[Paraview] Possible bug (Actually 2)

2018-02-07 Thread Beach, Timothy A. (GRC-LTE0)[Vantage Partners, LLC]
I have a problem with unstructured CFD datasets  using the Ensight format.  The 
following illustrates the problem.  I make a slice at a certain value of y and 
look at velocity vectors.  Everything is good.  I use calculator to makea 
dependent variable from CoordY and contour at the same y value.   These 2 
surfaces are identical and shading by any variable yields identical results.   
If I put velocity vectors on the  constant y contour surface, they are wrong.  
This procedure works as expected with   plot3d structured datasets.  The other 
thing I’ve noticed, when using a cylindrical slice,  it always uses the y axis. 
 Setting X or Z anything else has no effect. This happens on all my datasets.   
I’m using my own compile of Version 5.4.1 on a mac.  Any ideas, comments or 
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[Paraview] Parview Build Faulure on Mac OS 10.12.6

2017-12-21 Thread Beach, Timothy A. (GRC-LTE0)[Vantage Partners, LLC]
Helo,  I’ve been working through some issues compiling on a new MAC but this 
one has me stuck.   I used CMAKE 3.10 to generate xcodebuild files for paraview 
5.4. Any ideas?

make: *** No rule to make target 
`/Users/…/lib/cmake/paraview-5.4/Modules/vtkCommonCoreHierarchy.txt', needed by 
`/Users/…/VTK/Wrapping/Python/vtkAbstractArrayPython.cxx'.  Stop.
Command /bin/sh failed with exit code 2


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[Paraview] Paraview Custom Reader issue - OS X 10.12.6

2017-12-21 Thread Beach, Timothy A. (GRC-LTE0)[Vantage Partners, LLC]
For some time I’ve used a custom reader in Paraview.  I’m having issues with my 
recently issued mac.   In the past I’ve recompiled the entire code but I’m 
having issues with QT so I’m trying to just get my reader working as a plugin 
as per the instructions on the paraview.org page “ParaView/Plugin HowTo”.  I 
thought that would be easier.  I’ve been unable to get past the following cmake 
 error.  I’m not very knowledgable on cmake . I wish I had time to  figure it 
out but I don’t. Any help with the following would be apprecitated   Thanks – I 
wasn’t   the best time to be given a new computer. Tim

CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:1 (FIND_PACKAGE):
By not providing "FindParaView.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this project has
asked CMake to find a package configuration file provided by "ParaView",
but CMake did not find one.

Could not find a package configuration file provided by "ParaView" with any
of the following names:


Add the installation prefix of "ParaView" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set
"ParaView_DIR" to a directory containing one of the above files. If
"ParaView" provides a separate development package or SDK, be sure it has
been installed.

My CmakeList.txt – which may not be correct.  My reader is a clone of the 
Plot3d Reader



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[Paraview] python exodus parsing segaults

2017-12-02 Thread Julian A. Quick
Hello All,

I wrote a python script using the Paraview ExodusIIReader to convert exodus
II files into csv's. The script usually runs successfully, but sometimes I
get a segfault. Am I missing something? How might I be able to better
handle memory in this code? I tried pasting the reset function I found on
the mailing list
<https://public.kitware.com/pipermail/paraview/2015-July/034588.html> to
the top of the code but it did not seem to help. I appreciate your time and

from paraview.simple import *
from paraview.numpy_support import vtk_to_numpy
import vtk.numpy_interface.dataset_adapter as dsa
import sys
s = ExodusIIReader(FileName='./results/%s.e'%sys.argv[-1])
d = CreateWriter('./out.csv', s)
d.FieldAssociation = "Points"
del d

$ pvpython mycode.py my_ecodus_file
$ pvpython mycode.py my_ecodus_file
Segmentation fault: 11

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[Paraview] boolean mesh filtering

2017-11-20 Thread Mauldin, Jeffrey A.
I have a need to do a Boolean intersection of two unstructured multiblock 
datasets.  It so happens in this case that the underlying element sets are 
polygonal meshes, so in this particular case I could also do what I want with a 
Boolean intersection of two polygonal meshes.  To be (hopefully) redundant, I 
have two meshes which share some points and cells and each of which have other 
points and cells which are not shared.  I would like a new mesh which consists 
of all the points and cells that are in both of these meshes.  I need this to 
work properly in parallel.

I know enough to create a python-based filter (python programmable filter) to 
create this operation, but are there already existing Boolean mesh operations, 
and if not would those be a useful thing to add?

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Re: [Paraview] Anaconda python Environment setup to use paraview python

2017-11-17 Thread Schau, Kyle A

I have not had luck with anaconda and utilizing paraview python tools. The 
problems comes from compilation options. To run the paraview modules the python 
you are using needs to be compiled with the option --enable-unicode set at 
compile time. The python that ships with Anaconda does not come with this. 
Specifically, I think that for ParaView versions > 5 you need to enable 
universal character set 4 for everything to work. I use PV 4.4 with a self 
built python 2.7.13 and the only compile option -enable-Unicode and it works 


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From: ParaView  on behalf of Ke Gao 

Sent: Friday, November 17, 2017 1:30:02 PM
To: ParaView
Subject: [Paraview] Anaconda python Environment setup to use paraview python


I'm using Anaconda python 2.7 to call paraview python library on RedHat Linux, 
every time I run "from paraview.simple import *" or '"from vtk import *", I 
will get a "Segmentation fault" error. Can anybody tell me what's wrong, and 
can you share your python path setup in .bashre file?

My .bashrc file is like this:

# add paraview
# add paraview python to PYTHONPATH

Thank you very much.

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Re: [Paraview] programmable filter, OK in serial, FAILS in mpi

2017-11-14 Thread A
Hi again!

So I gave that a shot Berk (starting the server and client separatly), but
it still fails (although now I can see the output). It seems like each
thread is trying to operate on the data, but some of the threads have no

E.g. if I do;

from paraview.numpy_support import vtk_to_numpy

import vtkCommonDataModelPython

import numpy as np

from scipy.optimize import curve_fit

if type(self.GetInputDataObject(0,0)) is
vtkCommonDataModelPython.vtkUnstructuredGrid and
type(self.GetInputDataObject(0,1)) is

g = 0

p = 1

elif type(self.GetInputDataObject(0,1)) is
vtkCommonDataModelPython.vtkUnstructuredGrid and
type(self.GetInputDataObject(0,0)) is

g = 1

p = 0




# import the grid

Vs = inputs[g].PointData['Vs']

depth = inputs[g].PointData['depth']

z = inputs[0].PointData['z']

# setup output

output.PointData.append(Vs, 'Vs')

output.PointData.append(depth, 'depth')

output.PointData.append(z, 'z')

# import the profile

Vs_profile = inputs[p].PointData['Vs']

depth_profile = inputs[p].PointData['depth']


I get;

[nan nan nan nan
 nan nan nan   -236.76765442
   -674.57861328  -1112.38952637  -1550.20043945  -1988.04382324
  -2425.89160156  -2863.73901367  -3301.58666992  -3739.43408203
  -4177.28173828  -4615.12939453  -5053.00439453  -5491.04589844
  -5929.25048828  -6367.58935547  -6806.04101562  -7244.6015625
  -7683.24755859  -8121.96826172  -8560.76660156  -8999.62597656
  -9438.54199219  -9877.5078125  -10316.52050781 -10755.57617188
 -11194.66992188 -11633.79199219 -12072.91308594 -12512.03515625
 -12951.15722656 -13390.27832031 -13829.40039062 -14268.52246094
 -14707.64355469 -15146.765625   -15585.88769531 -16025.00878906
 -16464.13085938 -16903.25195312 -17342.375  -17781.49609375
 -18220.6171875  -18659.74023438 -19098.86132812 -19537.98242188
 -19977.10546875 -20416.2265625  -20855.34765625 -21294.47070312
 -21733.59179688 -22172.71289062 -22611.8359375  -23050.95703125
 -23490.078125   -23929.20117188 -24368.32226562 -24807.44335938
 -25246.56640625 -25685.6875 -26124.80859375 -26563.93164062
 -27003.05273438 -27442.17382812 -27881.296875   -28320.41796875
 -28759.5390625  -29198.66210938 -29637.78320312 -30076.90429688
 -30516.02734375 -30955.1484375  -31394.26953125 -31833.39257812
 -32272.51367188 -32711.63476562 -33150.7578125  -33589.87890625 -34029.
 -34468.12109375 -34907.24609375 -35346.3671875  -35785.48828125
 -36224.609375   -36663.73046875 -37102.8515625  -37541.9765625
 -37981.09765625 -38420.21875-38859.33984375 -39298.4609375
 -39737.58203125 -40176.70703125 -40615.828125   nan]

When I try and run subsequent operations on the variable (like
np.isnan(depth_profile)) it returns errors for the first 13 empty threads
and vaild results for the 14th thread, but then pseudo-crashes.

E.g. (same code as above but now with)

nanx = np.argwhere(np.isnan(depth_profile))


TypeError: ufunc 'isnan' not supported for the input types, and the inputs
could not be safely coerced to any supported types according to the casting
rule ''safe''

TypeError: ufunc 'isnan' not supported for the input types, and the inputs
could not be safely coerced to any supported types according to the casting
rule ''safe''

TypeError: ufunc 'isnan' not supported for the input types, and the inputs
could not be safely coerced to any supported types according to the casting
rule ''safe''

TypeError: ufunc 'isnan' not supported for the input types, and the inputs
could not be safely coerced to any supported types according to the casting
rule ''safe''

TypeError: ufunc 'isnan' not supported for the input types, and the inputs
could not be safely coerced to any supported types according to the casting
rule ''safe''

TypeError: ufunc 'isnan' not supported for the input types, and the inputs
could not be safely coerced to any supported types according to the casting
rule ''safe''

TypeError: ufunc 'isnan' not supported for the input types, and the inputs
could not be safely coerced to any supported types according to the casting
rule ''safe''

TypeError: ufunc 'isnan' not supported for the input types, and the inputs
could not be safely coerced to any supported types according to the casting
rule ''safe''

So any idea on how to explicitly only make it only consider the valid
thread? Or any other idea how to fix this? Once again, it works perfectly
on serial, so is just an issue with how PV, myself

[Paraview] Information tag in xdmf file crashes paraview

2017-11-03 Thread Gonzalez Lopez, Ruben A.
Hi there, I would like to include some additional information about the 
parameters that I'm using in my simulation in the file, I thought that the  
Information tag was useful in this scenario. but when I try to use them 
Paraview crashes. is there any other technique that I could use? I already try 
 for comments but Paraview will crash anyway.

Thank you very much for your help
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[Paraview] basal surfaces to 3D volume

2017-11-01 Thread A
Alright, bare with me...

I have a series of 3D surfaces that represent the base of specific,
discrete, layers in a 3D volume. I have a top surface which bounds the
volume.  Specifically, I'm trying to create a 3D model of a mountain. The
top surface defines the topography, and all those basal surfaces define the
bottoms of specific rock-units.

I can load all these into paraview (they're just individual netcdf files
now), and visualize the separate surfaces.

What I want to do is to, for each basal surface, interpolate this unit
vertically-upward until it reaches the next overlying surface. So I can go
from a series of surfaces to an actual populated 3D structured/unstructured

I could do this by brute force in python, (interpolating all planes as
points into a 3D volume then, starting at the base of the model, looping
through each cell in the volume and extending it upwards) but was curious
if there might be a more elegant way (either in paraview or VTK).

Did that make any sense?
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[Paraview] Setting glyph "Scalars" property in a C++ pipeline

2017-10-23 Thread A .
Dear community,

I'm having a hard time figuring out how to set the "Scalars" property of a 
glyph object with the C++ API.

In Python it's as easy as: glyph.Scalars=['POINTS', 'ScaleByThis']

In C++ I would assume something like: vtkSMPropertyHelper(glyph, "Scalars", 
true).Set("['POINTS', 'Diameters']");

But this unfortunately doesn't work. I cannot seem to find any examples or 
documentation on this. If someone has an example or the relevant documentation 
for setting this property, could you please share it with me?

It would be great if you could let me know how I can find out how to set a 
certain property of a source or filter, so that I don't need to ask such 
questions in the future 😊


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[Paraview] Is it possible to group vtkImageData objects?

2017-10-20 Thread A .
Dear community,

Is it possible with ParaView to group vtkImageData objects in a single file 
format? I would like to import a couple of regular grids (i.e. vtkImageData 
objects) as a single file, rather than as grid_1.pvti, grid_2.pvti, etc... Once 
imported I would like to simply select which grid to visualize (with volume 

I tried the following structures already:

  1.  vktMultiBlockDataSet containing N vtkImageData objects as child blocks.
  2.  vtkMultiBlockDataSet containing 1 vtkMultiPieceDataSet, which contains N 
vtkImageData objects as child pieces

The first structure kind of works, but in order to visualize one vtkImageData I 
need to "Extract Block" and "Resample to Image", which doesn't result in the 
exact same image when doing volume rendering.
The second structure mixes my vtkImageData into a single data object. I cannot 
do something like "Extract Piece".

The main reason I want to have a single data structure containing all my grids 
is so that I can pass it to my Python CoProcess Catalyst pipeline. The number 
of grids can vary so I cannot simply hardcode the pipeline for a fixed number 
of grids.

If there is a way to make this work, please let me know!

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[Paraview] programmable filter, OK in serial, FAILS in mpi

2017-10-10 Thread A
I normally run Paraview on my workstation with mpi support (14 cores). It's
been working fine like this for a year.

For some reason however, the debug/output messages windows dont work when
running in mpi (e.g. print "hello", returns nothing). But they do work when
I turn mpi off.

I recently wrote a few new programmable filters, and while they work
perfectly with mpi off, the hand and dont do anything with mpi on.

Any idea?


p.s. heres one of the filters for example;

from paraview.numpy_support import vtk_to_numpy

import vtkCommonDataModelPython

import numpy as np

from scipy.optimize import curve_fit

if type(self.GetInputDataObject(0,0)) is
vtkCommonDataModelPython.vtkUnstructuredGrid and
type(self.GetInputDataObject(0,1)) is

g = 0

p = 1

elif type(self.GetInputDataObject(0,1)) is
vtkCommonDataModelPython.vtkUnstructuredGrid and
type(self.GetInputDataObject(0,0)) is

g = 1

p = 0




# import the grid

Vs = inputs[g].PointData['Vs']

depth = inputs[g].PointData['depth']

z = inputs[0].PointData['z']

# setup output

output.PointData.append(Vs, 'Vs')

output.PointData.append(depth, 'depth')

output.PointData.append(z, 'z')

# import the profile

Vs_profile = inputs[p].PointData['Vs']

depth_profile = inputs[p].PointData['depth']

def func(x, a, b, c, d,e):

return a + b*x + c*x**2 + d*x**3 + e*x**4

nanx = np.argwhere(np.isnan(depth_profile))

nany = np.argwhere(np.isnan(Vs_profile))

nani = np.unique(np.append(nanx,nany))

xdata = numpy.delete(depth_profile, nani)

ydata = numpy.delete(Vs_profile, nani)

popt, pcov1 = curve_fit(func, xdata, ydata)

Vs_theory = popt[0] + popt[1]*depth + popt[2]*depth**2 +
popt[3]*depth**3 + popt[4]*depth**4

diff = Vs - Vs_theory


output.PointData.append(per_diff, 'perturbation')
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Re: [Paraview] Volume average along 1-dimension

2017-10-06 Thread A
Thank you very much Kenichiro! This was exactly what I was looking for!


On Thu, Oct 5, 2017 at 10:39 PM, kenichiro yoshimi 

> Hi ashton,
> Perhaps the python programmable filter is needed for a 1D average you
> want to achieve. I have attached a state file as a similar example
> that firstly generates the cross sections along the z-axis by cutting
> a volume and then calculates the averages on them respectively.
> I hope this will help.
> Best
> 2017-10-06 3:15 GMT+09:00 A :
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I have a 3D volume (xyz) with each point/cell having a corresponding
> value
> > (velocity; this is a model of the crust and seismic velocity).
> >
> > I want to calculate a 1D average velocity profile along the z-axis (so at
> > every depth average all the x-y velocity values).
> >
> > Any idea?
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > ashton
> >
> > p.s. point data or cell data solutions would work
> >
> > ___
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> >
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> > http://paraview.org/Wiki/ParaView
> >
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> >
> > Follow this link to subscribe/unsubscribe:
> > http://public.kitware.com/mailman/listinfo/paraview
> >
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[Paraview] Volume average along 1-dimension

2017-10-05 Thread A
Hi all,

I have a 3D volume (xyz) with each point/cell having a corresponding value
(velocity; this is a model of the crust and seismic velocity).

I want to calculate a 1D average velocity profile along the z-axis (so at
every depth average all the x-y velocity values).

Any idea?



p.s. point data or cell data solutions would work
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[Paraview] Reading group of pvti files: vtkImageData is static over time

2017-09-14 Thread A .

I have a vtkImageData object that I write (with a XMLPImageDataWriter) every 
time step to a pvti file.

When I open the group of output_*.pvti files, properties like X, Y, Z extent 
and range do not change as I animate over time.

But when I open the actual files I can see that these values in fact are 

And if I open the files individually (for example output_99.pvti) these 
properties are displayed correctly in ParaView.

The problem appears when I open them as a group; it then keeps the properties 
of the first file.

Does anyone else has this issue, and is there a way to solve this?


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[Paraview] Catalyst visualization not rendering without me clicking on the screen

2017-08-30 Thread A .
Dear community,

Whenever I am trying to visualize something live (i.e. with Catalyst), the 
rendering view is not being updated unless I pan over the view with my mouse.

I noticed that automatic rendering happens when I am dealing with a larger 
dataset. There seems to be some kind of a threshold for when to update the 
rendering view, based on the data size (or based on the amount of change in 

I tried increasing the CoProcessor frequency 
(coprocessor.SetUpdateFrequencies(freqs)), and also the 
EnableLiveVisualization(True, freq), but it didn't help.

Anyone has a solution for this?


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[Paraview] Shortcut for Catalyst server connection

2017-08-28 Thread A .
Hi all,

I was wondering if there is a faster way to open a Catalyst connection with 
ParaView. Currently I see myself doing the following routine "Catalyst" --> 
"Connect" --> "OK" --> "OK" --> "Pause Simulation" quite a lot.

Is there a way to compress this into a single step?


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[Paraview] Can I set textures for Glyph?

2017-08-23 Thread A .

For a Sphere filter it is possible to set its texture with TextureMaptoSphere. 
I was wondering if the same thing could be done for Glyph filters? In 
particular spherical glyphs.

In the Properties menu of Glyph the Texture option is grayed out. Using a 
TextureMaptoSphere on a Glyph does not give the desired result. I had expected 
a "TextureMaptoGlyph" filter, but I cannot seem to find something like that.


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[Paraview] Selecting a glyph object entirely and retrieving it's attribute data

2017-07-18 Thread A .
Dear community,

For a simulation I am running, I would like to visualize a bunch of spheres in 
ParaView (PV). At the moment I do that by sending point data to PV and creating 
a Glyph filter (Sphere type) on all the points, where the radius is determined 
by attribute data I pass along the point data.

Now for my project I would like the user to be able to select each sphere (i.e. 
Glyph object), such that it's attribute data can be displayed (like the Hover 
On functionality); and in the best case I would like to have this attribute 
data (such as radius) to be modifiable (for now I just a programmable filter in 
which the user manually fills in the ID of the sphere to change it's 
corresponding attribute data).

So my two questions are:

1) Can I select the Glyph as a whole? All the selection options will only 
select the cells of which the glyph is made of, not the actually sphere.

2) In the Python shell will I be able to see the selected (spheres /glyphs) in 
order to do some attribute data modifications?


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[Paraview] Integrating precompiled Catalyst into external projects

2017-07-05 Thread A .
Dear members,

I would like to have Catalyst precompiled and ready for use for developers that 
want to work on my project. In this way they don't need to go through the 
procedure of installing dependencies and building Catalyst themselves (which 
currently takes longer than building my project...).

The problem is the absolute paths that are used in all the .cmake files, such 
as ParaViewConfig.cmake and UseParaView.cmake (and all .cmake files they call 

I thought a "make install" would do the trick as normally it will copy all the 
essential files (system independent) to the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX directory. But 
I cannot use the contents of the installation folder as the directory to point 
to when linking to Catalyst in my project (since there are no configuration 
files copied).

I was doubtful to ask this question, because if it were possible, I would 
expect a precompiled Catalyst to be hosted on the ParaView download page. But 
out of curiosity I ask nonetheless; is it possible?


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[Paraview] Pipe back data from ParaView to simulation program through Catalyst

2017-06-29 Thread A .
Dear members,

I have successfully been able to use ParaView Catalyst to do in-situ 
visualization. The data that is generated from my simulation program is 
forwarded to ParaView with the use of these so-called 'adaptors'. The API is 
very straightforward and it was done easily. However I was wondering if feeding 
back data from ParaView into my simulation program through Catalyst is also 
possible. In other words can ParaView serve as a (semi) graphical user 

For instance, at some point in the simulation in ParaView I want to change the 
size of one of my simulation objects, which in my simulation program is 
represented as a private data member of the object's class. So I want to pause 
the simulation, select the object and change the value of the object's size. Is 
there a way to pipe this data back into the simulation (in-situ) and continue 
the simulation?

If the above description is too specific, I would just like to ask if the user 
can be interactive with simulation program through ParaView in any way. I can 
think of a way of exporting the changed ParaView state to file, parse that in 
my simulation program and update the simulation state, but I was wondering if 
there is a neater / faster way of doing this.


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Re: [Paraview] Simple XDMF example

2017-06-22 Thread Insley, Joseph A.
Thanks, Dave!  That did the trick.

Although, for completeness, I had to change the Center Attribute from “Point” 
to “Node”.  Otherwise ParaView crashed, complaining that Center was not one of 
‘Grid’, ‘Cell’, ‘Face’, ‘Edge’, ‘Node’.

