RE: VS2012 and Metro Apps on Windows 8

2012-09-28 Thread Greg Keogh
Greg, embrace the change. It's a beautiful world. Just remember, if
everyone could do it, everyone would. Things could be worse. You might have
a job digging holes. Not saying that's bad, we need holes. Just not for me,


Steve, strangely enough, I'm actually complaining this time, well, not in
the usual way. I normally do love change (for the better) and I'll bet that
like most of the people in this group my motto is If it ain't broke, fix it
until it is.


David K has answered my conundrum and saved me hours of suffering trying to
get VS2012 going on Win8 RC. So who is it in here that was doing some Metro
development a few weeks ago? Were you using an emulator or some other
sleight of hand?


There have been many times over the last couple of years where I think
digging holes would be more enjoyable than writing software. I'm sure than
any holes I dug would be incompatible with other holes unless I downloaded a
special beta digging tool before the official spade went RTM, then I'd find
that the final release spade would need to be assembled from downloaded
parts with hotfix screws to hold it together, then for rocky soil I'd have
to upgrade to Spade Premium Edition which would require complete dismantling
of the old spade.




Re: VS2012 and Metro Apps on Windows 8

2012-09-28 Thread Preet Sangha
We were having a discussion at lunch time about tablets and tablet like
interfaces. And though we weren't talking about win8 per se there was two
schools of thought. One camp thought that keyboards will always provide
a high bandwidth to computer interaction for us (devs) content creators.
And that the tablet interfaces will never suffice.

While my view was that as abstractions mature more software enabling that
content creation through these interfaces will appear, and will improve the
bandwidth sufficiently.

My view is when wimps appeared keyboard hacks like me found them hard use
and to maintain productivity. But as they matured things improved
considerably. Key things that come to mind are IDEs with data/tool tips and
interactive text windows.

And thought I 'hate' windows 8 for being a giant phone it's only
a temporary thing until  the software matures -  In fact I'm
going as far to bet my career on it again.

-- preet

On 28 September 2012 19:32, Greg Keogh wrote:

 Greg, embrace the change. It's a beautiful world. Just remember, if
 everyone could do it, everyone would. Things could be worse. You might have
 a job digging holes. Not saying that's bad, we need holes. Just not for me,

 ** **

 Steve, strangely enough, I’m actually complaining this time, well, not in
 the usual way. I normally do love change (for the better) and I’ll bet that
 like most of the people in this group my motto is “If it ain’t broke, fix
 it until it is”.

 ** **

 David K has answered my conundrum and saved me hours of suffering trying
 to get VS2012 going on Win8 RC. So who is it in here that was doing some
 Metro development a few weeks ago? Were you using an emulator or some other
 sleight of hand?

 ** **

 There have been many times over the last couple of years where I think
 digging holes would be more enjoyable than writing software. I’m sure than
 any holes I dug would be incompatible with other holes unless I downloaded
 a special beta digging tool before the official spade went RTM, then I’d
 find that the final release spade would need to be assembled from
 downloaded parts with hotfix screws to hold it together, then for rocky
 soil I’d have to upgrade to Spade Premium Edition which would require
 complete dismantling of the old spade.

 ** **


 ** **

Getting jQuery dialog to work in MVC4.5

2012-09-28 Thread Tony Wright
Hi all,


I am having trouble getting the jQuery dialog to popup in an MVC4.5 view.


Basically I have some divs set up:


div id=DeleteConfirmation style=visibility:hidden

div id=dialog-confirm title=Delete Confirmation?

   pspan class=ui-icon ui-icon-alert style=float:left; margin:0
7px 20px 0;/span

span id=DeleteConfirmationText/span





I have a confirm delete function, which is executed by clicking on an image
button (so document is already ready)


function ConfirmDeleteLineItem(itemId, currentLineItem) {


$(#DeleteConfirmationText).html(Are you sure you want to delete
this item?);



resizable: false,

height: 200,

width: 600,

modal: true,

buttons: {

Delete item: function () {

DeleteLineItem(itemId, currentLineItem);



Cancel: function () {








The problem is that it can't execute the .dialog method.


