Re: [osg-users] Compiling OSG applications on Ubuntu 12.04 = OK

2012-06-26 Thread Ulrich Hertlein
Hi Mike,

On 27/06/12 3:28 , Mike Hatcher wrote:
> There are two different stages of compilation: 1: A rendering library of 
> individual
> .cpp files is compiled into .o files and ultimately archived into a 
> libSimRender.a file
> using the ar command to build an archive of the .o files.  This one is the 
> one that
> includes DOFTransform.
> 2: Then later a visuals subsystem is compiled with it's respective .o files.  
> Then
> these are all linked together with the .a (-lSimRenderer in my above posting) 
> and then
> built into a .so share object using the above compilation/linking command.
> I've run strings against the .a file and the symbols are in there but 
> probably not
> their definition, just the reference.  Why I'm not understanding is why the 
> linking
> command for the shared library above are ignore many of the -losg* 
> objects
> I've instructed it to link against.

What you could try is to place the '-losgSim' after the '-lSimRenderer' part.  
I've had
cases where the link would be ignored when it wasn't actually used by any of 
the linked .o

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Compiling OSG applications on Ubuntu 12.04 = OK

2012-06-26 Thread Mike Hatcher

I've found the problem but it's unclear why it isn't working.  The build system 
in this application does the following:

There are two different stages of compilation:
1: A rendering library of individual .cpp files is compiled into .o files and 
ultimately archived into a libSimRender.a file using the ar command to build an 
archive of the .o files.  This one is the one that includes DOFTransform.

2: Then later a visuals subsystem is compiled with it's respective .o files.  
Then these are all linked together with the .a (-lSimRenderer in my above 
posting) and then built into a .so share object using the above 
compilation/linking command.

I've run strings against the .a file and the symbols are in there but probably 
not their definition, just the reference.  Why I'm not understanding is why the 
linking command for the shared library above are ignore many of the 
-losg* objects I've instructed it to link against.

Under Ubuntu and only under Ubuntu his is happening:

Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] Compiling OSG applications on Ubuntu 12.04 = OK

2012-06-26 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Mike,

As a point of reference I'm using Kubuntu 12.04 for my main
development machine and haven't had a problems with compiling the OSG
or 3rd party applications that depend upon it.  These days I don't
directly use Makefiles, rather I create a CMake CMakeLists.txt and let
cmake create the Makefile for me.

I've copied and pasted below what a a simple CMakeLists.txt file would
be for compiling a simple application that uses core OSG and couple of

Hope this helps,


cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6)







osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Compiling OSG applications on Ubuntu 12.04 = OK

2012-06-26 Thread Mike Hatcher

Thanks for the response Alberto.   Just to be sure, I took a clean stock VM, 
installed 32-bit Ubuntu server (don't need a full blown desktop) added the X 
server and all the thirdparty tools, installed openthreads, openscenegraph, 
etc... (and their corresponding development packages).

I've run updatedb to ensure I have the latest file system index and I can now 
guarantee you that there is only one openscene graph installed on both the 
64-bit OS I was originally using when I first posted as well as the 32-bit OS I 
just stood up.  Both in VMware.

I'm convinced now even more so that there is something very strange going on 
with Ubuntu and it's build system.

On the 32-bit OS I setup just for this issue, I get the exact same error 
message.  Thank you for the reminder about ldd.  I knew about that!  At least 
at one time anyway.  I checked and sure enough, osgSim is not listed as a 
dependence even though it was *clearly* specified on the compile line.  At 
least now I have a place to dig.  I'll post on the resolution I come up with.  
BTW I've also tried building clean from source.  In that instance I get a 
different error about an unresolved symbol from osgUtil.

I think there is something broken with builds under Ubuntu 12.04 although I 
can't quite put my finger on it yet.

Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] Compiling OSG applications on Ubuntu 12.04 = OK

2012-06-26 Thread Alberto Luaces
"Mike Hatcher" writes:

> Hi,
> I'm having the same problem.  I'm also running Ubuntu 12.04.  I know the code 
> works because I have it running under Fedora 13.
> The critical line is:
> g++  -g -gstabs+ -DOSG_COMPILE_UNIT_TESTS  -L/usr/X11R6/lib64 
> -L../../../../local/lib -L../../../../devel/lib/Linux64  -shared  DAHud.o 
> DynamicManager.o EnvironmentManager.o HudManager.o StaticManager.o 
> TileGroup.o VectionViewMode.o vectionVisuals.o vectionVisUtils.o 
> VehicleCameraPlatform.o ViewModeFirstPerson.o ViewModeThirdPerson.o VisData.o 
> Visuals.o   -losgSim -losgGA -losgViewer -losg -losgUtil -losgDB 
> -losgParticle -losgText -losgSim -losgFX -lOpenThreads -lsimApp -lSimRenderer 
> -ljpeg -lxclApp -lboost_signals -o
> The -L in the above example in my case does need to be there because it is 
> also linking against Producer.  Because it is a shared library everything 
> compiles just fine.  It's when it runs that I have a problem.  I wind up with:
> undefined symbol: _ZN6osgSim12DOFTransform8traverseERN3osg11NodeVisitorE
> I've tried adding every osg* lib I can think of but it makes no difference.  
> Any ideas would be much appreciated!

Hi Mike,

I think you are mixing several OSG versions, that is why the symbol is
not found at runtime:

$ c++filt _ZN6osgSim12DOFTransform8traverseERN3osg11NodeVisitorE

Make sure you are not compiling usign headers from one version of OSG
and linking to other different version.  I suggest to use 'ldd' for
checking that.


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Compiling OSG applications on Ubuntu 12.04 = OK

2012-06-25 Thread Mike Hatcher

I'm having the same problem.  I'm also running Ubuntu 12.04.  I know the code 
works because I have it running under Fedora 13.

The critical line is:
g++  -g -gstabs+ -DOSG_COMPILE_UNIT_TESTS  -L/usr/X11R6/lib64 
-L../../../../local/lib -L../../../../devel/lib/Linux64  -shared  DAHud.o 
DynamicManager.o EnvironmentManager.o HudManager.o StaticManager.o TileGroup.o 
VectionViewMode.o vectionVisuals.o vectionVisUtils.o VehicleCameraPlatform.o 
ViewModeFirstPerson.o ViewModeThirdPerson.o VisData.o Visuals.o   -losgSim 
-losgGA -losgViewer -losg -losgUtil -losgDB -losgParticle -losgText -losgSim 
-losgFX -lOpenThreads -lsimApp -lSimRenderer -ljpeg -lxclApp -lboost_signals -o

The -L in the above example in my case does need to be there because it is also 
linking against Producer.  Because it is a shared library everything compiles 
just fine.  It's when it runs that I have a problem.  I wind up with:

undefined symbol: _ZN6osgSim12DOFTransform8traverseERN3osg11NodeVisitorE

I've tried adding every osg* lib I can think of but it makes no difference.  
Any ideas would be much appreciated!

Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] Compiling OSG applications on Ubuntu 12.04 = OK

2012-06-18 Thread Alberto Luaces
Hi Vijay,

Vijay Patil writes:

> Hello,
> As mentioned in thread:
> I too installed 'libopenscenegraph-dev' package on Ubuntu 12.04 and struggled 
> with compile time linking errors for simple application 'osglogo.cpp' etc.
> As Alberto pointed correctly following works perfectly fine:
> $ g++ osglogo.cpp -lOpenThreads -losg -losgDB -losgUtil -losgGA -losgText 
> -losgViewer -o osglogo.exe
> OSG headers are installed in /usr/include and libraries are in /usr/lib, 
> which are known to compiler and linker so no need to explicitly use -I or -L 
> flags.
> Specifically one has to be careful about the order of your application 
> objects and osg shared libraries, to make linker happy.

Thanks for publishing your achievements.  It will help others in the


osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Compiling OSG applications on Ubuntu 12.04 = OK

2012-06-17 Thread Vijay Patil

As mentioned in thread:

I too installed 'libopenscenegraph-dev' package on Ubuntu 12.04 and
struggled with compile time linking errors for simple application
'osglogo.cpp' etc.

As Alberto pointed correctly following works perfectly fine:

$ g++ osglogo.cpp -lOpenThreads -losg -losgDB -losgUtil -losgGA -losgText
-losgViewer -o osglogo.exe

OSG headers are installed in /usr/include and libraries are in /usr/lib,
which are known to compiler and linker so no need to explicitly use -I or
-L flags.

Specifically one has to be careful about the order of your application
objects and osg shared libraries, to make linker happy.

Vijay Patil
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