Re: Help with Totle recorder?

2011-02-25 Thread Colin r . Howard

Please don't forget folks, there is a group on Google devoted specifically
to total Recorder, ask your questions there for maybe the knowledge is
present as not all members of the group are on this one.

It is a closed list, so to join, write privately to:

From Colin Howard, who lives in Fareham on 
the coast of Central Southern England.

One of these days I may even get onto Facebook, 
twitter or skype, so you can't escape from me forever!!

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Latest GoldWave Jaws Scripts.

2011-01-17 Thread Colin r . Howard

Jim Grimsbey Jr. has posted these on:

Certainly makes GoldWave v5.58 very much more user-friendly.

From Colin Howard, who lives near Southampton in 
Southern England.

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Re: GoldWave and the clipboard.

2011-01-13 Thread Colin r . Howard

I know, what I was contending is though I had copied the content I wanted to
paste at the end, I received the **previous** content and not what I
expected.  I actually wanted to paste at finish marker hence ctrl-f.

From Colin Howard, who lives near Southampton in 
Southern England.

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GoldWave and the clipboard.

2011-01-12 Thread Colin r . Howard

Using GoldWave v5.58, having been working for quite a long time with several
files, many opens, closes, pastings, copyings and the like.  I went to place
sound at the end of a file by ctrl-f having saved the original from another
file by ctrl-c, discovered I did not get the sound I expected, but the sound
I had **previously** processed in a similar way.  I tried this several times
with the same result so in the end, closed all and reopened and, yet again,
the same problem.  In the end, I opened the file from which I wished to
copy, copied the sound to a new file, opened the file onto the end of which
I wished to place the sound, cut it's content onto the clipboard then by
using ctrl-v thus putting the longer file infront of the shorter, achieved
my objective.

Any ideas why this happened?  Was my system groaning with too much copying
and pasting and cutting and so on?  In my can't remember where, I've my
GoldWave settings at up to 20 undos, might this be my problem?  

From Colin Howard, who lives near Southampton in 
Southern England.

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total Recorder list.

2010-12-22 Thread Colin r . Howard

Chris Halsworth wrote on 7 December advising of a planned new list for total
Recorder, I have now set this up on GoogleGroups.

The list is closed, meaning subscription is by invitation only.

So, if you wish to join, please write to me at:

I look forward to meeting with you there, especially if you are an
experienced T.R user.

There is now an update, which is Total Recorder 8.2 (build 4200).

From Colin Howard, who lives near Southampton in 
Southern England and though down here, Christmas after
all this year is likely to be green rathr than white, 
his favourite news reader on radio 4, Charlotte Green, 
is off due to a problem with her hip.  Colin misses 
her lovely green, giggly voice.

Meanwhile, Colin hopes all will have an enjoyable 
Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year.  

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Re: Please can anybody advise me?

2010-12-16 Thread Colin r . Howard

On the GoldWave4TheBlind list, Steve Nutt suggested I use Levelator, I have
this but having played with auto gain, volume maximization and the like,
could not having tried it on about a minute's worth of music into speech
into music, could not resolve a decent sound.

Have a listen to the files, they're not very big, then come back with some
comments maybe.

From Colin Howard, who lives near Southampton in 
Southern England and though down here, Christmas may be 
Green in terms of a respite from the cold weather, 
won't be Green because his favourite news reader 
Charlotte Green, who reads the news on Radio 4 is 
likely to be missing into the New Year, because she 
has a problem which may result in her needing 
attention to her hip.  Colin is really missing his 
Green voice and hopes we shall have her back soon.  
Meanwhile, Colin hopes all will have an enjoyable 
Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year.  

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Re: Please can anybody advise me?

2010-12-16 Thread Colin r . Howard

I have now tried Levelator on the rock'n'roll program and it comes up with
an error saying cannot open the file.

Nothing else shows why.

From Colin Howard, who lives near Southampton in 
Southern England and though down here, Christmas may be 
Green in terms of a respite from the cold weather, 
won't be Green because his favourite news reader 
Charlotte Green, who reads the news on Radio 4 is 
likely to be missing into the New Year, because she 
has a problem which may result in her needing 
attention to her hip.  Colin is really missing his 
Green voice and hopes we shall have her back soon.  
Meanwhile, Colin hopes all will have an enjoyable 
Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year.  

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Re: Please can anybody advise me?

2010-12-16 Thread Colin r . Howard

I have received a post advising Levelator only works on .wav files, so will
convert to .wav and give it a go.

From Colin Howard, who lives near Southampton in 
Southern England and though down here, Christmas may be 
Green in terms of a respite from the cold weather, 
won't be Green because his favourite news reader 
Charlotte Green, who reads the news on Radio 4 is 
likely to be missing into the New Year, because she 
has a problem which may result in her needing 
attention to her hip.  Colin is really missing his 
Green voice and hopes we shall have her back soon.  
Meanwhile, Colin hopes all will have an enjoyable 
Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year.  

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Re: Please can anybody advise me?

2010-12-16 Thread Colin r . Howard

I have now used the Levelator program, having first tried with an .mp3 file
and discovering from another group it needs .wav, the result is acceptable,
at least the speech volume is much better without boosting the background
noise too  much.

