Random hiccups with Orion+https

2002-03-11 Thread Peter Peltonen

Orion 1.4.7 + https (a test ssl cert from Thawte installed following the 
instructions at Atlassian site) is causing problems: You get thrown out of 
the applicaton now and then (randomly it seems). Without https the 
application works fine. 

Is Orion's https code buggy (should we use Apache as frontend instead), is 
there some known problems with some specific browsers etc  or what is 
going on?


Re: Orion+Linux under heavy load

2002-02-08 Thread Peter Peltonen

Would you happen to have more specific info about the reliability issue? 

Is there any differences between JBoss and Orion?

How about running these beasts on UNIX? 

Is Windows still the fastest optino we have?


On Thu, Feb 07, 2002 at 11:29:32AM -0300, Jorge Jimenez C wrote:
 Don't  worry. That problem is already fixed in the latest linux kernel
 releases. I don't remember exactly release number but you can easily find
 it. I've made some tests with JBoss and it runs very well.
 - Original Message -
 From: Peter Peltonen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 7:57 AM
 Subject: Orion+Linux under heavy load
  When browsing through JBoss's documentation I found this remark:
  Be aware however that JBoss performance is very dependant on the
  underlying configuration. For example, informal tests show that on the
  same PC box, it can run twice as fast under Windows 2000 / Sun JVM than
  under Linux 2.2 / Sun JVM.
  Linux users probably already know that linux does not support real
  threads. Under heavy load, JBoss will for example crash with 200
  concurrent users under linux, whereas it can handle 1000 of them on the
  same box with Windows 2000. Of course, if you use Apache or Jetty in front
  of JBoss to handle the thread pooling, this will not be a problem.
  How about Orion, has anyone compared Win2k and Linux regarding speed?
  The last paragraph is really alarming -- is it really so that Linux is not
  a wise choice as a production platform? Is this why UNIX is so popular in
  production environments? Or is JBoss just coded poorly? How many users
  (sessions) can Orion handle, is there a difference in Win2k / Linux / UNIX

Orion+Linux under heavy load

2002-02-07 Thread Peter Peltonen

When browsing through JBoss's documentation I found this remark:

Be aware however that JBoss performance is very dependant on the 
underlying configuration. For example, informal tests show that on the 
same PC box, it can run twice as fast under Windows 2000 / Sun JVM than 
under Linux 2.2 / Sun JVM.

Linux users probably already know that linux does not support real 
threads. Under heavy load, JBoss will for example crash with 200 
concurrent users under linux, whereas it can handle 1000 of them on the 
same box with Windows 2000. Of course, if you use Apache or Jetty in front 
of JBoss to handle the thread pooling, this will not be a problem.

How about Orion, has anyone compared Win2k and Linux regarding speed?

The last paragraph is really alarming -- is it really so that Linux is not 
a wise choice as a production platform? Is this why UNIX is so popular in 
production environments? Or is JBoss just coded poorly? How many users 
(sessions) can Orion handle, is there a difference in Win2k / Linux / UNIX 


Orion load balancing

2002-02-05 Thread Peter Peltonen


We are planning a production environment for a J2EE application and are 
now wondering what kind of loads Orion can handle, say in a 2 CPU Intel 
with 512M RAM system? How many concurrent sessions can a box like that 

We probably need load balancing and clustering, so I'd like to know your 
experiences regarding Orion about this? With Orion there comes a 
loadbalancer.jar, how functioning is this tool? What are my other options 
(I think Apache could be acting as a front end for the Orion app servers 
too, right?) and do they offer something that Orion's loadbalancer 


Re: orion, ssl and ie

2001-09-14 Thread Peter Peltonen

Now I've got some more information on the problem and it seems that there 
are random mishaps with IE, but the worst case scenario is this 
combination: https, Netscape 4.4x with iMac (MacOS 9.something)... 
Strange, as I've never heard anyone complaining about Netscape. But that 
is a quite old version there, so I'll have to recommend about upgrading 


orion, ssl and ie

2001-09-13 Thread Peter Peltonen

We've created a ssl secured site for Orion (1.4.7) with java 1.3.1's keytool. 
The certificate we use is homemade.

There is a problem though: When user accesses our servlets with IE (different 
5.x versions) our system kicks the users that are logged in when they click on 
a single link in our app. Sometimes IE works ok, sometimes it behaves this 
way. It seems that the problem is worst in IE's running under Mac. There is no 
problem with Netscape. 

Any ideas what could be causing this?

