Re: 500mm/4.5?

2005-02-04 Thread Anton Browne
I find the lens good for portraits - though you have to shout directions at the 
model. I find the The Pod (bean bag that screws into the lens' tripod bush) and 
then rested the top of the tripod a good option. Attaching the lens direct to 
the tripod though rigid seems to result in jitter through the viewfinder. The 
damping of the pod eliminates the jitter but of course allows wobble but as 
long as the speed isn't too slow it's okay. 

Focusing it a bit clumsy on mine, works better if I lift the camera to take the 
weight off. 

Manual diaphragm could be a pain but for portraits I leave it wide open so no 

Cornelius Nuzzlemuff III


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Re: 500mm/4.5?

2005-02-03 Thread Anton Browne
I find it quite good for portraits, the only thing is you have to shout 
directions at your model. The slight awkwardness of the manual diaphragm isn't 
an issue as you can leave it wide open. 

Cornelius Nuzzlemuff III


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OT: screen cleaning - help, please

2003-08-03 Thread Anton Browne
Bernd, the wisdom has always been 'never use a wet means of cleaning the screen'... to 
late, never mind. You say the mirror box foam is rotting, this means the light 
trapping around the back is probably turning to goo.

Don't make matters worse, I suggest. Take the camera to a good technician and have 
them clean the screen (they've probably rectified peoples bodges a thousand times and 
know just what to do) replace all the foams and CLA it for good measure. Job Done.


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Re: OT request

2003-08-02 Thread Anton Browne
Err this is surely no Austin Allegro (Princess or otherwise)?


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eBay Dilema

2003-07-30 Thread Anton Browne
I recently sold a lens on eBay, when the buyer received it he said there was a tiny 
bit of fungus on the front element which could only be seen at the right angle and 
that if he sold the lens he wouldn't get what he paid for it (a strange thing to say 
in my opinion). I checked had the lens thoroughly when I first bought it and before 
listing it on eBay and didn't notice anything at all... it is possible I missed it of 
course. I immediately offered a full refund including postage costs for the return of 
the lens. I got a reply saying that he'd taken the lens to a camera shop and they said 
it wasn't fungus but a slight parting of the elements and that it wouldn't affect 
pictures. The buyer then said if he sold it he would still get less that the bid 
price, clearly indicating that he wanted me to give him a rebate of £20 or so.

What should I do? I usually notice the tinniest marks on things and maybe this is a 
scam; simply a way of getting some money back. On the other hand I could have missed 
it and the buyer is being genuine.


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KX voted Top Stealth Camera?

2003-07-28 Thread Anton Browne
Yesterday I used my KX in earnest for the first time - I also have a K1000 (which I 
shall soon sell) an MX and LX's, all cameras have been CLA'd. I had long suspected 
that the KX had the sweetest quietest shutter and using it yesterday after a long 
spell of using mainly LX's and occasionally the MX really brought this home. The KX 
shutter (on my example anyway) is noticeably quieter and it has a silkier sound. I did 
notice that the wind-on is a little rough - rather like a K1000 - the MX and LX in 
particular have a smoother action. The KX has all the features for easy smooth 
stealthy operation - aperture and shutter displayed in viewfinder, mirror lock-up for 
even quieter operation, MLU and self-timer can be used in conjunction so you could 
leave the camera on a table and set it off whilst you busy yourself talking to a 
friend (though the noise of the self-timer would negate the reduction in sound of the 

Although the KX isn't small, it looks like an old uninteresting camera (particularly 
with the case attached) and people don’t usually give it a second glance, I think it’s 
reasonable un-stealworthy. I don't think that the greater size over the MX makes much 
difference to visibility. I think a big guy like myself holding something up to his 
eye is what will draw attention; a few centimetres in the size of the thing he's 
holding won't make much difference (no sexual comments here please).

I hereby nominate the KX as No. 1 Pentax manual focus stealth camera.


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Re: LX Motor Drive Problem

2003-07-27 Thread Anton Browne
One of my LX winders would stop with the red light on indicating the end of the roll 
(when only part way through) the camera would lock up and I'd have to switch the 
winder off and then on again. Not a disaster but inconvenient and sometimes I'd miss a 
shot. I tried new batteries to no avail. I cleaned the battery terminals and the ends 
of the batteries thoroughly and it has been fine ever since and winding noticeably 
faster. I have since cleaned every accessible contact on all my equipment.

I'm a musician and I frequently have problems with intermittent contacts on plugs and 
sockets. It seems that a layer of pollution/corrosion/oxidisation builds up and 
reduces conductivity, this is well know in hi-fi circles and elaborate - and of course 
extremely expensive - products are available claiming to give ultra conductivity. 
Magazine reviews seem to bear them out.

My suggestion is to clean all batteries and contacs regularly, don't touch any 
surfaces with your hands afterwards, use a cloth or some such to reassemble.


