[PD] Open Lab at the 11th Cairo Bienale

2008-12-11 Thread yves degoyon

*Open* *Lab at the 11*^*th* * Cairo Bienale*

*21*^*st* * to 27*^*th* * of December 2008*

*Bab Gallery of the Museum of Modern Egyptian Art*

In the context of the 11^th Cairo Bienale, in cooperation with the Fine 
Arts Sector of the Ministry of Culture, the Embassy of Spain in Cairo 
and LABoral Centro de Arte, Hangar has the honour to present an Open Lab 
in the Bab Gallery, a week of intensive workshops for artists and 
technicians interested in working with DIY hardware, free software and 
tactical cartographies.

Program :

21-27/12/08 10h-13h Software - Pure Data : Yves Degoyon

21-27/12/08 14-19h Hardware - DIY Electronics : Diego Rodriguez Gomez

24/12/08 10h-19h Tactical Cartography : Pablo de Soto

27/12/08 20h Presentations  Lives

Free Entry.
Limited places.

Reserve by email : [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Bab Gallery of the Museum of Modern Egyptian Art

Guezira Grounds (Cairo Opera House Complex)

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Re: [PD] gem2pdp

2008-05-25 Thread yves degoyon


some more informations about troubles i get
with gem-cvs and pd 0.41 on an Nvidia 7000 :

in fact, it seems that all rendering in single-buffer mode
doesn't work ( see attached patch for testing )
and, as the pixels capture only works in single-buffer mode,
all objects depending on it fail,
including gem2pdp, pix_write and pix_snap.

maybe it's only on this hardy installation with :

GEM: Graphics Environment for Multimedia
GEM: ver: 0.91-cvs
GEM: compiled: May 22 2008
GEM: maintained by IOhannes m zmoelnig
GEM: Authors :Mark Danks (original version)
GEM:Chris Clepper
GEM:James Tittle
GEM:IOhannes m zmoelnig
GEM: with help by Guenter Geiger, Daniel Heckenberg, Cyrille Henry, et al.
GEM: found a bug? miss a feature? please report it:
GEM: homepage http://gem.iem.at/
GEM: bug-tracker http://sourceforge.net/projects/pd-gem/
GEM: mailing-list http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/gem-dev/
GEM: compiled for SIMD architecture: MMX
GEM: using MMX optimization

maybe, i compiled it wrong,
it didn't complain about anything..

#N canvas 5 49 822 360 10;
#X obj 33 16 gemwin;
#X obj 521 -167 gemhead;
#X floatatom 629 -95 0 0 0 0 - - -;
#X obj 521 -107 color;
#X msg 623 -162 1 1 1;
#X obj 521 -56 rotateXYZ;
#X obj 392 -141 world_light;
#N canvas 203 0 600 400 init 0;
#X obj 73 30 loadbang;
#X obj 73 53 t b b;
#X msg 113 77 reset;
#X msg 73 103 lighting 1;
#X obj 73 129 outlet;
#X connect 0 0 1 0;
#X connect 1 0 3 0;
#X connect 1 1 2 0;
#X connect 2 0 4 0;
#X connect 3 0 4 0;
#X restore 79 -76 pd init;
#X msg 623 -197 1 1 0;
#X obj 669 -56 metro 10;
#X obj 708 -28 + 1;
#X obj 668 -29 f;
#X msg 681 -94 bang;
#X obj 681 -123 loadbang;
#X msg 79 -114 dimen 320 240;
#X obj 79 -140 loadbang;
#X msg 200 -111 buffer 1;
#X msg 97 4 buffer 2;
#X obj 519 28 cube;
#X msg 65 -201 create \, 1;
#X msg 71 -174 0 \, destroy;
#X obj 520 -13 pix_write;
#X msg 387 -78 file /tmp/gem.jpg;
#X msg 385 -36 bang;
#X msg 197 -171 1;
#X text 264 -109 -- click here and rendering dies;
#X text 108 -36 click here and it will save a black image --;
#X text 146 -200 -- normal rendering;
#X connect 1 0 3 0;
#X connect 1 0 6 0;
#X connect 2 0 5 1;
#X connect 2 0 5 2;
#X connect 3 0 5 0;
#X connect 4 0 3 1;
#X connect 5 0 21 0;
#X connect 7 0 0 0;
#X connect 8 0 3 1;
#X connect 9 0 11 0;
#X connect 10 0 11 1;
#X connect 11 0 10 0;
#X connect 11 0 2 0;
#X connect 12 0 9 0;
#X connect 13 0 12 0;
#X connect 14 0 0 0;
#X connect 15 0 14 0;
#X connect 16 0 0 0;
#X connect 17 0 0 0;
#X connect 19 0 0 0;
#X connect 20 0 0 0;
#X connect 21 0 18 0;
#X connect 22 0 21 0;
#X connect 23 0 21 0;
#X connect 24 0 0 0;
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Re: [PD] gem2pdp

2008-05-24 Thread yves degoyon


yes, i saw the latest svn version can _compile_
with latest gem cvs ( some sport involved there ),
but pdp2gem and pix_2pdp do not work,
i get black or no-output in both case.

what i see from analyzing the code
is that the function :

  glReadPixels(m_x, m_y, m_image-xsize, m_image-ysize,
   m_image-format, m_image-type, m_image-data);

 with :

 m_image-type  = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE;
 m_image-format = GL_RGBA;

returns a black image ( all bytes are 0 ),
so something has changed here?

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Re: [PD] gem2pdp

2008-05-23 Thread yves degoyon

IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:


IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:



i dunno if someone maintain it anymore too,
but gem2pdp is absolutely broken,
doesn't compile and the latests changes
were not mine..

i have now added some changes to gem2pdp which should allow compilation 
with Gem=0.91 as well as Gem0.91.


they are mine...

yes, i saw the latest svn version can _compile_
with latest gem cvs ( some sport involved there ),
but pdp2gem and pix_2pdp do not work,
i get black or no-output in both case.

the same here.
nevertheless it is unlikely due to changes i have made to gem2pdp but 
rather changes within Gem itself (or something else)

the problem seems to be the 2 openGL-contexts for both [gemwin] and 

with [pdp_xv] it works fine.

not here, the two teapots appear in the Gem window,
one should be converted to pdp format
and appear in pdp_xv..


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Re: [PD] IP camera and pidip

2008-04-11 Thread yves degoyon

let's see, does your ip cam delivers you a stream in the form of 
http://ip:port/something.someformat ??
where someformat = mp4, mpg, ogg ?

in that case, you can use that solution :

in a  shell script :

rm /tmp/pipe
mknod /tmp/pipe p
mencoder -nosound -ovc raw -of rawvideo -vf format=rgb24,crop=320:240  
http://ip:port/something.someformat -o /tmp/pipe

in pd :

pdp_rawin /tmp/pipe bitmap/rgb/320x240


t'es in t'es bat wrote:

 Thanks for answer,
 .but i hope to realize a stream, i need it for my concept,
 Anyone have a strategy to get the ip camera stream in mjpeg in pdip
 for pdp_canvas
 Or do i have to use another lib for that job

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Re: [PD] no 0.41.1 extended debian testing in autobuild

2008-03-11 Thread yves degoyon

ok, it should be fixed tomorrow,
it was basically due to some changes in Image Magick ..
pdp_capture is now made optional
for it's too difficult to maintain with
instabilities in Image Magick,
you should use --enable-capture to have it included

there are also a few updates from pidip 0.12.22,
mostly added a pdp_dot object


robcanning wrote:

 ok i checked the logs and saw various errors in the file so am not 
 quite sure who to gently poke..so, i'll very tentatively gently poke 
 yves though this may be mistargeted...

 here is the end of the log from 

 install: cannot stat 
 `/home/pd/auto-build/pd-main+libs/externals/pidip/*.pd_linux': No such 
 file or directory
 make[2]: *** [pidip_install] Error 1
 make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/pd/auto-build/pd-main+libs/externals'
 make[1]: *** [externals_install] Error 2
 make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/pd/auto-build/pd-main+libs/packages'
 make: *** [install] Error 2
 upload specs linux_make . deb
 Uploading /home/pd/auto-build/pd-main+libs/packages/linux_make/./Pd*.deb
 ls: /home/pd/auto-build/pd-main+libs/packages/linux_make/./Pd*.deb: No 
 such file or directory


 rob c

 Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:

 You can check the build log to find out, there is a build log for 
 each build.  It will be there if the build ran.


 Usually it's because something got broken.  You can politely poke 
 whoever broke it, so that it gets fixed :)


 On Mar 11, 2008, at 7:00 AM, robcanning wrote:


 there doesn't seem to have been a extended debian testing .deb 
 created in autobuild since 20080307


 is there a good reason for this or is something broken


 rob c


 Man has survived hitherto because he was too ignorant to know how to 
 realize his wishes.  Now that he can realize them, he must either 
 change them, or perish.-William Carlos Williams

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Re: [PD] [PD-announce] Pure data (netpd) and max/msp Jitter on youTube by mpc2059

2008-02-22 Thread yves degoyon

looks like jitter videos, so slw

Fuzznap wrote:

Examples of netPD, pd, max/msp/Jitter, many more to come



www.mpc2059.com http://www.mpc2059.com
www.myspace.com/mpc2059 http://www.myspace.com/mpc2059

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Re: [PD] problem with pdp_theonice~

2007-12-15 Thread yves degoyon

well, here you have a bandwidth issue,
either your internet connection is not good enough
to transmit video ( try to lower the quality in that case )
but, most probably, the giss server is a bit saturated
and it doesn't take any more incoming stream.

join the giss channel to see if we can find a solution.


Jack wrote:

Hello list, hello Yves,
I have a problem with the patch 'giss-2.0.pd' (pd-extended 0.39.3- 
extended – MacosX.4.11 – X11 1.1.3 – XFree86 4.4.0).
I have created a channel on http://giss.tv/.
I use a FireWire camera and i see the preview (no problem).
When i push the start bang in the emission, 'frames emited' go to 39  
or 40 or 41 then stop and Pd freezes during 5 minutes then output :  
'shutting down encoder'.

here the output from PD :
pdp_theonice~ : setting password to *
pdp_theonice~ : connecting to http://stream.giss.tv:8000/.org
pdp_theonice~ : connection request but a connection is pending . . .  
pdp_theonice~ : connection thread 26104523 launched
pdp_theonice~ : connecting to port 8000
pdp_theonice~ : logged in to stream.giss.tv
pdp_theonice~ : connecting child 26104523 exiting. . . .
pdp_theonice~ : initializing encoder. . .
pdp_theonice~ : encoder initialized.
pdp_theonice~ : writing headers. . .
pdp_theonice~ : start streaming at 7 frames/second

(freeze here)
then 5 mn later :

pdp_theonice~ : could not write audio packet (ret=-1).
pdp_theonice~ : shutting down encoder
pdp_theonice~ : could not write audio packet (ret=-1).
pdp_theonice~ : could not write audio packet (ret=-1).

Note : it's the same with a quicktime video

any idea ?

