Re: Debugging over USB

2004-06-05 Thread Brad Figler
I think I remember USB debugging not working in CW8. It works fine in CW9.
Jake Wobbrock wrote:
Hi all,
I'm trying to debug on a Tungsten T3 while it sits in its native USB cradle.
I'm using CodeWarrior for Palm OS 8.3 and I have Palm desktop (hotsync,
etc.) version 4.1 installed. I've seen on Google groups that a lot of people
have trouble debugging from CodeWarrior on the device itself over USB, but
most of those posts were from 2002 and 2003. I'm wondering if Metrowerks has
made any progress since then on supporting debugging on devices over USB. I
hope the answer isn't that I need CodeWarrior 9 instead of 8...
The problem I keep getting is that CodeWarrior cannot connect to my device.
This only happens for a USB device, not a serial one.
Also, I copied the USBPort.dll from the Palm\Bin directory into the
CodeWarrior\Bin directory, since this was recommended in another post. The
one I copied was a newer one, version, instead of which was
already in the CodeWarrior\Bin directory. Until I did this, I couldn't ever
connect at all. Once I did, I was able to connect, but only once in a great
Thanks in advance.

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Re: Arrays/Pointer in Palm OS!

2004-04-08 Thread Brad Figler
Your array is 300K in size. PalmOS only supports memory blocks  64K 
unless you use feature pointers or such.

Keyur Patwa wrote:

Hi guys,

Actually I am trying to declare an array like UInt8 grayedPixel[307200];
And I am getting the following linking errors,
Link Error   : __RuntimeModule__: Near data segment is bigger than 64k.
Link Error   : __RuntimeModule__: Near data segment is bigger than 64k.
Link Error   : PalmOS_Startup.cpp: 'MTWK::__LoadAndRelocate__(unsigned
char,_opaque*)' 16-bit data reference to '__segtable__' is out of range.

I think I should use pointer but I don't know how to iniitlize a pointer
in Palm os!
Its very urgent, can someone please reply soon?



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Re: What's best: MemMove or struct = struct ??

2004-04-01 Thread Brad Figler
I would imagine that struct = struct would be a bit more efficient.

MemMove has to handle overlapping memory addresses, so there is going to
be a little bit of overhead for that. Also, MemMove is a system trap and 
calling OS functions consists of setting up the environment (for the 
stack frame, return address, giving control to the OS, etc...).

That is why I think it would be more efficient just copying your 
structure in a loop (i.e. struct = struct ).


Regis St-Gelais wrote:
This is a repost from March 10, I did not get any answer, maybe this time I
will be lucky.
With CW 9.3 in C,

Let say I have a typedef of a struct (fooStruct)

I declare 2 structs:
fooStruct udsStructA;
fooStruct udsStructB;
I can copy the struct content with this:
the assembly looks like:
0068: 41ED   lea   udsStructB,a0
006C: 43ED   lea   udsStructA,a1
0070: 303C 0359  move.w#857,d0
0074: 22D8   move.l(a0)+,(a1)+
0076: 51C8 FFFC  dbra  d0,*-2 ; 0x0074
and with that:
the assembly looks like:
007A: 4878 0D68  pea   0x0d68
007E: 486D   pea   udsStructB
0082: 486D   pea   udsStructA
0086: 4E4F   trap  #15
0088: A026   sysTrapMemMove
My assembly knowleage date from the 8080, 6802 days so I am a bit out of
date on 68K assembly ;-)
Which way is the best way to do this?


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Re: Unknown error code of VFSFileOpen

2004-03-30 Thread Brad Figler
Sounds to me like you have a memory leak somewhere.

Decimal error 259 is memErrInvalidParam (invalid param or requested size 
is too big).


DongDong wrote:
I have an application with a list of images read from VFS memory card. There
are 12 images available on a screen.
There are two buttons Go to top and Go to bottom to jump to first 12
images or last 12 images.
It works properly at first. But after I click Go to bottom and Go to top
alternatively continuously, An error occurs at eighth click on Go to top.
I've checked the error code returned, just after calling VFSFileOpen, is
259. I tried to check what's the error but not any of the following. It
happeneds at both my Zire71 and Simuator 5.2 at same location (i.e. the
eighth click on Go to top).
Any advice and suggestion. Looking forwards to any help.

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Cobalt Question

2004-03-25 Thread Brad Figler
Is the data manager memory still write protected? If yes (which I think 
it is), is there anyway to lock down a section of it for direct write 
access (analogous to a memory mapped file in windows)?



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PODS with existing eclipse

2004-03-03 Thread Brad Figler
This has probably already been asked, but can PODS exist on a system 
that already has eclipse installed with the standard JAVA and JAVA debug 



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Re: Cobalt porting: No longer single prc for all OS versions

2004-03-02 Thread Brad Figler

But in my line of work, who cares if meet some ideal of  expert?  I need
to develop solutions, not impress my users with my OS knowledge.  I can get
down and dirty with the best of them, but I prefer to have the development
tool/environment do it for me.  Anyways the .Net Framework is basically just
another OS you program for, the same way you program for the JVM.  You need
to understand it to develop quality applications for it.

I agree that using a tool to make your life easier and your time to 
market faster is a good idea. However, I don't think you can compare a 
framework that wraps an operating system to an operating system (i.e CF 
.NET to PalmOS 6).

It has been my experience, and I imagine yours too, that when a 
developer gets stumped on a problem (in any framework) and they don't 
understand the inner workings of the OS (or whatever is being wrapped), 
they struggle to come up with an acceptable solution. Situations like 
this lead to hacks and bugs and usually a break down in design.

My original point is this. PalmOS, at an operating system level, is 
easier to understand than Windows (whether it be PPC or XP). Palm did a 
good job of keeping simple. Kudos to MS for their .NET framework. It 
makes things easier, but, it is not an excuse to not understand how the 
OS works. Trust me, I love the fact that I can bang out two million 
lines of code by writing 6 function calls in VB.NET!


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Re: Private structType in Cobalt

2004-03-01 Thread Brad Figler
Ben Combee wrote:
 I fully expect the in-memory structures for forms and their objects to
 change a lot in the future on Palm OS Cobalt.  For example, PalmSource
 has indicated that there would be some kind of user interface refresh in
 a future release.  To do that, it's likely that a lot of the internal
 state of a form would need to have a different format.
I have not delved deeply in to the new OS (yet). However, I hope that 
PalmSource does a better job of providing functions to get at some of 
the attributes of their private structures. I don't know how many times 
I have wanted to see if an attribute was set in field (such as right 
align or left align) and would actually have to break the best 
practices to check the flag.


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Re: Private structType in Cobalt

2004-03-01 Thread Brad Figler
Ben Combee wrote:

You could always do that using FldGetAttributes/FldSetAttributes -- the 
FieldAttrType structure isn't part of the protected set.

According to the OS 5.0 documentation that I have installed on my 
machine, FieldAttrType is part of the protected set. At least the 
warning is at the top of the page describing the struct. May just be a 
documentation error.


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Re: Cobalt porting: No longer single prc for all OS versions

2004-03-01 Thread Brad Figler
Keith Rollin wrote:

In what way are we not being open?  I thought that we were very open 
about our direction and upcoming releases at the PalmSource conference, 
which has continued through to answering questions on this and other 

Microsoft will throw a beta of an operating system/SDK/Framework (.Net 
being my example) out to the development community years before it is 
actually officially released. I remember playing with .NET when it was 
in it's infancy. It wasn't very stable, but we got familiar with it long 
before we ever used it.

That is the type of openness that a development community expects. Hell, 
we couldn't even squeeze a data out of PalmSource for when the new tool 
chain was going to be downloadable. Luckily, there are a million people 
on this forum and they continually checked the website for the link to 
become available.

Should those of us that did not make the conference be left in the dark?


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Re: Cobalt porting: No longer single prc for all OS versions

2004-03-01 Thread Brad Figler
Richard Coutts wrote:

There's been many a company that's been squashed like a bug by Microsoft by
releasing their technology before they had to, or by not protecting their
property sufficiently -- Microsoft is an *extremely* preditory company.  I
really don't know why Palm is so protective with their releases, or if
Microsoft has anything to do with it. But with an 800-pound gorilla like
Microsoft around, that likes to steal bananas from others, I don't blame
Pre-Releasing a development environment and protecting intellectual 
property are two completely different animals. You are right by saying 
that a company should not release thiner product in to the market if it 
is not protected properly by copyrights and patents, etc... However, PPC 
already does most of the things that PalmOS does. PalmOS is playing 
catchup in this aspect. This fact alone should motivate them to entice 
developers by throwing them a bone every now and then. I would have been 
happy with some preliminary documentation to help understand we would 
need to do to take advantage of the new OS.


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Re: Cobalt porting: No longer single prc for all OS versions

2004-03-01 Thread Brad Figler
Keith Rollin wrote:
At 5:36 PM -0700 3/1/04, Brad Figler wrote:

Keith Rollin wrote:

One advantage that Microsoft has over lots of other companies is that it 
can afford a higher level of support.  It has its hosted newsgroups, 
MSDN subscriptions with incidents levels that allow you to submit 
questions, MSDN magazine, several conferences per year, outside 
consultants like Wintellect, authors like Jeffrey Richter, etc.  With 
all of that, it can provide support for early releases. For us, while a 
leader in operating systems an applications for mobile devices, 
providing that level of support is not yet reachable. And unless we can 
support a pre-release, I don't think it would be responsible for us to 
provide a pre-release.

Don't get me wrong. I am not saying that you guys should be just like 
Microsoft. God knows we don't need another one of them running around 
here. They just do a good job of taking care of their developers. Plain 
and simple!

