Re: Orion on Unix (again)

2001-01-10 Thread Lorin Kobashigawa-Bates

Yes we had this problem also.  I wasn't able to figure out why in the
short time frame we had,  1hr and it doesn't happen on our solaris boxes
only the development box our client had set up.  So my assumption is it's
some kind of paranoid security setting on Solaris.

We got around it by not exiting, just killing the terminal.  Not the
solution I'd prefer, but it seemed to work.


On Tue, 9 Jan 2001, Sach Jobb wrote:

 First of all, don't ever use telnet for anything. It's a clear text
 protocol and anyone snooping the line can easily snag your username and
 password. The suitable replacement for telnet (actually all rsh
 services) is SSH (secure shell) which uses encrypted sessions, and is thus
 difficult to monitor and crack. For moving files between machines you can
 use scp (secure copy) or sftp (secure ftp), because, ftp is also a clear
 text protocol.
 I use OpenSSH ( because it's opensource and made
 by paranoid BSD people. OpenSSH will require OpenSSL
 ( which is also open source. There _might_ be
 binaries out there for solaris but more likely you will have to compile
 them yourself. A usefull site is ( as they
 have alot of binaries for solaris.
 For fun with packet sniffing checkout dsniff
 Now, on to the problem you are having. We had the same problem as we've
 recently deployed on a Solaris box ourselves, but i can't remember how we
 fixed it so i'm forwarding this to my co-worker lorin who maybe able to
 answer it for you.
 On Wed, 10 Jan 2001, Heng Chee, Lee - SG wrote:
  First all, thanks for answering my previous question about running orion as
  non-root user. I have another question which I couldn't find any info in the
  orionsupport site. 
  I would like to be able to telnet from a remote machine to my Sun box and
  start the orion remotely, so far so good, but once I exit from my telnet
  client, the orion.jar process died. I tried to use "nohup java -jar
  orion.jar" but this doesn't help.
  I think the question above is the same as to keep the orion running even
  after the shell that you use to start up the orion process has terminated. 
  Is it possible to run orion as a daemon process?
  Thanks and best regards

Re: Adding a site? - (2nd Post)

2000-11-07 Thread Lorin Kobashigawa-Bates

You are just running a web application not a full j2ee application, so you
have to add an entry into config/application.xml which is the default
application for orion.

all you have to do is make an entry that looks like:
 web-module id="TestSite" path="../applications/TestSite" /

*This is assuming that your testsite is in a directory in
$ORION/applications called 'TestSite'

you don't need the entry in default-web-app.  or the web-app directive in

all you need to set in TestSite.xml is
default-web-app application="default" name="TestSite" /

Your server.xml setting looks ok.

That should get you going.  :)


On Tue, 7 Nov 2000, Thomas DeBruycker wrote:

 This is my second post for this question.  Are most
 users of Orion only using the default-web-app 
 site to deploy their applications?  It seems like it
 should be a simple thing to add another site.
 Can someone explain to me (clearly) how to add another
 site to Orion?  I have been successful in deploying
 EJBs and JSPs to the default-web-app location.  But I
 can not figure out how to create another site.  I have
 read all the earlier posting on how to do it but I
 continue to get the error:
 Error initializing site TestSite: No application named
 'TestSite' found in the server
 The steps if followed were:
 1) Copied the default-web-site.xml file to
 2) Edited TestSite.xml  Set the element
 default-web-app to application="TestSite"
 name="TestSite".  Set the element web-app to
 application="TestSite" name="TestSite"
 3) Added the line web-site path="./TestSite.xml" /
 to server.xml
 4) Added web-app application="TestSite"
 name="TestSite" root="/TestSite" / to
 I someone is can point out my error I would appreciate
 it.  Also if someone does post an example (PLEASE!) be
 consistent with file names and site / application
 The site I am trying to add only contains HTML and
 JSP.  There are no EJBs.
 Thanks in advance.
 Tom D.
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Thousands of Stores.  Millions of Products.  All in one Place.

Re: 128-bit SSL

2000-11-03 Thread Lorin Kobashigawa-Bates

Which JSSE are you using?  If it's the one packaged with Orion, you have
ot go and get the US one from Javasoft.

