Re: Technology euology

2022-03-28 Thread Greg Keogh
Hi Tom, it's not Friday but...

WCF - I can still remember Juval Lowy telling us how it will solve all our
> problems lol

Still good riddance. I think it took me 2 years to find a working sample of
how to make a "behavior" to put out-of-band data in the traffic headers. I
wonder how many man-years I spent editing WCF config file sections

> Blazor - done a few business apps now with this and found it quite simple.
> Unfortunately I still don’t see the market here in Aus taking it seriously.

My spidey-sense is seeing steadily increasing Blazor articles, meetups and
3rd party support, so I think it's pretty serious. I said several weeks ago
that server-side web apps are dead to me thanks to Blazor (but it's no


Re: Technology euology

2022-03-28 Thread Tom Rutter
WCF - I can still remember Juval Lowy telling us how it will solve all our
problems lol

Blazor - done a few business apps now with this and found it quite simple.
Unfortunately I still don’t see the market here in Aus taking it seriously.

On Fri, 25 Mar 2022 at 10:03, Greg Keogh  wrote:

> TGIF folks,
> I've had a large suite of projects stuck on Framework 4.5 because of old
> servers, but finally I have the chance to upgrade them to newer platforms
> and use newer tools and libraries. I have decided that all existing full
> Framework projects will simply go up to 4.8, but all new projects will be
> in .NET 6 and all web apps will be Blazor (death from above to server-side
> web apps!).
> During my research I noticed some interesting obsolete technologies in
> .NET Core. You probably all know this, but I'd like to make a personal
> eulogy.
> *Remoting
> *
> - Farewell old chum. I used this in Framework 1.0 to write a distributed
> client-server suite with callbacks for notifications. The amount of core
> code was surprisingly small and simple. Before the arrival of Remoting,
> writing such a thing would have scared the pants off the most confident
> coder. You could have used a VB6 server or written C sockets or RPC or
> whatever, but think of the effort and the fragile results!
> *AppDomains* - Strange things, but useful in certain circumstances to
> load (and unload) libraries. Closely related to Remoting and the next item.
> Using separate processes to get a similar effect is a heavyweight and
> cumbersome alternative. I found I own a single old utility project that
> uses an AppDoman.
> *CAS
> *
> - Yeah, don't slam the door on the way out. What a weird thing ...
> sophisticated security boundaries buried inside .NET. I never used a single
> CAS feature in 20 years, preferring to just handball security issues to the
> operating system. I think it's historically interesting that something so
> comprehensive was created and advertised prominently in books and articles,
> then trivially dismissed as not useful.
> *WCF* - Mostly good riddance. Jeez that thing was complicated to
> configure, because it tried to do everything for everyone everywhere. I
> still miss the SOAP protocol and WSDL. What angers me is that it's all been
> replaced by REST, an omni-shambles of a so-called convention that looks
> like some kid's high school project.
> There endeth the rant. Comments and recriminations welcome.
> *Greg K*