If you feel you're being left in the dark, it's safer to
assume that it's a mistake, an oversight, or that information will be 
coming soon and that you need to be more patient. :-)

Engineers are usually very patient, however, all that goes out the door 
when waiting to get our greedy little hands on a new toy to play with 
and master. We hate the word soon :-)


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Re: Cobalt porting: No longer single prc for all OS versions

2004-03-01 Thread Brad Figler
Alex wrote:

Just reading the overview of Cobalt makes me wonder whether it is a good
time to port to PPC. If one needs to change that much, might as well picking
up a new platform. And I thought OS 4 to OS 5 was painful. The only thing
would make this worse is that if I paid for attending DevCon  to find this
PPC is still a more complicated Operating System than PalmOS. The guys 
at PalmSource have done a good job in keeping it simple. Jumping to the 
PPC platform is probably ten fold the work than porting to the NEW OS.


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Re: Cobalt porting: No longer single prc for all OS versions

2004-03-01 Thread Brad Figler
Jamie Macleod wrote:
It depends.  If your targeting the CF .Net it is pretty easy, especially if
you use VS .Net already.  If you want to target PPC natively it is a little
more difficult.
Yes, Microsoft did a good job with the Compact Framework which makes it 
much easier to get things done. However, programming using the framework 
hides a lot of the operating system details. Just like MFC. I can't 
count on my fingers and toes how many people I have met that claim to be 
expert windows programmers and don't even know what RegisterClass() or 
RegisterClassEx() is used for. But they certainly know to put their 
initialization code in CMyApp::OnInitInstance().


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Re: Palm OS Developer Sute - Now Available ?

2004-02-18 Thread Brad Figler
palmsource *will* attempt to hide the command line interface from you
within their developer suite - so, stupid windows users should be happy.
(stupid as in dont want to think for themselves a bit)
Funny, I am a windows user, and I have used ANT to build some of my Java 
programs (and TiniAnt for that matter). I also wrote an automated build 
environment using CW COM interface that allows our QA department to 
submit build requests through a web interface. So, why am I not thinking 
for myself?

Actually, being a windows user makes you think all of the time. 
Everyday, when my XP box simply forgets how to resolve host names, I 
think to myself Why does this happen to me every day?. Then I 
reboot and continue to read these religious debates about development tools!

So, uh, how about the new developer suite. Is it available yet?


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Re: What are you using to create/edit bitmaps and icons?

2004-02-12 Thread Brad Figler
Paintshop Pro (Jasc Software) is a decent graphics package. I don't 
think it is that expensive either. The old version I have was about 50 

RVRoadie wrote:
Tried MS Paint. left me wanting. Any suggestions for low cost alternatives?


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Re: MemHandleResize

2004-02-05 Thread Brad Figler
This is taken directly from the Palm OS Programmer's Companion (volume 1)

size field (3 bytes). This three-byte value describes the size
of the chunk, which is larger than the size requested by the
application and includes the size of the chunk header itself.
The maximum data size for a chunk is slightly less than 64KB.
There are ways around this size limitation. You can download the limited 
OS source (from PalmSource) and see for yourself just how to get around 
it. However, it will cause problems with syncing on most devices.


Fruber Malcome wrote:
Why does MemHandleResize fail when passing a number larger than 65K,
eventhough the parameter supports a UInt32.
I assume this only because, instead of getting a memErrNotEnoughSpace, I get
an error saying memErrInvalidParam.
I know that the handle is ok, since I use it with smaller numbers with no
I also only see this error when using a number larger than 65535.
Any Ideas?

thanks - bill

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Re: LIST Object and Setting font

2004-02-04 Thread Brad Figler

In your list drawing callback, use FntSetFont then draw what you need to 
using WinDrawChars or some variant of that. That should use the current 

Alternatively, you could call LstGlueSetFont(), but I think that only 
works in OS 5 and up.

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Re: LIST Object and Setting font

2004-02-04 Thread Brad Figler
Fruber Malcome wrote:

Well the LstGlueSetFont worked great - thanks, I'm not sure why the other
method didn't work.
It is very possible that the internal list code set the font ID to the 
font configured in the resource and then restored it after your 
callback. I normally do what you suggested yourself, and set the ID in 
the callback.

thanks - bill
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Re: FrmPopupForm - FrmReturnToForm/FrmGotoForm

2004-01-26 Thread Brad Figler
I believe the problem that you are having is due to the fact that the 
field destroys the attached memory handle when the form is closed. To 
solve the problem, when the user selects apply, call FieldSetTextHandle( 
fieldPtr, NULL ) to un-associate the field memory with the memory handle 
you had passed in originally. This will keep the form from destroying 
your memory handles during its destruction.


Gerda Shank wrote:
I am an experienced C Programmer, but not on the PalmOS platform.
Right now I am having trouble with a modal form that I am displaying
with FrmPopupForm ( savebehind).  I set a number of fields on the
popup form to the values that already exist.  The user can modify them
and apply the changes or cancel.  When the popup form returns to the
previous form with FrmReturnToForm, the values that were written in the
fields before display are now garbage on the underlying display.  I tried
doing FrmEraseForm, FrmDeleteForm on the popup form with no effect.
I also tried doing a FrmUpdateForm to the underlying form with no luck.
The memory for the fields is being released, there are no memory
leaks detected.  I tried FrmEraseFld with no effect.
If I switch to doing FrmGotoForm instead of FrmReturnToForm, the
garbage on the underlying form is cleared, but with a noticeable
flicker (in POSE).  The garbage also occurs on real hardware.
Is there something that I'm missing?

Gerda Shank

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Re: Memory Fragmentation

2004-01-26 Thread Brad Figler
Regis St-Gelais wrote:

Second, you can defragment the memory using the api call:
According to the documentation (API docs) MemHandleNew() and MemPtrNew() 
 call MemHeapCompact() and you should not have to do it yourself. 
However, I am not sure if BmpCreate() calls MemPtrNew() or 
MemHandleNew() but I imagine that the underlying memory management would 
infact call this if the heap was fragmented.

Just a thought!


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Re: Newbie

2004-01-25 Thread Brad Figler
If you have experience programming in C/C++ then start with the 
programmers volume 1 and possibly 2. Programmers volume 1 gives you a 
great overview of how the O.S. works. Volume 2 tackles communications. 
You can get them from (I think you need to register first ).

If you don't have any experience with C/C++ then you might find volume 1 
and 2 interesting, but you will probably struggle just copying a string 
in to a record and storing it in a database (just search this newsgroup 
archives for Char * and you will see what I am talking about =) ).


J. Sanders wrote:
I am new to palm developing and am unsure of where to start. Does anyone
have any suggestions or is there someone whom I can fire questions to
without using the forums? Please reply to me directly and not the
J. Sanders

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Pilrc question

2004-01-14 Thread Brad Figler

I have multiple form resources. I want to include bitmaps for buttons 
that are common to all of the forms. Is there a way for me to share the 
bitmaps across all of the resources without having to add the same 
bitmaps to each?



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Re: 40k in one record

2004-01-12 Thread Brad Figler
To be honest, you can stick 64K chunks in a Palm OS database.  However, 
it requires undocumented techniques, and it's safe to HotSync on most 
Ben, care to elaborate, or direct *us* to one of your papers =)?



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Re: A bit off topic: Win2K vs. XP professional with Palm dev. tools

2003-12-18 Thread Brad Figler
My personal opinion is that in general Win2K is a better OS than WinXP. I
have numerous goofy issues with windows XP.

I have used codewarrior on both OS's and it seems to perform equal on each
(actually, I have it running on a build machine that has Windows NT and it
works fine). I have also not had any issues with running the
emulators/simulators on either OS.


Al Gelders [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I'm planning on replacing my Win2K professional system with a new
  box.  I've got a choice of either OS.  Which should I get?  Are
 there any tools that won't work on one or the other?  I'm presently
 using CW 9.2 on Win2K and noted that at least one of the included
 simulator's does not list XP as a supported system.  Are there
 any advantages to XP?  I've not used it before so I don't know much
 about it.

 I'm not trying to start a flame war or the like but could really use the
 advice since this purchase is imminent.  Sorry for the off-topic
 question. Thanks in advance.

 al gelders

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CW producing weird numbers

2003-12-12 Thread Brad Figler
I have very recently started having problems with the code that 
codewarrior is generating. The project is a fairly large POL/C++/extend 

I write the following line of code:
UInt32 test = 1024 * 1024;
and it gets assembled in to the following.
0007400C: 7600moveq#0,d5
This is obviously wrong be casue 1024 * 1024 should be 1MB, not 0.
This is happening in the DEBUG and RELEASE versions of the build.
The debug version has optimizations turned completely off.
One last thing. I put this line as the very first line in PilotMain and 
I commented everything else out accept for the expanded mode call.

Here is the exact code from pilot main

UInt32 test = 1024 * 1024;

Err error = (wLaunchFlags  0x04) == 0 ? _CW_SetupExpandedMode() : errNone;
return error;

Test is always zero.

Any suggestions?



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Re: CW producing weird numbers

2003-12-12 Thread Brad Figler
Oh, I should mention, this is CW version 9.2.



Brad Figler wrote:

I have very recently started having problems with the code that 
codewarrior is generating. The project is a fairly large POL/C++/extend 

I write the following line of code:
UInt32 test = 1024 * 1024;
and it gets assembled in to the following.
0007400C: 7600moveq#0,d5
This is obviously wrong be casue 1024 * 1024 should be 1MB, not 0.
This is happening in the DEBUG and RELEASE versions of the build.
The debug version has optimizations turned completely off.
One last thing. I put this line as the very first line in PilotMain and 
I commented everything else out accept for the expanded mode call.

