Re: WebLogic To Orion

2001-10-11 Thread Nick Newman


This has been covered in previous postings.  Here's a quote from one of 
them (start quote)

This is a configuration problem... at least it was in earlier versions. You 
must make sure to include the attribute 'secure=true' in the web-site 
tag of your secure-web-site.xml file. Also, make sure that the attribute 
'shared=true' appears in each web-app tag in this same file. This 
cleared up the problem for me.


Derek Akers
Senior Software Architect
Eldan Software Limited
(416) 341-0070

(end quote)


At 09:18 AM 10/11/01 -0500, you wrote:
We have migrated a current production application from Weblogic to Orion 
in an test to come up with an alternative platform and have come across 
some issues. Most of the issues we have been able to resolve except for 
one involving ssl and I.E. When we bring our application up in I.E. and 
https Orion invalidates the session within a minute. Our application 
security relies on certain objects within the session for enforcement 
which results in the user being kicked out of the application. We are 
evaluating V1.3.8., has this issue been resolved, is there a resolution or 

Greg Flores

Re: Date conversion problem ??

2001-10-10 Thread Nick Newman

Hi Eddie,

The code that Fredrick Lindgren sent to this list looks like the right way 
of obtaining a java.util.Date from a java.sql.Timestamp.

As for your question of why, part of the answer may be that three java 
classes are somewhat confusing:

  - java.util.Date (not used by JDBC) contains a date and time down to 
millisecond precision

  - java.sql.Date (used by JDBC) contains a date, and inherits from 

  - java.sql.Timestamp (used by JDBC) contains a date and time down to 
nanosecond precision, and inherits from java.util.Date

The javadoc for java.sql.Timestamp explains exactly where it stores the 
milliseconds (actually nanoseconds).

Another question is why Sun decided to write such strange code. I'm afraid 
I don't have an answer for that!


At 10:04 AM 10/8/01 +0200, you wrote:
Thanks Frederik,

But what I don't understand is why Date only contains the second part and
not the millisecond part and when it does ? That is, when I create a Date
object and print the millisecond part with the getTime() method, I do see
the millisecond part but when I receive something from the database, the
millisecond part is zero. Does this mean that is only zero when the date
field is handled by the JDBC part ??


Re: EJB Primary Key of int

2001-10-04 Thread Nick Newman

int is not a valid primary key - it has to be an object, not a primitive. 
Use Integer instead.


At 04:56 PM 10/4/01 -0400, you wrote:
I can not figure out how to get Orion's EJB CMP to work when the primary key
is an 'int'.  In the deployment descriptor (ejb-jar.xml), the code is:


When starting up Orion, I get:

Class 'int' not found

Any help will be greatly appreciated,


Orion confuses entities?

2001-09-03 Thread Nick Newman

I have been chasing down an intermittent bug and I'm beginning to suspect 
it's in Orion. I wondered if anyone else may have suspected this problem.

The problem seems to be that very occasionally orion (version 1.4.7) gets 
confused about its cache of entity beans.  To illustrate, here is a snippet 
from a JSP page that I wrote to test this.

 EnvelopeHome envHome = (EnvelopeHome) 

 for(int k=0; k4000; ++k){
 Integer oid = new Integer(k);
 try {
 Envelope env = envHome.findByPrimaryKey(oid);
 if( ! oid.equals( env.getOid() ) ){
 out.println(The envelope obtained with 
key +oid+ thinks its key is +env.getOid()+br);
 catch( FinderException fe ){
 // not found is okay

At the moment, this produces the output:

The envelope obtained with key 3109 thinks its key is 2957

But as I say, this happens only very occasionally. If I restart the server 
then everything is fine again - for quite a while, anyway.

Other details: the Envelope entity is EJB 2.0 type, the primary key is 
set only at creation time, and there is no remote interface method which 
can change the primary key. (I mention this to indicate that I cannot be 
attempting to illegally change the primary key.)

Any thoughts about this?  Is there any way it can be anything but a bug in 


Re: how to make classes visible in web applications

2001-08-14 Thread Nick Newman

Hi Peter,

I suppose one could say that web-module classes should not be (and indeed, 
are not) visible from EJB's because that violates the layered structure of 
the application (the logic/storage oriented EJB's shouldn't need to know 
about the presentation layer).

If you have a class that needs to be visible from the EJB's you could put 
it in the EJB module.  The web module will still be able to see it.


At 08:42 PM 8/14/01 +0200, you wrote:
Hello Orion-List-Readers!

I'm working on a web application consisting of an EJB and a web module.

In our application there are certain model beans which are referenced
from both the EJBs and the (Struts) action-beans which belong to the web

Without any further measures classes in one module can't use or inherit
from classes in the other module.
During development we set a library path in server.xml so that the
classes could be referenced from both modules.
Now for deployment I'm looking for a cleaner solution.
Is there a way to place classes or a jar-file in an .ear-archive that
the classes can be referenced from EJB and web-module without setting a
path in server.xml??


Re: Directory Listing

2001-07-27 Thread Nick Newman

You could use the class from your servlet to get the directory 
listing that is produced.  Then you can process that however you like.

The snag is that you would have to have the servlet at a different URL.  In 
other words, if gives you the directory listing, you would 
have to put the servlet at (say) - because if you 
arranged to have it served from it would be trying to read 
its own output, which would get it rather confused, I'd think.


At 01:01 PM 7/27/01 +0200, you wrote:

I have an application with directory-browing=allow. When I request for
a directory, orion displays a page with the directory list.

How could I write a JSP/Servlet to customize this list ??

Juan Fuentes Nieto   Essi Projects
[EMAIL PROTECTED]t +34 977 221 182  f +34 977 230 170

Re: cmp and saving a file to a blob

2001-07-23 Thread Nick Newman

Two part answer ...


Another possible option is to make up a unique file name, and write the 
file to that.  Keep the name of the file (plus mime type, etc) in the 
EJB.  The getFile and setFile methods would read/write to this 
file.  You could use the ejbRemove method to delete the file. (And perhaps 
you will need other code to keep the files consistent with the DB).

This is not so pretty in some ways (you have extra things to keep straight) 
but it avoids the need for anything special in the DB.

Then again, perhaps this violates the strict specs about use of file IO in 
an EJB?  In any case, this is what I have (successfully) used.


I don't think there's any reason you couldn't use BLOBs. The specs don't 
include them, but the specs don't even assume you have a database, do they?


At 10:06 AM 7/23/01 -0700, you wrote:
Problem, persisting a downloaded file in a cmp ejb.

Has anybody solved this problem? It seems like this is a problem not solved
by the specification.

A plan of attack:

1. web user uploads file through a form.
2. servlet processes file as an ArrayList of bytes with Nick Newman's
servlet ( with
some modifications.
3. file (now a List) is a member of a cmp bean with a list type Byte.

If we use this method, each byte is stored in a separate table. Kindof ugly.
Talk about a large table!

B plan of attack:

1. web user uploads file through a form.
2. servlet processes file as a byte array with Nick Newman's servlet
3. A class called FileBytes is created which implements Serializable, the
only member is the byte array.
4. A cmp ejb with members mimetype, name, datetime, and filebytes.

Both of these methods require no hacking of the orion-ejb-jar.xml. We would
have to be satisfied with sql type long raw for most databases, however,
since the ejb spec doesn't include blobs. This means a limit of 2 GB...not
enough for a movie, but plenty large enough for anything else. Obviously we
should limit the size of the file, since all of the bytes have to be in
memory. Otherwise, we can break up the persitance into many 1 MB ejb's, each
with part of the file. This way, we don't have to have the file all in
memory at once.

If anybody has done this, let me know. I would like to hear some comments,
also. I will keep you posted on my experiences.


the elephantwalker

Re: Fwd: file upload

2001-07-12 Thread Nick Newman

Hi Christoph,

Sending a file to the server is a specialized little job.  The Orion server 
supplies some orion-specific classes to help (see and 
search for 'upload').  Alternatively, I have written some generic J2EE code 
for the same task, and you are welcome to have that - just drop me a 
line.  (The orionsupport guys said they'd post it on their website, but so 
far it's not there.)


At 04:09 PM 7/12/01 +0200, you wrote:
resending cos it didnt appear on the list for 24 hours :)

This is a forwarded message
From: Christoph Sturm [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tuesday, July 10, 2001, 3:27:46 PM
Subject: file upload

===8==Original message text===
Hello orion-Interest,

   I want to stream a uploaded file to the ejb server and save it in a
   cmp bean. The problem is that a FileInputStream is not serializable.
   Whats the best way to handle this?

Best regards,
  Christoph  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Fwd: file upload

2001-07-12 Thread Nick Newman

Hi Joe,

Here it is.  (I hope you didn't mind my subtle hint.   I know you're 
busy!  ;-)

I think that what's in the zip is a good starting point for most uses, but 
if you think I should add something before you want to show it, let me know 
and I'll see what I can do.


At 01:18 PM 7/12/01 -0500, you wrote:
Nick, can you resend that to me?

On Thu, 12 Jul 2001, Nick Newman wrote:

  Hi Christoph,
  Sending a file to the server is a specialized little job.  The Orion 
  supplies some orion-specific classes to help (see and
  search for 'upload').  Alternatively, I have written some generic J2EE 
  for the same task, and you are welcome to have that - just drop me a
  line.  (The orionsupport guys said they'd post it on their website, but so
  far it's not there.)
  At 04:09 PM 7/12/01 +0200, you wrote:
  resending cos it didnt appear on the list for 24 hours :)
  This is a forwarded message
  From: Christoph Sturm [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: Tuesday, July 10, 2001, 3:27:46 PM
  Subject: file upload
  ===8==Original message text===
  Hello orion-Interest,
 I want to stream a uploaded file to the ejb server and save it in a
 cmp bean. The problem is that a FileInputStream is not serializable.
 Whats the best way to handle this?
  Best regards,
Christoph  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Joseph B. Ottinger   [EMAIL PROTECTED] IT Consultant

Re: Automatic recompilation of beans/servlets

2001-06-17 Thread Nick Newman

For the servlet, I think the source has to be under /WEB-INF/src for the 
auto-compilation. Probably for the beans too.


At 01:02 PM 6/17/01 -0400, you wrote:
I recently made the switch from Resin to Orion Server and am mostly
pleased. The only thing I cannot get working is the automatic
recompilation of beans and servlets. I have development=true set in my
global-web-app.xml file, and JSPs are recompiling when changed correctly.
Servlets and JavaBeans (not EJBs) are not.
I have my source files in the same directory as the class files.
(WEB-INF/classes/com/goldbarter/servlets/ for example) When
doing an ls -l on the directory, the moddate for the .java is much later
than the .class. I don't think there's any time synchronization issue.

