The future of Aust Midwives Caring for Birthing Women Matters

2001-07-15 Thread Julie Clarke

Hello All
I just wanted to know, 
before I actually send it, if you think it's alright, or should I redo it so 
it's more professional ?
Can I have your feedback please ? All comments, 
suggestions and ideas welcome :-)
Especially with the last bit 
Here's how to fix it ...
warm regards,
Julie Clarke

Dear Federal Politicians,
This is the first time I have ever written a letter to 
politicians !
I have been moved to write about the shameful disgrace of a 
maternity care system we are currently offering to maternity 
consumers. I am a proud Australian, but I am saddened, ashamed and 
dissappointed by our current maternity health care system. It's 
dreadful and getting worse fast! 
The logical choices for maternity consumers which are 
available in other countries are not available here in Australia.
The Netherlands and New Zealand and England offer normal 
options and choices for women and also provide a suitably supportive system for 
midwives to enable them to fully act out their role as providers of safe 
maternity family centered health care for women and their families.
You may ask Who Cares ? and you may be quite 
surprised by the huge number of people who do care, really care. Especially when 
it comes to their turn to use the current system. Ever wondered why 
there is so much negativity around childbirth ?
After more than a decade in the field I can confidently say 
much of it is the lack of emotional support and sensitivity available in the 
current over medicalised system. Our cesarean section (birth by 
major abdominal surgery) rate is scandalous !
The future of Australian Midwives caring for birthing women 
matters to all families.

I teach preparation for Birth and Parenting Classes at a very 
large teaching hospital in Sydney and as such I am constantly in touch with 
expectant couples who are very dissappointed at their lack of appropriate care 
and choices when making their decisions about who should care for them and in 
which setting during their pregnancy, labour, birth and during the early newborn 

Many complain to me about the current system, that they became 
aware far too late in their pregnancy, that they have been herded like sheep by 
General Practitioners to be referred to Obstetricians. In my estimation 
90% of the Obstetricians provide over medicalised care that is appropriate only 
for 15% of the population (high risk) pregnant women. It is 
through biased information, fear and medical dominance that expectant couples 
accidentally find themselves booked into a privatised system which 
does not support them appropriately or sensitively. This is also an 
expensive mistake for our health budget with money being wasted so 

Midwives are the appropriate choice for 85% of pregnant (low 
risk) women. This is not only far more cost effective but evidence shows 
it is safer. The World Health Organisation (WHO) states that fact in all 
reports on Maternity Care. Australian State Dept of Health Ministerial 
Reports have also highlighted the fact that Midwifery Models of Care 
should be standard choices for maternity consumers at all Maternity 
Hospitals. The truth is not all hospitals have embraced this as 
practice. Some hospitals have limited places for women on midwifery 
programmes. Many programmes are not promoted so consumers don't even know 
they exist. And while some hospitals commence a midwifery programme next thing 
you know the funding has dried up ! You want to know why 
Because the greedy medical dominance element darn well got to 
it that's why ! 

The recent Senate enquiry highlighted this fact and we in the 
birthing education community have known it for a long time and 
yet still we see decisions being made which is directly against the best 
interests of women and their families in Australia today.
Women's choices have been eroded to a disgraceful extent with 
the recent move by Guild insurance to decline covering midwives.
This is a discriminatory action with no evidence to back it up 
at all.
The current system is a disgrace.
Here's how to fix it:
(a) adopt a policy to increase the medicare levy to strengthen 
the public hospital system and inject much needed funds back into a system that 
is the most suitable system for Australia. Privatisation is 
(b) adopt a maternity health care system which supports 
midwives as the primary caregiver based on the NZ model.

You will find an overwhelming level of support if you 
do. Just keep in mind that families count as lots and lots of votes and a 
few medicos don't.

Yours Sincerely
Julie Clarke

Press release Re IPM crisis from the NSW Midwives Association

2001-07-15 Thread Hannah Dahlen

Dear all

I have pasted below a press release from the NSW Midwives Association
regarding the IMP crisis.

I think the more of us that are goaded into action the better on this one.
Please feel free to use it in your own lobbying so we make this issue unable
to be ignored!

Good luck everyone.