Here is the exact code from pilot main

UInt32 test = 1024 * 1024;
Err error = (wLaunchFlags  0x04) == 0 ? _CW_SetupExpandedMode() : errNone;

return error;

Test is always zero.

Any suggestions?



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Re: CW producing weird numbers

2003-12-12 Thread Brad Figler
 UInt32 test = 1024 * 1024;


 UInt32 test = (UInt32)((Int16) 1024 * (Int16)1024);
Very interesting. The things you are not privy to when you grow up using 
 microsoft products.

Thanks for the information,


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CRC table lookup function

2003-12-11 Thread Brad Figler
I notice that the palm OS has the following function:
Anyone know what poly they are using as the divisor?



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TungstenC Serial port disabling itself.

2003-12-08 Thread Brad Figler

I am posting this to both the comm-dev-forum and to palm-dev because it 
has relevant issues both relating to the operating system in general and 
to the serial communications, specifically on the TungstenC.

Our software communicates with a our own proprietary hardware device via 
the serial port on the unit. Our hardware is an RF receiver that 
operates at ~433mhz. When the palm unit is on, it creates a lot of 
noise, which makes our receiver much less sensitive (with regards to 
range). To alleviate this, I programmatically turn the unit off for X 
number of seconds and then I turn it back on, poll our device, and then 
turn the palm unit back off. This allows our receiver to pick up any 
transmissions from our outlying RF transmitters while the palm unit is 
off. The problem is that by doing this, I am agitating the UART in the 
Tungsten C and it disables itself. Once this happens, I must leave my 
app (closing the serial port) and renter it (opening the serial port). 
Eventually, the problem will get so bad that hard resetting the device 
is the only way to get the serial port to act properly again.

[For the software guys]
To accomplish shutting the down the palm unit and turning it on. I do 
the following:

Waking up: I register for the sysNotifySleepNotifyEvent. Whenever I 
receive this notification, I set an alarm for X number of seconds later 
than the current time. I also register for the sysNotifyLateWakeupEvent. 
In this event, I simply check to see if the current timestamp is before 
the next alarm is scheduled. If this is the case, I tell my code to NOT 
go back to sleep. If the current timestamp is greater than or equal to 
my last set alarm time, then I assume that the device wakeup based on 
the alarm and tell it to go back to sleep.

Going to sleep: I put the device to sleep using the following line of code.
EvtEnqueueKey( vchrPowerOff, 0, commandKeyMask );
My understanding is that by posting this key, the system has a chance to 
go to sleep properly.

After I finish querying our device, I check the flag that I set in my 
sysNotifyLateWakeupEvent handler, and if it is set, I put the device 
back to sleep, which causes the cycle to repeats (i.e. I receive the 
sleep notification, ...).

Please let me know if you see something in this logic that would cause 
the system to go to sleep or to wakeup in an invalid state.

[For the hardware guys]:
The problem that I am about to explain happens on a TungstenC, but not 
on an m515.

I only open the serial port when the app starts and I close it when the 
application has exited. In normal operation, if the Tungsten C goes to 
sleep based on the timeout period set in the preferences and I turn it 
back on by pressing the power button, my applications starts back up and 
 there is no problem. However, if I put the device to sleep (as 
explained above) when the device wakes up the serial port works properly 
for about a half of a second and then seems to disable itself. This is 
an interesting problem because the time it takes for the palm unit to 
wakeup, me to poll our device, and to put the unit back to sleep, it 
appears that everything works fine (the serial port does not have time 
to display the problem). However, if I programatically put the device to 
sleep and then manually wake it up by physically pressing the on 
button, the serial port wakes up for a half seconds (long enough for me 
to send a couple of requests to our device) and then it disables itself. 
The reason I say that it is disabled is because the TX line from the 
unit falls from 5V (idle) to 0V indefinitely. Once this happens, I must 
exit our application and reenter it (which causes the serial port to 
close and reopen).

I did a lot of testing trying to narrow down the issue, and here is what 
I found. First, I thought that maybe I was waking the device up and 
putting it to sleep too quickly. I put a SysTaskDelay( 2 seconds ) in to 
the code once the device has woken up. This did not fix anything. I also 
tried closing the serial port when the device goes to sleep and opening 
it back up when the device wakes up. This did not solve the problem 
either. I noticed on the m515 that even if I set the alarm to go off 20 
seconds after it goes to sleep, the device does not wakeup for about a 
minute (or on a minute boundary on its internal clock). The TungstenC 
wakes up immediately. So, I set the tungsten to wakeup after a minute 
and that also did not fix the problem

So, my very long winded question is. Has anyone encountered this 
problem? And, am I doing something obvious that would cause the 
TungstenC's UART to freak out?

Thanks for taking the time to read this post!


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CW build order

2003-10-17 Thread Brad Figler
Is there anyway to have CW build the resource files before compiling the 

I don't like to check in the auto generated header files in to our 
source tree because they change every time I do a local build.

However, I have an automated build script that fails because of this. 
The build fails stating that it cannot find the defines for all of my 
resources, but if I build again everything will be fine because the 
previous build generated the header files for the .rcp files.

Anyway around this?



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Pilrc question (bug?)

2003-09-26 Thread Brad Figler

I have Pilrc version

When I try to open up an RCP that has a font definition in it, I get the 
following error message.

Unable to load [PRC FILENAME]
: is not a valid integer value.
I removed the font definition, then re-added it, saved the file and 
tried to open it. I got the same error.

Anyone else have this anomaly?

Also, I noticed that the splash screen turned from Black to White. 
Meaning, when I used to open up Pilrc it used to have an inverted bitmap 
as the splash screen (only on my dev machine. On other machines here in 
the office it was white). Magically, mine has become white and I have 
developed this font error.

Might have something to do with CW 9.2 beta 2 recently installed.

Very confused.


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Indexing in to arrays with code warrior.

2003-09-26 Thread Brad Figler
Is there some setting in CW to disable arithmetic conversion warnings 
when indexing in to arrays with unsigned shorts vs. signed shorts?

If I write the following code.
UInt16 index = 3;
UInt32 myArray[ 500 ];

myArray[ index ] = 10;

I get a warning message about arithmetic conversion from unsigned short 
to short.

It would seem to me that it would be better practice to allow unsigned 
indexes vs. signed indexes.

Now, all my code looks like this.

myArray[ ( Int16 )index ] = 10;

I imagine there is no way to disable the warning for just this scenario. 
 Maybe this is more a gripe post than anything else.


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Re: Pilrc question (bug?)

2003-09-26 Thread Brad Figler
Ben Combee wrote:

No, you have PilRC Designer  PilRC is the compiler, PilRC 
Designer is the editor.
Yes. I have PilRC Designer I really meant to write that. 
Fingers got ahead of my brain (or other way around).

Move your FONT definition to a separate RCP file and add that to the 
project.  PilRC Designer doesn't handle them well in this version, it 
Is there any problem with going back a rev of the designer instead?

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Re: bool support in CW.

2003-09-23 Thread Brad Figler
Layne Lund wrote:

Well, MWERKS should be defined as I am using CW. I have option(bool) 
turned on, so the #define true and #define false should never be 'defined'.

I am using c++, so the enum false, true should be skipped (even if 
MWERKS is not defined).

From what I can tell, the intrinsic c++ values for true and false 
should not be tampered with (atleast not by this code).

- Original Message -
From: Brad Figler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Monday, September 22, 2003 1:15 pm
Subject: Re: bool support in CW.


The only thing I could find came from palmtypes.h

// Include the following typedefs if types.h wasn't read.
#ifdef __MWERKS__
#if !__option(bool)
#ifndef true
#define true1
#ifndef false
#define false   0
 #ifndef __cplusplus
#ifndef true
enum {false, true};
#endif /* __TYPES__ */
I imagine this works as expected.

How do you expect the above to work, exactly?  The #defines or maybe the enum could be causing the error/warning that sparked your question.


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Re: bool support in CW.

2003-09-22 Thread Brad Figler

The only thing I could find came from palmtypes.h

// Include the following typedefs if types.h wasn't read.
#ifdef __MWERKS__
#if !__option(bool)
#ifndef true
#define true1
#ifndef false
#define false   0
  #ifndef __cplusplus
  #ifndef true
enum {false, true};
#endif /* __TYPES__ */
I imagine this works as expected.  Do you know if POL defines true and 
false anywhere?


Ben Combee wrote:
At 12:12 AM 9/20/2003, Brad Figler wrote:

How come I get an implicit arithmetic conversion warning from 'int' to 
'bool' for the followoing line of code?

bool result = ( 1 == 1 ) ? true:false;

I have bool support enabled in the preferences panel.

Verify that you aren't using a header file that #define's true and 
false to integer values.

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bool support in CW.

2003-09-19 Thread Brad Figler
How come I get an implicit arithmetic conversion warning from 'int' to 
'bool' for the followoing line of code?

bool result = ( 1 == 1 ) ? true:false;

I have bool support enabled in the preferences panel.



BTW, the line of code could be optimized to
bool result = true;
Which does not give a warning about implicit conversions.

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Re: serial port simulation

2003-09-08 Thread Brad Figler
You can tell the simulator and emulator to simulate a serial connection 
over TCP/IP.  I do this to test my software, but I have found it very 
flaky on the emulator.  I don't see any problems on the simulator.