Thanks again,

On Jun 22, 2017, at 4:04 PM, David E DeMarle 
mailto:dave.dema...@kitware.com>> wrote:

Try something like this:

http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"; Version="3.0">

0 0
1 1


If that doesn't work sent me the h5 offlist and I'll fix the above

David E DeMarle
Kitware, Inc.
Principal Engineer
21 Corporate Drive
Clifton Park, NY 12065-8662
Phone: 518-881-4909

On Thu, Jun 22, 2017 at 1:34 PM, Insley, Joseph A. 
mailto:ins...@anl.gov>> wrote:
Hi all,

I am trying to get a simple XDMF example working, but am having no success.  I 
must be doing something obvious wrong, but I’m not seeing it.  Here’s what the 
data looks like:

$ h5dump -H ./small_ds.hdf5
HDF5 "./small_ds.hdf5" {
GROUP "/" {
   DATASET "myelin" {
  DATASPACE  SIMPLE { ( 256, 256, 256 ) / ( 256, 256, 256 ) }

And here’s the xdmf file I’m trying to use:



Choosing the Xdmf3 Reader or Xdmf3 Reader (Top Level Partition) results in an 
empty data set, where there are no point or cell arrays, and everything on the 
Information tab is listed as NA.
Choosing the Xdmf Reader results in a seg fault.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


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[Paraview] Simple XDMF example

2017-06-22 Thread Insley, Joseph A.
Hi all, 

I am trying to get a simple XDMF example working, but am having no success.  I 
must be doing something obvious wrong, but I’m not seeing it.  Here’s what the 
data looks like:

$ h5dump -H ./small_ds.hdf5 
HDF5 "./small_ds.hdf5" {
GROUP "/" {
   DATASET "myelin" {
  DATASPACE  SIMPLE { ( 256, 256, 256 ) / ( 256, 256, 256 ) }

And here’s the xdmf file I’m trying to use:



Choosing the Xdmf3 Reader or Xdmf3 Reader (Top Level Partition) results in an 
empty data set, where there are no point or cell arrays, and everything on the 
Information tab is listed as NA.
Choosing the Xdmf Reader results in a seg fault.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


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[Paraview] Maintain triangulation of slive from vtk to numpy

2017-03-01 Thread Schau, Kyle A
Hello All

Does anyone know if the capability exists to extract slice data through the 
python interface of paraview that contains the triangulation data of the slice? 
This would allow one to pull flattened VTK data in the form of numpy arrays, 
but still plot non-convex slice geometries easily with mayplotlib.tricont()

Thanks for your help.

Kyle A. Schau

Graduate Research Assistant

Computational Combustion Lab

Georgia Institute of Technology

Atlanta, GA

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[Paraview] Question about adding Widget to property panel

2016-12-29 Thread Beach, Timothy A. (GRC-LTE0)[Vantage Partners, LLC]
 Hi,  I’m trying to do something I thought would be simple and I’ll bet it is 
once I see my error - but I’ve spent several hours trying things and searching 
for answers in the docs.   I want to add an entry box in the property panel for 
Gamma in the PLOT3D reader. I’m compiling version 5.2.   I noticed in the 
header file that there are already MACRO’s for Gamma:
   * Set/Get the ratio of specific heats. Default is 1.4.

I thought all I would have to do is add appropriate entries into the 
readers.xml file  and it would appear in the property panel. I’ve tried various 
things but they all look essentially like this:

 Set Gamma 

It compiles and runs but I don’t get an entry  box. What am I missing?  I am 
stumped for now so any help would be appreciated.  I’ll hit it again  next week.

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Re: [Paraview] Color by Source JPEG

2016-11-11 Thread Jeremy A
Awesome. That worked perfectly.

On Fri, Nov 11, 2016 at 5:18 PM andrealphus  wrote:

> Hey Jeremy,
> In the search box next to the gear icon search for "map scalars", its
> hidden by default (or just turn the advanced button, the gear icon,
> ON). Once you find it, turn "map scalars" off.
> On Fri, Nov 11, 2016 at 9:02 AM, Jeremy A <12047...@brookes.ac.uk> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I'm trying to view a series of exported JPEG CFD results in Paraview. The
> > problem I'm having is Paraview automatically colors them to a particular
> > colormap. Is there a way to simply render them with the jpeg colours? The
> > available color options refer to a 'Magnitude', X, Y and Z options which
> are
> > automatically generated and none of which are the source colours. I have
> > attached one of my source images and what it looks like in Paraview.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Jeremy
> >
> > ___
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> > http://paraview.org/Wiki/ParaView
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Re: [Paraview] Question on how to stretch a line to form a surface

2016-10-30 Thread Insley, Joseph A.
Did you try the Linear Extrusion filter?  Sounds like that might be what you’re 
looking for.


On Oct 30, 2016, at 8:16 AM, linzhenhua 
mailto:linzhen...@163.com>> wrote:

Hello, I plot one curved line in paraview(2D), and want to stretch it along the 
normal direction to form a surface(3D), I have tried the transform and warp by 
scalar filters but both seem fail to accomplish this task. I wonder whether 
paraview can do this?

Thanks you.

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[Paraview] Need help with reload macro

2016-08-26 Thread Major A

Hello there,

I'm relatively new to Paraview, and I'd love to have an easy way of 
reloading the data and updating the display.  From the list archives, I 
understand there is no ready-made solution for this at the moment.

So I got the idea to use the sequence "Reset session" -> "Load State" 
from the menu, which works like a charm but is a hassle nonetheless.

Next, I tried using this python code as a macro:

  from paraview.simple import *
  from tempfile import *

  t = NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".pvsm", delete=False)
  f = t.name


  s = GetSources()
  for key,val in s.items():


This works, sort of, but deleting the sources isn't quite the same as 
resetting the session, for which I haven't been able to find a python 
equivalent.  What it does, however, is to create a new layout each time 
I run the macro, and display a warning "This code may not work in 
multi-clients mode" as well.  It also appears to tie up a lot of memory 
after a few uses, which isn't really that funny.

I also tried adding equivalent lines to delete the views and the 
layouts, but behaviour was the same whatever I did.

So, what do I need to do differently?  What's the closest I could get in 
python to the menu item "Reset session"?

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[Paraview] need some help reading data in pvpython

2016-06-22 Thread Beach, Timothy A. (GRC-LTE0)[Vantage Partners, LLC]
I’ve done some neat stuff with pvpython but I’m stuck on something really 
basic.  I’ve read a structured multi block dataset(plot3d).  Where do I find 
the number of blocks and the size of each block.  I’ve been using help and 
dir() but I haven’t found that info.
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Re: [Paraview] peak memory use on remote nodes

2016-04-21 Thread Biddiscombe, John A.

So it turns out that aprun/alps won’t let me run a script with dstat to monitor 
the memory use, and using craypat makes the execution take too long (weeks it 
seems). So I tried importing part of the dstat python into my paraview python

Using this I am able to query memory use on the node and dump it out.

Question :  If I start a background python thread that polls memory like this

# start a thread that prints mem use
def dump_memory():
# do something here ...
global stop_thread
line = ''
for o in stats:
line = line + '  ' + o.show()
print line + dstat.ansi['reset']

# call f() again in n seconds
if stop_thread==0:
  threading.Timer(0.5, dump_memory).start()

and set it going at the start of my paraview python pipeline : Will it actually 
run and collect info whilst the paraview script is executing the rest of the 

intuition and brief googling tells me that this won’t work.

Can it be done?


From: ParaView [mailto:paraview-boun...@paraview.org] On Behalf Of Biddiscombe, 
John A.
Sent: 18 April 2016 14:53
To: David E DeMarle
Cc: paraview@paraview.org
Subject: Re: [Paraview] peak memory use on remote nodes

Thanks Dave

A colleague here suggested I put my
aprun pvbatch  into a script and add a ‘dtrace” command at the start of 
the script. This will then dump out a txt file on each node and after the job 
completes I can grep the info I need.

I’m going to give that a try first as it seems straightforward, but I will 
revert to your suggestion if I fail and nothing else comes up.



From: David E DeMarle [mailto:dave.dema...@kitware.com]
Sent: 18 April 2016 14:48
To: Biddiscombe, John A.
Cc: paraview@paraview.org<mailto:paraview@paraview.org>
Subject: Re: [Paraview] peak memory use on remote nodes

Perhaps extend the benchmark to glean /proc//status's VmHWM entry on Linux 
at least. Get the number for t1 and at t2 and subtract to see what the maximum 
was in between those two times.

Seems the right place to do that is kwsys/SystemInformation.cxx, but you could 
prototype in the script.
Hope that helps and please post some code. Seems like a very useful thing to 

David E DeMarle
Kitware, Inc.
R&D Engineer
21 Corporate Drive
Clifton Park, NY 12065-8662
Phone: 518-881-4909

On Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 2:42 AM, Biddiscombe, John A. 
mailto:biddi...@cscs.ch>> wrote:
The python scripting module “paraview.benchmark” allows one to get the memory 
use using “paraview.benchmark.get_memuse” - but I presume this is the memory 
reported as used by the system at the moment when the function is called.

Does anyone know a way of recording the peak memory use on remote nodes between 
t1 and t2 - where t1 and t2 are the start and stop of either a function, job or 
even paraview python script on the remote node?



John Biddiscombe,email:biddisco @.at.@ 
CSCS, Swiss National Supercomputing Centre  | Tel:  +41 (91) 
Via Trevano 131, 6900 Lugano, Switzerland   | Fax:  +41 (91) 

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Re: [Paraview] peak memory use on remote nodes

2016-04-18 Thread Biddiscombe, John A.
Thanks Dave

A colleague here suggested I put my
aprun pvbatch  into a script and add a ‘dtrace” command at the start of 
the script. This will then dump out a txt file on each node and after the job 
completes I can grep the info I need.

I’m going to give that a try first as it seems straightforward, but I will 
revert to your suggestion if I fail and nothing else comes up.



From: David E DeMarle [mailto:dave.dema...@kitware.com]
Sent: 18 April 2016 14:48
To: Biddiscombe, John A.
Cc: paraview@paraview.org
Subject: Re: [Paraview] peak memory use on remote nodes

Perhaps extend the benchmark to glean /proc//status's VmHWM entry on Linux 
at least. Get the number for t1 and at t2 and subtract to see what the maximum 
was in between those two times.

Seems the right place to do that is kwsys/SystemInformation.cxx, but you could 
prototype in the script.
Hope that helps and please post some code. Seems like a very useful thing to 

David E DeMarle
Kitware, Inc.
R&D Engineer
21 Corporate Drive
Clifton Park, NY 12065-8662
Phone: 518-881-4909

On Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 2:42 AM, Biddiscombe, John A. 
mailto:biddi...@cscs.ch>> wrote:
The python scripting module “paraview.benchmark” allows one to get the memory 
use using “paraview.benchmark.get_memuse” - but I presume this is the memory 
reported as used by the system at the moment when the function is called.

Does anyone know a way of recording the peak memory use on remote nodes between 
t1 and t2 - where t1 and t2 are the start and stop of either a function, job or 
even paraview python script on the remote node?



John Biddiscombe,email:biddisco @.at.@ 
CSCS, Swiss National Supercomputing Centre  | Tel:  +41 (91) 
Via Trevano 131, 6900 Lugano, Switzerland   | Fax:  +41 (91) 

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[Paraview] peak memory use on remote nodes

2016-04-17 Thread Biddiscombe, John A.
The python scripting module "paraview.benchmark" allows one to get the memory 
use using "paraview.benchmark.get_memuse" - but I presume this is the memory 
reported as used by the system at the moment when the function is called.

Does anyone know a way of recording the peak memory use on remote nodes between 
t1 and t2 - where t1 and t2 are the start and stop of either a function, job or 
even paraview python script on the remote node?



John Biddiscombe,email:biddisco @.at.@ cscs.ch
CSCS, Swiss National Supercomputing Centre  | Tel:  +41 (91) 610.82.07
Via Trevano 131, 6900 Lugano, Switzerland   | Fax:  +41 (91) 610.82.82

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Re: [Paraview] Specifying camera movement using points from a file

2016-04-17 Thread Biddiscombe, John A.
There is a very old branch here


with two commits that add a helix generator to the pv gui.

No idea if they would still merge with master - they date back to 2013, but if 
someone wanted an interactive helix edit for camera path 


-Original Message-
From: ParaView [mailto:paraview-boun...@paraview.org] On Behalf Of Per Adamsen
Sent: 14 April 2016 07:45
To: Cory Quammen
Cc: paraview@paraview.org
Subject: Re: [Paraview] Specifying camera movement using points from a file

Hi Cory,

Thanks for your feedback.

Of course this can be handled with a Python script - sometimes the answer is so 
obvious ;-)

I will follow your advice and let you know if I encounter any problems.


-Original Message-
From: Cory Quammen [mailto:cory.quam...@kitware.com]
Sent: 13. april 2016 16:03
To: Per Adamsen 
Cc: paraview@paraview.org
Subject: Re: [Paraview] Specifying camera movement using points from a file


You can do this with Python scripting in the Python console.

# get active view
renderView1 = GetActiveViewOrCreate('RenderView')

# uncomment following to set a specific view size # renderView1.ViewSize = 
[689, 340]

# get camera animation track for the view
cameraAnimationCue1 = GetCameraTrack(view=renderView1)

# create keyframes for this animation track # create a key frame
keyFrame4737 = CameraKeyFrame()
keyFrame4737.Position = [0.0, 0.0, 6.69] keyFrame4737.ParallelScale = 1.73

keyFrame4737.PositionPathPoints = [0.0, 0.0, 5.0, 2.938926261462365, 0.0, 
4.045084971874736, 4.755282581475766, 0.0, 1.545084971874737, 
4.755282581475766, 0.0, -1.5450849718747361, 2.938926261462365, 0.0, 
-4.045084971874735, 1.3322676295501878e-15, 0.0, -4.9964, 
-2.9389262614623624, 0.0, -4.045084971874735, -4.755282581475763, 0.0, 
-1.5450849718747368, -4.755282581475763, 0.0, 1.5450849718747341, 
-2.9389262614623632, 0.0, 4.045084971874731]

keyFrame4737.FocalPathPoints = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] keyFrame4737.ClosedPositionPath 
= 1

# create a key frame
keyFrame4738 = CameraKeyFrame()
keyFrame4738.KeyTime = 1.0
keyFrame4738.Position = [0.0, 0.0, 6.69] keyFrame4738.ParallelScale = 1.73

# initialize the animation track
cameraAnimationCue1.Mode = 'Path-based'
cameraAnimationCue1.KeyFrames = [keyFrame4737, keyFrame4738]

# get animation scene
animationScene1 = GetAnimationScene()


Just modify the keyFrame4737.PositionPathPoints. They are ordered [x, y, z, x, 
y, z ...].


On Wed, Apr 13, 2016 at 7:38 AM, Per Adamsen  wrote:
> Hi,
> I have been playing with the camera animations in PV5.0 and was 
> wondering if there was an easier way to specify the camera path than 
> manually adding and dragging points.
> Is it possible to copy paste camera coordinates from a file to obtain 
> e.g. a helical path?
> Thank you in advance.
> Regards,
> Per
> ___
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Cory Quammen
R&D Engineer
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Re: [Paraview] pv5.0 multi-page tiff in parallel

2016-03-09 Thread Insley, Joseph A.
For us, having the patch available was really important. Now that we have it 
and can patch our production install, I'd say having it included in 5.0.1 is 
less critical.


Sent from my iPhone

> On Mar 8, 2016, at 10:10 PM, Utkarsh Ayachit  
> wrote:
> Thanks, Joe. How critical is it for this change to be in 5.0.1? I'd
> like to add a test for the MR before merging it, but not sure I can
> get that in  soon.
> Utkarsh
>> On Tue, Mar 8, 2016 at 12:36 PM, Insley, Joseph A.  wrote:
>> Utkarsh,
>> I have now tested a 5.0.0 install with the tiff patch applied (thanks Dave), 
>> and the multi-page tiff reader appears to be working as expected, both 
>> serial and in parallel.
>> Thanks
>> joe
>>>> On Mar 1, 2016, at 7:37 PM, Utkarsh Ayachit  
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Do I have to download a different version to have the fix you made?
>>> This change is not merged into the repository yet and hence not
>>> available in 5.0.1 patch release as well. I was hoping someone would
>>> get a change to review/test it before merging it.
>>> Utkarsh
>>> ___
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Re: [Paraview] pv5.0 multi-page tiff in parallel

2016-03-08 Thread Insley, Joseph A.

I have now tested a 5.0.0 install with the tiff patch applied (thanks Dave), 
and the multi-page tiff reader appears to be working as expected, both serial 
and in parallel.


> On Mar 1, 2016, at 7:37 PM, Utkarsh Ayachit  
> wrote:
>> Do I have to download a different version to have the fix you made?
> This change is not merged into the repository yet and hence not
> available in 5.0.1 patch release as well. I was hoping someone would
> get a change to review/test it before merging it.
> Utkarsh
> ___
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Re: [Paraview] pv5.0 multi-page tiff in parallel

2016-02-11 Thread Insley, Joseph A.

Thanks for looking at this.  I am checking with my user regarding a dataset 
that can be shared.  I will get back to you as soon as I hear from them, likely 
off list.


> On Feb 11, 2016, at 1:28 PM, Utkarsh Ayachit  
> wrote:
> Joe,
> Do you have a sample dataset to share? It's possible there's a bug in
> the multipage seek code when dealing with sub extents.
> Utkarsh
> On Thu, Feb 11, 2016 at 1:28 PM, Insley, Joseph A.  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I’ve been looking at loading tiffs as volumes using pv5.0 and am running
>> into trouble doing this in parallel.
>> Loading a stack of tiff files as a volume works great, both serially and in
>> parallel.  And I can load a multi-page tiff as a volume using a single
>> pvserver just fine.  But when I run the pvserver in parallel and try to load
>> a multi-page tiff pv crashes while trying to load.  No error messages are
>> given (beyond the usual mpi errors about one of the processes terminating
>> badly).
>> I’m wondering if anyone else has had success trying to do this?
>> Thanks
>> joe
>> ===
>> joseph a. insley
>> ins...@anl.gov
>> argonne leadership computing facility   (630) 252-5649
>> argonne national laboratory
>> ___
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[Paraview] pv5.0 multi-page tiff in parallel

2016-02-11 Thread Insley, Joseph A.

I’ve been looking at loading tiffs as volumes using pv5.0 and am running into 
trouble doing this in parallel.

Loading a stack of tiff files as a volume works great, both serially and in 
parallel.  And I can load a multi-page tiff as a volume using a single pvserver 
just fine.  But when I run the pvserver in parallel and try to load a 
multi-page tiff pv crashes while trying to load.  No error messages are given 
(beyond the usual mpi errors about one of the processes terminating badly).

I’m wondering if anyone else has had success trying to do this?


joseph a. insley  
argonne leadership computing facility   (630) 252-5649
argonne national laboratory

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[Paraview] Troubles building mathstuf/qhull subproject using PV 4.4.0 superbuild with Intel >14.x compilers

2016-01-19 Thread Giovanni A. Cone

Hola Gang,

   I'm attempting to get PV 4.4.0 builds of Paraview 
against Intel 14 and 15 on our HPC systems.  One item that 
some users have asked us for was the Cosmotools integration. 
This ultimately needs the Qhull library to be built.  Builds 
against GCC 4.8.2 went through without a hitch.  However the 
Intel builds all failed with an odd cryptic syntax error 
message that I do not fully comprehend (sorry I'm still 
stuck in Fortranistan).

Building CXX object 
In file included from 
warning #77: this declaration has no storage class or type 


In file included from 
error: expected a ";"

From what little I understand of C and C++, I believe that 
"templates" are a C++ construct.  I'm thinking the Intel 
compiler is attempting to digest the above as "straight-up 
C" and failing.

The error messages put the blame on 
QHULL_SRC_ROOT/src/libqhull/qhull_a.h  around line 105

I then decided to snoop on github.com for another qhull 
repo.  I found one



From which I believe the "https://github.com/mathstuf/qhull 
next branch" repo that Paraview wants to use was forked from.

Point being that the mainline non-forked Qhull has something 
different in the preprocessor conditional surrounding the 
above offensive line of source:

#if defined(__cplusplus) && defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) && 

while the mathstuf/qhull repo DOES NOT have the above 
"defined(__cplusplus)" preproc conditional.

I tested to see if the addition would at least allow the 
'mathstuf/qhull next branch' source to properly build with 
Intel 14 and 15.  It got about to 36% and then failed with 
the error message:

In file included from 

from /tmp/conega/qhull_SRC/src/libqhullcpp/Coordinates.h(13),
from /tmp/conega/qhull_SRC/src/libqhullcpp/Coordinates.cpp(11):
/tmp/conega/qhull_SRC/src/libqhull/qhull_a.h(106): error: 
this declaration may not have extern "C" linkage


So at least the conditional helped a bit for what I believe 
is the "straight up C" part of the build.

I'll CC the author of the fork Ben Boeckel about this.
!   Giovanni "Vann" Cone
!   LANL HPC-3 Consultant
!   TA-3, BLDG 2327, RM 1128
!   Schedule B
!   I fight for the users!
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Re: [Paraview] Send an array from client to server

2015-09-26 Thread Biddiscombe, John A.
Thanks Utkarsh,

I’ve decided to stick with my own solution for the time being – having to 
create extra vtkSMxxx classes for all the sources adds too much maintenance to 
the code, whereas just adding an #include seems cleaner. When my immediate 
deadline has passed I’ll look again at it.



From: Utkarsh Ayachit 
Date: Thursday 24 September 2015 17:57
To: cscs mailto:biddi...@cscs.ch>>
Cc: "paraview@paraview.org<mailto:paraview@paraview.org>" 
Subject: Re: [Paraview] Send an array from client to server

Attached is the solution, there a small mistake in my origin script:

 vtkClientServerStream stream;
 stream << vtkClientServerStream::Invoke
  << VTKOBJECT(proxy)
   << SetValues
   << maxValues
   << stream.InsertArray(values, maxValues)
   << vtkClientServerStream::End;


On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 8:40 AM, Utkarsh Ayachit 
mailto:utkarsh.ayac...@kitware.com>> wrote:

That looks too convoluted. I haven't done this in a while so I'll need
to refresh my memory a bit. I'll make an example today and then get
back to you.


On Sun, Sep 20, 2015 at 4:43 AM, Biddiscombe, John A. 
mailto:biddi...@cscs.ch>> wrote:
> Just following up so that when I’ve forgotten how to do it ...
> This works
> #include "vtkClientServerStream.h"
> ...
> //  void SetSelectedGIds(int n, const int *Ids);
>   void SetSelectedGIds(int N, int Ids[]);
> //BTX
>   void SetSelectedGIds(int N, vtkClientServerStreamDataArg &temp0);
> //ETX
> And in the cxx, use the vtkClientServerStreamDataArg operator () to get
> the T* pointer.
> Then in the client GUI
> vtkClientServerStream::Array array =
>   {
> vtkClientServerStream::int32_array,
> static_cast(numValues),
> static_cast(sizeof(vtkClientServerStream::int32_value)*numVa
> lues),
> (int*)(data)
>   };
>   vtkClientServerStream stream;
>   stream << vtkClientServerStream::Invoke
> << VTKOBJECT(proxy)
> << "SetSelectedGIds"
> << numValues
> << array;
>   stream << vtkClientServerStream::End;
> This correctly inserts the array and the type,size,data vars so that the
> server reads them as expected.
> I’m not happy about the fact that we have to spoof the wrapper generators,
> but at least I don’t need to modify the ClientServerStreamArg<>
> implementation.
> JB

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Re: [Paraview] Send an array from client to server

2015-09-20 Thread Biddiscombe, John A.
Just following up so that when I’ve forgotten how to do it ...

