[ozmidwifery] Prochiaden and breastfeeding?

2004-09-14 Thread Abby and Toby
Thought some of you wise women could help with a friends query. She has been
prescribed Prochiaden 25mg for depression and she is breastfeeding her 2
month old. She was worried about the side effects and what effects that
would have on bubs. I thought that most anti depressants would have similiar
side effects listed ie. drowsiness, dizziness, nausea(? spelling)
Do any of you know much about this drug? are there any safer anti
depressants for pregnancy ( DISCLAIMER- I am actually not a fan of anti
depressants at all. I believe most depression can be cured with exercise,
nutrition and various therapies. However, she is adimant about taking them
and so I want to find out the safest).
Could someone look it up in, is it Dr Hales, book?

Thanks so much.
Love Abby

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[ozmidwifery] National Caesarean Awareness Day 2004

2004-09-14 Thread Dean Jo


just a quick reminder of the National Caesarean 
Awareness Day celebration that will be held this Saturday at Waterfall Gully 
from 3.30pm - 

Restoring the Birthing Woman Within: 
a day of emotional healing.

A day of emotional 
healing is a time to share and express our emotions in a positive and meaningful 

The day will 
incorporate story telling, those who feel comfortable can share their own 
personal story, a poem, a prayer or picture. If you are unable to attend 
but still wish to share your thoughts, you may like to contribute to the booklet 
to be produced after the day "Expressions of Emotional Healing". We 
welcome all contributions and you can submit yours on the web site : 

Each woman is also 
invited to bring the petals of her favourite flower(s) to scatter over the 
flowing water during the ceremony; symbolically cleansing and giving away. 
Candles will be lit around the nation to link each states events. Candles 
will be on sale on the day for a small cost.

Please keep in 

- the weather forecast is for 
rain, so please bring an umbrella or two if you have spare and dress 

- partners are welcome however 
the location is NOT suitable for young children (small babies excluded) as there 
is no pram access, the area for the ceremony is quite smalland the 
waterfall is easily accessible for children. CARES SA advise that it is 
not safe for young children. It is also a time for adults to share 
emotions that some young children may not understand and could cause 
distress. CARES SA has always welcomed and catered for children, however 
we must regretfully stress that this event may not be suitable. 

Please feel 
welcome to invite others whom you may think may benefit for this very special 
event. We look forward to seeing you on the day! And remember if you 
can not make it, you can still contribute to the booklet "Expressions of 
Emotional Healing".

yours in 

Jo, Carolyn and 
the exceptional women of the CARES SAcore group.

Re: [ozmidwifery] BMid SA

2004-09-14 Thread Callum Kirsten
I think i already answered this before?
There are no issues, i have to register in SA first then change my 
registration to NT nurses board after that. It is due to the course not 
being done in Darwin.

As far as i know its accpeted australia wide, you just change registration 
when you move from state to state.