Microsoft JScript runtime error: Object doesn't support property or method


Within the head section of the page, when I view source, it has:

script src=/Scripts/jquery-1.7.1.js/script

script src=/Scripts/jquery-ui-1.8.20.js/script


And the debugger says that jquery-1.7.1.js and jquery-ui-1.8.20.js are


Is there something I'm missing? 




Re: VS2012 and Metro Apps on Windows 8

2012-09-28 Thread Stephen Price
Last night I found myself in front of the Xbox trying out the XBox
Smartglass app. It wasn't as smart as I was hoping. It was cool though.
 Anyway, I found myself looking for apps I could install, and installed the
YouTube app. I was disappointed to discover I couldn't do a voice search.
Typing with a circular alphabet and xbox controller is slow and painful.
Each letter takes several seconds to navigate to the letter. Trying the
Kinect to enter it was worse. Nope, for this thing to be usable, I want to
speak and it needs to pick up what I said with no error. It also needs to
learn how to ignore my ums, and ahs, and that mental hurdle one experiences
when you know you have to say it exactly right as you are being recorded or
you could end up anywhere. (safe search on thank you).

On another note, I've got two apps in the Win8 app store now. Its damned
addictive and I've found myself rushing home to code until the wee hours.
Need... some... sleep. Third app is pending certification.

Hope no one minds if I link em here, i'm pretty chuffed. Now i know what
all the fuss is about with those iOs/Android app developers.

Anyone else working on anything they'd like to share?

On Fri, Sep 28, 2012 at 3:57 PM, Preet Sangha wrote:

 We were having a discussion at lunch time about tablets and tablet like
 interfaces. And though we weren't talking about win8 per se there was two
 schools of thought. One camp thought that keyboards will always provide
 a high bandwidth to computer interaction for us (devs) content creators.
 And that the tablet interfaces will never suffice.

 While my view was that as abstractions mature more software enabling that
 content creation through these interfaces will appear, and will improve the
 bandwidth sufficiently.

 My view is when wimps appeared keyboard hacks like me found them hard use
 and to maintain productivity. But as they matured things improved
 considerably. Key things that come to mind are IDEs with data/tool tips and
 interactive text windows.

 And thought I 'hate' windows 8 for being a giant phone it's only
 a temporary thing until  the software matures -  In fact I'm
 going as far to bet my career on it again.

 -- preet

 On 28 September 2012 19:32, Greg Keogh wrote:

 Greg, embrace the change. It's a beautiful world. Just remember, if
 everyone could do it, everyone would. Things could be worse. You might have
 a job digging holes. Not saying that's bad, we need holes. Just not for me,

 ** **

 Steve, strangely enough, I’m actually complaining this time, well, not in
 the usual way. I normally do love change (for the better) and I’ll bet that
 like most of the people in this group my motto is “If it ain’t broke, fix
 it until it is”.

 ** **

 David K has answered my conundrum and saved me hours of suffering trying
 to get VS2012 going on Win8 RC. So who is it in here that was doing some
 Metro development a few weeks ago? Were you using an emulator or some other
 sleight of hand?

 ** **

 There have been many times over the last couple of years where I think
 digging holes would be more enjoyable than writing software. I’m sure than
 any holes I dug would be incompatible with other holes unless I downloaded
 a special beta digging tool before the official spade went RTM, then I’d
 find that the final release spade would need to be assembled from
 downloaded parts with hotfix screws to hold it together, then for rocky
 soil I’d have to upgrade to Spade Premium Edition which would require
 complete dismantling of the old spade.

 ** **


 ** **

RE: VS2012 and Metro Apps on Windows 8

2012-09-28 Thread Greg Keogh
On another note, I've got two apps in the Win8 app store now.


That was the crux of my question ... How on earth did you get them there?
What OSs, tools, kits etc in what combination? I can't find any combination
that seems to work -- Greg


Re: VS2012 and Metro Apps on Windows 8

2012-09-28 Thread Stephen Price
Good link Nick.

Windows 8 RTM, with VS 2012 RTM.
Resharper (cause i'm a noob without it)
Asus eee slate (with Windows 8 on it) for testing the touch stuff. Highly
recommend you test with touch. The simulator that comes with VS2012 is good
but nothing beats a real device.
Lots of late nights. Its addictive.