This works

#include "vtkClientServerStream.h"


//  void SetSelectedGIds(int n, const int *Ids);
  void SetSelectedGIds(int N, int Ids[]);
  void SetSelectedGIds(int N, vtkClientServerStreamDataArg &temp0);

And in the cxx, use the vtkClientServerStreamDataArg operator () to get
the T* pointer.

Then in the client GUI

vtkClientServerStream::Array array =


  vtkClientServerStream stream;
  stream << vtkClientServerStream::Invoke
<< VTKOBJECT(proxy)
<< "SetSelectedGIds"
<< numValues
<< array;
  stream << vtkClientServerStream::End;

This correctly inserts the array and the type,size,data vars so that the
server reads them as expected.

I’m not happy about the fact that we have to spoof the wrapper generators,
but at least I don’t need to modify the ClientServerStreamArg<>


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Re: [Paraview] Send an array from client to server

2015-09-19 Thread Biddiscombe, John A.
I made some progress, but have not solved the problem.
The stream insertion from the gui generates 3 params, type size and the
array itself.
The cxx client server wrapper expects a size and a pointer, 2 params (+the
two for the objected etc)
The wrapper needs to be tricked into producing code for a
vtkClientServerStreamDataArg object which exists during wrapping, but
not in normal code.
So adding 

#include "vtkClientServerStream.h"

And later 

void SetSelectedGIds(int Ids[]);
  void SetSelectedGIds(vtkClientServerStreamDataArg &temp0);

With the appropriate cxx function to extract the array, does work in that
it tricks the wrapper code into calling the function with the
client/server int array, but there are two problems

1) the pointer from the arg object is always NULL
2) we don’t know the size as the clientserverwrapperarg object doesn’t
store it, it only uses it during the constructor to allocate space then
passes the raw pointer on via the type T pointer. I can add this to the
wrapper class and then get the size (if I can find out and fix why the
pointer is always NULL).

I don’t really believe it should be this hard to pass an int pointer with
a known length from client to server, o I’d welcome any info that
simplifies this.



On 18/09/15 23:50, "ParaView on behalf of Biddiscombe, John A."

>Apologies, I didn’t get  chance to try this properly until now, When I
>call this 
>vtkClientServerStream stream;
>  stream << vtkClientServerStream::Invoke
><< VTKOBJECT(proxy)
><< "SetSelectedGIds"
>  << numValues;
>  stream.InsertArray(data, numValues);
>  stream << vtkClientServerStream::End;
>Inside my client server generated wrapper is this code
>if (!strcmp("SetSelectedGIds",method) && msg.GetNumberOfArguments(0) == 4)
>int  temp0;
>vtkClientServerStreamDataArg temp1(msg, 0, 3);
>if(msg.GetArgument(0, 2, &temp0) &&
>  temp1)
>  {
>  op->SetSelectedGIds(temp0,temp1);
>  return 1;
>  }
>Which is generated from
>  void SetSelectedGIds(int N, const int *Ids);
>But when I step though the received message, the msg parameter only has
>GetNumberOfArguments == 3
>If I adjust the client server wrapped code to accept 3 args instead of 4,
>then the numValues looks correct, but the pointer is wrong.
>Q1 : why does the message only have 3 params when the wrapper wants 4
>Q2 : What should I change? I guess that something else needs to be
>inserted into the stream, but after having a poke round, I couldn’t guess
>On 17/09/15 16:47, "Utkarsh Ayachit"  wrote:
>>(hit `send` prematurely, ignore previous email)
>>How big is the array? For 100s of values, I'd say IntVectorProperty is
>>still reasonable. Any other approach will mean that those values are
>>not going to get saved in state files and such. For a one off push to
>>server side for values you don't care to be saved in state files, you
>>can directly call API using the vtkClientServerStream on the proxy as
>>  vtkClientServerStream stream;
>>  stream << vtkClientServerStream::Invoke
>>  << VTKOBJECT(proxy)
>>   << SetValues
>>   << maxValues;
>>stream.InsertArray(values, maxValues);
>>stream << vtkClientServerStream::End;
>>proxy->GetSession()->ExecuteStream(proxy->GetLocation(), stream);
>>Assuming a server-side API of `void SetValues(int count, int* values);`.
>>(please confirm the API, but this is pretty close to what it would look
>>> On Thu, Sep 17, 2015 at 6:22 AM, Biddiscombe, John A.
>>> wrote:
>>>> I’m afraid I’ve forgotten how to write plugins for paraview and I have
>>>>a simple-ish question :
>>>> I’ve got a vtkUnsignedIntArray in my custom panel and I’d like to set
>>>>it as a property on a reader,
>>>> the reader has a member
>>>> vtkSetObjectMacro(SelectedGIDs)
>>>> and in the panel I’ve generated a list of IDs, but I cannot recall how
>>>>I’m supposed to set them as the proxyproperty for the source.
>>>> Is there an example (I do remember that I don’t want to use an

Re: [Paraview] Send an array from client to server

2015-09-18 Thread Biddiscombe, John A.

Apologies, I didn’t get  chance to try this properly until now, When I
call this 

vtkClientServerStream stream;
  stream << vtkClientServerStream::Invoke
<< VTKOBJECT(proxy)
<< "SetSelectedGIds"
  << numValues;
  stream.InsertArray(data, numValues);
  stream << vtkClientServerStream::End;

Inside my client server generated wrapper is this code

if (!strcmp("SetSelectedGIds",method) && msg.GetNumberOfArguments(0) == 4)
int  temp0;
vtkClientServerStreamDataArg temp1(msg, 0, 3);
if(msg.GetArgument(0, 2, &temp0) &&
  return 1;

Which is generated from

  void SetSelectedGIds(int N, const int *Ids);

But when I step though the received message, the msg parameter only has
GetNumberOfArguments == 3

If I adjust the client server wrapped code to accept 3 args instead of 4,
then the numValues looks correct, but the pointer is wrong.

Q1 : why does the message only have 3 params when the wrapper wants 4
Q2 : What should I change? I guess that something else needs to be
inserted into the stream, but after having a poke round, I couldn’t guess



On 17/09/15 16:47, "Utkarsh Ayachit"  wrote:

>(hit `send` prematurely, ignore previous email)
>How big is the array? For 100s of values, I'd say IntVectorProperty is
>still reasonable. Any other approach will mean that those values are
>not going to get saved in state files and such. For a one off push to
>server side for values you don't care to be saved in state files, you
>can directly call API using the vtkClientServerStream on the proxy as
>  vtkClientServerStream stream;
>  stream << vtkClientServerStream::Invoke
>  << VTKOBJECT(proxy)
>   << SetValues
>   << maxValues;
>stream.InsertArray(values, maxValues);
>stream << vtkClientServerStream::End;
>proxy->GetSession()->ExecuteStream(proxy->GetLocation(), stream);
>Assuming a server-side API of `void SetValues(int count, int* values);`.
>(please confirm the API, but this is pretty close to what it would look
>> On Thu, Sep 17, 2015 at 6:22 AM, Biddiscombe, John A.
>> wrote:
>>> I’m afraid I’ve forgotten how to write plugins for paraview and I have
>>>a simple-ish question :
>>> I’ve got a vtkUnsignedIntArray in my custom panel and I’d like to set
>>>it as a property on a reader,
>>> the reader has a member
>>> vtkSetObjectMacro(SelectedGIDs)
>>> and in the panel I’ve generated a list of IDs, but I cannot recall how
>>>I’m supposed to set them as the proxyproperty for the source.
>>> Is there an example (I do remember that I don’t want to use an
>>>IntVectorProperty, but pass a whole array as a proxy property)
>>> (I’m considering using a vtkSelection, but the GIDs are not the same
>>>as the cell Ids, so I wanted to try a direct array method first)
>>> thanks
>>> JB
>>> --
>>> John Biddiscombe,email:biddisco @.at.@ cscs.ch
>>> http://www.cscs.ch/
>>> CSCS, Swiss National Supercomputing Centre  | Tel:  +41 (91) 610.82.07
>>> Via Trevano 131, 6900 Lugano, Switzerland   | Fax:  +41 (91) 610.82.82
>>> ___
>>> Powered by www.kitware.com
>>> Visit other Kitware open-source projects at
>>> Please keep messages on-topic and check the ParaView Wiki at:
>>> Search the list archives at: http://markmail.org/search/?q=ParaView
>>> Follow this link to subscribe/unsubscribe:
>>> http://public.kitware.com/mailman/listinfo/paraview

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Re: [Paraview] Send an array from client to server

2015-09-17 Thread Biddiscombe, John A.

That's great, these values are temporary and possibly large, so saving them in 
state files is not required. I'll try your snippet and report back



-Original Message-
From: Utkarsh Ayachit [mailto:utkarsh.ayac...@kitware.com] 
Sent: 17 September 2015 16:47
To: Biddiscombe, John A.
Cc: paraview@paraview.org
Subject: Re: [Paraview] Send an array from client to server

(hit `send` prematurely, ignore previous email)

How big is the array? For 100s of values, I'd say IntVectorProperty is still 
reasonable. Any other approach will mean that those values are not going to get 
saved in state files and such. For a one off push to server side for values you 
don't care to be saved in state files, you can directly call API using the 
vtkClientServerStream on the proxy as

  vtkClientServerStream stream;
  stream << vtkClientServerStream::Invoke
  << VTKOBJECT(proxy)
   << SetValues
   << maxValues;
stream.InsertArray(values, maxValues);
stream << vtkClientServerStream::End;

proxy->GetSession()->ExecuteStream(proxy->GetLocation(), stream);

Assuming a server-side API of `void SetValues(int count, int* values);`.

(please confirm the API, but this is pretty close to what it would look like)


> On Thu, Sep 17, 2015 at 6:22 AM, Biddiscombe, John A.  
> wrote:
>> I’m afraid I’ve forgotten how to write plugins for paraview and I have a 
>> simple-ish question :
>> I’ve got a vtkUnsignedIntArray in my custom panel and I’d like to set 
>> it as a property on a reader,
>> the reader has a member
>> vtkSetObjectMacro(SelectedGIDs)
>> and in the panel I’ve generated a list of IDs, but I cannot recall how I’m 
>> supposed to set them as the proxyproperty for the source.
>> Is there an example (I do remember that I don’t want to use an 
>> IntVectorProperty, but pass a whole array as a proxy property)
>> (I’m considering using a vtkSelection, but the GIDs are not the same 
>> as the cell Ids, so I wanted to try a direct array method first)
>> thanks
>> JB
>> --
>> John Biddiscombe,email:biddisco @.at.@ cscs.ch
>> http://www.cscs.ch/
>> CSCS, Swiss National Supercomputing Centre  | Tel:  +41 (91) 
>> 610.82.07
>> Via Trevano 131, 6900 Lugano, Switzerland   | Fax:  +41 (91) 610.82.82
>> ___
>> Powered by www.kitware.com
>> Visit other Kitware open-source projects at 
>> http://www.kitware.com/opensource/opensource.html
>> Please keep messages on-topic and check the ParaView Wiki at: 
>> http://paraview.org/Wiki/ParaView
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>> Follow this link to subscribe/unsubscribe:
>> http://public.kitware.com/mailman/listinfo/paraview
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[Paraview] Send an array from client to server

2015-09-17 Thread Biddiscombe, John A.
I'm afraid I've forgotten how to write plugins for paraview and I have a 
simple-ish question :

I've got a vtkUnsignedIntArray in my custom panel and I'd like to set it as a 
property on a reader,
the reader has a member

and in the panel I've generated a list of IDs, but I cannot recall how I'm 
supposed to set them as the proxyproperty for the source.

Is there an example (I do remember that I don't want to use an 
IntVectorProperty, but pass a whole array as a proxy property)

(I'm considering using a vtkSelection, but the GIDs are not the same as the 
cell Ids, so I wanted to try a direct array method first)



John Biddiscombe,email:biddisco @.at.@ cscs.ch
CSCS, Swiss National Supercomputing Centre  | Tel:  +41 (91) 610.82.07
Via Trevano 131, 6900 Lugano, Switzerland   | Fax:  +41 (91) 610.82.82

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[Paraview] Possible bug in recent SuperBuild?

2015-09-16 Thread Giovanni A. Cone
I'm attempting to build an HPC deployed Paraview 4.4 with 
the Cosmotools plugin, I believe I've figured out the proper 
sequence of toggles to make it available in an interactive 
'ccmake' build process.

One issue is that I need to independently grab the source 
and other needed package files onto my workstation and then 
push them onto our HPC platforms.  I've been able to grab 
'cosmotools' and 'qhull' with no issue, but the needed 
'genericio' Git repo as written in the versions.cmake file 
seems to have troubles if I perform a manual 'git clone' on it:

> git clone https://kwgitlab.kitware.com/paraview/genericio.git
Cloning into 'genericio'...
fatal: unable to access 
Couldn't resolve host 'kwgitlab.kitware.com'

That's what I get from NERSC's hopper system (given they 
aren't as strict as we are dealing with Internet access from 
HPC systems). I get a different error on my LANL office 
workstation that accesses the Internet via proxy, but I'm 
assuming its the name name resolution problem.

If I get rid of the 'kw' in the 
'https://kwgitlab.kitware.com' part, I am able to connect, 
but then prompted for a username and password. That didn't 
happen when I tried the same on the 'diy' Git repo:

git clone https://gitlab.kitware.com/paraview/diy.git
Cloning into 'diy'...
remote: Counting objects: 2415, done.

I'll leave it at that for now.

PS: when you respond, please delete my original message from 
the response. One of the frustrating issues I have with the 
Paraview mail-list digests is scrolling through the huge 
amount of redundant "quoted" original messages in every 
single entry.

Thank you for your time.

!   Giovanni "Vann" Cone
!   LANL HPC-3 Consultant
!   TA-3, BLDG 2327, RM 1128
!   Schedule B
!   I fight for the users!
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Re: [Paraview] PCL Plugin

2015-07-14 Thread Biddiscombe, John A.

I had a look at the PCL plugin and couldn’t help notice that you’ve copied some 
of my particle partition filtering code into the plugin, though it does not 
look functional as it’s not enabled in the cmake and does not include the 
relevant Zoltan sources or the vtkZoltanV1PartitionFilter base class.

The partitioning (both particle and mesh) have been refactored (from the 
pv-meshles plugin) into their own self contained plugin for some time now and 
it would be cleaner in my view to have an option in the PCL plugin to enable 
parallel partitioning and use the pv-zoltan plugin as a submodule where 

(I tend to use GitExternal and SubProject cmake modules rather than a git 
submodule, I can send links if you’re interested).

The pv-zoltan code is currently under development (and is working with 
pv-4.4/master) to improve it as part of a GSOC project and should soon be 
compatible with zoltan2 rather than Zoltan. I can make sure a pv-4.4+zoltan1 
compatible branch remains functional should we make major changes.

I might even volunteer to do the clean integration of pv-zoltan with the pcl 
plugin should you be in need of volunteers.


From: ParaView [mailto:paraview-boun...@paraview.org] On Behalf Of Casey 
Sent: 13 July 2015 21:16
To: Eric Younkin - NOAA Federal
Cc: paraview
Subject: Re: [Paraview] PCL Plugin

On Mon, Jul 13, 2015 at 1:32 PM, Eric Younkin - NOAA Federal 
mailto:eric.g.youn...@noaa.gov>> wrote:

I don't mean to take up so much of your time, but I've been reviewing the cmake 
configuration and I found that there were a number of HDF5 tests that failed 
(see below).  Is that significant?

I do not think this is a problem.

Also, one of the errors I saw upon rebuilding:

error C1041: cannot open program database 
 if multiple CL.EXE write to the same .PDB file, please use /FS 

Led me to the moc_pqSQFieldTracerImplementation.cpp which had a comment at the 
top stating

"This file was generated using the moc from 5.5.0. It cannot be used with the 
include files from this version of Qt. (The moc has changed too much.)"

So I will try with Qt5.4.1 instead.

I am not familiar with this problem.  Maybe the filename is getting too long 
for windows?  Maybe another developer can help with the Qt issues, I am not an 
expert in this area.


Casey B Goodlett, PhD
Technical Leader
Kitware, Inc. - North Carolina Office
(919) 969-6990 x310
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Re: [Paraview] Impossible to see a movement.

2015-07-11 Thread A. Kapetanovic


Yes, I think that DEPL is "déplacement" in French - that is displacement 
in English.

I tried to do the job. I opened with Paraview my vtm file with all the 
timesteps, I copied pasted the formulas of the two calculators I found 
in your state file in my two calculators, but no movement if I clic play.

Probably I did something wrong...


Le 09. 07. 15 23:05, Utkarsh Ayachit a écrit :


What's the Result_DEPL array? Is that displacement? Assuming that, I
applied two calculators: first to convert the Result_DEPL array to a 3
component vector and the second to translate the coordinate positions
using the vector computed by the previous one. If the Result_DEPL
changes in your dataset over time, you'll see the movement.

State file attached.


On Thu, Jul 9, 2015 at 12:19 AM A. Kapetanovic mailto:a...@alphanet.ch>> wrote:


I did something on google drive, I shared the file with your e-mail and
here you have the url :


I hope all is OK like this, it's the first time I use google drive. Say
me please if something misses.

Regards   :)

Le 08. 07. 15 22:47, Utkarsh Ayachit a écrit :
 > Amel,
 > The dataset didn't come through, I am afraid. Is it may be easier to
 > upload it somewhere eg. dropbox/google drive?
 > Utkarsh
 > On Wed, Jul 8, 2015 at 3:54 PM A. Kapetanovic mailto:a...@alphanet.ch>
 > <mailto:a...@alphanet.ch <mailto:a...@alphanet.ch>>> wrote:
 > WARNING: this mail was modified in transit:
 > defanged (renamed/protected) 07.hdf because file type
 > Rename defang-0.binary to 07.hdf if you want to access the
file anyway
 > More details at:
 > http://www.alphanet.ch/alphanet/anti-spam.html
 > Hi,
 > Thanks for your reply.
 > Of course I have data to share. The rmed result comressed
file is too
 > big (35 MB), so I send here the hdf and comm files, you only
need to
 > compute the (3) meshes and to run the simulation to have this
rmed file.
 > Say me if you need something else, I hope all is clear enough
 > this   :)
 > Amel
 > Le 08. 07. 15 15:44, Utkarsh Ayachit a écrit :
 >  > Do you have a sample dataset to share? That'll make this
 >  >
 >  > Typically, movement comes from one of the following:
 >  > 1. Readers: the reader itself translates the points in the
 > as time
 >  > changes
 >  > 2. Filters: if the grid doesn't change but has attributes that
 > indicate
 >  > the displacement, one can apply a filter to transform the
grid using
 >  > those displacement vectors.
 >  >
 >  > Utkarsh
 >  >
 >  > On Wed, Jul 8, 2015 at 3:59 AM mailto:a...@alphanet.ch>
 > <mailto:a...@alphanet.ch <mailto:a...@alphanet.ch>>
 >  > <mailto:a...@alphanet.ch <mailto:a...@alphanet.ch>
<mailto:a...@alphanet.ch <mailto:a...@alphanet.ch>>>> wrote:
 >  >
 >  > Hi,
 >  >
 >  > I am using Paraview with Salome-Meca + Code_Aster and
I have
 > e little
 >  > problem : impossible to see the movement of a part that is
 > moving.
 >  >
 >  > In fact the simulation is very simple : I have 2
 > one is
 >  > fixed by
 >  > one face and the other have a movement on a face. The
 >  > converges
 >  > and when I open the mmed or rmed file (result) with
 >  > impossible to
 >  > see any movement even if I clic "play".
 >  >
 >  > Simply nothing happens.
 >  >
 >  > Can please someone help me ?
 >  >
 >  > Best regards,
 >  >
 >  > Amka
 >  > ___
 >  > Powered by www.kitware.com <http://www.kitware.com>
 > <http://www.kitware.com>
 >  >
 >  > Visit other Kitware open-source projects at
 >  > http://www.kitware.com/opensource/opensource.html
 >  >
 >  > Please keep mess

Re: [Paraview] Impossible to see a movement.

2015-07-10 Thread A. Kapetanovic

Hi Michael,

Here you have the dropbox link for my rmed file :



Le 10. 07. 15 16:39, Michael Grabietz a écrit :

Hi Amel,

I followed the discussion between Utkarsh and you on this topic. Could
you share the rmed file from Code-Aster? The download from your google
drive seems to be restricted to specific email addresses.


Am 10.07.2015 um 09:27 schrieb a...@alphanet.ch:

Thank you for your reply, I will try to do what you say this week-end.
Another fact is a few strange : when I opened my rmed file with Paraview
(using for this the
http://www.alneos.com/telechargement/paraview-avec-med software), I
simply could clic on the "Wrap" button (or a name near that) and, when I
clic "Play" after I can see the movement...
This same "Wrap" button is disabled (for this simualtion) in my
Salome-Meca Paraview module, with which I work, and I don't understand

Utkarsh Ayachit writes:

What's the Result_DEPL array? Is that displacement? Assuming that, I
applied two calculators: first to convert the Result_DEPL array to a 3
component vector and the second to translate the coordinate positions
the vector computed by the previous one. If the Result_DEPL changes in
dataset over time, you'll see the movement.
State file attached.
On Thu, Jul 9, 2015 at 12:19 AM A. Kapetanovic  wrote:

I did something on google drive, I shared the file with your e-mail and
here you have the url :
I hope all is OK like this, it's the first time I use google drive. Say
me please if something misses.
Regards   :)

Le 08. 07. 15 22:47, Utkarsh Ayachit a écrit :
> Amel,
> The dataset didn't come through, I am afraid. Is it may be easier to
> upload it somewhere eg. dropbox/google drive?
> Utkarsh
> On Wed, Jul 8, 2015 at 3:54 PM A. Kapetanovic  <mailto:a...@alphanet.ch>> wrote:
> WARNING: this mail was modified in transit:
> defanged (renamed/protected) 07.hdf because file type
> Rename defang-0.binary to 07.hdf if you want to access the file
> More details at:
> http://www.alphanet.ch/alphanet/anti-spam.html
> Hi,
> Thanks for your reply.
> Of course I have data to share. The rmed result comressed file
is too
> big (35 MB), so I send here the hdf and comm files, you only
need to
> compute the (3) meshes and to run the simulation to have this
> Say me if you need something else, I hope all is clear enough
> this   :)
> Amel
> Le 08. 07. 15 15:44, Utkarsh Ayachit a écrit :
>  > Do you have a sample dataset to share? That'll make this
>  >
>  > Typically, movement comes from one of the following:
>  > 1. Readers: the reader itself translates the points in the
> as time
>  > changes
>  > 2. Filters: if the grid doesn't change but has attributes that
> indicate
>  > the displacement, one can apply a filter to transform the grid
>  > those displacement vectors.
>  >
>  > Utkarsh
>  >
>  > On Wed, Jul 8, 2015 at 3:59 AM  <mailto:a...@alphanet.ch>
>  > <mailto:a...@alphanet.ch <mailto:a...@alphanet.ch>>> wrote:
>  >
>  > Hi,
>  >
>  > I am using Paraview with Salome-Meca + Code_Aster and I
> e little
>  > problem : impossible to see the movement of a part that is
> moving.
>  >
>  > In fact the simulation is very simple : I have 2
> one is
>  > fixed by
>  > one face and the other have a movement on a face. The
>  > converges
>  > and when I open the mmed or rmed file (result) with
>  > impossible to
>  > see any movement even if I clic "play".
>  >
>  > Simply nothing happens.
>  >
>  > Can please someone help me ?
>  >
>  > Best regards,
>  >
>  > Amka
>  > ___
>  > Powered by www.kitware.com <http://www.kitware.com>
> <http://www.kitware.com>
>  >
>  > Visit other Kitware open-source projects at
>  > http://www.kitware.com/opensource/opensource.html
>  >
>  > Please keep messages on-topic and check the ParaView
Wiki at:
>  > http://paraview.org/Wiki/ParaView
>  >
>  > Search the list archives

Re: [Paraview] Impossible to see a movement.

