Re: [osg-users] QuadBuffer Stereo

2011-01-15 Thread Jan Ciger
Hash: SHA1

On 01/06/2011 11:51 AM, Robert Osfield wrote:
  osgviewer --stereo QUAD_BUFFER cow.osg
 Work on your system?
 Do you have any other applications that are working with quad buffer
 stereo on your system?

If this doesn't work, the xorg.conf needs to be configured correctly for
stereo - see
Nvidia's documentation for the correct lines. Ubuntu (probably no
distro) configures stereo out of the box.


Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mandriva -

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Clearing window client area.

2011-01-15 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Guy,

I guess I could have been a little clearer in my description. So here's an 
example that should help:

You're right, the description you gave this time makes things a lot clearer.

The camera will only clear its viewport. And that makes sense, since the 
camera should only ever affect pixels inside its viewport...

Even though after swap buffers, the context's clear() method is called 
as you've seen (good that you went to look at the code BTW, great 
initiative), the context does not do any clear because, as you can see 
in the doc of GraphicsContext::setClearMask() :

Set the clear mask used in glClear(). Defaults to 0 - so no clear is 
done by default by the GraphicsContext, instead the Camera's attached 
the GraphicsContext will do the clear. GraphicsContext::setClearMask() 
is useful for when the Camera's Viewports don't conver the whole 
context, so the context will fill in the gaps.

So there you have it, a solution to your problem :-)

(note, [...] the Camera's attached the GraphicsContext [...] should 
read [...] the Cameras attached to the GraphicsContext [...], I should 
probably submit that correction to Robert :-) )

Note that if you set the context's clear mask to a non-zero value, you 
could then set the camera's clear mask to 0. No sense in clearing the 
whole context, and then clearing the camera's viewport a second time... 
Unless you want them cleared to a different color, or to clear different 
parts of the buffer.

Hope this helps,

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Clearing window client area.

2011-01-15 Thread Guy Volckaert
Now I understand! That makes perfect sense to me now.

I tried calling GraphicContext::setClearMask(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) in my app and 
now it works as expected. 

Thanks... your the best.


Read this topic online here:

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] transpose() and osg_NormalViewMatrix

2011-01-15 Thread Rob Radtke
I am submitting a code patch for possible inclusion into the OSG code 
repository.  The patch is against the OSG trunk, as updated this 
morning.  It's just a couple of very small changes but, from reading 
some old posts on the message board, I thought that the changes might be 
useful to other OSG users as well.  The changes are:

- Add a transpose() function to Matrixf and Matrixd
- Add two new osg global glsl uniforms: osg_NormalViewMatrix and 

If you prefer that I submit these changes in a different format, I'd be 
happy to do that as well.  Thanks,