-Todd Lipcon

It's not that easy being green;
Having to spend each day the color of the leaves.
When I think it could be nicer being red, or yellow or gold...
or something much more colorful like that. -Kermit the Frog

Re: Force Logon after X minutes

2001-06-13 Thread Nick Newman

The problem is that with BASIC authentication the *browser* remembers the 
logon information and resends it whenever needed. Hence things like 
invalidating the session will not work, since the browser will simply log 
the user in again without their intervention.

So far as I know, there is no solution to this problem. If you use BASIC 
authentication, the user has to shut down the browser to log off.

If someone knows differently, I too would certainly love to hear the answer.


At 03:18 PM 6/13/01 -0400, you wrote:
is it too obvious to say:

send out the pages w/ an expire time
set the http session expiration to a desired interval to prevent use after x
minutes...create a logoff function that invalidates their session...

is that too simplistic?

Mike Conway

cybermaster wrote:

  if (session != null) {
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Smith Jason
  Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2001 6:38 AM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: Force Logon after X minutes
  I am custom user-authentication.
  The user and groups are in a database and I am using BASIC authentication.
  How can I allow users to logoff w/o them closing their browser?
  How can I force them to logon again after x minutes?

Re: FRUSTRATION: Session keeps timing out despite setting session-timeout. WHY?

2001-06-08 Thread Nick Newman

Just grabbing at straws here, but perhaps there's a typo in the docs and 
the units are actually seconds, not minutes.  Worth a try?


At 02:11 PM 6/7/01 -0700, you wrote:


  I have a http and https orion jsp application for which I want the session
  timeout to be a lot longer than the default 5 or 10 minutes BUT the
  session keeps timing out. I also have shared=true in the
  and default-web-app.xml  files.

  I set my web.xml file with:

 session-timeout 1000 /session-timeout

  Any and all help is appreciated!


RE: DeadLock with 25 users SOLVED

2001-05-14 Thread Nick Newman


It's Monday morning. Could you please help my fuzzy brain by explaining WHY 
it is so stupid to set all transactions to required. I'm afraid it 
sounds reasonable to me...  perhaps I don't understand what you mean by 
even when reading in the database.


At 12:43 PM 5/14/01 +0200, you wrote:

Thanks Johan and Kirk, you are both right.
Those 2 parametres are usefull for tuning the app server.
But pay attention, I've used the timeout (not inactivity-timeout) under
1.3.8, it doesn't work, need to upgrade to 1.4.7 for get this working.

I've discover another one:
In the file orion-ejb-jar.xml you could add this option ligne: call-timeout
= n
n = number of millisec for waiting on the EJB's interface reply, 0 for

My principal error with this deadlock was to set ALL transactions to
required, even when reading in the database... So stupid ;-)

My bench show that 100 users could access to our app wihtout crashing! I'll
try to bench the same .EAR under BEA...


Philippe PAGET.

  -Message d'origine-
  De : Johan Fredriksson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Envoyé : lundi 14 mai 2001 10:23
  À : Orion-Interest
  Objet : Re: DeadLock with 25 users
  Or decreasing the
  so the resource is more quickly released back to the container ?
  - Original Message -
  From: KirkYarina [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, May 11, 2001 9:10 PM
  Subject: Re: DeadLock with 25 users
   I believe this is discussed in past; see the archives ( ).  Try
   increasing max-connections in data-sources.xml
   Kirk Yarina
   At 09:13 AM 5/11/01 +0200, you wrote:
   Hello, we just start some benchs with 25 fake users, here is the
   Those 25 users try to access the same EJB. Any idears, or
  points to check
   our code to fix this kind of errors ???
   ERROR | 09/05/2001 15:59:01:46 | NodeBmEJB :
  findNode(NodePK pk) | pk =
   = 0, space = WA17, componentName = news35) |
   Exception message: Transaction was rolled back: timed out,
  while waiting
   (id = 0, space = WA17, componentName = news35) (started at
  Wed May 09
   15:58:25 GMT+01:00 2001, terminated at Wed May 09 15:59:01
   com.evermind.server.DeadlockException: Transaction was
  rolled back: timed
   out, while waiting for (id = 0, space = WA17,
  componentName = news35)
   (started at Wed May 09 15:58:25 GMT+01:00 2001, terminated
  at Wed May 09
   15:59:01 GMT+01:00 2001)
at com.orionserver.http.OrionHttpJspPage.service(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.http.HttpApplication.xu(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.http.JSPServlet.service(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.http.d4.s3(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.http.d4.s1(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.http.d4.forward(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.http.ew.forward(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.http.d4.s3(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.http.d4.s1(JAX)

Re: User/Role problem

2001-05-08 Thread Nick Newman

We have had similar problems, and I have reported them to orion (but they 
said they couldn't reproduce the problem).  Here is what I found.

If you have an EJB method foo(), and you restrict its access to a role 
MYROLE, then a user who, according to the XML files, should have access to 
foo() is denied access.

If, however (and quite contrary to specs) you specify a GROUP name (e.g. 
MYGROUP) instead of a ROLE name (e.g. MYROLE), then access is granted 
(assuming your user is in that group).

I would be very interested to know if you can confirm this.


At 03:52 PM 5/8/01 +0200, you wrote:
Following situation:

- I restricted method permission of method foo to role bar
- if I do:


everything works just fine.

- if I create a (temporary) user (e.g. user123), add him to role bar then
log him in with the RoleManager and finally do a foo(), I get as
security-exception. (see below).

Are there some default-roles that I have to add a newly created user to?
Are there any further group-permissions I've got to set for group bar?
(I took the permissions of group users).

For completeness:
- I have also created a group named bar (in principal.xml) and specified a
security-role-mapping (in orion-ejb.xml).
- Furthermore I added a security-role definition for bar in both the
application.xml and the ejb-jar.xml
- I have also tried the lt;default-ejb-caller-rolegt; role and then
changed the default-method-access to role bar.
- I also tripple checked that ctx.isCallerInRole(bar) returns true;
just the line before I call foo().

The exception:

  [java] javax.transaction.TransactionRolledbackException:
com.evermind.server.rmi.OrionRemoteException: user123 is not allowed to call
this EJB method, check your security settings (method-permission in
ejb-jar.xml and security-role-mapping in orion-application.xml).
  [java] at
  [java] at com.evermind.server.rmi.a2.invoke(JAX)
  [java] at com.evermind.server.rmi.a3.invoke(JAX)

Ideas, or even solutions?

Armin Michel

Uploading files

2001-04-20 Thread Nick Newman

In the past there has been some discussion about how to upload files to the 
server.  The general solution is to use the O'Reilly servlet authored by 
Jason Hunter. That seems to work well, and it's nice of him to offer it.

I took a look at RFC 1867 describing the upload format, and found that it's 
based on MIME, just like email attachments.  As such, I thought that the 
Java Mail API (which is required to be present in a J2EE platform) could be 
used to do much of the work.  Turns out it can.  All the parsing can be 
done in essentially one line of (non-library) code!

I put together a class (200 lines, half of them comments) using this 
approach, and a demo servlet to call it.  Seems to work fine.  Even if it 
doesn't do quite want you want, you should be able to modify it easily.

Following Jason's example I'll offer it to anyone that wants it. (You don't 
even have to buy my book!)  Just drop me a line, and promise to tell me 
about any bugs you find.

Nick Newman, SCIENTECH Inc.

Removing Dependent Objects

2001-03-23 Thread Nick Newman


I have an application in which an entity bean has a collection of dependent 
objects.  When I ask for one of these dependent objects to be removed, 
Orion generates a SQL command with a WHERE clause which specifies all of 
the columns of the DO.  If some of these columns are null, Orion generates 
WHERE ... COL = NULL ..., which is not valid SQL (should be COL IS 
NULL).  With some databases this causes the remove to fail.

Has anyone else had this problem and found a way to work around it?


Re: simple JSP bug with switch

2001-02-27 Thread Nick Newman

Hi Adam,

I don't think this is a bug, although I agree the messages are 
confusing.  Set the development="true" flag in the orion-web.xml and you 
get the reason explained more fully.  Basically what you have written in 
the broken version produces code like this:

 // write a new line (but can't be reached!)
case 1:
 // write newline, "One", newline
 // write a new line (but can't be reached!)
 // write newline, "Default", newline
 // write a new line (but can't be reached!)

and the compiler complains (correctly) that some of the copde can't be reached.

Nick Newman

At 08:11 PM 2/26/01 -0500, you wrote:

Forgive me if this is a known bug, but I didn't see it in the FAQ or 
anywhere on

I am using Orion 1.4.7 and I have tried having Orion use Jikes 1.12 as 
well as all three of the 1.30 JDKs
{Sun,IBM,Blackdown}. This is all running on RedHat 7.0 Linux 2.4.2.

fixed version (but I shouldn't have to do this...):

% switch(1) { case 1: %
% break; default: %
% break;  } %

broken version:

% switch(1) { %
% case 1: %
% break; %
% default: %
% break; %
% } %

Gives the following error (this is the Blackdown error, but they're all 

500 Internal Server Error
Error parsing JSP page /jsp/test.jsp
Syntax error in source
/jsp/ 'case', 'default' or '}' expected (JSP page line 3)
 if(__coreOut == out) 
 __coreOut.write(__staticContent, 0, 1);
/jsp/ 'case', 'default' or '}' expected (JSP page line 3)
 if(__coreOut == out) 
 __coreOut.write(__staticContent, 0, 1);
/jsp/ 'case', 'default' or '}' expected (JSP page line 3)
 __staticContent, 0, 1, null);
/jsp/ 'case', 'default' or '}' expected (JSP page line 4)
 if(__coreOut == out) 
 __coreOut.write(__staticContent, 1, 5);
/jsp/ 'case', 'default' or '}' expected (JSP page line 4)
 __staticContent, 1, 5, null);
/jsp/ 'case', 'default' or '}' expected (JSP page line 4)
/jsp/ 'case', 'default' or '}' expected (JSP page line 6)
 if(__coreOut == out) 
 __coreOut.write(__staticContent, 6, 1);
/jsp/ 'case', 'default' or '}' expected (JSP page line 6)
 __staticContent, 6, 1, null);
/jsp/ 'case', 'default' or '}' expected (JSP page line 7)
 if(__coreOut == out) 
 __coreOut.write(__staticContent, 7, 9);
/jsp/ 'case', 'default' or '}' expected (JSP page line 7)
 __staticContent, 7, 9, null);
/jsp/ 'case', 'default' or '}' expected (JSP page line 7)
/jsp/ 'case', 'default' or '}' expected (JSP page line 9)
 if(__coreOut == out) 
 __coreOut.write(__staticContent, 16, 1);
/jsp/ 'case', 'default' or '}' expected (JSP page line 9)
 __staticContent, 16, 1, null);
13 errors

RE: simple JSP bug with switch

2001-02-27 Thread Nick Newman

Sorry if I didn't quite get your point.

