Re: The Photographer's Rights

2005-08-19 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Bob Blakely"

Subject: Re: The Photographer's Rights

I'm afraid there's a difference between "I bet" and "I would bet".

Yes. The second is a lie. You did not, so you wouldn't. But it's the kind 
of bait we all use at one time or another.

C'mon Bob, it's called careful semantics.
It's something you are a master at, I'm surprised you didn't recognize it.

William Robb 

Re: OT: Who is behind the scene of Komkon hosting P*G (was: Recommended SD Cards

2005-08-19 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Igor Roshchin"
Subject: Re: OT: Who is behind the scene of Komkon hosting P*G (was: 
Recommended SD Cards

Both Americas are on the left site of [old] England.
(well, at least when you look on a standard map :-P) )


I think you have to go farther right to get to America, rather than 


William Robb 

Tamron Sp 300mm f/5.6

2005-08-19 Thread William Robb

It appears this lens has found a new home.
Thank you for the interest.

William Robb

Re: The Photographer's Rights

2005-08-19 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Bob W" 
Subject: RE: The Photographer's Rights

What makes you think he didn't?

What makes you think I think?

Re: enabled 645 style

2005-08-19 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Steve Sharpe" 
Subject: enabled 645 style

Now I need a 120 back...and more lenses...the fun begins!

You can shoot more pictures with a 220 back.

William Robb

Re: OT: Who is behind the scene of Komkon hosting P*G (was: Recommended SD Cards

2005-08-19 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Glen"

If I'm liberal enough, then I actually become conservative?   head>

I'm not sure how that's supposed to work...  ;-)

If you are conservative enough, you are a kook.
If you are liberal enough, you are a kook.
Either way, you are a kook.

Re: The Photographer's Rights

2005-08-20 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 

Subject: Re: The Photographer's Rights

Funny thing is he probably did more good than any president in US history,
but the only thing he is remembered for is Watergate.

Personally, I can think of quite a few presidents who did more for this
country. But that is not to say Nixon didn't have his accomplishments.

But did they do more good?
Nixon got you out of Vietnam and Southeast Asia, signed treaties with Russia 
to limit WMD proliferation in both the USA and the USSR, began a dialogue 
with the Chinese and helped negotiate military disengagement between Israil, 
Syria and Egypt.
Most of the recent US presidents have been hell bent on starting wars, Nixon 
seems to have been commited to ending them.

William Robb

Re: The Photographer's Rights

2005-08-20 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Bob W" 
Subject: RE: The Photographer's Rights

What about the one who caught cold at his inauguration and 
only lived a month? 

you had a month-old president!?

He just acts that way.

A couple of PESOs

2005-08-20 Thread William Robb

I finally managed to get out with the 600 and do some shooting.
This les is a challenge to shoot with, to be sure.
Anyone using long lenses (Ken, Tom!!!) any tips or advice for using one of 
these beasties would be appreciated.

Anyway, a couple of my less embarrasing atempts with the big gun are 

William Robb 

Re: PESO - Politics

2005-08-20 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Bruce Dayton"

Subject: PESO - Politics

Pentax *istD, K 200/2.5, Handheld
ISO 200, 1/750 sec @ f/4

Comments welcome

I see the Left and Right, Conservative and Liberal, Republican and Democrat 
looking towards what they percieve as the one true way of thinking.

Seperate, yet attached, is either correct?
I see the dreams of the future reflected in the unformed buds, the children, 
so to speak, not knowing which way to turn, abandoned.

Will they go left? Or right?
Does it matter?

Nice shot.
Thanks for sharing it.

William Robb

Re: The Photographer's Rights

2005-08-20 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "P. J. Alling"

Subject: Re: The Photographer's Rights

Washington got a city named after him because he was instrumental in 
getting the "Federal City" built 

But why did Peyton only get a Place?

Re: colour problems with ist D in combination with studio lights

2005-08-21 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Colin Miller" 
Subject: colour problems with ist D in combination with studio lights

Recently I have been shooting sports teams and high school balls with
studio lights and my ist D.

The skin tones are far too yellow. This doen't happen under sunlight or
with a metz flash.

The lab suggests setting the contrast and saturation to the lowest
levels on the menu. 

Any experiences or suggestions.

Yes, set the white balance manually.