Which 128bit key are you using?  We were successful using the Netscape
128bit key, but it was kind of tricky, we ended up having to re-run the
key several times because of hostname mixups.


On Fri, 3 Nov 2000, Raymond Pancura wrote:

 Has anyone been successful in configuring Orion to use 128-bit SSL (1024-bit
 public key in cert)?  I don't have a problem with the test certs, but they
 only allow 40-bit (512-bit key in cert).  Whenever I try to start Orion, I
 get the following message:
   Licensed to
   Orion/1.3.8 initialized
   Error listening to SSLServerSocket: No available certificate corresponds to
   SSL cipher suites which are enabled.
 The production certificate from Verisign has been imported into our
 Does anybody know if this is an Orion problem or a JSSE issue?  I am at a

RE: 128-bit SSL

2000-11-03 Thread Lorin Kobashigawa-Bates

That might be your problem, Verisign doesn't have a 128bit Javasoft key.  
When we asked for a 128bit Javasoft key, we got a lot of confusing
responses, eventually discovering that tho they don't have one, they are
perfectly happy to send you the 40 bit one, and tell you it's 128bit. then
when it doesn't work, someone else will tell you "of course we don't have
a 128 bit key, where did you hear that?"  One of our developers also had
several long talks with their tech support explaining the concept of DNS,
hostnames, etc.

They do have a 128bit Netscape key, so you might try that, we were able to
get it to work.  They agreed to re-run our keys several times, and will
give you your money back on keys that don't work.


On Fri, 3 Nov 2000, Raymond Pancura wrote:

 We are using the US release of the JSSE version 1.0.2.  The cert was
 provided by verisign for a keysize of 1024 bits.  The keyalg we used to
 generate the key was "RSA".  The provider we choose when we made the cert
 request was JavaSoft (it was the closes on the list).
 I have just had verisign reissue the cert using a 512-bit key.  If this
 works I will let everyone know.  If anyone else has any ideas I would REALLY
 like to hear from you.
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Lorin
 Sent: November 3, 2000 2:23 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Re: 128-bit SSL
 Which JSSE are you using?  If it's the one packaged with Orion, you have
 ot go and get the US one from Javasoft.
 Which 128bit key are you using?  We were successful using the Netscape
 128bit key, but it was kind of tricky, we ended up having to re-run the
 key several times because of hostname mixups.
 On Fri, 3 Nov 2000, Raymond Pancura wrote:
  Has anyone been successful in configuring Orion to use 128-bit SSL
  public key in cert)?  I don't have a problem with the test certs, but they
  only allow 40-bit (512-bit key in cert).  Whenever I try to start Orion, I
  get the following message:
  Licensed to
  Orion/1.3.8 initialized
  Error listening to SSLServerSocket: No available certificate corresponds
  SSL cipher suites which are enabled.
  The production certificate from Verisign has been imported into our
  Does anybody know if this is an Orion problem or a JSSE issue?  I am at a

Re: Obtaining an SSL Certificate

2000-10-26 Thread Lorin Kobashigawa

We are using the Netscape 128 bit key.  You have to download the domestic
version of the JSSE from, and use that keytool to generate the
cert request.  Then you should be able to get it to work.

Make sure the information in the cert request is accurate tho. We had to
try several times to re-request the certificate.


At 04:12 PM 10/26/00 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Is there any specific 'type' of certificate you requested from Verisign?
We are in desperate need to get 128 bit running on our production site, but
so far, I have only gotten the 40 bit test cert from thawte to work
correctly.  I could not get keytool to successfully import the test cert
that verisign gives.  Any help would be appreciated.

James Birchfield

a better way to buy, sell and rent construction equipment
5 Corporate Center
9960 Corporate Campus Drive,
Suite 2000
Louisville, KY 40223

||  Sach Jobb |
||  Sent by:  |
||  owner-orion-interest@orion|
||  10/26/00 02:08 PM |
||  Please respond to |
||  Orion-Interest|

  |   To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  |   cc: "'[EMAIL PROTECTED]'"
  |   Subject: Re: Obtaining an SSL Certificate


I have it working with netscape 128bit from Verisign, --BUT-- make sure
that you have the US version of the JSSE that supports 128bit encryption
(you have to go and download this).