BMid student
~~~start life with a midwife~~~
- Original Message - 
From: Honey Acharya [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, September 12, 2004 7:28 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] BMid SA

Are there issues with different states in Australia and the BMId
qualification? For example if you study externally from Uni SA but then 
to be registered and work as a Midwife in Darwin or Brisbane or Canberra 
there problems or is it accepted everywhere?

- Original Message - 
From: Marguerite Perkins [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, September 12, 2004 7:16 PM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Re BMid SA

Hi Sue
I found out about Uni SA external BMid program a week
or two ago after buying the NSW/ACT uni book and
finding UT (Syd)  BMid ( due to start 2005) unlisted.
I browsed a bit and found Uni SA. I emailed  Beth
Grinter who sent me info re external study BMid at Uni
SA . It has, to date,  only been some units but her
reply suggests that all units should be available
externally by 2005 intake. She sent me an info sheet
with SATAC numbers for the courses, which is a bit
puzzling because the SATAC website BMid number isn't
the same as Beth's ones. And no separate numbers for
applying for on campus versus external study. Trying
to track it all down now, apply AND examining, after
years of being a birth helper,   if my goal of being a
midwife is still in place. I've been waiting for the
ACT to introduce the BMid since at least 1997 and it's
still not here so exteranl study seems a good option
as I don't feel like I can move.
I've been --- Tania  Laurie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Re BMid SAHi Sue
 I don't think there is an external 3 year program -
 but then I didn't know there was an external 6 year
 program either!! From my understanding there are
 only certain subjects in the 3 year program that can
 be undertaken externally. Perhaps you could contact
 the program director at Uni SA. Her name is Beth
 Grinter, ph 8302 6317 - she can be difficult to get
 hold of, so be patient and she will return your call
 if you leave a message.

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[ozmidwifery] Re: the abortion topic

2004-09-14 Thread Kim Stead

Hi guys

I just wanted to add that I am not pro or against abortion - just understanding of women's difficulties and changing circumstances that come up and bite you in the bum when you least expect them!

I do know of women who have had abortions for very sound reasons (now I feel like I am having to justify their decisions or lack of them) and I have seen the heart-ache that this has caused for years to come. They have not been decisions that have been taken lightly and often they have affected many people in the wings - family and the professionals caring for them. I have also worked with some amazing midwives who have cared for women during the procedure (and not the early ones) because they have been 'dropped' by their midwives, doctors etc (and often ones they trusted)for the decision that had been made. They felt that were being judged by people (professionals) who should know better and who knew very little of their personal situations. The midwives who cared for these women often had anti-abortion feelings also but kept that part of their personal belief system and not for public knowledge.Others felt that this was not something that they could be involved with(ethical reasonsor emotional well-being)and professionally and kindly removed themselves from the situation making sure the woman was cared for by someone who could support her through one of the most difficult times of her life. Usually we knew of those such people and as professionals we supported them with their difficult task. Unit managers also knew which staff they could call on. 

As a student, one of my fellow colleagues wasvery openand somewhat ruthless in expressing her opinions. "I will not care for such women! I'm not that kind of midwife". As midwives, especially when working in the continuity model... you don't know who these women are going to be. They don't exactly have signs on their foreheads. Often the women don't know who they are either. Unfortuanately, abortion was almost a taboo subject in my training (issues with one the lecturer's I suspected) so I took it upon myself to research and present this topic as one of my special topic presentations. I thought it was important for all midwives (and other heath professionals) to know how complex the situation is, situations but more importantly, how to deal with the situation when it arises. As a woman and a mother, I have my own feelings and opinionsbut have also been very grateful that Ihavenever beenin such a situationbut asa midwife I hope to have a professional approach to the subject as well and wanted to be prepared in advance. I urge you all to give this some consideration so that the women we care for are treated in a respectful and non-judgemental manner. Know what services exist in your area and where these women and families can can help, advice and support.Be clear about your professional and personal boundaries.

I value this list for the opportunity to share feelings and experienes but like some others, I don't feel it is an appropriate place to lay judgement and stir up feelingsand emotions that lie deep within any one of us. We all have our own issues, passions and life experiences (both good and bad) and I know that certain topics are very close to home for me also.

Kiwi Kim.

Kim Stead
Midwife : Birth-Wise Midwifery

---Original Message---

Date: 14/09/2004 3:30:59 p.m.
Subject: [ozmidwifery] abortion and working with women etc

I find your writings on abortion very judgemental of others. How can you sit in judgment when you personally have not been through abortion and know what it is like, or know why a woman would make that choice? It seems youhave never had to face a situation personally with abortion. Or if you have you need to deal with your feelings about it adequetly rather than sit in judgment of others.

I have had two abortions personally -one an unwanted pregnancy at a very young age with failed contraceptives and the other a very much wanted pregnancy and abortion due to medical reasons (my health not the fetus'). They werehard situations and the grief I have experienced is enormous. I have reflected on my views on abortion many times and althoughIdon't believe I wouldchoose an abortion again for myselfI still believe in a womans right to choose an abortion. 