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LENS it is, LENSE it is not

2003-07-15 Thread Anton Browne
Don't wish to be boring but can we eradicate the growing tendency to stick an e on the 
end of lens. It's incorrect, unnecessary, and a waste of a keystroke.

Unless of course these folk are using the Tasmanian Aboriginal spelling, in which case 
I apologise profusely


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Creep No More

2003-07-01 Thread Anton Browne
I have fashioned an inexpensive solution to my LX creeping when positioned vertically 
on a tripod with a 300 or similar heavy lens. I use Manffrotto quick release hex 
plates. On these plates there are some redundant holes (I'm sure they are there for a 
reason but I haven't discovered one - apart from this) you can utilise one of the 
holes to secure a bracket that butts up against the back edge of the base of the 
camera. I put a narrow strip of leather on the face of my brackets to prevent 
scratching. With this secured in place you only need to finger tighten the plate to 
the camera base and the camera won't creep. The plates I have done for my LX's also 
work on the MX K1000  KX (I guess the relationship of the tripod socket to the camera 
back must be very similar). With the latest plate that I have done for my monopod. I 
got lazy, I simply bolted a small rubber foot (as found on the bottom of hi-fi amps 
etc.) to the hole and it was the perfect diameter... very easy.


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Re: Creep No More

2003-07-01 Thread Anton Browne
that's cheap only if you have already bought into a Manfrotto with their hex quick 
release system. the least expensive head is already more than he was going to pay, 
alone tripod legs that take the head.

Very true but I was posting for others who may have a problem as well. That said I'm 
sure that a little thought and the judicious use of a drill would enable Jim to 
fashion something for next to nothing on his Slik.


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RE: WARNING: an honest Pentax question!

2003-06-26 Thread Anton Browne

Okay, I've had one and one half bottles of wine, so judge as you may.

Are you sure the mirror went up??? I have discovered that the MX has a design fault. 
The interlock system that prevents the firing of the shutter until fully wound on, is 
crude. Apparently a Pentax designer/engineer wanted to improve it in an update but the 
LX was on the cards and the demise of the M series already in view.

It is possible to wind the MX on not quite fully (this is very fine, a matter of less 
than 1mm before full travel) and then fire the shutter. In this instance the mirror 
does not flip but the shutter fires resulting in a blank frame.

I used my CLA'd MX for a year with no trouble and then suddenly noticed this 
behaviour. I contacted my tech (Harrow Technical) in the UK and he explained the above 
to me. He adjusted the interlock and it is now very much better.

I suggest you use the MX making sure you wind on fully to the stop every time and see 
if the problem disappears. With patience you can induce the fault by deliberately 
winding on to just before the stop (this is very fine but strangely very easy to do 
when you're winding on for real) and then firing the shutter (if you can't fire it, 
wind on just the tiniest bit more) if you get it 'right' you'll hear the click of the 
shutter but the mirror sound and movement will be absent.

Let us know if this is the problem.


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Re: pentax smc 500mm f4.5 or tamron 400mm f4?? suggestions

2003-03-31 Thread Anton Browne
The 'compression' of the planes, or 'telephoto' effect, would be just the
same in an image taken with a 28 mm wide angle lens as one made using a 500
mm or any other telephoto. I may have said this before ... a couple of years


Okay, apologies, we all learnt long ago that perspective is a function of viewpoint 
and not the lens but I stand by my observation. The 'APPARENT' compression of planes 
is much more noticeable with the 500mm. This is a practical not a theoretical issue. 
In theory we could all buy just one lens, a 14mm and enlarge from there. Maybe we'll 
do that when digital photography gives us infinite resolution.

Don, your statement is correct but not very helpful considering the enquiry, thanks 
for the correction anyway.


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Re: pentax smc 500mm f4.5 or tamron 400mm f4?? suggestions

2003-03-30 Thread Anton Browne

I have just acquired - and have been using - a late version SMC 500 4.5, I also have 
an SMC-A 400 5.6. The telephoto effect and the compression of planes is much more 
noticeable with the 500mm lens. The manual diaphragm is a slight drag but not too bad 
with an auto camera. I focus at f4.5 and then close the diaphragm down to shoot and 
let auto take care of the shutter speed. I imagine it will be a pain on a manual only 
body. The 500 is a beast, my Manfrotto 055 with heavy duty ball head is not really man 
enough for the job, interestingly a bean bag kinda works better. It is heavy and 
cumbersome and you have to want to use it.

It's listed at £2,400 on the Pentax UK site. I saw mine advertised on for 
£195 - as you can imagine I grabbed it - when I went to collect, I was told I had been 
the only interested party I would say it's worth paying anything up to £800 for a 
good late one. It really depends on how much you want it and whether you're prepared 
to lug the thing about.