On Thu, 26 Oct 2000, Paul Knepper wrote:


 I've successfully installed a 40-bit Versign Cert.  There was no 128-bit
 "Javasoft" Cert available from Verisign.
 Does anyone know of a 128-bit Cert that works with Orion.


 Re: Obtaining an SSL Certificate

 From: Dale Bronk
 Subject: Re: Obtaining an SSL Certificate
 Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2000 05:03:39 -0700

 Did you get a 40-bit or 128-bit cert?  Orion informed me we can use
 if we get the domestic JSSE from Sun.


 * @author: Lorin Kobashigawa-Bates [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 * @title:  CodeMonkey / COO - Robot6 Inc. 
 * @phone:  415.345.8872
 * @addr:   1177 Polk St. San Francisco, CA 94109

Orion as Root on Solaris

2000-10-19 Thread Lorin Kobashigawa

Here's one of the threads,

Basically, as i understand it the upshot was, there are 3 ways to do it.  

*Use JNDI code to switch the user of your JVM,

*install ipfilter for solaris to redirect 8080 or something to 80, 

*use an external box to redirect.  any firewall with NAT or a BSD or Linux box
 should be able to handle the job, and it doesn't hurt to have a firewall

At 09:44 AM 10/19/00 -0500, Kemp Randy-W18971 wrote:
When I asked the question if Orion server processes can be run as someone
other then root (under Solaris) and how, one reply mentioned that there was
a big discussion regarding this question, and to check the archive files.
I have done that but couldn't find the discussion.  Can anyone point me to
where I can find the archive file entry discussing this question before I
brought it up again?

 * @author: Lorin Kobashigawa-Bates [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 * @title:  CodeMonkey / COO - Robot6 Inc. 
 * @phone:  415.345.8872
 * @addr:   1177 Polk St. San Francisco, CA 94109


2000-10-12 Thread Lorin Kobashigawa

As far as DB redundancy, 

I have heard that it is possible to have two boxes using a shared RAID that
holds the data.  The first box is the primary database, and if that one is
down, the second one takes over.  The RAID itself taking care of the disk
level redundancy, and the two boxes handling the System level redundency.  

I have never personally tried this, but it sounds intriguing. 


At 04:26 PM 10/11/00 -0700, Duffey, Kevin wrote:
Is a veritos cluster expensive? I know we are using that here with Oracle
8i, but I am not sure if that is outrageous in price, and if it works with
all db's, or if its specific. Also, does Oracle, IBM DB2, and so on support
clustering by themselves..or does it require 3rd party software to make this

 -Original Message-
 From: David Kinnvall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 2:37 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: HARDWARE FOR J2EE apps
 On Wed, 11 Oct 2000, Robert Krueger wrote:
 [description of budget-friendly Orion setup - snip]
  sounds very nice but what about the database? how do you 
 cluster that 
  without spending an arm and a leg? our experience is, that 
 it's not that 
  hard to set up clustered web services with static pages and 
 servlets but 
  the really expensive part is, when you want that high 
 availability for your 
  database. it doesn't buy you much if you have highly 
 available ejbs when 
  the database server goes down. many people use clustered 
 apache/jserv on 
  linux and cheap pc-hardware for high volume transactional 
 websites but have 
  a large enterprise sun running oracle in the back. anyone 
 out there running 
  a configuration with orion that includes a database with 
 failover that 
  doesn't blow up the budget too much (compared to other components)?
 Ah. Deja Vu. :-) I'm involved with a startup company here in Sweden,
 and considering Orion as app server we are also contemplating what
 non-arm-and-a-leg-spending ways there are to enable a database for
 failover and load-balancing functionality.
 We are looking at either PostgreSQL, InterBase, SAP-DB or MySQL (yeah,
 I know) as our database. We have not seen any currently 
 freely available
 solutions for failover for either of those (anybody?). So, we 
 are thinking
 about implementing something by ourselves. Nothing definite 
 so far, but:
 - The synchronizing of data will be done on the application-level, not
   by the database servers themselves. See below.
 - We'll avoid numeric sequences for record keys to make this easier.
   We will implement some unique key-generation scheme based 
 on whatever
   is needed to make keys unique but still not rely on strict monotone
   numeric sequences or similar ( md5(table_name+timestamp()), 
 perhaps? ).
 - We'll code a DB-abstraction layer that takes care of executing
   all update queries against all configured database servers and
   all read queries against one of them known to be alive and lightly
   loaded (or not recently accessed, or some other scheme).
 - I guess that if we need database-specific stuff such as stored
   procedures or similar we need to use the same database software
   for all failover machines.
 - If we stay away from database-specifics we could possibly allow
   failover between different database products. Would be cool.
   Using straight, standard SQL, could make this feasible.
 These are very premature thoughts, we are getting closer to the
 planning and design stage, but we haven't actually started yet.
 Any thoughts? Ridiculously naive? Or possible to pull off?
 Reach me 