Index: include/osg/Matrixd
--- include/osg/Matrixd (revision 12090)
+++ include/osg/Matrixd (working copy)
@@ -249,6 +249,7 @@
   value_type angle2, const Vec3d axis2,
   value_type angle3, const Vec3d axis3);
 inline static Matrixd rotate( const Quat quat);
+inline static Matrixd transpose( const Matrixd matrix );
 inline static Matrixd inverse( const Matrixd matrix);
 inline static Matrixd orthoNormal(const Matrixd matrix); 
 /** Create an orthographic projection matrix.
@@ -511,6 +512,17 @@
 return m;
+inline Matrixd Matrixd::transpose( const Matrixd matrix )
+  Matrixd m;
+  for( int c = 0 ; c  4 ; c++ ) {
+for( int r = 0 ; r  4 ; r++ ) {
+  m(c,r) = matrix(r,c);
+  }
+  return m;
 inline Matrixd Matrixd::inverse( const Matrixd matrix)
 Matrixd m;
Index: include/osg/Matrixf
--- include/osg/Matrixf (revision 12090)
+++ include/osg/Matrixf (working copy)
@@ -249,6 +249,7 @@
   value_type angle2, const Vec3d axis2,
   value_type angle3, const Vec3d axis3);
 inline static Matrixf rotate( const Quat quat);
+inline static Matrixf transpose( const Matrixf matrix );
 inline static Matrixf inverse( const Matrixf matrix);
 inline static Matrixf orthoNormal(const Matrixf matrix); 
@@ -623,6 +624,17 @@
 return m;
+inline Matrixf Matrixf::transpose( const Matrixf matrix )
+  Matrixf m;
+  for( int c = 0 ; c  4 ; c++ ) {
+for( int r = 0 ; r  4 ; r++ ) {
+  m(c,r) = matrix(r,c);
+  }
+  return m;
 inline Matrixf Matrixf::inverse( const Matrixf matrix)
 Matrixf m;
Index: src/osgUtil/SceneView.cpp
--- src/osgUtil/SceneView.cpp   (revision 12090)
+++ src/osgUtil/SceneView.cpp   (working copy)
@@ -38,6 +38,15 @@
 #define GL_BACK_RIGHT   0x0403
+static osg::Matrix3 toNormalMatrix( const osg::Matrix mat )
+  osg::Matrix normVMat = osg::Matrix::orthoNormal( osg::Matrix::transpose( 
osg::Matrix::inverse( mat ) ) );
+  osg::Matrix3 normalViewMatrix3x3( normVMat(0,0), normVMat(0,1), 
+normVMat(1,0), normVMat(1,1), 
+normVMat(2,0), normVMat(2,1), 
normVMat(2,2) );
+  return normalViewMatrix3x3;
 static const GLubyte patternVertEven[] = {
 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0x55,
 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0x55,
@@ -417,12 +426,18 @@
 osg::Uniform* uniform = 
+osg::Uniform* uniformNorm = 
 if (_activeUniforms  VIEW_MATRIX_INVERSE_UNIFORM)
 osg::Uniform* uniform = 
+osg::Matrix inverseViewMatrix = osg::Matrix::inverse(getViewMatrix());
+osg::Uniform* uniformNorm = 
+osg::Matrix3 m = toNormalMatrix(inverseViewMatrix);
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] transpose() and osg_NormalViewMatrix

2011-01-15 Thread Paul Martz

On 1/15/2011 3:43 PM, Rob Radtke wrote:

- Add a transpose() function to Matrixf and Matrixd

Rather than a transpose() function, I wonder if anyone else would be interested 
in seeing support for two different operator*() methods to handle vector/matrix 
multiply, namely:

  osg::Vec4 v;
  osg::Matrix m;

  vec4 vprime = v * m; // multiply the row vector by the row-major matrix,
   // as currently supported by OSG.
  vprime = m * v; // effectively multiply the vector by the matrix transpose.

In the second case, each element of vprime would be computed as:
  vprime.x = dot( m.column0, v );
  vprime.y = dot( m.column1, v );
  vprime.z = dot( m.column2, v );
  vprime.w = dot( m.column3, v );

Similarly, GLSL uses order to do essentially the same thing, however, GLSL uses 
column major matrices (as per OpenGL spec, math texts, etc), so the ordering is 
reversed, that is:

  vec4 vprime = m * v; // multiply column vector by column-major matrix
  vprime = v * m; // effectively multiply the vector by the matrix transpose.

If we were to do this in OSG, it would make it a bit easier to multiply an 
instance of the osg::Plane class by a matrix, we could just define an 
operator*() for that, like we would do for Vec4.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] transpose() and osg_NormalViewMatrix

2011-01-15 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Paul, Rob,

Rather than a transpose() function, I wonder if anyone else would be
interested in seeing support for two different operator*() methods to
handle vector/matrix multiply, namely:


Maybe I'm missing something, but aren't M*V and V*M already defined 
precisely to help with multiplying by a matrix or its transpose? See the 
code for the Matrixf and Matrixd classes, as well as this page:

Quote which is apparently from Robert a while ago:
begin quote

V' = V*M and M* V are defined

the first, as Don points out is the standard one you should use, and the 
later is just for special occasions...

And the special occasion is when you'd want to do V' = V* Mtranspose 
where you only have M to hand and would have to do a transpose of M.

This can be rewritten V' = M * V;

The particular time when you'll do this would be when transforming 
normals and planes by the inverse transpose. This is done all the time 
in the cull traversal, where the inverse just happens to be the 
accumulated modelview matrix.

This is all a bit crafty, but certainly helps remove all those extra ops 
in transposing.

end quote

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