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Re: Little Pentax quiz (Keep Guessing!)

2003-03-24 Thread Anton Browne
Is it the little orange shutter cocked indicator?


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2003-03-18 Thread Anton Browne

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FS on 50mm 1.2 £150

2003-03-10 Thread Anton Browne
Search under Pentax.

I have just got home with his SMC 500mm f4.5 (new version) in great condition for 
£195. Genuine guy offering bargains. Also a 135 f2.5 for £75 (don't know if it's 
Takumar or SMC.

Good luck

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Re: Spotmatic at Work

2003-03-05 Thread Anton Browne
'The boss said I'm free to take it home and use it, it just has to remain
NIST property.'

I would go right ahead, let it remain their property for 1000 years, I'd get the CLA 
done too - keep the receipt of course just in case.


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Re: *IST SLR On sale in the UK?

2003-03-05 Thread Anton Browne
Yup, most things here in the UK are 50%-100% more expensive than the USA and other 
places... but then I guess the majority of the population of this planet haven't even 


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Re: *ist D price issues (WAS: Re: *Ist focusing issues)

2003-03-05 Thread Anton Browne
 I'm concerned that Canon or Nikon, with their deep pockets, will lower the
 prices of their DLSRs just long enough to knock Pentax out of the race.

I don't think that will happen as long as Pentax don't over-price. There are 
thousands, no I guess millions of screw and K mount lenses out there and I imagine 
their owners are all watching the Pentax DSLR scene and - like myself - drifting 
closer  closer.

Nikon  Canon can't do anything for us.


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Re: bitch and moan

2003-02-28 Thread Anton Browne
'It's all been positive as far as I have read. Heck if this *ist-D is under a grand 
I'd get one!'

And if it's not you'd.

AB :-)

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Re: Bodies: K2 vs. KX vs. LX

2003-02-24 Thread Anton Browne
I think it has to be the LX, for the meter that can go to minutes, the TTL flash - and 
later when your funds have recovered - the waist level and angle finders. The mirror 
lock-up on the MX seems to be a 'fortunate' bug but on mine it's unreliable. Tap the 
shutter too hard and it fires, too lightly and nothing happens, it has to be just so. 
There's also the question of whether this practice damages the mechanism!

Seems to me the LX has everything you need so no contest. In two years time you'll 
have forgotten about the expense.


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LX Erratic Shutter

2003-02-22 Thread Anton Browne
I finally received my erratic-shutter LX back from Pentax Europe with the erratic 
shutter still fully in evidence. I took it in to Pentax UK in slough and confronted 
the Technical Supervisor once agtain, he tested the camera and confirmed the behaviour 
he then said there's nothing we can do, Pentax Europe is the end of the line. He 
offered me an 'upgrade' to an MZ-S or a refund. I didn't even ask what the upgrade 
offer was but simply accepted the refund. 

I have used my current excess of LX's to run some tests and 50% of them have this 
behaviour and 3200 ISO on Auto, there is no rhyme or reason that I can figure. The 
oldest and the latest models have the fault/bug so it's not serial number related. The 
guys on the PDML ran the test and the result was roughly 50% One guy was dismayed that 
all three of his behaved this way, another Italian member had four LX's and none of 
his misbehaved. 

I now simply use the camera on manual if I'm on 3200 or 1600 (the fault can occur on 
1600 occasionally) or I'll use a camera that doesn't display this behaviour. 

It remains a mystery. This camera went to Harrow technical and was kept for 3/4 months 
whilst Robin swapped CPU's, ASA resistors, timing switches etc. etc. then he gave it 
to a colleague... no joy. It then went to Pentax UK and then to Pentax UK again, and 
then to Pentax UK yet again... they sent it to Pentax Europe... still not fixed. It 
works very well and has had all sorts of parts replaced but what is it that causes 
this problem? Surely if they systematically replaced every part in the camera they'd 
find it... but they've near as damn it done that. 



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Some Protest Snaps

2003-02-16 Thread Anton Browne
Well done Peter ( Australia).

I was part of the March in London (my first ever) reported as being well in excess of 
1 million people and some reports claim nearer 2 million. The biggest ever march in 
Britain! Are you listening Tony?

I took my KX with 105 2.8 and an old original metal Olympus Trip. The KX stayed in the 
bag and the Trip with its small dimensions, preset focus and basic selenium cell auto 
exposure was frequently hoisted above my head to hopefully catch the unbelievable 
turn-out for peace that swelled the city of London.

There were plenty of photographers and a surprising number of older mechanical beasts 
(cameras not the people - who were extremely good natured; only 3 arrests for minor 
offences) from various stables. I spotted two K1000s close by me. Many photographers 
clambered onto buildings, traffic lights and other structures and must have been 
rewarded with fantastic views. I just shuffled along with the throng but got some nice 
shots (I hope) of the marchers with the various statues honouring Britain's warring 
past in the background. Nelson's Column and the like. Rather ironic!


