Re: [osg-users] [osgPPU] Problem Passing Lookup Table to Processing Unit

2009-12-03 Thread Art Tevs
Hi Harash,

Are you really using floatToRGB or it is not in use anywhere? This will never 
give you exact results because this will have quantization errors if you use 
normalized textures (so just GL_RGB). Try to use float textures directly. In 
your case GL_RGB32F_ARB (for three channels: min, max, and mean).

Another point which one has to check: when doing mipmapping if texture 
coordinates to grab from the previous level are correct. This might introduce 
errors either because wrong pixels are grabbed or interpolation is in between 
(so pixels are not grabbed at their center). I must admit it was a long time 
ago, that I have tested the shaders if they use correct pixel coordinates. It 
might happen that there is still a mistake. You can see it in the code, where 
there is a comment "(TODO check why -1 seems to be correct)". Because to the 
time I wrote the shader, I was pretty sure it should be +halfTexel and not 
-halfTexel there. However the results seems to be correct. The shader was 
original taken from my other application. 
I have to sit down and just to recheck all that mipmap stuff, but unfortunately 
I have not so much time for that :(


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Re: [osg-users] [osgPPU] Problem Passing Lookup Table to Processing Unit

2009-12-03 Thread Harash Sharma
Hi Mr. J.P. and Mr. Art Tevs,

Thanks for the quick reply. Mr. J.P. the pointers you gave to image reduction 
are very interesting. I am going through those since they will help me in the 
long run, but it would take some time to get to it. 
Below, I am attaching the fragment shader code for the unit that accesses the 

// The input image
uniform sampler2DImage;

// Mean and MeanSquared values
uniform sampler2DMeanStdImage;

vec3 floatToRGB(float Val)
float D = Val * 16777215.0;
float R = floor(D / 65536.0);
D = D - R * 65536.0;
float G = floor(D/256.0);
D = D - G*256.0;
float B = floor(D);
return vec3(R/255.0, G/255.0, B/255.0);

void main (void)
// get the image gray value -- C.r = C.g = C.b;
vec4 C = texture2D(Image, gl_TexCoord[0].st);
float Gray = C.r; 

// grab the image mean and std dev;
vec4 Avg = texture2D(MeanStdImage, vec2(0.5,0.5), 100.0);
float M = Avg.r;// Mean 
float M2 = Avg.g;// Mean of squares

// Compute the variance & Std. Dev.
float Var = clamp(M2 - M*M, 0.0, 1.0);
float Std = sqrt(Var);
float Factor = 0.5/Std;// Compute the scale factor
// grab the pixel color
Gray = (Gray - M) * Factor + 0.5;
Gray = clamp(Gray, 0.0, 1.0);
gl_FragColor = vec4(Gray, Gray, Gray, 1.0);

I have separately tried to convert the floating values M, M2, Std and 
unprocessed Gray into RGB (using floatToRGB) and grabbed using UnitCapture. 
Importing to Matlab revealed that the image has the following parameters: 
Min = 0.09, Max = 0.12, Mean ~ 0.11, std. dev = 0.01.., 
However, the mean and std dev as computed by Mipmapping are 0.115 and  ~0.12 
respectively. So it looks like the mean is more or less proper, but the std. 
dev. is improper. 
One doubt that I have is -- whether the placing of mean in red and sq. mean in 
green components is improper?



From: Art Tevs 
Sent: Thu, December 3, 2009 5:55:24 PM
Subject: Re: [osg-users] [osgPPU] Problem Passing Lookup Table to Processing 

Hi Harash, J.P.

J.P. Delport wrote:
> I'm not sure your shader is doing a proper mean. For the GPU to do 
> mean/sum you need to do what is called a reduction. Search for reduction 
> on This is different from doing per pixel operations like 
> changing luminance e.g.

