Re: [ozmidwifery] But there is Dr delay to the story from NZ

2006-03-29 Thread Mike & Lindsay Kennedy
There is a definite media bias in both Oz and NZ when it comes to midwifery/doctor involvement in Birth issues especially in the area of maternal/neonatal mortality. Interesting to note that the coroner in other recent cases in NZ has made recommendations for improvements but has not blamed/challenged the system in use in NZ. 
rgds mike On 3/23/06, Susan Cudlipp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

What I cannot understand here is that the woman was 
transferred at 23.45hours for mec liquor, and "sat on" for the next 5 hours, 
presumably being monitored by CTG all that time with the mec getting 
How come the midwives are copping the blame 
here?  The attending midwife obviously transferred appropriately, it would 
appear to be hospital mis-management, either lack of monitoring, inexperience in 
reading the monitor, or lack of appropriate assessment by doctor on 
Either way, to allow a woman to labour with fetal 
distress which must have been increasing for the babe to be so compromised is 
certainly unforgiveable - but why was she left so long?  That is the 
question that needs to be answered.  Even in hospital care the doctor was 
'too busy' to assess this poor woman?
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do 
nothing"Edmund Burke

  - Original Message - 
  B & 
  Sent: Monday, March 20, 2006 6:39 
  Subject: [ozmidwifery] But there is Dr 
  delay to the story from NZ

Just read 
the fuller details. Seems to me the midwives took her to hospital 
correctly but a huge delay in being seen by the Dr! Seems to me there is 
scaremongering going on. Love to know more about the Dr stats.  
This article is owned by, or has been licensed to, 
the New Zealand Herald. You may not reproduce, publish, electronically 
archive or transmit this article in any manner without the prior written 
consent of the New Zealand Herald. To make a copyright clearance 
inquiry, please click here.





Alan and Heather Phillips place 
  flowers at the grave site of their baby daughter Tyla in Awhitu. 
  Picture / Kenny Rodger
 Baby died after hospital errors 

 20.03.06By Martin Johnston
 Another baby 
has died after a series of mistakes partly blamed on midwife care. 
Tyla Phillips survived for only 7 hours after she was born at 
Middlemore Hospital in an emergency caesarean operation last August. 
A hospital specialist later told her parents, Heather and Alan 
Phillips, that if the operation had been performed three hours earlier 
she might have lived. The specialist said midwives misread a 
fetal heart rate monitor. The couple now want an inquiry into 
maternity and midwifery care because their case follows other newborn 
deaths with similar themes. Middlemore is saying little publicly 
about Tyla's birth until the Accident Compensation Corporation has 
reported its decision to the hospital and Health and Disability 
Commissioner Ron Paterson has investigated. The hospital says it 
may refer the case, which had devastated the staff involved, to the 
commissioner, or medical or midwifery bodies. However, hospital 
documents and a tape recording the Phillips have of one of their 
meetings with senior clinicians catalogue the mistakes that led to 
Tyla's death on August 18 and a follow-up internal review. A key 
failure was midwives' mis-reading of a fetal heart rate monitor, 
according to the obstetric consultant on call at the time, Dr Alec 
Ekeroma, on the tape. He also indicated that the fetal 
blood-acidity test which led to the caesarean decision - done after an 
obstetric registrar reviewed the heart monitoring - was unnecessary in 
the circumstances and wasted time. He said the 21-minute 
caesarean operation - Tyla was born at 5.53am - should have been done 
"probably two or three hours earlier". If it had been, this "may have 
changed the outcome". Mrs Phillips was several days overdue when 
she went to the Middlemore-allied Botany Downs Maternity Unit, which was 
managing her pregnancy. The unit's midwives had her transferred to 
Middlemore at 11.45pm on August 17. Her waters had broken around 9pm, 
containing what her medical file says was "moderate meconium" (faeces 
from the baby). Staff noticed thick m