Dhanashri K wrote:
Hello ,
I want to test my serial application on a new Sony CLIE device running 
Palm OS 5.0 but I don't have the serial cable with me . Is there anyway 
by which I can simulate the serial port within the device so that I 
don't actually need to connect the external device for testing my 
application ?
Thanks  regards ,
Dhanashri .

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CW/PiLRC automatic build number?

2003-09-08 Thread Brad Figler

Is there a way to setup an auto incremented build number in pilrc or CW? 
   Any suggestions on managing builds using the CW development IDE?

Basically, what I want to do is automatically increment a label/number 
somewhere in the project that will brand the version of code that gets 
shipped to our QA team.  Preferably accessable by the QA team.

Thanks in advance,


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[OT] PrintBoy question

2003-08-26 Thread Brad Figler
This is a bit off topic, but due to the overwhelming amount of knowledge 
possessed by the people who monitor this NG I figured I would throw this 
question in to the mix.

We use the printboy SDK to do IR printing in our product.  PrintBoy has 
been pretty responsive to us and has made improvements to the SDK to 
allow seamless printing (and configuration) without ever leaving our app.

With the popularity of WI-FI we decided to do some testing using 
printboy's own software to print a memo from the palmos memo app.  We 
have had zero luck getting a single page out of our printer.  We have 
combed their website and NG for info and it seems that everyone is 
having zero success actually printing via a TCP/IP connection.

My question is, has anyone actually seen this work?  I wonder if anyone 
knows what the underlying protocol printboy is using to talk to the 
printer.  We have a printer here that has a JetDirect card in it as well 
as print servers that support LPR (on another printer).  Does anyone 
know how printboy is attempting to connect to the printers?  We see our 
print server's busy light flash very quickly and printboy acts as if it 
successfully printed the job, however, nothing happens.

Again, my apologies for posting this here, but printboy's NG has not 
responses on posts that are very similar to this one.


Brad Figler

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Application Icon Sizes

2003-08-22 Thread Brad Figler
What are the correct icon sizes for ICONFAMILYEX and SMALLICONFAMILYEX?



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Re: Application Icon Sizes

2003-08-22 Thread Brad Figler

Thanks, that would explain the new warning about icon sizes that CW 9.2 


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Re: Application Icon Sizes

2003-08-22 Thread Brad Figler
Ben Combee wrote:
At 12:38 PM 8/22/2003, Brad Figler wrote:


Thanks, that would explain the new warning about icon sizes that CW 
9.2 beta!

That warnings in PilRC 3.0... my original wizard in V9 got the bitmap 
sizes wrong, but that should be fixed for new wizard-generated project 
in 9.2.
Where your sizes 25x22 and 50x44 by chance?  I am trying to figure out 
where I got those numbers from.  PilRC reported the correct warning 
becuase my bitmaps are the wrong size.


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Re: Strings and databases

2003-08-22 Thread Brad Figler
A simple fix would be to declare your struct as follows:
typedef struct
char note[ 300 ];
enum ErrorLevel level;
Boolean read;
The way you have it, you only allocated 4 bytes for your structure 
member note.


Yogesh Saletore wrote:

I'm fairly new at C for Palm and Palm programming. I need some help with
recording strings in databases. Right now I just want it to work, and don't
really want to deal with any packing until later.
I have an error message I want to store, and it is part of a larger struct:
typedef struct
 char *note;
 enum ErrorLevel level;
 Boolean read;
} ErrNote;
As you can see, note is a string pointer. Now I have all of my error
messages as string literals: lasdkf. I copy them one by one, depending
upon which are needed, into a tempory string array: noteText[300]. My
problem is getting the data from noteText into ErrNote note.note. In order
to use StrCopy, I must reference the *note pointer to some memory block. The
initial copying appears to work fine. I then copy ErrNote note to the
database using DmWrite, and then the string as well, using DmStrCopy. The
error results when I attempt to read back that same string from the
database. It seems that it wants to use the same memory block I had first
referenced it to, which now no longer exists. Therefore, I receive many
memory errors of it attempting to access memory incorrectly. If I leave the
memory block as is, locked and don't free it, it works fine, but I then have
a memory leak.
Can anyone please help me find a way to copy the contents of noteText into
ErrNote note.note?
Yogesh Saletore

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Re: How to make a socket wait for a conection from a server

2003-08-21 Thread Brad Figler
You listen if you are the server.  You connect if you are the client.

I think that you want to connect to an FTP server to initiate 
connection.  Not wait for someone to connect to you.

Alexandre Barreto wrote:
I'm making a ftp program
i saw some exemples of netlib and everthing is going fine untill i got 
to the datasocket
i need to make it the ftp server can conect on it. after a i 
send a PORT command

but when i call NetLibSocketListen i get a -1 and errP says the erro is 
can anyone help me on this?

here is the source

NetSocketAddrINType A;
 Err errP;
 long timeout = SysTicksPerSecond()*25;
 char *novaopcao;
 char ip[16];
netSocketTypeStream,netSocketProtoIPTCP, timeout, errP);
 if(DataSock  -1){
if(errP == netErrParamErr) WinDrawChars(Erro 2,6,5,135);
if(errP == netErrNotOpen) WinDrawChars(Erro 3,6,5,135);
   if(errP == netErrNoMoreSockets) WinDrawChars(Erro 4,6,5,135);
if(errP == netErrOutOfCmdBlocks) WinDrawChars(Erro 5,6,5,135);
if(errP == netErrOutOfMemory) WinDrawChars(Erro 6,6,5,135);

 if(NetLibSocketOptionSet (libRefnum,DataSock, netSocketOptLevelSocket, 
netSocketOptSockKeepAlive,novaopcao, sizeof(novaopcao),timeout, errP)-1){
WinDrawChars(Erro SetSocket,14,5,135);
 } = netSocketAddrINET;
 A.port = NetHToNS(1024);//_pda_float_to_sdword(porta));
 A.addr = NetLibAddrAToIN(libRefnum,;
 //WinDrawChars(Erro SockBind,13,5,135);
if(errP == netErrParamErr) WinDrawChars(SockBind - 
 errP = NULL;
 if(NetLibSocketListen (libRefnum,DataSock, 1,timeout, errP)0){
   //WinDrawChars(Erro SockListen,15,5,135);
if(errP == netErrParamErr) WinDrawChars(SockListen - 

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Re: Could this code be causing heap memory loss?

2003-08-21 Thread Brad Figler
Heriberto Delgado Vásquez wrote:


I have an PalmOS C++ application with code like the

void TPrinterUtil::ReadConfiguration()
   TPrinterData Data = * new TPrinterData(*dbName);
   // do something with Data

   delete Data;


I think that actually works, however, normally it is written as follows

TPrinterData *Data = new TPrinterData( *dbName );

// Now when you access data you must do
Data-memberVariable vs. Data.memberVariable.
delete Data;

I know that these two lines seem somewhat strange, but
the fact is,
they compile and run and, apparently, do their work as
they should.
However, one of my coworkers pointed to me it was
easier, and safer,
to write that code like this:

void TPrinterUtil::ReadConfiguration()
   TPrinterData Data(*dbName);
   // do something with Data

   // Data need not be explicitly destroyed
Writing it this way is better from a maintenance point of view but 
consumes stack space.  In this case it probably does not matter, but in 
the case of the following

unsigned char buffer[ 2048 ];	// 2048 bytes on the stack.
unsigned char *buffer = new unsigned char[ 2048 ];  // 2048 bytes from 
the heap and 4 bytes from the stack.

it makes a very big difference.

At first, I didn't see what could be the difference,
but he
(my coworker) told me my original code might not be
the memory block pointed to by Data, but something
else, like
system memory or unallocated space. Obviously, that
freaked me
out completely.
I need your opinion on this. Does this code do what my
says? If it does, I'm afraid I will need to rewrite
most of the
code in my application, and that scares me a lot!
I think your code works, but it will be very confusing for anyone who 
comes in after you to change the code.  IMHO, you should re-write all of 
 your code where you access memory in this fashion.

 - Heriberto Delgado

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Re: Screen Flash???

2003-08-21 Thread Brad Figler
Are you showing Form A as a modal form?

If so, you need to keep the form below it from updating when form A 

If not, then for some reason form C is still loaded or being loaded and 
unloaded very quickly.



When navigating between my form A and form B, I get a flash view
form C in between the closing of form A and the drawing of form B.
Am I supposed to clean this up somewhere? What did I miss?

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Re: Faking relational databases with PDBs

2003-08-20 Thread Brad Figler
Jeff Ishaq wrote:
-Original Message-
Behalf Of Brad Figler
Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2003 9:19 AM
To: Palm Developer Forum
Subject: Re: Faking relational databases with PDBs


I was using a method similar to yours, but I had the requirement of 
populating a multi-column list (custom, of course) with data 
from two different databases.  The code was easy to write, 
but searching for 
unique ID's must do a linear search because there is no way 
for the data 
manager to know if the unique ID's are in any type of order.  

Hey Brad.  From what I gather, you can get much better efficienty than
DmFindRecordByID() does when seeking out the record corresponding to a
UID, and possibly this would prevent you from having to keep indices as
you described in your message.  This is one of the possible
optimizations I noted in a previous response.
Note:  This is all information that you can get from reading
472 -- but you really want to sign the Palm OS NDAs to get access to
DataPrv.h and DataMgr.c, if you haven't already done so.
The database header has a record list full of record entry structures.
Note that this list may be fragmented across multiple local IDs, as
indicated by the numRecords and nextRecordListID elements.  Now each
record entry contains the UID and attributes of the record to which it
corresponds, and from what I've always assumed (though I've never seen
this explicitly documented), the record entries are a parallel array to
actual records.  In other words, record entry #5173 contains the UID and
attributes of the record at index 5173 (both are 0-based).
So if you are looking for the record index corresponding to a particular
UID, you can do better than a linear search of the record list with the
information above.  DmFindRecordByID() does a linear search.  For
example, you can do a binary search of the record list (accounting for
its fragmentation across multiple LocalIDs, of course) for your UID.
Once you've found it, you need to compute how far into the record list
your search took you by doing some pointer math, and that will give you
the index of the record corresponding to the UID in question.  Of
course, a binary search isn't always the best choice:  for a small # of
records, I would probably call through to DmFindRecordByID(), and for a
larger # I would then enlist in the help of a binary search.  

