Re: K7 first thoughts

2010-05-22 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: Northeast Media

Subject: Re: K7 first thoughts

Thats the bity I hate the most about myK10D.

I can work around the ISO and AF performance - at least they are 

The first night function I shot with the K10d and my Metz 45 CL-4 flash 
were a nightmare, it was so unpredictable. J just when I thought I had it 
set it varied when I went to do the real shot. The exposures were all over 
the place.  I switched to the DS for the rest of the night and that worked 
much more predictably.

I have worked on more manual control of the system, but full P-TTL is nice 
when it works.

I haven't bothered to update my flash since  February 1986.
I still use a Metz 60 CT2 that I bought when my Metz 402 crapped out and I 
needed a flash tomorrow.

I tried TTL with the LX, and gave up on the LX for flash altogether, and 
went back to the very accurate Metz auto flash.

When the istD came out, I tried TTL with it, and it failed.
When I bought the K10, I bought a Pentax flash that was supposed to be 

I think it's a 500 ftz, or somesuch.
It's batteries have probably rotted, since it is not accurate on either the 
K10 or K20, and so I keep going back to the amazingly accurate Metz 

William Robb

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Re: Didja miss me?

2010-05-22 Thread P. J. Alling

Important?  Surely you jest.

On 5/21/2010 6:35 PM, Doug Brewer wrote:
Recovering from a four-day bus trip to Washington, DC with my son's 
fifth-grade class. If there was anything important on the list, let me 
know or I'll eventually read it.

Unless I don't.

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier 
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 I've just upgraded to Thunderbird 3.0 and the 
interface subtly weird.\par

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Re: Mass-scale Copyright Infringement

2010-05-22 Thread Steffen Zahn
Am 21.05.2010 23:26, schrieb Charles Robinson:
 Speaking of copyright infringement if you've ever wondered how many times 
 an image of yours has been appropriated and used elsewhere on the web, try 
 this site:

 Enter a URL for your image, and it will point you to other URLS with 
 similar images - usually a copy/edit of the original. So far I've gotten no 
 false hits.

 Kinda fun/interesting/sad depending on your mood.

 For example:

tineye is not bad it found someone selling slightly modified versions of
one of my images on gettyimages and istockfoto.

Thanks for the tip.

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Re: still VeryOT: helmets was no anti-bike bias here at all, oh no, absolutely,, not

2010-05-22 Thread P. J. Alling

On 5/21/2010 11:11 PM, frank theriault wrote:

On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 10:52 PM, Doug Franklin  wrote:

personally I think bike gloves are more helpful.

I'm no expert, but my feeling is that, if you're moving, your attention,
eyes and ears are the best protection you have.  You can't rely on the
other guy to see you.  If you're doing things that rely on the other guy
seeing you and reacting appropriately, you're gonna end up a hood

Yes, of course you're right.

So one should always be vigilant.

How does a helmet hinder such vigilance?

It's nice to have the helmet as a final layer of protection if more
pro-active prevention isn't enough.  Not that helmets are a
guarantee of anything, however they do lessen one's chances of more
serious head injury.


There's some argument to be made that the safer you feel, the more risks 
you take.  Bike helmets make you feel safer.

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier 
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 I've just upgraded to Thunderbird 3.0 and the 
interface subtly weird.\par

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Re: VeryOT: no anti-bike bias here at all, oh no, absolutely, not

2010-05-22 Thread David Mann
On May 22, 2010, at 5:47 AM, William Robb wrote:

 Consequently, we also have a lot of car/ bicycle accidents where the car 
 driver simply refuses to give up his right of way to an errant cyclist and 
 takes him out instead.

That is absolutely disgusting.  There's no justification for that kind of 
behaviour and I hope such drivers are being hauled into court.  If they could 
have stopped but chose not to then they've committed assault, regardless of 

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Re: still VeryOT: helmets was no anti-bike bias here at all, oh no, absolutely, , not

2010-05-22 Thread David Mann
On May 22, 2010, at 3:08 PM, frank theriault wrote:

 I had road-rash on my face and my collarbone was broken in two places.
 My helmet had quite a dent in it.  I suffered no head injuries
 I don't care what the percentages and chances are - I'm convinced that
 helmet saved my life that day.

I'm also a member of the clavicle club.  I broke mine by hitting the road 
sideways with my shoulder.  As you might expect, that also meant my head hit 
the road sideways, quite hard.

I was wearing a helmet at the time.  I don't believe it saved my life - not 
that I'm qualified to judge - but I am convinced that it saved me a concussion 
which would have meant an ambulance and a night in hospital.  Instead I was 
able to walk most of the way home then get a ride to the emergency room.  I 
fear hospitals so the less time I spend inside one, the better.

Given the amount that I ride I would never leave the helmet at home.  I'm also 
swayed a bit by knowing a couple of people who do owe their lives to them.

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Re: Returning defective goods : was RE: Leica M9

2010-05-22 Thread eckinator
2010/5/22 Steven Desjardins
 The way people do business reflects their own perception of the way
 they are treated. If you think that companies will do anything they
 can to cheat you, they you will reply in kind.  This is especially
 true if they believe that big companies are in some fundamental way
 not a person and do not merit  ethical treatment.   You can't cheat
 an inanimate object.

 I have no love for corporations but if you allow yourself to slip into
 this way of thinking then you only degrade your own sense of morality.
  You can begin to treat other individuals in this impersonal way of
 doing business.  My position is that you do yourself more harm
 psychologically/spiritually than you gain in the material transaction.

Amen to that!

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Re: OT pacman on google

2010-05-22 Thread eckinator
Crashed my IE8 several times, I gave up in the end

2010/5/22 William Robb

 - Original Message - From: Larry Colen
 Subject: OT pacman on google

 go to
 hit insert coin and then you can play the game by clicking your mouse on
 where you want pacman to go.

 And if you have cool previews enabled, the damned noise from the game is
 automatic, unrelenting and unending.
 I spent half an hour today wondering if I had some sort of virus because as
 soon as I invoked Firefox, the friggin Pacman thing started.
 Stupid bastards.

 William Robb

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Re: Didja miss me?

2010-05-22 Thread Cotty
On 21/5/10, Tom C, discombobulated, unleashed:

One of our members is apparently a dishonest, deceptive, lying

No need to be so hard on yourself Tom.



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Re: still VeryOT: helmets...

2010-05-22 Thread Bertil Holmberg
I just purchesed a Nutcase helmet, the most fun ones that you can get - I think.

I had to pay double the US price at but my head and 
my mind is worth more than that.

Now I just have to get a pink K-x to match it ;-)

Best regards,

22 maj 2010 kl. 10:03 skrev

 Helmets make sense. Yes, we grew up without them, but not all of us grew up. 
 A friend of mine died at 16 when he bailed off his scooter to avoid a 
 collision and hit his head on a parked car.

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RE: VeryOT: no anti-bike bias here at all, oh no, absolutely,, not

2010-05-22 Thread Bob W
 I put on a helmet when it rains.  It keeps the hood of my 
 rain jacket on my head.

That increases the chance of you having an accident. When you're wearing a
hood and turn round to see if there are any juggernauts bearing down on you,
the hood obscures most of your vision. To get it out of the way you have to
take one hand off the handlebar. I recommend wearing a traditional cycling
cap made from a water-repellent material,such as this:

It may also help keep your scalp attached to your skull when you slide along
the blacktop on your head.


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RE: VeryOT: no anti-bike bias here at all, oh no, absolutely,, not

2010-05-22 Thread Bob W
 On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 3:42 PM, John Sessoms wrote:
  Most cyclists are not idiots. It's just the idiots who get all the 
 Same with drivers and pedestrians.  Most are kind and 
 courteous.  It's the minority of fools that we all see and hear about.

They should set up a special place where they can all be gathered together
and kept away from the rest of us.

No, wait, isn't that London...?


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RE: VeryOT: no anti-bike bias here at all, oh no, absolutely,, not

2010-05-22 Thread Bob W
  Such studies have been done, of course.  But all they can 
 measure is 
  the accident rate in the jurisdiction; they can't compare 
 the accident 
  rate with helmets to the rate for the same area without helmet use.
 But they can.
 Studies from a period before mandatory helmet wearing can be 
 compared to a period immediately after helmet mandation.  
 Provided other factors haven't significantly changed, and the 
 study periods encompass the same cycling population in the 
 same place and in the same seasons, then the results can be 
 fairly compared.

 Provided other factors haven't significantly changed,

There's the rub. 

It also would require the correct figures to have been gathered correctly.
The stuff I've read about it all seems to show that there are no
uncontroversial like-for-like figures available.

It's probably better if we go back to discussing the definition of Art -
it's an easier matter to settle.


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RE: VeryOT: no anti-bike bias here at all, oh no, absolutely,, not

2010-05-22 Thread Bob W
  It's tempting to point to statistics that show a (slightly) 
 lower rate 
  of injury amongst helmet wearers.  But this is a self-selecting 
  population; it's quite plausible that the sort of person 
 who elects to 
  wear a helmet is less likely to engage in risky activities, 
 and thus 
  would have a lower chance of an accident even without the helmet.
 The stats would probably be more meaningful from 
 jurisdictions such as mine where it's illegal to ride sans 
 helmet (though of course many do, one the spot fines are 
 regularly dispensed).