William Robb

Re: A couple of PESOs

2005-08-21 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "David Savage"

Subject: Re: A couple of PESOs

BTW I like the second shot.

In the background is that heat haze, jpeg artifacts or just really bad 

Might be heat haze. I was shooting across an airport runway.

William Robb 

Re: Silver lenses on black bodies

2005-08-21 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Andre Langevin"

Subject: Silver lenses on black bodies

>And I got complaints about how silly the 43 ltd in silver looks on a D...

I find the combo black MZ-S or IST D body with silver Limited lenses 

Am I the only one?

I prefer the black limited lenses.

William Robb 

Re: colour problems with ist D in combination with studio lights

2005-08-21 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Paul Stenquist"

Subject: Re: colour problems with ist D in combination with studio lights

Shoot RAW and set your color temperature and hue during conversion. I do 
all my studio work in RAW. It's the only way to get it absolutely right 
without a lot of fuss. To make it easy, place a white object somewhere in 
the shot, and use the eyedropper to set color temperature. You can just 
clone out the white marker when you process. If you must shoot jpegs, set 
your white balance manually. See your *istDS operator's manual for 

I set up a RAW conversion action specifically for my studio lights. I didn't 
think of putting a white card into the scene, I just adjusted till it looked 
right on the screen.

Thanks for the tip. It's something I should have thought of myself.

If the lights are consistent output (I've seen some that are all over the 
place) it should be OK to take the white card out after your aperture 
setting exposure and carry on.
I don't use a flash meter in the studio anymore, I use the histogram on the 
camera. I'm pretty comfortable with my lighting ratios now though, so I 
don't need to meter every light anymore.

William Robb 

Re: Pentax warehouse sale, R.I.P. (lengthish)

2005-08-21 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Bob Shell"

Subject: Re: Pentax warehouse sale, R.I.P. (lengthish)

It's kind of sad that none of the companies do this sort of thing anymore. 
These warehouse clearance sales were always a lot of fun.

I suspect that they are all as close to on demand manufacture as possible 
now, and I doubt very much if the really nice stuff is made until ordered.
I bought a new 15/3.5 last year, it was special order from Japan and took 
almost 3 months.

It is sad, I always liked digging around in the stuff that was being cleared 
out of the bowels of the warehouse too.

William Robb 

Re: A couple of PESOs

2005-08-21 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "keithw"

Subject: Re: A couple of PESOs


This les is a challenge to shoot with, to be sure.

I would think so!
What was the camera attached to it?

That was the istD.

With a 35mm camera, you're talking about a 12X magnification.
Try hand holding a 12X telescope sometime, and see how much you wiggle 
A monopod helps, but a tripod is almost mandatory, I'd think. Did you use 
a tripod?

Yup, Zone VI standard under a Wimberley head.

Those are great shots, Bill!
You're doing just fine!

Thanks Keith, I agree with Paul that the subjects could be more compelling, 
but after having the lens for almost 2 weeks and not making a single 
exposure with it, I was getting kinda antsy to try it out.

William Robb 

Re: A couple of PESOs

2005-08-21 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Paul Stenquist"

Subject: Re: A couple of PESOs

Hi Bill,
Considering that you were trying to shoot birds in flight, you seem to 
have done a reasonably good job of getting them in focus on that second 
shot, although it would be nice if they were a bit closer. There doesn't 
seem to be any evidence of camera shake, so your tripod setup must be 

Thats the Zone VI tripod under a Wimberley head. I had some problems getting 
an attachment that was workable, and I really think Pentax could have done a 
better job on the design of this lens.
The only way I can actually get the thing to balance is with the istD and 
battery pack, or else the LX with the winder attached.

On that first shot with the towers, I would rotate it
a bit to straigten the verticals if it were mine. What's most lacking here 
is really compelling subject matter. I think a trip to Denali is in store 
for you. First you buy the lens, then you go to Denali. Just ask Ken :-).

Compelling subject matter? You don't like flying rats? 

I was on my way home from the lumber store and decided to try to shoot some 
shots of the Re/Max balloon. They were even more bland, so I tried to take a 
picture of an airliner taking off.
Couldn't track it until it was a mere speck, so I decided to try something 
slower moving.

This is a very challenging lens to shoot with.
Thanks for looking and commenting.

William Robb 

Re: A couple of PESOs

2005-08-21 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Shel Belinkoff"

Subject: Re: A couple of PESOs

Your comment leads me to think about adding an extension tube or two to 

lens and using it for close-up or macro work.