If you have MSDN then you should have a token to sign up on the store for
free. (I did with Premium anyway. not sure about Professional I'd assume
So you register an app, reserve the name you'd like. Fill in the boxes and
read all the Learn more links.
Write your app.
There's a Store menu in Visual Studio that does some Windows 8 app things.
Either short cuts that take you to the appropriate page, or kick of tasks
such as Package your app, Associate with Application in Windows store
(where you point it to the App name you registered).
Once you find the Store menu (its under Project menu I think.. )

On Fri, Sep 28, 2012 at 4:50 PM, Greg Keogh wrote:

 On another note, I've got two apps in the Win8 app store now.

 ** **

 That was the crux of my question ... How on earth did you get them there?
 What OSs, tools, kits etc in what combination? I can’t find any combination
 that seems to work -- Greg

 ** **

Re: NuGet question

2012-09-28 Thread Piers Williams
Mike I want that too, so give us a shout when you wrote it. It is a long
weekend after all...

(shouldn't be hard to hack up the nuget server quick start demo into a
caching proxy, right?)
On 26 Sep 2012 14:57, Michael Minutillo

 Yeah but I want to transparently set an internal server as my NuGet
 repository and if the package is there when requested it is served straight
 up. If the package is not there, go get it, cache it and serve it up so
 next time we don't need the web. Technically speaking, each time I get a
 specific version of a NuGet package it should never change so why rely on
 the feed always being up?

 On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 2:40 PM, David Kean david.k...@microsoft.comwrote:

  It’s called a network share. J NuGet supports them.

 ** **

 *From:* [mailto:] *On Behalf Of *Michael Minutillo
 *Sent:* Tuesday, September 25, 2012 10:37 PM

 *To:* ozDotNet
 *Subject:* Re: NuGet question

 ** **

 Perhaps if there was a private nuget server internally for our group
 where we published, I could see turning on package restore for it and avoid
 checking in the binaries.


 I think that we'll be looking into this option as well. It'd be good to
 have a caching NuGet proxy server in our network. Sounds like an open
 source project :)

 ** **

 On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 1:22 PM, David Kean

 Space is very cheap in our case, we do a lot of builds over a lot of
 machines, so we favor the ability to just enlist and build without anything
 other than an OS. On some of our build machines, they are also completely
 disconnected/isolated from the network/internet. 


 NuGet also forces you to version packages very strictly – so it’s quite
 obvious what’s occurring when you check-in a newer version. 


 Perhaps if there was a private nuget server internally for our group
 where we published, I could see turning on package restore for it and avoid
 checking in the binaries.


 *From:* [mailto:] *On Behalf Of *Michael Minutillo
 *Sent:* Tuesday, September 25, 2012 10:04 PM
 *To:* ozDotNet
 *Subject:* Re: NuGet question


 You are making an assumption that NuGet will always be available and that
 the package you're using will always be up there. We had an issue recently
 where an outage with the NuGet feed resulted in failing builds on the build
 server. It worked fine for us because we all had the dlls locally.


 I'd argue that putting dlls into source control is fine if they aren't
 changing very often . Space is (reasonably) cheap and it does guarantee
 that you can always do a Get Latest. Build. When they DO change a good
 check-in comment is sufficient (as opposed to full diffs) as it will
 usually say something like Updated Caliburn.Micro to version 1.1. 


 Michael M. Minutillo
 Indiscriminate Information Sponge

 On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 12:52 PM, Stephen Price wrote:

 No, that's the point. 

 You set Nuget to manage the packages on the build, then you check in the
 nuget config files (which tells it what packages you want it to manage/have
 installed). Then when it does a build it checks your solution has all the
 right packages and if not downloads and installs the dlls. 

 So only thing you check in is the nuget config files that it adds to your


 Checking in the package folder (and dll's) would be a waste. you might as
 well not use the package restore option and just check in your dlls. (which
 is what traditionally people do when they are not using nuget... )


 On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 12:30 PM, mike smith wrote:*

 I'm not trying to start a flame war (standard disclaimer) but isn't
 storing dlls in a source control system somewhat the wrong thing to be
 doing?  Unless the source control is very smart about DLLs, it's going to
 store a total new dll every time you checkin new dlls, and your ability to
 see what's happening with a diff is negated.


 Or does the checkin generate a bit-level patch file on the fly?  That
 would be nice.