The figures from Aus show that although the number of serious injuries
declined, so did the number of miles cycled, so the rate of injury
increased. The health of the whole population also declined because the
people who didn't cycle but who would have done previously did not get the
health gains of cycling. So society as a whole lost out by make
helmet-wearing compulsory - mandatory helmets saved some people, but more
people died because instead of cycling they were slumped in front of
Neighbours with a tube of the amber nectar.

There are various problems with the before  after stats which can be quite
hotly contested, but similar results appear to found wherever the
'experiment' is carried out.

Here are some stats for GB, where helmets are not compulsory and where
helmet use has increased as the number of miles cycled has increased.

In London it seems there is safety in numbers, and that the more cyclists
there are on the roads, the safer cycling becomes regardless of helmet use -
although it is not at all unsafe compared with other activities.

Most cycling deaths here are the result of left-turning lorries crushing the
cyclist against the pavement barrier - something which helmets could not
prevent. The answer to that one lies in cyclist and driver training, and the
replacement of barriers with other means of keeping traffic off the

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Re: VeryOT: no anti-bike bias here at all, oh no, absolutely,, not

2010-05-22 Thread eckinator
2010/5/22 Bob W

 I put on a helmet when it rains.  It keeps the hood of my
 rain jacket on my head.

I have a reflective GoreTex helmet cover, keeps rain and wind out and
surface friction is enough to hold a Petzl TacTikka XP LED headlamp
which can be used as both a headlight or a taillight with slip-in
color screens

 That increases the chance of you having an accident. When you're wearing a
 hood and turn round to see if there are any juggernauts bearing down on you,
 the hood obscures most of your vision. To get it out of the way you have to
 take one hand off the handlebar.

Totally, tried the cobra hood of my ecwcs parka before and while it
was a nice fit, I didn't see a thing turning my head. And I find most
bicycle mirrors to be useless.

 I recommend wearing a traditional cycling
 cap made from a water-repellent material,such as this:

 It may also help keep your scalp attached to your skull when you slide along
 the blacktop on your head.

I doubt that. Same as with motorcycle gear, if it isn't securely
attached, either to you or to another piece of gear, it will simply
come sliding right off on impact or shortly thereafter... =(

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Re: still VeryOT: helmets...

2010-05-22 Thread eckinator
Look nice but I think they kill you in the summer heat?

2010/5/22 Bertil Holmberg
 I just purchesed a Nutcase helmet, the most fun ones that you can get - I 

 I had to pay double the US price at but my head 
 and my mind is worth more than that.

 Now I just have to get a pink K-x to match it ;-)

 Best regards,

 22 maj 2010 kl. 10:03 skrev

 Helmets make sense. Yes, we grew up without them, but not all of us grew up. 
 A friend of mine died at 16 when he bailed off his scooter to avoid a 
 collision and hit his head on a parked car.

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RE: still VeryOT: helmets was no anti-bike bias here at all, oh no, absolutely, , not

2010-05-22 Thread Bob W
 I'm no expert, but my feeling is that, if you're moving, your 
 attention, eyes and ears are the best protection you have.  
 You can't rely on the other guy to see you.  If you're 
 doing things that rely on the other guy seeing you and 
 reacting appropriately, you're gonna end up a hood ornament.

Indeed. Cyclist training, preferably accompanied by driver training, is the
most important safety factor of all.


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Re: Bird watcher Maritimtim

2010-05-22 Thread eckinator
Happy birthday, Tim! =)

2010/5/21 Christine  Aguila
 That's nice, Tim.  Hope you had a nice birthday!  Cheers, Christine

 - Original Message - From: Tim Øsleby
 To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
 Sent: Saturday, May 15, 2010 2:32 PM
 Subject: PESO: Bird watcher Maritimtim

 Since so many at the list have been exposed lately. Now I think it's my


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RE: still VeryOT: helmets was no anti-bike bias here at all, oh no, absolutely, , not

2010-05-22 Thread Bob W
 So one should always be vigilant.
 How does a helmet hinder such vigilance?
 It's nice to have the helmet as a final layer of protection 
 if more pro-active prevention isn't enough.  Not that 
 helmets are a guarantee of anything, however they do lessen 
 one's chances of more serious head injury.

That has not been shown to be the case. In fact, wearing a helmet increases
your chances of certain types of injury, if you're unlucky enough to crash. 

For everyone who thinks their life was saved or injuries lessened by a
helmet there is probably someone who could have been killed or seriously
injured by wearing one - but we don't have the stats to make any kind of
judgement based on this. When I fell off and broke my wrist a few years ago
I bumped my unhelmeted head on the pavement. It was no big deal, but by
increasing the volume of my head area a helmet could have led to some sort
of hideous rotational injury. There's no point in speculating on these
hypothetical lines or comparing the seriousness of what might have been.

To me the matter should remain one of choice for adults, even if it could be
proved incontrovertibly that helmets offered substantial benefits to the
cyclist. There are really 3 camps in this argument. A 'pro-choice' (for want
of a better phrase) lobby consisting of some pro- and all 'anti-' helmet
people, and a 'pro-life' (as they might call themselves) lobby which wants
helmet use to be mandatory. I notice that the set of people who want to make
helmet wearing illegal is empty. From this I conclude that if one wants to
make helmet wearing compulsory one is either a helmet manufacturer or a Nazi
or both.

Thread over.


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RE: K7 first thoughts [Scanned][Spam score:8%]

2010-05-22 Thread John Whittingham
Is there room in that boat for me too? I'm waiting to see what comes next, but 
I'd really like the 14.6m pixel count to stay, more fps, better metering etc.


From: [] On Behalf Of Rob Studdert 
Sent: 22 May 2010 01:54
To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
Subject: Re: K7 first thoughts [Scanned][Spam score:8%]

On 21/05/2010, Adam Maas wrote:

 The K-7 pretty much nailed everything I wanted fixed about earlier
 Pentax DSLR's except the high ISO performance, which wasn't good
 enough to get me to upgrade.

 I still want a K-7x, the K-x is a great little body but the K-7's VF,
 build and sealing and LiIon batteries would be a big upgrade for me, I
 just need K-x level high ISO from it.

I'm pretty much in the same boat, really I can't justify the purchase
of a K7 when the K-x K20D combo will do pretty much all I need for the

Rob Studdert (Digital  Image Studio)
Tel: +61-418-166-870 UTC +10 Hours
Gmail, eBay, Skype, Twitter, Facebook, Picasa: distudio

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RE: PESO Dodge

2010-05-22 Thread Bob W

 No one does cars like Paul Stenquist

Call me argumentative:

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Re: still VeryOT: helmets was no anti-bike bias here at all, oh no, absolutely, , not

2010-05-22 Thread eckinator
Haha ... you invoked Godwin on purpose - does that even count?

2010/5/22 Bob W
 So one should always be vigilant.

 How does a helmet hinder such vigilance?

 It's nice to have the helmet as a final layer of protection
 if more pro-active prevention isn't enough.  Not that
 helmets are a guarantee of anything, however they do lessen
 one's chances of more serious head injury.

 That has not been shown to be the case. In fact, wearing a helmet increases
 your chances of certain types of injury, if you're unlucky enough to crash.

 For everyone who thinks their life was saved or injuries lessened by a
 helmet there is probably someone who could have been killed or seriously
 injured by wearing one - but we don't have the stats to make any kind of
 judgement based on this. When I fell off and broke my wrist a few years ago
 I bumped my unhelmeted head on the pavement. It was no big deal, but by
 increasing the volume of my head area a helmet could have led to some sort
 of hideous rotational injury. There's no point in speculating on these
 hypothetical lines or comparing the seriousness of what might have been.

 To me the matter should remain one of choice for adults, even if it could be
 proved incontrovertibly that helmets offered substantial benefits to the
 cyclist. There are really 3 camps in this argument. A 'pro-choice' (for want
 of a better phrase) lobby consisting of some pro- and all 'anti-' helmet
 people, and a 'pro-life' (as they might call themselves) lobby which wants
 helmet use to be mandatory. I notice that the set of people who want to make
 helmet wearing illegal is empty. From this I conclude that if one wants to
 make helmet wearing compulsory one is either a helmet manufacturer or a Nazi
 or both.

 Thread over.


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RE: PESO Dodge

2010-05-22 Thread Bob W

  From yesterday's work stuff:

Beautiful -I love the way you shoot cars.


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RE: Sigma OS available for Pentax! [Scanned] [Spam score:8%]

2010-05-22 Thread John Whittingham
I would think so, but it seems to be the subject of some debate, either way I 
for one welcome it. How are things with you Rob? I've been in lurk mode for 
some time.