Butterflies from 30 feet should be possible....

William Robb 

Another shot with the 600

2005-08-21 Thread William Robb

Probably not a compelling as the winged rats, unless you like Canadian Jazz.

William Robb 

Re: PESO: Dream Cruise Day

2005-08-21 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Cotty"

Subject: Re: PESO: Dream Cruise Day

On 21/8/05, Tim Øsleby, discombobulated, unleashed:

For me a
car is just a thing.

Some people are a little weird, no?
He probably doesn't like girls either..


Re: Silver lenses on black bodies

2005-08-21 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Godfrey DiGiorgi" 
Subject: Re: Silver lenses on black bodies

On Aug 20, 2005, at 10:47 PM, Andre Langevin wrote:

I find the combo black MZ-S or IST D body with silver Limited  
lenses great.

Same here:

The greenish/white ones look good on any body colour....

William Robb

Re: Another Ques re: istDs

2005-08-21 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Shel Belinkoff"

Subject: Re: Another Ques re: istDs

Main battery?  Are there auxiliary bats as well?

There is a lithium button battery (about the size of a 50 cent piece) that 
keeps everything warm when the power is shut off. It should have a 5 or so 
year life expectancy.
When it gets changed, you will lose all the custom settings on the camera, 
so it's a good idea to have this info written down somewhere.
It seems to me that with the remote assistand software, they could have made 
it possible to set all this stuff and store it as a file on the computer, 
and reload it from there.
OTOH, it's not like as if it is required to replace the battery all that 

William Robb 

Re: Another Ques re: istDs

2005-08-21 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Cotty"

Subject: Re: Another Ques re: istDs

Is there no facility to save all the camera settings (incl personal and
custom functions) to the CF card?

I don't think so. I'd have to check the manual to be certain though.

William Robb

Re: Another Ques re: istDs

2005-08-21 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Shel Belinkoff"

Subject: Re: Another Ques re: istDs

Thanks, Bill ... my old Sony Mavica had that, although the newer Sony
doesn't seem to.  This battery concept, and turning a camera on/off will
certainly take some getting used to.  There have been so many times when
I've forgotten to turn the 5n off, or forgot to turn it on before trying 

use it and being unable to take a shot 

The digital powers itself down after a few minutes (user settable time 
delay). The istD, if it has powered itself down, is ready to go again just 
by touching and releasing the shutter button once.

What's remote assistant software?

You can attach the camera to a computer via a USB cable and control it from 
there. I haven't investigated the possibilities fully though, so I really 
don't know all that is available.
Note, I misread the subject line, I am talking about the istD, not the 
istDs. I don't know if it can use the Remote Assistant or not.

William Robb

Re: Another Ques re: istDs

2005-08-21 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Cotty" 
Subject: Re: Another Ques re: istDs

On 21/8/05, Cotty, discombobulated, unleashed:

Is there no facility to save all the camera settings (incl personal and
custom functions) to the CF card?

Sorry, I mean to the SD card?

Duh! Misread the subject line. I'm talking about the istD, not the istDs.
I'll go to my room now.

William Robb

Re: Silver lenses on black bodies

2005-08-21 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Bertil Holmberg"

Subject: Re: Silver lenses on black bodies

Since the question is up – how easy is it to get the black LE lenses?

It was too easy in Canada. I ended up with 2 of them.

Another aspect – silver will always be silver while the black will  wear 
off ne?

With the Limiteds, I have my doubts. It is a really tough finish.

William Robb

Re: The Photographer's Rights

2005-08-21 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Glen"

Subject: Re: The Photographer's Rights

I wonder if this thread will ever get back to protecting the rights of 
photographers to use their Pentax cameras for whatever peaceful 
law-abiding purpose they see fit? ;-)

So last night, I decided I wanted to take some pictures with my long 
telephoto lens. I have already spotted the Re/Max balloon low and heading 
west, so with my wife's permission, I give chase, ending up just to the 
northwest of the #1 runway at the airport.
Set up the big wooden tripod, and put the lens with camera attached onto the 
For quite a while, I observed the airport, took pictures of the balloon, and 
a few of various other things. I probably hung out for a half hour, perhaps 
A few vehicles went past, one guy asked if it was OK to keep going, he was 
worried about getting in my way
No hassles, no visits with the local constabulary, no officious persons 
telling me to move on.