It's odd though. The spec VERY specifically says that whitespace must be 
preserved (JSP 1.1 spec, section 2.1.6), so it seems to me that what Orion 
is doing is correct, even if it seems inconvenient.

If I write:

% out.print("one"); %
% out.print("two"); %

then my reading of the spec says that I must get the two words printed on 
different lines (which I believe Orion would do), whereas you seem to be 
saying that Sun's RI would print "onetwo".  Or is Sun's RI somehow clever 
enough to know the difference between my sample and yours? That would take 
some clever examination of what's in the scriptlets, I would think.

Nick Newman

At 04:58 PM 2/27/01 -0500, you wrote:

OK, thanks, I understand that (which is how I fixed the code).

However, I believe this isn't the proper behaviour for JSP.
Orion should eat that newline. This is how other JSP engines behave,
including Sun's reference engine.

It shouldn't break the java code by inserting an erroneous println...
or am I smoking crack?


-----Original Message-
From: Nick Newman 
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 11:40 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: simple JSP bug with switch

Hi Adam,

I don't think this is a bug, although I agree the messages are
confusing.  Set the development="true" flag in the orion-web.xml and you
get the reason explained more fully.  Basically what you have written in
the broken version produces code like this:

  // write a new line (but can't be reached!)
case 1:
  // write newline, "One", newline
  // write a new line (but can't be reached!)
  // write newline, "Default", newline
  // write a new line (but can't be reached!)

and the compiler complains (correctly) that some of the copde can't be 

Nick Newman

At 08:11 PM 2/26/01 -0500, you wrote:

 Forgive me if this is a known bug, but I didn't see it in the FAQ or
 anywhere on
 I am using Orion 1.4.7 and I have tried having Orion use Jikes 1.12 as
 well as all three of the 1.30 JDKs
 {Sun,IBM,Blackdown}. This is all running on RedHat 7.0 Linux 2.4.2.
 fixed version (but I shouldn't have to do this...):
 % switch(1) { case 1: %
 % break; default: %
 % break;  } %
 broken version:
 % switch(1) { %
 % case 1: %
 % break; %
 % default: %
 % break; %
 % } %
 Gives the following error (this is the Blackdown error, but they're all
 500 Internal Server Error
 Error parsing JSP page /jsp/test.jsp
 Syntax error in source
 /jsp/ 'case', 'default' or '}' expected (JSP page line 3)
  if(__coreOut == out)
  __coreOut.write(__staticContent, 0, 1);
 /jsp/ 'case', 'default' or '}' expected (JSP page line 3)
  if(__coreOut == out)
  __coreOut.write(__staticContent, 0, 1);
 /jsp/ 'case', 'default' or '}' expected (JSP page line 3)
  __staticContent, 0, 1, null);
 /jsp/ 'case', 'default' or '}' expected (JSP page line 4)
  if(__coreOut == out)
  __coreOut.write(__staticContent, 1, 5);
 /jsp/ 'case', 'default' or '}' expected (JSP page line 4)
  __staticContent, 1, 5, null);
 /jsp/ 'case', 'default' or '}' expected (JSP page line 4)
 /jsp/ 'case', 'default' or '}' expected (JSP page line 6)
  if(__coreOut == out)
  __coreOut.write(__staticContent, 6, 1);
 /jsp/ 'case', 'default' or '}' expected (JSP page line 6)
  __staticContent, 6, 1, null);
 /jsp/ 'case', 'default' or '}' expected (JSP page line 7)
  if(__coreOut == out)
  __coreOut.write(__staticContent, 7, 9);
 /jsp/ 'case', 'default' or '}' expected (JSP page line 7)
  __staticContent, 7, 9, null);
 /jsp/ 'case', 'default' or '}' expected (JSP page line 7)
 /jsp/ 'case', 'default' or '}' expected (JSP page line 9)
  if(__coreOut == out)
  __coreOut.write(__staticContent, 16, 1);

RE: Orion FORM based authentication Configuraton problem

2001-02-26 Thread Nick Newman

I suppose that you could use the SAME page for login and error.  You could 
tell which context it's being called in by playing with a session variable, 
I think.  That should give you the flexibility you want, and all within spec.

Nick Newman

At 11:31 AM 2/26/01 -0700, you wrote:
I agree with Jeff the Servlet 2.2 Spec only specifies that an error page is
returned - so Orion's behaviour is up to spec. To allow continuation of the
login process from loginError page would be an add-on ... cerrtainly a
useful one, because it's more user friendly. But of course, it is Orion's
developers who call the shots.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jeff Schnitzer
Sent: Monday, February 26, 2001 8:06 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: Orion FORM based authentication Configuraton problem

If I'm reading the steps correctly, this behavior is actually fully
spec-compliant.  This is the reason I don't use FORM-based login.

j_security_check is only required to be valid immediately after an
attempt to visit a secured page.  There is no provision to be able to
re-enter credentials from the failure page, and the Orion implementation
doesn't allow it.  The user must hit the back button :-(

Also, Orion performs a forward() rather than a redirect() when a
successful login does occur.  Thus the ugly url in the user's browser.
I logged bug #126 against this issue but it was denied :-)


Re: What documentation?

2001-02-26 Thread Nick Newman

I think I can answer the second question about the dangling sentence.  In 
the DTD the tag description looks like this:

!-- The deployment info for a J2EE-application. Manually created or 
automatically produced when auto-deploying a J2EE-application (.ear).
 It extends and substitutes the assembly info found 
in the --
!ELEMENT orion-application 
persistence?, library*, principals?, mail-session*, user-manager?, log?, 
data-sources?, namespace-access?)

and from that it seems fairly clear that the intention was for the sentence 
to run on into the tag name.  That is, the author thought it would be 
fairly clear that it was supposed to end " ...assembly info found in the 

Unfortunately, once the automatic formatting tool got through with it to 
produce the HTML documentation it is nothing like so clear! (At least, 
that's my guess. Anyone got anything better?)

Nick Newman

At 05:37 PM 2/26/01 -0600, you wrote:
A few weeks ago after I asked some questions and posted some opinion I was 
sent by some guys to RFM.

Well, I still have the same problems and I am asking the same question: 
why is not possible to use a GUI tool to specify all I want for deploying 
my application? Why do I need to go into the application-deployments 
folder and modify what Orion has alredy deployed. If you are stuck and 
still do not get go and play with Sun's RI or WebLogic and ypu will 
udnerstand what I mean.

Speaking about documentation and RFM please go into 
"orion-application.xml.html" and read this:

"The deployment info for a J2EE-application. Manually created or 
automatically produced when auto-deploying a J2EE-application (.ear). It 
extends and substitutes the assembly info found in the "

Where is the rest of the sentence?


Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

RE: No influence on CMP 2.0 getter setter methods - a feature or abug?

2001-02-22 Thread Nick Newman

My two cents ...

Putting checks in the EJB's will give you much better information on 
exactly what has gone wrong.  Adding checks in the DB as well can't hurt, 
but without the EJB checks it might be hard to know what action to take in 
the face of a generic SQL error.

Nick Newman

At 01:11 PM 2/22/01 -0500, you wrote:

The search engine is back up.  Here is the start of the
thread on database constraints vs. ejb constraints:

There seems to be some smart-ass named "Robert Krueger"
who thinks he knows all the answers :) :) :)

Thanks Robert!


  -Original Message-
  From: Robert Krueger 
  Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2001 4:42 AM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: RE: No influence on CMP 2.0 getter setter methods - a feature
  or abug?
  At 19:16 21.02.2001 , you wrote:
  check EJB-INTEREST archives for discussions on this. I think
  most pros and
  cons (including my view on things ;-) were in a discussion a
  few months ago.
  at the moment the server hosting the search seems to be down,
  so I cannot
  give you the exact thread.
  This makes we want to ask a question that has nagged me for
  a while.  Where do you put data constraints?  In the database?
  or in the entity bean?
  For example, let's say we have a field called "absoluteTemp"
  in Kelvin.  We all know this value can never be negative (in
  my universe anyway).  This isn't a business rule, it a law
  of nature.  Do you implement it as a database constraint which
  will throw a SQLException if violated, or do you check for
  in some facade-setter of the entity and throw some other
  Exception if violated?  What are the pros and cons of either?
  (-) Robert Krger
  (-) SIGNAL 7 Gesellschaft fr Informationstechnologie mbH
  (-) Brder-Knau-Str. 79 - 64285 Darmstadt,
  (-) Tel: 06151 665401, Fax: 06151 665373

Re: Factoring EJB Homes from within Session EJB

2001-02-07 Thread Nick Newman


We go one step further and use a plain class with static methods to obtain 
Home interfaces - one method per Home.  The class uses a stateless session 
bean just as you describe for the FIRST lookup, but thereafter uses a 
cached value that it saves.  That makes the scheme both more efficient and 
simpler to use (because the client can just write 
MyHomeFinder.getMyBeanHome() rather than having to go through the steps of 
looking up the stateless session bean).

If you decide to try this scheme PLEASE NOTE that the client code STILL 
REQUIRES an ejb-ref for the stateless session bean.  This is because the 
plain class is running in the same context as the client, and it may have 
to find the stateless session bean.


At 12:42 PM 2/7/01 +0100, you wrote:

Hello Christian,

CB I noticed that I needed to reference all the homes of my EJBs within the
CB web.xml and I wanted to know if it was recommended/safe to create one
CB stateless session bean which has all the ejb-ref needed in its ejb-jar.xml
CB and only reference that stateless session bean from my web app.  This 
way my
CB web app only needs to know about one Session Bean and that bean's
CB responsibility is factoring other home.

CB Does anyone see any problem with this approach?

We did that for our project and it works fine.

One 'SystemBean' session beans has all ejb-refs, and all other
beans only need to know about the SystemBean and can call a
getHome( String jndiName ) to obtain home interfaces..

I don't see any disadvantages except of the small performance
decrease, because you have an additional bean lookup/method call.
But as far as I can see, this decrease is very very small.

Greetings from Munich,



| /Thomas Hertz   |   [y] hybris GmbH | Software Engineering |
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|   | Haus 16, D-80797 Muenchen | fax +49 89 306697-99 |
| pgp fingerprint: D070 5D86 BE2D C3AF E2CC D2D8 C29A 7F68 7407 629E |

Re: Form-based authentication not working right

2001-02-06 Thread Nick Newman


I tried your exact example (see attached zipped up web app) and everything 
worked just as it should (using orion 1.4.5).  Once again I ask, what 
happens if you remove the security and simply request the secured page?


At 03:52 PM 2/5/01 -0800, you wrote:

Recently I asked about form-based authentication. I appreciate the help 
several people gave, but from the responses I got it seems that I might 
have miscommunicated somehow. I'm going to try again, this time explaining 
myself better.