2015-07-08 Thread A. Kapetanovic


I did something on google drive, I shared the file with your e-mail and 
here you have the url :


I hope all is OK like this, it's the first time I use google drive. Say 
me please if something misses.

Regards   :)

Le 08. 07. 15 22:47, Utkarsh Ayachit a écrit :


The dataset didn't come through, I am afraid. Is it may be easier to
upload it somewhere eg. dropbox/google drive?


On Wed, Jul 8, 2015 at 3:54 PM A. Kapetanovic mailto:a...@alphanet.ch>> wrote:

WARNING: this mail was modified in transit:
defanged (renamed/protected) 07.hdf because file type unknown.
Rename defang-0.binary to 07.hdf if you want to access the file anyway

More details at:

Thanks for your reply.

Of course I have data to share. The rmed result comressed file is too
big (35 MB), so I send here the hdf and comm files, you only need to
compute the (3) meshes and to run the simulation to have this rmed file.

Say me if you need something else, I hope all is clear enough like
this   :)


Le 08. 07. 15 15:44, Utkarsh Ayachit a écrit :
     > Do you have a sample dataset to share? That'll make this easier.
 > Typically, movement comes from one of the following:
 > 1. Readers: the reader itself translates the points in the grid
as time
 > changes
 > 2. Filters: if the grid doesn't change but has attributes that
 > the displacement, one can apply a filter to transform the grid using
 > those displacement vectors.
 > Utkarsh
 > On Wed, Jul 8, 2015 at 3:59 AM mailto:a...@alphanet.ch>
 > <mailto:a...@alphanet.ch <mailto:a...@alphanet.ch>>> wrote:
 > Hi,
 > I am using Paraview with Salome-Meca + Code_Aster and I have
e little
 > problem : impossible to see the movement of a part that is
 > In fact the simulation is very simple : I have 2 cylinders,
one is
 > fixed by
 > one face and the other have a movement on a face. The simulation
 > converges
 > and when I open the mmed or rmed file (result) with Paraview,
 > impossible to
 > see any movement even if I clic "play".
 > Simply nothing happens.
 > Can please someone help me ?
 > Best regards,
 > Amka
 > ___
 > Powered by www.kitware.com <http://www.kitware.com>
 > Visit other Kitware open-source projects at
 > http://www.kitware.com/opensource/opensource.html
 > Please keep messages on-topic and check the ParaView Wiki at:
 > http://paraview.org/Wiki/ParaView
 > Search the list archives at:
 > Follow this link to subscribe/unsubscribe:
 > http://public.kitware.com/mailman/listinfo/paraview

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Re: [Paraview] PNetCDF 64 bit Error

2015-07-07 Thread Amir A
So one of the reasons I have to use CDF-5 is that netcdf4 does not support 
large arrays (>2GiB), but CDF-5 does.So I have a question: Is it possible to 
break a large file into netcdf4 files and write a parent wrapper around it  and 
use that as input to paraview? What I mean is to write a pvti (or similar) 
parent file, that links smaller netcdf files together. Paraview recognizes 
netcdf4, so that should not be a problem.If this works, then the size 
limitation of netcdf would not be a problem and I can avoid going the CDF-5 
From: dave.dema...@kitware.com
Date: Mon, 6 Jul 2015 14:43:06 -0400
Subject: Re: [Paraview] PNetCDF 64 bit Error
To: u.utku.turunco...@be.itu.edu.tr
CC: amiramir12...@outlook.com; paraview@paraview.org

distribution of ParaView. By the way, the NetCDF library used in the

ParaView reader could only support NetCDF classic as default and you might

need to install from source using NetCDF4 library.

ParaView has supported netcdf4 since 3.14. 3.14.0 only through our internal 
libnetcdf/hdf; 3.14.1 added it through external too.
However, I do not know if anyone has used the pnetcdf variant. You may be the 
first Amir.
Can anyone else on the list comment on the status of pnetcdf support in 

I hope it helps,



> A small pnetcdf file is attached.


> The output of ncmpidump is the following:

> netcdf data_in {// file format: CDF-5 (big variables)dimensions:  x = 4 ; 
> y

> = 4 ; z = 4 ;variables:   double data(x, y, z) ;

> // global attributes: :CDF-5 mode = 1 ;data:

>  data =  -1.83667601732677e-48, -1.49975978266186e-32, 0,

> 1.49975978266186e-32,  -1.49975978266186e-32, -1.22464679914735e-16, 0,

> 1.22464679914735e-16,  0, 0, -0, -0,  1.49975978266186e-32,

> 1.22464679914735e-16, -0, -1.22464679914735e-16,  -1.49975978266186e-32,

> -1.22464679914735e-16, 0, 1.22464679914735e-16,  -1.22464679914735e-16,

> -1, 0, 1,  0, 0, -0, -0,  1.22464679914735e-16, 1, -0, -1,  0, 0, -0, -0,

>  0, 0, -0, -0,  -0, -0, 0, 0,  -0, -0, 0, 0,  1.49975978266186e-32,

> 1.22464679914735e-16, -0, -1.22464679914735e-16,  1.22464679914735e-16,

> 1, -0, -1,  -0, -0, 0, 0,  -1.22464679914735e-16, -1, 0, 1 ;}



> From: amiramir12...@outlook.com

> To: paraview@paraview.org

> Subject: PNetCDF 64 bit Error

> Date: Sun, 5 Jul 2015 16:33:49 -0500





> I am getting an error when loading a NetCDF file that is written using

> CDF-5 mode using pnetcdf library. This is the error output:




> /home1/01249/gda/modules/paraview/ParaView-v4.3.1-source/VTK/Common/ExecutionModel/vtkExecutive.cxx,

> line 784vtkPVCompositeDataPipeline (0x2aaab6364390): Algorithm

> vtkVisItMFIXCDFReader(0x2aaab635b0e0) returned failure for request:

> vtkInformation (0x2aaab6263000)  Debug: Off  Modified Time: 885475

> Reference Count: 1  Registered Events: (none)  Request:




> When I run ncmpidump on the data file it shows the following:

> netcdf data_in {// file format: CDF-5 (big variables)dimensions:  x =

> 1024; y = 1024 ;  z = 1024 ;variables:double data(x, y, z) ;

> // global attributes: :CDF-5 mode = 1 ;}


> There is no problem if I create the file using the classical mode for a

> smaller dimension (<2^32), and I can load it into paraview.However, for

> large problems I have to enable CDF-5.


> I am using paraview 4.3.1.


>   ___

> Powered by www.kitware.com


> Visit other Kitware open-source projects at

> http://www.kitware.com/opensource/opensource.html


> Please keep messages on-topic and check the ParaView Wiki at:

> http://paraview.org/Wiki/ParaView


> Search the list archives at: http://markmail.org/search/?q=ParaView


> Follow this link to subscribe/unsubscribe:

> http://public.kitware.com/mailman/listinfo/paraview



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Re: [Paraview] PNetCDF 64 bit Error

2015-07-06 Thread Amir A
A small pnetcdf file is attached.

The output of ncmpidump is the following:
netcdf data_in {// file format: CDF-5 (big variables)dimensions:x = 4 ; 
y = 4 ; z = 4 ;variables:   double data(x, y, z) ;
// global attributes:   :CDF-5 mode = 1 ;data:
 data =  -1.83667601732677e-48, -1.49975978266186e-32, 0, 1.49975978266186e-32, 
 -1.49975978266186e-32, -1.22464679914735e-16, 0, 1.22464679914735e-16,  0, 0, 
-0, -0,  1.49975978266186e-32, 1.22464679914735e-16, -0, -1.22464679914735e-16, 
 -1.49975978266186e-32, -1.22464679914735e-16, 0, 1.22464679914735e-16,  
-1.22464679914735e-16, -1, 0, 1,  0, 0, -0, -0,  1.22464679914735e-16, 1, -0, 
-1,  0, 0, -0, -0,  0, 0, -0, -0,  -0, -0, 0, 0,  -0, -0, 0, 0,  
1.49975978266186e-32, 1.22464679914735e-16, -0, -1.22464679914735e-16,  
1.22464679914735e-16, 1, -0, -1,  -0, -0, 0, 0,  -1.22464679914735e-16, -1, 0, 
1 ;} 

From: amiramir12...@outlook.com
To: paraview@paraview.org
Subject: PNetCDF 64 bit Error
Date: Sun, 5 Jul 2015 16:33:49 -0500

I am getting an error when loading a NetCDF file that is written using CDF-5 
mode using pnetcdf library. This is the error output:

 line 784vtkPVCompositeDataPipeline (0x2aaab6364390): Algorithm 
vtkVisItMFIXCDFReader(0x2aaab635b0e0) returned failure for request: 
vtkInformation (0x2aaab6263000)  Debug: Off  Modified Time: 885475  Reference 
Count: 1  Registered Events: (none)  Request: REQUEST_DATA_OBJECT  

When I run ncmpidump on the data file it shows the following:
netcdf data_in {// file format: CDF-5 (big variables)dimensions:x = 
1024;   y = 1024 ;  z = 1024 ;variables:double data(x, y, z) ;
// global attributes:   :CDF-5 mode = 1 ;}

There is no problem if I create the file using the classical mode for a smaller 
dimension (<2^32), and I can load it into paraview.However, for large problems 
I have to enable CDF-5.

I am using paraview 4.3.1.


Description: Cdf file
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[Paraview] PNetCDF 64 bit Error

2015-07-05 Thread Amir A
I am getting an error when loading a NetCDF file that is written using CDF-5 
mode using pnetcdf library. This is the error output:

 line 784vtkPVCompositeDataPipeline (0x2aaab6364390): Algorithm 
vtkVisItMFIXCDFReader(0x2aaab635b0e0) returned failure for request: 
vtkInformation (0x2aaab6263000)  Debug: Off  Modified Time: 885475  Reference 
Count: 1  Registered Events: (none)  Request: REQUEST_DATA_OBJECT  

When I run ncmpidump on the data file it shows the following:
netcdf data_in {// file format: CDF-5 (big variables)dimensions:x = 
1024;   y = 1024 ;  z = 1024 ;variables:double data(x, y, z) ;
// global attributes:   :CDF-5 mode = 1 ;}

There is no problem if I create the file using the classical mode for a smaller 
dimension (<2^32), and I can load it into paraview.However, for large problems 
I have to enable CDF-5.

I am using paraview 4.3.1.

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[Paraview] Info about AMR datasets/structures

2015-06-10 Thread Biddiscombe, John A.
Dear list,

I would like to generate some AMR data structures from custom data and filters, 
but I’m having trouble locating information about the format/relationships of 
AMR blocks. The wiki contains old outdated references to the heirarchicalbox 
structures and not to the overlapping and non overlapping AMR formats.

Specifically, I’d like to know if each level of AMR boxes must always have a 
fixed refinement level wrt to the level above, or whether I can refine 
arbitrarily (i.e. Have a root box of resolution x and sub boxes with different 
subdivision ratios at the same level). Also, the overlapping AMR dataset 
examples I’ve looked at seem to use an oct tree style decomposition where each 
node must be subdivided along mid planes, can I use a pure BSPtree where every 
node is subdivided along any axis at any point on the axis and still maintain a 
non overlapping amr dataset?

The vtkAMRInformation documentation consists only of

Refinement ratio between AMR levels
Grid spacing for each level
The file block index for each block
parent child information, if requested

But does the refinement ratio have to be constant for each level?
Most of the paraview filters appear to be greyed out for vtkNonOverlappingAMR 
data, whereas the Overlapping appears to have support for certain operations 
like contouring and slicing – is it the case that only nonoverlapping datasets 
are supported for these operations.

If there is detailed info anywhere, could someone please send me a link.


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Re: [Paraview] MPI-aware reader plugin only has rank 0

2015-04-14 Thread Biddiscombe, John A.
aha, then your problem is that the way readers handle parallel has been changed 
and you didn't set CAN_HANDLE_PIECEs or whatever the new name is



is the new way. if you don't set this then your reader only gets created on 
rank 0


-Original Message-
From: Schlottke, Michael [mailto:m.schlot...@aia.rwth-aachen.de] 
Sent: 14 April 2015 09:09
To: Biddiscombe, John A.
Cc: Utkarsh Ayachit; ParaView
Subject: Re: [Paraview] MPI-aware reader plugin only has rank 0

> are you sure you don't mean that only printf/std:::cout from rank 0 is 
> visible?
I also thought that it might be a visibility issue, thus I opened a file with 
std::ofstream on each rank with the rank id encoded in the filename. Only one 
file ever gets created, though, and it is the one with “0” in the name.

> but I actual fact the other pvservers are fine. Create a sphere and check if 
> it has N pieces.
I did that and visualized it by vtkProcessId. The number of ids indeed matches 
the number of ranks, so I guess nothing fundamental is wrong with the MPI use 
within ParaView. I just can’t fathom why the reader plugin does not run in 
parallel. Just to be sure, I added a call 


in RequestData and indeed, ParaView gets stuck there, as apparently the 
collective call is never issued from any rank != 0.


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Re: [Paraview] MPI-aware reader plugin only has rank 0

2015-04-13 Thread Biddiscombe, John A.
When you said 

" rank/size: 0/4
However, all I ever get is the last line"

are you sure you don't mean that only printf/std:::cout from rank 0 is visible? 
but I actual fact the other pvservers are fine. Create a sphere and check if it 
has N pieces.


-Original Message-
From: ParaView [mailto:paraview-boun...@paraview.org] On Behalf Of Schlottke, 
Sent: 14 April 2015 07:36
To: Utkarsh Ayachit
Cc: ParaView
Subject: Re: [Paraview] MPI-aware reader plugin only has rank 0

> from vtkPVClientServerCoreCorePython import vtkProcessModule print 
> "rank=", vtkProcessModule.GetProcessModule().GetPartitionId()
> print "total=", 
> vtkProcessModule.GetProcessModule().GetNumberOfLocalPartitions()

Thanks! This finally gives me hope that not everything is completely broken, as 
it yields the expected output (for 5 ranks):

rank 0
total 5
rank 2
total 5
rank 1
total 5
rank 4
total 5
rank 3
total 5

No change on the reader plugin though. Are there certain commands/libraries I 
have to include in the CMakeLists.txt file to make the plugin run in parallel? 
Or additional (VTK) methods I have to call to make sure that all ranks are 

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[Paraview] running a python script with new PV variables created with the calculator

2015-03-31 Thread Cihan A
Dear Paraviewers,

I have very recently begun to use PV (been a VisItor up to this point) so
there are a lot of features with which I am not entirely familiar. I am
trying to run a python script which does some math then stream
​ ​
tracing on two vectors variables "e" and "b". My code dumps out components
of each vector field
, which I read into PV
​ where they appear as point data.. I t
hen combine
​ this data​
into vectors "e" and "b" with PV's calculator feature. After this step I
run my python script from Tools->Python Shell. The script (attached it as
fieldl_line.py -- looks terrible when opened with Vim) does not get very
far and complains about various things. I attached the log file entitled
PVlog. I cannot decipher
​some of ​
these messages but I have a strong suspicion the inputs variable does not
get populated correctly or the script cannot find "e" and "b". Any ideas
where I have gone wrong? Is there an intermediate step after defining new
variables on the calculator to make the script aware of the existence of
"e" and "b". I plotted these new vector variables on PV without any issue.

Thank you very much for your time and interest.




Description: Binary data
# create a new 'Programmable Filter'

programmableFilter1 = ProgrammableFilter()

programmableFilter1.OutputDataSetType = 'vtkMultiblockDataSet'

programmableFilter1.Script = 'import numpy\n\nDIMS = (30, 1, 30)\norigins = numpy.array([\n(-1, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0),\n(0, 1, 0),\n(0, 0, -1), (0, 0, 1),\n(-1, 1, 0), (1, 1, 0),\n(0, 1, -1), (0, 1, 1)\n])\nnxplanes = 10\n\nfrom vtk.vtkFiltersFlowPaths import vtkStreamTracer\nfrom vtk.vtkFiltersParallelFlowPaths import vtkPStreamTracer\nfrom vtk.vtkFiltersSources import vtkPlaneSource\nfrom vtk.vtkCommonExecutionModel import vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline\nfrom vtk.vtkCommonSystem import vtkTimerLog\nfrom vtk.numpy_interface import dataset_adapter as dsa\nfrom vtk.numpy_interface import algorithms as algs\nfrom mpi4py import MPI\ncomm = MPI.COMM_WORLD\n\nipt = inputs[0].VTKObject\nif ipt.IsA("vtkMultiBlockDataSet"):\ncp0 = ipt.GetBlock(0)\nssample = 4\nelse:\ncp0 = ipt\nssample = 1\n\nmb = vtk.vtkMultiBlockDataSet()\nmb.SetBlock(0, cp0)\n\nspacing = cp0.GetSpacing()\nextent = self.GetInputInformation(0, 0).Get(vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline.WHOLE_EXTENT())\nextent = [e*ssample for e in extent]\nbounds = [s * e for (s,e) in zip(spacing, extent[1:6:2])]\n\n# Change where the y plane is.\nyplane = 0\n\nidx = 1\nfor origin in origins:\ncp = vtk.vtkImageData()\ncp.ShallowCopy(cp0)\ncp.SetOrigin(origin * bounds)\nmb.SetBlock(idx, cp)\nidx += 1\n\nfrom vtk import vtkParallelCore as pc\ngc = pc.vtkMultiProcessController.GetGlobalController()\n\ndef calculate_integral(xbeg, xend, nx):\nst = vtkPStreamTracer()\nst.SetInputData(mb)\nst.SetInputArrayToProcess(0, 0, 0, 0, "b")\nst.SetIntegratorTypeToRungeKutta4()\nst.SetInitialIntegrationStep(0.4)\nst.SetIntegrationStepUnit(st.CELL_LENGTH_UNIT)\nst.SetMaximumPropagation(250)\nst.SetIntegrationDirectionToForward()\n\n\nimg2 = vtk.vtkImageData()\nimg2.SetDimensions(nx, DIMS[1], DIMS[2])\nimg2.SetOrigin(xbeg, yplane, 1)\nimg2.SetSpacing((xend-xbeg) / (nx-1), 1, (bounds[2]-2)/(DIMS[2]-1))\n\npl = vtkPlaneSource()\npl.SetOrigin(xbeg, yplane, 1)\npl.SetPoint1(xend , yplane, 1)\npl.SetPoint2(xbeg, yplane, bounds[2] - 1)\npl.SetResolution(nx - 1, DIMS[2]-1)\n\nst.SetSourceConnection(pl.GetOutputPort())\nvtkTimerLog.MarkStartEvent("Streamline integration")\nst.Update()\nvtkTimerLog.MarkEndEvent("Streamline integration")\nopt = dsa.WrapDataObject(st.GetOutput())\n\nsline = st.GetOutput()\n\n# Change the equation here\n# If ncomps changes, also change SetTuple3() and GetTuple3()\n# below\ne = opt.PointData["e"]\nb = opt.PointData["b"]\nprint algs.dot(e,b)\nia = algs.dot(e, algs.norm(b))\nncomps = 1\n\nintegral = vtk.vtkFloatArray()\nintegral.SetName("integral")\nintegral.SetNumberOfComponents(ncomps)\nintegral.SetNumberOfTuples(img2.GetNumberOfPoints())\nfor i in range(ncomps):\nintegral.FillComponent(i, 0)\n\nlengtha = vtk.vtkFloatArray()\nlengtha.SetName("length")\nlengtha.SetNumberOfTuples(img2.GetNumberOfPoints())\nlengtha.FillComponent(0, 0)\n\nimg2.GetPointData().AddArray(integral)\nimg2.GetPointData().AddArray(lengtha)\n\npts = opt.Points\nsids = opt.CellData["SeedIds"]\nlines = opt.GetLines()\nlines = dsa.vtkDataArrayToVTKArray(lines.GetData())\nlength = len(lines)\nindex = 0\ncellid = 0\n\nvtkTimerLog.MarkStartEvent("Integration")\nwhile

Re: [Paraview] Error cross-compiling Catalyst on BG/Q

2015-02-17 Thread Biddiscombe, John A.
NB cake = cmake + aggressive autocorrect

From: , cscs mailto:biddi...@cscs.ch>>
Date: Tuesday 17 February 2015 21:20
To: "coo...@llnl.gov<mailto:coo...@llnl.gov>" 
Cc: "paraview@paraview.org<mailto:paraview@paraview.org>" 
Subject: Re: [Paraview] Error cross-compiling Catalyst on BG/Q

Yes indeed. What I really meant was you can just compile with cake and use the 
wrappers, there’s no need to setup a special toolchain and get all the 
cross-compilation stuff going because the wrappers do all that for you.

On BGQ I am using clang instead of xlc o I’ve got a different setup.


From: , "coo...@llnl.gov<mailto:coo...@llnl.gov>" 
Date: Tuesday 17 February 2015 18:30
To: cscs mailto:biddi...@cscs.ch>>
Cc: David DeMarle mailto:dave.dema...@kitware.com>>, 
Subject: Re: [Paraview] Error cross-compiling Catalyst on BG/Q

Thanks for that information.  Could be a life-saver!  However, please note that 
I checked with a local expert and he says,  "if you want any optimization on 
the compute nodes you should use the cross compilers.  Likewise, if you use 
optimization on your frontend compile, you won't be able to run on the compute 
nodes.  They're not fully binary compatible and they do not use the same OS.  
So your mileage will vary with this approach.”