 On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 4:51 AM, David Kean

  You checked in the packages folder without the dlls? The dlls are under
 the packages folder. If you don’t want to check in the dlls you can do
 what’s called package restore, which pulls down the packages dynamically,
 however, a change in the later version means that each developer box needs
 to opt into this, so it’s a lot easier to check the entire packages folder.
 When you update packages, NuGet automatically removes older versions if no
 one is using them.


 *From:* [mailto:

Windows 8 and the Start Button

2012-09-28 Thread Preet Sangha
Stardock has (in beta) an application that lets you put a windows 7 type
start button back into Windows 8.

The best thing I think is the ability to start in desktop mode.

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

RE: Powershell script ?

2012-09-28 Thread Andrew Coates (DPE AUSTRALIA)
Hi Greg,

There's an excellent bit of freeware called, from memory, MP3Tag that can do 
exactly this (and lots more besides).


From: Greg Low (
Sent: 29/09/2012 12:35 PM
To: 'ozDotNet'
Subject: FW: Powershell script ?

Hi Folks,

I want to set the “Title” property of all the mp4 files in a folder to their 
file name.

ie:   something.mp4 would get the title “something”.

Anyone know how to do that? Is there some way to do that with Powershell?



Dr Greg Low
CEO and Principal Mentor
SQL Down Under
SQL Server MVP and Microsoft Regional Director
1300SQLSQL (1300 775 775) office | +61 419201410 mobile│ +61 3 8676 4913 fax
Web: www.sqldownunder.com

[OT] Anti-Football League Greg Keogh

2012-09-28 Thread Les Hughes

Hi All,

Usually Greg posts the Anti-Football League stuff to this thread around 
now, and I haven't seen it yet, but reading I did find 

Cheers :)
Les Hughes

RE: [OT] Nexus 7

2012-09-28 Thread Ian Thomas
Hi Piers

I think Nexus 7 is for me, as (like many) I wouldn't want to read in direct
sunlight anyway. I read that there is coloured e-Ink - maybe too expensive,
or some technological reason, why it's not in a Color Kimble. 

But I would like to see what comes out with Windows 8 on the ARM processor -
soon, I believe. 


Ian Thomas
Victoria Park, Western Australia

From: []
On Behalf Of Piers Williams
Sent: Friday, September 28, 2012 6:08 PM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: Re: [OT] Nexus 7


Definitely not up to eInk for direct sunlight, but it does do a lot more
besides. Its a pity there's not some halfway house (eInk pulling their
finger out on those color screens for example)

The Kindle app on Android is just swipe-to-turn, but some of the 3rd party
readers hyjack the volume buttons for this also, which I really like. Made
me realise how useful those page turn buttons on a kindle are when reading
one handed standing on a bus.

(Also a pity Amazon doesn't make the kindle waterproof, they'd clean up at
the beach, pool etc...)

On 21 Sep 2012 13:42, Ian Thomas wrote:

Does anyone use a Nexus 7 tablet as an eBook device? I can't imagine it
could compare with Kindle or other e-Ink devices in extremes of ambient
light - but I would be interested in comments.



Ian Thomas
Victoria Park, Western Australia

RE: Powershell script ?

2012-09-28 Thread Ian Thomas
Hi Greg

There is a library written by Novell - TagLib - which has a C# wrapper,
(TagLibSharp) which may be usable with PowerShell. 



Ian Thomas
Victoria Park, Western Australia

From: []
On Behalf Of Andrew Coates (DPE AUSTRALIA)
Sent: Saturday, September 29, 2012 11:01 AM
To:; ozDotNet
Subject: RE: Powershell script ?


Hi Greg,

There's an excellent bit of freeware called, from memory, MP3Tag that can do
exactly this (and lots more besides).



From: Greg Low (
Sent: 29/09/2012 12:35 PM
To: 'ozDotNet'
Subject: FW: Powershell script ?

Hi Folks,


I want to set the Title property of all the mp4 files in a folder to their
file name.


ie:   something.mp4 would get the title something.


Anyone know how to do that? Is there some way to do that with Powershell?