Re: Form Login bouncing me to welcome page!

2001-02-02 Thread Nick Newman

All I can guess is that your /Login.jsp contains a redirect to "/", which 
will then show your welcome file, if you have one declared.

What happens if you remove the security constraint and THEN request 
/Login.jsp?  If you STILL get the welcome page, then security clearly isn't 
the problem.


At 01:34 PM 2/1/01 -0800, you wrote:
I agree that is the correct sequence, but that is not what I get. Assume I 
have a welcome file defined called welcome.jsp.

The sequence of events is:

- User requests secured page /Login.jsp
- User is redirected to LoginForm.jsp
- User enters correct credentials
- User is logged in
- User is displayed the contents of welcome.jsp.


- User requests secured page /Login.jsp
- User is redirected to LoginForm.jsp
- User enters INCORRECT credentials
- User is NOT logged in
- User is STILL displayed the contents of welcome.jsp.

I also had the case where I didn't have a welcome file defined, but had 
directory browsing enabled, and I get the directory contents after doing 
the above sequences. This doesn't seem right to me, but I can't figure out 
what is wrong.

What can cause this?


At 09:30 AM 2/1/2001 -0700, you wrote:
The sequence of events is:
  - The user requests a secured page (/Login.jsp, in your case).
  - The server intercepts the request and redirects to the form-based 
 login page (LoginForm.jsp)
  - If the user logs in successfully, the server allows the original 
 request to proceed (ie. Login.jsp is displayed).

So if by "the welcome page" you mean the Login.jsp page, then that is as 
expected.  If you see something else, then this could possibly be the 
result of something you do on that page (such as redirection).


At 10:19 PM 1/31/01 -0800, you wrote:

I've searched the mailing list, but there doesn't seem to be information 
on this. I'm a little desparate now.

I'm using a form-based login for my web application. When a user hits 
Login.jsp, s/he must log in. I have the LoginForm.jsp and LoginError.jsp 
files in / of my context root. This redirection to the LoginForm.jsp 
does occur, but regardless of whether the user logged in successfully or 
not, he is dumped back to the welcome page. The actual logging in is 
successful, i.e. if he provided the correct credentials, he's logged in, 
but still dumped back to the welcome page.

Here is the relevant portion of my web.xml:




Which part of the magic am I missing?

Re: JSP Syntax

2001-02-01 Thread Nick Newman

That seems odd. Could you please tell us what the two versions 
produce.  That might help.


At 04:53 PM 2/1/01 +0100, you wrote:
I have two very similar lines of code - one of them causes a weird syntax
interpretation on Orion. According to my reference books the two expressions
should produce the same result. Does anyone know why these expressions work
differently on Orion?

Correct on Orion:   p/sub%= t.getString() %/p

Incorrect on Orion: p%= "/sub" + t.getString() %/p

FYI: I am using 1.3.8.


Re: Form Login bouncing me to welcome page!

2001-02-01 Thread Nick Newman

The sequence of events is:
  - The user requests a secured page (/Login.jsp, in your case).
  - The server intercepts the request and redirects to the form-based login 
page (LoginForm.jsp)
  - If the user logs in successfully, the server allows the original 
request to proceed (ie. Login.jsp is displayed).

So if by "the welcome page" you mean the Login.jsp page, then that is as 
expected.  If you see something else, then this could possibly be the 
result of something you do on that page (such as redirection).


At 10:19 PM 1/31/01 -0800, you wrote:

I've searched the mailing list, but there doesn't seem to be information 
on this. I'm a little desparate now.

I'm using a form-based login for my web application. When a user hits 
Login.jsp, s/he must log in. I have the LoginForm.jsp and LoginError.jsp 
files in / of my context root. This redirection to the LoginForm.jsp does 
occur, but regardless of whether the user logged in successfully or not, 
he is dumped back to the welcome page. The actual logging in is 
successful, i.e. if he provided the correct credentials, he's logged in, 
but still dumped back to the welcome page.

Here is the relevant portion of my web.xml:




Which part of the magic am I missing?

Re: What is this strange error?

2001-01-23 Thread Nick Newman


For what it's worth, the principals.xml you specify below causes me no 
deployment problems if I replace one of my own files with it.

Perhaps the problem is that orion isn't finding your file at all?  The 
place that orion is looking for application.xml is specified in the 
orion-application.xml file.


At 11:13 AM 1/23/01 -0800, you wrote:

I'm trying to deploy a very simple application, and am getting the error 
"Invalid principals config URL: principals.xml". What in the world does 
this mean? I've had this problem all the way from 1.3.x up to 1.4.5 and no 
one has been able to tell me what it means, or why it happens, or what I 
must do to get rid of it. It is not documented anywhere. Can someone, 
perhaps those who work on Orion, PLEASE tell me what this means.

The Error:

Copying default deployment descriptor from archive at 
\Alpha\bld\alpha-app/META-INF/orion-application.xml to deployment 
directory C:\a
Error instantiating application at 
pha-app.ear: Invalid principals config URL: principals.xml for alpha-app
Auto-deploying file:/C:/a/orion/default-web-app/ (New server version 

My orion-application.xml is:

?xml version="1.0"?
!DOCTYPE application PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD J2EE 
Application 1.2//EN" ""


My principals.xml:

?xml version="1.0"?
!DOCTYPE principals PUBLIC "//Evermind - Orion Principals//" 
 group name="single_signon_user"/
 user realname="Gerald" username="gerald" password="abc"
 group-membership group="single_signon_user"/

RE: Single Sign On

2001-01-19 Thread Nick Newman

Hi Tony,

It only took me two days to find the email I was referencing!  It was 
direct to me rather than through orion-interest.  Here is the relevant part:

(This is what I asked)

The J2EE spec makes it clear that single sign-on for web-based applications 
should be supported (J2EE spec, section The specification says: 
"It must be possible for one login session to span more than one 
application, allowing a user to log in once and access multiple 
applications."  Could you please explain how Orion makes this possible.  We 
are particularly interested in using form-based login with the form being 
on a secure (HTTPS) server although the application(s) may be on a 
non-secure server.

(This is what Magnus Stenman of Orion replied)

Setting up the same web-app and mark is with shared="true" should handle 
that part. (web-app shared="true" ... / in both sites). The sessions will 
then be shared and also the logins since login is tied to session with form 
auth. Let us know how that works out. We'll look into sharing of logins 
across different web-apps but this is not a trivial thing to do in general 
(single signon is more targeted towards SSL and basic auth in general).

Hope this helps!

At 11:37 AM 1/18/01 +, you wrote:

That's interesting.  I tried using certificate based security for SSO (even
though that doesn't *really* fit with the way we want to do things ...
although it's better than BASIC), but it didn't seem to be happen for me.

Do you have a record of the correspondence you had with the Orion folks
(regarding SSO and FORM based auth) ?  If you do, I would be most grateful
if you could post it.  At the moment, info on this subject is really hard to
come by.  I'm sure you guys are finding the same problem - if not, please
tell me where all the docs are ;)


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Nick Newman
Sent: 16 January 2001 17:52
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: Single Sign On


We had a similar problem.  The solution we came up with was to use BASIC
authentication for all the relevant web-apps, and to specify the same
realm-name for each web-app.  That way, the browser supplies the required
logins as you switch between web-apps.

Yes, it would be nicer to use FORM based login, but so far as we could tell
(with some help from the orion folk) this does not work with SSO.  They
(orion) indicated that certificate based security was a better fit for SSO,
as I recall.


At 09:53 AM 1/16/01 +, you wrote:
 Did you ever get any direct replies to this SSO query ?  We are trying to
 the same.  Maybe we could work together in some way ?
 Kind regards,
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Gerald
 Sent: 02 December 2000 20:09
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Single Sign On
 Does Orion do any sort of single sign-on for multiple applications deployed
 on the same application server? If so, how can one get this working?

Re: Having trouble forcing browser-side XSL transformations

2001-01-19 Thread Nick Newman


It looks as if you are not telling the page about its content type.  Add 
the tag:

%@ page language="java" contentType="text/xml" %

That may get you further.


At 11:57 AM 1/19/01 -0600, you wrote:
Hi Folks,

Although I'm an experienced Java and Web
developer, I'm very new to Orion and am
trying a tactic that I've seldom seen
mentioned on this newsgroup.  My search
of posts for the last few months shows one
person doing something pretty similar, but
recommendations to his note haven't solved
my problem.

Basically, I would like a JB to emit pure XML
into a JSP which wraps it in the proper code
to cause IEv5.5 to perform the XML/XSL
transformation (instead of the server).  I've
been able to get this logic to work in other
web crafting environments (Tango and ASP), but
have not been able to get it to work from JSPs.

I've got a local JB (
with a method that emits a chunk of XML.
The following code is in the associated JSP.

[NOTE: The xsl:output... lines were the
recommendation I found in a note from
1/8/01 who's subject is "XSL on Orion
returns content type text/xml instead
of text/html".  Whether these lines
are present or not has made no difference.]

This JSP code is about as simple as
it gets.

   ?xml version="1.0"?
   ?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl"

   xsl:output method = "html"
indent = "yes"
doctype-system = ""
doctype-public = "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN"
media-type= "text/html" /

   jsp:useBean id="ClassInfoBeanId"
 class="school.ClassInfoBean2" /
 name="ClassInfoBeanId" property="*" /

   property="xmlData" /

The associated XSL file is too long to try
to post in this note.  The content probably
isn't a part of the problem since the browser
doesn't even try to do the transformation.
When I copy the following XML into an XML file,
the browser loads the file and performs the
transformation perfectly.  However the browser
refuses to perform the transformation when
the same XML is emitted from a JSP file.

Here's the XML output that the JSP emits:

   ?xml version="1.0"?
   ?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl"
   xsl:output method = "html"
 indent = "yes"
 doctype-system = ""
 doctype-public = "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN"
 media-type= "text/html" /
 titleClass Info/title
   descrRelatively lon Description/descr

Now when this is sent to IEv5 (with the latest
XSLT updates installed), the XSL file should be
loaded and used to transform the XML data into
the appropriate HTML--but this is not happening
and I can't tell what's missing.

Specifically, I can't tell if the browser isn't
able to find the XSL file (thus the subject
of this note), or if the browser doesn't know
that this is really an XML page that warrants
XML/XSL processing, or if the browser thinks
there's a valid reason (ie., security) to avoid
doing the transformation.  No errors are
produced, the browser simply refuses to do
the transformation.

In this setting, I have several questions.

1.  Given the ?xml-stylesheet... statement
shown above, where should I put the XSL file?
Perhaps with the JSP files? (This worked for the
CSS files in this project.)  Perhaps a different
path in the href value would be appropriate?
Any suggestions?