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Re: [PD] Problem with pdp v4l

2007-11-09 Thread yves degoyon


some cameras might not work if they are supported
only by video 4 linux 2...
it's still a work to be done ( a pdp_v4l2 ),
let's see if it comes out of piksel..


t'es in t'es bat wrote:

I work with ubuntu studio and Pd version 0.39.3-extended-rc5
I have a big problem with v4l:

pdp_v4l: auto open failed
pdp_v4l: no device opened
pdp_v4l: attempting auto open
pdp_v4l: retry count reached zero for /dev/video
pdp_v4l: try to open manually
pdp_v4l: auto open failed

But the computer see the camera in:
UNKNOWN (0X0011D8)


but it don't work...

t'es in t'es bat
1 Rue Camille Pelletant
13210 St Remy de Provence
T/: 04 90 26 95 09
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[PD] [PD-announce] pdp_frei0r für frei0r 1 .1...

2007-10-25 Thread Yves Degoyon

preparing piksel event
( that will be streamed this year )..

just released a pdp_frei0r object :

as frei0r seems an accepted standard between
FLOSS video application..
( but still very incomplete
for computer vision )

it has to be improved,
and we'll talk of all of this in piksel.

sevy  lluis

pd : there won't be pd session in hangar tomorrow,
as everybody will be setting up in Santa Monica.

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Re: [PD] about sexism

2007-10-08 Thread Yves Degoyon
cdr wrote:

On Mon Oct 08, 2007 at 02:07:27AM +0200, Niklas Kl??gel wrote:



i'm sorry to be boring on this list,
but here i read everyday terms as :
'wet dream', 'gang bang' , ..

and i understand why some girls stay away from this list

sorry, i'm chocked sometimes,
by the 'between men' macho jokes...
even me.


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just to cite someone:

that's how we speak in the streets man
so watch out when you go out )

sevy (03.10.2007//21:36 GMT+1)

and in reply:

sorry, i should have said here 'suck one of them dick',
is that polite enough? [...] 

err, sorry, that was precisely an anti-macho curators statement
do you make another point ?
( or stay as stupid as you sound ) ?


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Re: [PD] about sexism

2007-10-08 Thread Yves Degoyon


dont feed the braindead trolls!

i think you should at least sign your very uninteresting remarks,
and not with an internet nickname like 'carmen',
when it's a boy who is writing
( if i don't get confused )


ps: btw, we are here in 'Le Hangar' again,
for a workshop on FLOSS sound
and it's a mixed audience ( like 70-30 % ),
so i don't see why it doesn't reflect on the lists..
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Re: [PD] next conv in Brasil... meaning business

2007-10-05 Thread Yves Degoyon
PORRES wrote:

 we are coming up with a national list on it:

'national' list  sounds bad...
there's no national list in spain...

btw yesterday i was using sdg-pd with grz-zexy, bxl-pdp and bcn-pidip,
and so what?


google groups, yeh, yahoo mail, better,
i fell we're going back 3 years before

can't estudio livre set up a list really?


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Re: [PD] xml-rpc

2007-10-04 Thread Yves Degoyon
marius schebella wrote:

xml-rpc is a protocol that is used to talk over network to a server. I 
put a small python script (using pyext) and a testpatch online at
after I finished my script I found out that there is already an object 
that does xml-rpc (iemxmlrpc). iem used it for the iArs project, but I 
did not find the object?
I am planning to use it as a protocol to talk to a database server. 
(sounds boring, no?)

no, you can record how many bangs make a musician in a performance,
just to check if doesn't play mp3s..

record the bangs!


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Re: [PD] PDCon07 peer review process

2007-10-03 Thread Yves Degoyon
marius schebella wrote:

ola yves,

1) you are wrong

it's a bit short here,
i perfectly know what i say
when i say a FLOSS community should
_never_ be ruled by curators..

look at piksel, if you want,
it's a perfectly running event
without anyone named a 'curator',
they are _part_ of the community.

2) the way in which you write is on a personal violating style.

that's how we speak in the streets man
so watch out when you go out )


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Re: [PD] PDCon07 peer review process

2007-10-03 Thread Yves Degoyon
marius schebella wrote:

 I think Pd community is not a closed circle, users only, and there 
 is also not a first level pd user and second level pd user.

?? out of context..

 a chairman is not a curator, he speaks for the interests of a 
 community and not for his own.
 I think that it is a good practice to have a board of people that 
 reviews papers 

you don't read very well,
the normal process, of course, is through
peer reviews, but not dependeing
on the arbitrary power of a curator,
furthermore when this 'curator' was
never aproved by the community.

i can clearly read 'curator' in all pd convention's documents
and not chairman...


ps : if i use the street language, this is part of the message,
just to take out pd from the museum and galleries.

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Re: [PD] PDCon07 peer review process

2007-10-03 Thread Yves Degoyon
Martin Peach wrote:

 marius schebella wrote:

 btw, who/what is khanawake?

 It's part of Canada's version of the apartheid system:



exactly ! wikipedia is very good indeed,
but they have full-time people reviewing the texts...

it's also a good test to know if someone goes out in the streets

apart from that, i give up the discussion on curators,
everybody here accepts the curator/artist relation
( the hand that feeds ) so it's useless

i just want to say i have nothing to do with it,
and we were not in montreal for the good will of any
curator, but for the work acomplished,
for this, i'm going back to work ..


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Re: [PD] PDCon07 peer review process

2007-10-02 Thread Yves Degoyon

It really hurts. I'm sure the  
other members of the executive feel the same way.


ok, i'm a bit sorry of this one,
it was too easy and unfair to you...

but, i dunno why someone should submit 4 papers
(and also complain that his 4th one was refused )
when everything should have been grouped
in 'improve your pd life with dd' ( which i profoundly doubt ).

anyway, it's not your fault in any sense.


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Re: [PD] PDCon07 peer review process

2007-10-02 Thread Yves Degoyon


i dunno if i should be more honest here:
i don't think we need any curator in a digital community like this,
what is that introduced arbitrary judgements here ?
( of non practitioners ? )

yeh i don't want any curator to invite me,
and i will not pay a beer to any of them...
in fact, death to curators would be more honest

if anyones remember, reni was _not_ a curator at all,
she was a pd praticioner,
and yeh she dived into pd

i will not comment on any mtl produced performances here,
but if you want,
there is more to come


Yves Degoyon wrote:



It really hurts. I'm sure the  
other members of the executive feel the same way.


ok, i'm a bit sorry of this one,
it was too easy and unfair to you...

but, i dunno why someone should submit 4 papers
(and also complain that his 4th one was refused )
when everything should have been grouped
in 'improve your pd life with dd' ( which i profoundly doubt ).

anyway, it's not your fault in any sense.


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Re: [PD] PDCon07 peer review process

2007-10-02 Thread Yves Degoyon

 yeh i don't want any curator to invite me,
 and i will not pay a beer to any of them...

sorry, i should have said here 'suck one of them dick',
is that polite enough?
to prove you abuse all the time of slave artists?

but two things :

the real question was 'do you know khanawake??'

and what consciousness you have of any art in this world ?
this i would like to know with the _emptyness_ of digital art ---

ya basta,

ps : surprisingly, and without any curator,
there will be pd operated systems there :

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Re: [PD] PDCon07 peer review process

2007-10-02 Thread Yves Degoyon

Yves Degoyon wrote:



yeh i don't want any curator to invite me,
and i will not pay a beer to any of them...

sorry, i should have said here 'suck one of them dick',
is that polite enough?
to prove you abuse all the time of slave artists?

but two things :

the real question was 'do you know khanawake??'

and what consciousness you have of any art in this world ?
this i would like to know with the _emptyness_ of digital art ---

ya basta,

ps : surprisingly, and without any curator,
there will be pd operated systems there :

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btw, i never heard of you before pd convention,
would you introduce yourself?
i dunno why the pd community would be 'curated'
by someone we never heard of.

and are you working with pd or dd ?

and do you know khanawake?

well, answer if you like,
i know you'll be shocked by some ( aparently ) violent words,
but c'mon hey, you're not so superficial.

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Re: [PD] [OT?] Debian+Jack+Firebox+Pd = Bummer

2007-10-01 Thread Yves Degoyon


it's not OT at all !!
unfortunately, we had similar problems
with an Edirol Fa-101 on
a Powerbook running Gentoo.

i updated all libraries needed to latest
CVS/SVN versions without success,
what all was working fine on a PC.

some people told me it might be a problem with the onboard
firewire board,
so i'd really want to know if someone had some success
with this or if we should use
an external firewire card?


Myo wrote:

Hello list,

Sorry if this is too OT, but I think some people here might have/had 
the same problem.

The recipe for fun is as follows:

12 Powerbook G4 1.33ghz
Presonus firebox
Debian testing/Lenny kernel compiled for low latency
Jack 0.103.0-6
Hans' Pd-extended 0.39.2-rc5

So far I have managed to get the firebox recognized by jack using 
Freebob. When I start Jack, the Firebox's light turns blue, and it 
shows up in the patch window. When I start Pd, I can set it to use 
Jack as it's interface, and Pd, too, shows up in the patch window.

This sounds like it's working fine, but when I try to open a patch or 
turn on the DSP in Pd, it hangs indefinitely until I killall pd. Then 
of course Jack freaks out, and I have to killall jackd too. 

I should point out that Pd works fine without Jack, using OSS and the 
onboard soundcard, but not with ALSA. Starting jack with ALSA and the 
onboard card gives me A/D/A sync errors.

I hope that somebody here can help out. I'm not a total nub, but this 
has me stumped. Google's and forum's have turned up no useful info.

Thanks alot,


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Re: [PD] [OT] Procmail Filters for Peace (was Re: fundamental hot/cold midi question)

2007-09-30 Thread Yves Degoyon

cat  .procmailrc  EOF

Best regards,




yeh i think people understand me when i complain
about MB's spam, and also, about the fact that the pd
convention was MB convention
( of course, when you're in the convention comittee
and that you worked previously
with all the curators out there ),
the main point is that all his communication
is 'du vent' to speak french,
actually just nothing
( advertising things that do not work )

but i think the group with hans, marius, thomas, ..
( sorry for those i forget )
started to make some good work there,
like the pd-extended is a nice effort,
and i don't want to break this.

so, back to serious code, please.

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Re: [PD] [OT] Procmail Filters for Peace (was Re: fundamental hot/cold midi question)

2007-09-30 Thread Yves Degoyon

last one, promised!

so yeh comments like
'i can teach pd to some girls'
or 'girls don't dive into pd'
should be banned from here,
just to quote the most obvious.

just to finish with that,
why should i read such cynical shit like this ?

On Aug 22, 2007, at 8:25 AM, Mathieu Bouchard wrote:
// Because those threads are woven by illegal Mexican immigrants who  
// steal the jobs of citizens of California, that's why!


haha, so funny to make jokes on immigrants...
when canadians are surely immigrants somehow
that kicked out the initial dwellers and not softly
( do you know khanawakee ? 
that's where they park indians,

just outside of MTL )



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Re: [PD] fundamental hot/cold midi question

2007-09-29 Thread Yves Degoyon

anyway, there's not only programming in life, hopefully,

 a programmer is someone who has the illusion of making the machine behave
as a human brain one day, all he is achieving for now is
to make the human brains behave like machines.

this to tell programmers not to feel so superior..
i program but that's not the only thing i do.