Peter Peltonen
Webmaster, Fivetec Solutions Oy

Melkonkatu 28 E
00210 Helsinki
GSM. +358-40 720 6535
Tel. +358-9-6824 7666
Fax. +358-9-6824 7664

increasing JVM's memory limit

2001-07-26 Thread Peter Peltonen

With jserv I can configure the maximum memory that the JVM can use with this
kind of line in jserv.properties file:


How do I achieve the same with Orion?


Re: Creating keystore file from an OpenSSL created cert

2001-06-01 Thread Peter Peltonen

Smith Jason wrote:
  Try reading in the certificate into a byte array and then see if you can
 convert it the X509 spec.
 KeyFactory kf = KeyFactory.getInstance(RSA);
 X509EncodedKeySpec x509spec = new X509EncodedKeySpec(ByteArray);
 PublicKey pk = kf.generatePublic(x509spec);
 Maybe you can then write pk to file and try to import again.

This sounds rather complicated... As I don't know what is a byte array and how
to read a file in it!

Shouldn't the X509 cert created with OpenSSL work? Maybe it requires certain
information I left out -- I only put my CN and O entries in it?
 If all you need is a self signed certificate, then you can create that with
 the java key tool...

How do I do that with keytool? I just wasted a day while trying to figureout
how to accomplish that with OpenSSL and I wouldn't want to do that again...
I've managed to generate a keystore and a csr for my site, but how do I become
my own CA with keytool and sign the csr and make it a crt, could someone
kindly demonstrate to me?


Re: Creating keystore file from an OpenSSL created (solved)cert

2001-06-01 Thread Peter Peltonen

Well, partially: I still cannot use OpenSSL created certificates, but I
managed to create one with keytool (under Linux, I didn't encounter any
problems with RSA described in orionsuuport.com). Which was actually a
thousand times easier than with OpenSSL. Just reading the man pages did the
job :) 


Creating keystore file from an OpenSSL created cert

2001-05-31 Thread Peter Peltonen

I have created and self-signed an X.509 cert with OpenSSL

root# openssl genrsa -des3 -out mysite.key 1024

root# openssl req -new -key server.key -out mysite.csr

root# /usr/local/bin/sign.sh mysite.csr

root# # openssl verify -CAfile /etc/ssl/certs/ca.crt mysite.crt 
/etc/ssl/certs/fivesync.crt: OK

I then tried to create the keystore file:

orion]$ keytool -keystore keystore -keyalg RSA -import -trustcacerts -file \
Enter keystore password: TestPass
keytool error: java.lang.Exception: Input not an X.509 certificate

The keytool is from Sun's jdk-1.3.1-fcs package. I've tried it in both Linux
and Win2k with the same result.

What to do?

t: Peter

where to get 1.4.8?

2001-04-22 Thread Peter Peltonen

We've encountered this annoying bug featured in bugzilla too:

I created two simple servlets, Servlet1  Servlet2. One simply creates a link
to the 
other one. When I run the first servlet like so 
http://host/servlet/com.sequenet.test.servlet.Servlet1 and click on the link
the second servlet Orion simply runs the first servlet again.

Magnus has commented that this is fixed in the 1.4.8 version:

--- Additional Comments From Magnus Stenman 2001-04-10 02:04 ---
Fixed in 1.4.8, thanks for the report and the testcase!

Great that the bug has been fixed, but where do I get the 1.4.8 version of
Orion? I tried to use the autoupdate, but that didn't help. 


Re: Orion on Red Hat 6.2

2001-04-20 Thread Peter Peltonen

We are running Orion on RH 6.2, too. Here's a simple script we use to
start/stop it:

# Startup script for the Orion server

#chkconfig: 2345 9 91
#description: starts/stops orion app server

# See how we were called.
case "$1" in
echo -n "Starting Orion: "
cd /usr/src/orion/
java -jar orion.jar  orionlog.txt 21  
echo "  [ OK ]"


echo -n "Shutting down Orion: "
cd /usr/src/orion/
java -jar admin.jar ormi://localhost admin password -shutdown force
echo "  [ OK ]"


$0 stop
$0 start


echo -n "Orion log:"
cd /usr/src/orion/
more orionlog.txt


echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|log}"
exit 1

exit 0


Thomas Pridham wrote:
 I have installed Orion on RH Linux 6.2 and it runs correctly if I start it
 from the command line.  I have tried to use the startup script from
 OrionSupport to have Orion start on a reboot.  The script will not execute
 (I placed it in /etc/rc.d/init.d).  I have changed the script parameters,
 checked the script's permissions etc...still no luck.  Anyone have any
 ideas?  What are others using to get Orion running on Linux?
 I also tried seaching the Orion mailing list..no luck there either.
 Tom Pridham
 Software Engineer
 Computer Management Consultants
 6951 Pistol Range Road
 Tampa, FL  33536

orion + jbuilder4 -- sapdb?