 * @author: Lorin Kobashigawa-Bates [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 * @title:  CodeMonkey / COO - Robot6 Inc. 
 * @phone:  415.345.8872
 * @addr:   1177 Polk St. San Francisco, CA 94109

Re: SSL and HttpServletRequest.getRequestedSessionId()

2000-10-02 Thread Lorin Kobashigawa

There are actually two sessions involved in SSL.  The ssl session, and the
http session.  The ssl session is probably returning true before the http
session has been instantiated.

I ran into this problem with session timeouts.  Make sure to use
shared="true" in your secure-site.xml, or your ssl sessions will timeout at
a different time than your http sessions. (after about 60-90 sec)


At 12:40 PM 10/2/00 -0500, Walker, Eric wrote:
When accessing a web site configured for SSL I have noticed that
calling HttpServletRequest.getRequestedSessionId() for a client that has
not yet joined a session returns a non null value. The same scenario for a
non-SSL site always returns a null. Any ideas why there is a difference
between SSL vs. non-SSL? Thanks  Eric   

 * @author: Lorin Kobashigawa-Bates [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 * @title:  CodeMonkey / COO - Robot6 Inc. 
 * @phone:  415.345.8872
 * @addr:   1177 Polk St. San Francisco, CA 94109

Re: What database are you using??

2000-09-29 Thread Lorin Kobashigawa

We're using Postgres 7.01

So far the major problems are:
1. Large Object support is a pain
2. getDate has a tendency to throw NumberFormatExceptions
3. JDBC Drivers generally kind of weak

At 08:44 PM 9/29/00 -0400, Jim Archer wrote:
Hi All...

I'm currious to know what database products people are using with Orion, 
open source or commerical. Also, please include any comments about problems 
if you have had any, or anything thats really great.



 * @author: Lorin Kobashigawa-Bates [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 * @title:  CodeMonkey / COO - Robot6 Inc. 
 * @phone:  415.345.8872
 * @addr:   1177 Polk St. San Francisco, CA 94109

Re: Orion on Linux NOT as root

2000-09-28 Thread Lorin Kobashigawa

We spent a lot of time on this too. if it comes back had
a way to do it through JNDI.  

We've ended up doing through having a Cisco Local Director mapping ports 80
and 443 to 8080 and 8081

If you don't have the budget for a local director, you could emulate that
function with a Linux box and IP-Chains, or probably an off the shelf


At 04:38 PM 9/28/00 -0400, Jim Archer wrote:
Hi All...

We have been developing under Orion on Windows machines, but the time came 
last night to start testing on Linux, our intended server platform. We 
installed 1.3.8 on Debian Linux and quickly discovered that it wants to run 
as root. We really can't allow this.

I went through the list archive and saw a discussion about this issue from 
last April, but didn't see what the resolution was (if any).

Is there now a way to run Orion on Linux not as root (ideally as user 
nobody) and, if so, is there any doc on this?



 * @author: Lorin Kobashigawa-Bates [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 * @title:  CodeMonkey / COO - Robot6 Inc. 
 * @phone:  415.345.8872
 * @addr:   1177 Polk St. San Francisco, CA 94109

Re: No response from Customer Support for Licensed Version

2000-09-21 Thread Lorin Kobashigawa

i have been sending emails all week to support, and not getting any response.


At 04:20 PM 9/21/00 -0400, Gary Albelli wrote:

I have a few emails that have been sent to support with the following

EJB 2.0 many to many relationship deployment  [priority: CMR1B23BAB].

I would like to know if I am doing something wrong in making this request or
am I just not getting any response.