From Colin Howard, who lives near Southampton in 
Southern England and though down here, Christmas may be 
Green in terms of a respite from the cold weather, 
won't be Green because his favourite news reader 
Charlotte Green, who reads the news on Radio 4 is 
likely to be missing into the New Year, because she 
has a problem which may result in her needing 
attention to her hip.  Colin is really missing his 
Green voice and hopes we shall have her back soon.  
Meanwhile, Colin hopes all will have an enjoyable 
Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year.  

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Please can anybody advise me?

2010-12-15 Thread Colin r . Howard

In the UK, we have community radio stations and in my area, there is one
called Angel radio, based on the Isle of wight just off the south coast.
The station plays music directed towards whom they term the more mature
listener, basically, very little released beyond the date of 1960, regarding
listeners of fifty or more as mature.

One of the programs is a rock'n'roll show, on at mid day our time
Wednesdays, it is run by whom my friend and I term the two old codgers!  

I am sending a link to this week's program and for comparrison, a different
program which preceded it.  I used total Recorder v8.1 so far as I know
latest build to record it with record level set to 67 in .wav format,
24,000hertz mono, this works on most occasions.   I started the recording
just before the first program about Berl Ives and left it running until the
rock'n'roll program had ended, no changes at any time.  

What I then did was separated the file into the programs using GoldWave
v5.58 so far as I know, latest build.  I converted it into .mp3 24,000hertz

So, taking all these facts into consideration, can anybody please advise how
I can sort out the levels in the rock'n'roll program?  I culd do nothing
about the music, it was recorded as broadcast, often being way over in the
rock'n'roll program, but the voices are mostly well down.  In the Berl Ives
program, though it may have been slightly over, in general, it was much more
consistent.  Other live programs from the station are even when two
presenters are on air, far better than this rock'n'roll program.

You have successfully uploaded a file called Angel Radio Isle of Wight
Rock'n'Roll 2010 12 15.mp3 (53.9 MB), to sendspace.
You can use the following link to retrieve your file:

You have successfully uploaded a file called Angel Radio Isle of Wight 2010
12 15 A Star is Remembered - Berl Ives.mp3 (27.3 MB), to sendspace.
You can use the following link to retrieve your file:

From Colin Howard, who lives near Southampton in 
Southern England and though down here, Christmas may be 
Green in terms of a respite from the cold weather, 
won't be Green because his favourite news reader 
Charlotte Green, who reads the news on Radio 4 is 
likely to be missing into the New Year, because she 
has a problem which may result in her needing 
attention to her hip.  Colin is really missing his 
Green voice and hopes we shall have her back soon.  
Meanwhile, Colin hopes all will have an enjoyable 
Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year.  

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Re: Total Recorder and Keyboard Commands

2010-11-17 Thread Colin r . Howard

Thanks for the tip.

Is there any way of saving a keyboard as with goldWave?  I'll have a look
through sometime soon.

From Colin Howard, for whom a small place near Southampton in 
Southern England, has the doubtful honour of providing a home.

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Re: Help with Goldwave scripts, please

2010-09-20 Thread Colin r . Howard

Far as I know the version for GW V5.57 work with v5.58 but as yet, am still
using v5.56.

I understand the scripts are available from the BlindCoolTech site.

It would be useful to know which operating system you have, since I
exclusively use Windows XP Home, for which I paste in the following from a
post I sent elsewhere a few days ago.

How to use these scripts.


1. Open the folder into which you have unzipped the scripts.

2.  Now do escape with control, p for programs, j for jaws, right arrow into
the submenu and go down to the explore Jaws and right arrow into it's

3. Go down to the explore my settings and enter.

4. alt-tab into the folder into which you unzipped the GoldWave files and
move them into the folder you opened under the explore my settings.

5. Close all these down.

6. Go into configuration manager which I assume you know how to do, you
should be looking at the my settings folder when it asks you to open a file,
you are looking for a file called goldwave.JSS so open it and compile as
with any other file.

7. Close all saving the changes when closing the configuration manager or
whatever it is which compiles scripts.

8. Open GoldWave and do Jaws key with Q which should announce GoldWave
settings 5 are loaded application being used is Gwave.exe g w a v e . e x e
job completed.

Of course, you could move the .zip file into the appropriate folder and
decompress it there, saves moving then.

From Colin Howard, who lives in a small place about 8 miles east of 
Southampton in Southern England.

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Re: Strange Windows Media Thing

2010-09-09 Thread Colin r . Howard

I have come to this thread which started in May 2010 and note people have
not included a couple of obvious facts.

I've had the problem of a media stream continuing, after I've closed the
player, so nowadays, when I wish to stop a stream, I do ctrl-s then close
the player - works **every** time with WMP11.

The other factor is, when over the listen link, whatever format it is, why
not go into your applications menu to save target as and look to see the
format in which the target is saved.  If the extension is .ram, you know
it's real player, if .asx media, .m3u .pls WinAmp.  If it is an .htm
extension, it is likely to be a proprietory player used by the station.  

Just a few thoughts.

Colin Howard has sent you this from a small place about 8 miles east of 
Southampton in Southern England.

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GoldWave version 5.58 is just out.

2010-08-30 Thread Colin r . Howard

On starting GoldWave about ten minutes ago, I was informed v5.58 is now out.
All I've achieved to date is to download the file I did not check the blurb
which came up when the update advice came up.

Colin Howard has sent you this from a small place about 8 miles east of 
Southampton in Southern England.

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Re: I need help with the newest goldwave and a new lame incoder.