The posted code seems to be similar to the luminance computation in the HDR 
example (quick overview over the code). Using mipmaps one can compute an 
average or arithmetic mean value, I am not aware if reduction is really needed 
here. Maybe reduction means exactly the same. To compute it I would do the way, 
you described here: using UnitInMipmapOut to crete a mipmap with the average 
value in the highest level.

What do you mean, that the values are not the same? In order to get the 
computed value out of the mipmap you have to access the last mipmap level in 
your shader. Take a look into brightpass/tonemap shader, where the last level 
with scene luminance is accessed. Also make sure that in the last level you 
access not on (0,0) position, but on (0.5,0.5), because otherwise you will get 
interpolated values. It is actually better to disable GL_LINEAR filtering for 
the textures used by the unit.


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Re: [osg-users] [osgPPU] Problem Passing Lookup Table to Processing Unit

2009-12-03 Thread Art Tevs
Hi Harash, J.P.

J.P. Delport wrote:
> I'm not sure your shader is doing a proper mean. For the GPU to do 
> mean/sum you need to do what is called a reduction. Search for reduction 
> on This is different from doing per pixel operations like 
> changing luminance e.g.

The posted code seems to be similar to the luminance computation in the HDR 
example (quick overview over the code). Using mipmaps one can compute an 
average or arithmetic mean value, I am not aware if reduction is really needed 
here. Maybe reduction means exactly the same. To compute it I would do the way, 
you described here: using UnitInMipmapOut to crete a mipmap with the average 
value in the highest level.

What do you mean, that the values are not the same? In order to get the 
computed value out of the mipmap you have to access the last mipmap level in 
your shader. Take a look into brightpass/tonemap shader, where the last level 
with scene luminance is accessed. Also make sure that in the last level you 
access not on (0,0) position, but on (0.5,0.5), because otherwise you will get 
interpolated values. It is actually better to disable GL_LINEAR filtering for 
the textures used by the unit.


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Re: [osg-users] [osgPPU] Problem Passing Lookup Table to Processing Unit

2009-12-01 Thread J.P. Delport


Harash Sharma wrote:

Hi All,
First of all thanks Mr. Art Tevs for your suggestions and pointers 
for passing Lookup tables. And thanks again for such a fantastic library 
OSGPPU. Now my whole application is ported into osgPPU pipeline and it 
works very well.
Now the only worry that remains is the linear contrast enhancement. 
I had posed this problem earlier but in a different way. Motivated by 
Mr. Art's Luminance shader, I wanted to implement the following algorithm:
1. Use a UnitInMipmapOut to compute the Mean (M) of the image gray 
values and the mean of image squared gray levels
2. Read these values in the child unit shader, compute the image std. 
deviation, from the image gray value (G), compute the new gray levels as 
(G-M) * (0.5/S) + 0.5;

3. However, this doesn't give any contrast improvent
4. I have tried to capture the Mean and Std. Dev. by converting them to 
RGB and storing using UnitCapture.
5. The rendered image statistics and GPU computed statistics (std. dev.) 
don't match
I have used the following fragment shader attached to UnitInMipmapOut 
 to compute Mean and Mean (Image squared)

void main(void)


// get texture sizes of the previous level

vec2 size = vec2(osgppu_ViewportWidth, osgppu_ViewportHeight) * 2.0;

// this is our starting sampling coordinate

vec2 iCoord = gl_TexCoord[0].st;

// this represent the step size to sample the pixels from previous 
mipmap level

vec2 texel = vec2(1.0, 1.0) / (size);

vec2 halftexel = vec2(0.5, 0.5) / size;

// create offset for the texel sampling (TODO check why -1 seems to 
be correct)

vec2 st[4];

st[0] = iCoord - halftexel + vec2(0,0);

st[1] = iCoord - halftexel + vec2(texel.x,0);

st[2] = iCoord - halftexel + vec2(0,texel.y);

st[3] = iCoord - halftexel + vec2(texel.x,texel.y);

// retrieve 4 texels from the previous mipmap level

float c[4];

float Avg = 0.0;

float Avg2 = 0.0;

for (int i=0; i < 4; i++)