Gary Albelli

 * @author: Lorin Kobashigawa-Bates [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 * @title:  CodeMonkey / COO - Robot6 Inc. 
 * @phone:  415.345.8872
 * @addr:   1177 Polk St. San Francisco, CA 94109

orion hangs when out of connections

2000-09-20 Thread Lorin Kobashigawa-Bates

Has anyone else seen this behavior?  I found this email about it on the
list, with no responses. I am getting the same problem in our development

Basically when we put any kind of load on orion that exceeds the max
connections it can open, it hangs.  It doesn't die or refuse connections,
it just never sends any responses.

I have sent several emails to orion-support, but have not gotten any
responses.  I am running:

Orion 1.2.9
Solaris 2.8
JDK 1.2.2


Re: CMP java.util.Date property on Postgres

2000-09-18 Thread Lorin Kobashigawa-Bates

I got this also, 

The problem is with the implementation of getDate() in the PostGres
Drivers.  It is a very big hassle to fix.  It throws a parse exception
when trying to do a SimpleDateFormat on the String coming from the

Once i fixed that, I also ran into a problem where it seems that orion
already has a version of the postgres drivers internally somewhere, so my
.jar file with the fix was not being picked up by orion.  I ended up
having to change the package name of all the classes in the Postgres
drivers, and use a different one.

I'll attach the one I am using, but my fix is not particularly
robust.  All i did was put in a couple of conditions on the string, and
catch the parseFormat error.

If you want to fix the problem yourself, it's on line 447 of the file in jdbc2, of the postgres JDBC drivers that come with
the database.

I had a bunch of other problems with the Postgres drivers, I never got
large objects to work through CMP, and one of the features of JDBC2,
setFetchSize(int) throws a "Not Implemented" exception.  :-P

Best of luck,


On Mon, 18 Sep 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have an entity bean that contains a java.util.Date property.  Creating
 works fine, but when I using a finder method, I get the following error:
 com.evermind.server.rmi.OrionRemoteException: Database error: Bad Timestamp
 Format at 19 in 2000-09-18 14:08:47.86-04; nested exception is:
 Bad Timestamp Format at 19 in 2000-09-18 14:08:47.86-04
 Has anyone seen this before using java.util.Date, CMP, orion and Postgres?


Re: InputStream as parameter not supported

2000-08-09 Thread Lorin Kobashigawa

Nevermind.  Figured it out.  I was using one of my own java types in the
entity bean, and hadn't mapped it in postgres.xml yet.


At 07:31 PM 8/8/00 -0700, Lorin Kobashigawa-Bates wrote:
I am totally stumped about this error, I'm getting it when I try to create
my Entity Bean in a servlet.

Article article =

The create method in ArticleEJB is very simple, 

public Long ejbCreate() throws CreateException{

  long newId;  
  try {
newId = CounterUtils.getNextID("java:comp/env/Counter","Article");
  }catch(javax.naming.NamingException ne) {
throw new CreateException("Naming Exception: "+ne.getMessage());
  }catch(java.rmi.RemoteException rme) {
throw new CreateException("Remote Exception: "+rme.getMessage());
  }catch(javax.ejb.FinderException fe) {
throw new CreateException ("Finder Exception: "+fe.getMessage());
  } = new Long(newId);
  return null;

Here's the Stack trace.
javax.ejb.CreateException: Error creating EntityBean: InputStream as
parameter not supported
at CreateArticles.doGet(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at com.evermind.server.http.di.forward(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.http.dr.p1(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.http.dr.p0(JAX)

 * @author: Lorin Kobashigawa-Bates [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 * @title:  CodeMonkey / COO - Robot6 Inc. 
 * @phone:  415.345.8872
 * @addr:   1177 Polk St. San Francisco, CA 94109

InputStream as parameter not supported

2000-08-08 Thread Lorin Kobashigawa-Bates

I am totally stumped about this error, I'm getting it when I try to create
my Entity Bean in a servlet.