2.  Do I need to explicitly tell Orion to
handle XSL and/or CSS file types?  There
wouldn't be much for Orion to do except emit
their contents 'as is' and let the downstream
device do the processing.  If I don't do this
then it would seem that these files would be
(apparently) served from a different server
(http://whatever:8080/something vs
http://whatever/something).  I mention this
because it occurred to me that the browser's
sandbox might be interfering with loading the
XSL file from what appears to be a different
domain that where the original page is served
from.  My gut feeling is that this shouldn't
be necessary, but I don't want to leave any
stone unturned in this search.

3.  There's a possibility that the browser is
confused since the URL ends in JSP but I'm
returning XML content.  That is, the browser may
not realize that it is appropriate for it to
do the XSL transformation.  The first two lines
should remove any of the browser's doubt about the
content type of the page, but since nothing I've
done has made a difference I don't want to 

Writing user managers

2001-01-18 Thread Nick Newman


I seem to recall someone within the last few weeks saying that they 
implemented the UserManager and other associated interfaces in just a few 
days.  Would whoever it was care to drop me a line please.


RE: Single Sign On

2001-01-16 Thread Nick Newman


We had a similar problem.  The solution we came up with was to use BASIC 
authentication for all the relevant web-apps, and to specify the same 
realm-name for each web-app.  That way, the browser supplies the required 
logins as you switch between web-apps.

Yes, it would be nicer to use FORM based login, but so far as we could tell 
(with some help from the orion folk) this does not work with SSO.  They 
(orion) indicated that certificate based security was a better fit for SSO, 
as I recall.


At 09:53 AM 1/16/01 +, you wrote:

Did you ever get any direct replies to this SSO query ?  We are trying to do
the same.  Maybe we could work together in some way ?

Kind regards,

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Gerald
Sent: 02 December 2000 20:09
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Single Sign On

Does Orion do any sort of single sign-on for multiple applications deployed
on the same application server? If so, how can one get this working?

Traversing JNDI namespace

2000-12-04 Thread Nick Newman


How can I find what's in an entity bean's java:comp/env namespace?

If I ask the InitialContext for a list of what is in it (using 
initialcontext.list("") ) I get a list of things (mainly home interfaces) 
plus entries for "java:comp" and "ejb" which are both Contexts.

If I ask for what's in "java:comp" I get a few strange entries, but NOT one 
for "env", which is the one I would have expected.

If I ask for what's in "java:comp/env" I get nothing back (empty context).

However, lookups for entries named java:comp/env/foo succeed where they should.

Any ideas?


Re: dependent object - deepCopy()?

2000-10-16 Thread Nick Newman

Hi Tim,

The important word in the error message is ABSTRACT.  In other words, you
DON'T implement it!  You just write:

public abstract Address deepCopy();

and orion does the rest.


At 12:13 PM 10/16/00 -0400, you wrote:

I have an EJB, Contact, and a dependent object, Address.
I have the deployment descriptor setup using the dependents
and relationships area (based on another user's post).

When I deploy, Orion throws this message at me:

Error Compiling file ...: The dependent class tfc.Address
should implement a "public abstract tfc.Address deepCopy()

How do I implement this?  Where is the documentation on
this method?

I tried:

public Address deepCopy()
   Address a = new Address(this.street1, this.street2, );
   return a;

but I still got the same error upon deployment.

Any ideas?


Re: Invalidating an Entity bean

2000-10-12 Thread Nick Newman

Hi Peter,

I'm not claiming guru-hood, but as far as I know you CAN'T do that cleanly.
 My thoughts on your best options are:

1) Tell Orion that the entity beans do not have exclusive write-access to
the database by setting exclusive-write-access="false" in the
orion-ejb-jar.xml (which is orion-specific).  I believe this causes the
data to be re-read at the start of every transaction.

2) Re-write your session bean to makes its database changes through the
entity beans rather than through direct JDBC.


At 12:02 PM 10/12/00 +0100, you wrote:
Hi gurus

How do I do this cleanly.

I have and Entity that has attributes A,B,C and D. These attributes are all
read from database tables.

A and B are read from Table 1
C and D are read from Table 2

So I have Entity Bean 1, this is loaded by the app server (perhaps by a
findByPrimaryKey) method. This means that Entity Bean 1 is now a cache of
the data in A,B,C and D. 

However while this entity bean is in the cache, via a session bean I change
the data of C and D in table 2. This mean that Entity Bean 1 now has dirty
data. So the question is how do I force the Entity beans to do and EJB Load.

Also the data in C and D in table 2 may be shared by N number of entity
beans so I may need to refresh N number of Entity Beans depending on which
ones are in the cache.

I only want to call EJB load for Entity beans currently in the cache and of
these I only want to call ejb load for the ones that refer to the changed

Cheers Peter

RE: Invalidating an Entity bean

2000-10-12 Thread Nick Newman

Sorry, but as I said, there is (as far as I know) no clean (ie. portable)
way to tell an entity bean to refresh itself.  The specs even specifically
say that an entity bean does NOT have to worry about the database being
changed "behind its back" (although you should peraps check the exact details).

I agree that separate entity beans seem to be too small.

How about using dependent objects?  If you had a big entity bean that
contained Collections of dependent objects (images and text) then changing
these dependent objects inside the bean will leave the bean in a "clean"
state.  The changes will be persisted to the DB automatically.  (EJB 2.0
would perhaps be better than EJB 1.1 for this approach).

I'll have to leave you to decide if that's really workable.  If you decide
you have to stick with direct JDBC access to write to the DB from a Session
bean, then I think you'll be stuck with non-portable solutions.

Good luck!

At 07:59 PM 10/12/00 +0100, you wrote:

the situation is this.

this is the current data model

I have and entity bean called "Content" this repsents 1 row in a table
called "content". The content enitity bean can have N number of images
(corresponds to n number of rows in the images table) and N number of text
blocks (corresponds to n number of rows in the text table).

However images and text blocks are independent of content. Content is only a
grouping of these assets if you like. So we get a many to many relationship.

1 content can reference many images
1 image can be referenced by many content.
(same for text)

so when a content entity bean loads up it loads into its attributes all the
data from the images and text that it references. So lets assume all this
data is now in a cache.

if i then change the data in an image or text independently of the entity
bean (perhaps by a session bean) then the data that is cached in the entity
bean is dirty (does not match what is in the database). SO how do i notify
the entity bean to refresh it's self ?

Another model you hinted on was that Image and text could be enitity beans.
They are certainly independent enities (qualify as enities). However i
consider them to be too fine grained. For example text block could be as
small as "hello this is a sentance" which is just a small string and so
wrapping this small string in an entity bean seem way too much overhead. But
the flip side is it would so the cache problem.

the session bean would do updates via the image and text beans and so they
would always contain the correct data. And content would get the data from
the image and text entity bean each time. However if the content has 50 text
block and 50 images that is 100 calls (one to each of the entity beans that
represent this data), which as you see is a major overhead

Any thoughs on how i best model this.....


-Original Message-
From: Nick Newman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2000 5:08 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: Invalidating an Entity bean

Hi Peter,

I'm not claiming guru-hood, but as far as I know you CAN'T do that cleanly.
 My thoughts on your best options are:

1) Tell Orion that the entity beans do not have exclusive write-access to
the database by setting exclusive-write-access="false" in the
orion-ejb-jar.xml (which is orion-specific).  I believe this causes the
data to be re-read at the start of every transaction.

2) Re-write your session bean to makes its database changes through the
entity beans rather than through direct JDBC.


At 12:02 PM 10/12/00 +0100, you wrote:
Hi gurus

How do I do this cleanly.

I have and Entity that has attributes A,B,C and D. These attributes are all
read from database tables.

A and B are read from Table 1
C and D are read from Table 2

So I have Entity Bean 1, this is loaded by the app server (perhaps by a
findByPrimaryKey) method. This means that Entity Bean 1 is now a cache of
the data in A,B,C and D. 

However while this entity bean is in the cache, via a session bean I change
the data of C and D in table 2. This mean that Entity Bean 1 now has dirty
data. So the question is how do I force the Entity beans to do and EJB

Also the data in C and D in table 2 may be shared by N number of entity
beans so I may need to refresh N number of Entity Beans depending on which
ones are in the cache.

I only want to call EJB load for Entity beans currently in the cache and of
these I only want to call ejb load for the ones that refer to the changed

Cheers Peter

RE: getting EJB home from JSP

2000-10-11 Thread Nick Newman

Hi Krishnan,

Is that REALLY your code?  If so, the problem is probably that you declare the
variable on the left to be a CategoryHome, but the right hand side is a

The fact that Orion returns a CategoryManagerHome_StatelessSessionHomeWrapper3
rather than a CategoryManagerHome is expected; after all, the home is an
interface, not a class, and so cannot be instantiated.


At 11:14 AM 10/9/00 -0700, you wrote: 

 I am casting the narrowed object properly my code is 
 CategoryHome catHome =
 ctx.lookup("java:comp/env/CategoryManager");, CategoryManagerHome.class);
 but this throws up a wrong ( maybe intermediate class)
 I am using Resin as the servlet/ web server now and it works fine ( as resin
 acts like any other java client would do).
 I would rather use orion for the full setup if i can get over with this

Re: Home interfaces and stateless session beans

2000-10-11 Thread Nick Newman

At 01:20 PM 10/11/00 -0400, you wrote:
Sorry for the newbie question...

In the business methods in my stateless session beans I've always done what 
seems like the usual pattern - lookup and narrow entity bean home 
interfaces in the method that uses them.  However, to save some time, I'd 
like to do these lookups in the SLSB's ejbCreate method and save them in 
instance variables.

I've rtfm, along with RMH, and can't see a reason why this wouldn't work, 
both with Orion and portably.  Have I missed something?

Yes. Table 3 of EJB1.1 spec doesn't say that enterprise bean access is
available from the ejbCreate method of a stateless session bean. (Hence it

Better yet, can these be put into a class field and only looked once, 
rather than every bean instance.  For example

private static BeanHome beanhome = null;
   if(beanhome == null)
 beanhome = (lookup/narrow beanhome... )

I don't see why not, so long as you don't try to populate them from
ejbCreate.  Why not use a getBeanHome() method which acts as a cache? ie

private static BeanHome beanhome = null;
private BeanHome getBeanHome(){
if( beanhome==null ) .set the variable
return beanhome;

I believe that there could conceivably be more than one instance of this
static variable in a distributed application (multiple VM's) but
nevertheless I don't see a problem with this solution.


Re: Home interfaces and stateless session beans

2000-10-11 Thread Nick Newman

I think that you would be pushing the specs by doing that!  I think that
the access to the JNDI is there to let you connect to other resources (eg.
database) rather than home interfaces.

At 04:37 PM 10/11/00 -0400, you wrote:
Could table 3, which says that jndi access to java:comp/env is available in 
ejbCreate, support the home interface lookup, but not it's use?  I.e. the 
returned home interface could be saved and used later, but a hi.create() 
would not be valid in ejbCreate()?