From: [] On Behalf Of Rob Studdert 
Sent: 22 May 2010 02:45
To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
Subject: Re: Sigma OS available for Pentax! [Scanned] [Spam score:8%]

On 21/05/2010, John Whittingham wrote:

 Could be of interest to all those finding SR useless on long lenses, the 
 150-500 APO HSM is already listed at Sigma UK.

So to be absolutely clear is the Sigma in-lens OS completely self
contained and independent of the camera system (apart from the power
supply requirements)?

Rob Studdert (Digital  Image Studio)
Tel: +61-418-166-870 UTC +10 Hours
Gmail, eBay, Skype, Twitter, Facebook, Picasa: distudio

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Re: PESO Dodge

2010-05-22 Thread Rob Studdert
On 22/05/2010, Bob W wrote:

  No one does cars like Paul Stenquist

 Call me argumentative:

Oh dear..

He added: There are moments way out in the middle of nowhere when I
see a little car parked and I swear it needs loving. 

Rob Studdert (Digital  Image Studio)
Tel: +61-418-166-870 UTC +10 Hours
Gmail, eBay, Skype, Twitter, Facebook, Picasa: distudio

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Re: Sigma OS available for Pentax! [Scanned] [Spam score:8%]

2010-05-22 Thread Rob Studdert
On 22/05/2010, John Whittingham wrote:
 I would think so, but it seems to be the subject of some debate, either way I 
 for one welcome it. How are things with you Rob? I've been in lurk mode for 
 some time.

Hi John,

I've been semi-lurking lately, I'm pretty busy so I just don't have
time to read all posts so much gets archived without being read

Digging further into the Sigma site I found the following:

* For Pentax and Sony mount, OS function is not available

* Nikon  Pentax Mounts: Does not have aperture ring

On the positive side it is full frame.


Rob Studdert (Digital  Image Studio)
Tel: +61-418-166-870 UTC +10 Hours
Gmail, eBay, Skype, Twitter, Facebook, Picasa: distudio

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RE: Sigma OS available for Pentax! [Scanned] [Spam score:8%]

2010-05-22 Thread John Whittingham
Hi Rob

I've been pretty busy myself, the current financial climate here doesn't help. 
The OS is new to Pentax and Sony, the 120-400 originally didn't have OS, but as 
of yesterday it does with a slight price increase, or should that be a decrease 
of the old non-OS model. From Sigma UK I can see 17-70 HSM OS, 150-500 HSM OS 
and now 120-400 HSM OS. I agree with your comment on full frame but will 
refrain from commenting on the loss of aperture ring for fear of starting a 
heated debate.

Best regards


From: [] On Behalf Of Rob Studdert 
Sent: 22 May 2010 10:45
To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
Subject: Re: Sigma OS available for Pentax! [Scanned] [Spam score:8%]

On 22/05/2010, John Whittingham wrote:
 I would think so, but it seems to be the subject of some debate, either way I 
 for one welcome it. How are things with you Rob? I've been in lurk mode for 
 some time.

Hi John,

I've been semi-lurking lately, I'm pretty busy so I just don't have
time to read all posts so much gets archived without being read

Digging further into the Sigma site I found the following:

* For Pentax and Sony mount, OS function is not available

* Nikon  Pentax Mounts: Does not have aperture ring

On the positive side it is full frame.


Rob Studdert (Digital  Image Studio)
Tel: +61-418-166-870 UTC +10 Hours
Gmail, eBay, Skype, Twitter, Facebook, Picasa: distudio

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Re: Sigma OS available for Pentax! [Scanned] [Spam score:8%]

2010-05-22 Thread Anthony Farr
On 22 May 2010 19:45, Rob Studdert wrote:

 Digging further into the Sigma site I found the following:

 * For Pentax and Sony mount, OS function is not available

 * Nikon  Pentax Mounts: Does not have aperture ring

 On the positive side it is full frame.

Well, that certainly kills off some entertaining speculation.

The kindest thing I can say about Sigma's press release is that it was
careless.  Somebody in Sigma PR needs their arse kicked from here to
Poughkeepsie.  They unambiguously touted the virtues of the OS when
announcing this lens for Pentax and Nikon, despite their own
compatibility chart showing that the lens lacks its raison d'etre in
these mounts.

regards, Anthony

   Of what use is lens and light
to those who lack in mind and sight

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Pentax Lens Research Survey [Scanned]

2010-05-22 Thread John Whittingham

Right down the bottom of the list:

Future Lenses
This section is devoted to possible future lenses and how much interest they 
generate would they become reality. DAL denotes a lens is made as cheaply as 

DA 11-16mm f2.8 *
DA 35mm f2 *
DA 50mm f1.7 *
DA 85mm f1.4 *
DA 135mm f1.8/2.8 *

DA 400mm f4/5.6 *   BRING IT ON!

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RE: Sigma OS available for Pentax! [Scanned] [Spam score:8%]

2010-05-22 Thread John Whittingham
Buy one now!

!50-500 old one on special offer non-OS

New OS version


From: [] On Behalf Of Anthony Farr 
Sent: 22 May 2010 11:16
To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
Subject: Re: Sigma OS available for Pentax! [Scanned] [Spam score:8%]

On 22 May 2010 19:45, Rob Studdert wrote:

 Digging further into the Sigma site I found the following:

 * For Pentax and Sony mount, OS function is not available

 * Nikon  Pentax Mounts: Does not have aperture ring

 On the positive side it is full frame.

Well, that certainly kills off some entertaining speculation.

The kindest thing I can say about Sigma's press release is that it was
careless.  Somebody in Sigma PR needs their arse kicked from here to
Poughkeepsie.  They unambiguously touted the virtues of the OS when
announcing this lens for Pentax and Nikon, despite their own
compatibility chart showing that the lens lacks its raison d'etre in
these mounts.

regards, Anthony

   Of what use is lens and light
to those who lack in mind and sight

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Re: Sigma OS available for Pentax! [Scanned] [Spam score:8%]

2010-05-22 Thread Anthony Farr
The saga continues.

When I followed The Sigma Corporation link from the press release on
dpreview's page, it took me to Sigma's North American site, where the
information is clearly obsolete. When I followed the link to Sigma
from the Australian importer, it took me to the English language page
of the parent company's website in Japan, where the up-to-date
information tells us,

The lens is equipped with Sigma's own unique OS (Optical Stabilizer)
function. This function uses two sensors inside the lens to detect
vertical and horizontal movement of the camera and works by moving an
optical image stabilizer lens group to effectively compensate for
camera shake. It offers the use of shutter speeds approximately 4
stops slower. Mode 1 is ideal for general photography, and Mode 2 is
effective on moving subjects such as motor sports etc.
*For Pentax and Sony mounts, it is not possible to use the AF and the
built-in OS function of this lens when attaching it to film SLR
cameras as well as Pentax *ist series and K100D.
*When using the OS function of a lens with a camera which incorporates
a stabilizer unit, please turn the camera’s stabilizer unit off.
*For Nikon and Canon mounts, Optical Stabilizer (OS) function will not
work with film SLR cameras except Nikon F6 and Canon EOS-1V.

So, demerits to Sigma for screwing up the press release by not
updating the relevent web page in what must be their biggest market.
And demerits to dpreview for linking to the webpage of a regional
importer, rather than the webpage of the parent company.

Sigma and dpreview are to report to the detention room at 3.10pm this
coming Thursday,

regards, Anthony

   Of what use is lens and light
to those who lack in mind and sight

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Re: Mass-scale Copyright Infringement

2010-05-22 Thread John Sessoms
The original blog entry says they scraped everything on Flickr. I know 
Flicker allows you to make your images private so the viewer has to 
enter a password. I've not used that for mine, but that looks to be in 
the future.

Does anyone know if they scraped the private images as well as the 
public ones?

And what happens if you remove the image from Flickr?

From: Tom C

It makes one shudder. If one were to ask for an image to be removed I
can't imagine there is any kind of mechanism for preventing it from
being scraped again.

Tom C.

On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 2:27 PM, Doug Franklin wrote:

 In the couple of hours since I checked the site at work, now it's down.
 ?Here's the message it displays now: is currently offline as we are improving the website. Due to
 copyright issues we are now changing some stuff around to make people happy.
 Please check back soon.

 Uh huh. ?make people happy. ?Wonder if they're going to admit that they're
 thieves and stop it. ?I'm guessing not.

  Original Message 
 Subject: Mass-scale Copyright Infringement
 Date: Fri, 21 May 2010 16:25:41 -0400
 From: Doug Franklin

 Is Trying to Be the Largest Copyright Infringer of All Time?

 DougF (KG4LMZ)

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Re: Didja miss me?

2010-05-22 Thread Mark Roberts
Cotty wrote:

On 21/5/10, Tom C, discombobulated, unleashed:

One of our members is apparently a dishonest, deceptive, lying

No need to be so hard on yourself Tom.

He was bragging.

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RE: Night photography of NY and LV

2010-05-22 Thread John Sessoms

From: Igor Roshchin

I came across these interesting images:
Sorry if they had been posted here before.



Pretty sure I've seen some of the NYC images before.

I think they were used in Canon advertising. It was when the 7D came out 
and they were shot as video.

Anyway, I remember something similar.