Hannah Dahlen 
Secretary NSW Midwives Association

Press Release from NSW Midwives Association

Midwives become an endangered profession

The recent decision by Guild Insurance not to renew professional indemnity
insurance for midwives has pushed the autonomous profession of midwifery to
the brink of extinction.

Around 80 independent midwives across Australia are being told one by one,
as their policies run out, that they will no longer be insured.

Midwives are being forced to tell pregnant women due to give birth that they
will have to make alternative arrangements. This affects all women choosing
the care of an independent midwife. The right for women to choose their care
provider and place of birth is now effectively being curtailed. Hospitals
will not allow independent midwives to care for women in their units without
indemnity. The profession of midwifery (and women¹s right to choose
midwives) is rapidly becoming endangered.

The World Health Organisation states that, the midwife appears to be the
most appropriate and cost effective type of health care provider to be
assigned to the care of normal pregnancy and normal birth, including risk
assessment and the recognition of complications.

All research conducted into midwifery care has demonstrated that women
experience low rates of intervention, excellent outcomes, and are more
satisfied than with other forms of mainstream maternity care. In the five
European countries with the lowest infant mortality rates in the world,
midwives preside at more than 70 percent of all births.

Every state and federal government report into maternity care in the last 12
years has supported the expansion of midwifery as a profession and
recognised women¹s rights to chose their care provider and place of birth.
Have these all been wasted words and hollow promises?

There is no evidence that midwifery is Œa highly litigious area¹ as stated
by Mr Brown, General Manager of Guild Insurance. The closed shop attitude
and lack of public accountability by insurance companies means no one knows
what the rate of litigation is or who is being sued. Even the recent Senate
Inquiry Into Childbirth Procedures  (1999) could get no answers.

The shortage of midwives and nurses in this country has recently reached
crisis point. This latest eradication of choice, access and freedom to
practise midwifery threatens the livelihood of many dedicated midwives who
have remained loyal to women¹s¹ expressed needs.

This is a human rights issue and women¹s right to choose their place of
birth and care provider is being blatantly denied. Something must be done
now! New programs of government funding for midwifery care that include
indemnity insurance must be introduced in Australia-NOW!

Interviews with midwives and women accessing independent midwifery services
can be arranged

For interview please call the NSW Midwives Association (02) 92819522 or
Hannah Dahlen, Secretary of the NSW Midwives Association: mobile- 0407 643
943, work (02) 95156111 page (82220) or Pat Brodie, President of the NSW
Midwives Association: mobile-0404 468 224

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FW: Midwifery Insurance

2001-07-15 Thread Jane Palmer


Thought you might be interested in reading this email I 
recieved from Philip Cocks - he was interviewed by Chanel 7 on Thursday 
regarding the PI issue. He raised some interesting points.


Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond Caring, Professional Midwifery Services Sydney Visit 
Dear Jane

Many thanks for forwarding 
information regarding your attempts to arrange continuing indemnity cover for 
independent midwifery. I think that it is unlikely that a private insurance 
company will be prepared to offer the type of cover that you need at a price 
that you can afford. Therefore I think that you should push for inclusion in the 
Treasury Managed Fund(or equivalent in other states)which covers all 
nursing and medical staff in public hospitals. The fact that NSW Health 
acknowledges that homebirth should be an option places some responsibility on 
them to help you in the present crisis. Health Departments would be more 
receptive to the proposal if your Association agreed to participate in peer 
review etc.

I note that one of the options that 
your colleagues are considering is "going bare". A signed statement from your 
clients to the effect that they were aware that you were not indemnified would 
probably have no validity in the event of a claim. In the present medicolegal 
environment the only avenue for financial assistanceopen to parents of a 
child with major neurological abnormality is to lodge a claim against the birth 
attendant. One could argue that it is ethically improper to deny that access to 
assistance by deliberately working without liability cover. The Health Care 
Liability Bill presently before Parliament in NSW will require doctors to carry 
indemnity cover as a condition of registration and I expect that this 
requirement will flow on to other health professionals.

Good luck with your campaign. Please 
let me know if I can help in any way.