Article article =

The create method in ArticleEJB is very simple, 

public Long ejbCreate() throws CreateException{

  long newId;   
  try {
newId = CounterUtils.getNextID("java:comp/env/Counter","Article");
  }catch(javax.naming.NamingException ne) {
throw new CreateException("Naming Exception: "+ne.getMessage());
  }catch(java.rmi.RemoteException rme) {
throw new CreateException("Remote Exception: "+rme.getMessage());
  }catch(javax.ejb.FinderException fe) {
throw new CreateException ("Finder Exception: "+fe.getMessage());
  } = new Long(newId);
  return null;

Here's the Stack trace.
javax.ejb.CreateException: Error creating EntityBean: InputStream as
parameter not supported
at CreateArticles.doGet(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at com.evermind.server.http.di.forward(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.http.dr.p1(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.http.dr.p0(JAX)

Re: How do you like Orion?

2000-08-03 Thread Lorin Kobashigawa

My experience is that Orion is the best implemented J2EE server I have seen
to date.  

The only problems, are lack of documentation, though i've found that all my
questions have been answered by the mailing list archives or the EJB spec,
and lack of real benchmarks.

I don't have any authoritative information on how well Orion handles heavy
loads, but by word of mouth it sounds good, and it can't be worse that IIS.


At 01:37 PM 8/3/00 -0400, Charles Fausz wrote:
Hi there busy people, I'll be quick.  

We're in the research stage, we've chosen JBuilder for our Java tool, now
we've got to find an application server.  Our development platform will be
NT.  My boss wants to use MS IIS and MTS, but I'd like to stay away from MS
if possible.  So... how do you like working with Orion App server?  Would
you recommend it to others?  Anything we should know about it?

I'm concerned about how cheap it is, is there something hidden here?  Will
I get what I pay for?  Thanks for any input.  Have a nice day!


 * @author: Lorin Kobashigawa-Bates [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 * @title:  CodeMonkey / COO - Robot6 Inc. 
 * @phone:  415.345.8872
 * @addr:   1177 Polk St. San Francisco, CA 94109

Postgres and Orion with big data

2000-07-31 Thread Lorin Kobashigawa

I am using Postgres as my datasource in orion to store data about a large
content-heavy site.  The CMP mappings are working great, and everything was
very straitforward to set up.  Definate props to the mailing list archives.
 Almost every question i've had has been answered at some point or another.

My problem:
I've been reading the PostGres documentation, and apparently there is an 8k
limit on row size.  My site is made up of large articles, some of which are
up to about 20k in size.

They generally recommend using pointers to flatfiles in the database and
storing the data on the filesystem.  Leaving aside that this seems like a
lame solution, I have no idea if that's possible with CMP.  What is the
reccomended solution for large text objects in Orion?


 * @author: Lorin Kobashigawa-Bates [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 * @title:  CodeMonkey / COO - Robot6 Inc. 
 * @phone:  415.345.8872
 * @addr:   1177 Polk St. San Francisco, CA 94109

Re: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: shortname not specified in TLD

2000-07-30 Thread Lorin Kobashigawa

What does your taglibrary's descriptor file look like? It looks like you
are missing a shortname description in your .tld file.

The top of it should look something like...

uriUnique identifier/shortname
infoa description of the tag library/info



At 07:13 AM 7/30/00 -0300, Guilherme Ceschiatti wrote:

I just installed the Orion application server. I just downloaded it and
tried to run a simple app that runs perfectly at Sun's J2EE, but I got
this message. How can I fix it?

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: shortname not specified in TLD
at java.lang.Throwable.init(
at java.lang.Exception.init(
at java.lang.RuntimeException.init(
at com.evermind.server.http.TagLibraryArchive.init(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.http.TagLibraryArchive.oy(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.http.dd.os(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.http.HttpApplication.os(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.http.dn.p9(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.http.dn.o6(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.http.JSPPage.o6(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.http.HttpApplication.tb(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.http.JSPServlet.service(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.http.df.o3(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.http.df.forward(JAX)
at /Principal.jsp._jspService(/ (JSP page
line 23)
at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindHttpJspPage.service(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.http.HttpApplication.tb(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.http.JSPServlet.service(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.http.df.o3(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.http.df.forward(JAX)

 * @author: Lorin Kobashigawa-Bates [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 * @title:  CodeMonkey / COO - Robot6 Inc. 
 * @phone:  415.345.8872
 * @addr:   1177 Polk St. San Francisco, CA 94109

Re: newbie questions - where are good docs?