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OT: YouTube stuttering

2010-05-22 Thread John Sessoms
Is anyone else noticing YouTube doesn't stream anymore? Instead of video 
I'm getting:

frame, frame pause skip frame frame pause skip frame skip frame pause 
skip ...

It's been going on for several weeks.

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RE: Sigma OS available for Pentax! [Scanned] [Spam score:8%]

2010-05-22 Thread John Whittingham
Sigma and dpreview are to report to the detention room at 3.10pm this
 coming Thursday

lol, thanks for the info, so now we know it's built into the lens exclusively 
and only relies on the camera for power. Just need to find some money now!


From: [] On Behalf Of Anthony Farr 
Sent: 22 May 2010 11:42
To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
Subject: Re: Sigma OS available for Pentax! [Scanned] [Spam score:8%]

The saga continues.

When I followed The Sigma Corporation link from the press release on
dpreview's page, it took me to Sigma's North American site, where the
information is clearly obsolete. When I followed the link to Sigma
from the Australian importer, it took me to the English language page
of the parent company's website in Japan, where the up-to-date
information tells us,

The lens is equipped with Sigma's own unique OS (Optical Stabilizer)
function. This function uses two sensors inside the lens to detect
vertical and horizontal movement of the camera and works by moving an
optical image stabilizer lens group to effectively compensate for
camera shake. It offers the use of shutter speeds approximately 4
stops slower. Mode 1 is ideal for general photography, and Mode 2 is
effective on moving subjects such as motor sports etc.
*For Pentax and Sony mounts, it is not possible to use the AF and the
built-in OS function of this lens when attaching it to film SLR
cameras as well as Pentax *ist series and K100D.
*When using the OS function of a lens with a camera which incorporates
a stabilizer unit, please turn the camera’s stabilizer unit off.
*For Nikon and Canon mounts, Optical Stabilizer (OS) function will not
work with film SLR cameras except Nikon F6 and Canon EOS-1V.

So, demerits to Sigma for screwing up the press release by not
updating the relevent web page in what must be their biggest market.
And demerits to dpreview for linking to the webpage of a regional
importer, rather than the webpage of the parent company.

Sigma and dpreview are to report to the detention room at 3.10pm this
coming Thursday,

regards, Anthony

   Of what use is lens and light
to those who lack in mind and sight

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Re: Mass-scale Copyright Infringement

2010-05-22 Thread Anthony Farr
Imaglogr now redirects to a message here:

Looks like it was a storm in a teacup.


regards, Anthony

   Of what use is lens and light
to those who lack in mind and sight

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Re: Night photography of NY and LV

2010-05-22 Thread Madame RD

Le 22/05/10 13:03, John Sessoms a écrit :

From: Igor Roshchin

I came across these interesting images: 

Sorry if they had been posted here before.



Pretty sure I've seen some of the NYC images before.

I think they were used in Canon advertising. It was when the 7D came 
out and they were shot as video.

Anyway, I remember something similar.

no wonder astronomers can't see the stars any longer . it's 
beautiful but such a waste. There are only two spots left  in France 
that are not polluted by city lights ..


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RE: Night photography of NY and LV

2010-05-22 Thread Bob W
  From: Igor Roshchin
  I came across these interesting images:

 no wonder astronomers can't see the stars any longer . 
 it's beautiful but such a waste. There are only two spots 
 left  in France that are not polluted by city lights ..

Sarko's brain and Chirac's morals?

What spots are they, in fact?

I found those pictures rather depressing to be honest. Although they are
beautiful what I got from them was that the individual is lost and
effectively powerless against the overwhelming momentum of corporatism. But
never mind, eh! At least the sun's shining in Greenwich.


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Re: OT: YouTube stuttering

2010-05-22 Thread Anthony Farr
On 22 May 2010 21:08, John Sessoms wrote:
 Is anyone else noticing YouTube doesn't stream anymore? Instead of video I'm

 frame, frame pause skip frame frame pause skip frame skip frame pause skip

 It's been going on for several weeks.

Yes, I've noticed and it pisses me off.  I'd rather wait and let a
video load into the cache for smooth viewing, than endure the
frame-dropping that's happening.  But I'm also seeing it on other
video hosting sites like Daily Motion and Viddler, so I suspect that
Adobe Flash is the offender, and it's been rejigged to keep the
timestream constant when it shows video, even if it means breaking the

regards, Anthony

   Of what use is lens and light
to those who lack in mind and sight

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Re: Birding with the 18-250

2010-05-22 Thread Larry Colen

Thanks, Jack and Ecke.

The 18-250 was at 250.  We had gotten a stuffed churro on the pier,  
which really wasn't very good. I was sitting on the ground, holding  
little bits of it in one hand, shooting with the other. At least until  
one of the gulls saw that what was left was under my leg and jumped in  
and took all that was left.

On May 21, 2010, at 5:35 AM, eckinator wrote:

Nice =)
Did you use a remote for the 16-50 shot?

I used my cable release.  This was the day before and I didn't have  
any churro to tempt the birds in closer with.

And is the DA* pigeon poo proof?

Fortunately, I didn't test that.


2010/5/21 Larry Colen
The Tamron 18-250 is not an ideal lens for birding, but  
occasionally it's

adequately sharp:

Though occasionally you can even get in close enough with the 16-50

Larry Colen sent from i4est

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Larry Colen sent from i4est

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Re: PESO Dodge

2010-05-22 Thread David J Brooks
Great shot and I love the subtle motion blur you achieved on the car
and the sharpishness on the driver..


On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 8:05 PM, P N Stenquist wrote:
 From yesterday's work stuff:

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Documenting Life in Rural Ontario.
York Region, Ontario, Canada

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Re: Sigma OS available for Pentax! [Scanned] [Spam score:8%]

2010-05-22 Thread Rob Studdert
On 22/05/2010, Anthony Farr wrote:
 So, demerits to Sigma for screwing up the press release by not
 updating the relevent web page in what must be their biggest market.
 And demerits to dpreview for linking to the webpage of a regional
 importer, rather than the webpage of the parent company.

It's actually still not entirely clear, they are not doing themselves
any favours, the following page is where I found the information that
I posted earlier:

Rob Studdert (Digital  Image Studio)
Tel: +61-418-166-870 UTC +10 Hours
Gmail, eBay, Skype, Twitter, Facebook, Picasa: distudio

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Re: Mass-scale Copyright Infringement

2010-05-22 Thread Mark Roberts
Anthony Farr wrote:

Imaglogr now redirects to a message here:

Looks like it was a storm in a teacup.


Well, the company that was doing the image scraping says it was a
storm in a teacup. They wouldn't lie, would they? :)

Seriously, it does seem unlikely that they would be grabbing full-size
images - the bandwidth and storage costs would be enormous and I can't
see they'd get much benefit. The original post on made
no mention of how they determined that full-size images were being
cached, rather than just thumbnails. Perhaps they just assumed this
was the case.

On the other hand, I never trust any business that anonymizes their
whois information, as both and do.
Something shady's going on.

This is why I never put my images up on a place like Flickr. I keep my
images on my own site, in a separate image directory with a robots.txt
exclusion to keep search engines out.

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Re: Sigma OS available for Pentax! [Scanned] [Spam score:8%]

2010-05-22 Thread Anthony Farr
On 22 May 2010 21:44, Rob Studdert wrote:

 It's actually still not entirely clear, they are not doing themselves
 any favours, the following page is where I found the information that
 I posted earlier:

That's part of the North American website and describes the just
superseded version of the lens.

The trustworthy information is at the Japanese website, here:

regards, Anthony

   Of what use is lens and light
to those who lack in mind and sight

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Re: Sigma OS available for Pentax! [Scanned] [Spam score:8%]

2010-05-22 Thread Rob Studdert
On 22/05/2010, Anthony Farr wrote:

 That's part of the North American website and describes the just
 superseded version of the lens.

 The trustworthy information is at the Japanese website, here:

Thanks for that, it certainly looks interesting and affordable, I hope
it's tested on Photozone soon.


Rob Studdert (Digital  Image Studio)
Tel: +61-418-166-870 UTC +10 Hours
Gmail, eBay, Skype, Twitter, Facebook, Picasa: distudio

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Re: Didja miss me?

2010-05-22 Thread Steven Desjardins
We also all agreed to do a group buy of the 645D in hopes of getting a
volume price of $9500.

Steve Desjardins

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Re: Returning defective goods : was RE: Leica M9

2010-05-22 Thread Steven Desjardins
Besides, I'm surprised cameras don't have that little dot that turns
red when it gets wet.  Cells phones all have them. I've immersed two.
Oddly, the one I quickly recovered died whereas the one I actually put
through a cycle of the washing machine dried out just fine.  I've had
lots of experience with breaking technology.

On Sat, May 22, 2010 at 4:03 AM, eckinator wrote:
 2010/5/22 Steven Desjardins
 The way people do business reflects their own perception of the way
 they are treated. If you think that companies will do anything they
 can to cheat you, they you will reply in kind.  This is especially
 true if they believe that big companies are in some fundamental way
 not a person and do not merit  ethical treatment.   You can't cheat
 an inanimate object.