Yours sincerely

Phil Cocks
AMA (NSW Branch) 
Westmead NSW

Urgent - need to contact Vicki Chan

2001-07-15 Thread TinaPettigrew

Hi every one,

I urgently need to contact Vicki Chan. Amongst the plethora of paper work on 
my desk, I've misplaced her mobile phone number.

Can anyone assist please?

Thanking you in advance.

Yours in birth,
Tina Pettigrew
Independent CBE and aspiring B.Mid Midwife.
Convenor, Aust B. Mid Student Collective.

 As we trust the flowers to open to new life
   - So we can trust birth
Harriette Hartigan.
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2001-07-15 Thread Jayne

How will that
company like its name spread out on the news for letting a sweet pregnant
women endanger her life by losing her midwife and thinking of birthing on
her own. 

ENDANGER HER LIFE!!!  Oh come on!  I have nothing but the greatest
respect for midwives but this is overdoing it.  Don't midwives work WITH
women?  The job of a midwife is not to manage birth but to support the
mother as she births.


- Original Message -
From: Mary Murphy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: midwifery mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2001 10:12 AM

 A follow on from Sam's original message... MM
 - Original Message -
 From: Samuel Weinstein [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Mary Murphy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2001 9:50 AM
 Subject: Re: Just an update...

  I would suggest that collectively the midwives approach and hire Jane
 to act as  a
 negotiater and planner for this as she is world savy and wont stand for
 crap. If they are interested in doing this I could phone her about it and
 have her contact a central person.She is the most computer litterate
 I know and mayby she could orgainze it thru the disscusion group on the
 net. You need someone very passinate that get past secretaries and right
 CEOs and when the answer is a no or a brush off pushes harder.I mean your
 original insurer has certin obligations to you and should be forced to
 cover you until a replacement insurer is found.This would of been best
 pounded out with the C.E.O. when they first informed you.How will that
 company like its name spread out on the news for letting a sweet pregnant
 women endanger her life by losing her midwife and thinking of birthing on
 her own. Mary you can forward this idea as well
 Sam Weinstein  Sydel Weinstein
 Family Nurturing Centre ( Transformational Yoga Institute)
It takes a whole village to raise a child
 * Editor in Chief: GLOBAL PARENT - Australia's first natural parenting
magazine with an international perspective through community example
 * Natural Birthing and a focus on CONSCIOUS PARENTING
 * Long Term Breastfeeding Advocacy and Support
 * Family Nurturing Centre - PO Box 125, Cottelsoe, Western Australia 6011
 * Telephone: 61-8-9383 2229
 * Natural Parenting HELPLINE (08) 9482 4154

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re midwifery insurance

2001-07-15 Thread Pier_Leone Malavisi

I have emailed all the WA greens with info re this very important matter, 
hope they are also being tackled in the other states, yours in midwifery 
Pete Malavisi.
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2001-07-15 Thread Mary Murphy

- Original Message -
From: Mary Murphy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, July 15, 2001 8:52 PM

 I guess this remark has to be viewed in the light of the recent case of
 maternal death in W.A where a woman birthed on her own - a Zion birth.
 think  she bled to death over a period of time.  Sam of all people knows
 that midwives work WITH women.  He is a great supporter of midwifery and
 birthing women's choices.  Don't be t hard on him , Regards, MM
 - Original Message -
 Sent: Sunday, July 15, 2001 8:09 PM