   // map texels coordinates, such that they do stay in defined space

   st[i] = clamp(st[i], vec2(0,0), vec2(1,1));

// get texel from the previous mipmap level

vec4 V = texture2D(texUnit0, st[i], osgppu_MipmapLevel - 1.0);


   Avg = Avg + V.r;

   // for the first mipmap level, just compute the squared

   // gray values from red component

   if (abs(osgppu_MipmapLevel - 1.0) < 0.1)

   Avg2 = Avg2 + V.r*V.r;

   // for the rest of the levels, simply add the green component


Avg2 = Avg2 + V.g;


Avg *= 0.25;Avg2 *= 0.25;

// place the computed mean values in R component

// place the computed mean2 values in G component

gl_FragData[0].rgba = vec4(Avg, Avg2, 0.0, 1.0);

Am I making some conceptual mistake in the calculation of std. 
deviation. Please suggest. Thanks in advance.

I'm not sure your shader is doing a proper mean. For the GPU to do 
mean/sum you need to do what is called a reduction. Search for reduction 
on This is different from doing per pixel operations like 
changing luminance e.g.



*From:* Art Tevs 
*Sent:* Tue, November 17, 2009 8:03:17 PM
*Subject:* Re: [osg-users] [osgPPU] Problem Passing Lookup Table to 
Processing Unit

Hi Harash,

First take a look into documentation of osgPPU. osgPPU is very well 
documented, look here ( and
If this does not help you, then take a look into examples. Every example 
has tons of comments to help new users to understand how certain things 

Harash Sharma wrote:
 > ...However when I attach the shader to the processing unit, the
results are unexpected and I see the openGL warning.
 > Do I have to use UnitTexture to pass the lookup table? I am totally 
stuck in dark. Please help.


Attaching a shader to a unit does works fine. In every example you can 
see this behaviour. So it might be that you are doing something wrong 
with the setup of your shader.

If you want to have a texture as input to any unit, then you have to use 
UnitTexture instead. You just put a UnitTexture under the processor and 
call unitTexture::setTexture(_myTexture) with your texture. Then any 
unit which is a child of that unit texture will have this texture as input.


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Re: [osg-users] [osgPPU] Problem Passing Lookup Table to Processing Unit

2009-12-01 Thread Harash Sharma
Hi All,

    First of all thanks Mr. Art Tevs for your suggestions and pointers for 
passing Lookup tables. And thanks again for such a fantastic library OSGPPU. 
Now my whole application is ported into osgPPU pipeline and it works very well. 

    Now the only worry that remains is the linear contrast enhancement. I had 
posed this problem earlier but in a different way. Motivated by Mr. Art's 
Luminance shader, I wanted to implement the following algorithm:

1. Use a UnitInMipmapOut to compute the Mean (M) of the image gray values and 
the mean of image squared gray levels
2. Read these values in the child unit shader, compute the image std. 
deviation, from the image gray value (G), compute the new gray levels as (G-M) 
* (0.5/S) + 0.5;
3. However, this doesn't give any contrast improvent
4. I have tried to capture the Mean and Std. Dev. by converting them to RGB and 
storing using UnitCapture.
5. The rendered image statistics and GPU computed statistics (std. dev.) don't 

I have used the following fragment shader attached to UnitInMipmapOut  to 
compute Mean and Mean (Image squared)