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LX TTL Multi-Flash advice please

2003-02-11 Thread Anton Browne
I am booked to do a female portrait session. I have had some success before using 
natural light and the Lastolite Triflector. This lady however requires the photos to 
be taken in the evening on return from the hairdresser... natural light is out (it's 
dark by 19:00 in the UK in February).

I have two AF400T's flashguns and a couple of AF280T's a distributor box and cables. I 
have just ordered two Lastolite Umbrella Boxes. My idea is to play it safe and bounce 
the two AF400T's into the Umbrella boxes so they reflect at 45 degrees to the subject 
and to fill in underneath and to the lower sides with the Triflector. I will maybe use 
one of the AF280Ts as a hair light. I'm hoping that the TTL flash on the LX will take 
care of the exposure and that I'll get shadowless flattering lighting (boring I know 
but I don't like doing a session with an unfamiliar set-up and I just want to get 
decent results, so no experimenting).

Any ideas/advice?


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Re: I've converted to the dark ( digital ) side!!!!

2003-02-05 Thread Anton Browne
Hey Brendan

How nuts will they go when in as little as 2 months (in my experience) the picture 
starts fading away to oblivion. Never mind I guess, just print another one. Someone 
could make money out of this (I mean other than ink manufacturers) you could keep 
selling the same picture to the same person! Just kidding.


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Re: Sigma 14mm 2.8 ???

2003-01-31 Thread Anton Browne

This U.K. camera shop is listing a Pentax 15mm/3.5 in E++/M- condition for £449 (Euro 
687 - $743) if you're interested.


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Re: DSLR lifspan

2003-01-21 Thread Anton Browne
Well I missed the original message so Peter's comments about chalk marks on buildings 
comes out a little bit cryptic.

Anyway I read in Amateur Photographer that Canon is to phase out the D60... after a 
lifetime of less than one year! A taste of what's to come I imagine. Me? Well my 
turntable (record player) is still working and sounding great along with my 6X7 both 
are circa '74


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Re: FA* 24 f2.0

2003-01-17 Thread Anton Browne

I bought an 85mm A*, the guy was very honest he mentioned a small black speck on an 
internal element. He told me that he was disapointed when he received the lens as mint 
from a shop and considered returning it. He didn't and used it for a few years; the 
lens worked fine. I went ahead and bought the lens despite the  1mm speck and it is 
fantastic. A nice little twist is that recently the speck has vanished! Okay it has 
probably disloged and gone out of view. maybe it will return but maybe it won't.

If you want the lens go ahead and keep it, you might consider negotiating a reduction.

All the best

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Re: Good Deal on a 67?

2003-01-14 Thread Anton Browne
Yes I think it's a good deal and yes, I think 6X7 prices are falling. There are loads 
of them in UK shops recently and I think it's down to digital, I suspect folk are 
selling to release funds for a DSLR. If you've got a 67 and are thinking of selling I 
reckon now is the time to do it. In two years time I don't think they'll be worth too 
much... except to people like me  you.


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Nice Site

2003-01-05 Thread Anton Browne
An enthusiast for sure:

You have to rummage a bit but nice photos of the LX and some of the special Pentax 
lenses. Most of the text in Japanese... oh well.


p.s. thanks to Rob (I think).

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Re: Diffusion options for 280T flash

2003-01-02 Thread Anton Browne
I use a universal Soften on my 280 the only possible disadvantage is that you have to 
put the self-adhesive holder on top of the gun. It's small enough but may mark the 
surface, I've never removed mine so I don't know for sure.


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Re: Lovely pictures

2003-01-01 Thread Anton Browne
It's so cute how pentax-fan has attempted to black out the Contax engraving 
on the 135mm hood :-)

Oh, is that what it is? I did think the 135 hood looked a bit tatty.

But the Pentax 135 A* hood is no good (it's actually for a 645 zoom). I have 
constructed a hood for mine out of a 77mm straight Heliopan hood that's not long 
enough, but handily has a thread on its front end into which I have screwed a beat up 
Nikon hood and together they do a good job of shading the big front element. Sadly 
they're different colours and finshes and the whole set-up looks a bit odd. I have had 
on order for two months now, a B+W 77mm tele hood which should do the business and 
look okay... whether it will ever turn up is another matter.


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Re: Macro Pics of BW flowers

2003-01-01 Thread Anton Browne
I'm interested in looking at sample photos of flowers,
close ups (i.e. w/ macro lens), shot in BW.  Anyone
have any personal favorites, or a web site to refer me

Funny you should ask that Steve, there are a few here 
( I came across them only a few minutes ago 
and thought it strange to use bw for flowers but the more I looked the more I liked 
and then decided to try some myself. Shortly after that I read your post!