At 12:07 PM 10/11/00 -0600, you wrote:
At 01:20 PM 10/11/00 -0400, you wrote:
 Sorry for the newbie question...
 In the business methods in my stateless session beans I've always done what
 seems like the usual pattern - lookup and narrow entity bean home
 interfaces in the method that uses them.  However, to save some time, I'd
 like to do these lookups in the SLSB's ejbCreate method and save them in
 instance variables.
 I've rtfm, along with RMH, and can't see a reason why this wouldn't work,
 both with Orion and portably.  Have I missed something?

Yes. Table 3 of EJB1.1 spec doesn't say that enterprise bean access is
available from the ejbCreate method of a stateless session bean. (Hence it

 Better yet, can these be put into a class field and only looked once,
 rather than every bean instance.  For example
 private static BeanHome beanhome = null;
if(beanhome == null)
  beanhome = (lookup/narrow beanhome... )

I don't see why not, so long as you don't try to populate them from
ejbCreate.  Why not use a getBeanHome() method which acts as a cache? ie

private static BeanHome beanhome = null;
private BeanHome getBeanHome(){
 if( beanhome==null ) .set the variable
 return beanhome;

I believe that there could conceivably be more than one instance of this
static variable in a distributed application (multiple VM's) but
nevertheless I don't see a problem with this solution.



Kirk Yarina

Re: Oracle pooled connections?

2000-10-06 Thread Nick Newman

Hi Gary,

The JNDI name should be "java:comp/env/jdbc/OracleEJBDS" - you missed the

Odd thing about the com.evermind.sql.ConnectionDataSource class.  I assumed
it would be in the orion.jar, but I don't see it there.  Perhaps something
to do with the obfuscation technique that they use?


At 04:29 PM 10/6/00 -0600, you wrote:
I have set up the data-sources.xml file using Oracle, following the
advice of Magnus R. at orion, the result looks like:

?xml version="1.0"?
!DOCTYPE data-sources PUBLIC "Orion data-sources" 


With this data-sources file I don't even have a java:comp/jdbc
Context, much less the right entries.  I am unable to verify
that a class named ConnectionDataSource even exists.

Magnus said to use the jdbc/OracleEJBDS source for connections,
claiming they would be automatically pooled.  So far I'm not
getting anywhere!



Re: ONe - one dependent relation - orion bug?

2000-09-27 Thread Nick Newman

I reported this in Bugzilla as #45, #46.  (I don't know how it got there


At 04:07 PM 9/26/00 -0700, you wrote:

whenever i try to persist a 1-1 relationship between a bean and dependent 
class i get the following exception during deployment

   Auto-deploying Cart (ejb-jar.xml had been touched since the previous 
... Incompatible type for =. Explicit
   needed to convert cart.CartItem to CartItem_Dependent0.
this.cartItem = value;
1 error

Is this an Orion Bug. THe same classes work fine if i use 1-many relationship?

Thanks much

Re: Cascade Delete

2000-09-27 Thread Nick Newman


If you are using EJB 2.0 then (according to the draft specs) it is up to
you to decide if dependent objects are deleted or not.

However, if you are using EJB 1.1 and are storing a Collection of things in
an Entity bean, then IMHO the container MUST delete the dependent objects
along with the entity.  I have reported this as bugzilla # 52. See that for
further details.


At 04:53 PM 9/26/00 -0700, you wrote:

Having some problems while deleting a EJB. When i delete the ejb by 
ejbobject.remove() method the dependent objects and relationship entries are 
deleted from the database. Should this not be done automatically by the app 

Is this a problem in Orion or is there some explicit delete that needs to be 
done in the remove method implementation in the bean.

Would appreciate any help on this.


RE: Cascade Delete

2000-09-27 Thread Nick Newman

I don't think it's wrong to call business methods from ejbRemove.  See
bugzilla bug #37.


At 12:53 PM 9/27/00 -0700, you wrote:

Regarding the same cascade delete problem. I have a clearFields() method 
which empties
each of the collection holding relationships or dependent objects. If i call 
this from
the client the objects gets deleted properly.

But if i call this inside the ejbRemove() ( call clearFields() then call 
ejbStore()) this
is not deleted in the database! 

Is it wrong to call such methods from ejbRemove? 


-Original Message-
From: Nick Newman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2000 9:13 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: Cascade Delete


If you are using EJB 2.0 then (according to the draft specs) it is up to
you to decide if dependent objects are deleted or not.

However, if you are using EJB 1.1 and are storing a Collection of things in
an Entity bean, then IMHO the container MUST delete the dependent objects
along with the entity.  I have reported this as bugzilla # 52. See that for
further details.


At 04:53 PM 9/26/00 -0700, you wrote:

Having some problems while deleting a EJB. When i delete the ejb by 
ejbobject.remove() method the dependent objects and relationship entries are 
deleted from the database. Should this not be done automatically by the app 

Is this a problem in Orion or is there some explicit delete that needs to be 
done in the remove method implementation in the bean.

Would appreciate any help on this.


Re: SV: FORM based login ACTION

2000-09-20 Thread Nick Newman


I hope I'm not being too silly here, but one possible explanation is that
you are directly presenting the logon form from your code.  A security
login will work only if you let the server present the form.  You do this
by specifying the appropriate security in the web.xml, and then when you
try to reach a secured page, orion will pop up the password dialog.


At 09:59 AM 9/20/00 -0300, you wrote:

It remains not working, with the same message:

404 Not Found

Anybody else have another idea?

Guilherme Ceschiatti

On Wed, 20 Sep 2000, you wrote:
 Try clear your ACTION so the form starts like this:
   lots of html with a couple of fields for user and passwd...
 This works for me :)

 I'm having problems in loging into my application. I'm using FORM based
 with a form with the ACTION="j_security_check". When I submit the form,
 just replies:
 404 Not Found
 Is it a bug? How do I fix it?
 Guilherme Ceschiatti

Re: How to use EJB2.0 on Orion

2000-09-20 Thread Nick Newman

Perhaps the EJB 2.0 spec on javasoft would be a place to start.  The whole
thing is quite long, but Chapter 9 explains the new persistence mechanism,
and that's probably all you need.  The main differences (but by no means
all the differences) are:

 1) you need to specify the appropriate dtd at the top of the ejb-jar.xml,
so that the first few lines look like:

?xml version="1.0"?
!DOCTYPE application PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD J2EE
Application 1.2//EN" ""

2) the "bean" class is abstract, and has pairs of abstract get/set methods
instead of data fields for the persistent fields.


At 10:19 AM 9/20/00 -0700, you wrote:
Please for God's sake some benevolent soul do reply to
this mail. I have been sending this mail for quite
some time but to no avail. Can somebody send me the
source code of EJB2.0 based ATM example or any other
example of how to use EJB2.0 on Orion.
I am running version 1.3.1 and the ATM that has come
with this is still EJB1.1 based.



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Re: How to use EJB2.0 on Orion

2000-09-20 Thread Nick Newman

I gather the ATM EJB 2.0 app is out now - but perhaps a very simple app
will still be useful.  See attached.

The only problem I have had with EJB 2.0 in Orion is trying to do a 1-1
mapping to a dependent class.


At 12:43 PM 9/20/00 -0700, you wrote:
Thanks a lot Nick. Can you also send me a sample code
or whatever and moreoever, have you yourself been able
to get this stuff working on Orion?



Re: Doubts on finder methods orion-ejb-ar.xml

2000-09-19 Thread Nick Newman

Hi Sven,

The field names should be the "name", not the "persistence-name".  So you
should use "$1 = $_fantasia".  You can check this by viewing the generated
SQL after deployment.

I'm not sure about the LIKE construction - but it sounds reasonable.


At 10:23 AM 9/19/00 -0300, you wrote:
I have a couple of doubts concerning the finder-method  tag.
specifically, I would like to implement a query like "select * from
table where field LIKE '%value'"

Considering I have:
   cmp-field-mapping name="_fantasia" 
persistence-name="FANTASIA" /
in my orion-ejb-jar.xml.
and the docs tell me:
 finder-method partial="true|false" query="$1 = $myField AND
$myOtherField  5" 
I suppose (not really clear in the docs) that $1 is the value passed to
the finder method and $MyField is the persistence name, in the above
example FANTASIA and not _fantasia. Is that correct?

in this case can I create a query like:
   finder-method query="$1 LIKE '%' + $FANTASIA + '%'"


Sven E. van 't Veer
Java Developer [EMAIL PROTECTED]


RE: User/Group manager guide

2000-09-19 Thread Nick Newman

Hi Arved,

Can I suggest you try the following.  In the ejb-jar.xml file that
specifies the ejb security, specify the GROUP name instead of the ROLE
name. (Even though that's the wrong thing to do.)  Then delete the
orion-ejb-jar.xml file (to get rid of the old references to the role name
that are in there). Then redeploy and try again.

If that works, maybe you could throw your weight behind Bugzilla report #55
so we can get it fixed!


At 10:26 AM 9/19/00 -0300, you wrote:
I'm looking forward to docs and examples myself.

One thing that I've noticed, after copious experimentation with the
DataSourceUserManager, is that the group = mapping is somewhat deficient.
In other words, I have my users and groups tables set up, and I've made
suitable mods and adjustments to principals.xml, orion-application.xml,
ejb-jar.xml, and orion-ejb-jar.xml as required (or suggested). In some cases
I'm flailing about, frankly.

In any case, a login with username and password is obviously finding the
group, and mapping the group to role, because when I check the role after
login it's OK. I don't have to hardcode it, which is vital.

However, and I've tried everything, I don't believe this knowledge is being
passed on to the EJB container. No role, however declared in the various
J2EE/Orion descriptors, is able to access *any* method in an EJB that has

So my assessment on the user/role managers is that it is reasonably useful:
one can assign roles based on login, and test for that as required. But
method-level security in EJBs does not work, at least not in a documented,
demonstrated and reliable manner.

The odd thing is, is that this may not be that much of a big deal. I've been
writing J2EE for pretty much a full year, and I have yet to see a situation
where method-level permissions gain me anything at all. It's literally never
been necessary. It seems to be one of these J2EE things that made ostensible
sense at the time but has little practical value. Just a thought.

The only reason it disturbs me is because it should work and doesn't. :-) If
an example can be supplied - complete with Orion-specific deployment
descriptors - I'll be overjoyed.

Arved Sandstrom

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Lawrence Fry
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2000 6:36 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: User/Group manager guide


Here Here! I'm glad somebody said it.

But without documentation, you should look at the archives to this list,
because many of these problems have already been worked out.