 I have no love for corporations but if you allow yourself to slip into
 this way of thinking then you only degrade your own sense of morality.
  You can begin to treat other individuals in this impersonal way of
 doing business.  My position is that you do yourself more harm
 psychologically/spiritually than you gain in the material transaction.

 Amen to that!

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Steve Desjardins

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Re: K7 first thoughts

2010-05-22 Thread Adam Maas
On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 9:05 PM, paul stenquist wrote:

 On May 21, 2010, at 8:54 PM, Rob Studdert wrote:

 On 21/05/2010, Adam Maas wrote:

 The K-7 pretty much nailed everything I wanted fixed about earlier
 Pentax DSLR's except the high ISO performance, which wasn't good
 enough to get me to upgrade.

 I still want a K-7x, the K-x is a great little body but the K-7's VF,
 build and sealing and LiIon batteries would be a big upgrade for me, I
 just need K-x level high ISO from it.

 I'm pretty much in the same boat, really I can't justify the purchase
 of a K7 when the K-x K20D combo will do pretty much all I need for the

 After 15,000 K7 frames, I'd be really bummed if I had to shoot with my K20 
 again. And a Kx doesn't have the battery or frame rate horsepower I need. Not 
 to mention a viewfinder that's acceptable for manual focus.


K-x is 4.7fps, K-7 is 5.2fps. Only real difference is buffer depth.


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Re: Returning defective goods : was RE: Leica M9

2010-05-22 Thread Steven Desjardins
Stealing from big companies doesn't  count either:


On Sat, May 22, 2010 at 8:03 AM, Steven Desjardins wrote:
 Besides, I'm surprised cameras don't have that little dot that turns
 red when it gets wet.  Cells phones all have them. I've immersed two.
 Oddly, the one I quickly recovered died whereas the one I actually put
 through a cycle of the washing machine dried out just fine.  I've had
 lots of experience with breaking technology.

 On Sat, May 22, 2010 at 4:03 AM, eckinator wrote:
 2010/5/22 Steven Desjardins
 The way people do business reflects their own perception of the way
 they are treated. If you think that companies will do anything they
 can to cheat you, they you will reply in kind.  This is especially
 true if they believe that big companies are in some fundamental way
 not a person and do not merit  ethical treatment.   You can't cheat
 an inanimate object.

 I have no love for corporations but if you allow yourself to slip into
 this way of thinking then you only degrade your own sense of morality.
  You can begin to treat other individuals in this impersonal way of
 doing business.  My position is that you do yourself more harm
 psychologically/spiritually than you gain in the material transaction.

 Amen to that!

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 Steve Desjardins

Steve Desjardins

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Re: Sigma OS available for Pentax! [Scanned]

2010-05-22 Thread Adam Maas
On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 9:45 PM, Rob Studdert wrote:
 On 21/05/2010, John Whittingham wrote:

 Could be of interest to all those finding SR useless on long lenses, the 
 150-500 APO HSM is already listed at Sigma UK.

 So to be absolutely clear is the Sigma in-lens OS completely self
 contained and independent of the camera system (apart from the power
 supply requirements)?

 Rob Studdert (Digital  Image Studio)

No, it relies partially on the AF system of the camera, which is why
OS won't work on a PZ-series camera.

M. Adam Maas
Explorations of the City Around Us.

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Re: Sigma OS available for Pentax! [Scanned]

2010-05-22 Thread Adam Maas
On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 9:10 PM, Anthony Farr wrote:
 On 22 May 2010 10:04, Adam Maas wrote:

 Actually, it's pretty clear, neither AF or OS will function on bodies
 which don't support SDM (IE the K100D and all earlier bodies). HSM is
 merely Sigma's version of SDM and the OS system is integrated with the
 AF system in most lens-based implementations.

 Thanks for the clarification, Adam, that makes sense now.  Pentax SDM
 signals use the old Powerzoom contacts, right?  But that doesn't mean
 that a Powerzoom capable camera can control SDM, or the piggybacked
 OS, where they don't have a controller for those systems, so
 Thibouille's statement falls down on that point.

 OTOH, and IIRC (sorry, Mr Brewer) it took years for the protocols of
 all the KA contacts (and variations) to be deciphered, and Pentax was
 only telling service people.  It's always possible that there are
 undisclosed protocols awaiting future products, and that SIgma has
 found and tapped into one of them.  After all, how on earth can a
 Pentax control in-lens shake reduction when its native SR is in-body?
 Either these lenses have internal shake sensors and only need power
 through the mount (which makes Thibouille's statement feasible), or
 the Pentax bodies are also supplying shake data through the lens
 mounts.  It has to be one or the other, there can be no free ride.

 Just speculating.

 regards, Anthony

The body doesn't control the OS system, just the AF system (which is a
SDM clone from the bodies perspective). The OS system is controlled by
the lens CPU, but relies on input from the AF system for some items
(mostly when to lock on I suspect). The accelerometers used by the OS
system are in the lens.


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Re: K7 first thoughts

2010-05-22 Thread paul stenquist

On May 22, 2010, at 8:16 AM, Adam Maas wrote:

 On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 9:05 PM, paul stenquist 
 On May 21, 2010, at 8:54 PM, Rob Studdert wrote:
 On 21/05/2010, Adam Maas wrote:
 The K-7 pretty much nailed everything I wanted fixed about earlier
 Pentax DSLR's except the high ISO performance, which wasn't good
 enough to get me to upgrade.
 I still want a K-7x, the K-x is a great little body but the K-7's VF,
 build and sealing and LiIon batteries would be a big upgrade for me, I
 just need K-x level high ISO from it.
 I'm pretty much in the same boat, really I can't justify the purchase
 of a K7 when the K-x K20D combo will do pretty much all I need for the
 After 15,000 K7 frames, I'd be really bummed if I had to shoot with my K20 
 again. And a Kx doesn't have the battery or frame rate horsepower I need. 
 Not to mention a viewfinder that's acceptable for manual focus.
 K-x is 4.7fps, K-7 is 5.2fps. Only real difference is buffer depth.
Yep. 4.7 fps doesn't help much when the camera stops dead in the water. But Kx 
is very nice. I'd like one for the occasional low-light work. Although I'd want 
it to be able to lock focus in low light as readily as the k7 does. Not sure if 
it can do that. 


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Re: K7 first thoughts

2010-05-22 Thread Adam Maas
On Sat, May 22, 2010 at 8:29 AM, paul stenquist wrote:


 K-x is 4.7fps, K-7 is 5.2fps. Only real difference is buffer depth.

 Yep. 4.7 fps doesn't help much when the camera stops dead in the water. But 
 Kx is very nice. I'd like one for the occasional low-light work. Although I'd 
 want it to be able to lock focus in low light as readily as the k7 does. Not 
 sure if it can do that.


The K-x is certainly much better than the previous Pentax's for
low-light AF, not sure if it's as good as the K-7 though.


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Re: VeryOT: no anti-bike bias here at all, oh no, absolutely, not

2010-05-22 Thread Christian Skofteland
On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 01:38:51PM -0400, John Sessoms wrote:
 From: Christian Skofteland
 It's Bike to work Week in the US (Bike to work day was today). The
 Washington Post had an article about the conflicts between cars and
 bikes that was slanted against bikes.  The writer kept going back to
 the bikers blowing through red lights and stop signs argument but
 only briefly touched on the drivers that go out of their way to
 intimidated and assault bicyclists.
 I have seen plenty of the bikers blowing through red lights and
 stop signs. It's a self correcting problem as far as I'm concerned.
 I've never witnessed motorists go out of their way to intimidate
 cyclists. Not saying it doesn't happen, but I have never seen it.

I've been on the receiving end several times in one ride, in fact.  I live in a 
fairly rural area and a lot of the people, especially 20-something males, find 
it sporting to brush as close to a cyclist as possible, yell obsenities, throw 
objects (cans, bottles, etc) from their vehicles, brake-check following 
cyclists, deliberately swerving into or in front of bikes...  the list goes on. 
 Every one of those things has happened to me.  I ride sanely, keep to the 
right as much as possible, mind my own business and go out of my way to help 
cars pass me on blind hills or corners.  As much as I've experienced the one 
thing I try to remember is to keep the middle finger firmly on the handlebar...



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Re: PESO Dodge

2010-05-22 Thread Christian Skofteland
On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 08:05:11PM -0400, P N Stenquist wrote:
 From yesterday's work stuff:

Wow!  That's quite a shot.  And quite a car!



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Re: PESO - Renewal

2010-05-22 Thread Christian Skofteland
On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 04:09:38PM -0600, Tom C wrote:
 From home yesterday morning about 30 minutes after sunrise.

Beautiful shot.  Beautiful light.



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OT: the Quercy triangle (was Re: Night photography of NY and LV)

2010-05-22 Thread Madame RD

Le 22/05/10 13:23, Bob W a écrit :

From: Igor Roshchin

I came across these interesting images:


no wonder astronomers can't see the stars any longer .
it's beautiful but such a waste. There are only two spots
left  in France that are not polluted by city lights ..