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LX Winder... yea or nay?

2002-12-29 Thread Anton Browne
I have recently acquired some LX winders for a good price that I may keep or sell on. 
I have never used winders before and I'm in two minds, they are lovely gadgets for 
sure and a convenience on some occasions. They make the LX look a tad SERIOUS however 
and draw attention. They also increase weight, bulk and noise. When I take them off I 
find I now often forget to wind on! I guess they're a bit all or nothing, either keep 
them on all the time or off thus avoiding confusion.

Dunno whether to keep them... any thoughts, suggestions, observations?


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Re: buying a K2 and a KX, advice?

2002-12-17 Thread Anton Browne
Hello Rodelion

My experience with my KX has been fine - meter working and spot on. It's worth 
mentioning that these cameras are approaching thirty years old. The mirror box foam 
will be rotting and the light trapping around the back will be turning to goo and 
lubricants will be dry. I think everyone should factor in the cost of a CLA as a 
matter of course - at which time the meter can be calibrated.

An earlier reply seems to suggest that a dead meter is not repairable, I don't know 
about that, perhaps you could ring a service facility and ask.

The KX has all the features I like:

No battery dependance
ISO goes to 6400 (MX only to 1600!!??)
Mirror-up and timer useable (LX you can't use the timer with the mirror up)
Aperture in viewfinder (not so on non-drive K2)
User friendly match-needle metering.

In some ways I think it was a pinnacle of Pentax cameras. I like the MX but why no 
lock-up and only 1600 on this later camera?


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K A 24mm f2.8 the same?

2002-12-17 Thread Anton Browne
The K and A 24mm lenses are the same are they not? Apart from appearance.


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Re: Epson cartridge life

2002-12-11 Thread Anton Browne
I Have had some success rejuvenating Epson heads by using a head-flush cartridge. 
General opinion seems to be that it's not worth having heads replaced as Epson charges 
as much as a new printer. The head-flush worked well for me and my '97 Stylus Colour 
(err sorry, should that be color) 800 continues to give good service. I'm glad I 
didn't take out that expensive three year extended warranty when I bought it.


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Re: pentax UK repair dept

2002-12-10 Thread Anton Browne
Hello Jeff

I'm sorry to learn of the dreadful service you received from Pentax UK. I'm afraid my 
story is no better. Pentax UK had my recently serviced LX in for a very specific 
repair, they said their repair involved servicing again as that's how they do it 
(dismantle and check all components and re-assemble) the camera was returned three 
weeks later and I immediately noticed that the fault was still present, I sent the 
camera back the same day. They kept it another two weeks and returned it... it was 
still faulty. I spoke to your Mr Jetha and asked for a refund as I had been clear and 
specific in my repair request. Mr Jetha argued the toss finally saying that the camera 
was working to specification and he'd send me a letter to say so, he then more or less 
told me to go away. At this point I made the decision to pay a visit.

I duly turned up with the camera and within seconds had displayed the fault to the 
sullen Mr Jetha. He fiddled with the camera and observed the fault for himself. He 
then muttered about sending the camera to Pentax Europe and this is what he did. Three 
weeks later I'm still waiting.

Mr Jetha never once apologised. He'd had the camera twice and was finally denying that 
there was any fault. I went to the considerable trouble of visiting and within seconds 
it was plain that he was wrong but he said nothing, no apology, no simple courtesy.

One final point that sums it up for me. When leaving the camera I wanted to remove the 
strap so I asked for a screwdriver to push the tabs on the LX fasteners. Mr Jetha (the 
Technical Supervisor remember) couldn't lay hands on a screwdriver so returned with a 
pair of sharp pointed tweezers - one slip and you either stab your fingers or scratch 
the camera. A pitiful and disappointing display.


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Re: K 28mm f2 (floating element)

2002-12-08 Thread Anton Browne
An interesting site but the link is wrong, it points to a Distagon 35mm lens in K 
mount (how rare is that?). The link to the 28 is below, I can't read Japanese and my 
computer won't display it properly anyway so don't know what it says.

Paul sent me a load of info that might be of interest:

I saw your posts about the SMC 28/2K. What a deal you got! I paid $275
for mine in December 2000 and sold it this year for about $300. I
preferred the color of my Vivitar 28/!.9K, but the Pentax is probably a
better overall lens with better geometric and color accuracy.