For isn't said anywhere in the documentation, but the
EJBUserManager is the most useful device for ecommerce. With this, you can
automatically login users and create users  for your website...without one
call to the EJBUserManager stuff. In order to use this, you will have to add
the following to your orion-application.xml file:

user-manager class="com.evermind.ejb.EJBUserManager"
 property name="home" value="com.evermind.ejb.EJBUser" /
 property name="defaultGroups" value="users" /

I found this tidbit in the mail archive. Then you can use the role manager
to allow users access to ejb resources, and the role manager automatically
uses the your databank with cmp to create userscreate a user like this:

RoleManager roleManager = (RoleManager)new
if(roleManager.getPrincipal(username) != null)
   throw new DuplicateAccountException(username)
Principal principal = roleManager.createPrincipal(username, password);
roleManager.addToRole(principal, role);;
catch(NamingException e){}
catch(UserAlreadyExistsException e){}
catch(InstantiationException e){}
catch(IOException e){}

and like magic, a user database is created. Of course, you also have to make
sure your roles are part of your groups.

This is the great secret of orion...great stuff, no documentation! It took
me weeks to figure this out. I wish there was a tutorial on these simple

How do you login in a client through a database of usernames/passwords?
How do you enroll a client into a database of usernames/passwords?
How do you control access to web resources (ejb's, jsp's, servlets)?

The existing documentation on this is about as clear as mud.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Guilherme
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2000 1:58 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: User/Group manager guide


I'm almost leaving Orion because the lack of documentation, mainly about how
manage User/Groups. As many people have lots of doubts related to it too,
asking the Orion team or anybody else to write a tutorial about it.  I
don't want to leave Orion, because I've made good things on it, but I'm
spending a lot of time trying to 


2000-09-19 Thread Nick Newman

Sorry James,

I didn't realize that you were working with a remote client.  I'm not the
guy to be helping you with that...


At 07:34 PM 9/19/00 +1000, you wrote:
On Mon, 18 Sep 2000 08:54:01 -0600, you wrote:

Hi Nick,

Um...I cannot have it as the same app...this is what my system looks

EACH supplier, will have a EJB deployed, which can be called from this
'virtual supplier'.  So the EJBs are deployed at the supplier's side,
wheras the servlet is deployed at the virtual supplier side.. :((

3) I have been told to use the global EJB name (or something like
that) to lookup the EJB?  so I thought "Stamp" would be the one.. :((

I've tried using java:comp/env/Stamp, it is just not found...maybe
that's because they are in different apps...I think it would worth a
try to deploy them locally in one app to test it out...

4) What exactly is that passwd/id for in the context?  isn't that used
to access the directory/naming service in Orion?  

Sorry if I sound too silly, as I am a newbie in orion/EJB stuff. :)

Thanks heaps for your help..

regards, James.


1) I think the EJB and the servlet will have to be two modules in the same

2) The ejb-ref should NOT be commented out.

3) The lookup string should be "java:comp/env/Stamp", not "Stamp"

4) The context should be set calling just new InitialContext() without args
(the id/password being supplied in the datasource.xml).

Good luck!

At 06:56 PM 9/18/00 +1100, you wrote:
Hi all,

I have a urgent problem regarding EJB and servlet, I cannot find the 
home interface of the bean from the servlet (whereas a standalone 
client works very well)...Can anyone pls give me some hint as to what 
maybe be wrong here?  Below is the background info, sorry, it is kind 
of long...


Re: Deletes with Complex OR Mapping

2000-09-19 Thread Nick Newman

Hi Bill,

Inside the ejbRemove method (which is called automatically by the
container) just ask it to remove the "child" beans.


At 01:24 PM 9/19/00 -0400, you wrote:
Is there a way to instruct the container to delete ejbs referenced from
parent ejbs that are being deleting (something like a cascading delete) when
using CMP? If not, What is the best way to do this, expecially if you are
passing a value object passed in through a session bean (Details pattern @ I ask this because I've been spoiled by a feature in
TOPLink where you can define an object reference as "privately" owned and it
will be automatically deleted. If marked as not private, then you have to
manually delete it.


Bill Smith
Senior Software Engineer
iXL, Inc.
4600 Cox Rd.
Glen Allen, VA 23060

tel: 804.217.
fax: 804.217.8890 

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2000-09-18 Thread Nick Newman


1) I think the EJB and the servlet will have to be two modules in the same

2) The ejb-ref should NOT be commented out.

3) The lookup string should be "java:comp/env/Stamp", not "Stamp"

4) The context should be set calling just new InitialContext() without args
(the id/password being supplied in the datasource.xml).

Good luck!

At 06:56 PM 9/18/00 +1100, you wrote:
Hi all,

I have a urgent problem regarding EJB and servlet, I cannot find the 
home interface of the bean from the servlet (whereas a standalone 
client works very well)...Can anyone pls give me some hint as to what 
maybe be wrong here?  Below is the background info, sorry, it is kind 
of long...


Re: Security Role-Group/user mapping

2000-09-18 Thread Nick Newman

Hi Denis,

Yes! Thank you!  I have reported this problem several times myself (before
bugzilla). I found that if you change your ejb-jar.xml file to
(incorrectly) use the GROUP name instead of the ROLE name, then access is

However, the behaviour also depends on where you specify the mapping
between the group and the role.  From your problem I guess you are
specifying it in orion-application.xml.  If you specify it in
orion-ejb-jar.xml (for just one particular module rather than for the whole
application) then it works as expected.

Hopefully now that two of us have reported the same problem, it will
finally get fixed!


At 02:35 PM 9/18/00 -0500, you wrote:

After many time spent in trying to implement a demo J2EE application with
security, I discovered a bug in the mapping between role and user/group


Re: general questions

2000-09-15 Thread Nick Newman

Check the file inside the orion.jar file.  That answers at least
part of your question: the server starts with the main() method of


At 12:03 PM 9/15/00 -0400, you wrote: 

 I've been having the worst time debugging some functionality, and was
 - Is there a way to check the class path the server is using?  To check if it
 loaded the Path from the server.xml file correctly, or what its using
 - What method does the server invoke first when started with the  "java -jar
 any info would really help

Re: EJB question

2000-09-14 Thread Nick Newman

Hi Kit,

I'm not sure that I tell you for SURE why it failed, but here are a few

Firstly, I think that some of the code you write is unnecessary.  What I
would have written is:

Context context = new InitialContext();  // No properties required

Object homeObject = context.lookup("java:comp/env/MyCart");  // Note the
required "java:comp/env/" prefix

CartHome home = 

Cart cart = home.create();  // No cast required - home.create() returns a Cart

But that probably didn't cause your problem.  I would guess that it was
caused by a discrepancy between the class types specified in the XML and in
the code.

Firstly note that in the WEB-INF/web.xml you should have a section looking
something like the following:


(If you don't, the "lookup" will fail, even though it may have worked
without the "java:comp/env/" prefix.)

Then the error you have seems to be saying that what is in the home part
of the xml doesn't match the CartHome class that is being used in your Java

Hope this helps!


At 03:05 PM 9/14/00 -0400, you wrote:

Hi all

I am trying to build a servlet client to look up an ejb.

But, i got the following error.

500 Internal Server Error

java.lang.ClassCastException: CartHome_StatefulSessionHomeWrapper1
javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject.narrow(, Compiled
at testCart.doGet(, Compiled Code)
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(,
Compiled Code)
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(,
Compiled Code)
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(,
Compiled Code)
at com.evermind.server.http.du.rr(JAX, Compiled Code)
at com.evermind.server.http.du.forward(JAX, Compiled Code)
at com.evermind.server.http.d5.rx(JAX, Compiled Code)
at, Compiled Code)

this is what i did to do the look up.

final Properties properties = new Properties();



properties.setProperty(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, "password");

Context context = new InitialContext(properties);

Object homeObject = context.lookup("MyCart");

CartHome home = 

Cart cart = (Cart)PortableRemoteObject.narrow(home.create(), Cart.class);

Can anyone tell me why it failed ?

Thanks a lot.


RE: Specifying finder-methods (full query)

2000-09-12 Thread Nick Newman

At 08:57 PM 9/12/00 +0200, you wrote:
Thanks for the reaction (also Nick). I realize now the potential security 
problems by allowing full
specification of SQL on the client. 

Unfortunately the "Bob" example does not solve my problem. I managed to 
implement that example.
That is where I came from. From there I tried to continue to implement a 
Query By Example frame and
that's where I got stuck.

Something like this:
Say you have a table with products and you would like to create a flexible 
query frame for those
products to run queries like all products for which the stock is low and 
which are purchased from comp
xyz, or all products from categorie abc with names like %nic%.

With specifying the query in orion-ejb-jar I came as far as either 
specifying a fixed name / number or
you can use another fixed operator, e.g. '' or LIKE. Due to generated the 
quotes I could not let the client
generate the selection part of the where clause. You get roughly the same 
error as when generating the
whole statement.

Probably you can write some ?Session? Bean that will query direct on the 
database returning a collection
of primary keys, but for some reason that does not sound like music to me.

Hi Frank,

I apologise that my earlier reply was a bit off the mark.  I hadn't read
the whole email carefully enough to realize exactly what it was that you
wanted to do.

So far as I know, the accepted solution to your problem is exactly the one
you tend to reject; using a stateless session bean to perform the direct
SQL queries for you.  I agree that this sounds a little unsatisfactory.
After all, shouldn't the entity bean do everything to do with the entities?

A slightly more elegant solution may arrive when EJB 2.0 is fully
implemented.  In EJB 2.0 the home interface of an EJB can also define
arbitrary (non-finder, non-create) methods.  That may be a more logical
place to put a home-grown finder perhaps?


RE: OR mapping of table joins for CMP

2000-09-11 Thread Nick Newman

Hi Cory,

Perhaps I can help a little...

With CMP it is largely up to the server (orion) to decide how it will store
its data.  Books will generally not discuss the details of the storage
precisely because it is up to the server vendor to decide.  If you need
complete control over the storage scheme, use BMP, not CMP.

That said, it may still be quite possible for you to use CMP.

In your example it looks like your two tables contain (id, first_name,
job_id) and (job_id, job_description).  Now, suppose you created two entity
 - one called Job which has a primary key of job_id and a String field of
 - one called Person which has a primary key of id, a String field of
first_name, and a Job field of job_id.

If you did this you would find that Orion would auto-create tables that are
basically identical in form to those that you have, but probably with
different names.  If you now go into the orion-ejb.xml file that orion
generates you can change the table and column names to those that you
already have. When you have done this, you have the two tables linked
transparently by Orion.  Just asking for a Person will automatically
retrieve the Job, and from that you can retrieve the job_description.

I've skimmed a few details, but if you've played with Orion a bit I think
you should be able to get it to work.  Also, although what I have told you
will work, I will not make any claims about this being the BEST solution
for you!


At 05:47 PM 9/11/00 -0400, you wrote:
If I have two tables and I would like to join them using CMP how would I
accomplish that?