Sarko's brain and Chirac's morals?


You're implying  Sarkozy has morals  ;-)
 more and more autoroutes are left in the dark at night now . One of 
them because someone stole 15kms of electrical copper wires ... as 
there were fewer accidents  ..  they never put them back on .

What spots are they, in fact?

One of them is in the Causse du Quercy département du LOT ; they found 
out in 2002 that the weakest  pollution by citylights was found near 
Rocamadour .. after the Bermuda triangle , the Quercy triangle !!
for those who speak French

the other one is Corsica .


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Re: VeryOT: no anti-bike bias here at all, oh no, absolutely not

2010-05-22 Thread mike wilson

Bob W wrote:

Drivers in the UK are generally fairly considerate towards cyclists. Not as
good as the French, but not bad. 

And the BBC is normally fairly even-handed in its treatment of most

But have a look at this video for an extreme anti-bike bias. It beggars

Can't argue about the gobbiness.  But the incident is interesting.  He 
seems to come out of his lane much further into the road, far earlier 
than I would expect.  All very difficult to evaluate clearly from one 
poxy helmetcam but it seems, on first perusal, that there was fault on 
both sides.

My personal style, when in heavy traffic, is to wobble like a 
five-year-old on their first ride without stabilisers.  It generates 
quite a lot of vituperative comment but, so far, no collisions.

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OT the Quercy triangle (part 2)

2010-05-22 Thread Madame RD

found there was an english version of the map of light pollution in France:


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RE: Sigma OS available for Pentax! [Scanned] [Spam score:8%]

2010-05-22 Thread John Whittingham
I'm hoping it's tested by someone soon in Pentax mount, I have a couple of 

1. Battery drain
2. When the OS develops wear it degrades the IQ, as noted in Canikon IS/SW 


From: [] On Behalf Of Rob Studdert 
Sent: 22 May 2010 12:56
To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
Subject: Re: Sigma OS available for Pentax! [Scanned] [Spam score:8%]

On 22/05/2010, Anthony Farr wrote:

 That's part of the North American website and describes the just
 superseded version of the lens.

 The trustworthy information is at the Japanese website, here:

Thanks for that, it certainly looks interesting and affordable, I hope
it's tested on Photozone soon.


Rob Studdert (Digital  Image Studio)
Tel: +61-418-166-870 UTC +10 Hours
Gmail, eBay, Skype, Twitter, Facebook, Picasa: distudio

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RE: Sigma OS available for Pentax! [Scanned] [Spam score:8%]

2010-05-22 Thread John Whittingham
Sorry that should be Canikon IS/VR


From: [] On Behalf Of John 
Whittingham []
Sent: 22 May 2010 15:04
To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
Subject: RE: Sigma OS available for Pentax! [Scanned] [Spam score:8%]

I'm hoping it's tested by someone soon in Pentax mount, I have a couple of 

1. Battery drain
2. When the OS develops wear it degrades the IQ, as noted in Canikon IS/SW 


From: [] On Behalf Of Rob Studdert 
Sent: 22 May 2010 12:56
To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
Subject: Re: Sigma OS available for Pentax! [Scanned] [Spam score:8%]

On 22/05/2010, Anthony Farr wrote:

 That's part of the North American website and describes the just
 superseded version of the lens.

 The trustworthy information is at the Japanese website, here:

Thanks for that, it certainly looks interesting and affordable, I hope
it's tested on Photozone soon.


Rob Studdert (Digital  Image Studio)
Tel: +61-418-166-870 UTC +10 Hours
Gmail, eBay, Skype, Twitter, Facebook, Picasa: distudio

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Re: still VeryOT: helmets was no anti-bike bias here at all, oh no, absolutely,, not

2010-05-22 Thread Doug Franklin

On 2010-05-21 23:11, frank theriault wrote:

How does a helmet hinder such vigilance?

I'm not suggesting replacing the helmet with vigilance, but augmenting 
the vigilance with a helmet. :-)  I wouldn't ride a bike in Atlanta 
traffic largely because there are too many parts of me the safety gear 
doesn't protect and too many crazy and stupid drivers trying to make me 
test the safety gear.

DougF (KG4LMZ)

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Re: still VeryOT: helmets was no anti-bike bias here at all, oh no, absolutely, , not

2010-05-22 Thread Doug Franklin

On 2010-05-22 5:27, eckinator wrote:

Haha ... you invoked Godwin on purpose - does that even count?


DougF (KG4LMZ)

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Re: PESO Dodge

2010-05-22 Thread Christine Aguila
This is a great shot, Paul.  The car wonderfully pops from the motion 
blurred background.  Love the color too.  cheers, Christine

- Original Message - 
From: P N Stenquist

To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
Sent: Friday, May 21, 2010 7:05 PM
Subject: PESO Dodge

From yesterday's work stuff:

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Re: Mass-scale Copyright Infringement

2010-05-22 Thread Doug Franklin

On 2010-05-22 7:12, Anthony Farr wrote:

Imaglogr now redirects to a message here:

Looks like it was a storm in a teacup.


Looks to me like they're trying to cover their asses before the lawsuits 
start rolling in.

DougF (KG4LMZ)

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Re: PESO not cat, not bird , not dog ...... goldfish

2010-05-22 Thread Christine Aguila

I like it, Dominique.  Fun.  Cheers, Christine

- Original Message - 
From: Madame RD

To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 2010 5:07 AM
Subject: PESO not cat, not bird , not dog .. goldfish

Some like motor parts, I like goldfish   let's keep diversity on my 
favorite list .
I cropped the bottom part   I take a lot of pictures of  my aquariums 
; a good way to learn how my K100Dsuper works  in low lights and high 
contrasts , using a 35-70 macro F zoom I had from my dad

all comment welcome


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Re: PESO - Clementine Rainbow Round 2

2010-05-22 Thread Christine Aguila

Hi Bruce:  I think I prefer round 2.  Interesting shot.  Cheers, Christine

- Original Message - 
From: Bruce Dayton

To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
Sent: Monday, May 17, 2010 3:21 PM
Subject: PESO - Clementine Rainbow Round 2

After multiple comments I have made a version that is lighter.  As I
look at them, I still prefer the original.

Here is a version lightened a little to bring out the water and
surrounding rocks and trees:


Best regards,

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Re: peso - Googleplex

2010-05-22 Thread Christine Aguila

Wow.  That's kinda neat. That's google?  Cheers, Christine

- Original Message - 
From: Sasha Sobol

To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 2010 11:48 PM
Subject: peso - Googleplex
Simple handheld panorama.

Your comments are welcome as always.

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Re: PESO - Renewal

2010-05-22 Thread Christine Aguila
Wow!  that's great, Tom.  Really pretty light  composition.  Great mood. 
Cheers, Christine

- Original Message - 
From: Tom C

To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
Sent: Friday, May 21, 2010 5:09 PM
Subject: PESO - Renewal

From home yesterday morning about 30 minutes after sunrise.

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Re: PESO Dusk Harbour Pano

2010-05-22 Thread Christine Aguila
Wow!  Shot from a moving harbor ferry!  Good technique, Rob.  Love the light 
as is.  Very nice shot.  cheers, Christine

- Original Message - 
From: Rob Studdert

To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2010 5:05 AM
Subject: PESO Dusk Harbour Pano

Hi Team,

Another pano shot last weekend. The image was captured hand held using
K-x and smc PENTAX-A 50mm F1.2 f4 1/25, ISO 250 and assembled using
Autopano rendered in a cylindrical projection. The source files
consisted of 12 portrait 2MP in-camera JPG files. The output file
contrast was modified using curves then reduced to 50% of its original

Still not sure about the image brightness, it's always a difficult
task to render mixed lighting at dusk. It's got a bit of a tilt issue
but still it stands as a testament to Pentax SR given that it was shot
from a moving harbour ferry ;-)
(about 3MB and yes you will have to scroll ;-)

Hope you enjoy.


Rob Studdert (Digital  Image Studio)
Tel: +61-418-166-870 UTC +10 Hours
Gmail, eBay, Skype, Twitter, Facebook, Picasa: distudio

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Re: OT Peso The Stouffville Crew

2010-05-22 Thread Christine Aguila
Hi Dave:  Nice blog and photos.  Sorry to hear about the bus run situation. 
That's a nice group shot of the bus folks. The semi-inflated balloon was a 
fun touch.   I also like the snow golfing shots.  Hope a new situation turns 
up for you soon.  Cheers, Christine

- Original Message - 
From: David J Brooks

To: Pentax Discuss; Barbara Brooks
Sent: Friday, May 21, 2010 6:43 PM
Subject: OT Peso The Stouffville Crew

Hi gang.