Perhaps its time you turned the attention and energy around and focus on yourself and look at what it is inside yourself that you can't accept. 

I worry that someone who works with women regulary would hold such harsh views.How can you care and support them adequetly feeling the way you do?
Do you ask each woman before you work with them about their "abortion status" and decline working with them if they have had an abortion?

I didn't want to join this debate as it is such an emotive one and probably does no good, but your comments affected me and there are probably many women on this list 

Re: [ozmidwifery] abortion and working with women etc

2004-09-14 Thread Abby and Toby

Perhaps its time you turned the attention 
and energy around and focus on yourself and look at what it is inside yourself 
that you can't accept. 

Is this really a serious comment? Because of the 
fact that I strongly disagree with something, then there is something I need to 
deal with. So.because I disagree strongly with child abuse, pornography, 
rape etc etc, then I will need to look inside myself to see what it is that I 
can't accept?? I am willing to speak out against, what I see as major problems 
in our world, so this means I have issues. I know I have issues, but I don't see 
speaking out against the norm as that being a sign of them.

 worry that someone who works with women 
regulary would hold such harsh views.How can you care and support them 
adequetly feeling the way you do? Do you ask each 
woman before you work with them about their "abortion status" and decline 
working with them if they have had an abortion?

I love the "please don't judge women" comments and 
then the judgements. To the above statement, as if. If you knew 
mewell...you obviously don't. Just because I feel 
strongly against abortion and feel the need to speak out against it, doesn't 
mean the topic runs my life. I am not even going to answer the second question. 

So, I am guessing you are perfect, so you can care 
and support women adequately then? There are so many things in this world that 
people can disagree on. Here is a list that I think we would all have differing 
views on smacking children, co-sleeping, natural parenting, drugs in birth, 
breastfeeding, religion, politics etc etc, does this mean then, that because 
someone disagrees with you, then they are inadequate carers.

What does a woman need to care adequately for a 
woman? Is it the "right" opinion or is it a heart and passion for her and her 

Love Abby- please don't throw insults out, while 
telling me not to be judgemental.

Re: [ozmidwifery] Prochiaden and breastfeeding?

2004-09-14 Thread Kirsten Wohlt
Where does your friend live abby?  If she is in melbourne, or doesn't mind calling 
melbourne, the Monash Medical Centre drug information line (03-9594 2361), is a 
brilliant resource for pregnant or breastfeeding women.  A man called Rod (White is 
his surname I think) specialises in medications in pregnancy and breastfeeding.  
Absolute gem of a man.  He helped me when I wanted to continue breastfeeding my 5 
month old daughter and had to go on to thyroid and arthritis medications.  I had the 
same dilemma when my son was 5 months old, but didn't know about rodney, so took 
doctors advice and weaned him.  I was devastated (not that my doctors took that into 
account!) Was determined not to this time, spoke to one of ABA counsellors and she put 
me on to rod.  With his care and advice i happily breastfed my beautiful little girl 
until she was 2 and a half years old, when we both came to a mutually happy decision 
to wean!

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Re: [ozmidwifery] Prochiaden and breastfeeding?

2004-09-14 Thread Kim Stead

Hi Abbey

I thought I would look this up as I have an interest in mental illness and have a limited knowledge of pharmacology. Prochiaden is a tricyclic antidepressant and one of the 'older' depression drugs. More often SSRI's are being used. Was your friend on this medication before pregnancy and during pregnancy? Is this being prescribed by an appropriate professional. I assume he/she is aware that she is breastfeeding.

From my textbooks, it's suggests that postnatally, the amounts should be reduced to pre-pregnancy levels with close observation for emergent side effects. Side effects in the baby can include feeding difficulties, seizures, tachypnoea, pastrointestional stasis and bladder retention. Obviously quite serious and not to be taken without careful consideration and a detailed consultation.

It's reallynot something that a midwife has a lot of knowledge about unless she is specifically trained in that field, therefore difficult to advise and make statements or judgements. I too agreee that it's best to try more natural remedies first but in the case of mental illness, one (a professional) needs to decide how serious thesituation is and weigh up the advantages and disadvantages of taking/not taking the medication. It may well be that your friend needs to take this medication at this time and while it may affect the baby, her needs are important at ensuring her mental and emotional wellbeing in order for her to be an effective and loving mother.

Again...one of those not so black and white issues.

Hope this has been of some help. Probablly not I suspect!

Kim Stead
Midwife : Birth-Wise Midwifery

---Original Message---

Date: 14/09/2004 4:24:18 p.m.
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Prochiaden and breastfeeding?

Thought some of you wise women could help with a friends query. She has been
prescribed Prochiaden 25mg for depression and she is breastfeeding her 2
month old. She was worried about the side effects and what effects that
would have on bubs. I thought that most anti depressants would have similiar
side effects listed ie. drowsiness, dizziness, nausea(? spelling)
Do any of you know much about this drug? are there any safer anti
depressants for pregnancy ( DISCLAIMER- I am actually not a fan of anti
depressants at all. I believe most "depression" can be cured with exercise,
nutrition and various therapies. However, she is adimant about taking them
and so I want to find out the safest).
Could someone look it up in, is it Dr Hales, book?

Thanks so much.
Love Abby

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Re: [ozmidwifery] West Today