For simplicity, lets just say there is an array of 10,000 entries, each 
of which has a unique ID, some status bits, and an offset/address to the 
physical chunk of memory (local ID).

Palms documentation states:
Each record entry has the local ID of the record, 8 attribute bits, and 
a 3-byte unique ID for the record.

Furthermore, lets say that every time you add a record the UID that is 
associated with the record is incrmentally higher than the one before it 
(altough, I do not think this is the case).  At this point in time you 
could perform a binary search and compare UID's.  However, when a sort 
is performed on the database via the data manager sort functions, the 
array is what is sorted and therefore, the unique ID's move making them 
out of order.  Now, your only option for searching is linear (or sorting 
then searching).

By storing the indices of the record (and sorting via index tables) you 
can easily and quickly find the record you need.  DmFindRecordByID() is 
sufficient for small amounts of data.  It all depends on the application!

Hope this helps!
-Jeff Ishaq

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Executing code from a 'DATA' type database.

2003-08-19 Thread Brad Figler
This might sound a little weird, but is it possible to copy code from my 
 PRC in to a database as a record and then execute the code stored in 
the record?  I read something similar to this but using feature pointers 



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Re: Act as a USB memory stick?

2003-08-18 Thread Brad Figler
Why not just build it in to the Palm Desktop?  Then it would be 
comparable to PocketPC active sync which allows you to do just what you 
described when the device is attached to the cradle.


John wrote:
Imagine a Palm application controlling the USB port in such a way so that it
announce itself as a USB memory to the PC (instead of as a Palm HotSync
something). The user would be able to browse/add/delete files on the Palm
through Windows Explorer just as any other hard disk.
Wouldn't that be a cool application?

Anybody on this forum know if the Palm hardware and/or OS will allow such a
USB controlling application?

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Re: Sorting Records Question (Newbie)

2003-08-14 Thread Brad Figler
Read the palmOS API reference!

Under Data and Resource Manager you will find a list of functions that you
can use to operate on palm databases.  Look at DmInsertionSort and
DmQuickSort for two sorting options.  No tutorial required!


Julio Sejtman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 Hi All.
 I'm looking for some information like a tutorial where I can have some
 information about sorting records in a PDB file (on the palm) I'm using
 PRC-Tools (SDK-4.0)



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Re: OS5.2: has SysNotifyBroadcastFromInterrupt WakeupHandler beenfixed ?

2003-08-14 Thread Brad Figler
Steve Mason wrote:
Hi all.

I'm stumped by a problem with OS 5.0 where the PACE environment in that OS
does not support SysNotifyBroadcastFromInterrupt() and is inconsistent with
a serial wakeup handler (set by SrmSetWakeupHandler). (See copy below of an
FAQ taken from the PalmSource KnowledgeBase that details this problem.) As
far as I can see I need both these functions for my application to function
My question is: Does anyone know if the SysNotifyBroadcastFromInterrupt() is
supported in OS 5.2?
It is not supported in any 5.x release.

Also can someone confirm that the interrupt-driven wakeup handler is fully
functional in OS 5.2 as claimed in the FAQ.
It works on the device, but you cannot test it in the simulator.  The 
simulator is not interrupt safe.

I'd appreciate any help on this at all since I don't want to invest in a
OS5.2 device if it's not going to work. Thanx

PS. Do you know if the latest version of the OS 5 Simulator for Windows can
now handle interrupt-driven wakeup handlers?
No, not to my knowledge.


PalmSource Knowledge Base search result

Answer ID: 413

Answer Type: FAQ

Category: Operating System


Serial Manager

Date Created:01/31/2003 02:18 PM

Date Updated:02/19/2003 12:15 PM


Palm OS 5 applications may have trouble running at interrupt time


The Palm Application Compatibility Environment (PACE) is not interrupt safe
so 68K applications running through PACE may experience problems if they
attempt to run during an interrupt. A couple of ramifications of this are:
1) SysNotifyBroadcastFromInterrupt is non existent through PACE in Palm OS
5. Developers should check the OS version before they attempt to make this
2) Serial Wakeup Handlers set with SrmSetWakeupHandler may work
inconsistently under different versions of OS 5 and will not work at all via
the Palm OS 5 Simulator. In general, developers should avoid using serial
wakeup handlers in OS 5.
**If you do attempt to use wakeup handlers in an OS 5.0 environment note
that they will only work while the application that set the wakeup handler
is still active. This is fixed in OS 5.2, but the wakeup handler itself
should be stored in a memory location separate from the application (such as
copying the function into a FtrPtr and setting the wakeup handler to this
FtrPtr). For example:
//The size of the handler function can be calculated by subtracting the
memory location //of the handler function from the next function in your
code resource. sizeOfPatch = (UInt32)((UInt32)FunctionAfterHandler-

//allocate a FtrPtr the size of our handler and then copy it in.
FtrPtrNew(appFileCreator, ourFuncFeature, sizeOfPatch, funcP); if (funcP)
{ //copy callback function to the above address. DmWrite(funcP, 0,
(MemPtr)HandlerFunction, sizeOfPatch); }

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Question about DmWrite

2003-08-14 Thread Brad Figler
Does DmWrite handle overlapping memory?

I have an array stored in a record and I want to move half of it to insert
an item in the middle.  I do not want to move each element one at a time
because of the overhead to check the bounds.  Can I use DmWrite to move
memory or do I need to make a copy of it and then write it back offset by 2
(the size of my array elements)?



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Re: C++ virtual functions

2003-08-14 Thread Brad Figler
I am pretty sure that a vtable entry for this function will be created.
This is due to the fact that once a function is declared virtual, it is
always virtual in all derived classes.  I don't think there is an exception
for pure virtual function declarations, but I am not completely positive.  I
compiled a quick little test using visual studio and derived a second class
from DerivedClass and add() is definitely treated as a virtual function.
This may differ from GCC.

A vtable in general won't be that large unless you have many virtual
functions.  The table only stores the addresses for each virtual function
and they are probably 4 bytes each.  CodeWarrior seems to have another 8
bytes per vtable that store other information as well.  So, if your base
class has 10 virtual functions and you derive 4 classes from your base class
you are consuming right around 160 + 32 = 192 bytes.  That is not that much

I have a project that uses classes and a fair amount of virtual function and
it runs fine on an m500 with 8mb of memory.


L.M. Fridael [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message


 Are there any hidden costs to using virtual functions in C++ classes using
 the PRC tools? (I know about the GCC compiler and linker switches to
 exceptions and RTTI.)

 I know that polymorphism requires an in-memory table to ensure that the
 correct functions get called at run-time (late binding) and that this eats
 into the available heap size.  However, I want to use pure virtual
 in my classes solely to specify a contract that subclasses must abide to.
 will not use base class pointers, only pointers to non-abstract classes.

 class BaseClass {
 int a;
 virtual void add(int a) = 0;  // Pure virtual function

 class DerivedClass: public BaseClass {
 DerivedClass(int a) {
 this-a = a;
 void add(int a); // Implementation omitted

 BaseClass* a = new DerivedClass(1);
 a-add(1); // Polymorphism, late binding
 DerivedClass* b = new DerivedClass(1);
 b-add(1); // No polymorphism(?), early binding(?)

 I have a gut feeling that the GCC compiler is smart enough to resolve the
 function call for b at compile-time, hence no need for a function table
 run-time, but I'm not sure. (It's been years since I last used C/C++ for a
 large project.)

 Also, how much memory does polymorphism actually require? Should you
 avoid it at all costs on Palm OS? My target is OS 3.5+ running on 4Mb+


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Re: Soft Reset Application Launch

2003-08-08 Thread Brad Figler
I had the same problem.

To get around this, during the sysAppLaunchCmdSystemReset, I set my app to
the default application (see system preference - prefDefaultAppCreator ) and
then reset it back to the default during the normal launch.  The reason I
set it back to the default is that I only want my app to launch
automatically if I purposely caused the soft reset.


Ken [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message


 I am trying to launch an application after a soft reset.

 I have added code in PilotMain:

case sysAppLaunchCmdSystemReset:

 This did not work. I also tried using SysUIAppSwitch but it did not work.

 Do you have to used the notify manager?


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Redistributing the simulator

2003-08-05 Thread Brad Figler
I think this is probably best answered by someone at palmsource, but any
information would be greatly appreciated.

I was wondering if it is legal to redistribute the palm OS 5.2 windows
simulator to our resellers.  Here is what we are trying to accomplish.

Our product is comprised of software that runs on PalmOS units (Palm
hardware specifically) and our own proprietary hardware (that connects the
universal connector on the Palm device).  I wrote a windows simulator for
our proprietary hardware that allows me to test the software without
actually being connected to our hardware.  I would like to send my simulator
to our resellers so that they can play with and demo our product running on
a PC or laptop.  The windows simulator has far superior socket support for
serial emulation than the emulator, and is perfect for demoing on laptops
that do not have serial ports.  We would like to ship a CD to our resellers
that contains the OS 5.2 simulator, our PalmOS software, and my windows
simulator.  Our legal guy told me that he is a bit unclear as to whether or
not we are able to do this based on the license agreement shipped with the

Does any one know if it is legal to do this, or have any idea who to contact
for more information?