Re: [ozmidwifery] But there is Dr delay to the story from NZ

2006-03-22 Thread Susan Cudlipp
Title: Message

What I cannot understand here is that the woman was 
transferred at 23.45hours for mec liquor, and "sat on" for the next 5 hours, 
presumably being monitored by CTG all that time with the mec getting 
How come the midwives are copping the blame 
here?  The attending midwife obviously transferred appropriately, it would 
appear to be hospital mis-management, either lack of monitoring, inexperience in 
reading the monitor, or lack of appropriate assessment by doctor on 
Either way, to allow a woman to labour with fetal 
distress which must have been increasing for the babe to be so compromised is 
certainly unforgiveable - but why was she left so long?  That is the 
question that needs to be answered.  Even in hospital care the doctor was 
'too busy' to assess this poor woman?
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do 
nothing"Edmund Burke

  - Original Message - 
  B & 
  Sent: Monday, March 20, 2006 6:39 
  Subject: [ozmidwifery] But there is Dr 
  delay to the story from NZ

Just read 
the fuller details. Seems to me the midwives took her to hospital 
correctly but a huge delay in being seen by the Dr! Seems to me there is 
scaremongering going on. Love to know more about the Dr stats.  
This article is owned by, or has been licensed to, 
the New Zealand Herald. You may not reproduce, publish, electronically 
archive or transmit this article in any manner without the prior written 
consent of the New Zealand Herald. To make a copyright clearance 
inquiry, please click here.




Alan and Heather Phillips place 
  flowers at the grave site of their baby daughter Tyla in Awhitu. 
  Picture / Kenny Rodger
 Baby died after hospital errors 

 20.03.06By Martin Johnston
 Another baby 
has died after a series of mistakes partly blamed on midwife care. 
Tyla Phillips survived for only 7 hours after she was born at 
Middlemore Hospital in an emergency caesarean operation last August. 
A hospital specialist later told her parents, Heather and Alan 
Phillips, that if the operation had been performed three hours earlier 
she might have lived. The specialist said midwives misread a 
fetal heart rate monitor. The couple now want an inquiry into 
maternity and midwifery care because their case follows other newborn 
deaths with similar themes. Middlemore is saying little publicly 
about Tyla's birth until the Accident Compensation Corporation has 
reported its decision to the hospital and Health and Disability 
Commissioner Ron Paterson has investigated. The hospital says it 
may refer the case, which had devastated the staff involved, to the 
commissioner, or medical or midwifery bodies. However, hospital 
documents and a tape recording the Phillips have of one of their 
meetings with senior clinicians catalogue the mistakes that led to 
Tyla's death on August 18 and a follow-up internal review. A key 
failure was midwives' mis-reading of a fetal heart rate monitor, 
according to the obstetric consultant on call at the time, Dr Alec 
Ekeroma, on the tape. He also indicated that the fetal 
blood-acidity test which led to the caesarean decision - done after an 
obstetric registrar reviewed the heart monitoring - was unnecessary in 
the circumstances and wasted time. He said the 21-minute 
caesarean operation - Tyla was born at 5.53am - should have been done 
"probably two or three hours earlier". If it had been, this "may have 
changed the outcome". Mrs Phillips was several days overdue when 
she went to the Middlemore-allied Botany Downs Maternity Unit, which was 
managing her pregnancy. The unit's midwives had her transferred to 
Middlemore at 11.45pm on August 17. Her waters had broken around 9pm, 
containing what her medical file says was "moderate meconium" (faeces 
from the baby). Staff noticed thick meconium when she arrived at the 
hospital. The presence of meconium can indicate a distressed 
baby. Because of this, the Phillips expected a caesarean on arrival at 
Middlemore. Mrs Phillips said she was not fully assessed by an 
obstetric doctor until about 5am. Her medical file states a 
registrar was asked to see her after her arrival 

[ozmidwifery] But there is Dr delay to the story from NZ

2006-03-20 Thread B & G
Title: Message



  Just read the 
  fuller details. Seems to me the midwives took her to hospital correctly 
  but a huge delay in being seen by the Dr! Seems to me there is 
  scaremongering going on. Love to know more about the Dr stats.  
  This article is owned by, or has been licensed to, 
  the New Zealand Herald. You may not reproduce, publish, electronically 
  archive or transmit this article in any manner without the prior written 
  consent of the New Zealand Herald. To make a copyright clearance inquiry, 
  please click here.