D200, SB 800 fill, Slick 700 pro tripod, company bus


Documenting Life in Rural Ontario.
York Region, Ontario, Canada

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Re: OT Peso The Stouffville Crew

2010-05-22 Thread David J Brooks
On Sat, May 22, 2010 at 11:02 AM, Christine  Aguila wrote:
 Hi Dave:  Nice blog and photos.  Sorry to hear about the bus run situation.
 That's a nice group shot of the bus folks. The semi-inflated balloon was a
 fun touch.   I also like the snow golfing shots.  Hope a new situation turns
 up for you soon.  Cheers, Christine

Thanks Christine.
I/we do have work with the new company, but its a company that we
would rather not be with IYKWIM.

Documenting Life in Rural Ontario.
York Region, Ontario, Canada

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Re: VeryOT: no anti-bike bias here at all, oh no, absolutely, not

2010-05-22 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: David Mann

Subject: Re: VeryOT: no anti-bike bias here at all, oh no, absolutely, not

On May 22, 2010, at 5:47 AM, William Robb wrote:

Consequently, we also have a lot of car/ bicycle accidents where the car 
driver simply refuses to give up his right of way to an errant cyclist 
and takes him out instead.

That is absolutely disgusting.  There's no justification for that kind of 
behaviour and I hope such drivers are being hauled into court.  If they 
could have stopped but chose not to then they've committed assault, 
regardless of provocation.

There is no justification for refusing to share the road, but that is a two 
way street, so to speak. A cyclist who is operating his vehicle in such a 
way as to be a danger to others deserves some consequences.
For myself, if I have to make the choice of going up on a sidewalk or 
crashing into a building to avoid an adult cyclist who is being an ass, I'll 
take the path that does the least damage to my vehicle and puts someone 
other than me clearly at fault. I do cut young children a lot of slack, but 
about the time they hit puberty I figure they should be showing some sense.
If that means playing Whack-A-Mole with an idiot who wants to be a fatality, 
then I'm not going to argue with the dork.
If I run into a parked car to avoid a cyclist, I'm the one who has run into 
a parked car, and I'll also be the one who get's nicked for doing it, since 
the cyclist is unlikely to wait around to admit fault.

It's easier on my insurance that way.
Our police are taking it pretty seriously though. A few weeks ago a cyclist 
ran a stop sign and got knocked over by a truck. The police made the effort 
to go to the hospital and ticket him for failing to stop, and I believe 
operating a vehicle without due care and attention.

William Robb 

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RE: VeryOT: no anti-bike bias here at all, oh no, absolutely, not

2010-05-22 Thread Bob W
 I've been on the receiving end several times in one ride, in 
 fact.  I live in a fairly rural area and a lot of the people, 
 especially 20-something males, find it sporting to brush as 
 close to a cyclist as possible, yell obsenities, throw 
 objects (cans, bottles, etc) from their vehicles, brake-check 
 following cyclists, deliberately swerving into or in front of 
 bikes...  the list goes on.  Every one of those things has 
 happened to me.  I ride sanely, keep to the right as much as 
 possible, mind my own business and go out of my way to help 
 cars pass me on blind hills or corners.  As much as I've 
 experienced the one thing I try to remember is to keep the 
 middle finger firmly on the handlebar...

I had a near miss this morning. I needed to turn right across oncoming
traffic to get to my street. I positioned myself correctly and waited for a
gap in the traffic. While I was waiting, an oncoming car needed to do a left
turn just after me. There was a van behind him driven by a young man who
rather than slow down pulled out at speed to go round him and came straight
at me. I could see the young man looking at and cursing the left-turning car
in front of him, so I know he had not seen me. I had to make a sharp jump to
my left to get out of his way. I knew there was no traffic coming behind me,
so I was safe, but if there had been I would have been lucky to escape.


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Chicago PESOs and GESOs

2010-05-22 Thread Christine Aguila
.Hi Everyone:  Here's the Chicago Collection so far.  If I missed anyone's 
PESO or GESO, please don't be offended. Just add to the list.

Sasha Sobol:

Karin Mitchell:

Tom Cakalic:

Ted Beilby: Ted - Art Institute  Ted Chicago streets  Ted Dinner gathering Ted Gardens  Ted Opening night

Cory Waters:

Tim Bray:

Chris MItchell:

Boris (Windows only, exec file):

Bill Robb:

Christine Aguila:

Doug Brewer:

Cotty's video, flash version:
for download:


One reflects a couple of walks in the Oak Park  area:
A second has a few shots from the PDML Gallery opening:

Some shots of fellow PDMLers:
And a few shots of the Art Institute and surrounding areas:




Jay Taylor:


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Re: Didja miss me?

2010-05-22 Thread Doug Brewer

Steven Desjardins wrote:

We also all agreed to do a group buy of the 645D in hopes of getting a
volume price of $9500.

but which one of us gets to use it?

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Re: Chicago PESOs and GESOs

2010-05-22 Thread Boris Liberman

Christine, after I managed to produce a .wmv file I deleted the .exe...

Also I am working on a set of GESOs from the trip which I will publish 
later on.


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Re: Chicago PESOs and GESOs

2010-05-22 Thread Christine Aguila

Ok, I'll update when you post your next geso.  cheers, christine

- Original Message - 
From: Boris Liberman

To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2010 11:10 AM
Subject: Re: Chicago PESOs and GESOs

Christine, after I managed to produce a .wmv file I deleted the .exe...

Also I am working on a set of GESOs from the trip which I will publish 
later on.


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Re: Bird watcher Maritimtim

2010-05-22 Thread Boris Liberman

On 5/22/2010 2:15 AM, Tim Øsleby wrote:

To: Pentax-Discuss Mail
Sent: Saturday, May 15, 2010 2:32 PM
Subject: PESO: Bird watcher Maritimtim

Since so many at the list have been exposed lately. Now I think it's my


Somehow I might have missed the original post. Happy birthday, Tim. But 
I still maintain that that portrait that I shot of you back in 2006 was 
better ;-).


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Re: peso - Googleplex

2010-05-22 Thread Sasha Sobol
Thanks Christine,
yes it is Google (not quite standard view though).


On Sat, May 22, 2010 at 7:48 AM, Christine  Aguila wrote:
 Wow.  That's kinda neat. That's google?  Cheers, Christine

 - Original Message - From: Sasha Sobol
 To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
 Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 2010 11:48 PM
 Subject: peso - Googleplex
 Simple handheld panorama.

 Your comments are welcome as always.

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Re: still VeryOT: helmets...

2010-05-22 Thread Bertil Holmberg
I'm a physician and have never heard anyone advocate that wearing a helmet 
should increase the risk of damage in an accident.

This sounds rather similar to the very feeble arguments one hear from car 
drivers that hate using the seat belt.
The psychology here is very simple, some people are too weak to accept the fact 
that what they do are inherently dangerous.

There are also the motorcycle gangs that do not like what the mandatory helmet 
does to their beloved manlyhood.
In fact, some claim that their dandruff becomes lethal if they have to wear a 

Take care,
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Re: Didja miss me?

2010-05-22 Thread David J Brooks
On Sat, May 22, 2010 at 11:52 AM, Doug Brewer wrote:
 Steven Desjardins wrote:

 We also all agreed to do a group buy of the 645D in hopes of getting a
 volume price of $9500.

 but which one of us gets to use it?

Lets go alphabetically


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Documenting Life in Rural Ontario.
York Region, Ontario, Canada

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Re: PESO not cat, not bird , not dog ...... goldfish

2010-05-22 Thread David J Brooks
This has pond appeal.


On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 6:07 AM, Madame RD wrote:
 Some like motor parts, I like goldfish   let's keep diversity on my
 favorite list .
 I cropped the bottom part   I take a lot of pictures of  my aquariums ;
 a good way to learn how my K100Dsuper works  in low lights and high
 contrasts , using a 35-70 macro F zoom I had from my dad

 all comment welcome


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Documenting Life in Rural Ontario.
York Region, Ontario, Canada

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Re: peso - Googleplex

2010-05-22 Thread David J Brooks
I like how the sloping horizon takes you to the building at the right.

BTW i looked and could not see any hand.


On Thu, May 20, 2010 at 12:48 AM, Sasha Sobol wrote:
 Simple handheld panorama.

 Your comments are welcome as always.

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Documenting Life in Rural Ontario.
York Region, Ontario, Canada

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Re: PESO - Clementine Rainbow Round 2

2010-05-22 Thread David J Brooks
On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 4:34 PM, Jack Davis wrote:
 I think the original is more dramatic and concentrates the viewer's attention 
 on the falls.




 --- On Mon, 5/17/10, Bruce Dayton wrote:

 From: Bruce Dayton
 Subject: PESO - Clementine Rainbow Round 2
 To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
 Date: Monday, May 17, 2010, 1:21 PM
 After multiple comments I have made a
 version that is lighter.  As I
 look at them, I still prefer the original.

 Here is a version lightened a little to bring out the water
 surrounding rocks and trees:


 Best regards,

 PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
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Documenting Life in Rural Ontario.
York Region, Ontario, Canada

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Re: PEOW: Mallard Youngun's

2010-05-22 Thread David J Brooks
Thats very nice.


On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 8:01 PM, Jay Taylor wrote:
 Pictures Every Once in a While.
 Here are a couple captures of a Mallard family I recently observed.
 Taken with the K-7 and DA*300/4.