Dr Greg Low

CEO and Principal Mentor

SQL Down Under

SQL Server MVP and Microsoft Regional Director

1300SQLSQL (1300 775 775) office | +61 419201410 mobile│ +61 3 8676 4913 fax




Re: [OT] Anti-Football League Greg Keogh

2012-09-28 Thread Tom Rutter
Haha do Greg's feeling apply to all footy codes?

On Sat, Sep 29, 2012 at 1:24 PM, Les Hughes wrote:

 Hi All,

 Usually Greg posts the Anti-Football League stuff to this thread around
 now, and I haven't seen it yet, but reading I did find

 Cheers :)
 Les Hughes

RE: [OT] Anti-Football League Greg Keogh

2012-09-28 Thread Nick Hodge
Sportsball is the opium of the working class

From: [] On 
Behalf Of Tom Rutter
Sent: Saturday, 29 September 2012 2:19 PM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: Re: [OT] Anti-Football League  Greg Keogh

Haha do Greg's feeling apply to all footy codes?
On Sat, Sep 29, 2012 at 1:24 PM, Les Hughes wrote:
Hi All,

Usually Greg posts the Anti-Football League stuff to this thread around now, 
and I haven't seen it yet, but reading I 
did find this:

Cheers :)
Les Hughes

Re: [OT] Anti-Football League Greg Keogh

2012-09-28 Thread Jimmy P
Hatters gonna hat

On Saturday, September 29, 2012, Nick Hodge wrote:

  Sportsball is the opium of the working class

 ** **

 *From:* javascript:_e({}, 'cvml',
 [mailto:ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.comjavascript:_e({}, 'cvml', 
 *On Behalf Of *Tom Rutter
 *Sent:* Saturday, 29 September 2012 2:19 PM
 *To:* ozDotNet
 *Subject:* Re: [OT] Anti-Football League  Greg Keogh

 ** **

 Haha do Greg's feeling apply to all footy codes?

 On Sat, Sep 29, 2012 at 1:24 PM, Les Hughes{}, 'cvml', '');

 Hi All,

 Usually Greg posts the Anti-Football League stuff to this thread around
 now, and I haven't seen it yet, but reading I did find

 Cheers :)
 Les Hughes javascript:_e({}, 'cvml', '');

  ** **


Jim P

Re: [OT] Anti-Football League Greg Keogh

2012-09-28 Thread Joseph Cooney
I think hatters make hats...

Sent from my iPhone

On 29/09/2012, at 2:23 PM, Jimmy P wrote:

 Hatters gonna hat
 On Saturday, September 29, 2012, Nick Hodge wrote:
 Sportsball is the opium of the working class
 From: [] On 
 Behalf Of Tom Rutter
 Sent: Saturday, 29 September 2012 2:19 PM
 To: ozDotNet
 Subject: Re: [OT] Anti-Football League  Greg Keogh
 Haha do Greg's feeling apply to all footy codes?
 On Sat, Sep 29, 2012 at 1:24 PM, Les Hughes wrote:
 Hi All,
 Usually Greg posts the Anti-Football League stuff to this thread around now, 
 and I haven't seen it yet, but reading I did find this:
 Cheers :)
 Les Hughes
 Jim P

Re: [OT] Anti-Football League Greg Keogh

2012-09-28 Thread Jimmy P
Milliners make hats.

Hatters hat

On Saturday, September 29, 2012, Joseph Cooney wrote:

 I think hatters make hats...

 Sent from my iPhone

 On 29/09/2012, at 2:23 PM, Jimmy P javascript:_e({},
 'cvml', ''); wrote:

 Hatters gonna hat

 On Saturday, September 29, 2012, Nick Hodge wrote:

  Sportsball is the opium of the working class

 ** **

 *From:* [mailto:] *On Behalf Of *Tom Rutter
 *Sent:* Saturday, 29 September 2012 2:19 PM
 *To:* ozDotNet
 *Subject:* Re: [OT] Anti-Football League  Greg Keogh

 ** **

 Haha do Greg's feeling apply to all footy codes?

 On Sat, Sep 29, 2012 at 1:24 PM, Les Hughes wrote:**

 Hi All,

 Usually Greg posts the Anti-Football League stuff to this thread around
 now, and I haven't seen it yet, but reading I did find

 Cheers :)
 Les Hughes

  ** **


 Jim P


Jim P