2010-08-21 Thread Colin r . Howard

My registration of 4.26 has been carried forward no problem.

I am wondering what the purpose of the one year licence is?  To me, it's
obvious to go for the current lifetime licence, or at least so long as it

Colin Howard has sent you this from a small place about 8 miles east of 
Southampton in Southern England.

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Re: audio queueing was Re: Noise Reduction in Goldwave, I'm probably stating the very obvious

2010-08-21 Thread Colin r . Howard

I am copying this to friends not on the list (for their own information and
possible comment).

In my humble opinion, none of you have it right.

firstly, the j, k, l functions were introduced in GW v5.25 it may have been
in v5.22 but I jumped from v5.12 to v5.25 so am unsure. I've checked with a
friend but they are unable to confirm if it was v5.22 or v5.23 both of which
they used, but certainly before v5.25.

Secondly, you are all skating round the markers problem.

You can hear the sound when moving your markers if you do the following
(Note I am using v5.56 here so it may not be exactly the same in v5.57 but I
doubt it will be much different).

1. Press f11, you are now in the play tab within control properties.

2. tab to the item **after** the two winds, you will see by default this is
set to 0.0.

3. If you set a value infront of the decimal point, as you move your
start/end markers, you will hear however many seconds' worth of the sound
you wish.  If you place a value after the decimal point, you will hear the
decimal part of a second whenever you move the start/end markers.

I have mine set to 0.150, which means whenever I move my start/end markers,
I hear 15 hundredths of a second.

I played with values and find this to be about right.  remember you hear it
**whenever** you move either start or end marker, I do not know if it has
effects anywhere else in the program. I reckon putting anything infront of
the decimal point leads to confusion (but then, I am **very** easily

Note also, when making very fine adjustments, you will hear rather more than
you actually delete or whatever, meaning in my case with 0.150, moving my
start marker, I hear start marker to 15 hundredths of a second, moving my
end marker, I hear 15 hundredths of a second up to my end marker.  If you
are, therefore, deleting, say a lip smack or a mouthy slurp, you will need
to set your zoom level very very closely so as not to pick up surrounding
sounds or remove ambience.

this, I find, is often a fault with so-called professionals, they seem to
forget how artificial removing breaths and/or ambient sounds such as room
echo, make the results seem so unnatural.

I've really only been aware of such things, since using digital editting;  I
started to notice them when editting on minidisk which I could do very
precisely but nowhere so close as with digital editting programs.

Well, I reckon I have waffled long enough for now so cheers.

Colin Howard has sent you this from a small place about 8 miles east of 
Southampton in Southern England.

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Mad mad world!!

2010-08-12 Thread Colin r . Howard
From: David Pardy
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 2010 12:53:44 +0100

how about this for crazy litigation!

Rupert Murdoch claims to own the “Sky” in “Skype”
Posted by George Eaton - 11 August 2010 09:38

The most absurd legal case of the year? 

Rupert Murdoch. Photograph: Getty Images.
I have to confess that when I first heard the news that Rupert Murdoch's
BSkyB had launched a legal challenge to Skype I thought April Fool's Day had
come early, not least because the basis of the lawsuit is that the company
claims to own the Sky in Skype.

But it transpired that the case was genuine, and that BSkyB has been
ensconced in a legal battle with Skype for the past five years. The news
emerged only after a brief reference to the legal action in the 250-page
document announcing Skype's Wall Street flotation.

A spokesman for Sky said: The key contention in the dispute is that the
brands 'Sky' and 'Skype' will be considered confusingly similar by members
of the public.

To which I can only reply that I have never linked the two and can't think
of anyone who has. But it seems that the EU has upheld Sky's complaint and,
should Skype lose its forthcoming appeal, the company may be forced to
change its name.

One wonders if others who have had the temerity to use the word sky in
their work will now fall foul of the Dirty Digger. The Media Blog names some
of those who may need to watch their back here.

UPDATE: BSkyB has been in touch to point out that the dispute concerns
several trademark applications filed by Skype, including, but not limited
to, television-related goods and services. It's fair to say that were
Skype's name to appear on a set-top box, Sky would have a better case. But
I'm sure most people could make the distinction.

Sky may claim its customer research suggests members of the public would be
confused by the similarity, but the key question is this: did any of the
people surveyed consider Sky and Skype similar before they were asked?

This email has been sent to you by Colin Howard, who lives in a small place 
about 8 miles east of Southampton in Southern England.

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Re: Hi all another Total Recorder podcast

2010-08-12 Thread Colin r . Howard

where can I obtain these podcasts please?

How many are there?

I copy in the about window which tells you all you  need to know of my

About Total Recorder
Total Recorder 8.1 (build 3980) 
Professional Edition
Copyright © High Criteria Inc., 1998 - 2010
Registered to: Colin Howard
To get other great products from High Criteria, Inc. visit

This email has been sent to you by Colin Howard, who lives in a small place 
about 8 miles east of Southampton in Southern England.

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Re: Offer: Total Recorder Podcast

2010-08-12 Thread Colin r . Howard

I am downloading from:

the link you sent to the list on Sunday 8 August.

Presume this is No.1 of however many you do?

This email has been sent to you by Colin Howard, who lives in a small place 
about 8 miles east of Southampton in Southern England.