— Rich

On Feb 12, 2015, at 10:55 PM, Biddiscombe, John A. 
mailto:biddi...@cscs.ch>> wrote:


On the BGQ, the compute nodes and login nodes are binary compatible, so you 
shouldn’t need to bother with most of the cross compiling stuff. the only thing 
to watch out for is the MPI and since vtkParseOGLExt and vtkWrapPython etc 
don’t touch that, you ought to be ok compiling
_as if_ you were going to run on the host node. If you use the MPI wrappers (I 
don’t), then all will be taken care of.

I don’t think that I have compiled pv+catalyst to run on BGQ, so my comment is 
only based on theory, but I can set a build going in a minute if it helps 
(except I’d need to setup mesa which may take a while, so maybe I won’t)


From: ParaView [mailto:paraview-boun...@paraview.org] On Behalf Of David E 
Sent: 13 February 2015 01:19
To: Cook, Rich
Cc: ParaView list
Subject: Re: [Paraview] Error cross-compiling Catalyst on BG/Q

On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 7:15 PM, Cook, Rich 
mailto:coo...@llnl.gov>> wrote:

Is the name of the executable to run.


Change that to:

if the return code of that executable is 0


Change that to:
 "I am the very model of a modern major general"

If the console output of that executable was "I am the very model of a modern 
major general"

David E DeMarle
Kitware, Inc.
R&D Engineer
21 Corporate Drive
Clifton Park, NY 12065-8662
Phone: 518-881-4909

✐Richard Cook
✇ Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Bldg-453 Rm-4024, Mail Stop L-557
7000 East Avenue,  Livermore, CA, 94550, USA
☎ (office) (925) 423-9605
☎ (fax) (925) 423-6961
Information Management & Graphics Grp., Services & Development Div., Integrated 
Computing & Communications Dept.
(opinions expressed herein are mine and not those of LLNL)

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Re: [Paraview] Error cross-compiling Catalyst on BG/Q

2015-02-17 Thread Biddiscombe, John A.
Yes indeed. What I really meant was you can just compile with cake and use the 
wrappers, there’s no need to setup a special toolchain and get all the 
cross-compilation stuff going because the wrappers do all that for you.

On BGQ I am using clang instead of xlc o I’ve got a different setup.


From: , "coo...@llnl.gov<mailto:coo...@llnl.gov>" 
Date: Tuesday 17 February 2015 18:30
To: cscs mailto:biddi...@cscs.ch>>
Cc: David DeMarle mailto:dave.dema...@kitware.com>>, 
Subject: Re: [Paraview] Error cross-compiling Catalyst on BG/Q

Thanks for that information.  Could be a life-saver!  However, please note that 
I checked with a local expert and he says,  "if you want any optimization on 
the compute nodes you should use the cross compilers.  Likewise, if you use 
optimization on your frontend compile, you won't be able to run on the compute 
nodes.  They're not fully binary compatible and they do not use the same OS.  
So your mileage will vary with this approach.”

— Rich

On Feb 12, 2015, at 10:55 PM, Biddiscombe, John A. 
mailto:biddi...@cscs.ch>> wrote:


On the BGQ, the compute nodes and login nodes are binary compatible, so you 
shouldn’t need to bother with most of the cross compiling stuff. the only thing 
to watch out for is the MPI and since vtkParseOGLExt and vtkWrapPython etc 
don’t touch that, you ought to be ok compiling
_as if_ you were going to run on the host node. If you use the MPI wrappers (I 
don’t), then all will be taken care of.

I don’t think that I have compiled pv+catalyst to run on BGQ, so my comment is 
only based on theory, but I can set a build going in a minute if it helps 
(except I’d need to setup mesa which may take a while, so maybe I won’t)


From: ParaView [mailto:paraview-boun...@paraview.org] On Behalf Of David E 
Sent: 13 February 2015 01:19
To: Cook, Rich
Cc: ParaView list
Subject: Re: [Paraview] Error cross-compiling Catalyst on BG/Q

On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 7:15 PM, Cook, Rich 
mailto:coo...@llnl.gov>> wrote:

Is the name of the executable to run.


Change that to:

if the return code of that executable is 0


Change that to:
 "I am the very model of a modern major general"

If the console output of that executable was "I am the very model of a modern 
major general"

David E DeMarle
Kitware, Inc.
R&D Engineer
21 Corporate Drive
Clifton Park, NY 12065-8662
Phone: 518-881-4909

✐Richard Cook
✇ Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Bldg-453 Rm-4024, Mail Stop L-557
7000 East Avenue,  Livermore, CA, 94550, USA
☎ (office) (925) 423-9605
☎ (fax) (925) 423-6961
Information Management & Graphics Grp., Services & Development Div., Integrated 
Computing & Communications Dept.
(opinions expressed herein are mine and not those of LLNL)

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Re: [Paraview] Error cross-compiling Catalyst on BG/Q

2015-02-12 Thread Biddiscombe, John A.

On the BGQ, the compute nodes and login nodes are binary compatible, so you 
shouldn’t need to bother with most of the cross compiling stuff. the only thing 
to watch out for is the MPI and since vtkParseOGLExt and vtkWrapPython etc 
don’t touch that, you ought to be ok compiling
_as if_ you were going to run on the host node. If you use the MPI wrappers (I 
don’t), then all will be taken care of.

I don’t think that I have compiled pv+catalyst to run on BGQ, so my comment is 
only based on theory, but I can set a build going in a minute if it helps 
(except I’d need to setup mesa which may take a while, so maybe I won’t)


From: ParaView [mailto:paraview-boun...@paraview.org] On Behalf Of David E 
Sent: 13 February 2015 01:19
To: Cook, Rich
Cc: ParaView list
Subject: Re: [Paraview] Error cross-compiling Catalyst on BG/Q

On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 7:15 PM, Cook, Rich 
mailto:coo...@llnl.gov>> wrote:

Is the name of the executable to run.


Change that to:

if the return code of that executable is 0


Change that to:
 "I am the very model of a modern major general"

If the console output of that executable was "I am the very model of a modern 
major general"

David E DeMarle
Kitware, Inc.
R&D Engineer
21 Corporate Drive
Clifton Park, NY 12065-8662
Phone: 518-881-4909
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Re: [Paraview] .cube files in pvbatch

2015-01-30 Thread Insley, Joseph A.
Success!  Thanks, Jean.


On Jan 30, 2015, at 2:18 AM, Favre Jean  wrote:

> try this:
> bk2_cube = GaussianCubeReader( guiName="bk2.cube", 
> FileName='/sandbox/bk2.cube' )
> contour1 = Contour(Input=servermanager.OutputPort(bk2_cube, 1))
> -
> Jean/CSCS
> ___
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[Paraview] .cube files in pvbatch

2015-01-29 Thread Insley, Joseph A.

I am trying to render a gaussian cube file using pvbatch, and am not having 
much luck.  Using the GUI, I load a .cube file, and apply the contour filter to 
the Gridded Data portion of the file.  I can save the state as a pvsm and 
reload that state using the GUI, and things work as expected.  If I instead 
save as a python state file, and run pvbatch with that state file, the contour 
is not rendered.  I suspect that this has something to do with the fact that in 
the pipeline browser the cube file has two outputs (called Output and Gridded 
Data), and pvbatch is somehow applying the contour filter to the wrong one.  

I tried doing the following, which I thought should select output port 1 
instead of output port 0, and indeed when I print them, I see different 
addresses, but the contour is still not being rendered.  Does anyone have any 

bk2_cube = GaussianCubeReader( guiName="bk2.cube", FileName='/sandbox/bk2.cube' 
print "bk2_cube: ", bk2_cube
cube_port1=servermanager.OutputPort(bk2_cube, 1)
print "cube_port1: ", cube_port1

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Re: [Paraview] Writer plugin?

2015-01-29 Thread Biddiscombe, John A.

I used to make my writers the same as filters and even allow them to shallow 
copy their input to the output. Then in paraview they can appear in the filters 
menu and can be inserted in the middle of a pipeline and each time a render is 
activated, the writer would be triggered. (I used it for saving particles out 
from animations of advected flows). (you can check if the timestep has changed 
or other stuff is different and skip writes if necessary).

Adding the writer as a filter is an easy option!


-Original Message-
From: ParaView [mailto:paraview-boun...@paraview.org] On Behalf Of David 
Sent: 28 January 2015 17:35
To: ParaView
Subject: [Paraview] Writer plugin?

Hi all,

I have a ParaView plugin that contains a new writer which I would like to 
expose. However, while the plugin does properly expose a new view and 
representation, the writer does not appear to get added (when I try to save a 
vtkTable such as a statistics filter output, it doesn't appear as an option).

1. Is there any documentation for adding writers in plugins? This page has a 
comment or two but doesn't appear complete:


2. If you're willing to look over the XML, I've attached it below. See any 




Write tabular data to a JSON file.


The input filter/source whose output dataset is to
written to the file.



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Re: [Paraview] Calculating the distance between two surfaces as a function of time during large deformation process

2014-12-24 Thread Biddiscombe, John A.

Thanks for pointing that out, I was not aware of that filter. (Main
difference in the approaches looks like "signed distance from each point
in the first polydata to the closest point on the second polydata” whereas
the ray method would do an intersection).

Merry Christmas


On 24/12/14 04:31, "Cory Quammen"  wrote:

>Hi Alan,
>There is a filter in VTK called vtkDistancePolyDataFilter. It takes
>two polydata as inputs and produces up two two outputs, each with an
>the (optionally) signed distance from each point in the first polydata
>to the closest point on the second polydata. If the polydata inputs
>overlap and the signed distance is requested, the distance may be
>negative, which means that the point at which the distance is computed
>is inside the other polydata.
>Attached is a ParaView 4.2 state file with a Programmable Filter that
>exposes the vtkDistancePolyDataFilter. It could also be exposed as an
>XML plugin.
>On Tue, Dec 23, 2014 at 6:20 PM, Biddiscombe, John A. 
>> The way I did this was to use one surface as a “source” - fire rays from
>> this surface along the surface normal until they hit the “target” and
>> return the distance. Then use the distances for every source node as a
>> field which is output. One requires ideally a source mesh with quite
>> points to get a good sampling.
>> JB
>> On 23/12/14 21:02, "Scott, W Alan"  wrote:
>>>I have a user that asked the following question.  Any ideas how to do
>>>I need to quantify the distance between two curved and deforming
>>>(large deformation mechanical analysis) as a function of time in batch
>>>mode. I don't know (and don't want to know) which two node points are
>>>closest. Could you outline how you would code up something like this ?
>>>Powered by www.kitware.com
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>>>Search the list archives at: http://markmail.org/search/?q=ParaView
>>>Follow this link to subscribe/unsubscribe:
>> ___
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>> Search the list archives at: http://markmail.org/search/?q=ParaView
>> Follow this link to subscribe/unsubscribe:
>> http://public.kitware.com/mailman/listinfo/paraview
>Cory Quammen
>R&D Engineer
>Kitware, Inc.

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Re: [Paraview] Calculating the distance between two surfaces as a function of time during large deformation process

2014-12-23 Thread Biddiscombe, John A.
The way I did this was to use one surface as a “source” - fire rays from
this surface along the surface normal until they hit the “target” and
return the distance. Then use the distances for every source node as a new
field which is output. One requires ideally a source mesh with quite dense
points to get a good sampling.


On 23/12/14 21:02, "Scott, W Alan"  wrote:

>I have a user that asked the following question.  Any ideas how to do
>I need to quantify the distance between two curved and deforming surfaces
>(large deformation mechanical analysis) as a function of time in batch
>mode. I don't know (and don't want to know) which two node points are the
>closest. Could you outline how you would code up something like this ?
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Re: [Paraview] [EXTERNAL] Re: Axis Labels in superscript scientific notation

2014-12-09 Thread Venkattraman A

Thanks Cory and Alan. I will put in a Feature request online.


On 12/09/2014 11:36 AM, Scott, W Alan wrote:

It doesn't sound like a bad idea, however.  Mind writing up a feature request?



-Original Message-
From: ParaView [mailto:paraview-boun...@paraview.org] On Behalf Of Cory Quammen
Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2014 12:23 PM
To: Venkattraman A
Cc: ParaView
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [Paraview] Axis Labels in superscript scientific 

Hi Venkatt,

As far as I know, scientific notation with the exponent in superscipt is not 
currently possible.


On Thu, Dec 4, 2014 at 10:31 PM, Venkattraman A  wrote:

I was wondering if there was a way to use the traditional scientific
notation (1x10^16) instead of the E notation (1E16) in the axis labels
(for example in a simple XY plot). I see there are three formats
Mixed, Scientific and Fixed that Paraview allows but a lot of journals
do not accept the E notation which according to Paraview is the
Scientific notation.


Venkattraman A
Assistant Professor
School of Engineering SE1 346
University of California Merced
5200 N. Lake Rd
Merced CA 95343
Phone: +1 (209) 228 2359
Email: vayyasw...@ucmerced.edu

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Venkattraman A
Assistant Professor
School of Engineering SE1 346
University of California Merced
5200 N. Lake Rd
Merced CA 95343
Phone: +1 (209) 228 2359
Email: vayyasw...@ucmerced.edu

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[Paraview] Axis Labels in superscript scientific notation

2014-12-04 Thread Venkattraman A
I was wondering if there was a way to use the traditional scientific 
notation (1x10^16) instead of the E notation (1E16) in the axis labels 
(for example in a simple XY plot). I see there are three formats Mixed, 
Scientific and Fixed that Paraview allows but a lot of journals do not 
accept the E notation which according to Paraview is the Scientific 


Venkattraman A
Assistant Professor
School of Engineering SE1 346
University of California Merced
5200 N. Lake Rd
Merced CA 95343
Phone: +1 (209) 228 2359
Email: vayyasw...@ucmerced.edu

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Re: [Paraview] how to supprot the vortex detection and the vortex core line

2014-12-02 Thread Biddiscombe, John A.
we implemented vortex cores in paraview many years ago, but after searching I 
could not find the code
is the/one reference.

Filip Sadlo was the main author and might have a copy somewhere. I must have it 
in one of my archives of old code, but it would require some work to get going 
in a recent paraview as it probably worked with 3.x


From: ParaView [mailto:paraview-boun...@paraview.org] On Behalf Of Andy Bauer
Sent: 01 December 2014 17:07
To: 吴亚刚
Cc: paraview-requ...@paraview.org; paraview@paraview.org
Subject: Re: [Paraview] how to supprot the vortex detection and the vortex core 

Can you give us some information on papers, reports, etc. that do that? I 
haven't heard of any plans to do that yet.

On Thu, Nov 27, 2014 at 8:06 AM, 吴亚刚 
mailto:whug...@gmail.com>> wrote:

Dear all,
the vortex detection(vortex core line) and visualization has been popular, but 
this function does not exitst in paraview.
when dose paraview support this function ?

  All the best !


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[Paraview] The "configuration" attribute of the "server" tag in server.pvsc

2014-11-14 Thread Giovanni A. Cone

Hola Paraviewers,

I'm planning on creating an official "servers.pvsc" file for 
users of our LANL HPC platforms similar to what NERSC 
provides (see 
 I've noticed that if I add a server using the GUI "Connect 
to Server" interface that the resulting saved "servers.pvsc" 
file has the following form of a "server tag" entry:


I'm curious as to what the "configuration" attribute in the 
Server XML tag is used for.  Could it be used to refer to 
another XML "pvsc" file to deal with complication connection 
processes?  Or is it just an unused attribute?

Thanks for your time responding to this inquiry.
!   Giovanni "Vann" Cone
!   LANL HPC-3 Consultant
!   TA-3, BLDG 2327, RM 1128
!   Schedule B
!   I fight for the users!
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Re: [Paraview] Filter to keep points, dropping topology

2014-10-22 Thread Biddiscombe, John A.
SetPoints is present in vtkDataSets that are subclasses of vtkPointSet

You said you didn’t want any topology, so I didn’t think you wanted vertex

vtkSmartPointer vertices =
vtkIdType *cells = vertices->WritePointer(Nt, 2*Nt);
for (vtkIdType i=0; iSetVerts(vertices);

On 22/10/14 17:15, "B.W.H. van Beest"  wrote:

>Are you saying that one cannot have just points?
>In my case, I want to  snap the points to a structured grid,
>but haven't done that yet, as I wanted to see the
>points first, and do the snapping as a next step.
>So that is not a good idea? I need to do it all in one go?
>On 10/22/2014 04:58 PM, Burlen Loring wrote:
>> don't forget to add vertex type cells, or you will not be able to see
>> the points,  and that it's going to be more complicated if you're
>> starting from data types that have implicit points.
>> On 10/22/2014 07:52 AM, Biddiscombe, John A. wrote:
>>> Output->SetPoints(input->GetPoints());
>>> Or
>>> Output->CopyStructure(input);
>>> Output->SetCells(NULL)
>>> Then copy point field data etc
>>> On 22/10/14 16:19, "B.W.H. van Beest"  wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I need a filter that only keeps the 3D points of a certain source
>>>> coming from  an stl file).
>>>> The topology of the data set may go.
>>>> I thought that the following filter, only passing through the
>>>> pointdata,
>>>> would do the job,
>>>> but that appears not to be the case (no points after the filter!)
>>>> What's going wrong and how should I change the filter?
>>>> Kind Regards,
>>>> Bertwim
>>>> int FilterPoints::RequestData( vtkInformation*,
>>>>  vtkInformationVector**
>>>> inputVector,
>>>>  vtkInformationVector*
>>>> outputVector)
>>>> {
>>>>// Get the input and output data objects.
>>>>vtkDataSet* input = vtkDataSet::GetData( inputVector[0] );
>>>>vtkDataSet* output = vtkDataSet::GetData( outputVector );
>>>>// output->CopyStructure( input );
>>>>output->GetPointData()->PassData( input->GetPointData() );
>>>>  return 1;
>>>> }
>>>> ___
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>>>> http://paraview.org/Wiki/ParaView
>>>> Follow this link to subscribe/unsubscribe:
>>>> http://public.kitware.com/mailman/listinfo/paraview
>>> ___
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>>> http://www.kitware.com/opensource/opensource.html
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>>> http://paraview.org/Wiki/ParaView
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>>> http://public.kitware.com/mailman/listinfo/paraview
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Re: [Paraview] Filter to keep points, dropping topology

2014-10-22 Thread Biddiscombe, John A.



Then copy point field data etc

On 22/10/14 16:19, "B.W.H. van Beest"  wrote:

>I need a filter that only keeps the 3D points of a certain source (e.g.
>coming from  an stl file).
>The topology of the data set may go.
>I thought that the following filter, only passing through the pointdata,
>would do the job,
>but that appears not to be the case (no points after the filter!)
>What's going wrong and how should I change the filter?
>Kind Regards,
>int FilterPoints::RequestData( vtkInformation*,
> vtkInformationVector**
> vtkInformationVector*
>   // Get the input and output data objects.
>   vtkDataSet* input = vtkDataSet::GetData( inputVector[0] );
>   vtkDataSet* output = vtkDataSet::GetData( outputVector );
>   // output->CopyStructure( input );
>   output->GetPointData()->PassData( input->GetPointData() );
>   return 1;
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Re: [Paraview] Catalyst question

2014-10-17 Thread Biddiscombe, John A.
>I'll be at SC14 and I'd be interested in seeing your demo. Are the details of 
>when and where ready yet?
At the CSCS booth, we will have a display of the simulation running on our 
cray. Hopefully it’ll be running on and off for a significant part of the week 
and we wanted to display the live results and allow interaction with the 
simulation by random passers by (with supervision!) so with luck, it’ll be 
available any time you want to see. I’ll be doing my duty and manning the booth 
in between the presentations at the conf etc.
I think I’ll also be doing a brief guest slot on the kitware booth, but I don’t 
yet know the time etc.

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Re: [Paraview] Catalyst question

2014-10-16 Thread Biddiscombe, John A.
Andy, Dan

Thank you both for clarifying this. I might give the catalyst->server->client 
version a go, but it seems like it might be too much trouble ...
I expect I’ll just use the solution we developed here at CSCS a couple of years 
ago where we just connect  the simulation to the pvservers and then connect the 
client to them. That way I won’t need to copy the data between processes again 
(there is already a copy because the simulation is writing to a shared memory 
buffer and the pvservers would read from that - not the same as the H5FDdsm 
stuff we developed, but very similar, and I can simply piggy back our live viz 
on top of that).

We wanted to do a live demo of GPU rendering on 1024 or so nodes at SC14 so it 
may be that using something I’m already familiar with will save me time as were 
getting close to Nov ...

On that note : It ought to be trivial to whip up a catalyst “view” which 
captures the images from the internal renderwindow created by catalyst and have 
them displayed in the GUI so that the user can see the ‘live’ viz. Not sure how 
you’d pass the interactions back to handle mouse etc, but if the client can 
write to the camera objects via proxies then it should be possible   might 
try this myself if I have a moment spare.

thanks again


From: Dan Lipsa [mailto:dan.li...@kitware.com]
Sent: 16 October 2014 16:32
To: Biddiscombe, John A.
Cc: Andy Bauer; paraview@paraview.org
Subject: Re: [Paraview] Catalyst question

Hi John,

I had imagined that I’d run a simulation on N ranks, have catalyst bound to 
them and be able to do vis on those N ranks. But in fact, when I connect to a 
live simulation, I have to “extract” results from them and then render them 
back on the client.

Is this the case or did I miss something?

Just to confirm Andy's answer, you can do the rendering on a separate ParaView 
server (pvserver), which can be the same as the server you run the simulation 
on. Catalyst will send extracts to this server which will render them.
Only images will be send back to the client.

We show that use case at the end of our article.



The parallel image generation appears to work as advertised, but the images go 
off to disk and not to the renderwindow. Is there a way on configuring it so 
that I can see the actual rendering taking place in the renderview? I wanted to 
display the contents of a custom render plugin using cuda based rendering on 
many GPUs and be able to interact with it, but I am obviously missing something 
in my setup.



From: Andy Bauer [mailto:andy.ba...@kitware.com<mailto:andy.ba...@kitware.com>]
Sent: 26 August 2014 15:34
To: Biddiscombe, John A.
Cc: paraview@paraview.org<mailto:paraview@paraview.org>
Subject: Re: [Paraview] Catalyst question

Hi John,

This live capability is now available and recently has been cleaned up quite a 
bit. There are still a couple more small changes that are waiting a code review 
process before they go into the master branch. The user's guide needs an update 
for a bunch of new information (live, catalyst editions, zero-copy arrays) 
that's important for Catalyst. We're also doing some preliminary testing with a 
newly developed ADIOS writer for better IO performance as well.
Getting back to the live viz stuff, when you create a Catalyst Python script 
and export it using the wizard you'll have the option to enable live viz (it's 
the same wizard page as the screenshot output specification). Then, while your 
simulation is running use the Catalyst->Connect option to connect. There are 
two tests (pv.CatalystLiveSetBreakpoint and pvcs.CatalystLiveSetBreakpoint) 
that demonstrate the newly implemented live functionality which now includes 
the option to set a breakpoint in the simulation.
If you get a chance to try it out, let me know what you think.