2004-09-14 Thread Marilyn Kleidon

No Denise, How can we access it ?


  - Original Message - 
  Denise Hynd 
  Sent: Monday, September 13, 2004 11:45 
  Subject: [ozmidwifery] West Today
  Dear all 
  I trust you all read page 15 in today's West by 
  Geraldine Mellett
  Anyone able to transcribe to the list for those 
  who did not??
  Denise Hynd
  "Never believe that a few caring people can't 
  change the world. For, indeed, they are the only ones who ever 
  have." Margaret Mead

Re: [ozmidwifery] re: abortion etc

2004-09-14 Thread Judy Chapman
I guess if we took this 'pro all life' argument to the extreme
then we would not have leather in our lounges, cars, shoes.
There is a school of thought out there that plants scream when
cut so I guess we don't cut any, don't rip veges off the
tree/vine, don't fell trees etc!!!

 --- Abby and Toby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 I don't find it ridiculous that you would say it.
 Vegetarians are often held to much higher expectations than
 others, but just in case you hadn't noticed they are human too
 and liable to all such vagaries.  Apparently refusing to eat
 animals or objecting to animal cruelty implies one is on
 another plane. Only to those who for some reason are offended
 by such a position. Vegetarians never portray themselves as
 perfect. At least not in my experience (always the caveat).
 Oh the joys of email without emotion! lol! 
 I think you have misinterpreted what I was saying. I was a
 vego for years and still now am 90%. So...I don't
 think anything of vegetarians, except, yes, they are human. I
 don't believe that what you eat makes you any more or any less
 of a person.
 My point being that I find it ironic that some vegos are so
 concerned by harming animal life, yet they will kill their own
 offspring. To me, this goes against their own philosophies,
 hence, irony.
 Love Abby

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Re: [ozmidwifery] Prochiaden and breastfeeding?

2004-09-14 Thread Kim Stead

Thanks fine Abby - the reference is from "Fundamental of Pharmacology" - Galbraith, Bullock, Mania.

If anyone ever wants me to look anything up, just yell as I have some good books that are getting little use and they are so expensive to buy! In NZ we have prescribing rights so that's why I got them but they are useful to have.


---Original Message---

Date: 14/09/2004 5:50:51 p.m.
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Prochiaden and breastfeeding?

Hi Kim,

That was very helpful, thankyou. Would you mind if I forwarded the info from your textbooks? I know she wants as much info as possible.

She came off anti-depressantsafter 6 years of being on them, just before she got pregnant. She wasn't taking Prochiaden though, it was something else. I am sure it was an SSRI, but can't remember the name. So she hasn't been on them at all through pregnancy.
Her doctor lives 4 hours away in Orange. He was the one who first prescribed them for her when she was 16 and feeling " a little bit down"but that is a whole other story.

Thanks again for the info.
Love Abby

Re: [ozmidwifery] abortion and working with women etc

2004-09-14 Thread Jen Semple

Just wanted to say thank you for sharing your personal
story in such a public way.

Sadly there is such a stigma to abortion, that it's
something that selfish, careless women do, etc...
people don't realise that it's their sisters, their
lovers, mothers, aunties, friends, and colleagues of
all ages (not just teenagers) that make the difficult
choice to have an abortion.

Blessings to you all, Jen

 --- Honey Acharya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 I find your writings on abortion very judgemental of
 others. How can you sit in judgment when you
 personally have not been through abortion and know
 what it is like, or know why a woman would make that
 choice? It seems you have never had to face a
 situation personally with abortion. Or if you have
 you need to deal with your feelings about it
 adequetly rather than sit in judgment of others.
 I have had two abortions personally - one an
 unwanted pregnancy at a very young age with failed
 contraceptives and the other a very much wanted
 pregnancy and abortion due to medical reasons (my
 health not the fetus'). They were hard situations
 and the grief I have experienced is enormous. I have
 reflected on my views on abortion many times and
 although I don't believe I would choose an abortion
 again for myself I still believe in a womans right
 to choose an abortion. 
 Perhaps its time you turned the attention and energy
 around and focus on yourself and look at what it is
 inside yourself that you can't accept. 
 I worry that someone who works with women regulary
 would hold such harsh views. How can you care and
 support them adequetly feeling the way you do?
 Do you ask each woman before you work with them
 about their abortion status and decline working
 with them if they have had an abortion?
 I didn't want to join this debate as it is such an
 emotive one and probably does no good, but your
 comments affected me and there are probably many
 women on this list who have had abortions so you are
 sitting in judgement of many and bringing up pain
 and many feelings for women in a very unloving and
 unsupportive way.
 perhaps its time to take this debate to an abortion
 list rather than an ozmid one.

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Re: [ozmidwifery] Re BMid SA

2004-09-14 Thread Tanya drumm
Hi Sue,  I am at Uni SA and started part time external BMid this year, but 
as Kirsten mentioned, the course will be available full time externally next 
year.  Hope this helps. Tanya

From: Callum  Kirsten [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Re BMid SA
Date: Sat, 11 Sep 2004 17:40:45 +0930
Re BMid SAYes the external can be full time 3 years or part time over up to 
6 years.

We have only been able to do part time this year, but the course is fully 
full time external as of next year!

(another unisa external student!)
~~~start life with a midwife~~~
  - Original Message -
  From: Sue Cookson
  Sent: Saturday, September 11, 2004 5:33 PM
  Subject: [ozmidwifery] Re BMid SA
  Hi Tania, Tanya and others,
  Just to clarify Tania, you're enrolled in the 3 year BMid internal 
program, and Tanya you're in the 6 year external Bmid at UniSA.
  Could either of you enlighten me about whether UniSA has a 3 year 
external program as well?