So in essence I'm trying to do something like:

select, table1.first_name, table1.job_id, table2.job_description 
from table1, tables2 
where table1.job_id = table2.job_id;

And perhaps any description on how to do the OR mapping for EJB.  I have
all of the books and can not seem to find the detail that I need to do CMP.



At 03:55 PM 9/11/00 +0100, Joe Walnes wrote:
 Can somebody  please point me to a good reference for managing
 joins across
 multiple tables while using CMP?  There was a thread on the list that
 somebody pointed me to previously but it did not really give the
 information I needed.

 I just want to be able to specify tables and fields to do joins on with
 Orion for CMP.

If you could go into a bit more detail about the problem, I'm sure someone
could help you out.

This might be what you're after:

-Joe Walnes

Re: naming context problem

2000-09-06 Thread Nick Newman

The non-bean should "inherit" the naming context of the EJB session bean
from which it was called.  Are you sure that you have specified the
appropriate ejb-ref for the TestDocument1 entity bean in the xml for that
session bean?


At 12:50 PM 9/6/00 -0400, you wrote:

I have a servlet that finds/creates a session bean.
The session bean instantiates a non-bean java object.
That java object tries to find an EJB, but fails with
the usual: javax.naming.NameNotFoundException:

Why?  Aren't the servlet, java object, and EJB all
running in the same JVM and context?  I've tried the
three usual methods for finding the EJB:


Context ctx = new InitialContext();
Object boundObject = ctx.lookup("java:comp/env/ejb/TestDocument1");

2) this one wants the application-client.xml:

java.util.Properties props = new java.util.Properties();
Context ctx = new InitialContext(props);
Object boundObject = ctx.lookup("java:comp/env/ejb/TestDocument1");

3) same as #2 but with RMIInitialContextFactory:


Any hints as to what I'm doing wrong?


Re: Help: Mapping roles to users.

2000-08-18 Thread Nick Newman

Hi Karl,

I find the ATM code is very confusing.  It uses the security role name
"users", and the config/principals.xml file defines a group named "users",
and apparently these two concepts are magically united.  Where is the group
assigned to the role?  How does the atm's own principals.xml fit in to the

To try to answer these questions I assembled the smallest and simplest
application I could think of (attached).  I am fairly convinced that it
demonstrates a bug in the security mechanism in orion. (And I have reported
this, but not the extra information that I have just discovered - see below).

The application contains one very simple stateless session EJB which
delivers a "hello world" message.  All of the methods are defined to be
accessible to the "TestRole".

The orion-application.xml assigns the "TestGroup" to the "TestRole".

The principals.xml defines the "TestGroup" and a user named "nick" with
password "newman" who is in the "TestGroup" (and hence in the "TestRole").

The application also contains two jsp pages, which are also made accessible
to the "TestRole".

The first page prints request.getRemoteUser() (which displays "nick") and
request.isUserInRole("TestRole") (which displays "true").  This works as
expected, and tends to suggest the mappings work.

The second page tries to print the message from the session bean, but the
access is denied ("nick is not allowed to call the ejb/Hello.create(...)

After MUCH frustration and experimentation I have just found that if the
ejb-jar.xml file is changed to set the role-name to TestGroup (not
TestRole!) then access is granted. (You may have to delete the
orion-ejb-jar.xml to get rid of existing references to TestRole before

Surely access should be granted in terms of roles, not groups?

Nick Newman, SCIENTECH Inc

At 05:11 PM 8/18/00 +0200, you wrote:
Hello Dave and others,

we'll post some better explanation on this soon, but until then, have
you gotten the ATM to work with the user management? It is a good
example of using roles and users in Orion

Karl Avedal

Dave Smith wrote:

 This has been a long running problem that I never received an answer
 to, despite much discussion on this list.


Re: HELP: Transaction was rolled back: timed out

2000-07-31 Thread Nick Newman

Hi Vidur,

I think that your problem stems from the specifications themselves.  See
the EJB1.1 spec section 9.1.11 about concurrent access to an entity bean.

As a work-around, you could perhaps copy the information from the entity
bean to a normal bean, and share that.

Nick Newman, SCIENTECH

At 04:53 AM 7/30/00 -0400, you wrote:

I need help in working around this exception.  Here's the scenario.  In
a stateful session bean, a particular method takes several seconds (and
maybe even a minute or so) to execute.  While executing it _reads_
another entity bean.  The session bean is marked "transaction required"
and uses the default isolation setting.  At any given time, there are
several such session beans executing.

My understanding is that since Orion does not support optimistic
concurrency, the entity bean is "locked" by the first session while it
is executing.  Hence, any other session can not read the entity bean
till the first session completes.  Is my understanding correct?  How can
I workaround this?  Is there a more general pattern I can use for
allowing multiple clients concurrent read-only access to the entity


Re: new to orion datasources one simple question

2000-07-31 Thread Nick Newman

Hi Robert,

I certainly don't claim to fully understand, but it is my belief (from
previous mailings - including from the Orion developers) that you should
always be using the ejb-location.  So why are the others there? I don't know..!

Nick Newman, SCIENTECH Inc

At 07:32 PM 7/30/00 -0400, you wrote:
Hi, I am using a JDBC 2.0 driver and configured the data-sources.xml with
this driver.

I want to know which JNDI location I should be looking up to getConnection()
in my application to use connection pooling - these are the choices:


Could someone explain when you use each of these contexts for a 2.0 driver.
I'm especially confused about using location or pooled-location contexts.

Re: Wrapping orion around an existing database

2000-07-31 Thread Nick Newman

Hi Jason,

The EJB 1.1 specs do not specify how, or even if, an entity bean can be
mapped on to an existing database.  So I guess the answer is no, there is
no correct way (nor incorrect way).  Changing the persistent field names in
the orion-ejb-jar.xml seems to be the best (only?) way to do it in Orion.

Nick Newman, SCIENTECH Inc

At 08:31 PM 7/30/00 -0700, you wrote:
I'm looking into using orion to talk with a mySQL database that already
exists (actually will exist).  Is there a 'correct' way to map EJB's to
existing tables (or any tools)?  Or do I just create EJB's with the same
name(s) and have persistent members that match the names of the existing
table fields?

Example table below:

 linktext TEXT,
 sm_date VARCHAR(12) NOT NULL,
 sm_time TIME NOT NULL,
 ctprovider VARCHAR(255),
 copyright VARCHAR(255),
 author VARCHAR(255),
 photo_count VARCHAR(12),
 doc_id VARCHAR(255),
 rev_id INT,
 abstract TEXT,
 filter VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,


Jason Amy

Re: Did someone get roles working ? How about Web Single Signon?

2000-07-31 Thread Nick Newman

Hi David,

I share some of your concern over this single-signon issue.  I too read the
specs and believe that they imply just what you say.  The best I can offer
as a solution today, however, is what I have already mentioned; use BASIC
authentication, and specify the SAME realm-name for every web-app of
interest.  With that arrangment, the user will have to sign-on only once.

As for the other user manager classes, I don't have any source of
information other than the Orion-API section of the Orion docs.

Nick Newman, SCIENTECH Inc

At 11:09 AM 7/31/00 -0400, you wrote:

- With FORM authentication, the browser does NOT know that authentication
has been requested - it simply serves the login form like any other. That
means that it cannot re-send the login information for you. It is also my
belief that the session information (in which the authentication
information is stored on the server side) cannot be shared between
different apps /web-apps. (The "shared" option refers to sharing session
information between sites that serve the SAME web-app.) This means that
users will have to log-on to every app individually.

According to the spec, "Web Single Signon" as specified in the J2EE 
bluprints, Page 3-13.  It requires that the same login session represents a 
user to all the applications that they access.  Can this be done for a 
single web-site/multiple applications.instead of multiple web-sites and 
applications?  I thought servers are required to support this.

- Also note that usernames and passwords do not HAVE to be supplied in the
principals.xml file. The Orion team has supplied methods to obtain them
from a database or from some other system via entity beans. Check the
different user managers for these features.
I hope this helps. Since it may be of interest to others I have copied it
to a few other groups. Hope you don't mind.

I've noticed these classes, but have no idea how to use there 
documentation I don't know about?  Or should I just know from reading the 
spec?  Most of the spec/blueprints is just theory w/some xml config.can 
you write the steps, including modifications to all XML files..and how to 
use the UserManger's?

I'm really frustrated right now trying to get all my sites to work with a 
single login and not making the user have to log in over and over.


Re: orion on linux not serving jsp from /examples

2000-07-21 Thread Nick Newman

Oops. I got your follow-up email about 5 seconds too late ... !!

Hi Sven,

Did you follow the installation instructions - the part about putting
tools.jar into orion's directory?  That might be the problem.

Nick Newman, SCIENTECH

At 02:52 PM 7/21/00 -0300, you wrote:
I've just installed orion on my linux box and tried to access the
example jsp's in the default web-app context, but I get an error 500.
The servlets work however.

I run orion on Linux RH 6.1 with jdk 1.2.2 RC2 (sun).

I've also installed orion on my NT box where it serves jsp's just fine..
(with jdk1.3).

Is this a jdk problem ?


Sven van 't Veer
Java Developer [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
The answer /   \   
to the ultimate questionnnn|.
.|nnn 42

Re: Entity beans and database

2000-07-20 Thread Nick Newman

Hi Rick,

The EJB spec says that once the entity bean is loaded from the database,
the container (Orion) doesn't have any responsibility to keep track of any
possible changes to the database.  So what you are doing is basically
sneaking behind Orion's back.

The consequences of this depend on the circumstances, I believe.  Here's my
best guess ...

Suppose the server had not been busy for quite a while.  Under these
conditions Orion would have written all its entity beans back to the DB and
removed them from memory. If you now empty the DB, then all the entity
beans are gone (in the sense that trying to find one from its primary key
will fail).

If the server is extremely busy when you emtied the DB, then all the entity
beans may well have been in memory, and they will get recreated in the DB
when Orion writes them out.

Hope that helps.

Nick Newman, SCIENTECH

At 04:14 PM 7/20/00 -0400, you wrote:
If I have entity beans associated with a table in a database, 
and I delete all the records in the database outside of 
the application server, ( .ie using the database command
interactive SQL program ) what happens to the entity beans. ?

When I try to recreate a record that I erased outside of
the application server, I am told that the entity already 


Finder methods

2000-05-03 Thread Nick Newman

Congratulations on releasing v1.0.

It is a nice feature that orion writes the custom finders for CMP in some
cases. For those cases where it cannot, would it be possible to permit the
user to give it a hint?  For example:

public interface FooHome extends EJBHome {
public Foo findByActiveId (int id) throws RemoteException,FinderException;
public static final String findByActiveId_sql = "$id=$1 and $active=1";

You do a similar thing for object/relational mapping.