A very pleasant experience, even if the pictures werem't the greatest.

William Robb 

Re: New Digital SLR Products From Pentax

2005-08-21 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Peter Loveday"

Subject: Re: New Digital SLR Products From Pentax

Not a lot new really.  Which makes this the fourth in a series of 
confusingly similar DSLRs.  Well done, Pentax :(

It is a strategy that has served Canon well since the first Rebel film 
camera hit the market.

William Robb 

Re: New Digital SLR Products From Pentax

2005-08-21 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Don Sanderson" 
Subject: RE: New Digital SLR Products From Pentax

95%/.95, 8 frame burst, B&W filter, under $800WooHoo! ;-)



Re: A couple of PESOs

2005-08-21 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Powell Hargrave"

Subject: Re: A couple of PESOs

Even makes Saskatchewan look cozy. :)
Nice shots Bill.  Flying birds, even large ratish ones, are not easy.  You
could practice on something easier like a gofer.

Thanks, Powell.

Re: A couple of PESOs

2005-08-21 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Joseph Tainter"

Subject: Re: A couple of PESOs

Seems to perform nicely on the D, Bill.

It seems pretty good. I want to make some prints and see how it looks. I did 
a lot of sharpening on the web images.

William Robb 

Re: A couple of PESOs

2005-08-21 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Evan Hanson" 
Subject: RE: A couple of PESOs

Good job on number 2.

Thanks Evan

Re: Another shot with the 600

2005-08-21 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Godfrey DiGiorgi" 
Subject: Re: Another shot with the 600

On Aug 21, 2005, at 8:45 AM, William Robb wrote:

Probably not a compelling as the winged rats, unless you like  
Canadian Jazz.

Gawds, the air makes it looks as though you used the Liquify tools in  
Photoshop! :-)

Yes, it's certainly as challenging to shoot with ultra-telephoto as  
it is with ultra-wide. I liked the photo of birds on the wing.

Thanks for looking.

Re: Another shot with the 600

2005-08-21 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 

Subject: Re: Another shot with the 600

I actually find this more interesting than the winged rats (whatever they 

-- I couldn't see them well enough :-)).

Canada Geese.

Keep at it.

OK Mom.
Thanks for looking

Re: A couple of PESOs

2005-08-21 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "william sawyer"

Subject: RE: A couple of PESOs


I've had this lens for about 2 years now, and agree with everything you've
said. I describe it as a long stovepipe, with the mount stuck on one end.
I'm surprised you are able to balance it on a gimbaled head. I use it on a
ballhead and crank it down as tight as I can, plus use my focusing hand to
absorb vibration.  With the thing being so long from the mounting point,
creates a pretty big arc for every little movement.

Here is a bit of a detail shot of the mount.

Nice light, isn't it?


That plate is just over 6 inches long, and I cannot balance the thing if a
camera only is mounted. The istD has to have the battery pack on it, the LX
has to have the winder attached, and since I haven't actually tried it, I
don't know for sure if it will balance or not. I may end up having a load
fabricated that can be attached to the camera's tripod socket to help
counterbalance the thing.
I figure about a pound of steel should do it...

I like your heron picture.

William Robb

Re: A couple of PESOs

2005-08-21 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Jack Davis"

Subject: Re: A couple of PESOs

Seriously, shot #2 is a nice grab. If you've indicated
whether the 600 is an AF or MF, I missed it.

It is manual focus.

Do you have stalking "wildlife" plans or to just check
your reaction to random "compression" shots until a
direction happens?

I just set the thing up and waved it blindly around
Seriously, I took a few boring pictures of a hot air balloon, then a plane 
took off, and I tried to track it. I couldn't even find it until it was less 
than a third of the viewfinder

Then some rats flew by, and I took some pictures of them.
Then I went home and barbecued a steak, and had it along with a nice 

It was very relaxing.

While I have no experience "hints" to pass along, I'm
certain you're going to add a number of dramatic
images to your inventory by its use.
Best part, a new lens,..etc, always stirs the photo
juices anew.

HAR!! I feel so revved!!!
Thanks for looking

Re: A couple of PESOs

2005-08-21 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Kenneth Waller"

Subject: Re: A couple of PESOs

Anyone using long lenses (Ken, Tom!!!) any tips or advice for using one
these beasties would be appreciated.