On Tue, Aug 26, 2014 at 3:40 AM, Biddiscombe, John A. 
mailto:biddi...@cscs.ch>> wrote:
Dear Catalyst people

I dragged out an old simulation demo I created some time ago and got it working 
with paraview/catalyst from git master branch - my plan was to test a live 
visualization of the simulation with the paraview GUI connected to the 
simulation. I had thought this capability was now possible, but I have not been 
following development closely and it looks like I was mistaken.

Is it possible to visualize the simulation live - rather than just generate 
images (which works fine). (I had a quick skim through the user manual, but 
didn’t see this feature mentioned).



John Biddiscombe,email:biddisco @.at.@ 
CSCS, Swiss National Supercomputing Centre  | Tel:  +41 (91) 
Via Trevano 131, 6900 Lugano, Switzerland   | Fax:  +41 (91) 

Powered by www.kitware.com<http://www.kitware.com>

Re: [Paraview] Catalyst question

2014-10-16 Thread Biddiscombe, John A.

I appear to be suffering from a confusion of what the catalyst framework does - 
or how it is used ...

I had imagined that I’d run a simulation on N ranks, have catalyst bound to 
them and be able to do vis on those N ranks. But in fact, when I connect to a 
live simulation, I have to “extract” results from them and then render them 
back on the client.

Is this the case or did I miss something?

The parallel image generation appears to work as advertised, but the images go 
off to disk and not to the renderwindow. Is there a way on configuring it so 
that I can see the actual rendering taking place in the renderview? I wanted to 
display the contents of a custom render plugin using cuda based rendering on 
many GPUs and be able to interact with it, but I am obviously missing something 
in my setup.



From: Andy Bauer [mailto:andy.ba...@kitware.com]
Sent: 26 August 2014 15:34
To: Biddiscombe, John A.
Cc: paraview@paraview.org
Subject: Re: [Paraview] Catalyst question

Hi John,

This live capability is now available and recently has been cleaned up quite a 
bit. There are still a couple more small changes that are waiting a code review 
process before they go into the master branch. The user's guide needs an update 
for a bunch of new information (live, catalyst editions, zero-copy arrays) 
that's important for Catalyst. We're also doing some preliminary testing with a 
newly developed ADIOS writer for better IO performance as well.
Getting back to the live viz stuff, when you create a Catalyst Python script 
and export it using the wizard you'll have the option to enable live viz (it's 
the same wizard page as the screenshot output specification). Then, while your 
simulation is running use the Catalyst->Connect option to connect. There are 
two tests (pv.CatalystLiveSetBreakpoint and pvcs.CatalystLiveSetBreakpoint) 
that demonstrate the newly implemented live functionality which now includes 
the option to set a breakpoint in the simulation.
If you get a chance to try it out, let me know what you think.


On Tue, Aug 26, 2014 at 3:40 AM, Biddiscombe, John A. 
mailto:biddi...@cscs.ch>> wrote:
Dear Catalyst people

I dragged out an old simulation demo I created some time ago and got it working 
with paraview/catalyst from git master branch - my plan was to test a live 
visualization of the simulation with the paraview GUI connected to the 
simulation. I had thought this capability was now possible, but I have not been 
following development closely and it looks like I was mistaken.

Is it possible to visualize the simulation live - rather than just generate 
images (which works fine). (I had a quick skim through the user manual, but 
didn’t see this feature mentioned).



John Biddiscombe,email:biddisco @.at.@ 
CSCS, Swiss National Supercomputing Centre  | Tel:  +41 (91) 
Via Trevano 131, 6900 Lugano, Switzerland   | Fax:  +41 (91) 

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Re: [Paraview] XMLUnstructuredGridWriter and VTK_POLYHEDRON elements

2014-10-14 Thread Insley, Joseph A.
Hi, Paul,

Thanks for the pointers.


On Oct 13, 2014, at 5:13 PM, Paul Edwards 
mailto:paul.m.edwa...@gmail.com>> wrote:

Hi Joe,

I've seen this before and there is a bug report in mantis here:


There has also been a patch posted to the vtk-developers list a while back 
although I haven't tested it:



On 10 October 2014 00:32, Insley, Joseph A. 
mailto:ins...@anl.gov>> wrote:

I have a serial vtu dataset provided by one of my users.  Their current code 
can produce this in either ascii or inline binary.  I am currently trying to 
convert this to appended binary (ultimately to pvtu with appended binary).
I'm having trouble, which I now believe may stem from the data containing 

I have a simple python script that I use with pvbatch to do this conversion, 
but I see the same results when I load the original data set with ParaView 
(4.1.0, in client/server mode), and use the Save Data option and save as vtu.
I get the same results for each input format (ascii or inline binary), and 
output format (ascii, binary, appended).

The first few lines of the original vtu file look like this:


The first few lines of the converted file look like this:

offset="177748206"ructuredGrid" version="0.1" byte_order="LittleEndian">

Something is clearly getting jumbled at the beginning of the converted file.  
If I manually edit the header of the file to read  mailto:ins...@anl.gov>
argonne leadership computing facility   (630) 
argonne national laboratory

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Re: [Paraview] ParaView 4.2.0 client/server execution error on SGI UV System (UNCLASSIFIED)

2014-10-10 Thread Biddiscombe, John A.
The client has created the representation glyph3d, but the server hasn’t
got it compiled in by the looks of it, so the create representation fails.
Does it get skipped when using osmesa (and hence doesn’t exist on the

I’m not certain of this, but it happens all the time with the same error
when one of my plugins that create a representation is loaded on the
client - but not on the server.


On 10/10/14 20:31, "Su, Simon M CTR USARMY ARL (US)"

>Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
>Caveats: NONE
>We are wondering if someone can point us in the right direction to track
>down the issue we are getting. We managed to get ParaView OSMESA compile
>our SGI UV  System. But in a client/server execution mode, although we are
>able to connect and paraview starts up on the HPC side, as soon as we try
>draw something, we get a segmentation fault error - please see error
>at the bottom of this email.
>ParaView 4.2.0 osmesa is configure with the following options.
>-DParaView_FROM_GIT=ON \
>-DENABLE_boost=ON \
>-DENABLE_cgns=OFF \
>-DENABLE_ffmpeg=ON \
>-DENABLE_fontconfig=ON \
>-DENABLE_freetype=ON \
>-DENABLE_hdf5=ON \
>-DENABLE_libxml2=ON \
>-DENABLE_matplotlib=ON \
>-DENABLE_mesa=OFF \
>-DENABLE_mpi=ON \
>-DENABLE_numpy=ON \
>-DENABLE_osmesa=ON \
>-DENABLE_paraview=ON \
>-DENABLE_png=ON \
>-DENABLE_python=ON \
>-DENABLE_qhull=ON \
>-DENABLE_silo=ON \
>-DENABLE_szip=ON \
>-DENABLE_visitbridge=ON \
>-DMPI_CXX_LIBRARIES:STRING="/opt/sgi/mpt/mpt-2.08/lib/libmpi++.so" \
>-DMPI_C_LIBRARIES:STRING="/opt/sgi/mpt/mpt-2.08/lib/libmpi.so" \
>-DMPI_LIBRARY:FILEPATH="/opt/sgi/mpt/mpt-2.08/lib/libmpi++.so" \
>-DMPI_CXX_INCLUDE_PATH:STRING="/opt/sgi/mpt/mpt-2.08/include" \
>-DMPI_C_INCLUDE_PATH:STRING="/opt/sgi/mpt/mpt-2.08/include" \
>-DUSE_SYSTEM_python=OFF \
>And pvserver is invoked with the following arguments
>mpiexec_mpt -np ${NUM_MPITASKS} pvserver --use-offscreen-rendering
>--server-port=1486 --client-host=${HOSTNAME} --reverse-connection
>--timeout=00:10:00 --connect-id=43826
>Any suggestion on what/where we can start to track this segmentation fault
>issue down is much appreciated.
>=== client/server execution error
>mpiexec_mpt -np ${NUM_MPITASKS} pvserver --use-offscreen-rendering
>--server-port=1486 --client-host=predator --reverse-connection
>--timeout=00:10:00 --connect-id=43826
>Accepting connection(s): phineas.arl.army.mil:55816
>SessionCore.cxx, line 390
>vtkPVSessionCore (0x7f8f85b63810): Object type: vtkGlyph3DRepresentation,
>could not find requested method: "SetTriangulate"
>or the method was called with incorrect arguments.
>while processing
>Message 0 = Invoke
>  Argument 0 = vtk_object_pointer {vtkGlyph3DRepresentation
>  Argument 1 = string_value {SetTriangulate}
>  Argument 2 = int32_value {0}
>SessionCore.cxx, line 391
>vtkPVSessionCore (0x7f8f85b63810): Aborting execution for debugging
>Proxy.cxx, line 487
>vtkSISourceProxy (0x7f8f8833fc10): Could not parse property: Triangulate
>rithmPortsInformation.cxx, line 56
>vtkPVAlgorithmPortsInformation (0x7f8f88367ee0): Could not downcast
>SessionCore.cxx, line 390
>vtkPVSessionCore (0x7f8f85b63810): Wrapper function not found for class
>"(vtk object is NULL)".
>while processing
>Message 0 = Invoke
>  Argument 0 = stream_value {
>Message 0 = Invoke
>  Argument 0 = id_value {1}
>  Argument 1 = string_value {GetVT

[Paraview] XMLUnstructuredGridWriter and VTK_POLYHEDRON elements

2014-10-09 Thread Insley, Joseph A.

I have a serial vtu dataset provided by one of my users.  Their current code 
can produce this in either ascii or inline binary.  I am currently trying to 
convert this to appended binary (ultimately to pvtu with appended binary).
I'm having trouble, which I now believe may stem from the data containing 

I have a simple python script that I use with pvbatch to do this conversion, 
but I see the same results when I load the original data set with ParaView 
(4.1.0, in client/server mode), and use the Save Data option and save as vtu.
I get the same results for each input format (ascii or inline binary), and 
output format (ascii, binary, appended).

The first few lines of the original vtu file look like this:


The first few lines of the converted file look like this:

offset="177748206"ructuredGrid" version="0.1" byte_order="LittleEndian">

Something is clearly getting jumbled at the beginning of the converted file.  
If I manually edit the header of the file to read  mailto:ins...@anl.gov>
argonne leadership computing facility   (630) 252-5649
argonne national laboratory

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Re: [Paraview] [EXTERNAL] displaying simulation time rather than time step

2014-10-09 Thread Biddiscombe, John A.
A similar question came up a few weeks ago and I posted this link
To a class which takes climate simulation time stamps and converts them from 
julian date to a string. This can then be viewed in the paraview gui as a time 
stamp with an arbitrary format – you can add the time as well as the date by 
some simple changes.

I have not used it myself for several years, but just copied the 
vtkJulianDayToTextConverter.* files and jdn.c into another plugin and tried 
them. Apart from one tweak because DATA/UPDATE_TIME_STEPS are now singular it 
compiled ok and is working as expected.

The class create a single text string in a 1x1 table and paraview displays this 
as an annotation.



From: David DeMarle mailto:dave.dema...@kitware.com>>
Date: Thursday 9 October 2014 02:56
To: Phil Amburn mailto:phil.amb...@gmail.com>>
Cc: "paraview@paraview.org<mailto:paraview@paraview.org>" 
Subject: Re: [Paraview] [EXTERNAL] displaying simulation time rather than time 

Strike that last comment about Annotate Time doing the right thing. There are 
probably file formats that make the date/time string available, but I can't 
name one off the top of my head and you will still need to hook up the 
connection to the Text Source something like above.

David E DeMarle
Kitware, Inc.
R&D Engineer
21 Corporate Drive
Clifton Park, NY 12065-8662
Phone: 518-881-4909

On Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 8:53 PM, David E DeMarle 
mailto:dave.dema...@kitware.com>> wrote:
I think that Sean is on the right track and suggest that a Python Animation cue 
is the way to go.

Attached is a state file to demonstrate. Load the state file in ParaView, open 
Views->Animation View and double click on the existing Python track to see the 
script that gets the pipeline time and feeds it into a text source for display. 
I've left the parts about reading the file and mapping the Animation time into 
the corresponding simulation time as an exercise to the reader.

Note: many time varying file formats produce the data time for you so this 
translation is unnecessary and the Annotate Time filter will do what you want 
it to.

David E DeMarle
Kitware, Inc.
R&D Engineer
21 Corporate Drive
Clifton Park, NY 12065-8662
Phone: 518-881-4909

On Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 7:53 PM, Phil Amburn 
mailto:phil.amb...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Hi Sean,

Can we talk?  I’m not smart enough to understand your suggestion (hate it when 
that happens).

If I get something worked out, even a hack, I’ll post the solution back to this 


From: ParaView 
[mailto:paraview-boun...@paraview.org<mailto:paraview-boun...@paraview.org>] On 
Behalf Of sean.ziege...@engilitycorp.com<mailto:sean.ziege...@engilitycorp.com>
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2014 3:41 PM
To: paraview@paraview.org<mailto:paraview@paraview.org>

Subject: Re: [Paraview] [EXTERNAL] displaying simulation time rather than time 

Hey Phil,
You *might* be able to hack it with a combination of a Programmable Filter and 
a Python Annotation Filter.  Use the Programmable Filter to add a FieldData 
value to each time step that is a string with the appropriate date.  Then use 
the Python Annotation Filter to display the date as an annotation.

The first part is the hard one.  The Programmable Filter could either (1) read 
the file once to get all the dates, or (2) compute the dates using the starting 
date, the time step value, and Python's datetime module.


From: ParaView 
[paraview-boun...@paraview.org<mailto:paraview-boun...@paraview.org>] on behalf 
of Scott, W Alan [wasc...@sandia.gov<mailto:wasc...@sandia.gov>]
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2014 5:17 PM
To: Phil Amburn; paraview@paraview.org<mailto:paraview@paraview.org>
Subject: Re: [Paraview] [EXTERNAL] displaying simulation time rather than time 
I have no idea how to put out what you are asking for, but it is a really good 
idea.  If you don’t get an answer, be sure to write up a bug report/ feature 


From: ParaView [mailto:paraview-boun...@paraview.org] On Behalf Of Phil Amburn
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2014 3:26 PM
To: paraview@paraview.org<mailto:paraview@paraview.org>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [Paraview] displaying simulation time rather than time step

I would like to do something similar to the Annotate Time filter, but rather 
than displaying the time step number, I need to display simulation date and 

I have a text file with the actual simulation date and time associated with 
each time step.  Here are the first few lines of that file

Time step   Time step output, Actual time
0   0.00,   4/1/2013 15:00
1   65.83,  

Re: [Paraview] Point swarm with one cell

2014-10-09 Thread Biddiscombe, John A.
It's because most of the filters which operate on 'cells' don't really handle 
the multi-vertex cell type in the way you'd like. Converting the data to 32768 
cells with one point each is the solution. you used to be able to use 
MaskPoints filter to do that, but the singlecellpervertex function is not 
exposed in paraview, so the threshold is one way to do it.

-Original Message-
From: ParaView [mailto:paraview-boun...@paraview.org] On Behalf Of ben
Sent: 09 October 2014 06:53
To: paraview@paraview.org
Subject: [Paraview] Point swarm with one cell

I have a point swarm (output from Underworld thermal model), with one cell, and 
32768 points. I cannot seem to get any sort of visualisation from it after 
filtering. If I apply a Threshold filter to 'remove' some of the data, nothing 
shows at all.

If I first apply a Clip filter, but set it outside the range of the data, then 
the result is a dataset with 32768 cells, and 32768 points. 
The Threshold filter works after that.

Why is this?

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Re: [Paraview] custom reader question regarding python access

2014-09-25 Thread Insley, Joseph A.

I had a similar issue a while back, where I had a custom reader with multiple 
outputs.  In order to get access to output port 1 I ended up doing something 
along the lines of:

fooFilter = servermanager.OutputPort(my_reader, 1)
fooFilter.UpdatePipeline()  # may not be required

# to see the names of the point data arrays on this output port
dataInfo = fooFilter.GetDataInformation()
pointDataInfo = dataInfo.getPointDataInformation()
numArrays = pointDataInfo.GetNumberOfArrays()
for foo in range(numArrays):
aName = pointDataInfo.GetArrayInformation(foo)
print "name (", foo, "): ", aName

(thanks to Utkarsh, who pointed me in the right direction when I was originally 
trying to do this)

Hope this helps,

joseph a. insley  
argonne leadership computing facility (630) 252-5649
argonne national laboratory

On Sep 25, 2014, at 2:15 PM, Joshua Murphy 
mailto:joshua.mur...@lasp.colorado.edu>> wrote:

Hi all,

I am adding features to my custom reader, and I need some help.

My reader does the following:
1) Reads the main time-dependent model data
2) Reads 0 or more non model-time dependent files that provide time series 
information specific points at high temporal resolution.

Currently, I am reading the main model data as a structured grid on Port 0 and 
the time series files into a multi-block table on port 1.

This works great, as far as it goes, but I cannot figure out how to access any 
of the port 1 information from within Python.  Everytime I try to fetch data 
for the source, I get a vtkStructuredGrid structure, with no sign of the 
multi-block tables.

Can someone give me some advice on how to go about accessing the port1 data 
from within python?

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Re: [Paraview] Plotting Nek5000 output data

2014-09-22 Thread Insley, Joseph A.
Could this just be a matter of representation? From the images it looks like in 
VisIt you are using the pseudocolor filter, which is just a surface 
representation colored by some scalar field (x_velocity, it looks like).  In 
ParaView, you are applying the contour filter with a single value, and 
displaying the surface representation of that.  I can't tell from the snapshot, 
but I am guessing that the representation of the square_nek5000 data set is set 
to outline, or possibly wireframe.  If that is the case, try changing that to 
surface representation.  You may then need to change the colorby selection to 
be x_velocity, if that is the variable you are interested in.

Hope that helps,

On Sep 19, 2014, at 4:14 PM, Pradeep Jha wrote:

I am outputting my data from Nek5000 in the case.fld* format. I am creating a 
case.nek5000 file which reads like:

firsttimestep: 1
numtimesteps: 2

When I am opening this *nek5000 file in Paraview 4.1, I don't see the contours. 
In Visit I see them (images attached). Any tips?

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Re: [Paraview] Superbuild and Windows

2014-09-11 Thread Reuter, Michael A.
The patches are attached. They aren’t much but they help get the package (on 
Windows and OSX) built without issues. The package I made against the system 
Python seems to work OK although I have not exhaustively tested it. The python 
interpreter interaction inside ParaView seems to work fine with the few tests 
and examples I ran on it.


Description: apple_system_matplotlib.patch

Description: win32_system_matplotlib.patch

On Sep 11, 2014, at 10:56 AM, Utkarsh Ayachit <utkarsh.ayac...@kitware.com> wrote:Michael,The patches would be great! I don't think we tested with system Python on Windows.UtkarshOn Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 8:34 AM, Reuter, Michael A. <reute...@ornl.gov> wrote:I used a system Python which is pointed at a Python we distribute with Mantid on Windows. BTW, do you want me to pass along the patches I have for the USE_SYSTEM_matplotlib issues I run into, or should I just handle those in a Superbuild fork?


On Sep 11, 2014, at 1:21 AM, Utkarsh Ayachit <utkarsh.ayac...@kitware.comutkarsh.ayac...@kitware.com>> wrote:

Michael, with VS2012, what was your selection for Python? Were you
using system Python or did you let the superbuild build its own?


On Fri, Sep 5, 2014 at 4:58 PM, Reuter, Michael A. <reute...@ornl.govreute...@ornl.gov>> wrote:
I’m working with VS2012. Thanks for the update on Mavericks.

On Sep 5, 2014, at 4:32 PM, Utkarsh Ayachit <utkarsh.ayac...@kitware.comutkarsh.ayac...@kitware.com>> wrote:

Great! Which VS was this? The Pygments thing should be tracked down.
I'll see what's happening there. BTW, I am making progress on
Mavericks build. I think I have most things ironed out. I'll send an
updated email once I have dashboard testing it.


On Fri, Sep 5, 2014 at 4:29 PM, Reuter, Michael A. <reute...@ornl.govreute...@ornl.gov>> wrote:
I switched to Ninja and shortened up the paths, but what really got things working was passing the VTK_USE_SYSTEM_PYGMENTS down to the ParaView CMake config via the PV_EXTRA_CMAKE_ARGS. After that, the build went smoothly. I hit a snag on creating the package because I’m triggering the USE_SYSTEM_matplotlib option and the Projects/win32/paraview.bundle.cmake does not trap the copying of matplotlib related items when this flag is used. I see a similar issue in the Projects/apple/paraview.bundle.cmake file as well. I added a AND NOT USE_SYSTEM_matplotlib to the if (matplotlib_ENABLED) line and that fixed the generated cmake_install.cmake file and the package created fine. I’ve tested the resulting package and so far so good.


On Sep 3, 2014, at 10:24 AM, Utkarsh Ayachit <utkarsh.ayac...@kitware.comutkarsh.ayac...@kitware.com>utkarsh.ayac...@kitware.com>> wrote:


Are you using VS generator? Can you switch to using Ninja? You can
still use the MSVC compilers. The error is popping up when the build
is trying to compiler the pygments *.py files. You'll get the same
error later when it's trying to compile the ParaView *.py files.

Also, another thing to note is that Windows has issues with long
paths. So I'd suggest moving the superbuild source and build
directories to something lower to avoid those e.g. C:/tmp/pvs-src and

Finally, if you're using VS2012, you'll need to use a system Python.
Currently. the Python included in the superbuild is intended for
VS2008. Also VS2012, is currently untested. As a first pass, if
possible, I'd suggest using VS 2008. Once that's working, you can give
VS2012 try. Hopefully, it should work (except the Python caveat), but
I am always wary of VS version differences.


On Wed, Sep 3, 2014 at 10:07 AM, Reuter, Michael A. <reute...@ornl.govreute...@ornl.gov>reute...@ornl.gov>> wrote:

             I’m having an issue with the ParaView Superbuild on Windows
(VS2012). I get this error during the build process:

      322>  Compiling Python package 'pygments'

      322>  Listing

      322>  Listing

      322>  Listing

      322>  Listing

      322>  Listing

      322>  ImportError: No module named site

  9>C:\Program Files

Re: [Paraview] Superbuild and Windows

2014-09-11 Thread Reuter, Michael A.
I used a system Python which is pointed at a Python we distribute with Mantid 
on Windows. BTW, do you want me to pass along the patches I have for the 
USE_SYSTEM_matplotlib issues I run into, or should I just handle those in a 
Superbuild fork?