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(f) App for Mobile phone game

2010-07-31 Thread Colin r . Howard
On Sat, 31 Jul 2010 08:30:09 +0100, amongst other things, David Pardy wrote:

This was featured in the BBC Webscape  seems to need no visual interaction,
so may suitable for VIPs. - Dave

Something a bit different now - an iPhone game you can play with your eyes
closed. Papa Sangre is an audio adventure where you have to move around a
virtual environment, reacting and interacting with what you hear. 

It is a pretty spooky game and you have to concentrate on the ambient sounds
if you do not want to come a cropper. 

The monsters lurking in the darkness often react to the sounds you make - it
is surprisingly absorbing when you do not have any visual stimuli to
distract you. 

The game, due for release in September, is not free, but it is definitely
worth the small price for download if you want to experience this totally
new type of game. Versions for the iPad and Android handsets will be
released next year. 

This email has been sent to you by Colin Howard, who lives in a small place 
about 8 miles east of Southampton in Southern England.

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GoldWave v5.57 and Jaws scripts.

2010-07-17 Thread Colin r . Howard

From: Jim Grimsby JR.
Date: Sat, 17 Jul 2010 07:07:04 -0700

yep been there done that and you can get it from

I will give it a try on my laptop and if happy, abandon v5.56.

From Colin Howard, who lives in a small place near Southampton in Southern 
England and is always very pleased, when Radio 4 goes Green because his 
favourite news reader, Charlotte Green, is reading the news.

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Re: recording audio streams from the internet

2010-07-15 Thread Colin r . Howard

Kevin, I use totalRecorder v8.1Pro, it is very easy to use and works fairly
well with Jaws but far as I know there are no scripts but gather some while
ago somebody did produce scripts for a much earlier version never tried them
as they cost! not sure which version they were for.

As you are in the UK, drop me a private message and I can help you set it

audacity is another way, open-source, supposedly gree, some people like it
but I've never managed to use it easily whereas totalRecorder, though not
free, is very much more easy to use.

totalRecorder can be used for line / microphone / capturing streams even
when your sound card is being used by Jaws, depends how you set it up, but I
can explain more privately with you, if you drop me a line, I will send you
my phone number, I have free landline calls all day every day to 01, 02 and
03 numbers, as I am with TalkTalk and am using what I believe they call

From Colin Howard, who lives in a small place near Southampton in Southern 
England and is always very pleased, when Radio 4 goes Green because his 
favourite news reader, Charlotte Green, is reading the news.

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GoldWave v5.57 and Jaws scripts.

2010-07-14 Thread Colin r . Howard

I am surprised not to have received any feedback from PC Audio or Blind
audio, so am sending also to othere groups in hopes of receiving some

Does anybody know if the scripts are being amended to take account of the
new features in GW V5.57?

If so, please can somebody advise where I can obtain them?

I tried v5.57 and because things are somewhat different, I unloaded and
reinstalled v5.56 but would like to use the new version because of it's
added functionality such as in the voice-over feature.


From Colin Howard, who lives in a small place near Southampton in Southern 
England and is always very pleased, when Radio 4 goes Green because his 
favourite news reader, Charlotte Green, is reading the news.

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GoldWave v5.57 and Jaws scripts.

2010-07-13 Thread Colin r . Howard

Does anybody know if the scripts are being amended to take account of the
new features in GW V5.57?

If so, please can somebody advise where I can obtain them?

I tried v5.57 and because things are somewhat different, I unloaded and
reinstalled v5.56 but would like to use the new version because of it's
added functionality such as in the voice-over feature.


From Colin Howard, who lives in a small place near Southampton in Southern 
England and can't decide what else his signature should contain at present to 
stop it being so boring.

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Please can anybody help me with this website.

2010-07-01 Thread Colin r . Howard

I.E 8, on laptop Jaws 10 desktop Jaws 11, both WindowsXP Home with all
latest updates.

The site with which I am having problems is:

This is what comes up when I enter on the source under the view menu then
item toolbars.

list of 19 items
1. !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN 
2. html 
3. head 
4. meta http-equiv=content-type content=text/html;charset=iso-8859-1 
5. titleWelcome to the online home of Angel Radio/title 
6. meta name=keywords content=Nostalgia vintage music 1900-1959 78 rpm
shellac records. Community radio older and elderly information 
7. fund raising social issues and events 
8. meta name=description content=Nostalgic vintage music 1900 - 1959 UK
Radio Station, and reminisicence information for older people. 
9. /head 
10. frameset rows=100%,* border=0 frameborder=no framespacing=0 
11. frame name=site src=; marginwidth=0
marginheight=0 noresize scrolling=auto 
12. noframes 
13. body bgcolor=#ff 
14. p/p 
15. /body 
16. /noframes 
17. /frameset 
18. /html 
list end

Please, what can be changed and where and how, t make this site accessible?
Can windowEyes or system Access or Hal make any more sense?


From Colin Howard, who lives in a small place near Southampton and after a few 
days, likes to change his signature as he thinks it gets boring!

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Re: Please can anybody help me with this website.

2010-07-01 Thread Colin r . Howard

I have a what appears to be useful response on the AccessUK list, which I
will paste in here.