My collected comments follow:

Looks similar to the 35/2. Preceded the M; Much longer and heavier than
M and A. Floating rear element has a movement of its own. Detlef
Lannert: The picture quality seems quite good; it has no noticeable
distortion which may be due to the unusual construction. There were two
kinds of f/2s: one had a FREE (fixed rear element), in the other, the
barrel with all elements and groups moves back and forth during
focusing. Which is better? Dario Bonazza: The Zeiss Distagon 2/28 and
the SMC Pentax 2/28 had identical optical layout and floating system
(joint design). Yoshi: My personal ranking for Pentax 28m lenses are
follows; K28/3.5, K28/2, M28/3.5 , FA28/2.8AL, M28/2.8 (old), M28/2.8
(later), A28/2.8, F28/2.8. Go for K28/2 or FA28/2.8AL when the extra
speed is needed. Keep away from M/A/F series 28mm lenses because of
their relatively poor performances, IMHO. Yoshi: Hama's rectangular
hood (52mm) is the best hood I have ever seen for K28/3.5, K24/2.8,
K28/2, K30/2.8, K35/2, and K35/3.5 in my experience. . According to
Yoshihiko Takinamii's tests (, the best
aperture is f/8-f/11; avg. center res 83 lpm, avg. corner res. 65 lpm.
Yoshi, Sept 2000: I still like the two old K lenses, K28/2 and
K28/3.5,among all the Pentax 28mm lenses old and new.

Danny Gonzolez: There was a collaboration between Zeiss and Pentax and
that collaboration shows evidence of having produced more than the K2,
the K mount and SMC multicoating. The 15/3.5, 28/2, 135/1.8 and some
other lenses are roundly thought of as being a product of the
relationship. The 15 and the 28 are both optically identical to later
produced Contax products and, it would seem to me that Zeiss would not
compromise their pride  by releasing 'copies' of Pentax designed

Danny Gonzolez: Finally, I am not aware of a 2/28 or 1.8/135 lens for
the Contax SLR system. The Zeiss 28/2 has gone the way of the
70-210/3.5, 40-80/3.5, 85/2.8, 100/3.5, 200/3.5 and the 135/2 lenses; a
sample I played with was terrible wide open, so I don't feel it was a
great loss. There are many people who have high praise for the lens and
since they've put it through more of its paces, I'll defer to their

Bob Walkden: Hi, The primes I liked best were the SMC-K 28/2, SMC-M
35/2, the SMC A* 85/1.4 and the SMC-A 400/5.6. This does not necessarily
mean that these provided the best optical or technical quality, but
rather that I enjoyed using them, got a high percentage of good photos
from them, and found their handling to be excellent.

1979 German review (via Arnold Stark): This fast wide angle lens has
floating elements, meaning that at close focusing a correcting lens
group moves. Thus the picture quality at close focus is improved.) I
very much doubt that there is a second version of the K28/f2 - the
M28/f2 was introduced only four years after the K28/f2 had been

Bob Walkden: From: Bob Walkden [EMAIL PROTECTED] Where did you get
this information about 2 versions? I have a lenses  accessories
catalogue (06771) which features only one version of the K lens, which
is the one I used to have, and has this to say: SMC Pentax 28mm f/2
This lens utilizes a deluxe lens construction of 9 elements in 8 groups,
including a floating group of elements to completely eliminate
aberrations. Thus, both outstanding performance and high speed are
characteristics of this lens.

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Re: K 28mm f2 (floating element)

2002-12-08 Thread Anton Browne
Whoops! Sorry Rob, you correctly mention that the link is to a 32mm custom lens and 
not the 28mm


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Re: My December photo project for fun and hopefully profit

2002-12-06 Thread Anton Browne
Looks good, good luck.


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Re: K 28mm f2 (floating element)

2002-12-06 Thread Anton Browne
Thanks for the info Bob

It was going for £50 ($79) so I bought it. It's a very chunky lens for a 28mm, a bit 
like a 135 f3.5 M but heavier and very solid. I'll be using it tomorrow.


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Re: 50/1.2 (was Re: Depth of Field Preview)

2002-11-25 Thread Anton Browne
I think you mean that you couldn't see any difference in depth of field. Not 
brightness - am I correct?

I doubt that you'd notice any difference in depth of field between 1.4  1.2 in camera 
on the focussing screen. You'd have to do a test, close focus on something and shoot 
at both apertures and then enlarge the result to at least 10 X 8 you may then see a 

I too have a 1.2 and a 1.4 and there's very little difference (1/2 a stop?), there is 
a massive difference in price of course and the 1.2 looks kinda nice and err... 


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Re: Available lighting tips

2002-11-15 Thread Anton Browne
Hello Pat

Have you considered using a 2X converter - combined the lens may be over 70mm but as 
separate items you may get through security. You may also find a monopod useful if 
allowed - it gives you about two extra stops.

I have found Fuji 1600 to be good, I have just tried the new Konica 1600 but had it 
processed by a different company so my slight disappointment may be down to the 
processing, but it wasn't a disaster.

You could try rating Kodak Portra 400 colour process black  white film at 1600 
instead of 400 - it doesn't need to be push processed and your colour lab can run it 
through. It comes out a little flat at this speed though.