Hi Kim
I'm not sure how to email you off list so am replying here! I'm 
interested in doing my graduate year in NZ. Currently I'm studying the BMid 
at UniSA as one of the first 'direct entry' group. I'd have finished at the 
end of this year, but had a homebirth for baby no. 3 in July last year and 
will now finish end of 2005.

Thanks for link you provided - will take a look and see how I go. 
Could you let me know how to email you off list - just in case I have more 
questions?? Thanks.


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Re: [ozmidwifery] repeating posts

2004-09-14 Thread Honey Acharya

There seem to be a number of posts coming in multiple times 
from different people now. Could it be something with the ozmidwifery email 
rather than individuals computers? Or are we all catching the 

  - Original Message - 
  Kim Stead 
  Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2004 4:00 
  Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] repeating 

Hey Jo!

I am not cross and I am sure the others are not as it is 
obviouslyun-intentional. Good luck with the tech 
friend!! Don't they come in handy.



Date: 14/09/2004 
3:45:30 p.m.
[ozmidwifery] repeating posts

I am really sorry about this guys, i am 
trying to work out why this is happening. My virus software says 
there is nothing worng but we all can tell it is not! I am going 
to remove my address book from the computer and see if that 
Pleasedont be cross. you coud 
try putting a bar on the particular message to stop it from coming in on 
your end? But I am going to call a techfriend 



Re: [ozmidwifery] repeating posts

2004-09-14 Thread Marilyn Kleidon

I am suspecting the virus has attacked ozmid again! it seems 
to happen from time to time.


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2004 3:37 
  Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] repeating 
  There seem to be a number of posts coming in multiple times 
  from different people now. Could it be something with the ozmidwifery email 
  rather than individuals computers? Or are we all catching the 
- Original Message - 
Kim Stead 


Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2004 4:00 
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] repeating 

Hey Jo!
  I am not cross and I am sure the others are not as it is 
  obviouslyun-intentional. Good luck with the tech 
  friend!! Don't they come in handy.
  Date: 14/09/2004 
  3:45:30 p.m.
  [ozmidwifery] repeating posts
  I am really sorry about this guys, i am 
  trying to work out why this is happening. My virus software says 
  there is nothing worng but we all can tell it is not! I am going 
  to remove my address book from the computer and see if that 
  Pleasedont be cross. you coud 
  try putting a bar on the particular message to stop it from coming in 
  on your end? But I am going to call a techfriend 



Re: [ozmidwifery] Prochiaden and breastfeeding?

2004-09-14 Thread Elissa and David
In NSW try the Mothersafe helpline on 1800 647 848 for info on medications
in pregnancy and breastfeeding.It's listed in the front of the White pages
under community help .
- Original Message - 
From: Abby and Toby [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2004 4:47 PM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Prochiaden and breastfeeding?

  Where does your friend live abby?  If she is in melbourne, or doesn't
 calling melbourne, the Monash Medical Centre drug information line
 2361), is a brilliant resource for pregnant or breastfeeding women.  A man
 called Rod (White is his surname I think) specialises in medications in
 pregnancy and breastfeeding.