From: Jonathan
Date: Thu, 1 Jul 2010 11:04:49 +0100

Wow - that site really is! 2Mb just to load the
front page, and accessibility tool reports
visually impaired users will find it impossible to use some pages

OK, to answer Colin's question about the IOW stations, I'm managed to
dig out the following links:


Windows media:

The one called Listen - Itunes is wrongly labelled, it's a pls playlist:

** Note from Colin, probably work in winAmp **

I feel they'd probably help themselves if they cut down the
advertising links too! Makes the actual radio rather hard to find!

The other problem is that it's just built from what's called a
Moonfruit template - a flash template where someone just fills in
the details.

Which makes it great for the people building it - no cost, no web
design skill needed.

For the end user, however, sometimes not so good.

From Colin Howard, who lives in a small place near Southampton and after a few 
days, likes to change his signature as he thinks it gets boring!

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Re: Please can anybody help me with this website.

2010-07-01 Thread Colin r . Howard

I have been able through the links supplied in a post from the AccessUK list
and which I passed on here, to set up hooks to the station.

I was asked did I want to download and save, so I downloaded the media file,
it worked first time.  I went into the real link, it launched real player
but I decided to create a file with a .ram extension containing the link, it
worked fine.  I then launched from the .pls link, WinAmp V.5.72 launched,
from the link I tried making a file with a .pls extension, WinAmp didn't
want to know but changing to .m3u cured the problem and now all three launch

I now have them in my c:\windows folder, with shortcuts in a subfolder on my
desktop, I've named Radio Stations on the Internet, now, to transport all
this via my wireless network to my upstairs machine.

From Colin Howard, who lives in a small place near Southampton and after a few 
days, likes to change his signature as he thinks it gets boring!

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Re: Total Recorder Pro 8.1 released

2010-06-29 Thread Colin r . Howard

In Jaws v10, jaws key, control v reads version but does **not** read the
whole string, which includes the build, found in the About under help.

Sex is like typing - It takes experience to do it 
while looking at the screen!

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Re: pacemaker pluggin

2010-06-29 Thread Colin r . Howard

So do the later versions of totalRecorder, it can slow down to about 75% and
speed up to about 160%, no pitch change and quality is ok, certainly
comparable with the GoldWave time warp similarity function with setting of
around 120% and 20 and 5.00 in the search settings.

Radioactive halibut will make fission chips.

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Re: Sending Attachments To The List

2010-06-29 Thread Colin r . Howard

SendSpace does have a dropbox facility but I've not investigated it.

Sendspace for a max account allows files to remain forever if you wish, or
you can set limits for just about everything.

Sendspace gives you 100gb for a max account and a maximum of 300mb per file
and a maximum of 8gb per day download.  

I cannot remember the other settings but know the premium account allows
files of up to 10gb to be uploaded / downloaded and there are several other
account types too.

There are also different download / upload speeds, the fastest is I believe
10megs per second down and 5megs per second up, dependent, of course, on
your own system.

I have a max account and am very pleased with the service.

From Colin Howard, who lives in a small place near Southampton and after a few 
days, likes to change his signature as he thinks it gets boring!

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Re: GoldWave Version 5.57 is now Available

2010-06-28 Thread Colin r . Howard

The scripts for GW v5.57 sort of work but behave very oddly in a few ways.
I wonder why it is f4 now accesses the third play not the first as it used
to.  By default, I note the first play is set to all, the second to
selection (which i would expect) and the third to cursor to end.  I read the
help on these play settings and it says the third one is intended to play
the non-selected item, so strange it did nothing when I opened a file, the
start and finish markers being at the start and end of the file as I would
expect, but f4 when I set the third play for selection, nothing!  I would
have thought because the start and end markers are at start and end of file,
I ought to have had the file play from start to end.  

I will write to Jim and see if he is likely soon to update the scripts.

I've not looked at the other settings as yet.

Okay, I pulled the pin. Now what? Where are you going?

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2010-04-02 Thread Colin r . Howard

Please, anybody, can you advise me where I can obtain Jaws scripts for
Windows Media Player of any version?  Currently, far as I know, have latest
updates and v.11.  Upstairs machine has Jaws 11 and downstairs laptop Jaws

Please anybody, tell me where I can obtain these as I'm finding the buttons


From Colin Howard who  lives near Southampton in 
Southern England.

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Re: looking for a good stereo microphone to conduct podcast interviews

2010-03-10 Thread Colin r . Howard

Please can you give me the link to caretec and if possible the model of
charger about which you wrote? I will try Google as well for the caretec


From Colin Howard who  lives near Southampton in 
Southern England.

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Re: Files at the same volume

2010-03-10 Thread Colin r . Howard

I have looked in my archives and found the following.  I paste it in as is
with **no** guarantees, I have downloaded the program and my system since
then has been modified to a Kompak laptop and a desktop (model unknown as
was built for me) on both machines WindowsXP Home, goldWave v5.55 (latest
far as I know) and on this Kompak laptop Jaws10 on the desktop Jaws11.

With this information, take from the text below, what is of interest to you,
but please do **not** come back to me asking for more, what follows is all I

Here is what comes up when I do alt with enter for file properties.