  Alan and Heather Phillips place 
flowers at the grave site of their baby daughter Tyla in Awhitu. 
Picture / Kenny Rodger
   Baby died after hospital errors 
  Martin Johnston
   Another baby 
  has died after a series of mistakes partly blamed on midwife care. 
  Tyla Phillips survived for only 7 hours after she was born at 
  Middlemore Hospital in an emergency caesarean operation last August. 
  A hospital specialist later told her parents, Heather and Alan 
  Phillips, that if the operation had been performed three hours earlier she 
  might have lived. The specialist said midwives misread a fetal 
  heart rate monitor. The couple now want an inquiry into maternity 
  and midwifery care because their case follows other newborn deaths with 
  similar themes. Middlemore is saying little publicly about Tyla's 
  birth until the Accident Compensation Corporation has reported its 
  decision to the hospital and Health and Disability Commissioner Ron 
  Paterson has investigated. The hospital says it may refer the 
  case, which had devastated the staff involved, to the commissioner, or 
  medical or midwifery bodies. However, hospital documents and a 
  tape recording the Phillips have of one of their meetings with senior 
  clinicians catalogue the mistakes that led to Tyla's death on August 18 
  and a follow-up internal review. A key failure was midwives' 
  mis-reading of a fetal heart rate monitor, according to the obstetric 
  consultant on call at the time, Dr Alec Ekeroma, on the tape. He 
  also indicated that the fetal blood-acidity test which led to the 
  caesarean decision - done after an obstetric registrar reviewed the heart 
  monitoring - was unnecessary in the circumstances and wasted time. 
  He said the 21-minute caesarean operation - Tyla was born at 
  5.53am - should have been done "probably two or three hours earlier". If 
  it had been, this "may have changed the outcome". Mrs Phillips was 
  several days overdue when she went to the Middlemore-allied Botany Downs 
  Maternity Unit, which was managing her pregnancy. The unit's midwives had 
  her transferred to Middlemore at 11.45pm on August 17. Her waters had 
  broken around 9pm, containing what her medical file says was "moderate 
  meconium" (faeces from the baby). Staff noticed thick meconium when she 
  arrived at the hospital. The presence of meconium can indicate a 
  distressed baby. Because of this, the Phillips expected a caesarean on 
  arrival at Middlemore. Mrs Phillips said she was not fully 
  assessed by an obstetric doctor until about 5am. Her medical file 
  states a registrar was asked to see her after her arrival but was busy in 
  theatre. At 5.32am the decision was made to deliver Tyla by 
  caesarean after the blood-acid test - which had consumed 20 minutes, after 
  one attempt at the test failed - confirmed her distress. A report 
  on Tyla's post-mortem says her lungs had suffered "massive meconium 
  inhalation" and extensive bleeding, and she had brain damage from oxygen 
  deprivation. A Middlemore document describes the events 
  surrounding the birth and poor follow-up with the parents as a 
  "multi-system failure". A letter to ACC by clinical director of 
  women's health Dr Keith Allenby lists 11 recommendations being considered 
  to address some of the issues the case has highlighted. These 
  include clarifying what should be done in response to abnormalities 
  revealed by fetal heart rate monitoring; regular training, for all 
  pregnancy-care staff, in interpreting the monitoring results; and 
  clarifying the chain of contact "if obstetric registrar busy (as new tier 
  of doctors now in place)". The Phillips have lost confidence in 
  New Zealand's midwife-dominated maternity system. "If I could do 
  it again," said 33-year-old Mrs Phillips, who had difficulty conceiving 
  Tyla, "I wouldn't go the midwife way. I would go to a doctor, a 
  specialist." Tyla's case follows crit