2000-07-28 Thread Lorin Kobashigawa

There is a very good Oreilly book on EJBs, and since Orion conforms very
closely to the EJB and servlet specs by Sun they are also a very good
source of information, and quite easy to read.  I have found that a lot of
questions on the list are answered pretty clearly in the Specifications.
As for orion specific documentation, I have found the mailing archives and
examples to be by far the best source.

Here's the link for the book,

The specs can be downloaded as part of the Orion Documentation.

research, experiment, ask questions.  working so far for me :) 

good luck!

At 06:51 PM 7/27/00 -0700, Sach Jobb wrote:
sadly, no.  the best documentation for orion is, by far, this list. there
is a searchable archive of it somewhere too that i have found to be quite


On Thu, 27 Jul 2000, Kevin Handley wrote:

 I am new to J2EE and Orion and am totally confusued. Is there any better
 documentation besides what comes with the application? 

 * @author: Lorin Kobashigawa-Bates [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 * @title:  CodeMonkey / COO - Robot6 Inc. 
 * @phone:  415.345.8872
 * @addr:   1177 Polk St. San Francisco, CA 94109

Re: Multiple developers with Orion

2000-07-28 Thread Lorin Kobashigawa

Hey rick, 

We also have multiple developers working on the same box.  We have given
everyone an instance of Orion for their home directories, and use CVS to
manage the applications.  Our buildmaster/IS guy is in charge of managing
the server.xml and default-web-site.xml files, and making they are all the
same, and giving everyone unique ports.

It's working very well so far, we initially tried a bunch of complicated
setups with virtual hosts, and everyone having different applications, but
it got very confusing very quickly, and we realized that separate instances
were a lot better.


At 04:28 PM 7/28/00 +0200, Thomas Munro wrote:

Each of our developers has a seperate Orion instance running on their own
machine so they can bring it up and down whenever they want, and we are
using CVS to manage the sources. This seems to work reasonably well.  We
share the same Oracle database, which occasionally causes problems when
someone changes something too much there, but most of the time it works

 GI Technology (Paris)

On Fri, 28 Jul 2000, Rick Bos wrote:

 We have several developers working with Orion at the same time.
 We currently have a single instance of Orion which must be
 restarted when changes are made.
 Each user has a separate application that points to their working
 Each user has a separate web location:
 Would it be a good idea to have multiple instances or Orion ?
 What would be the best way to do this ?

 * @author: Lorin Kobashigawa-Bates [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 * @title:  CodeMonkey / COO - Robot6 Inc. 
 * @phone:  415.345.8872
 * @addr:   1177 Polk St. San Francisco, CA 94109

Re: Nested tags in orion

2000-07-26 Thread Lorin Kobashigawa

Never mind, i figured it out.  Sorry for the hassle.


At 03:58 PM 7/25/00 -0700, you wrote:
Hey, I switched to Orion recently from tomcat, and I'm having a problem
with nested jsp tags.

   trtdtest:TestEntityTag //td/tr

doesn't seem to work in orion.  the 'TestBodyTag' writes the bodyContent to
the page after the entity tag has been written, so i end up with

contents of TestEntityTag

Is there a way to get the internal tags to write to the bodycontent of the
parent tag?  In tomcat anything you write to 'out' inside the body is just
put into the bodycontent of the parent tag, and output in the doEndTag()

This is causing a big problem for me, and any help would be appreciated.  

In my example, the body tag looks like:

   public int doEndTag() throws JspException {
   }catch( ioe) {

and the Entity tag looks like:

   public int doStartTag() throws JspException {
   try {
   out.println("contents of the entity tagbr");  
   }catch( ioe) {

I'm defining 'out' in  a TagBase class that I extend:
   out = pageContext.getOut();


PS, I am totally impressed with Orion! It you guys rock.

PathInfo and servlet-mapping

2000-07-26 Thread Lorin Kobashigawa

Ok, I've determined that I don't always lose my pathInfo.  It's only when i
try to map my servlet as the default servlet.

How do i do a getPathInfo() on my default servlet?  Here is the entry in my
web.xml file. what am i doing wrong?

When I use:

URL: /testing/the/pathInfo
getPathInfo() returns null

when I use:

URL: /path/testing/the/pathInfo
getPathInfo() returns /testing/the/pathInfo

Thanks for your help.