LevelatorSetup.exe Properties
General Version Compatibility Summary
Type of file: Application
Description: Levelator Setup 
Location: K:\archives\sound card, editing  and recording\Pro
Size: 6.89 MB (7,225,921 bytes)
Size on disk: 6.89 MB (7,229,440 bytes)
Created: 16 March 2008, 00:34:38
Modified: 24 October 2007, 15:19:46
Accessed: 11 March 2010, 01:12:26
Attributes: Read-only Hidden Advanced...
OK Cancel Apply 

Subject: Re: LevelLater.
From: Darrell Shandrow
Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2007 07:59:37 -0700

Hello Colin,

The Levelator is a utility that makes the volume of audio within a Wave file
constant.  Levelator is very good in situations such as conference 
presentations or interviews where there are different people speaking at 
varying levels.  The Levelator can ensure that all speakers are audible at 
approximately the same volume.

The authors of the Levelator describe the tool as follows:

One of our tools for audio engineers, The Levelator is free software that 
adjusts the levels within your program for variations from one speaker to 
the next. It's not a compressor, normalizer or limiter although it contains 
all three. It's much more than those tools, and it's much simpler to use.

The people who wrote the Levelator did so explicitly for the purpose of 
quickly improving the audio quality of the IT Conversations 
( and other podcasts they produce consisting 
largely of recorded conference presentations.

Visit to learn more about 
Levelator, but do not download the program directly from The Conversations 
Network at this time.  The currently available public release is not 
accessible for most blind screen reader users, as it requires use of 
drag-and-drop in order to locate and process Wave files.  Instead, The 
Conversations Network has agreed to make the software more accessible.  You 
may visit to download a 
private beta of the software.  This is available with the usual 
play-at-your-own-risk caveats associated with pre-release code.

The accessible version of the Levelator provides right click functionality 
as an alternative to drag-and-drop.  Follow these steps to Levelate a Wave 
1.  Use My Computer or Windows Explorer to locate a Wave file.
2.  Press the Right Windows (Application or Context) key or Shift+F10 to 
right click the file.
3.  Down arrow to Send To and press enter.
4.  Down arrow to CN Levelator and press enter to start the process.
5.  Press enter on the OK button.  Don't worry about the version related 
error dialogue.
6.  You can see a percentage of processing using your screen reader's review
7.  Results are found in the same directory as a file with the same name as 
the original followed by .output.wav.

Enjoy.  Please send me an e-mail to with your 
constructive feedback so that the final product and future versions can be 
made even better.

Please visit and sign the petition asking Yahoo! 
to make their CAPTCHA accessible!
Darrell Shandrow - Accessibility Evangelist
Information should be accessible to us without need of translation by 
another person.
Blind Access Journal blog and podcast:
Check out high quality telecommunications services at
- Original Message - 
From: Colin Howard
Sent: Friday, October 26, 2007 6:50 AM
Subject: LevelLater.


I am listening to the live segment from Wednesday, I am the friend to whom
Dave from England referred when talking about the magazine we produce
together for The Association of Visually-Impaired Office Staff, Dave could
not quite remember which version of GoldWave I use.

My system is an Evesham laptop running WindowsME and Jaws v5.10, the version
of GoldWave I have is 5.12.

I am interested to know when will the version of LevellLater be available
and from where, which uses the new access as I'm not over keen on messing
about with clicks, I just like simple enters and so on.  Where will it be
available from?

Thanks for a very great program.

Colin Howard - Nr. Southampton, 

Re: keys don't work in goldwav

2010-03-09 Thread Colin r . Howard

What access software do you use?  If Jaws, ensure you have the latest Jim
Grimsbey scripts if WindowEyes, I assume there is a setfile so ensure you
have the latest.  Otherwise, no idea about access.

Is it **all** cursor movement keys are not working?  Please explain further
exactly what the problem is as the checking of scrollock ought to cure the
problem, it did for me.

Why not write to Chris, sure he will help as he helped me.

From Colin Howard who  lives near Southampton in 
Southern England.

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Re: In Goldwave I can't read where my cursor is in Window-eyes

2010-03-09 Thread Colin r . Howard

do you use ctrl-g to try and read current cursor position?  

From Colin Howard who  lives near Southampton in 
Southern England.

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Re: looking for a good stereo microphone to conduct podcast interviews

2010-03-09 Thread Colin r . Howard

I forgot to say the mic is about five inches long and easily held  in the
hand, it comes with the usual 3.5mm plugged into the usual 6.4mm adaptor so
can be used in either format.  Cost in the UK about £70, sorry, don't know
what it is in dollars.

From Colin Howard who  lives near Southampton in 
Southern England.

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Re: looking for a good stereo microphone to conduct podcast interviews

2010-03-09 Thread Colin r . Howard

the sony mic comes with it's own pop-guard, I think I gave ECM970 as the
model number, thinking further, I think the one I actually have is the

From Colin Howard who  lives near Southampton in 
Southern England.

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Re: Direct Link to total Recorder Standard was Re: Total Recorder Version 8.1 is Released

2010-03-07 Thread Colin r . Howard

Currently, I have Total Recorder v6.1 pro, not sure what the difference is
between pro and standard, please can somebody explain the differences
between pro and standard and, if applicable, any other versions?

I may, if thought a good idea, jump straight for 8.1, I currently have
WindowsXP home on a desktop and a Kompak laptop, both currently running v6.1
pro.  My access software is Jaws v10 on the laptop and v11 on the desktop,
so if there are any scripts, it would be helpful.  I can use v6.1 pro to
some extent but expect with scripts it ought to be more useable.  Am
interested to hear comments from others and where, if, scripts may be
obtainable.  So far I only use TR for recording off the net or upstairs via
line in and/or off the net.  I have been advised certainly to date, have
also found by looking, the editting functions are largely inaccessible.
Therefore, to date, I have used GoldWave v5.55 for virtually all my

From Colin Howard who  lives near Southampton in 
Southern England.