2001-04-05 Thread Peter Peltonen

Thank you for everyone answering my MySQL question. So, it appears that the
situation is this, if I want to use Orion + JBuilder4:

* PostgreSQL works fine except it isn't able to show tables in JBuilder

* MySQL's EJB support doesn't work (and we need that!)

* If we want to use Hypersonic we have to stop Orion while updating the db

So, the question is, does SapDB work with our combination (has anyone used it
with JBuilder and Orion)? I haven't really heard about it before, so how does
it compare for example to MySQL and PostgreSQL?


Re: orion + jbuilder4 -- sapdb?

2001-04-05 Thread Peter Peltonen

Randahl Fink Isaksen wrote:

Thanks for your recommendation. We've thought about Interbase. I browsed
through Borland's web pages which were really not that informative and I got
an impression that *development* use with Interbase is free but *production*
use would be under commercial license... That was why we didn't consider it at
this time. Or was I totally wrong and Interbase is free for all uses?

I am just exploring SapDB. Got the RPMs installed and I'm now browsing through
the PDF documentation, which is a bit confusing (is there an HTML version
somewhere of these docs? Acroread under Linux doesn't behave well with my
Netscape). I cannot find a "beginner's tutorial" anywhere, I mean information
like how to start / stop the service, how to start the gui and so on. Any help
appreciated :)


 Hi Peter
 I have not read your original post, nor the replies. However, I just wanted
 to recommend using Interbase. If you want to use Borland JBuilder, it seems
 obvious to use Borland Interbase aswell - I am not completely up to speed
 with JBuilder, but I would expect that their own database product would have
 the best integration with their IDE.
 We have chosen Interbase because it is an old, high quality, reliable
 product from Borland. I have absolutely nothing against Postgre or MySQL,
 but the fact that Borland has released Interbase as a free open source
 product gives you free access to a database which has been through 15 years
 of professional development. Now, if anyone can mention a product which
 beats that I am all ears...
 In hopes I have not mentioned something, someone else already posted
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Peter Peltonen
 Sent: 5. april 2001 10:17
 To: Orion-Interest
 Cc: Jukka-Pekka Naukkarinen; Ilkka Suvanto
 Subject: orion + jbuilder4 -- sapdb?
 Thank you for everyone answering my MySQL question. So, it appears that the
 situation is this, if I want to use Orion + JBuilder4:
 * PostgreSQL works fine except it isn't able to show tables in JBuilder
 * MySQL's EJB support doesn't work (and we need that!)
 * If we want to use Hypersonic we have to stop Orion while updating the db
 So, the question is, does SapDB work with our combination (has anyone used
 with JBuilder and Orion)? I haven't really heard about it before, so how
 it compare for example to MySQL and PostgreSQL?

orion with mysql?

2001-04-04 Thread Peter Peltonen

Is it possible to use MySQL with Orion? Does it need a db-schema of it's own? 

We tried to use PostgreSQL but JBuilder4 didn't cope with it very well
(JBuilder isn't able to show Postgre's tables). We also tried Hypersonic, but
it seems that when both Orion and JBuilder communicate with the db the db gets
confused. At least the changes we make in JBuilder don't get updated.

Any ideas about a good open-source db that would work with both Orion and
JBuilder would be appreciated!


How to upgrade Xalan / Xerces?

2001-04-03 Thread Peter Peltonen

I want to upgrade Xalan and Xerces to newer versions that comes with JAXP
found at 
http://java.sun.com/xml? Do I just overwrite the .jar files?



2001-02-23 Thread Peter Peltonen

I'm a beginner with Orion and Java setup with Linux. I would like to know if I
have setup my system correctly.

I have installed the following on my RedHat 6.2 system:


For everything work right, I should have the CLASSPATH variable setup right,
yes? I am a bit confused where to setup it, actually.

Java 2 SDK Enterprise Edition

Reading the j2sdkee-1.2.1 installation instructions  I added the postgres
jdbc-driver to the J2EE_CLASSPATH variable in


I tried running the userconfig.sh script but nothing seems to happen. My
J2EE_CLASSPATH variable did not appear to be existing when I ran echo. So,
when is this file read, then? 

And what does this warning mean (quoted from the installation instructions):

"Note: You should remove the driver .jar files from the CLASSPATH environment

So, what is the relation with J2EE_CLASSPATH and CLASSPATH?