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Re: [PD] fundamental hot/cold midi question

2007-09-28 Thread Yves Degoyon

Mathieu Bouchard wrote:

On Fri, 28 Sep 2007, Atte André Jensen wrote:

Mathieu Bouchard wrote:

The problem that I have found with

Sorry about the misunderstanding. I guess there were some history 
preceding this.

Hey. If I write that kind of thing to you in private it most likely 
means that I don't want it posted on pd-list.

don't worry, this MB ( i don't call him Bouchard, as i find this 
attitude offensive )

has an e-mail communication problem
and thinks he can post his brilliant advices
all the time to any list, all MB's lists, de facto.

 _ _ __ ___ _  _ _ ...
| Mathieu Bouchard - tél:+1.514.383.3801, Montréal QC Cana

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Re: [PD] uvc class webcam and Gem, pdp, (v4l)

2007-09-28 Thread Yves Degoyon
moritz wrote:

 Yves Degoyon wrote:


 Pdp gives me very the same error:

 pdp_v4l: cap: name UVC Camera (041e:4058) type 1 channels 1 maxw 
 1600 maxh 1200 minw 48 minh 32
 pdp_v4l: picture: brightness 33825 depth 16 palette 8
 VDIOCGCHAN: Invalid argument
 pdp_v4l: auto open failed
 pdp_v4l: no device opened
 pdp_v4l: attempting auto open
 pdp_v4l: opening /dev/video0


 hm, i compiled now pdp from cvs.same error..

  i d'ont know which file i have to modify?

search for VIDIOCGCHAN,
and you're there.




 could be that the driver doesn't return the right number of channels 

 did you compile pdp sources?
 in this case, in this part of the code :

 /* get channel info */
 for (i = 0; i  x-x_vcap.channels; i++)
 x-x_vchannel.channel = i;
 if (ioctl(x-x_tvfd, VIDIOCGCHAN, x-x_vchannel)  0)
 goto closit;
 post(pdp_v4l: channel %d name %s type %d flags %d,
 x-x_vchannel.channel, x-x_vchannel.name,
 x-x_vchannel.type, x-x_vchannel.flags);

 and comment goto closit like this :

 // goto closit

 mmm, i dunno if that can help,

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Re: [PD] fundamental hot/cold midi question

2007-09-28 Thread Yves Degoyon


and thinks he can post his brilliant advices
all the time to any list, all MB's lists, de facto.

in fact, i'd better have said _pedantic_ remarks..

and i checked out desire data again,
cos i hadn't follow too closely,
just to check if i was not telling crap
( far from me the _desire_ to use it ! ),
then i had 3 errors and 1 crash,
just loading the 'Test Audio and Midi' patch..

hum, some better write more code
and less papers or mails.


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Re: [PD] fundamental hot/cold midi question

2007-09-28 Thread Yves Degoyon
ola again,
i'm the night night nightly nightmare

This goes against FSF/GNU's FSD, rule Freedom Zero

freedom zero rule ??? hahaha, can't say better
of laws made by a bunch of hippies voting for
democrats or conservative,

just thinking what's funny here is the similarity between
the GPL ( hippie style ) and the liberal laissez faire model,
the two models is a i don't want to know solution...

me, i want to know, and always call a f* a f*...
( and to TB who asked me to be polite,
fuck your political correctness,
when you were one of the firsts to shit on pd,
and what's that new pd-like you're developping again ?
karma desire super-high ? )

you have to know people died in Gaza these days
for the well-programmed guiding systems, so
when i see where it's going,
there's no way i'll remove :


and consider it illegal or not,
you're a detail in history...


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Re: [PD] fundamental hot/cold midi question

2007-09-28 Thread Yves Degoyon

oh and sorry another remark,
when i read stupid things here like
'girls don't dive into pd',
i really think we're in level 0 of intelligence :

a/ i don't think this encourages any further dialog,
all these cheap 'cliches'
( or your reality ? )

b/ could you tell me who released transcribe~
lately for pd, was it a man ?

c/ if i was complaining on that focus
put on gender these days,
it's only because i don't want to separate/discriminate
people on this,
and being different should be a wealth

ya basta,

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Re: [PD] fundamental hot/cold midi question

2007-09-28 Thread Yves Degoyon

b/ could you tell me who released transcribe~
lately for pd, was it a man ?


here, i didn't want to make a reference to some girls
who contributed to pd too,
and who are too close to me,
they know who they are.

i feel with all this shit on gender,
we will get to :
'girls are not genetically prepared to programming'
or all ugly american 'scientific' magazine shit.

anyway, there's not only programming in life, hopefully,
so don't judge someone badly if he doesn't know
( someone here is a boy or a girl )


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Re: [PD] fundamental hot/cold midi question

2007-09-28 Thread Yves Degoyon
in fact, MB,
i'm gonna tell you one more thing :

you shouldn't be speaking on pd list at all,
as you're _not_ contributing to pd,
you're doing desire data...

so, get back on your list
and be the brilliant mind there,
with all your fan club,
and speaking of your life,
of how you code ( standing up )
and of your cat,
all things we don't give a fuck about here...

me, i only see your racist and sexist shit..


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Re: [PD] fundamental hot/cold midi question

2007-09-27 Thread Yves Degoyon
Mathieu Bouchard wrote:

 On Thu, 27 Sep 2007, Yves Degoyon wrote:

 in my paper a type theory for the documentation of PureData

 this is very useless to quote oneself,
 gosh all this blah blah just to say
 everyone should use triggers,
 i speak of this in day 1 of a workshop.

 yves sévy encore... rien à faire... rien à cirer...

except the fact that this is rude,
but there were rudest things from you
like accusing me of not doing free software,
i wouldn't really give a shit
if you were not bloating our e-mail box
with 8 or 9 messages about triggers,
self referencing and saying absolutely _nothing_,
if not blurring everything.

yeh ciao,

  _ _ __ ___ _  _ _ ...
 | Mathieu Bouchard - tél:+1.514.383.3801, Montréal QC Cana

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Re: [PD] pdpod on Matrixsynth

2007-09-27 Thread Yves Degoyon
Malte Steiner wrote:

pdpod made it on Matrixsynth, a synthesizer enthusiasts blog:



ah cool guenter must be behind this..
but whatever happened to GG?

see you soon,

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Re: [PD] uvc class webcam and Gem, pdp, (v4l)

2007-09-27 Thread Yves Degoyon

Pdp gives me very the same error:

pdp_v4l: cap: name UVC Camera (041e:4058) type 1 channels 1 maxw 1600 maxh 
1200 minw 48 minh 32
pdp_v4l: picture: brightness 33825 depth 16 palette 8
VDIOCGCHAN: Invalid argument
pdp_v4l: auto open failed
pdp_v4l: no device opened
pdp_v4l: attempting auto open
pdp_v4l: opening /dev/video0



could be that the driver doesn't return the right number of channels here.

did you compile pdp sources?
in this case, in this part of the code :

/* get channel info */
for (i = 0; i  x-x_vcap.channels; i++)
x-x_vchannel.channel = i;
if (ioctl(x-x_tvfd, VIDIOCGCHAN, x-x_vchannel)  0)
goto closit;
post(pdp_v4l: channel %d name %s type %d flags %d,
x-x_vchannel.channel, x-x_vchannel.name,
x-x_vchannel.type, x-x_vchannel.flags);

and comment goto closit like this :

// goto closit

mmm, i dunno if that can help,

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Re: [PD] [PD-announce] [Studio XX] RAPPEL / RE MINDER :: Assemblée générale / General Assembly [2 oct]

2007-09-27 Thread Yves Degoyon

here the abuse again,
i don't hink this has _anything_ to do with pd,
pd will survive out of montreal, hell!



  Studio XX


[English follows]

Assemble gnrale annuelle [2 oct]

Le Studio XX tiendra sa prochaine assemble gnrale
(AGA) le mardi 2 octobre  18h30 dans ses nouveaux locaux du 4001
Berri, #201  Montral. Venez appuyer le Studio et faire part de vos
1- Ouverture de la runion
2- lection de la prsidente et de la secrtaire de l'Assemble
3- Lecture et adoption de l'ordre du jour propos
4- Lecture et adoption du procs-verbal de l'Assemble gnrale de
l'anne pass
5- Prsentation du rapport annuel par l'quipe et son adoption par les
6- Prsentation des projets pour cette anne
7- Prsentation et adoption des tats financiers
8- Nomination d'un comptable pour l'anne 2006-2007
9- lection des membres du conseil d'administration pour l'anne
10- Divers
11- Clture de l'assemble
Information :: 514.845.7934 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
:: studioxx.org

Joignez-vous au conseil d'administration!

Le conseil d'administration du Studio XX est  la recherche
nouvelles membres prtes  s'engager dans ses activits et  vivre de
plus prs une exprience stimulante et unique.
Si vous tes intresss  vous joindre au conseil
d'administration, envoyez-nous une courte lettre d'intrt  [EMAIL PROTECTED].
Si nous recevons plus d'offres qu'il n'y a de places, les candidatures
seront soumises  un vote. Ne ratez pas cette opportunit!
Information :: 514.845.7934 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
:: studioxx.org

General Assembly [Oct 2]

Studio XX will hold their Annual General Assembly (AGA) on
Tuesday October 2 at 6:30pm in their new premises, 4001 Berri #201.
Come support the Studio and share your ideas with the team!
1- Opening of the meeting
2- Election of the meeting chair and secretary
3- Reading and adoption of the proposed agenda
4- Reading and adoption of minutes from last year's Annual general
5- Presentation of the Annual Report by the team and approval by the
6- Presentation of this year's projects
7- Presentation and adoption of the Financial Statements
8- Nomination of an accountant for the year 2006-2007
9- Elections of Board of Directors members
10- Varia
11- Closing of the meeting
Information :: 514.845.7934 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
:: studioxx.org

Join the Board of Directors!

Generous, fun-loving Board of Directors seeks new members to
help mix business with pleasure.
If you are interested in joining the Board of Directors,
please send a short letter of interest to [EMAIL PROTECTED].
Should we receive more candidates than seats, your candidacy may go to
vote. Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity!
Information :: 514.845.7934 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
:: studioxx.org



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Re: [PD] fundamental hot/cold midi question

2007-09-27 Thread Yves Degoyon

Mathieu Bouchard wrote:

On Thu, 27 Sep 2007, Yves Degoyon wrote:

but there were rudest things from you
like accusing me of not doing free software,


You have to be a bully to accuse me of defending myself against you, 
and pretend not to remember that you attacked first.

And then, yes, the Degoyon license is legally shady, there is no doubt 
about that. I'm not inventing this,


But somehow you would ever admit a mistake like that, ever, and 
instead you just blame the whole pd community???