On Sep 11, 2014, at 1:21 AM, Utkarsh Ayachit 
mailto:utkarsh.ayac...@kitware.com>> wrote:

Michael, with VS2012, what was your selection for Python? Were you
using system Python or did you let the superbuild build its own?


On Fri, Sep 5, 2014 at 4:58 PM, Reuter, Michael A. 
mailto:reute...@ornl.gov>> wrote:
I’m working with VS2012. Thanks for the update on Mavericks.

On Sep 5, 2014, at 4:32 PM, Utkarsh Ayachit 
mailto:utkarsh.ayac...@kitware.com>> wrote:

Great! Which VS was this? The Pygments thing should be tracked down.
I'll see what's happening there. BTW, I am making progress on
Mavericks build. I think I have most things ironed out. I'll send an
updated email once I have dashboard testing it.


On Fri, Sep 5, 2014 at 4:29 PM, Reuter, Michael A. 
mailto:reute...@ornl.gov>> wrote:
I switched to Ninja and shortened up the paths, but what really got things 
working was passing the VTK_USE_SYSTEM_PYGMENTS down to the ParaView CMake 
config via the PV_EXTRA_CMAKE_ARGS. After that, the build went smoothly. I hit 
a snag on creating the package because I’m triggering the USE_SYSTEM_matplotlib 
option and the Projects/win32/paraview.bundle.cmake does not trap the copying 
of matplotlib related items when this flag is used. I see a similar issue in 
the Projects/apple/paraview.bundle.cmake file as well. I added a AND NOT 
USE_SYSTEM_matplotlib to the if (matplotlib_ENABLED) line and that fixed the 
generated cmake_install.cmake file and the package created fine. I’ve tested 
the resulting package and so far so good.


On Sep 3, 2014, at 10:24 AM, Utkarsh Ayachit 


Are you using VS generator? Can you switch to using Ninja? You can
still use the MSVC compilers. The error is popping up when the build
is trying to compiler the pygments *.py files. You'll get the same
error later when it's trying to compile the ParaView *.py files.

Also, another thing to note is that Windows has issues with long
paths. So I'd suggest moving the superbuild source and build
directories to something lower to avoid those e.g. C:/tmp/pvs-src and

Finally, if you're using VS2012, you'll need to use a system Python.
Currently. the Python included in the superbuild is intended for
VS2008. Also VS2012, is currently untested. As a first pass, if
possible, I'd suggest using VS 2008. Once that's working, you can give
VS2012 try. Hopefully, it should work (except the Python caveat), but
I am always wary of VS version differences.


On Wed, Sep 3, 2014 at 10:07 AM, Reuter, Michael A. 
mailto:reute...@ornl.gov><mailto:reute...@ornl.gov>> wrote:

 I’m having an issue with the ParaView Superbuild on Windows
(VS2012). I get this error during the build process:

  322>  Compiling Python package 'pygments'

  322>  Listing

  322>  Listing

  322>  Listing

  322>  Listing

  322>  Listing

  322>  ImportError: No module named site

  9>C:\Program Files
error MSB6006: "cmd.exe" exited with code 1.


  322>Build FAILED.

However, the site module exists when I run python. I’m building from a
script so I can control the environment. Everything else seems to build just
fine. However, nothing appears in the install directory for cpack to find. I
can’t tell if this build error is disrupting the process or something else
is going wrong. What controls the pygments build so I can shut it off for



Dr. Michael Reuter

Scientific Data Analysis Group

Neutron Data Analysis and Visualization Division

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Office: 1-865-241-7216

Fax: 1-865-574-6080

Email: reute...@ornl.gov<mailto:reute...@ornl.gov><mailto:reute...@ornl.gov>

Powered by www.kitware.com<http://www.kitware.com><htt

Re: [Paraview] Superbuild and OSX

2014-09-08 Thread Reuter, Michael A.
After updating the Superbuild code and cleaning house, I was still seeing the 
ParaView CMake configure failure I reported before. I did a bit of digging and 
found that the generated pv-paraview-build.cmake was trying to execute the 
following command: step_command-NOTFOUND. It seems to be related to trying to 
use ninja instead of make files. I switched to make files and the build is in 


On Sep 7, 2014, at 1:58 PM, Utkarsh Ayachit 
mailto:utkarsh.ayac...@kitware.com>> wrote:

Alright, Superbuild + Mavericks is now working as expected. It's now
tested on the dashboards too:


If looking for options to turn on, here's a good start:


On Thu, Sep 4, 2014 at 9:22 AM, Utkarsh Ayachit
Sorry, I did  mean Mavericks :)..I can never keep the MacOS names straight.

On Thu, Sep 4, 2014 at 8:00 AM, Reuter, Michael A.  wrote:
Thanks for the update. I’m actually building on Mavericks, but our project is 
still supporting Mountain Lion so it will be good to have it work there.


On Sep 3, 2014, at 11:57 PM, Utkarsh Ayachit 
mailto:utkarsh.ayac...@kitware.com>> wrote:


Hold off on using the superbuild on MountainLion for now. I'll track
the issues down and then let you know.


On Wed, Sep 3, 2014 at 6:23 PM, Utkarsh Ayachit
mailto:utkarsh.ayac...@kitware.com>> wrote:

Let me try this on a Moutain Lion myself and I'll let you know. What
projects  are you turning on in your build?


On Wed, Sep 3, 2014 at 2:40 PM, Reuter, Michael A. 
mailto:reute...@ornl.gov>> wrote:
This gets around the clang argument problem, but the ParaView CMake 
configuration step still fails for an unknown reason.


On Sep 3, 2014, at 10:28 AM, Utkarsh Ayachit 

Cherry-pick this fix for now : http://review.source.kitware.com/#/c/16665/
It'll go into master soon.

Ben, anything this fix is waiting on?


On Wed, Sep 3, 2014 at 9:42 AM, Reuter, Michael A. 
mailto:reute...@ornl.gov><mailto:reute...@ornl.gov>> wrote:

 I’m having trouble getting the git-master version of the Superbuild 
running on OSX (10.9) with clang (5.1). Setting the CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT variable 
causes the following error during CMake ( generation for the ParaView 

-- The C compiler identification is unknown
-- The CXX compiler identification is unknown
-- Check for working C compiler using: Ninja
-- Check for working C compiler using: Ninja -- broken
CMake Error at /Applications/CMake 
The C compiler "/usr/bin/cc" is not able to compile a simple test program.

It fails with the following output:

Change Dir: 

Run Build Command:/usr/local/bin/ninja cmTryCompileExec4050157075

[1/2] Building C object

FAILED: /usr/bin/cc -fPIC -arch x86_64 -mmacosx-version-min=10.9
-o CMakeFiles/cmTryCompileExec4050157075.dir/testCCompiler.c.o -c

clang: error: unknown argument:

clang: note: this will be a hard error (cannot be downgraded to a warning)
in the future

ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.

Even if I empty the CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT variable, the system still tries to pass 
an empty -sysroot flag to clang causing it to choke. I removed the sysroot flag 
from the top-level CMakeLists.txt, but then the ParaView CMake setup fails for 
a reason I can’t seem to understand. I’m attaching the log showing the CMake 
output. The only obvious thing I see is the Fortran compiler. Is that required?


Dr. Michael Reuter
Scientific Data Analysis Group
Neutron Data Analysis and Visualization Division
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Office: 1-865-241-7216
Fax: 1-865-574-6080
Email: reute...@ornl.gov<mailto:reute...@ornl.gov><mailto:reute...@ornl.gov>

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Re: [Paraview] Superbuild and Windows

2014-09-05 Thread Reuter, Michael A.
I’m working with VS2012. Thanks for the update on Mavericks.

On Sep 5, 2014, at 4:32 PM, Utkarsh Ayachit  wrote:

> Great! Which VS was this? The Pygments thing should be tracked down.
> I'll see what's happening there. BTW, I am making progress on
> Mavericks build. I think I have most things ironed out. I'll send an
> updated email once I have dashboard testing it.
> Utkarsh
> On Fri, Sep 5, 2014 at 4:29 PM, Reuter, Michael A.  wrote:
>> I switched to Ninja and shortened up the paths, but what really got things 
>> working was passing the VTK_USE_SYSTEM_PYGMENTS down to the ParaView CMake 
>> config via the PV_EXTRA_CMAKE_ARGS. After that, the build went smoothly. I 
>> hit a snag on creating the package because I’m triggering the 
>> USE_SYSTEM_matplotlib option and the Projects/win32/paraview.bundle.cmake 
>> does not trap the copying of matplotlib related items when this flag is 
>> used. I see a similar issue in the Projects/apple/paraview.bundle.cmake file 
>> as well. I added a AND NOT USE_SYSTEM_matplotlib to the if 
>> (matplotlib_ENABLED) line and that fixed the generated cmake_install.cmake 
>> file and the package created fine. I’ve tested the resulting package and so 
>> far so good.
>> M
>> On Sep 3, 2014, at 10:24 AM, Utkarsh Ayachit 
>> mailto:utkarsh.ayac...@kitware.com>> wrote:
>> Michael,
>> Are you using VS generator? Can you switch to using Ninja? You can
>> still use the MSVC compilers. The error is popping up when the build
>> is trying to compiler the pygments *.py files. You'll get the same
>> error later when it's trying to compile the ParaView *.py files.
>> Also, another thing to note is that Windows has issues with long
>> paths. So I'd suggest moving the superbuild source and build
>> directories to something lower to avoid those e.g. C:/tmp/pvs-src and
>> C:/tmp/pvs-build.
>> Finally, if you're using VS2012, you'll need to use a system Python.
>> Currently. the Python included in the superbuild is intended for
>> VS2008. Also VS2012, is currently untested. As a first pass, if
>> possible, I'd suggest using VS 2008. Once that's working, you can give
>> VS2012 try. Hopefully, it should work (except the Python caveat), but
>> I am always wary of VS version differences.
>> Utkarsh
>> On Wed, Sep 3, 2014 at 10:07 AM, Reuter, Michael A. 
>> mailto:reute...@ornl.gov>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>>   I’m having an issue with the ParaView Superbuild on Windows
>> (VS2012). I get this error during the build process:
>>322>  Compiling Python package 'pygments'
>>322>  Listing
>> C:/Users/2zr/Build/ParaView-Superbuild/paraview/src/paraview-build/lib/site-packages/pygments
>> ...
>>322>  Listing
>> C:/Users/2zr/Build/ParaView-Superbuild/paraview/src/paraview-build/lib/site-packages/pygments\filters
>> ...
>>322>  Listing
>> C:/Users/2zr/Build/ParaView-Superbuild/paraview/src/paraview-build/lib/site-packages/pygments\formatters
>> ...
>>322>  Listing
>> C:/Users/2zr/Build/ParaView-Superbuild/paraview/src/paraview-build/lib/site-packages/pygments\lexers
>> ...
>>322>  Listing
>> C:/Users/2zr/Build/ParaView-Superbuild/paraview/src/paraview-build/lib/site-packages/pygments\styles
>> ...
>>322>  ImportError: No module named site
>>9>C:\Program Files
>> (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V110\Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(172,5):
>> error MSB6006: "cmd.exe" exited with code 1.
>> [C:\Users\2zr\Build\ParaView-Superbuild\paraview.vcxproj]
>>322>Build FAILED.
>> However, the site module exists when I run python. I’m building from a
>> script so I can control the environment. Everything else seems to build just
>> fine. However, nothing appears in the install directory for cpack to find. I
>> can’t tell if this build error is disrupting the process or something else
>> is going wrong. What controls the pygments build so I can shut it off for
>> now?
>> Thanks,
>> M
>> D

Re: [Paraview] Superbuild and Windows

2014-09-05 Thread Reuter, Michael A.
I switched to Ninja and shortened up the paths, but what really got things 
working was passing the VTK_USE_SYSTEM_PYGMENTS down to the ParaView CMake 
config via the PV_EXTRA_CMAKE_ARGS. After that, the build went smoothly. I hit 
a snag on creating the package because I’m triggering the USE_SYSTEM_matplotlib 
option and the Projects/win32/paraview.bundle.cmake does not trap the copying 
of matplotlib related items when this flag is used. I see a similar issue in 
the Projects/apple/paraview.bundle.cmake file as well. I added a AND NOT 
USE_SYSTEM_matplotlib to the if (matplotlib_ENABLED) line and that fixed the 
generated cmake_install.cmake file and the package created fine. I’ve tested 
the resulting package and so far so good.


On Sep 3, 2014, at 10:24 AM, Utkarsh Ayachit 
mailto:utkarsh.ayac...@kitware.com>> wrote:


Are you using VS generator? Can you switch to using Ninja? You can
still use the MSVC compilers. The error is popping up when the build
is trying to compiler the pygments *.py files. You'll get the same
error later when it's trying to compile the ParaView *.py files.

Also, another thing to note is that Windows has issues with long
paths. So I'd suggest moving the superbuild source and build
directories to something lower to avoid those e.g. C:/tmp/pvs-src and

Finally, if you're using VS2012, you'll need to use a system Python.
Currently. the Python included in the superbuild is intended for
VS2008. Also VS2012, is currently untested. As a first pass, if
possible, I'd suggest using VS 2008. Once that's working, you can give
VS2012 try. Hopefully, it should work (except the Python caveat), but
I am always wary of VS version differences.


On Wed, Sep 3, 2014 at 10:07 AM, Reuter, Michael A. 
mailto:reute...@ornl.gov>> wrote:

   I’m having an issue with the ParaView Superbuild on Windows
(VS2012). I get this error during the build process:

322>  Compiling Python package 'pygments'

322>  Listing

322>  Listing

322>  Listing

322>  Listing

322>  Listing

322>  ImportError: No module named site

9>C:\Program Files
error MSB6006: "cmd.exe" exited with code 1.


    322>Build FAILED.

However, the site module exists when I run python. I’m building from a
script so I can control the environment. Everything else seems to build just
fine. However, nothing appears in the install directory for cpack to find. I
can’t tell if this build error is disrupting the process or something else
is going wrong. What controls the pygments build so I can shut it off for



Dr. Michael Reuter

Scientific Data Analysis Group

Neutron Data Analysis and Visualization Division

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Office: 1-865-241-7216

Fax: 1-865-574-6080

Email: reute...@ornl.gov<mailto:reute...@ornl.gov>

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Visit other Kitware open-source projects at

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Re: [Paraview] Replacement for colorByArray

2014-09-05 Thread Reuter, Michael A.
Hi Yumin,

Thanks for the pointer as now the array is set. My next problem is that the 
transfer function range is (0, 1) and not the range of my array. I tried using 
vtkSMPVRepresentationProxy::RescaleTransferFunctionToDataRange, but ParaView 
gives a Could not determine array range warning. I wedged a UpdateVTKObjects() 
between the two calls but that didn’t help. What’s the right way to do this?

As a larger issue, I’m seeing that my old (PV 3.98.1 based) application is not 
liking how PV 4.2 is handling things. Is there any documentation or good 
examples of how things should be done for 4.2? My focus is on how to 
programmatically do things like: source and filter creation, pipeline 
construction and manipulation, manage different views, color map/transfer 
function manipulation, camera resetting. Now is the perfect time for a bit of a 
rewrite, but I’d definitely like to align things to how 4.2 wants things done.


On Sep 5, 2014, at 9:40 AM, Yumin Yuan 
mailto:yumin.y...@kitware.com>> wrote:

Hi Michael,

Checkout out "vtkSMPVRepresentationProxy::SetScalarColoring(...)".
I think that's what you are looking for.


On Fri, Sep 5, 2014 at 9:24 AM, Reuter, Michael A. 
mailto:reute...@ornl.gov>> wrote:

I have an application that I’m trying to conform back to git-master in 
preparation for the version 4.2 release. In the application, I used the 
pqPipelineRepresentation::colorByArray function to preset the colormap array 
before the data is rendered. I see that this function has been removed. I did a 
bit of digging and tried to use the following as a replacement (signal is our 
default array name):

pqDataRepresentation *drep = objectBuilder->createDataRepresentation(…);
vtkSMPropertyHelper(drep->getProxy(), “Representation”).Set(“Surface”);
vtkSMPropertyHelper(drep->getProxy(), “ColorArrayName”).Set(“signal”);

However, this doesn’t seem to set the correct array as the view shows Solid 
Color for the array when it renders. I’m either invoking things incorrectly or 
at the wrong time, but I don’t know what. What am I missing or is there a more 
appropriate alternative to this method?


Dr. Michael Reuter
Scientific Data Analysis Group
Neutron Data Analysis and Visualization Division
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Office: 1-865-241-7216
Fax: 1-865-574-6080

Powered by www.kitware.com<http://www.kitware.com/>

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Visit other Kitware open-source projects at 

Please keep messages on-topic and check the ParaView Wiki at: 

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[Paraview] Replacement for colorByArray

2014-09-05 Thread Reuter, Michael A.

I have an application that I’m trying to conform back to git-master in 
preparation for the version 4.2 release. In the application, I used the 
pqPipelineRepresentation::colorByArray function to preset the colormap array 
before the data is rendered. I see that this function has been removed. I did a 
bit of digging and tried to use the following as a replacement (signal is our 
default array name):

pqDataRepresentation *drep = objectBuilder->createDataRepresentation(…);
vtkSMPropertyHelper(drep->getProxy(), “Representation”).Set(“Surface”);
vtkSMPropertyHelper(drep->getProxy(), “ColorArrayName”).Set(“signal”);

However, this doesn’t seem to set the correct array as the view shows Solid 
Color for the array when it renders. I’m either invoking things incorrectly or 
at the wrong time, but I don’t know what. What am I missing or is there a more 
appropriate alternative to this method?


Dr. Michael Reuter
Scientific Data Analysis Group
Neutron Data Analysis and Visualization Division
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Office: 1-865-241-7216
Fax: 1-865-574-6080
Email: reute...@ornl.gov<mailto:reute...@ornl.gov>

Powered by www.kitware.com

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Re: [Paraview] QuadView option

2014-09-04 Thread Reuter, Michael A.
>From what I gathered from my users, I think what’s in the Miscellaneous group 
>should have default visibility and the rest can go to advanced. I think that’s 
>where part of my confusion came from was that things have moved around and 
>views have advanced panels. Error code 18, replace user and try again. Thanks 
>for “setting” me straight.


On Sep 4, 2014, at 12:09 PM, Utkarsh Ayachit  

> Attached is the patch (will be in git/master after next gatekeeper
> review). I made all the properties "default" to avoid confusion.
> Michael, feel free to suggest better default visibility options.
> Thanks
> Utkarsh
> On Thu, Sep 4, 2014 at 12:00 PM, Utkarsh Ayachit
>  wrote:
>> BTW, I am pushing an update to the git repo to better organize the
>> properties on the "Properties" panel for the Quad View.
>> On Thu, Sep 4, 2014 at 11:56 AM, Utkarsh Ayachit
>>  wrote:
>>> Alright, here's the final diagnosis :):
>>> It's works as Seb was saying. What I was missing that I had not
>>> selected the Slices "representation". Once Slices representation is
>>> chosen, the "Show outline in 3D view" option starts working. This is
>>> indeed the way the view behaves in 3.98.1 as well.
>>> Utkarsh
>>> On Thu, Sep 4, 2014 at 11:38 AM, Utkarsh Ayachit
>>>  wrote:
>>>> Can someone explain what this option is supposed to do? Even in 3.98.1
>>>> it has no effect for me, or at least I don't see anything change.
>>>> On Thu, Sep 4, 2014 at 11:30 AM, Sebastien Jourdain
>>>>  wrote:
>>>>> On my Mac from yesterday's master, the option does allow me to toggle the
>>>>> outline.
>>>>> I just forgot about that Slices representation...
>>>>> On Thu, Sep 4, 2014 at 9:25 AM, Utkarsh Ayachit
>>>>>  wrote:
>>>>>> I think the "Show Outline in 3D View" on the Properties panel is
>>>>>> indeed the right option. The fact that it has no effect is a bug.
>>>>>> Utkarsh
>>>>>> On Thu, Sep 4, 2014 at 11:20 AM, Reuter, Michael A. 
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> I’m providing a screenshot showing the option (Show Outline in 3D View)
>>>>>>> that appears in the View Settings dialog box in PV 3.98.1. The dialog 
>>>>>>> was
>>>>>>> available from Edit/View Settings menu option. The 3D outline was 
>>>>>>> effective
>>>>>>> when the Slice representation is used. This also brings up another 
>>>>>>> issue.
>>>>>>> All the options that are in this dialog are not available either. I use 
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> Quad View in a user distributed program and some of them use these 
>>>>>>> options.
>>>>>>> They aren’t going to be happy when the upgrade removes them.
>>>>>>> M
>>>>>>> [cid:3662796F-3858-454F-9AF6-C956B97353FA@ornl.gov]
>>>>>>> On Sep 4, 2014, at 10:50 AM, Sebastien Jourdain
>>>>>>> mailto:sebastien.jourd...@kitware.com>>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Michael,
>>>>>>> I don't think there is such option.
>>>>>>> In fact, this must be due to the representation be set to "Outline" in
>>>>>>> the toolbar.
>>>>>>> If you change it to Surface of Wireframe you should not see anymore the
>>>>>>> outline.
>>>>>>> Seb
>>>>>>> On Thu, Sep 4, 2014 at 8:09 AM, Reuter, Michael A.
>>>>>>> mailto:reute...@ornl.gov>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> I’m looking for the option that turns off the outline in the 3D panel in
>>>>>>> the Quad View in ParaView git-master. This used to be in the view 
>>>>>>> settings
>>>>>>> dialog, but that no longer exists and the settings dialog doesn’t seem 

Re: [Paraview] QuadView option

2014-09-04 Thread Reuter, Michael A.
Hi Utkarsh,

The outline only comes into effect when using the Slices representation in the 
Quad View. If you use the Surface rep, there is no outline.


On Sep 4, 2014, at 11:38 AM, Utkarsh Ayachit 
mailto:utkarsh.ayac...@kitware.com>> wrote:

Can someone explain what this option is supposed to do? Even in 3.98.1
it has no effect for me, or at least I don't see anything change.

On Thu, Sep 4, 2014 at 11:30 AM, Sebastien Jourdain
mailto:sebastien.jourd...@kitware.com>> wrote:
On my Mac from yesterday's master, the option does allow me to toggle the
I just forgot about that Slices representation...

On Thu, Sep 4, 2014 at 9:25 AM, Utkarsh Ayachit
mailto:utkarsh.ayac...@kitware.com>> wrote:

I think the "Show Outline in 3D View" on the Properties panel is
indeed the right option. The fact that it has no effect is a bug.


