
This has been covered in previous postings.  Here's a quote from one of 
them (start quote)

This is a configuration problem... at least it was in earlier versions. You 
must make sure to include the attribute 'secure="true"' in the <web-site> 
tag of your secure-web-site.xml file. Also, make sure that the attribute 
'shared="true"' appears in each <web-app> tag in this same file. This 
cleared up the problem for me.


Derek Akers
Senior Software Architect
Eldan Software Limited
(416) 341-0070

(end quote)


At 09:18 AM 10/11/01 -0500, you wrote:
>We have migrated a current production application from Weblogic to Orion 
>in an test to come up with an alternative platform and have come across 
>some issues. Most of the issues we have been able to resolve except for 
>one involving ssl and I.E. When we bring our application up in I.E. and 
>https Orion invalidates the session within a minute. Our application 
>security relies on certain objects within the session for enforcement 
>which results in the user being kicked out of the application. We are 
>evaluating V1.3.8., has this issue been resolved, is there a resolution or 
>Greg Flores

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