 _ _ __ ___ _  _ _ ...
| Mathieu Bouchard - tél:+1.514.383.3801, Montréal QC Cana

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all is assumed there, and with reasons,
you stupid innocent

i like the :

This goes against FSF/GNU's FSD, rule Freedom Zero

freedom zero rule ??? hahaha, can't say better
of laws made by a bunch of hippies voting for
democrats or conservative,
you're already dead,
and when i saw your ideal city ( montreal ),
it was just like a copy of a consumer society,
all dead.

anyway, remove pidip from pd-extended,
me i don't give a f*** about having users.

hasta nunca,

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Re: [PD] Opening a PD patch on Startup in OSX

2007-09-26 Thread Yves Degoyon


Energy saving ratings never take this into account, afaik.


what is more energy saving is no to have any heating systems
( live in the south )
and no conditionned air ( that always makes you sick )


isn't that a bit [OT]?
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Re: [PD] fundamental hot/cold midi question

2007-09-26 Thread Yves Degoyon

 in my paper a type theory for the documentation of PureData

this is very useless to quote oneself,
gosh all this blah blah just to say
everyone should use triggers,
 i speak of this in day 1 of a workshop.


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Re: [PD] Command line-magic for PDP-compatibliness?

2007-09-25 Thread Yves Degoyon

mencoder input.whatever -o output.mov -nosound -ovc lavc -lavcopts
vcodec=mjpeg -of lavf -lavfopts format=mov


and if you want to play or see youtube videos
( specially thinking here of people
who don't have the flash plugin,
like those using linux on a ppc ) :

download http://www.arrakis.es/~rggi3/youtube-dl/

and :

youtube-dl http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGPZY3GhtWA
mencoder AGPZY3GhtWA.flv -o AGPZY3GhtWA.mov -oac pcm -ovc lavc -lavcopts 
vcodec=mjpeg -of lavf -lavfopts format=mov -lavfopts 


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Re: [PD] Command line-magic for PDP-compatibliness?

2007-09-25 Thread Yves Degoyon

IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:

Yves Degoyon wrote:


mencoder AGPZY3GhtWA.flv -o AGPZY3GhtWA.mov -oac pcm -ovc lavc -lavcopts 
vcodec=mjpeg -of lavf -lavfopts format=mov -lavfopts 


which mencoder version do you use for this?
i am currently thinking about writing an flv-decoder for pdp for a
project. naive re-coding with mencoder always results in intolerable



MEncoder 1.0rc1-3.4.2 (C) 2000-2006 MPlayer Team

very old system here... still

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2007-09-24 Thread Yves Degoyon

yes is basically valid for all people that are not white males or in other
words for all the people that have different cognitive styles than the
dominant western white model.


i don't see any sexist/racist remark here,
just wondering if pd should be teached
in different ways ( and in tongues )..

when we are now in a phase of cristalisation/normalisation,
that's a question to ask,
but best is to take the initiative, imho...


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2007-09-24 Thread Yves Degoyon
.·:*¨¨*:·.darsha.·:*¨¨*:·. wrote:

Hey dudes,

Just to be clear:  activities at Studio XX are open to guys too.
Come and hang out with us in the new dual boot lab (penguins and
apples for all)!



err, hum, darsha, let's speak clearly a bit,

ok, maybe boys are tolerated in the studio xx,
but you know the line,
no guy will be invited for a workshop there...

and i understand the system,
3 years ago, girls i knew used to have a sense
of humor on this, but now that it has turned
into a institutionalized and funded system,
lots have lost their sense of humor.
yeh the equation is true : money  humor

i don't blame any person in this,
just getting back in the 70's feminist
separatist model
will not help much,
as building separate schools
for jewish and arabs in israel
didn't help much
( but they were both wrong
with their creationist/religious teaching )

enough for now,

PD-list@iem.at mailing list
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2007-09-24 Thread Yves Degoyon


.·:*¨¨*:·.darsha.·:*¨¨*:·. wrote:

Hey dudes,

Just to be clear:  activities at Studio XX are open to guys too.
Come and hang out with us in the new dual boot lab (penguins and
apples for all)!



err, hum, darsha, let's speak clearly a bit,

ok, maybe boys are tolerated in the studio xx,
but you know the line,
no guy will be invited for a workshop there...

and i understand the system,
3 years ago, girls i knew used to have a sense
of humor on this, but now that it has turned
into a institutionalized and funded system,
lots have lost their sense of humor.
yeh the equation is true : money  humor

i don't blame any person in this,
just getting back in the 70's feminist
separatist model
will not help much,
as building separate schools
for jewish and arabs in israel
didn't help much
( but they were both wrong
with their creationist/religious teaching )

enough for now,

---End Message---
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[PD] pddp-!fork? already?

2007-09-24 Thread Yves Degoyon

   I have taken part in about three workshops where there
were men participating and or teaching the workshop.  

good if we keep it this way,
i was just saying that diversity
( of gender, background and culture )
is a wealth, and we should never set up quotas
and do that 'positive discrimination' as a term used
by french president, mr NS.

but the discussion was not about studio xx,
maybe the subject has been confusing you,
it was more about if there should be a different
way of teaching pd for different audiences ?


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2007-09-23 Thread Yves Degoyon



This email makes me realize that pd/pd-list is mostly used by male
users/subscribers... damn. 

Please, do have in mind that the reason many don't have access to
sophisticated tools like Pd is because there are not sufficient means of
mediation/translation/teaching/learning not because of gender speculations


i'm not sure what the subject of this thread is,
if there's not so many women in pd because
the documentation is not clear enough?
isn's that valid for men too?
and should there be a special documentation
aimed at girls?
and also special events and labs for women only?

separating the two is just loosing all the osmosis
and it's really sad to see..

anyway, feel free to contribute and propose
your own documentation.


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Re: [PD] pidip fails at compiling

2007-08-08 Thread Yves Degoyon


i'm not sure pidip will compile with every version of ffmpeg,
especially with recent ones
( untested for a long time ).

can i ask you why you want ffmpeg support?

anyway, the problem you have here is really different,
is that you don't have the Gnu Scientific Library
development files
( package is called libgsl0-dev, i think )


Olivier Heinry wrote:


I'd like to compile pidip with ffmpeg support (the pd-pidip-caedes
debian packet doesnt support it) but i always get the same error, be it
the pure-data CVS version or Yves' stable source.

here is my configure command:


sudo ./configure --with-pd=/usr/local/src/pd-0.40-3

Here is what the make command spits out before dying:


In file included from /usr/local/src/pdp-0.12.4/include/pdp.h:80,
from pidip.c:2:
/usr/local/src/pdp-0.12.4/include/pdp_matrix.h:25:27: error:
gsl/gsl_block.h: Aucun fichier ou répertoire de ce type
/usr/local/src/pdp-0.12.4/include/pdp_matrix.h:26:28: error:
gsl/gsl_vector.h: Aucun fichier ou répertoire de ce type
/usr/local/src/pdp-0.12.4/include/pdp_matrix.h:27:28: error:
gsl/gsl_matrix.h: Aucun fichier ou répertoire de ce type
/usr/local/src/pdp-0.12.4/include/pdp_matrix.h:28:26: error:
gsl/gsl_blas.h: Aucun fichier ou répertoire de ce type
/usr/local/src/pdp-0.12.4/include/pdp_matrix.h:29:29: error:
gsl/gsl_linalg.h: Aucun fichier ou répertoire de ce type
In file included from /usr/local/src/pdp-0.12.4/include/pdp.h:80,
from pidip.c:2:
/usr/local/src/pdp-0.12.4/include/pdp_matrix.h:44: error: expected
specifier-qualifier-list before ‘gsl_block’
/usr/local/src/pdp-0.12.4/include/pdp_matrix.h:65: error: expected ‘)’
before ‘TransA’
/usr/local/src/pdp-0.12.4/include/pdp_matrix.h:80: error: expected ‘)’
before ‘TransA’
/usr/local/src/pdp-0.12.4/include/pdp_matrix.h:84: error: expected ‘)’
before ‘TransA’
make[1]: *** [pidip.o] Erreur 1
make[1]: quittant le répertoire « /usr/local/src/pidip/system »
make: *** [pdp_pidip_all] Erreur 2


Any idea?


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Re: [PD] pidip fails at compiling

2007-08-08 Thread Yves Degoyon

 I'd like to get a mjpeg stream sent via a remote rtsp server.

uff, never tested, good luck ...

 anyway, the problem you have here is really different,
 is that you don't have the Gnu Scientific Library
 development files
 ( package is called libgsl0-dev, i think )

 yes I got it in the meanwhile

 still , compiling fails
 make complains about pdp_yqt in a way which make me think I've got the 
 wrong libquicktime installed:

 pdp_yqt.c:32:27: error: quicktime/lqt.h: Aucun fichier ou répertoire 
 de ce type
 pdp_yqt.c:33:35: error: quicktime/colormodels.h: Aucun fichier ou 
 répertoire de ce type
 pdp_yqt.c:65: error: expected specifier-qualifier-list before 
 pdp_yqt.c: In function ‘pdp_yqt_close’:
 pdp_yqt.c:89: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘quicktime_close’
 pdp_yqt.c:89: error: ‘t_pdp_yqt’ has no member named ‘qt’
 pdp_yqt.c: In function ‘pdp_yqt_open’:
 pdp_yqt.c:104: error: ‘t_pdp_yqt’ has no member named ‘qt’
 pdp_yqt.c:104: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘quicktime_open’
 pdp_yqt.c:106: error: ‘t_pdp_yqt’ has no member named ‘qt’
 pdp_yqt.c:112: warning: implicit declaration of function 
 pdp_yqt.c:396: error: ‘t_pdp_yqt’ has no member named ‘x_outreadposition’
 pdp_yqt.c:396: error: ‘t_pdp_yqt’ has no member named ‘x_outreadposition’
 pdp_yqt.c:396: error: ‘t_pdp_yqt’ has no member named ‘x_outbuffersize’
 pdp_yqt.c:397: error: ‘t_pdp_yqt’ has no member named ‘x_outunread’
 make[1]: *** [pdp_yqt.o] Erreur 1
 make[1]: quittant le répertoire « /usr/local/src/pidip/modules »
 make: *** [pdp_pidip_all] Erreur 2

here i think you don't have a real recent pidip,
try with :

now quicktime includes are in include/lqt
and the latest pidip should recognize it,
or if it doesn't, report a bug.


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Re: [PD] pidip fails at compiling - solved

2007-08-08 Thread Yves Degoyon

Olivier Heinry wrote:

Le mercredi 08 août 2007 à 17:57 +0200, Olivier Heinry a écrit :

Le mercredi 08 août 2007 à 17:53 +0200, Yves Degoyon a écrit :


I'd like to get a mjpeg stream sent via a remote rtsp server.

uff, never tested, good luck ...



here i think you don't have a real recent pidip,
try with :


now quicktime includes are in include/lqt
and the latest pidip should recognize it,
or if it doesn't, report a bug.


Well, after installing libgsl0-dev , after launching configure, i had 
to edit the include/pidip_config.h file and uncomment and define its 
third line such as :


then run make as usual.


but, there is a bug.
did you do an autoconf before configure?

and what says this line :
qt version minor : 1
during configure?

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Re: [PD] Multiple Webcams and Gem

2007-08-07 Thread Yves Degoyon

Derek Holzer wrote:

Linux uses a different device structure (Video4Linux) for video input 
than OS X, so [pdp_v4l] will never work.

In short, Linux users can access a USB camera with [pdp_v4l], but not a 
firewire one.
OS X users can access a firewire camera with [pdp_ieee1394], but not a 
USB one.

nope, some USB webcams will work,
it uses Quicktime interface in fact
like Gem.