    // get texture sizes of the previous level
    vec2 size = vec2(osgppu_ViewportWidth, osgppu_ViewportHeight) * 2.0;
    // this is our starting sampling coordinate 
    vec2 iCoord = gl_TexCoord[0].st;
    // this represent the step size to sample the pixels from previous mipmap 
    vec2 texel = vec2(1.0, 1.0) / (size);
    vec2 halftexel = vec2(0.5, 0.5) / size;
    // create offset for the texel sampling (TODO check why -1 seems to be 
    vec2 st[4];
    st[0] = iCoord - halftexel + vec2(0,0);
    st[1] = iCoord - halftexel + vec2(texel.x,0);
    st[2] = iCoord - halftexel + vec2(0,texel.y);
    st[3] = iCoord - halftexel + vec2(texel.x,texel.y);
    // retrieve 4 texels from the previous mipmap level
    float c[4];
    float Avg = 0.0;
    float Avg2 = 0.0;
    for (int i=0; i < 4; i++)
   // map texels coordinates, such that they do stay in defined space
   st[i] = clamp(st[i], vec2(0,0), vec2(1,1));
        // get texel from the previous mipmap level
        vec4 V = texture2D(texUnit0, st[i], osgppu_MipmapLevel - 1.0);
   Avg = Avg + V.r;
   // for the first mipmap level, just compute the squared 
   // gray values from red component
   if (abs(osgppu_MipmapLevel - 1.0) < 0.1) 
       Avg2 = Avg2 + V.r*V.r;
   // for the rest of the levels, simply add the green component
            Avg2 = Avg2 + V.g;
    Avg *= 0.25;        Avg2 *= 0.25;
    // place the computed mean values in R component
    // place the computed mean2 values in G component
    gl_FragData[0].rgba = vec4(Avg, Avg2, 0.0, 1.0);  main(void)
    Am I making some conceptual mistake in the calculation of std. deviation. 
Please suggest. Thanks in advance.
Hi Harash,

First take a look into documentation of osgPPU. osgPPU is very well documented, 
look here ( and
If this does not help you, then take a look into examples. Every example has 
tons of comments to help new users to understand how certain things works.

Harash Sharma wrote:
> ...However when I attach the shader to the processing unit, the results are 
> unexpected and I see the openGL warning. 
> Do I have to use UnitTexture to pass the lookup table? I am totally stuck in 
> dark. Please help.

Attaching a shader to a unit does works fine. In every example you can see this 
behaviour. So it might be that you are doing something wrong with the setup of 
your shader. 

If you want to have a texture as input to any unit, then you have to use 
UnitTexture instead. You just put a UnitTexture under the processor and call 
unitTexture::setTexture(_myTexture) with your texture. Then any unit which is a 
child of that unit texture will have this texture as input. 


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From: Art Tevs 
Sent: Tue, November 17, 2009 8:03:17 PM
Subject: Re: [osg-users] [osgPPU] Problem Passing Lookup Table to Processing 

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [osgPPU] Problem Passing Lookup Table to Processing Unit

2009-11-17 Thread Art Tevs
Hi Harash,

First take a look into documentation of osgPPU. osgPPU is very well documented, 
look here ( and
If this does not help you, then take a look into examples. Every example has 
tons of comments to help new users to understand how certain things works.

Harash Sharma wrote:
> ...However when I attach the shader to the processing unit, the results are 
> unexpected and I see the openGL warning. 
> Do I have to use UnitTexture to pass the lookup table? I am totally stuck in 
> dark. Please help.

Attaching a shader to a unit does works fine. In every example you can see this 
behaviour. So it might be that you are doing something wrong with the setup of 
your shader. 

If you want to have a texture as input to any unit, then you have to use 
UnitTexture instead. You just put a UnitTexture under the processor and call 
unitTexture::setTexture(_myTexture) with your texture. Then any unit which is a 
child of that unit texture will have this texture as input. 


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[osg-users] [osgPPU] Problem Passing Lookup Table to Processing Unit

2009-11-17 Thread Harash Sharma
Dear Mr. Art Tevs,

        I am trying to pass a GL_RGB texture to one of the Proceessing units 
for Lookup table. I attach a shader to the processing unit to compute the final 
color. The scheme works when I attach the shader to the scenegraph and access 
the lookup texture thererin. However when I attach the shader to the processing 
unit, the results are unexpected and I see the openGL warning. 

        Do I have to use UnitTexture to pass the lookup table? I am totally 
stuck in dark. Please help.




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