In my setup (see below) J2EE_CLASSPATH is included in CLASSPATH, is this


As running usreconfig.sh did nothing, I configured the variables I needed in
/etc/profile. In my /etc/profile reads:



So, my current setup is this:

[peter@cayman orion]$ echo $CLASSPATH

[peter@cayman orion]$ echo $JAVA_HOME

[peter@cayman orion]$ echo $J2EE_CLASSPATH

Is this alright? Am I missing something etc.?


posting a message to the orion mailing list

2001-02-23 Thread Peter Peltonen

I got this reply while trying to send a message to the list. What's up, am I
sending my mails to the wrong address while trying to reach the Orion Server's
Mailing List?
I sent the message to the address [EMAIL PROTECTED]


-- the bounce i received:

Subject: Your message concerning CLASSPATH setup
Date:Fri, 23 Feb 2001 14:03:25 +0100
To:  Peter Peltonen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The person you have tried to contact is no longer employed at Netch
Technologies.  You may wish to contact us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] instead, or
visit us on the web, http://www.netch.se/ .

This message is probably caused by one of the following recipient


If you feel this message is in error, mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] to 
get in touch with the mail administrator.


The original message follows:

From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Fri Feb 23 14:03:24 2001Received: from
by atwood.netch.se (8.9.3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id OAA00629
for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Fri, 23 Feb 2001 14:03:23 +0100
Received: from druid.evermind.net (IDENT:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
by ernst-hugo.netch.se (8.9.3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id OAA18816;
Fri, 23 Feb 2001 14:03:23 +0100
Received: from druid.evermind.net (IDENT:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
by druid.evermind.net (8.9.3/8.9.3) with SMTP id OAA17563;
Fri, 23 Feb 2001 14:32:44 -0100
Received: from mandy.eunet.fi (mandy.eunet.fi [])
by paladin.evermind.net (8.9.3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id PAA07702
for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Fri, 23 Feb 2001 15:24:20 -0500
Received: from mail.fivetec.com (net130.fivetec.com [])
by mandy.eunet.fi (8.9.3/8.9.3-KJN-spamaway) with SMTP id OAA15525
for [EMAIL PROTECTED] (origin
Fri, 23 Feb 2001 14:26:45 +0200 (EET)
Received: (qmail 15483 invoked from network); 23 Feb 2001 12:26:54 -
Received: from net190.fivetec.com (HELO fivetec.com) (@
  by net130.fivetec.com with SMTP; 23 Feb 2001 12:26:54 -
Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2001 14:26:44 +0200
From: Peter Peltonen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Organization: Fivetec Solutions Oy
X-Mailer: Orion ListServer
X-Accept-Language: en
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: CLASSPATH setup
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Reply-To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm a beginner with Orion and Java setup with Linux. I would like to know if I
have setup my system correctly.

I have installed the following on my RedHat 6.2 system:


For everything work right, I should have the CLASSPATH variable setup right,
yes? I am a bit confused where to setup it, actually.

Java 2 SDK Enterprise Edition

Reading the j2sdkee-1.2.1 installation instructions  I added the postgres
jdbc-driver to the J2EE_CLASSPATH variable in


I tried running the userconfig.sh script but nothing seems to happen. My
J2EE_CLASSPATH variable did not appear to be existing when I ran echo. So,
when is this file read, then? 

And what does this warning mean (quoted from the installation instructions):

"Note: You should remove the driver .jar files from the CLASSPATH environment

So, what is the relation with J2EE_CLASSPATH and CLASSPATH?

In my setup (see below) J2EE_CLASSPATH is included in CLASSPATH, is this


As running usreconfig.sh did nothing, I configured the variables I needed in
/etc/profile. In my /etc/profile reads:



So, my current setup is this:

[peter@cayman orion]$ echo $CLASSPATH

[peter@cayman orion]$ echo $JAVA_HOME

[peter@cayman orion]$ echo $J2EE_CLASSPATH

Is this alright? Am I missing something etc.?


restarting orion

2001-02-21 Thread Peter Peltonen

When I give the command "java -jar admin.jar ormi://localhost:90 admin
mypassword -restart" I get the error message:

Error: javax.naming.NamingException: Lookup error:
java.io.StreamCorruptedException: Caught EOFException while reading the stream
header; nested exception is: 
java.io.StreamCorruptedException: Caught EOFException while reading
the stream header

Here's some background of my fresh installation:

I've installed Orion 1.4.5 on RedHat Linux 6.2 that has j2sdkee-1_2_1 and
jdk1.2.2 installed on it.

I followed the instructions in Installation Guide and unpacked Orion to
/usr/src/orion as root. 

I ran the command "java -jar orion.jar -install" which asked for an admin
password. I gave it a one.

I started Orion with "java -jar orion.jar".

I tried and I can access the server with my web browser.

What's wrong, why won't my Orion restart? 