On Thu, Sep 4, 2014 at 11:20 AM, Reuter, Michael A. 
I’m providing a screenshot showing the option (Show Outline in 3D View)
that appears in the View Settings dialog box in PV 3.98.1. The dialog was
available from Edit/View Settings menu option. The 3D outline was effective
when the Slice representation is used. This also brings up another issue.
All the options that are in this dialog are not available either. I use the
Quad View in a user distributed program and some of them use these options.
They aren’t going to be happy when the upgrade removes them.



On Sep 4, 2014, at 10:50 AM, Sebastien Jourdain

Hi Michael,

I don't think there is such option.
In fact, this must be due to the representation be set to "Outline" in
the toolbar.
If you change it to Surface of Wireframe you should not see anymore the


On Thu, Sep 4, 2014 at 8:09 AM, Reuter, Michael A.
mailto:reute...@ornl.gov><mailto:reute...@ornl.gov>> wrote:

I’m looking for the option that turns off the outline in the 3D panel in
the Quad View in ParaView git-master. This used to be in the view settings
dialog, but that no longer exists and the settings dialog doesn’t seem to
have it unless I missed it. The Slice View has a similar option in the
Properties panel under Background, but nothing appears there for the Quad


Dr. Michael Reuter
Scientific Data Analysis Group
Neutron Data Analysis and Visualization Division
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Office: 1-865-241-7216
Fax: 1-865-574-6080

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[Paraview] QuadView option

2014-09-04 Thread Reuter, Michael A.

I’m looking for the option that turns off the outline in the 3D panel in the 
Quad View in ParaView git-master. This used to be in the view settings dialog, 
but that no longer exists and the settings dialog doesn’t seem to have it 
unless I missed it. The Slice View has a similar option in the Properties panel 
under Background, but nothing appears there for the Quad View.


Dr. Michael Reuter
Scientific Data Analysis Group
Neutron Data Analysis and Visualization Division
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Office: 1-865-241-7216
Fax: 1-865-574-6080
Email: reute...@ornl.gov<mailto:reute...@ornl.gov>

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Re: [Paraview] Superbuild and OSX

2014-09-04 Thread Reuter, Michael A.
Thanks for the update. I’m actually building on Mavericks, but our project is 
still supporting Mountain Lion so it will be good to have it work there.


On Sep 3, 2014, at 11:57 PM, Utkarsh Ayachit 
mailto:utkarsh.ayac...@kitware.com>> wrote:


Hold off on using the superbuild on MountainLion for now. I'll track
the issues down and then let you know.


On Wed, Sep 3, 2014 at 6:23 PM, Utkarsh Ayachit
mailto:utkarsh.ayac...@kitware.com>> wrote:

Let me try this on a Moutain Lion myself and I'll let you know. What
projects  are you turning on in your build?


On Wed, Sep 3, 2014 at 2:40 PM, Reuter, Michael A. 
mailto:reute...@ornl.gov>> wrote:
This gets around the clang argument problem, but the ParaView CMake 
configuration step still fails for an unknown reason.


On Sep 3, 2014, at 10:28 AM, Utkarsh Ayachit 

Cherry-pick this fix for now : http://review.source.kitware.com/#/c/16665/
It'll go into master soon.

Ben, anything this fix is waiting on?


On Wed, Sep 3, 2014 at 9:42 AM, Reuter, Michael A. 
mailto:reute...@ornl.gov><mailto:reute...@ornl.gov>> wrote:

  I’m having trouble getting the git-master version of the Superbuild 
running on OSX (10.9) with clang (5.1). Setting the CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT variable 
causes the following error during CMake ( generation for the ParaView 

-- The C compiler identification is unknown
-- The CXX compiler identification is unknown
-- Check for working C compiler using: Ninja
-- Check for working C compiler using: Ninja -- broken
CMake Error at /Applications/CMake 
The C compiler "/usr/bin/cc" is not able to compile a simple test program.

It fails with the following output:

 Change Dir: 

Run Build Command:/usr/local/bin/ninja cmTryCompileExec4050157075

[1/2] Building C object

FAILED: /usr/bin/cc -fPIC -arch x86_64 -mmacosx-version-min=10.9
-o CMakeFiles/cmTryCompileExec4050157075.dir/testCCompiler.c.o -c

clang: error: unknown argument:

clang: note: this will be a hard error (cannot be downgraded to a warning)
in the future

ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.

Even if I empty the CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT variable, the system still tries to pass 
an empty -sysroot flag to clang causing it to choke. I removed the sysroot flag 
from the top-level CMakeLists.txt, but then the ParaView CMake setup fails for 
a reason I can’t seem to understand. I’m attaching the log showing the CMake 
output. The only obvious thing I see is the Fortran compiler. Is that required?


Dr. Michael Reuter
Scientific Data Analysis Group
Neutron Data Analysis and Visualization Division
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Office: 1-865-241-7216
Fax: 1-865-574-6080
Email: reute...@ornl.gov<mailto:reute...@ornl.gov><mailto:reute...@ornl.gov>

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Re: [Paraview] Superbuild and OSX

2014-09-03 Thread Reuter, Michael A.
This gets around the clang argument problem, but the ParaView CMake 
configuration step still fails for an unknown reason.


On Sep 3, 2014, at 10:28 AM, Utkarsh Ayachit 
mailto:utkarsh.ayac...@kitware.com>> wrote:

Cherry-pick this fix for now : http://review.source.kitware.com/#/c/16665/
It'll go into master soon.

Ben, anything this fix is waiting on?


On Wed, Sep 3, 2014 at 9:42 AM, Reuter, Michael A. 
mailto:reute...@ornl.gov>> wrote:

   I’m having trouble getting the git-master version of the Superbuild 
running on OSX (10.9) with clang (5.1). Setting the CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT variable 
causes the following error during CMake ( generation for the ParaView 

-- The C compiler identification is unknown
-- The CXX compiler identification is unknown
-- Check for working C compiler using: Ninja
-- Check for working C compiler using: Ninja -- broken
CMake Error at /Applications/CMake 
 The C compiler "/usr/bin/cc" is not able to compile a simple test program.

 It fails with the following output:

  Change Dir: 

 Run Build Command:/usr/local/bin/ninja cmTryCompileExec4050157075

 [1/2] Building C object

 FAILED: /usr/bin/cc -fPIC -arch x86_64 -mmacosx-version-min=10.9
 -o CMakeFiles/cmTryCompileExec4050157075.dir/testCCompiler.c.o -c

 clang: error: unknown argument:

 clang: note: this will be a hard error (cannot be downgraded to a warning)
 in the future

 ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.

Even if I empty the CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT variable, the system still tries to pass 
an empty -sysroot flag to clang causing it to choke. I removed the sysroot flag 
from the top-level CMakeLists.txt, but then the ParaView CMake setup fails for 
a reason I can’t seem to understand. I’m attaching the log showing the CMake 
output. The only obvious thing I see is the Fortran compiler. Is that required?


Dr. Michael Reuter
Scientific Data Analysis Group
Neutron Data Analysis and Visualization Division
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Office: 1-865-241-7216
Fax: 1-865-574-6080
Email: reute...@ornl.gov<mailto:reute...@ornl.gov>

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[Paraview] Superbuild and Windows

2014-09-03 Thread Reuter, Michael A.

I'm having an issue with the ParaView Superbuild on Windows 
(VS2012). I get this error during the build process:

 322>  Compiling Python package 'pygments'

 322>  Listing 

 322>  Listing 

 322>  Listing 

 322>  Listing 

 322>  Listing 

 322>  ImportError: No module named site

 9>C:\Program Files 
(x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V110\Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(172,5): error 
MSB6006: "cmd.exe" exited with code 1. 

 322>Build FAILED.

However, the site module exists when I run python. I'm building from a script 
so I can control the environment. Everything else seems to build just fine. 
However, nothing appears in the install directory for cpack to find. I can't 
tell if this build error is disrupting the process or something else is going 
wrong. What controls the pygments build so I can shut it off for now?


Dr. Michael Reuter
Scientific Data Analysis Group
Neutron Data Analysis and Visualization Division
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Office: 1-865-241-7216
Fax: 1-865-574-6080
Email: reute...@ornl.gov<mailto:reute...@ornl.gov>

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[Paraview] Superbuild and OSX

2014-09-03 Thread Reuter, Michael A.

I’m having trouble getting the git-master version of the Superbuild 
running on OSX (10.9) with clang (5.1). Setting the CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT variable 
causes the following error during CMake ( generation for the ParaView 

-- The C compiler identification is unknown
-- The CXX compiler identification is unknown
-- Check for working C compiler using: Ninja
-- Check for working C compiler using: Ninja -- broken
CMake Error at /Applications/CMake 
  The C compiler "/usr/bin/cc" is not able to compile a simple test program.

  It fails with the following output:

   Change Dir: 

  Run Build Command:/usr/local/bin/ninja cmTryCompileExec4050157075

  [1/2] Building C object

  FAILED: /usr/bin/cc -fPIC -arch x86_64 -mmacosx-version-min=10.9
  -o CMakeFiles/cmTryCompileExec4050157075.dir/testCCompiler.c.o -c

  clang: error: unknown argument:

  clang: note: this will be a hard error (cannot be downgraded to a warning)
  in the future

  ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.

Even if I empty the CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT variable, the system still tries to pass 
an empty -sysroot flag to clang causing it to choke. I removed the sysroot flag 
from the top-level CMakeLists.txt, but then the ParaView CMake setup fails for 
a reason I can’t seem to understand. I’m attaching the log showing the CMake 
output. The only obvious thing I see is the Fortran compiler. Is that required?


Dr. Michael Reuter
Scientific Data Analysis Group
Neutron Data Analysis and Visualization Division
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Office: 1-865-241-7216
Fax: 1-865-574-6080
Email: reute...@ornl.gov

{\fonttbl\f0\froman\fcharset0 Times-Roman;}

\f0\fs36 \cf0 \cb1 \CocoaLigature0 -- The C compiler identification is Clang 5.1.0\
-- The CXX compiler identification is Clang 5.1.0\
-- Check for working C compiler using: Ninja\
-- Check for working C compiler using: Ninja -- works\
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info\
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done\
-- Check for working CXX compiler using: Ninja\
-- Check for working CXX compiler using: Ninja -- works\
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info\
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done\
-- Found Git: /usr/local/bin/git (found version "1.8.4") \
-- Determined Source Version : 4.2.0-RC1\
-- Looking for a Fortran compiler\
-- Looking for a Fortran compiler - NOTFOUND\
-- Looking for Q_WS_X11\
-- Looking for Q_WS_X11 - not found\
-- Looking for Q_WS_WIN\
-- Looking for Q_WS_WIN - not found\
-- Looking for Q_WS_QWS\
-- Looking for Q_WS_QWS - not found\
-- Looking for Q_WS_MAC\
-- Looking for Q_WS_MAC - found\
-- Looking for QT_MAC_USE_COCOA\
-- Looking for QT_MAC_USE_COCOA - found\
-- Found Qt4: /usr/local/bin/qmake (found suitable version "4.8.6", minimum required is "4.7.0") \
-- Performing Test Support for 64 bit file systems\
-- Performing Test Support for 64 bit file systems - Success\
-- Check if the system is big endian\
-- Searching 16 bit integer\
-- Looking for sys/types.h\
-- Looking for sys/types.h - found\
-- Looking for stdint.h\
-- Looking for stdint.h - found\
-- Looking for stddef.h\
-- Looking for stddef.h - found\
-- Check size of unsigned short\
-- Check size of unsigned short - done\
-- Using unsigned short\
-- Check if the system is big endian - little endian\
-- Looking for include file pthread.h\
-- Looking for include file pthread.h - found\
-- Looking for pthread_create\
-- Looking for pthread_create - found\
-- Found Threads: TRUE  \
-- Looking for C++ include iostream\
-- Looking for C++ include iostream - found\
-- Check for STD namespace\
-- Check for STD namespace - found\
-- Check for ANSI scope\
-- Check for ANSI scope - found\
-- Check for sstream\
-- Check for sstream - found\
-- Check size of int\
-- Check size of int - done\
-- Check size of long\
-- Check size of long - done\
-- Check size of char\
-- Check size of char - done\
-- Check size of short\
-- Check size of short - done\
-- Check size of float\
-- Check size of float - done\
-- Check size of double\
-- Check size of double - done\

Re: [Paraview] Catalyst question

2014-08-26 Thread Biddiscombe, John A.

Thanks for the info, great news that the live stuff is ongoing. My current test 
uses cxx only, so I didn’t play with the python pipelines and hadn’t noticed 
the live viz option. I will experiment and get back to you.

I saw a bunch of questions recently about doing GPU based stuff inside catalyst 
and it is my aim to get my cuda/piston based renderers working in-situ. I’ll 
let you know how I get on.
If there are commits on branches you think I might want to test, please say.

thanks again


From: Andy Bauer [mailto:andy.ba...@kitware.com]
Sent: 26 August 2014 15:34
To: Biddiscombe, John A.
Cc: paraview@paraview.org
Subject: Re: [Paraview] Catalyst question

Hi John,

This live capability is now available and recently has been cleaned up quite a 
bit. There are still a couple more small changes that are waiting a code review 
process before they go into the master branch. The user's guide needs an update 
for a bunch of new information (live, catalyst editions, zero-copy arrays) 
that's important for Catalyst. We're also doing some preliminary testing with a 
newly developed ADIOS writer for better IO performance as well.
Getting back to the live viz stuff, when you create a Catalyst Python script 
and export it using the wizard you'll have the option to enable live viz (it's 
the same wizard page as the screenshot output specification). Then, while your 
simulation is running use the Catalyst->Connect option to connect. There are 
two tests (pv.CatalystLiveSetBreakpoint and pvcs.CatalystLiveSetBreakpoint) 
that demonstrate the newly implemented live functionality which now includes 
the option to set a breakpoint in the simulation.
If you get a chance to try it out, let me know what you think.


On Tue, Aug 26, 2014 at 3:40 AM, Biddiscombe, John A. 
mailto:biddi...@cscs.ch>> wrote:
Dear Catalyst people

I dragged out an old simulation demo I created some time ago and got it working 
with paraview/catalyst from git master branch - my plan was to test a live 
visualization of the simulation with the paraview GUI connected to the 
simulation. I had thought this capability was now possible, but I have not been 
following development closely and it looks like I was mistaken.

Is it possible to visualize the simulation live - rather than just generate 
images (which works fine). (I had a quick skim through the user manual, but 
didn’t see this feature mentioned).



John Biddiscombe,email:biddisco @.at.@ 
CSCS, Swiss National Supercomputing Centre  | Tel:  +41 (91) 
Via Trevano 131, 6900 Lugano, Switzerland   | Fax:  +41 (91) 

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[Paraview] Catalyst question

2014-08-26 Thread Biddiscombe, John A.
Dear Catalyst people

I dragged out an old simulation demo I created some time ago and got it working 
with paraview/catalyst from git master branch - my plan was to test a live 
visualization of the simulation with the paraview GUI connected to the 
simulation. I had thought this capability was now possible, but I have not been 
following development closely and it looks like I was mistaken.

Is it possible to visualize the simulation live - rather than just generate 
images (which works fine). (I had a quick skim through the user manual, but 
didn't see this feature mentioned).



John Biddiscombe,email:biddisco @.at.@ cscs.ch
CSCS, Swiss National Supercomputing Centre  | Tel:  +41 (91) 610.82.07
Via Trevano 131, 6900 Lugano, Switzerland   | Fax:  +41 (91) 610.82.82

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Re: [Paraview] Building Piston

2014-07-18 Thread Biddiscombe, John A.
Is a fork I made of piston some time back where I fixed some thrust related 
problems I had – mostly using piston with newer versions of cuda and newer 
thrust versions than it was originally intended for.

Warning : I made a lot of changes to data types for the vtk-piston rendering as 
my needs were not covered by the piston from lanl. This may mean you can’t use 
it for whatever you wanted. It might be useful for compilation fixes etc.


From: Praveen Narayanan mailto:prave...@nvidia.com>>
Date: Tuesday 15 July 2014 00:34
To: "paraview@paraview.org<mailto:paraview@paraview.org>" 
Subject: [Paraview] Building Piston


I have been trying to build piston from the paraview source (on website), and 
standalone piston from the lanl website.

I run into this error:

[ 32%] Built target vtkRenderingCore
[ 32%] Built target vtkParseOGLExt
[ 32%] Built target vtkEncodeString
[ 32%] Built target vtkEncodeString-launcher
[ 32%] Built target vtkRenderingOpenGL
[ 32%] Building NVCC (Device) object 
nvcc warning : The 'compute_10' and 'sm_10' architectures are deprecated, and 
may be removed in a future release.
nvcc warning : The 'compute_10' and 'sm_10' architectures are deprecated, and 
may be removed in a future release.
 error: invalid redeclaration of type name "float3"
/usr/local/cuda/include/vector_types.h(394): here

 error: invalid redeclaration of type name "float4"
/usr/local/cuda/include/vector_types.h(395): here

 error: invalid redeclaration of type name "uint3"
/usr/local/cuda/include/vector_types.h(381): here

 error: cannot overload functions distinguished by return type alone

 error: cannot overload functions distinguished by return type alone


Several such errors appear. Float2, float3 etc are cuda specific things, so I 
am not sure what is happening here.


Applied Engineer


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[Paraview] pvti point data without sharing‏

2014-07-16 Thread Amir A

(The previous message got scrambled ...)

Hi Guys:

I am trying to use VTK pvti format to write distributed data and then visualize 
it in paraview. 
Chunks of data are distributed among processes and there is no ghost element 
shared (as my algorithm does not need it). 
Now the problem is that the point data format in VTK seems to need overlapping 
data (?). 
This is problematic since the processes do not share any data. 
I tried with cell data type and that one worked without the need for this 

Am I missing sth with the point data or is it supposed to be like this?

So for example assume I have 2 processes each having two 5x5 slabs (4 slabs in 
The obvious way that I supposed would work is as follows: 





                    0 0 0 0 0
                    0 0 0 0 0
                    0 0 0 0 0
                    0 0 0 0 0
                    0 0 0 0 0
                    1 1 1 1 1
                    1 1 1 1 1
                    1 1 1 1 1
                    1 1 1 1 1
                    1 1 1 1 1



                    2 2 2 2 2
                    2 2 2 2 2
                    2 2 2 2 2
                    2 2 2 2 2
                    2 2 2 2 2
                    3 3 3 3 3
                    3 3 3 3 3
                    3 3 3 3 3
                    3 3 3 3 3
                    3 3 3 3 3


But this does not work. Paraview loads it but then does not show anything. 
It would only work if I share one of the slabs, that is share the 111... slab 
or the 222... slab. 

Any help is appreciated. 

You can download the files at:


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[Paraview] pvti point data without sharing

2014-07-15 Thread Amir A
Hi Guys:
I am trying to use VTK pvti format to write distributed data and then visualize 
it in paraview.Chunks of data are distributed among processes and there is no 
ghost element shared (as my algorithm does not need it). Now the problem is 
that the point data format in VTK seems to need overlapping data (?).This is 
problematic since the processes do not share any data.I tried with cell data 
type and that one worked without the need for this sharing.Am I missing sth 
with the point data or is it supposed to be like this?
So for example assume I have 2 processes each having two 5x5 slabs (4 slabs in 
total).The obvious way that I supposed would work is as follows:

test_0.vti:{0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0   
 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 
01 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 

test_1.vti:{2 2 2 2 22 2 2 2 2   
 2 2 2 2 22 2 2 2 22 2 2 2 
23 3 3 3 33 3 3 3 3
3 3 3 3 33 3 3 3 33 3 3 3 3 

But this does not work. Paraview loads it but then does not show anything.It 
would only work if I share one of the slabs.
Any help is appreciated.
Regards,-Amir ___
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Re: [Paraview] Resampling to a uniform grid

2014-07-11 Thread Biddiscombe, John A.
I do this by using the pv-zoltan plugin mesh redistribution filter, which 
distributes meshes in parallel, adds ghost cells as needed and also (and 
importantly here) bounding box information to the extent translator 
(vtkBoundsExtentTranslator). Then in the pv-meshless plugin I have a resampling 
grid generator which takes the bounding box info and a resolution and generates 
grids in parallel - one for each process - using the bounds. The SPH resample 
filter then takes these inputs and does a resampling using an SPH kernel - this 
is probably more than the OP wants, but in principle it would be easy to switch 
out the SPH resampler and just use a standard probe filter to get a parallel 
resample which scales well.

Unfortunately, I'm on vacation and the code is not documented well and may not 
work currently as I have not been using It much recently.


From: ParaView [mailto:paraview-boun...@paraview.org] On Behalf Of Moreland, 
Sent: 10 July 2014 18:49
To: Andy Bauer
Cc: paraview@paraview.org
Subject: Re: [Paraview] Resampling to a uniform grid

I stand corrected then.

From: Andy Bauer mailto:andy.ba...@kitware.com>>
Date: Thursday, July 10, 2014 10:43 AM
To: Kenneth Moreland mailto:kmo...@sandia.gov>>
Cc: David E DeMarle 
mailto:dave.dema...@kitware.com>>, "Kares, Robert J. 
(LANL)" mailto:r...@lanl.gov>>, 
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [Paraview] Resampling to a uniform grid

The resample to data set filter does work in parallel but the result will only 
be on process 0. Each process sends its values to process 0 so this is not an 
algorithm that will scale well.


On Thu, Jul 10, 2014 at 11:31 AM, Moreland, Kenneth 
mailto:kmo...@sandia.gov>> wrote:
Note that this will only work when running in serial. I'm sure that in parallel 
this will not sample correctly. That would require communication to resolve 
uneven distributions in the unstructured grid. I don't think anyone has written 
something like that yet.


From: David E DeMarle 
Date: Thursday, July 10, 2014 7:17 AM
To: "Kares, Robert J. (LANL)" mailto:r...@lanl.gov>>
Cc: "paraview@paraview.org<mailto:paraview@paraview.org>" 
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [Paraview] Resampling to a uniform grid

You could start with Sources->Wavelet and reposition it as needed, but I'ld use 
a python programmable source. Attached is a state file to demonstrate.

David E DeMarle
Kitware, Inc.
R&D Engineer
21 Corporate Drive
Clifton Park, NY 12065-8662
Phone: 518-881-4909

On Wed, Jul 9, 2014 at 6:06 PM, Kares, Robert J 
mailto:r...@lanl.gov>> wrote:

I would like to resample a scalar field defined on an unstructured
grid in 3D onto a uniform rectangular 3D grid with specified logical and
physical dimensions.

It seems from the ParaView filters documentation that this can
somehow be done using the Resample With Dataset filter. It appears
to me that the procedure involves generating a uniform rectangular
grid in some fashion and then feeding it to the Resample With Dataset
filter along with the unstructured grid containing the scalar to be

However, I am confused about just how to make the rectangular grid of
specified size in the first place and about how to use it with the Resample 
With Dataset

Could someone explain to me how to do this ?



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