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2010-03-06 Thread Colin r . Howard

Thanks, I assumed help would be one method, I simply thought from the
contents list given there was some kind of manual or other downloadable

Does anybody know of an audio tutorial?  Also, are there any Jaws scripts
for these products?

It may be said they work well out of the box;  the same was also said of
GoldWave but I, for one, would not be without Jim Grimsbey's brilliant
scripts, for they've given me so much useful feedback from the program
which, until I used them, had no idea just how good GoldWave is.  also, the
author has made himself so very approachable for our requests.  How many
other people are willing to do this?  Not many in my experience of some ten
years of internet use.

From Colin Howard who  lives near Southampton in 
Southern England.

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Re: looking for a track listing of a particular cd

2010-03-06 Thread Colin r . Howard

Please give us details of the cd and somebody may be able to supply you with

From Colin Howard who  lives near Southampton in 
Southern England.

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Re: Fw: A computer 101 question about copying.

2010-03-06 Thread Colin r . Howard

You are planning to use GoldWave to edit the file?  why not use GoldWave's
cd-reader function in the tools menu?  Surely this will do exactly what you
want as it would seem from your post, the cd plays in a normal cd machine.

In the reader you can save the file to whatever format you wish, presumably
as you intend further editting, you will save it to .wav.

From Colin Howard who  lives near Southampton in 
Southern England.

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Re: MP3 help needed

2010-03-05 Thread Colin r . Howard

If anybody plans to send information about the use of WavePad, please send
to the list and not privately as I also, have WavePad and would like to know
how best to use it.


From Colin Howard who  lives near Southampton in 
Southern England.

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2010-03-05 Thread Colin r . Howard

thanks for the contents list but where **is** the actual guide?  I could not
find any links to download it.  If it is only available online, please how
do I get it offline?


On Fri, 5 Mar 2010 11:14:01 -0500, amongst other things, DJ DOCTOR P wrote:

-Hello all list members,
-Do to someone making this request of me, here is the Wave Pad Help Guide
below this message.
-My best regards to you all.
-  John.

-Contents | Previous | Next WavePad Sound Editor
-Help v 4.28 
-  a.. Overview 
-  b.. General Audio Concepts 
-  c.. Create, Open, Save and Send audio files 
-  d.. Play, Record, Move and Selecting 
-  e.. Recording Control 
-  f.. Editing 
-  g.. Effects 
-  h.. Special Effects 
-  i.. Noise Reduction 
-  j.. Tools 
-  k.. Convert Sample Rate and Channels 
-  l.. Batch Converter 
-  m.. WavePad Options ~ Keys 
-  n.. Bookmarks and Regions 
-  o.. WavePad Projects 
-  p.. WavePad Options 
-  q.. WavePad Options ~ General 
-  r.. WavePad Options ~ Appearance 
-  s.. WavePad Options ~ Audio Processing 
-  t.. WavePad Options ~ Playback 
-  u.. WavePad Options ~ File Types 
-  v.. WavePad Output Formats 
-  w.. WAV Settings 
-  x.. MP3 Settings 
-  y.. Vox/Raw Settings 
-  z.. OGG Settings 
-  aa.. FLAC Settings 
-  ab.. AAC/M4A Settings 
-  ac.. RSS Podcast Settings 
-  ad.. M3U Playlist Settings 
-  ae.. PLS Playlist Settings 
-  af.. WPL Playlist Settings 
-  ag.. AMR Settings 
-  ah.. Main Screen Reference 
-  ai.. Shortcut Keys References 
-  aj.. Command Line Options 
-  ak.. Upgrading to WavePad Master's Edition 
-  al.. Software Licence Terms
-Technical Support
-If you have difficulties using WavePad Sound Editor please read
the applicable topic before requesting support. If your problem is not
covered in this user guide please view the up-to-date WavePad Sound Editor
Online Technical Support at If that
does not solve your problem, you can contact us using the technical support
contacts listed on that page. 
-Software Suggestions
-If you have any suggestions for improvements to WavePad Sound
Editor, or suggestions for other related software that you might need,
please post it on our Suggestions page at Many of our software projects have
been undertaken after suggestions from users like you. You get a free
upgrade if we follow your suggestion.  
-  Contents 
-  Contents | Next © NCH Software
-  NCH Software 
-To unsubscribe from this list, send a blank email to:

From Colin Howard who  lives near Southampton in 
Southern England.

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Re: .pls FILEs WON'T Play

2010-03-04 Thread Colin r . Howard

robert, correct, there are limits to free accounts though, you have the
minimum service of file size max 300mb, deleted after seven days (unless
massive number of downloads in a short time) and no file management is
possible, files may only be sent to the main folder.

with a max account (which I have) files remain long as you wish (or the
account is active) and there are plenty of file management facilities

Free account users have limited use of the SendSpace wizard, if you pay, all
facilities in the wizard become available.

From Colin Howard who  lives near Southampton in 
Southern England.

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Re: faid out

2010-02-25 Thread Colin r . Howard

GoldWave would do just what you want.

From Colin Howard who  lives near Southampton in 
Southern England.

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Re: looking for a programme that can act as a sound oscilator

2010-02-25 Thread Colin r . Howard

Link please for sweepgen?