Thanks in advance,

Brad Figler

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Re: linking problem in CodeWarrior (how do you read a map?)

2003-07-23 Thread Brad Figler

I am running the same configuration that you have, accept that I am using
expanded mode.  I was able to move POLD1.lib to a different segment
entirely.  The only thing I have in my first segment is the OS related libs
PalmOSRRuntime..., MSL_C++, stater.cpp, and common.h.  This made
life way easier for me.

I run in to linking issues every now and then.  I just keep moving files
until it goes away!  Cannot wait for OS 6.


Matthew Henry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 (note: I am using Codewarrior 9.1, POL, 68k (Standard), no exceptions or
 RTTI enabled)

 So I'm trying to take Ben's web page's
 ( advice and use the small memory
 model.  But I'm very close to giving up in disgust and going back to
 smart.  The only reason I haven't is it's frustrating the h*ll out of me
 that I can't figure out this problem.

 The Link Error I get is

 Link Error : EditCard.cpp: 'CEditCardForm::RowData::~RowData()' 16-bit
 code reference to 'POL::CString::~CString()' is out of range.
 Link Error : EditCard.cpp: 'CEditCardForm::RowData::~RowData()' 16-bit
 code reference to 'operator delete(void*)' is out of range.
 Link Error:  EditCard.cpp: 'CEditCardForm::RowData::~RowData()' 16-bit
 code reference to 'POL::CString::CString' is out of range.

 My segments look like this:
 Segment 1:
 some more files here

 Segments 2-7:

 Segment :8
 one more file here

 The class in question is defined in EditCard.cpp

 class CEditCardForm::RowData
  CString Label;

 I tried rearranging the .libs in the first segment, or moving
 EditCard.cpp to a different segment, but to no avail.
 I have tried reading the map file, but it is utter gibberish to me.  I
 mean, I think I understand what it's saying, it just doesn't seem to
 tell me anything very useful.

 a. what is the solution? ... and more importantly...
 b. how do I read the map file so I can figure these linking problems out
 for myself?

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Re: Memeoy leak

2003-07-18 Thread Brad Figler
The log file is in the same directory as the emulator.

Zhang Juan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 Hello. Can anybody help me please

 I met a mistake when I debug my programme:

 Found 1 memory leak for ***... Information concerning the leak can be
 in the log file.

 Where Can I found the log  file. And why memory leak happened..

 Thanks in advance

 Zhang Juan

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Re: Question about launching after a soft reset.

2003-07-17 Thread Brad Figler
I followed Dave's suggestions and all is well accept for the fact that when
I send a SysUIAppSwitch() my program never seems to get a normal launch
code.  So, now I have a couple of questions.

1.  Are you supposed to check for appStopEvent under normal launch
conditions only?

2.  Am I allowed to call SysUIAppSwitch() from the System Reset launch code?

If I setup the emulator (or the device) to receive the System Reset launch
code from metrowerks, and watch it in a debugger, it works fine.



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Question about launching after a soft reset.

2003-07-16 Thread Brad Figler
I would like to cause my application to do a soft reset and then re-launch
itself when the soft reset is complete.  However, I only want to do this
when I cause the soft reset.  I know that I can handle
sysAppLaunchCmdSystemReset launch code, but I would need to know that I was
the one who caused the reset.  I am sure that I could store a flag somewhere
in a database and check it when I receive this launch code, clear it, and
launch my app normally.

Is there an easier way of achieving this effect?

Thanks in advance,


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Re: debugging on the device CW9

2003-07-15 Thread Brad Figler
Makes sense, I am running a beta version of CW that helped with projects
using expanded mode!  I will live with it until the highly anticipated 9.x
updated comes out =)



Ben Combee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 At 05:09 PM 7/14/2003, Brad Figler wrote:
 Well, I figured it out.
 It appears that my drop down for Connect to has 4 options (it
 had 2).
 The first option is simply blank where blank := Emulator
 The second option is simply blank where blank := device
 The third option is Emulator where Emulator := nothing
 The fourth option is Device where Device := nothing
 Does anyone know how to fix the drop down?  Is there a registry entry
 needs to be cleared or something like that?

 It sounds like you've got a corrupted pref panel DLL.  Are you running a
 pre-release version of the CW tools -- there was a bug in an early 9.2
 that looked like that :)  Try restoring the PalmDebugger.dll in
 bin\plugins\Preference Panels with one from a virgin V9 installation.

 CodeWarrior for Palm OS technical lead
 Palm OS programming help @

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debugging on the device CW9

2003-07-14 Thread Brad Figler
I know that I have setup debugging on the device in CW9 before, but I cannot
figure out how to do it again.

Here is what I am doing (step by step).

In codewarrior, I select
Edit-Debug Settings...
I go to the Palm OS Debugging screen.
I notice that the Connect to drop down is blank (very suspicious).
I change it to say device.
I press OK (apply button does not become enabled, again, very suspicious).
I hit F5 and the emulator launches.

I go back in to the Palm OS Debugging screen and I notice that the drop down
has changed back to a blank selection.

Any suggestions?



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Re: debugging on the device CW9

2003-07-14 Thread Brad Figler
Well, I figured it out.

It appears that my drop down for Connect to has 4 options (it previously
had 2).

The first option is simply blank where blank := Emulator
The second option is simply blank where blank := device
The third option is Emulator where Emulator := nothing
The fourth option is Device where Device := nothing

Does anyone know how to fix the drop down?  Is there a registry entry that
needs to be cleared or something like that?



Brad Figler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 I know that I have setup debugging on the device in CW9 before, but I
 figure out how to do it again.

 Here is what I am doing (step by step).

 In codewarrior, I select
 Edit-Debug Settings...
 I go to the Palm OS Debugging screen.
 I notice that the Connect to drop down is blank (very suspicious).
 I change it to say device.
 I press OK (apply button does not become enabled, again, very suspicious).
 I hit F5 and the emulator launches.

 I go back in to the Palm OS Debugging screen and I notice that the drop
 has changed back to a blank selection.

 Any suggestions?



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Question about dynamic form objects and POL

2003-07-11 Thread Brad Figler
In the palm OS documentation they state that if you dynamically add form
objects that you must save the new FormType returned from the call because
the form may have actually moved in memory.  My question is, does this
invalidate any pointers to form objects that you might be storing?  My guess
is yes because of the bug I am seeing in my code.

Here is the scenario.  I have a form with a list on it.  I attached a
POL::CSimpleListCtl to it.  I then dynamically add a button to the form
which changes the form pointer.  When I go to re-access the list via
GetSelection(), I get weird results such as the wrong selection index or it
crashes.  I think the issue is due to the fact that when I attach the list
control, POL is saving the ListPtr returned from the form when attach was
originally called and now the saved list pointer is no longer valid.

The problem is that I am adding the dynamic button from a base class and I
have no idea what objects are attached on the current form.  It would seem
that POL should only store the form pointer and then call FrmGetObjectPtr
when ever it needs to access an object on it.

Has anyone else run in to this problem or are my assumptions incorrect?



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Re: new update CW 9 ????

2003-07-09 Thread Brad Figler

 I'm currently about 1100 miles from MW headquarters on vacation.

I think you need to lookup the word vacation

Unplug man =)

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Re: How to save space???

2003-07-03 Thread Brad Figler
Reading the palm companion guide, there is an 8 byte record entry stored in
the record list of the database header.  So, for each additional note that
you have that is 24 bytes, you automatically gain 8 bytes.  The data is
stored in a chunk which also has an 8 byte header on it storing lock counts
and such, so add another 8 bytes to get you to 16 bytes per extra record.

I think that is it for the overhead per record, and I don't think you can
easily change this.


Ryan Bruner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 I was making updates to my code and decided to attempt to reduce the
 amount of memory each record takes up.  So, after doing some judicial
 rearranging and more efficient use of fields in my data structure, I
 reduced what was over 100 bytes to around 65.  So, this would seem to
 be a 35% reduction in space.

 Now, the catch is that one of the fields, for efficiency sake, is a
 string of small size.  If, however, the size of the data exceeds the
 size of that field (set to 24 bytes now, previously it was 50 bytes),
 then I store the data in a data record that ONLY contains the string
 information.  This notes field method allows me to have quick access
 to most notes (which tend to be small for my application), but allow
 larger notes as well.

 The problem is that after all this conversion, my memory usage, after
 conversion of the data from the old format to the new format is
 actually no different.  It seems that the few additional records added
 due to some notes being between 24 and 50 bytes in length added enough
 data to basically eliminate any benefit from reducing the memory
 footprint of the other 300+ records.

 This seems to indicate that there is a lot of extraneous data
 maintained for each record by the PalmOS itself.  Is there a way to
 make a record not take up as much space from the OS side of things???

 One might question why I'm not compacting the data for each record.
 Well, I do some intensive statistical calculations on all of the
 records at times, and so using a fixed structure prevents the need for
 parsing and copying the data for each record, which speeds things up


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Re: Too many calls to new?

2003-06-24 Thread Brad Figler
I believe that the m515 only has 256K of dynamic memory available to the
device.  Your global memory and your stack space is included in that value,
so 200K may very well be the limit.


Richard Coutts [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 I'm getting an exception from within new on ROMs for older handhelds,
 as the m515, when the number of calls to new exceeds 5000 or so.