I have used Kodak 3200 (witness my troubles with the erratic shutter of the LX on Auto 
at this speed) it produces atmospheric and grainy prints, the grain on faces sometimes 
makes it look like folk have got measles though, I have read that the Ilford offering 
is less grainy.


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Re: LX is ISO 6400

2002-11-13 Thread Anton Browne
This is a new one on me, I knew the LX went from 1600 to 3200 but know nothing about 
6400. Interestingly the earlier KX goes to 6400


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LX Erratic Shutter (Illuminati)

2002-11-08 Thread Anton Browne
More stuff and pastes - a bit of a rambling jumble I'm afraid.

Anton said:

'A final thought: After twenty odd years, Pentax MUST know about this, don't you think.

William said:

'One would think so, but then, this is Pentax we are talking about..
They sometimes work in strange ways. Did they actually tell you there was no problem? 
Or did they tell you the camera was working within normal parameters?'

Anton replies:

Actually the Pentax response was a little strange. On the phone the Technical 
Supervisor kept repeating that the camera was working to specification, we then went 
round in circles as I tried to establish that he'd actually witnessed what I was 
talking about. He didn't admit that he had and went on about working to spec again. He 
then - rather oddly I thought - offered to send me a letter confirming this. Why would 
I want that? The letter's not going to magic the camera into working 'properly' - 
perhaps he was hinting that I should sell the camera, recently CLA'd and up to spec 
along with the note from Pentax to prove it. I wouldn't do that, but even if I did I'd 
unwittingly go buy another, put it on 1600 or 3200 and... be back to square one - 
except this other would probably have a sticky mirror as well!!). I finished by saying 
I would visit and demonstrate the fault to him. I backed this up by letter saying that 
if I demonstrated this fault successfully to the Technical Supervisor then I would 
expect either a refund or the camera to be properly repaired.

All this took place before the PDML folk revealed that it's not just my camera but 
seemingly so far, every single one. I'm inclined now to let it rest though I would 
like to visit just to see what he says as my camera fires off a couple of 1/2000 when 
it should be 1 Sec. His response would be interesting. Might just do it.


And the next one please...

There is another similar 'bug' which you should be aware of, I believe the ME Super 
has it too. Set the camera up as before but any ISO will do. Make sure you select an 
aperture that causes a slow speed so you can HEAR what's happening. Keep your eye on 
the LED's and fire repeatedly. You will notice that every time the LED's extinguish 
just prior to firing the shutter, that exposure will be about 1/3 faster. 
Unfortunately keeping pressing the shutter button to keep the meter activated doesn't 
work because each press doesn't extend the timer. The only way round it that I've 
discovered is to notice when the meter switches off and then switch it back on again, 
pause and then fire the shutter - but I can't be doing with this in the heat of the 
fray. This isn't so bad as it only results in 1/3 to 1/2 half stop under exposure. 
Some slide film users might argue that this is unacceptable in a pro camera. Print 
film users like me scarcely notice.

What we need to know:

Does the first (and more major) 'fault' happen only at 3200  1600 - I've had some at 
800 and slower, so I guess I've answered that one.
Does it only happen on slow speeds - I can only HEAR it on slow speed but then 
everything faster than 1/60-ish sounds very similar, a test machine is needed.

Perhaps someone should put info on a web page so we can organise our work-arounds?


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Praise be to Illuminati

2002-11-07 Thread Anton Browne
Thank you all for pulling through.

Now I know I'm not mad or jinxed and I can stop spending money and getting nowhere and 
start figuring how best to work around the behaviour... like errr use the LX on manual.

It is disappointing to discover a flaw/bug such as this but better to know than not. I 
think Pentax knows but won't admit. The technical Supervisor kept telling me 'the 
camera is functioning correctly and to manufacturers specification'. He didn't mention 
that the specification includes unusable Auto at 3200  1600

On a happier note, surely this is the PDML (I'm a new member) at it's very, very best. 
How else could I have confirmed this so quickly and diversely, thank you all once 
again and a final thank you to Robin of Harrow Technical for going way beyond the call 
of duty and replacing everything he could think of to try and fix my LX


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Help from LX Illuminati

2002-11-06 Thread Anton Browne
LX Users

If you have the time and inclination, would you carry out a test on your cameras 
please. Below is a paste from a letter to Pentax UK regarding my LX. Please carry out 
a test on your LX as described below:

'I am returning the enclosed camera as the specific fault mentioned when sent in for 
repair (see copy of original letter) is still in evidence. The original letter details 
the fault but I’ll explain again.