I have the NCH Tone generator mentioned in a previous post but could not get
it to do what I wanted so though I paid for it and still have it, now been

I was using Jaws 10 so woner wonder if Jaws11 may work with it better?

I will put sweepgen into Google and see what comes up.

From Colin Howard who  lives near Southampton in 
Southern England.

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Re: Useful and handy functions in Goldwave

2010-02-25 Thread Colin r . Howard

You can use scramble or other sounds such as static also.

I'm surprised you had not noticed it as it's the first function in the
effects menu.

From Colin Howard who  lives near Southampton in 
Southern England.

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Re: looking for a programme that can act as a sound oscilator

2010-02-25 Thread Colin r . Howard

Sweepgen can be found at:

From Colin Howard who  lives near Southampton in 
Southern England.

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Re: [Announce] Book Port Plus on this week's Main Menu

2010-02-23 Thread Colin r . Howard

I suggest listen to Main Menu and find out just as the rest of us will need
to.  No point in asking questions as the message clearly states the program
will release information about this new device.

From Colin Howard who  lives near Southampton in 
Southern England.

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Setting up the volume.

2010-02-18 Thread Colin r . Howard

Please can somebody remind me.

I have seen posts on one or more groupps to which I am sending, to ask about
setting up the volume for recording off the net.

I do not have a problem as I solved it a good while ago and here is my need.

I cannot remember what I did but somewhere I read about a means of setting
the volume by going into somewhere which showed me a list of possible
volumes available on my system, against each was a check and if it was set,
the volume would be displayed in the volume controls.

I thought I had kept the post but it seems I didn't.

Please, if you understand about what I am asking, please come back advising
where I look for my poor likwl bwain urtz!!

From Colin Howard who  lives near Southampton in 
Southern England.

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Setting up the volume - found the answer.

2010-02-18 Thread Colin r . Howard

A friend has found the lost post and forwarded it to me so in case it may be
of use to others, I paste back the basic text below.

1. Do Windows key and r to open the run dialogue.

2. type:


press enter.

3.  The volume settings dialogue comes up, you do not need
to take any notice of this at present.

4. Do alt  and cursor down the menu, you need properties.

5. Enter.

6. There is first the device combo box, tab past this, then
you come to radio buttons.  On my Compac machine, there are
two shown but it says one or two of three, but I do not know
what the third one is as I've not seen it by arrowing
through the list.  As you reach each, it will be checked. In
my case, one is play, the other record.

7. You want the record volume, so when you reach it tab

8.  You will now see a listbox headed show the following
volumes, these are a series of check boxes and, what they
are, is the list of possible volume devices available on
your sound card.  Normally, when you go into the windoes (or
Audacity or GoldWave) volumes, you see certain of them, the
ones you see up to now, are checked in this list.  To enable
recording what is going through the sound card and this
includes what you receive from the net, you need to check a
box which, in my case, is called stereo mix, but may be
called what you hear.

9. When you find in the list either stereo mix or what you
hear, check it.

10. Go to ok and enter.

11. You will now be back in the list of volumes and you
should now see the one or ones you checked in the list, any
you have unchecked will have gone, so, when you want to
recoard from the net (remember it will pick up **any** sound
going through the card, go into volume as usual and check
the box against stereo mix, adjusting the balance and level
as necessary and unchecking any others which are checked.

Of course, you will not get these right first time, it's a
matter of trial-and-error and getting to know the properties
of the card and how loud the incoming signal is.

Be interested in how you get on.

Update Sunday morning before going to the meeting.

I set this up on my desktop machine and recorded off the net
by doing:

1. Opened new file in GoldWave.

2. Went on to:
which has now changed since this original post to:

and down to the listen live link then entered.

3. The IPlayer consol came up and soon the stream started.

4. I went back to the open file and did control with f9 to
start recording.

5. I let this run for about half a minute then did control
with f8 to stop recording.

6. I closed the IPlayer stream.

7. I went back to GoldWave and did f4, the recording, a
little on the quiet side, played perfectly.

From Colin Howard who  lives near Southampton in 
Southern England.

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Setting up the volume - found the answer.

2010-02-18 Thread Colin r . Howard

I am fully aware the stereo mix or what you hear method is not the best way
to record from the net but at the time, it was answering an enquiry.

I mostly use totalRecorder which has it's own driver hence no need for
concern as to what is going through the sound card other than making sure
the driver works properly.

From Colin Howard who  lives near Southampton in 
Southern England.

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Re: External sound cards

2010-02-06 Thread Colin r . Howard

Matthew Bullis wrote:

I quite like the IMic from Griffin Technology. For a while it wasn't
available on their site, but I see that it's back for addition to their
shopping cart at $30. It just plugs into the USB port, and has an input and
an output jack, with a switch to go from line in to microphone settings. It
doesn't do the what you hear or stereo mix feature though, but if your
laptop doesn't have a line in port, it's quite handy. You wouldn't think a
small piece of plastic would work so well.
Matthew, from this, do I take it for an XP home system there are no drivers?

Please can you send me the site address?


From Colin Howard who  lives near Southampton in 
Southern England.

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Re: External sound cards

2010-02-06 Thread Colin r . Howard

Had a look and found:

This afternoon, may give them a call.

From Colin Howard who  lives near Southampton in 
Southern England.

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