Re: [osg-users] osgOcean : Integration into existing Database /Application

2009-06-19 Thread Adrian Egli OpenSceneGraph (3D)
Hi Kim,
Thanks for the short explainations. Well first the openscenegraph
motionmodel or manipluators, manager aren't working. it would be good to get
similar behaviour like in application-viewer example. this would be
important for integration into existing applications.

I do now better understand that we need to implement own geometries for
water effetc. would it be not much easier that we can append a geometry (osg
file, ive file ,... ) which should be used to attach the water shaders. Say
for limit we attache a xy plane with shaped borders, this would be very
usefull for many terrain visualisation applications, even for osgEarth this
could be once an option for the ocean. of course we have fast unlimited
ocean effects but once we have a lake this would not help, right? or could
it be an option to cut the lake from the terrain, then we can define the
height of the ocean. i will read the papers again, and i hope i can work out
some strategy and new ideas which way we should - can go for further osg
integration improvments.


2009/6/19 Kim C Bale

 Hi Adrien,

 I'm having a slight problem understanding your questions, so I'll do my
 best and ask some back...

 Would it be possible to add a ocean geometry and attach the ocean effect,
 shader. if yes how should it be look like, just a plane? more complex
 geometry? My idea would be to add a lake surface, and two rivers with
 different waves, and so on.

 Do you mean you would like to add you own method of generating the water
 geometry for lakes and rivers?

 If so, I've tried to accommodate for additional type of geometry by
 providing the OceanTechnique base class.

 Basically osgOcean is comprised of two main parts.

 OceanTechnique: Which generates and animates the ocean geometry and manages
 any level of detail algorithms that are required. It  uses osg::Geode as a
 base class and therefore drawables for the geometry. A class derived from
 this should provide a water shader. Animation is provided by adding a
 cull/update callback.

 OceanScene: Which manages the various pre and post render passes required
 for the effects. This also includes controlling the different types of
 fogging and lighting that are applied based on whether the main camera view
 is above or below the water surface.

 If you want to create your own water geometry class you'll have to inherit
 from OceanTechnique and then add this class to OceanScene as done with
 FFTOceanSurface in the example application. OceanScene will only work with
 one OceanTechnique so you'll have to create a new instance of OceanScene if
 you wish to use multiple OceanTechniques. The geometry can be as complicated
 or as simple as you like. If you apply the current water shader to a quad it
 still looks alright and maybe be suitable for some applications.

 These two papers provide very good explanations of generating water
 geometry (the first is used in FFTOceanSurface):

 The tricky part is the shaders. osgOcean provides a very long list of
 uniforms which you can make use of if you wish in custom shaders. Some must
 be applied locally to the OceanTechnique (see:
 FFTOceanSurface::initStateSet() ), and those related to the multipass
 rendering are inherited from the statesets within OceanScene (see: void

 The shader implementation used in FFTOceanSurface can be found in the
 resources directory (water.frag/water.vert).

 If you want to use this shader for your own technique you'll have to apply
 it within your OceanTechnique and add the uniforms found in:

 Your best bet is to look at the FFTOceanSurface class and see how it's
 implemented. It's not as complicated as it looks, 80% of it is to do with
 generating the vertex array and primitives for the geomipmapping routine
 which you may not need.

 we don't need only an unfinite ocean

 You can disable infinite ocean effect using:

 Next problem i got is that the default motion models are not working

 Do you mean the ocean waves aren't moving?

 I hope that answers your questions, otherwise I've just gone off on a very
 lengthy tangent :)


 From: [mailto:] On Behalf Of Adrian Egli
 OpenSceneGraph (3D)
 Sent: 19 June 2009 06:22
 To: OpenSceneGraph Users
 Subject: [osg-users] osgOcean : Integration into existing Database

 Hi all

 i am wondering how i can integrate the osgOcean effect into existing
 application, database. Would it be possible to add a ocean geometry and
 attach the ocean effect, shader. if yes how should it be look like, just a
 plane? more complex geometry? My idea would be to add a lake surface, and