 Thanks for that info Kirsten. My friend lives in Sydney, but I will give
 them a call and also give her the number. What a great resource. It is a
 shame more doctors don't know about drugs and breastfeeding and also safe
 alternatives to their favourite prescriptions for breastfeeding mothers.

 Thanks again, greatly appreciated.
 Love Abby

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Re: [ozmidwifery] repeating posts

2004-09-14 Thread Mary Murphy

My checker is also eradicating about 10 virus's a day. Mine seem to 
be coming from a travel agents list. I am also getting all the 
multiples. The cyber world is really strange. M

  I am suspecting the virus has attacked ozmid again! it seems 
  to happen from time to time.
There seem to be a number of posts coming in multiple 
times from different people now. Could it be something with the ozmidwifery 
email rather than individuals computers? Or are we all catching the 

  - Original Message - 

[ozmidwifery] repeating posts!

2004-09-14 Thread Dean Jo

Thank goodness it is not only mine that is doing it 
now! My tech friend did a whole heap of checking and he too says that 
there is no virus and that it must be coming from the list itself! So 
sorryguys, you may just have to get sick of seeingmy 



Re: [ozmidwifery] Prochiaden and breastfeeding?

2004-09-14 Thread Joy Cocks
L1 is the safest, but I would have to look right through the book for other
antidepressants as the drugs are in alphabetical order.  Don't have time
right now but maybe in the next few days(?).

Joy Cocks RN (Div 1) RM CBE IBCLC
BRIGHT Vic 3741
- Original Message -
From: Abby and Toby [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2004 17:38 PM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Prochiaden and breastfeeding?

 And/or, the
  evidence of a demonstrated risk which is likely to follow use of this
  medication in a breastfeeding woman is remote.
  Hope this helps

 Thanks Joy. I did mean Prothiaden, I wrote down c instead of t when she
 telling me the spelling.
 Does the book say if there are any safer drugs? Or is L2 the safest with
 least effects?

 Love Abby.

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Re: [ozmidwifery] I need your help again.

2004-09-14 Thread Denise Hynd

Dear Philipa
The information they have given your client even in 
lay terms iscontradictory! AIMS http://www.aims.org.uk/has a booklet 
"Ultrasound, unsound"
The approach this women's "Carers"have 
taken is not consistent with principles of informed choice (check out ANdrea's 
article at http://www.acegraphics.com.au/articles/andrea10.html).

No-one can do anything to any one else with out 
their permission,
to do so is assault 

and to have this woman fearful and acting out 
of fear is coersion (like most women in this position) isagain not 

Also inducing women who are afraid usually 
results in failed induction more interventions to eventually C/S because 
adrenaline (the fear hormone) in the system turns the uterus off.

If she does not understand what the need for 
induction is then she needs to ask more questions.
If she does not like their answers then she needs 
to decide if she will submit to their inappropriate behaviours toward her or go 
get answers AND POSSIBLY CARE and respect from others??

I think we need to say to women that No -one can 
make any one do what they do not want, and submission is anact for 
which more women must take responsibilty or stop doing it!
Denise Hynd

"Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world. For, 
indeed, they are the only ones who ever have." Margaret Mead

  - Original Message - 
  Philippa Scott 
  To: ozmidwifery ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2004 6:39 
  Subject: [ozmidwifery] I need your help 
  Hi all,
  Sorry about the cross posting but I dont have a 
  lot of time to gather info. I need it in less than 24 hrs actually. My client 
  has been told that her placenta is aging  that they will induce her at 
  37wks, 38 at the most. They have told her that the baby is fine  growing 
  well and that this may simply be how her body works but they are not taking 
  chances with the babies life. It was only picked up on because she was 
  diagnosed as a very mild gest. diabetic. Her last two babies she didn't have 
  any antenatal care at all so she doesn't know what is normal for her except 
  that she is more worried about things this time. But who can blame her. Oh she 
  is also Group Strep B or was early in pg. Can anyone point me in the right 
  direction for info as I dont have a lot of time to look it up  me pg 
  brain is only working to half speed. I cant believe I only have 9 weeks to 
  Philippa ScottBirth 

[ozmidwifery] Video

2004-09-14 Thread sally
Title: Let's Keep the Pressure Up

Could somebody please remind me of the name of the 
video by Vicki Chan and Nic Edmonstone that was shown at the opening of the ACMI 

I would like to order a copy for the library at 
work. This is very exciting because I work in a tertiary hospital...things 
are looking up.


PS. Where do I order it from?