If you use GEM on OS X, you can access either. You might need the macam 
drivers to use the USB camera:



David Divilly wrote:

Thanks Jack ..
Had a look at [pdp_ieee1394] .. but all my webcams are USB ..
what I really want to know is what object will allow me to open these 
webcams like  [pdp_v4l] (for linux) in OS X .. as per Example13 in the 
browser ..


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Re: [PD] pdp crash with pidip

2007-08-07 Thread Yves Degoyon

Pagano, Patrick wrote:


i am on ubuntu fiesty and using pd/pidip/pdp etc.. and testing with 

i keep getting a crash that looks like this.

*** glibc detected *** pd: realloc(): invalid pointer: 0x086853e0 ***
=== Backtrace: =

aye the libquictime crash...
little to do except changing libquicktime,
i still usually use :

cause it was proven stable,
i guess you know how to change a lib..

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Re: [PD] still have problem with pdp_plasma

2007-08-06 Thread Yves Degoyon


Hello list,
I still have a problem with pdp_plasma object.
The patch is very simple and attached at this mail :
- a capture of the patch wondow
- a capture of the x11 window

When i bang the pdp_plasma, nothing happen.
Why, but why ?


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ok, i think i got it...

pdp_add would not add frames that are not of the same size,
so the solution is to use some pdp_scale in between,
like in the attached patch.

#N canvas 344 67 655 519 10;
#X obj 127 145 pdp_yqt;
#X obj 231 31 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty empty 20 8 0 8 -262144 -1
#X msg 86 103 loop \$1;
#X obj 87 81 tgl 15 0 empty empty empty 20 8 0 8 -262144 -1 -1 1 1
#X msg 333 11 open \$1;
#X obj 332 -13 openpanel;
#X obj 317 -30 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty empty 20 8 0 8 -262144 -1
#X floatatom 279 66 5 0 0 0 - - -;
#X msg 188 32 stop;
#X obj 286 35 hsl 300 15 0 1000 0 0 empty empty empty -2 -6 0 8 -262144
-1 -1 7100 1;
#X obj 220 102 metro 70;
#X obj 158 318 pdp_add;
#X obj 227 198 pdp_plasma;
#X obj 150 375 pdp_xv;
#X msg 346 87 dim 320 240;
#X msg 346 114 type grey;
#X msg 346 137 type yv12;
#X msg 346 168 seed 123;
#X floatatom 346 192 5 0 0 0 - - -;
#X obj 216 268 pdp_scale 320 240;
#X obj 85 254 pdp_scale 320 240;
#X connect 0 0 20 0;
#X connect 1 0 10 0;
#X connect 2 0 0 0;
#X connect 3 0 2 0;
#X connect 4 0 0 0;
#X connect 5 0 4 0;
#X connect 6 0 5 0;
#X connect 7 0 10 1;
#X connect 8 0 10 0;
#X connect 9 0 7 0;
#X connect 10 0 0 0;
#X connect 10 0 12 0;
#X connect 11 0 13 0;
#X connect 12 0 19 0;
#X connect 14 0 12 0;
#X connect 15 0 12 0;
#X connect 16 0 12 0;
#X connect 17 0 12 0;
#X connect 18 0 12 1;
#X connect 19 0 11 1;
#X connect 20 0 11 0;
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Re: [PD] scrollist - super program

2007-08-04 Thread Yves Degoyon


as it was just a 10 minutes patch,
i just did it now and put it here :
and also in CVS..

unfortunately, it's only for linux
for we have removed all mac OSX around...

and windows a long time ago.


Kuba Szczypek wrote:

I use your excelent scrollist in pd.
I would like to ask: is this hard to add changing colors (background and 
others) by message in pd, not only in properties window?

I ask because it will be useful for my patch. Please if you can tell me 
sometching about where I must looking for place to add additional 

I not programmer, but since this probubly is quite easy maybe I will can 
do this.
Of course if you will have time for do this update - I will be happy, 
but I know no body have too much time.

anway thanks alot for this superb software!

Jakub Szczypek

Jedni przybyli na Ziemię, by nas zniszczyć. Inni - by nas chronić.
Transformers - pełen akcji film Stevena Spielberga
i Michaela Baya w kinach od 17 sierpnia.


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Re: [PD] Problem with pdp_plasma

2007-08-02 Thread Yves Degoyon
Hola, jack,

i dunno why, tested here on linux the attached patch
and all seems fine..


Jack wrote:

Hello list,
I have a problem with the pdp_plasma object.
Here my patch (simplified) :

[bang( [bang(
|  |
[pdp_yqt]  [pdp_plasma]
|  /
|  /

The movie play, but when i bang the pdp_plasma, nothing happen.
Any idea ?

Macos 10.4.10
PD-extended 0.39.2 rc3



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Re: [PD] Problem with pdp_plasma

2007-08-02 Thread Yves Degoyon

of course, again,
forgot the paatch..

Yves Degoyon wrote:

Hola, jack,

i dunno why, tested here on linux the attached patch
and all seems fine..


Jack wrote:


Hello list,
I have a problem with the pdp_plasma object.
Here my patch (simplified) :

[bang(  [bang(
|   |
[pdp_yqt]   [pdp_plasma]
|   /
| /
|   /

The movie play, but when i bang the pdp_plasma, nothing happen.
Any idea ?

Macos 10.4.10
PD-extended 0.39.2 rc3



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#N canvas 156 72 655 519 10;
#X obj 127 145 pdp_yqt;
#X obj 231 31 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty empty 20 8 0 8 -262144 -1
#X msg 86 103 loop \$1;
#X obj 87 81 tgl 15 0 empty empty empty 20 8 0 8 -262144 -1 -1 1 1
#X msg 333 11 open \$1;
#X obj 332 -13 openpanel;
#X obj 317 -30 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty empty 20 8 0 8 -262144 -1
#X floatatom 279 66 5 0 0 0 - - -;
#X msg 188 32 stop;
#X obj 286 35 hsl 300 15 0 1000 0 0 empty empty empty -2 -6 0 8 -262144
-1 -1 0 1;
#X obj 220 102 metro 70;
#X obj 135 212 pdp_add;
#X obj 227 198 pdp_plasma;
#X obj 147 279 pdp_xv;
#X connect 0 0 11 0;
#X connect 1 0 10 0;
#X connect 2 0 0 0;
#X connect 3 0 2 0;
#X connect 4 0 0 0;
#X connect 5 0 4 0;
#X connect 6 0 5 0;
#X connect 7 0 10 1;
#X connect 8 0 10 0;
#X connect 9 0 7 0;
#X connect 10 0 0 0;
#X connect 10 0 12 0;
#X connect 11 0 13 0;
#X connect 12 0 11 1;
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Re: [PD] GISS streaming patch v 2.0

2007-07-20 Thread Yves Degoyon
ola, hans,

 I should mention that it is the university where I work that provides 
 the server, my time to setup the server, and the bandwidth.  
  http://idmi.poly.edu  It's an engineering school in the US, so that 
 means it inevitably gets money from the defense dept.  So I like to 
 think I am tapping into the US war machine to try to salvage something 
 good from it.   Please use it!

well, if all uiversities are in away financed by the army,
that cuts down many free software projects then ..

 Yves, maybe you could check those streaming patches into CVS.  Maybe 
 something like externals/pidip/examples, then they would be placed in 
 the Help Browser in examples - pidip.

yeh, maybe,
but i have a new way to access patches and ressources :

( all the information in there for now is about me  collaborators,
but of course it can be extended through the web :
http://stream.r23.cc/etc/dbfill/db-create-node.pl?mapname=puredata )


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Re: [PD] GISS streaming patch v 2.0

2007-07-15 Thread Yves Degoyon

good question

we should thank the two big sponsors
of the infrastructure supoorting us:

* Le Hangar, barcelona ( http://www.hangar.org/ )
and side projects like Horitzo TV
( http://www.horitzo.tv/ ) where hangar
was providiong the technical support ( and more ).

* BEK, Norway
and Gisle Froysland,
supporting the experiment since the beginning
( http://www.bek.no )

all you want to know?


victor wrote:

Como se financia giss?


of course, con este calor,
i forgot the attechment, oops...



 as it is still too hot to go to the beach,
 i did another streaming patch for audio.

 its dependencies are pdogg and playlist.

 have fun,

 ps : to make it work smoothly
 on my not so powerful machine,
 i had to increase the audiobuf to 5000.


  a little update of the GISS streaming patch
  that includes the configuration of cameras for OSX
  ( gracias a Alejo Duque ).
  The recent pd-extended for OSX :
  includes a PiDiP that works
  ( reading video files and streaming ),
  that's the big news.

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Re: [PD] GISS streaming patch v 2.0

2007-07-15 Thread Yves Degoyon

and not to forget a few individuals interested in free media
adding their ressources to the network :

D.Cuartielles ( University of Malmö )
Psand ( http://www.psand.net )
Hans Christoph Steiner
Medellin Wireless ( Alejo Duque )
Luka Princic ( Ljubljana )

sorry if i forgot anyone here.


Yves Degoyon wrote:

good question

we should thank the two big sponsors
of the infrastructure supoorting us:

* Le Hangar, barcelona ( http://www.hangar.org/ )
and side projects like Horitzo TV
( http://www.horitzo.tv/ ) where hangar
was providiong the technical support ( and more ).

* BEK, Norway
and Gisle Froysland,
supporting the experiment since the beginning
( http://www.bek.no )

all you want to know?


victor wrote:

Como se financia giss?


of course, con este calor,
i forgot the attechment, oops...



 as it is still too hot to go to the beach,
 i did another streaming patch for audio.

 its dependencies are pdogg and playlist.

 have fun,

 ps : to make it work smoothly
 on my not so powerful machine,
 i had to increase the audiobuf to 5000.


  a little update of the GISS streaming patch
  that includes the configuration of cameras for OSX
  ( gracias a Alejo Duque ).
  The recent pd-extended for OSX :
  includes a PiDiP that works
  ( reading video files and streaming ),
  that's the big news.

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Re: [PD] New sensor project video

2007-07-13 Thread Yves Degoyon


first, it's nice.
i guess it's quite close to what they do
at the Theremin Center in Moscow
( Andrei Smirnof ),
but anyway, big brains meet
and the americans invented first the H-bomb.
( take this as a joke, please )


Andy Farnell wrote:

Sweet, what have you got there Spencer, capacitive proximity?
For the sensors a shielded cable pulled down to ground with a 
1M resistor might be a good idea. Things like this have a habit 
of working nice in the lab but when you go on stage where there

are lighting  and power cables everywhere such a sensitive circuit
might get upset.

On Fri, 13 Jul 2007 16:57:44 -0400
Spencer Russell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I just posted a new video showing the current status of some distance
sensors I've been working on this summer. Now that most of the
technical glitches are dealt with, I just need to mount them up on my
bass to start the live processing.


let me know what you think...


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Re: [PD] starting with pdp and pidip: any manual o list of objects?

2007-07-02 Thread Yves Degoyon
it's so old, it's just a mistake.

although to tell which codecs are supported is a mistake,
cause it depends on your libquicktime installation.

the compressed headers is still true.