Re: [osg-users] osgOcean : Integration into existing Database/Application

2009-06-19 Thread Adrian Egli OpenSceneGraph (3D)
Hi Kim and John
Manipulator developing is a hard task, i will say good and robust and easy
to use manipulator are not quite easy to write or to work out. So it would
be important having default or common manipulator working with the

I am wondering why you having problem with terrain mainpulators if the
deformation gets done in vertex shader. so what i would like to mention is
the fact that if the gpu support shader 3 (since 2007) you could pass a
texture with deformation field information to the GPU and then the geometry
stay allways similar.

regards adrian

2009/6/19 John Vidar Larring

 Hi Kim and Adrian,

  As far as I can tell only two of the osgGA manipulators are compatible
  - Trackball and FlightManipulator. Although you're right the trackball
  implementation doesn't seem to work correctly, I suspect this is to do
  with the fact that it doesn't have a node to focus on.
  TerrainManipulator and DriveManipulators aren't compatible because the
  ocean surface is animated and they try to position themselves by
  intersecting with the surface below them, which in the case of the
  ocean surface, is moving up and down all the time so it creates a
  nasty camera juddering. I had a go at adding them but I simply
  couldn't get them to play nicely.
  If you manage to get them working I'd be interested to see how.

 Just one idea I'd like to throw out there before I forget. One could
 possibly make an EllipsoidManipulator quite easily. It would essentially
 behave like a TerrainManipulator except that it would not take elevation
 into account; just doing simple ray-ellipoid intersection testing instead.

 Even better, if there is a way to tell whether intersecting geometry is
 static or dynamic, one could theoretically implement a manipulator which
 behaves like the TerrainManipulator over land, and like an Ellipsoid
 manipulator over the ocean.

 Best regards,

 Kim C Bale wrote:

 Hi Adrien,

  Well first the openscenegraph motionmodel or manipluators, manager aren't
 working. it would be good to get similar behaviour like in
 application-viewer example. this would be important for integration into
 existing applications.

 As far as I can tell only two of the osgGA manipulators are compatible -
 Trackball and FlightManipulator. Although you're right the trackball
 implementation doesn't seem to work correctly, I suspect this is to do with
 the fact that it doesn't have a node to focus on. TerrainManipulator and
 DriveManipulators aren't compatible because the ocean surface is animated
 and they try to position themselves by intersecting with the surface below
 them, which in the case of the ocean surface, is moving up and down all the
 time so it creates a nasty camera juddering. I had a go at adding them but I
 simply couldn't get them to play nicely.
 If you manage to get them working I'd be interested to see how.

  it be not much easier that we can append a geometry (osg file, ive file
 ,... ) which should be used to attach the water shaders.

 I haven't thought a lot about how to implement non-uniform shapes of
 animated water yet, the goal of osgOcean 1.0 was to get open sea rendering
 However, one of the nice things about the FFT approach is that it tiles.
 So it would be possible to modify the algorithm so that it places tiles in a
 non-uniform configuration rather than in a square shape.
 The current implementation of osgOcean uses a large vertex array that
 stores the vertices for all the tiles on screen. But a future enhancement
 will be to store only 1 tiles worth of vertices and then instance it
 positioning the tiles using a vertex shader. This will be a far more
 flexible and efficient approach and more suitable for deployment in large
 terrain datasets.



 osg-users mailing list


Adrian Egli
osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] osgOcean : Integration into existing Database / Application

2009-06-18 Thread Adrian Egli OpenSceneGraph (3D)
Hi all
i am wondering how i can integrate the osgOcean effect into existing
application, database. Would it be possible to add a ocean geometry and
attach the ocean effect, shader. if yes how should it be look like, just a
plane? more complex geometry? My idea would be to add a lake surface, and
two rivers with different waves, and so on. finally we don't need only an
unfinite ocean. Next problem i got is that the default motion models are not
working, i played arround with osgviewer example, and osgOcean example. Well
how should we use both ideas together in a terrain database (currently
existing, but without the nice water effect)

/regards adrian


Adrian Egli
osg-users mailing list