  How will that
  company like its name spread out on the news for letting a sweet
  women endanger her life by losing her midwife and thinking of birthing
  her own. 
  ENDANGER HER LIFE!!!  Oh come on!  I have nothing but the greatest
  respect for midwives but this is overdoing it.  Don't midwives work WITH
  women?  The job of a midwife is not to manage birth but to support the
  mother as she births.
  - Original Message -
  From: Mary Murphy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: midwifery mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2001 10:12 AM
   A follow on from Sam's original message... MM
   - Original Message -
   From: Samuel Weinstein
   To: Mary Murphy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2001 9:50 AM
   Subject: Re: Just an update...
    I would suggest that collectively the midwives approach and hire
   to act as  a
   negotiater and planner for this as she is world savy and wont stand
   crap. If they are interested in doing this I could phone her about it
   have her contact a central person.She is the most computer litterate
   I know and mayby she could orgainze it thru the disscusion group on
   net. You need someone very passinate that get past secretaries and
   CEOs and when the answer is a no or a brush off pushes harder.I mean
   original insurer has certin obligations to you and should be forced to
   cover you until a replacement insurer is found.This would of been best
   pounded out with the C.E.O. when they first informed you.How will that
   company like its name spread out on the news for letting a sweet
   women endanger her life by losing her midwife and thinking of birthing
   her own. Mary you can forward this idea as well
   Sam Weinstein  Sydel Weinstein
   Family Nurturing Centre ( Transformational Yoga Institute)
  It takes a whole village to raise a child
   * Editor in Chief: GLOBAL PARENT - Australia's first natural parenting
  magazine with an international perspective through community
   * Natural Birthing and a focus on CONSCIOUS PARENTING
   * Long Term Breastfeeding Advocacy and Support
   * Family Nurturing Centre - PO Box 125, Cottelsoe, Western Australia
   * Telephone: 61-8-9383 2229
   * Natural Parenting HELPLINE (08) 9482 4154
   This mailing list is sponsored by ACE Graphics.
   Visit to subscribe or unsubscribe.
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Fwd: Research Critique??

2001-07-15 Thread Kleimar


Thanks for the reply, as I said I had only read the abstract. The midwife I 
referred to (Audrey) had not participated in the study but as I tried to 
write, in the public radio talk session, and she was not defending the dstudy 
but critiquing it! Sorry to be confusing. IN facxt she wrote her Senior 
thesis on the VBAC-lash. From the abstract, it appears that there was one MD 
and 2 Ph.D.'s and I would be guessing as to there area's of study.  Marilyn

RE: midwives' insurance - lobby tally

2001-07-15 Thread Johnston

Once a Press Release has been published, it can be sent to as many people 
as anyone likes.  The more ways the message reaches a particular point, in 
various forms (including phone calls and hand written letters from people 
who are affected), the more likely it is to be noticed.

As with everything else in the Midwifery Campaign, this is grass roots 
stuff.  Noone has any funding to do what they are doing, and there is no 
central office or mission control.  Each committed person has to identify 
what she/he can do, and do it to the best of their ability.

Joy Johnston

-Original Message-
From:   Elizabeth McAlpine [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Sunday, July 15, 2001 4:08 PM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; ozmidwifery list (E-mail)
Subject:Re: midwives' insurance - lobby tally

Its not clear, should everyone be sending the press release to whoever they
Has it been sent to Senator Crowley who thinks that birth issues are a
national concern or Michael Wooldridge??
Please clarify.

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Re: midwives' insurance - lobby tally

2001-07-15 Thread Sally Westbury

I'm wondering what action the ACMI are taking considering that Guild are
breaking an arrangement which they negotiated.

In peace and joy
Sally Westbury
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Urgent - Contact Vicki Chan

2001-07-15 Thread TinaPettigrew

Thank you all who replied to my request.

I have Vicki's Mble number now in my hot little hand!!!

Yours in birth,
Tina Pettigrew
Independent CBE and aspiring B.Mid Midwife.
Convenor, Aust B. Mid Student Collective.

 As we trust the flowers to open to new life
   - So we can trust birth
Harriette Hartigan.
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3rd and 4th degree tears

2001-07-15 Thread Jackie Doolan

Hi all,
I am wondering if anyone can point me in the direct of any recent research
that discusses  causative relationships between any factor to do with
childbirth and 3rd and 4th degree tears.  I have research that discusses the
relationship of epidural and perineal trauma (MIDIRS).  Does anyone know of
any other articles?
Jackie Doolan

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Professional indemnity insurance

2001-07-15 Thread DL Staff

Hi All - just to let you know I have had the 
painful task today of informing clientsre Guild. I have just had a phone 
call from one of them to let me know he had contacted the office of Wendy 
Edmonds and was told they had not heard of whathad happened and that they 
would "look into it". Also they contacted Peter Wellington (local independent 
member) and he asked for details of the companyso he could contact them 
and find out first hand.they have another six "important" people they are 
sending letters to as well it's a race against time for them, baby due in 
Septregards, Lynne