Derek Holzer wrote:

 Actually, straight from your website:

 pdp_yqt : a quicktime movie reader.

 Alike pdp_qt, but with less functionnalities, this object reads 
 Quicktime movies.
 It supports files coded with the following codecs : jpeg, yuv2, divx, 
 dv, yuv2.
 The files shouldn't have compressed headers neither.


 Derek Holzer wrote:

 Hi Yves,

 descriptions may be a bit out of date, but when I made them I copied 
 them directly from your website text! ;-)
 I'll make sure to update them.


 Yves Degoyon wrote:

 err, excuse me,
 what is there more about pidip here than there :
 http://ydegoyon.free.fr/pidip.html ??

 except the erroneous :

 pdp_yqta quicktime movie reader with less functionnalities
 pdp_qtbut with less functionnalities
  codecs : jpeg, yuv2, divx, dv, yuv2

 pdp_yqt can read the sound when pdp_qt export it to a table,
 they are different yes, but none is less than the other.


 Kyle Klipowicz wrote:

 Wow, thanks Darek.


 On 7/1/07, Derek Holzer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Javier,

 Javier García wrote:


 I would like to start with pdp and pidip. Is there any manual or 

 Documentation is scarce, almost non-existent in fact besides the
 sometimes-helpful helpfiles that come with the objects. Here's a 
 which I've included in the FLOSS Manual for PD that I'm working on.

 Good luck!




 This is a list of all pdp objects and abstractions with a minimal
 Take a look at the patches in the doc/ directory for more info.
 (Messy doc  test patches can be found in the test/ directory.)

 general purpose pdp modules:

 pdp_dela packet delay line
 pdp_rega packet register
 pdp_snaptakes a snapshot of a packet stream
 pdp_triggersimilar to pd's trigger object
 pdp_routeroutes a packet to a specific outlet
 pdp_loopa packet loop sampler (packet array)
 pdp_descriptionoutput a symbol describing the packet type
 pdp_convertconvert between packet types

 image inputs/outputs:

 pdp_xvdisplays images using the xvideo extension
 pdp_glxdisplays images using opengl
 pdp_v4lreads images from a video4linux device
 pdp_qtreads quicktime movies

 image processors:

 pdp_absabsolute value
 pdp_addadds two images
 pdp_andbitwize and
 pdp_bitdepthset bit depth
 pdp_bitmaskapply a bit mask
 pdp_bqspatial biquad filter
 pdp_bqttemporal biquad filter
 pdp_coggaussian blob estimator
 pdp_constantfills an image with a constant
 pdp_convhorizontal/vertical seperable convolution filter
 pdp_chebychebyshev color shaper
 pdp_chrotrotates the chroma components
 pdp_flip_lrflip left - right
 pdp_flip_tbflip top - bottom
 pdp_greyconverts an image to greyscale
 pdp_grey2maskconverts a greyscale image to an image mask
 pdp_hthreshhard thresholding
 pdp_mulmultiplies two images
 pdp_mixcrossfade between 2 images
 pdp_mix2mixes 2 images after applying a gain to each of them
 pdp_noisea noise generator
 pdp_notbitwize not
 pdp_orbitwize or
 pdp_plasmaplasma generator
 pdp_pointcloudconvert an image to a point cloud
 pdp_positivesign function that creates a bitmask
 pdp_randmixcrossfades 2 images by taking random pixels
 pdp_rotatetiled rotate
 pdp_scalerescale an image
 pdp_signsign function
 pdp_sthreshsoft thresholding
 pdp_zoomtiled zoom
 pdp_zrottiled zoom + rotate
 pdp_zthreshzero threshold (x0 - 0)
 pdp_xorbitwize xor

 dsp objects

 pdp_scope~a very simple oscilloscope
 pdp_scan~phase input scanned synthesis oscillator
 pdp_scanxy~x,y coordinate input scanned synthesis oscillator

 utility abstractions

 pdp_ppscomputes the packet rate in packets/sec

 image abstractions

 pdp_agcautomatic gain control (intensity maximizer)
 pdp_blurblurs an image
 pdp_blur_horhorizontal blur
 pdp_blur_ververtical blur
 pdp_contrastcontrast enhancement
 pdp_dithera dither effect
 pdp_phaseapplies an allpass filter to an image
 pdp_phase_horhorizontal allpass
 pdp_phase_ververtical allpass
 pdp_motion_blurblurs motion
 pdp_motion_phasephase shifts motion
 pdp_offsetadd an offset to an image
 pdp_alledgean all edge detector
 pdp_conv_sobel_horhorizontal sobel edge detector
 pdp_conv_sobel_ververtical sobel edge detector
 pdp_conv_sobel_edgesum of squares of hor and ver
 pdp_saturationchange colour saturation

Re: [PD] starting with pdp and pidip: any manual o list of objects?

2007-07-02 Thread Yves Degoyon

err, excuse me,
what is there more about pidip here than there :
http://ydegoyon.free.fr/pidip.html ??

except the erroneous :

pdp_yqta quicktime movie reader with less functionnalities
pdp_qtbut with less functionnalities
codecs : jpeg, yuv2, divx, dv, yuv2

pdp_yqt can read the sound when pdp_qt export it to a table,
they are different yes, but none is less than the other.


Kyle Klipowicz wrote:

Wow, thanks Darek.


On 7/1/07, Derek Holzer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Javier,

Javier García wrote:


I would like to start with pdp and pidip. Is there any manual or list

Documentation is scarce, almost non-existent in fact besides the
sometimes-helpful helpfiles that come with the objects. Here's a list,
which I've included in the FLOSS Manual for PD that I'm working on.

Good luck!




This is a list of all pdp objects and abstractions with a minimal
Take a look at the patches in the doc/ directory for more info.
(Messy doc  test patches can be found in the test/ directory.)

general purpose pdp modules:

pdp_dela packet delay line
pdp_rega packet register
pdp_snaptakes a snapshot of a packet stream
pdp_triggersimilar to pd's trigger object
pdp_routeroutes a packet to a specific outlet
pdp_loopa packet loop sampler (packet array)
pdp_descriptionoutput a symbol describing the packet type
pdp_convertconvert between packet types

image inputs/outputs:

pdp_xvdisplays images using the xvideo extension
pdp_glxdisplays images using opengl
pdp_v4lreads images from a video4linux device
pdp_qtreads quicktime movies

image processors:

pdp_absabsolute value
pdp_addadds two images
pdp_andbitwize and
pdp_bitdepthset bit depth
pdp_bitmaskapply a bit mask
pdp_bqspatial biquad filter
pdp_bqttemporal biquad filter
pdp_coggaussian blob estimator
pdp_constantfills an image with a constant
pdp_convhorizontal/vertical seperable convolution filter
pdp_chebychebyshev color shaper
pdp_chrotrotates the chroma components
pdp_flip_lrflip left - right
pdp_flip_tbflip top - bottom
pdp_greyconverts an image to greyscale
pdp_grey2maskconverts a greyscale image to an image mask
pdp_hthreshhard thresholding
pdp_mulmultiplies two images
pdp_mixcrossfade between 2 images
pdp_mix2mixes 2 images after applying a gain to each of them
pdp_noisea noise generator
pdp_notbitwize not
pdp_orbitwize or
pdp_plasmaplasma generator
pdp_pointcloudconvert an image to a point cloud
pdp_positivesign function that creates a bitmask
pdp_randmixcrossfades 2 images by taking random pixels
pdp_rotatetiled rotate
pdp_scalerescale an image
pdp_signsign function
pdp_sthreshsoft thresholding
pdp_zoomtiled zoom
pdp_zrottiled zoom + rotate
pdp_zthreshzero threshold (x0 - 0)
pdp_xorbitwize xor

dsp objects

pdp_scope~a very simple oscilloscope
pdp_scan~phase input scanned synthesis oscillator
pdp_scanxy~x,y coordinate input scanned synthesis oscillator

utility abstractions

pdp_ppscomputes the packet rate in packets/sec

image abstractions

pdp_agcautomatic gain control (intensity maximizer)
pdp_blurblurs an image
pdp_blur_horhorizontal blur
pdp_blur_ververtical blur
pdp_contrastcontrast enhancement
pdp_dithera dither effect
pdp_phaseapplies an allpass filter to an image
pdp_phase_horhorizontal allpass
pdp_phase_ververtical allpass
pdp_motion_blurblurs motion
pdp_motion_phasephase shifts motion
pdp_offsetadd an offset to an image
pdp_alledgean all edge detector
pdp_conv_sobel_horhorizontal sobel edge detector
pdp_conv_sobel_ververtical sobel edge detector
pdp_conv_sobel_edgesum of squares of hor and ver
pdp_saturationchange colour saturation
pdp_subsubtract 2 images
pdp_invertinverse video
pdp_gain3set 3 channel gains independently
pdp_gradientconverts a greyscale to colour using a colour gradient
pdp_png_toconvert a png file (on disk) to a certain packet type
pdp_tagtag a packet (to use it with route)

matrix processors

pdp_m_mvmatrix vector multiply
pdp_m_mmmatrix matrix multiply
pdp_m_+=mmmatrix matrix multiply add
pdp_m_LUcompute LU decomposition
pdp_m_LU_inversecompute matrix inverse from LU decomp
pdp_m_LU_solvesolve a linear system using LU decomp

matrix abstractions

pdp_m_inversecompute matrix inverse


cellular automata

pdp_cacomputes a cellular automaton (as a generator or a filter)
pdp_ca2imageconvert a 

Re: [PD] debian/ubuntu package for Pd-extended

2007-07-01 Thread Yves Degoyon

good news, it was really lacking...

we might need it for the workshops to come also in spain :


Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:

Hey all,

I am here in Zaragoza, Spain at the gohan workshop.  I am impressed  
by how many people here are running Debian/Ubuntu.  It was the most  
popular OS at the workshop!  This also made me realize what a mess  
that Pd-extended installer was.  So here is my first attempt to  
rectify the situation, I made a .deb.  Please test it out:


A couple notes:

- it installs into /usr/local so you can have it installed at the  
same time as the puredata Debian package

- it should automatically install all dependencies except liblame0  
since that is not included in normal Debian (AFAIK)

- it should install a GNOME/KDE menu item in Sound  Video with a  
pretty icon, please tell me if that doesn't work

Anyone know how to handle file associations with GNOME?  I would like  
to add that.



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Re: [PD] Any relation between pidip and Gem??

2007-06-22 Thread Yves Degoyon

pidip is searching for libquicktime at the wrong place

is an affirmation, unjustified and not founded at all,
that's where the abuse is, unverified information.

and now something totally different :
what's the status of the moonlibs
http://www.moonix.freesurf.fr/ ?
did a. rousseau gave up pd?
is it included in pd.-extended? in cvs?

i happen to like some of the objects there..


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Re: [PD] Any relation between pidip and Gem??

2007-06-21 Thread Yves Degoyon

IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:

Javier García wrote:

But if i delete Gem from my list, i get this:

PDP: pure data packet version 0.12.5-darcs
/usr/local/lib/pd/extra/pidip/pidip.pd_linux: undefined symbol: 

Why? Im curious...

have you compiled pidip yourself? (or updated quicktime after you
compiled pidip?)

it seems like pidip is searching for libquicktime at the wrong place
(where it cannot find it); Gem seems to find it, so pidip can re-use the
bindings made available for Gem.


err, sorry, pidip is not even searching for quicktime,
for habitually it's linked and loaded with pdp..

so pidip is searching for libquicktime at the wrong place
is _again_ an abuse.. if you don't know, just ask...