The fault is erratic exposures on Auto when set at 3200 ISO. I am aware that no film 
in the camera will cause longer exposures due to the reduced reflectivity of the 
pressure plate. The fault occurs with film and without film. I am also aware that the 
LX (and the ME Super apparently) give shorter exposures if the LED's extinguish just 
prior to releasing the shutter. This seems to happen on all of them and is perhaps 
best described as a bug; it is not the fault that I’m experiencing - though it is 

·   Set the camera on a tripod facing steady illumination, set the ISO dial to 
3200, the shutter to Auto and select an aperture that gives an indicated exposure of ¼ 
of one second or less (this is so the shutter fires slowly enough for you to hear 
what’s going on) without film the camera will give an exposure of about 2 seconds.
·   Repeatedly fire several exposures and you will hear that about four in every 
twenty are obviously shorter, some so short that they must be faster than 1/60th (with 
1/60th and shorter exposures, the sound is indistinguishable). In the field this 
results in gross underexposure.

As the ISO speed is lowered this happens less and less, indeed even at 1600 I fired 20 
test exposures and they were all fine. Unfortunately much of my photography is low 
light with fast lenses and fast film so this is an issue. I was prepared to ditch the 
camera (or resign it to manual only use) as I can’t sell it not working properly but I 
considered your repair charge of £104.98 to be a worthwhile investment in having a 
useable camera.'

IMPORTANT - Would you also let me know which shutter you have:- Cock the shutter, lock 
up the mirror and look through the lens mount at the cocked shutter curtain. If it is 
uniformly covered in white dots you have shutter (1) the early shutter. If it has two 
dots 'missing' top and bottom centre you have shutter (2) the latest shutter. I 
suspect that this is an anomaly of the later shutter only but I may be wrong.

Your help is much appreciated.

Thank you
Anton Browne

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More help from LX Illuminati

2002-11-06 Thread Anton Browne
Thank you for your replies and responses.

I shoot singers in low light situations (web site to come) I use 3200 ISO film with 
50mm 1.2, 85mm 1.4  135mm 1.8 lenses wide open, a monopod is employed. Shutter speeds 
are 1/15 to 1/60. Using a slower film results in movement blur (believe me, blurred 
mouths are not attractive). The concentration for focusing alone is enough to make me 
sweat, the 135 wide open has minuscule depth of focus and of course the singers are 
swaying back and forth. Slower film is out of the question, a tripod is no use because 
movement blur excludes slower shutter speeds and I don’t think Pentax or anyone else 
makes f0.1 lenses!!! The 3200 setting it is then.

Robin of Harrow Technical has done a fine job of CLA-ing my 6X7, K100, KX  MX, I sent 
him the troublesome LX for a CLA and pointed out the erratic shutter on Auto at 3200. 
The camera was returned serviced but the erratic shutter persisted. I sent it back and 
Robin ended up keeping it for several months. He cleaned and then replaced the ISO 
circuit board, he then replaced the CPU and board… twice. He cleaned and adjusted the 
timing switches, etc. etc. in short he exhausted all possibilities. Robin considered 
it a matter of professional pride and persuaded me to let him keep the camera a while 
longer, this was so he could take it to a colleague. Alas, eventually he admitted 
defeat and returned the camera still faulty. It was then that I decided to send it to 
Pentax UK.

Pentax UK inspected the camera and said they could fix and CLA for £104. This was 
cheaper that buying another so I said go-ahead. The camera was returned (CLA’d again!) 
but hey! The shutter was still erratic, back it went to Pentax UK, back it came to me 
but hey! The shutter was still erratic. I phoned the Technical Supervisor who said 
“there is nothing wrong with the camera” he then sent a letter to this effect. Pentax 
UK may not consider an exposure of 1/500th when it should be 1 sec to be wrong but I 

Whilst this was going on I purchased a supposedly mint- LX from a mail order shop, it 
had the newer shutter. I tested the camera and can you believe it displayed the same 
problem. I sent it back for refund. In the meantime Robin told me he had two LX’s in 
for sale, one with the first shutter and one with the second. I asked him to test them 
and lo and behold the LX with the second shutter displayed erratic timing on 3200. The 
LX with the first shutter did not. (my other LX with first shutter does not either)

I thank you for your responses but none of you has actually run the test. I know it’s 
a pain but it only takes five minutes. At present my feeling is that all second 
shutter LX’s will display this fault at 3200 ISO. Have I just had a run of bad luck or 
can you confirm this? If you run the test I can put it to rest. Are you up for it?

Thank you
Anton Browne

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Re: New scanner

2002-11-03 Thread Anton Browne

I too have read on several occasions - in computer mags - that Windows 98 will not 
benefit from more than 512 MB of RAM. You may have 1G installed but maybe it makes no 
difference; you would have to do a test to confirm. Certainly I found the move from 
256 to 384 insignificant. 128 to 256 did make a noticeable difference though.

As a final thought, are you sure your computer fell over? Sometimes with massive files 
it looks like it has crashed and is doing nothing and won't respond. However, if you 
go away and make and drink a cup of tea and come back in 15 mins it will have finished 
(sometimes it take in excess of half an hour!!!)


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