 It's happening when reading a database.  My database represents a drawing
 that has entities, such as lines, circles, etc.  When reading a database,
 make a call to new for each entity in the database.  So, if there are 5000
 lines in the database, I make 5000 calls to new, one for each line, and
 put all of the lines in a graph for rendering.

 A database that works fine on a Zire 71 is throwing an exception on an
 Running the database with POSE I'm finding the exception thrown from
 a call to new after 5000 or so entities.

 The entities are only taking up 200Kb or so of memory, so there's plenty
 memory left or the m515.  Is it possible that I'm running into some other


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Text field with lots of text

2003-06-23 Thread Brad Figler

I am having a problem displaying a text field with lots of text (about 15000
characters).  Is there a limit to the number of characters supported in a
text field?  What about the limit in Pilrc for a single text string?  I had
to break my text string down to 5 separate resources and then piece them
back together in the code.  Is there a better way of doing this?



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Re: Codewarrior template friend class

2003-06-17 Thread Brad Figler
Visual studio does not accept it either =).

template class X
class AAA

class BBB
 friend class AAA;

...This compiles too.

class CCC
friend class AAA int ;


Kristian Penno [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 I was under the impression that the following code was legal.
 Codewarrior gives me a declaration syntax error on the word friend.
 Any language options I might have wrong?

 template class X
 class AAA

 class BBB
  template class X friend class AAA;


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NetLib question

2003-06-17 Thread Brad Figler

I am experimenting with sockets and such for the first time (on palmos).  I
have created a client socket and connected to my own PC via localhost and
the emulator.  I was able to send a text string from the emulator and print
it out in a DOS console (POL made this extremely easy...a little plug for
POL!).  However, I do not understand how to obtain an IP address on the
physical device.  The device is a Tungsten C.

I obviously need to connect to our wireless network, obtain an IP address,
and then attempt to connect my socket.  Can someone point me at some
documentation on how to do the first two things listed (or explain it to
me)?  It would be greatly appreciated.



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Re: NetLib question

2003-06-17 Thread Brad Figler
Nevermind, I figured it out.  There is actually a little blurb in the palm
os companion volume 2 that talks about opening a configuration.  The example
deals specifically with wireless connections.

So, if anyone is wondering how to do it, you can open NetLib with the
default wireless configuration.  This will show the same modal dialog that
you see when connecting to the browser or the mail application (at least on
the Tungsten C).

I could not figure out a way to do this using POL::CNetLib, so I had to
derive a class from it and provide a different version of Open() that takes
a configuration name and opens the library that way.


Brad Figler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message


 I am experimenting with sockets and such for the first time (on palmos).
 have created a client socket and connected to my own PC via localhost
 the emulator.  I was able to send a text string from the emulator and
 it out in a DOS console (POL made this extremely easy...a little plug for
 POL!).  However, I do not understand how to obtain an IP address on the
 physical device.  The device is a Tungsten C.

 I obviously need to connect to our wireless network, obtain an IP address,
 and then attempt to connect my socket.  Can someone point me at some
 documentation on how to do the first two things listed (or explain it to
 me)?  It would be greatly appreciated.



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Re: Button size

2003-06-13 Thread Brad Figler
What resource editor are you using?  All of our buttons in our app are 36x20
(makes it easier to use by hand).  You can easily change the size in
constructor or Pilrc.

Michel.P [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 Is there an easy way of changing the default size of a
 One of my forms is composed only of a few buttons with
 a label of only one character, thus I would like a
 larger than normal size for those buttons.

 I guess the buttons could be replaced by gadgets, but
 before I decide on such a drastic decision I wanted
 to exhaust the other posibility.

 Do you Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Calendar - Free online calendar with sync to Outlook(TM).

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Re: POL CGrid class

2003-06-04 Thread Brad Figler

Maks Pyatkovskiy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 I've hard-coded 3 because I like rounded corners.
That is a great answer!!!

But SelectFullRow() is virtual function, so you can completely override
the selection.

Thanks, I never looked in the header to realize this.  I just saw the source

Thanks again.


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POL CGrid class

2003-06-03 Thread Brad Figler
Why does the CGrid class pass a hard coded value of 3 to the function
g_SystemInfo.Glue_SelectRectangle() from the call CGrid::SelectFullRow()?
When using a selection mode of GM_FULLROWSELECT you get rounded edges in the
first column and on the last.  It makes the selection have a button shape
to it and it leaves unselected pixels in the corners between the border of
the table and the selection.

Is there a reason this was done?  Is there a solution to the problem other
than changing POL source code?



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Re: Printing Floats

2003-03-20 Thread Brad Figler
StrPrintF does not support floating point numbers directly.  You should use
the GetStringFromDouble() that you mentioned.

Thomas Sweeney [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 I have a floating point number, such as 3.1234567, which I want to print
out as just 3.12.

 Can I use sprintf or do I need to use one of the various functions
(pDouble or GetStringFromDouble) which I've seen on this forum over the last
few weeks.

 Thanks in advance

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Re: POL cancelled?

2003-03-19 Thread Brad Figler
 V9 product.  It is unlikely that POL will be easily portable to future
 versions of Palm OS due to a changed programming model, but the current
 works very well for Palm OS versions through the 5.x series.

What that basically says to me is that moving from 5.x to *new programming
model* is going to be a re-write of just about every palm app out there
(kinda like going from DOS to Windows XP).  Is this a correct assumption?

Are there actual plans for an OS 6 (or greater)?  I hope we get our first
palm app shipped before that day comes!  I won't be allowed to sleep for
months =).


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Re: POL cancelled?

2003-03-19 Thread Brad Figler
 I would expect that Palm OS 6 would continue to include PACE for backward

If that is the case, then POL would be a great framework to have.  It could
be upgraded with new classes that support the new OS (and programming model)
directly, while leaving the legacy classes that take advantage of PACE for
backwards compatability.


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Re: POL cancelled?

2003-03-18 Thread Brad Figler
I agree.  I just converted our project over to use POL.  It is a solid
framework.  If it ever gets converted to a GNU project or such, I will be
more than willing to contribute to it.


Florent Pillet [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 I just got an email from TeT saying that POL support is cancelled.

 This can't be true. This is a nightmare.

 Florent Pillet, Code Segment   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Developer tools and end-user products ICQ: 117292463
 Palm, Mac, Unix, Windows

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Re: POL cancelled?

2003-03-18 Thread Brad Figler
Palm Object Library.  It is a collection of C++ classes for palm OS.  It
provides an Application/Form framework that really simplifies laying out a
project.  It wraps many of the palm OS managers as well.


Patrick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 I'm a newbie, what's POL.

 - Original Message -
 From: Brad Figler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Newsgroups: palm-dev-forum
 To: Palm Developer Forum [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2003 2:33 PM
 Subject: Re: POL cancelled?

  I agree.  I just converted our project over to use POL.  It is a solid
  framework.  If it ever gets converted to a GNU project or such, I will
  more than willing to contribute to it.
  Florent Pillet [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
   I just got an email from TeT saying that POL support is cancelled.
   This can't be true. This is a nightmare.
   Florent Pillet, Code Segment   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Developer tools and end-user products ICQ: 117292463
   Palm, Mac, Unix, Windows
  For information on using the Palm Developer Forums, or to unsubscribe,
 please see

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Re: How do you acces the Sd Card?

2003-03-18 Thread Brad Figler
See Expansion Manager and Virtual File System Manager in the PalmOS API for
details (chapters 29 and 53, respectively).


Brandon Sean Fogerty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

   What functions can you use to get information on an Sd Card?  Like
 Name Brandon, memory size, etc?  THanks!Brandon
 Lead Programmer/Graphics/Music
 We Write Tomorrow's Code!
GOD Bless you Always my Friend!!

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Re: Emulator memory leak report

2003-03-17 Thread Brad Figler

I have the same problem and Jan reported, so I looked at my project and the
debug symbols were turned off.  When I received CW9, I recreated my project
from scratch.  I think the default for the project was to have the symbols
turned off.  I beleive this was different in CW8 (they were on by default).
Just thought I would let you know.

BTW, the new project I created was using the POL wizard (expanded mode, no
exception support).


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Re: Emulator memory leak report

2003-03-17 Thread Brad Figler

 Be very careful with expanded mode in V9 and V9.1.  There are some major
 codegen issues, and I'd suggest you either stay with 8.3 for expanded mode
 programs, or join the MPTP program here at Metrowerks
 ( to get the
 pre-release 9.2 68K compiler/linker that fixes these problems.

I am!

 Macsbug symbols are off by default, since they aren't used by the
 CodeWarrior debugger, and they add significantly to your code size,
 especially with C++ programs.  I've seen some C++ apps drop 15K to 50K in
 size when Macsbug symbols were turned off.

OK, that is good to know.  I will only enable it if I encounter any memory
leaks in DEBUG mode!


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Re: unable to use a local variable

2003-03-14 Thread Brad Figler
 its also horrible programming practice to do it the way you have.
 its best to declare all the variables you need at the top, and,
 give them values below. in rare cases,

I don't think it is a *horrible* programming practice to declare your
variables where you use them (assuming you are using C++ ofcourse).

If I had a function that was 150 lines long, and I need a local variable
near the end, why would I declare it at the top of the function (or block)?
That would require the programmer that comes in after me to remember how the
variable was declared at the top of the block, and if he forgot, he would
have to scroll back up to see how it was declared.  One other point is that
it keeps another programmer from coming in and using the variable assuming
that it is already setup correctly.  For example.

void test( void )
// Non meaningfule value, just an initiailizer.
int a = 0;

begin lots of lines of code
// Maintnance programmer inserts line here.
a += 20;  // Wants 120, but gets 20.
end lots of lines of code 

// Intial meaningful value
a = 100;

The code snippet is meaningless in itself, but the scenario can happen
happen.  If *a* were declared where it was used, the compiler would throw
out an error long before a bug was introduced.