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Re: [PD] [PD-announce] Pd-0.39.2-extended-rc2 released! OSX issues

2007-06-07 Thread Yves Degoyon

   - pdp_i is not documented


pdp_i works with pdp_o ( it's point to point
video streaming )
and it is documented in :


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Re: [PD] [PD-dev] pidip on Mac OS X gives Symbol not found: _quicktime_video_length

2007-04-20 Thread Yves Degoyon
Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:

I am trying to get pidip working in the Mac OS X auto-builds.  It is  
now building beautifully, and automatically including all of the  
needed dylibs into the Pd.app.  But when I try to use it, I get this  

Scripts/../extra/pidip.pd_darwin: dlopen(/Applications/Pd-0.39.2- 
10): Symbol not found: _quicktime_video_length
   Referenced from: /Applications/Pd-0.39.2-extended-rc2.app/Contents/ 
   Expected in: dynamic lookup

This is using the most recent version of libquicktime that is  
included in Fink:  0.9.4-1013.   My guess is that pidip needs a newer  
version of libquicktime.  Is there any workarounds?



Access to computers should be unlimited and total.  - the hacker ethic

PD-dev mailing list


pidip would work with this version of libquicktime on linux
( it was working with 0.9.1 )

are you sure you load pdp _before_ pidip?
else, i dunno about linking options in OSX
you can have a look at the makefile of :


ps : btw, any pd'ers in tel-aviv/jerusalem/ramallah/hebron ??
just reply privately and see if we can have a beer.

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Re: [PD] Mplayer video into PDP/Gem

2007-03-30 Thread Yves Degoyon
Thomas Mayer wrote:


is there a way to route the video output of mplayer (or any other oss
available for Linux) into Pd via PDP or Gem? AFAIK there are objects to
use the input of webcams, can those be used to accomplish that?

Thanks in advance,


it's in spanish,
bu i think you can get the idea :


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Re: [PD] Percolate

2007-03-08 Thread Yves Degoyon

It would be good to find out what the legal status of code
that is illegally licensed. We've had this issue before with the
not-for-military-use clause that Yves added to his software, rendering
it technically illegal. A lawyer could tell us if it's a) in legal limbo
land where nobody is legally allowed to use it b) defaults to public
domain c) something else weird.


in fact, i'm glad of considering my software 'illegal'
when you see what the 'law' ( mainly american )
and the OMC are able to achieve with tricks.


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Re: [PD] Creb and PDP libraries incomplete in 39 extended on MacIntel 10.4.8

2007-02-19 Thread Yves Degoyon


err, of course, the pdp/pidip you found on my site
was compiled for classical G3, Motorola based no intel Mac..
just, try the one which should be in hans's installers
for Mac intel
( but i have no idea of the state of this actually )


Mark Pasquesi wrote:


Below is cut from my PD window:  I use - MAc OS 10.4.8, Intel 
minimac.1.83 duo.  I have installed Dev tools, Fink and x11 to help me 
along the way.

I also use a portable g4 (500 Mhz) on OSX10.3.5 to test things on.  It 
has Dev tools and x11 (unfinked at the moment).

PDP problem named at opening (Architecture and library for pdp).  
(pdip example works for communication-pddplink-test).  pdp is missing 
nearly all pdp objects when tested. 

Creb is missing onecomp object, biquadseries, and ibfft.  Hit or miss 
for object used in examples.

Should I compile Creb and pdp independently? Confused if I should do 
all through terminal or x11, or instead drag and drop after doing a 
control click inside PD extended to open the package???  or should I 
just try to compile there??


dlopen(/usr/local/lib/pd/pdp_pidip_osx/pdp.pd_darwin, 10): no suitable 
image found.  Did find:
/usr/local/lib/pd/pdp_pidip_osx/pdp.pd_darwin: mach-o, but wrong 

/usr/local/lib/pd/pdp_pidip_osx/pdp: can't load library
error: .printout.text: no such object
error: .printout.text: no such object
error: filterortho~: can't load abstraction within itself

... couldn't create
filterortho~.pd 3 0 0 0 (canvas-dac~) connection failed
filterortho~.pd 3 0 0 1 (canvas-dac~) connection failed
filterortho~.pd 9 0 3 0 (*~-canvas) connection failed
filterortho~.pd 17 0 3 0 (message-canvas) connection failed
error: inlet: expected '' but got 'setHP'
... you might be able to track this down from the Find menu.
error: inlet: expected '' but got 'setLP'
warning: sample123: multiply defined
warning: sample123: multiply defined
... couldn't create
fdn: maximum nb of delay lines 8, total buffer size 65536 samples 
(1.486077 seconds)

error: signal outlet connect to nonsignal inlet (ignored)

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Re: [PD] Live Apectrum Analyzer

2007-02-02 Thread Yves Degoyon


Is there a pdp/pidip object that can put a picture in a desired position
on a pdp window?


acording to what you do you want to put a pdp image into another one?
in this case, use pdp_canvas..

i you want to load an image from your harddrive, use pdp_imgloader.


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Re: [PD] pd gui chrases in Ubuntu Edgy Eft

2007-02-02 Thread Yves Degoyon

yeh, good solution... clever!!


Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:

Are you running PDP or PiDiP? That's the only thing that uses 
ImageMagick, AFAIK. Try removing PDP and/or PiDiP from your startup libs.


On Feb 1, 2007, at 9:08 AM, Fanouris Moraitis wrote:


Sometimes when I do right click for help to any object or when I am
trying to type something pd crashes with the following message

pd: magick/exception.c:845: ThrowMagickExceptionList: Assertion
`exception-signature == 0xabacadabUL' failed.
Pd: signal 6
pd_gui: pd process exited

I use Pd version 0.39.2-extended-test7 for ubuntu


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terrorism. - retired U.S. Army general, William Odom

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Re: [PD] pdp in os x 10.4.7 / pd-extended 0.39.2

2007-02-02 Thread Yves Degoyon


both of your problems are very independent..

* first problem is that pdp_xv doesn't exist on OSX,
use pdp_glx instead
and don't forget to launch the X server before creating this window,
if this doesn't work, i don't know why..

* second problem ( the font problem )
is that you need the default font that pidip uses
which is helmetr.tff
and that the 'make install' in pidip should install..
you can get this font in the /fonts directory in pidip :


Daniel Arcé wrote:

I'm trying to use pdp in os x 10.4.7 with pd-extended 0.39.2 (hc's version).

My goal is to create a simple video window using pdp_xv, but I'm met with
the error:

pdp_xv: autocreate window
pdp_xv: cant open display :0

same with pdp_glx.

Here are more details about my situation:

I needed to install x11 from the Tiger cd. This solved the missing library
problems. X11 now says it is X11 1.1.1 - XFree86 4.4.0

I launched pd-extended by 1) clickin on it, and 2) from the xterm window
via open Pd-extended.app. The problem is the same either way.

PD launches with the smallest of complaints, notably:

pdp_text : severe error : could not load default font : no rendering !!!

I found some source code floating around. It seems that the error comes
from this method:

  font = imlib_load_font(DEFAULT_FONT);
  if ( !font )
 post( pdp_text : severe error : could not load default font : no
rendering !!! );
  imlib_context_set_font( font );

I found the code in a google cache, so I don't know if it's current or what:

Anyhow, all that to say that I went to that directory, and there are a
number of .TTF files in it. For some reason DEFAULT_FONT is returning

So my question again: How can I get pdp_xv to work on os x? Is the message
no rendering !!! linked to my problem?

I can create windows with GEM, but pdp falls on my desk.

Any ideas?


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Re: [PD] macbook cam and pdp

2007-01-22 Thread Yves Degoyon

for pdp, on mac Osx, ypu should use pdp_ieee1394 for video capture
and pdp_glx for output
( precisely no pdp_xv available )


Derek Holzer wrote:

On OSX, right? You would use [pdp_xv]. [pdp_v4l] stands for Video for 
Linux, which is part of the Linux device system and has never worked 
on OSX.

I've seen the internal camera work with both GEM and PDP on OSX, no 


Luigi Rensinghoff wrote:

Hi list

a question out of curiosity

i opened a pdp example patch on my Macbook and saw that the pdp_v4l 
does not work or is not included..

is somebody working on it ?
is there a way to  get the integrated macbook webcam going , maybe 
via fink ??

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Re: [PD] ip camera

2007-01-01 Thread Yves Degoyon


i'm reformulating this question,
knowing that pdp_raw can get the input
of mplayer if you follow this mini-howto
( de S.Moreno and L.gOmez ):

this is how to get a ogg/theora stream into pd using mplayer.

i think it would be possible to do the same with an ip camera no?
anybody ever tested it ?
( getting the ip cam stream with mplayer )..

on a side note, i had good success
setting up an edirol fa-101 with fedora core,
this is just to start the year with one good news..

and, a happy new gear 2007


Yves Degoyon wrote:


anybody has used an ip camera
with pdp?

( using pdp_raw )


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[PD] ip camera

2006-12-29 Thread Yves Degoyon


anybody has used an ip camera
with pdp?

( using pdp_raw )


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Re: [PD] pidip and ffmpeg compilation

2006-12-18 Thread Yves Degoyon

yeh, hans,
but i guess pidip is compiled _without_ ffmpeg
which has been a hell to follow anyway
with so many unstable releases, buggy, crashing ...
so i gave up ...

if you really want experimental support of ffmepg in pidip,
that's with --with-ffmpeg=/path/to/ffmpeg

but i haven't tried this for years ( am i so old ? )

well, suerte a los jovenes,
good instructions anyway ..


Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:

pidip is included in the nightly builds for GNU/Linux, including the  
Ubuntu Dapper build.



On Dec 18, 2006, at 12:18 AM, John Harrison wrote:

Tonight I headed down this same path, doing the equivalent of  adding 
the variables and getting the same errors. I have concluded  that 
pidip compiles only with the ffmpeg sources Yves provides on  the 
pidip web page:


I put rather terse directions for compiling for ubuntu Dapper on a  


These were adapted from earlier directions I put for compiling on  
ubuntu Breezy:



Yves Degoyon wrote:

yes, sorry. i don't use ffmpeg anymore since a while
and do not follow ffmpeg changes,
so, err, can tell you :
'feel free to fix it' ?