 Thanks for looking/commenting,

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Documenting Life in Rural Ontario.
York Region, Ontario, Canada

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RE: still VeryOT: helmets...

2010-05-22 Thread Bob W
 I'm a physician and have never heard anyone advocate that 
 wearing a helmet should increase the risk of damage in an accident.
 This sounds rather similar to the very feeble arguments one 
 hear from car drivers that hate using the seat belt.
 The psychology here is very simple, some people are too weak 
 to accept the fact that what they do are inherently dangerous.
 There are also the motorcycle gangs that do not like what the 
 mandatory helmet does to their beloved manlyhood.
 In fact, some claim that their dandruff becomes lethal if 
 they have to wear a helmet.
 Take care,

Perhaps you and the physicians from the British Medical Association, who
wish to make it compulsory to wear a helmet while cycling in Britain, should
make the effort to look for counter-arguments to your own. The risks
associated with wearing a cycle helmet are well established.

The medical profession could perhaps also stop make pronouncements on
matters which are nothing to do with them, such as making things compulsory
for adults, rather than leaving it to the adults' own judgement, or lack
thereof. The medical profession thinks it has some sort of right to force
people to do things for their own good such as wear protective equipment, or
stop boxing, but they are unable to produce any convincing reason why they,
rather than florists for example, have that right. Ergo, they should stick
to providing us with unbiased information, and to patching us up when
required to do so, and let us make our own informed decisions about the
risks we take or avoid.


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RE: VeryOT: no anti-bike bias here at all, oh no, absolutely not

2010-05-22 Thread Bob W
 Can't argue about the gobbiness.  But the incident is 
 interesting.  He seems to come out of his lane much further 
 into the road, far earlier than I would expect.  

I think he has come out at the right time, and in the right position. I'd
say he is cycling as advocated by the likes of John Franklin in Cyclecraft.
That is, he's taking the line justifiably.

 All very 
 difficult to evaluate clearly from one poxy helmetcam but it 
 seems, on first perusal, that there was fault on both sides.

Can't agree with you. As I see it the driver deliberately knocked him off
the bike. The cyclist was not at fault at all.

 My personal style, when in heavy traffic, is to wobble like a 
 five-year-old on their first ride without stabilisers.  It 
 generates quite a lot of vituperative comment but, so far, no 

You are remarkably wise for one so young, my child. It seems that drivers
give more space to cyclists who are NOT wearing a helmet than to people who
are. This is thought to be because they assume that people wearing a helmet
know what they are doing, and people like me do not.


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RE: the Quercy triangle (was Re: Night photography of NY and LV)

2010-05-22 Thread Bob W
 You're implying  Sarkozy has morals  ;-)
   more and more autoroutes are left in the dark at night now 
 . One of them because someone stole 15kms of electrical 
 copper wires ... as there were fewer accidents  ..  
 they never put them back on .
  What spots are they, in fact?
 One of them is in the Causse du Quercy département du LOT ; 
 they found out in 2002 that the weakest  pollution by 
 citylights was found near Rocamadour .. after the Bermuda 
 triangle , the Quercy triangle !!
 for those who speak French

That's very interesting. I must go there sometime. I hope I will get a nice
clear sight of the stars while I am in the Cevennes next month.

 the other one is Corsica .

Well, not really France though... :o) But another place I would very much
like to visit some day.

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Re: PESO - Renewal

2010-05-22 Thread Tom C
Thanks for all the comments on Renewal.  It was a magical morning.


On Sat, May 22, 2010 at 8:51 AM, Christine  Aguila wrote:
 Wow!  that's great, Tom.  Really pretty light  composition.  Great mood.
 Cheers, Christine

 - Original Message - From: Tom C
 To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
 Sent: Friday, May 21, 2010 5:09 PM
 Subject: PESO - Renewal

 From home yesterday morning about 30 minutes after sunrise.

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PDML 2010 Annual Reconciliation?

2010-05-22 Thread Tom C

How's it looking regarding receipts for all the copies brought to the
exhibit?  I know some one suggested the idea that if you end up short,
that participants could voluntarily contribute so you don't get stuck
holding the bill.

Tom C.

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Re: Leica M9

2010-05-22 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: Tom C

Subject: Re: Leica M9

Fine Bruce... don't start out though believing the system itself is noble.

You can read it as justification if you want to.  I read it as an
accident occurred and the camera should not have stopped working.

That's like saying that any car that suffers a minor accident should always 
still be drivable. Most times it will be, but sometimes it won't be.
Would it not be more honest to go through ones insurance company when one 
causes an accident?

William Robb 

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Re: OT Peso The Stouffville Crew

2010-05-22 Thread paul stenquist
A nice pic and a touching story. 

On May 22, 2010, at 11:02 AM, Christine Aguila wrote:

 Hi Dave:  Nice blog and photos.  Sorry to hear about the bus run situation. 
 That's a nice group shot of the bus folks. The semi-inflated balloon was a 
 fun touch.   I also like the snow golfing shots.  Hope a new situation turns 
 up for you soon.  Cheers, Christine
 - Original Message - From: David J Brooks
 To: Pentax Discuss; Barbara Brooks
 Sent: Friday, May 21, 2010 6:43 PM
 Subject: OT Peso The Stouffville Crew
 Hi gang.
 D200, SB 800 fill, Slick 700 pro tripod, company bus
 Documenting Life in Rural Ontario.
 York Region, Ontario, Canada
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Re: Leica M9

2010-05-22 Thread Tom C
As Christian pointed out some companies do have a very lenient return
policy.  Does the fact that the owner didn't say it was spilled upon
make him dishonest? I don't think so. Was the customer service clerk
happy to give him a new camera, without the need for an explanation?
Yes he was.  I don't see the problem here.

I don't see how this is very different from a situation where I buy a
camera, use it for two weeks and then decide I don't like it, or
discover a model I like better.  If that happened I would bring the
camera back to the store, tell them I didn't like it and get a full
refund. The store would be left holding a camera that they can no
longer sell as new and will take a hit as they'll likely resell it as
a used/opened item at a discount. In fact that scenario is actually
worse for the retailer.  In the first scenario, retailer gets a full
credit from vendor or mfr.  In the second, they absorb the cost.

In both cases they are willing to do so in the name of customer service.

I'm not advocating, what you mention Bill, where people return an 11ft
board, or all their old deck lumber, or pieces of a product that they
used to assemble a whole.  That's fairly ridiculous and I can't really
fathom why any business would allow that kind of return.

But if the retailer makes the rules, and I abide by those rules
(notice the rules do not require an explanation of why the item is not
working), then I don't see a problem.

What I see happening here is that there's an idea being expressed that
an individual has to own up to each and every mistake they make,
otherwise they're dishonest and not trustworthy.  Is that reality for
any one of us?

Let's say there's a police officer sitting at an intersection and you
run the red light, but he's looking down and doesn't see you. Do you
stop and turn around and say Please Mr. Police Officer, I ran a red
light, write me a ticket?  By all rights you should get a ticket and
those funds go to supporting the community infrastructure, but since
you escaped notice now there is not as much money in the till.

On Sat, May 22, 2010 at 12:14 PM, William Robb wrote:

 - Original Message - From: Tom C
 Subject: Re: Leica M9

 Fine Bruce... don't start out though believing the system itself is noble.

 You can read it as justification if you want to.  I read it as an
 accident occurred and the camera should not have stopped working.

 That's like saying that any car that suffers a minor accident should always
 still be drivable. Most times it will be, but sometimes it won't be.
 Would it not be more honest to go through ones insurance company when one
 causes an accident?

 William Robb

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Re: PESO - Renewal

2010-05-22 Thread Toine
Very nice!

On 22 May 2010 00:09, Tom C wrote:
 From home yesterday morning about 30 minutes after sunrise.

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PESO - Spring Snow

2010-05-22 Thread Tom C
Started snowing about 45 min. ago 13:00 MDT.  Now about 3/4 on ground
and this scene would be twice as white if taken at this moment.

Just sharing a snapshot.,

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Re: PESO - Renewal

2010-05-22 Thread P. J. Alling

On 5/21/2010 6:09 PM, Tom C wrote:

 From home yesterday morning about 30 minutes after sunrise.


Yea, like I didn't already hate you enough.

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier 
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 I've just upgraded to Thunderbird 3.0 and the 
interface subtly weird.\par

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Re: PESO - Renewal

2010-05-22 Thread Tom C
I love it when you hate me Peter. Thanks.

Tom C.

On Sat, May 22, 2010 at 2:00 PM, P. J. Alling wrote:
 On 5/21/2010 6:09 PM, Tom C wrote:

  From home yesterday morning about 30 minutes after sunrise.

 Yea, like I didn't already hate you enough.

 Courier New;}}
 \viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 I've just upgraded to Thunderbird 3.0 and the
 interface subtly weird.\par

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Stupid Windows Question

2010-05-22 Thread William Robb
Ok, I have the choice of buying Win 7 OEM or Win 7 Retail for half again 
more money.

What's the difference?


William Robb

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