So is it so horrible?


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Re: Virtual characters

2003-03-13 Thread Brad Figler
 I don't believe there's any such range defined. Also, since everybody
 gets a crack at the notification, having a user defined range would
 create the potential for conflicts unless the range was reserved for
 the current app, in which case using app defined events would be

This is a confusing point to me because I do not understand how everyone
gets a chance
to handle the notification.  It is my understanding that an application
must un-register
for a notification when it is closed down.  It is also my understanding that
only one
application can be running at any given time, so who else (aside from the
OS) is ever
going to see the notification?

I think I am really mis-understanding something about notifications (or even
worse, how
the OS works).  Any insight would be very helpful.



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Codewarrior Diff program

2003-03-13 Thread Brad Figler
Does anyone know if the DIFF program shipped with CW is an executable (vs. a
.dll).  I would like to make it my diff program directly from winCVS if



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SortInfo block question

2003-03-12 Thread Brad Figler
I have a quick question about initially setting the sort info block for a

Are these steps correct?

// Assuming an open database
1.  Create memory handle using MemHandleNew()
2.  Convert memory handle to localID via MemHandleToLocalID
3.  Pass localID to DmSetDatabaseInfo().

I think this is correct, but I am a little concerned because doesn't
MemHandleNew give me a handle to the dynamic heap?  Does passing in the
local ID copy the data to the data storage heap?   Or does it just set
chunks owner to the data storage heap?  Or am I completely wrong?



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Virtual characters

2003-03-11 Thread Brad Figler

I am using the function EvtEnqueueKey to put a virtual character in the
queue.  I am also registered for the sysNotifyVirtualCharHandlingEvent (palm
OS version 5.0+ only).  I was wondering if anyone knows if the OS allocates
a user defined range of virtual keys?   I looked in the header chars.h, but
I did not see anything mentioned (other than licensee ranges).

Any suggestions?


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Notification Question

2003-03-11 Thread Brad Figler
Is it legal to broadcast a user defined notification and handle it in the
same application?  I assume the answer is yes!  However, I tried this one
time when broadcasting from an interrupt and handling the notification in
the same application and it did bad things to my application.

The reason I ask is because I have extended the POL::CDatabase class and I
want to know when things happen within my database object throughout the
application.  Posting one of a couple of notifications would be a nice way
to handle these *things* in multiple places when they occur.

Thanks in advance,


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pilrc question

2003-03-06 Thread Brad Figler
Does pilrc have the ability to align the right, left, top, or bottom sides
of controls (like in constructor, devstudio, etc..)?  I cannot find anything
in the docs, and I do not see anything obvious on the interface.


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Re: typedef problem

2003-03-05 Thread Brad Figler
You cannot store function pointers to class methods.  You must declare your
function as static.  That will fix the compilation error.

Chris Apers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message


 I have i little problem and perhaps you can help.
 In the following exemple, i'd like to call
 func1, func2 or func3  with _func depending of the configuration
 of the app, so i call setfunc(int) to set the _func value.
 But i have the following error :

 --|   illegal implicit convertion from 'void (B::*)()' to 'void (*)()'.

 I know my typedef declaration is wrong but i can find how to declare it.

 class A {

 class B : public A {
 public :
 void setfunc(int);
 void funcexec();


 typedef void ExecProc(void)
 ExecProc *_func;

 void func1();
 void func2();
 void func3();


 void B::setfunc(int what) {

 switch (what) {
 case 1:
 _func = func1;

 case 2:
 _func = func2;

 case 3:
 _func = func3;


 void B::funcexec() {


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Converting doubles to strings

2003-03-04 Thread Brad Figler

A long time ago I posted a question about an algorithm that converts
floating point/double values to strings.  I got one, but it does not work
all to well. I am using the float manager to convert strings to double.
That works perfectly.  Can someone suggest a recommended method for
converting doubles to strings?  I don't need the string in exponential
format, I just need the string to have 1 or 2 places precision.  An example
of the problem I am seeing is the following.

User enters a number 1.2
I convert that to a double using the float manager.  I get 1.2
I multiply that by 1000 to get 1200.
I store it in the database.
I read it back out.
Divide it by 1000 and get 1.2.

In my double to string conversion I get the integer portion using the
following code.
long iValue = ( long )1.2;// Gives me a 1.
I then subtract out the 1, i.e 1.2 - 1.0 to get .2
I then multiply that by 10 and get 2.0  (at least that's what the
debugger says I have!);
I then have the following code.
long dValue = ( long )2.0;  // Gives me a 1.  -- This is the problem

I did not write this algorithm, I just used it!  Is there a better way
to do this?  The numbers I will need to convert will be in the following
0.5 to 999.9.



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Re: Converting doubles to strings

2003-03-04 Thread Brad Figler
 (long) (x + 0.5)

 I thought everyone learnt this trick in primary school?  Or at home,
 while programming in BASIC as a child?

It is funny that you say that, because now that I see that, I cannot believe
I did not remember it.  Thanks for reminding me.  Actually, what I did was
re-write it from scratch using the float manager to return the base 10 info
(mantissa, sign, and exponent) and constructed the string that way.  It
works great.


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Re: Converting doubles to strings

2003-03-04 Thread Brad Figler
 (long) (x + 0.5)

I am going to lose sleep over this one tonight.  I am such an [EMAIL PROTECTED]@[EMAIL 

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Notification Clarification

2003-03-03 Thread Brad Figler

I have read the section in the palm os companion a couple of times about
launch codes and notifications.  I am not to sure that I understand
everything I am reading.  Sorry if this is a stupid question.

From my understanding, you *usually* register for a notification when
your application launches.  However, I am unclear when to un-register for a
notification.  If I wanted my application to handle the
sysNotifyCardInsertedEvent, would I only be able to do this when my
application is the application running?  If I un-register for the
notification when my app is terminated, then it would seem that I can only
get the event while my application is running.  Also, what if the user
installed my app, but has not run it yet?  How would I register for the
notification in that case?

Thanks in advance,


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Custom ROM images

2003-03-03 Thread Brad Figler
Are there tools to build custom ROMS for PALM devices, specifically m515 and
m550?  I found Romeo on sourceforge, but it appears to be quite outdated.
Would contacting PALM inc. be a better approach?



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Re: How to change a string into lowercase??

2003-02-28 Thread Brad Figler
 btw, which manual(s) should I read to get more info??

Read the companion guides for general information about the OS.  They are on  I read the first one a couple times when I first started
using palmOS.  It was time well spent.  Other than that, use the API.
Everything you need is in there!  Look at the String Manager for all your
string manipulating needs (except for formatting double precision numbers
=) ).


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Data backup suggestions

2003-02-26 Thread Brad Figler

I am tossing around some ideas for doing on the fly data backup to an
SD/Flash memory card.  Our product is going to be hosted on a palm device
(m515 or Tungsten).  The device is going to be mounted inside of an
establishment, that most likely will not have a computer (and the employees
most likely won't know how to use one, so hot sync is out).  It is going to
be collecting data that will be stored in various databases on the palm
device.  I am thinking about mirroring every piece of data that we collect
on an SD card as we collect it.  I know that I cannot write to an SD card
using the Data Manager, but I can open a file using the VFS Manager.  So
what I had in mind was creating a binary file large enough to hold a
pre-defined maximum number of fixed size records and every time a record
gets added to the database on the palm unit (in user storage) I would mirror
the binary chunk inside the file on the SD card.  I have multiple databases,
so I would need to have anywhere from 2 - 5 file handles open at one time.
The largest single record being written at any one time will probably be
less than 100 bytes, so I am assuming (I know, I know) that the performance
hit won't be that bad.  Plus, the device is not going to be interacted with,
so the user is not going to notice if it takes 100us vs. 10us to add the

Please give me your thoughts and suggestions on this method or any other
method that you can suggest.  I have not written any code to write to an
expansion card yet, so I am basically on a fact finding mission to see if
what I am planning to do is feasible.

Thanks in advance,


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Re: How to modify a record in DB??

2003-02-20 Thread Brad Figler
DmNewRecord() - Creates new record.
DmGetRecord() - Get existing record
MemHandleLock() - You need this to lock down the handle and get access to
actual memory block you allocated.
DmWrite() - Used to write data to a record (requires an offset, see

Oh, you will need DmReleaseRecord() as well.

For more information refer to the detailed documentation in the Palm OS
reference (Data and Resource Manager).


Tenchi-Man [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 I ve got problems in modifying a record in DB by Dm

 Int16 a;
 Char b[5];

 1) how can I modify the integer value in existing records???

 2) how can I assign the Char (eg. name[5]=Johny) when creating a new

 Do u know? pls help
 thanks a lot


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Re: using a string with CW9 ??

2003-02-18 Thread Brad Figler
char buffer[ 15 ];

SysStringByIndex( StringListName,
 15 );

StringListName-Name of the stringlist resource in Pilrc that you created.
StringListIndex-zero based index of the string in the list to extract.


Rodolphe Bréjaude [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message


 I create a string and and string list with PILRC with the label xxx
 How can I get the text of the ressource in a char* or a CString variable?

 thanks if you have a littel exemple...

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Inconsistent Line Endings

2003-02-17 Thread Brad Figler

I seem to get the following error message couple times a week (CW v9).
File  has inconsistent line endings.

Any idea how I am introducing inconsistent line endings?

I searched the archives and got squat.


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