( i know it's a bad answer but all i can do )


Patrick wrote:

dear list

i've downloaded the svn version of ffmpeg and configured it
with: ./configure --enable-mp3lame --enable-libogg --enable-vorbis

i tried also manipulating the Makefile and added the variables:

/usr/local/src/pd/ffmpeg/libavutil/libavutil.a in PDP_PIDIP_LIBS
and -I/usr/loacal/src/pd/ffmpeg/libavutil in PDP_PIDIP_INCLUDES

but i got allways after a:

./configure  --with-pd=../../ --with-pdp=../pdp/

make clean
make ( and make CC=gcc-3.4 )

many, many.
/usr/local/src/pd/ffmpeg-svn/libavformat/avformat.h:251: warning:
‘AVFrac’ is deprecated
pdp_live~.c: In function ‘pdp_live_decode_packet’:
pdp_live~.c:282: error: request for member ‘codec_type’ in  
something not

a structure or union
pdp_live~.c:297: warning: passing argument 1 of  

from incompatible pointer type
pdp_live~.c:297: warning: passing argument 3 of  

from incompatible pointer type
pdp_live~.c:342: error: request for member ‘channels’ in  something 
not a

structure or union
pdp_live~.c:343: error: request for member ‘sample_rate’ in  something
not a structure or union
pdp_live~.c:347: error: request for member ‘channels’ in  something 
not a

structure or union
pdp_live~.c:349: error: request for member ‘sample_rate’ in  something
not a structure or union
pdp_live~.c:354: error: request for member ‘channels’ in  something 
not a

structure or union
pdp_live~.c:400: error: request for member ‘width’ in something  not a
structure or union
pdp_live~.c:401: error: request for member ‘height’ in something  
not a

structure or union
pdp_live~.c:403: error: request for member ‘frame_rate’ in  
something not

a structure or union
pdp_live~.c:410: warning: passing argument 1 of  

from incompatible pointer type
pdp_live~.c:410: warning: passing argument 3 of  

from incompatible pointer type
pdp_live~.c:411: error: request for member ‘pix_fmt’ in something  
not a

structure or union
pdp_live~.c:414: error: request for member ‘pix_fmt’ in something  
not a

structure or union
pdp_live~.c:445: error: request for member ‘width’ in something  not a
structure or union
pdp_live~.c:446: error: request for member ‘height’ in something  
not a

structure or union
pdp_live~.c: In function ‘pdp_live_connect_to_url’:
pdp_live~.c:589: error: ‘AVFormatParameters’ has no member named
pdp_live~.c:651: error: request for member ‘codec_type’ in  
something not

a structure or union
pdp_live~.c:655: error: request for member ‘codec_type’ in  
something not

a structure or union
pdp_live~.c:658: error: request for member ‘codec_id’ in  something 
not a

structure or union
pdp_live~.c:658: error: request for member ‘bit_rate’ in  something 
not a

structure or union
pdp_live~.c:660: error: request for member ‘sample_rate’ in  something
not a structure or union
pdp_live~.c:660: error: request for member ‘channels’ in  something 
not a

structure or union
pdp_live~.c:663: error: request for member ‘codec_type’ in  
something not

a structure or union
pdp_live~.c:666: error: request for member ‘codec_id’ in  something 
not a

structure or union
pdp_live~.c:667: error: request for member ‘bit_rate’ in  something 
not a

structure or union
pdp_live~.c:669: error: request for member ‘frame_rate’ in  
something not

a structure or union
pdp_live~.c:670: error: request for member ‘width’ in something  not a
structure or union
pdp_live~.c:671: error: request for member ‘height’ in something  
not a

structure or union
pdp_live~.c:685: error: request

Re: [PD] pdp crop?

2006-12-05 Thread Yves Degoyon

lucky you,

pdp_cropper from pidip


hope you an build pidip if you need it,
i noticed a few problems with newer libraries
building it yesterday on gentoo,
and not much time to fix it.

metafor wrote:

hi list

i wonder if this might be possible with pdp. i have to do some heavy
image processing (filters and colordetection) on 4 videostreams in
realtime, which is a overload for my cpu. all frame manipulations like
gain/saturation/stresh/cheby are applied on the whole resolution
320x240. but actually i just need to calculate a part of the image
where i do the tracking. therefore it would be great if i could crop a
region of the stream and start working just with this part of the image
which would reduce the data to process drastically. 

would this be possible within pdp. i think there is no object around
yet, but would the concept and structure of pdp allow this kind of

any ideas?


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Re: [PD] pidip error: undefined symbol: theora_clear

2006-12-02 Thread Yves Degoyon

Igor Medeiros wrote:

i was installing pidip from cvs and got this error msg starting pd:

/usr/local/lib/pd/extra/pidip.pd_linux: undefined symbol: theora_clear
pidip: can't load library

any help? i'm using libtheora-1.0alpha7-i486-1 from slackware cd.
there's no libtheora.a on /usr/lib/ only libtheora.la

thx in advance

you mean it compiled first ?  ( with theora headers ? )
and then this ?


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Re: [PD] pidip error: undefined symbol: theora_clear

2006-12-02 Thread Yves Degoyon

okay, maybe it got incompatible with libtheora now,
all's drifting you know?

i might check it if i have the time...

( but working really tires me and i think i'll turn to crime )
who's got the line?


Igor Medeiros wrote:

or is there a libtheora-dev package for slackware?
am i having this error because i don't have the source files (
libtheora.a is a source file?)
sorry for all this question, i am new to slackware, didn't have this
kind of troubles with debian before...

thx in advance

On 12/3/06, Igor Medeiros [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

i installed it from slackware cd with installpkg. i didn't compile it
from source.
should i download the source code from the site and compile it?

thx in advance

On 12/3/06, Yves Degoyon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Igor Medeiros wrote:

  i was installing pidip from cvs and got this error msg starting pd:
  /usr/local/lib/pd/extra/pidip.pd_linux: undefined symbol: 

  pidip: can't load library
  any help? i'm using libtheora-1.0alpha7-i486-1 from slackware cd.
  there's no libtheora.a on /usr/lib/ only libtheora.la
  thx in advance
 you mean it compiled first ?  ( with theora headers ? )
 and then this ?



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Re: [PD] pd version 0.40-2 problem with debian

2006-11-27 Thread Yves Degoyon

Paris Treantafeles wrote:

Hello List,

I'm running debian etch and after an update, pd was updated to 0.40-2
The problem is I now get the error:

PDP INIT ERROR: pd symbol clash adding symbol pdp: new=a6d9182c
old=082373c0 try loading pdp before other libraries

and this error is still there if there is no other library loaded.

I see that this was posted before by Yves:

well, no, tom has fixed this but only in cvs or darcs or whatever
and it's still not in debian packages i guess.

not rolling back, moving on...

ciao, paris,


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[PD] multi i/o soundcard question again

2006-11-24 Thread Yves Degoyon


i know there's lots of messges about this on pd-list archive,
we're looking for a multi i/o firewire audio card
that could run on mac osx and, more than all, on linux,
the final target.

just went to check at the local shop
and they have these two models available :

* m-audio firewire 410
* motu  ultra-light

any success stories with these models?


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Re: [PD] dvcam and pdp and linux

2006-11-24 Thread Yves Degoyon


where are some discussion about [pdp_dvcam]..


err, sorry, a myth on the internet ( another one ? ),
this has never existed,

we're into low resolution video,
as you could think of 8 bits music
( although i'm not a fan ),
8 bit noise is enough?


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Re: [PD] windows compile - one last try

2006-11-09 Thread Yves Degoyon

Damian Stewart wrote:

Hi everyone,

Before I completely give up on pd and buy a copy of Max/MSP, I'm going 
to give compiling pd, so I can fix the things that bug me, one more try.

Can someone who has done so very recently (as in within the last two 
months) point me to an up-to-date tutorial on compiling under Windows 
that actually works? Or at the very least tell me which version I 
should be checking out of CVS (and which CVS repository to get it from).



before spitting on pd, could you consider changing the root of your system?

( and a few brain cells too ? )


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Re: [PD] pd patch startup at boot - ubuntu-server

2006-11-04 Thread Yves Degoyon


Am I doing this correctly? I tried inserting a line
like sh ~/FOO_PATCH.sh in rc.local with no luck. And
I've tried a couple other things with no luck


yes, because he doesn't know what ~ means at that stage,
put rather :


and it should start.


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Re: [PD] sonogram(unauthorized) Segmentation fault

2006-10-31 Thread Yves Degoyon


well, it seems to be a mess,
all i can advise you to do
is to fix your libpthread
with dkpg and debian tools and forums.

i am on Fedora Core 3.


Gerda Strobl wrote:


my system is  debian 2617.

I just checked :root@/home/gerda/externals/unauthorized/sonogram~ 
whereis libpthread

libpthread: /usr/lib/libpthread.a /usr/lib/libpthread.so
..but I could not find out the version.

Therefore I installed: libpthread-dev
Version: 2.0.7-4
Depends: libpthread20 (= 2.0.7-4)

Then I did: make clean.
Installing the external now produces: error: conflicting types for 

the same is with cooled~

so it looks like ther is something with lipthread..but now I dont know 
how to go on.

root@/home/gerda/externals/unauthorized/sonogram~ make
cc -DPD -DUNIX -DICECAST -O2 -funroll-loops -fomit-frame-pointer -Wall 
-W -Wno-shadow -Wstrict-pro
totypes -Wno-unused -Wno-parentheses -Wno-switch -g  -I../../src   

rc -o sonogram~.o -c sonogram~.c
In file included from sonogram~.c:46:
/usr/include/pthread.h:285: error: conflicting types for 'pthread_t'
/usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h:152: error: previous declaration of 
'pthread_t' was here

/usr/include/pthread.h:286: error: conflicting types for 'pthread_attr_t'
/usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h:54: error: previous declaration of 
'pthread_attr_t' was here

/usr/include/pthread.h:287: error: conflicting types for 'pthread_key_t'
/usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h:82: error: previous declaration of 
'pthread_key_t' was here
/usr/include/pthread.h:289: error: conflicting types for 
/usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h:102: error: previous declaration of 
'pthread_mutexattr_t' was her   e
/usr/include/pthread.h:290: error: conflicting types for 
/usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h:95: error: previous declaration of 
'pthread_mutex_t' was here
/usr/include/pthread.h:291: error: conflicting types for 
/usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h:79: error: previous declaration of 
'pthread_condattr_t' was here

/usr/include/pthread.h:292: error: conflicting types for 'pthread_cond_t'
/usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h:72: error: previous declaration of 
'pthread_cond_t' was here

sonogram~.c: In function 'sonogram_update_block':
sonogram~.c:327: warning: format '%d' expects type 'int', but argument 
5 has type 't_int'
sonogram~.c:347: warning: format '%d' expects type 'int', but argument 
5 has type 't_int'

sonogram~.c: In function 'sonogram_resize':
sonogram~.c:1561: warning: ordered comparison of pointer with integer 

make: *** [sonogram~.pd_linux] Error 1


Yves Degoyon wrote:


ouye, seems you have a problem with threading
( which system? which libpthread? ),
you can confirm the diagnostic
trying to use cooled~
which is also a threaded external.

if it crashed, there is probably
a problem with libpthread.


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Re: [PD] sonogram(unauthorized) Segmentation fault

2006-10-30 Thread Yves Degoyon


ouye, seems you have a problem with threading
( which system? which libpthread? ),
you can confirm the diagnostic
trying to use cooled~
which is also a threaded external.

if it crashed, there is probably
a problem with libpthread.


Gerda Strobl wrote:

Hi Yves,

I would really like to use your sonogram object. Installation went 
fine, I can open a help patch, load a file, then I click on the bang 
in step 2 (recording), the soundfile (2s length) is played and then pd 
freezes (crashes).

I have attached the gdb report.

Best regards,

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