... Undefined variable or class name: set
^ Undefined variable or class name: statement
2 errors
Error compiling file:/D:/www/orion/ejb/Comunity/:
IO/Compilation error

I think some container managed code is accidentially generated for the
wrapper classes even thoug the entity bean is container managed.

Any qlues to wath is going on?