Bill, first of all shoot, shoot and shoot some more.

I don't know what shutter speed you were using but it doesn't appear the
vibration is an issue with your set up.

I was trying to keep the shutter speed up, these were shot at ISO 400, at
around 1/1000 second. The aperture was close to wide open, around f/6.3.

I keep my movement control knobs as tight as I can and still get the
movement I want.

Instinctively, that is what I did also.

I keep my tripod as short as possible to lessen possible vibration (I'm
using a carbon fiber Gitzo which seem somewhat better than an equivalent
aluminum tripod). I drape my left arm  over the barrel of my 600 to load
and dampen any potential vibration, but I generally shoot with a high
shutter that this hasn't been a problem.

I saw your tripod, nice rig. I'm using a Zone VI wooden tripod that weighs
about 15 pounds.
I probably had the legs about halfway extended.
It's a pretty solid tripod, and it is the best of the three that I have for
damping shutter/mirror vibration (In case anyone remembers the Tripod
Follies of a while back).

I did try holding down on the lens at the gimbal point, it seemed to help,
but the biggest help was the two second delay. It's not bad for shooting a
hot air balloon, not much good for anything that is actually moving though.

Do you use the shutter button or the remote release?

And shoot, shoot and shoot some more.

I'll do that. I might do some bear hunting in BC in a couple of weeks.

Thanks for looking, and for the advice.

Re: *ist-DS2

2005-08-22 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Alexandru-Cristian Sarbu" 
Subject: Re: *ist-DS2

"Interestingly it appears that this camera will not be available in
Europe but should be available elsewhere in the world."

Your pictures aren't worth a Pentax..

Re: unsubscribe

2005-08-22 Thread William Robb

Ferget it.
- Original Message - 
From: "ricksmith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Monday, August 22, 2005 2:34 AM
Subject: unsubscribe

Re: catch-light panel

2005-08-22 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Shel Belinkoff"

Subject: Re: catch-light panel

Christian wrote:

It is a flash accessory, Shel.

These are things you don't care about

Thank you.  You're right, although I find the concept interesting based on
other comments in this thread.

Is there some significance to the "jedi_mind_trick" reference?  I don't
make a connection to the topic at all

Yes Shel, there is.
It was quite a funny little reference. If you watch the original Star Wars 
movie (Episode IV I believe), you will get it.

William Robb 

Re: catch-light panel

2005-08-22 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Dario Bonazza"

Subject: Re: catch-light panel

A Canon gizmo, available in both the EX550 and EX580 flash units. According 
to a Canon discussion, it's a panel you put in front of the flash head 
(during bouncing flash technique) for scattering some light direcft on the 
subject (whiel the main beam is against the ceiling), for retaining the 
catch light effect. Sort of a cheap version of the auxiliary reflector 
available in some Metz flash units.

We used to do that with white plastic spoons elastic banded to the flash 

William Robb 

Re: When Pentax DSLR with better crop level?

2005-08-22 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "P. J. Alling"

Subject: Re: When Pentax DSLR with better crop level?

I guess someone doesn't understand the significance of the Ulan Bator 

Sad how you can tell the oldtimers on the list by them understanding how 
significant the Ulan Bator show is.

And WW for that matter....

William Robb 

Re: News from Canon... FF for 3300$

2005-08-22 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "P. J. Alling"

Subject: Re: News from Canon... FF for 3300$

Sadly I don't care, I'd either have to buy Canon glass, or butcher my K 

I dunno, I find it pretty hard to be blase about the exact camera body 
specification that I asked for on list a mere few weeks ago.
Other than the wrong lens mount, it is pretty much exactly what I want in a 

William Robb

Re: When Pentax DSLR with better crop level?

2005-08-22 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "John Celio"

Subject: Re: When Pentax DSLR with better crop level?

question for those who keep close in touch with digital-camera-market. =
When there may appear on the market Pentax DSLR with better than 1.5 =

I expect they will introduce a full frame DSLR at the next Ulan Bator 

William Robb

What leads you to believe this?  Unless I've missed something, there 
doesn't seem to be any indication that Pentax will produce a dSLR with a 
35mm-size sensor anytime in the forseeable future.

Have you checked the dates for the next Ulan Bator show?

William Robb 

Re: The Photographer's Rights (please behave)

2005-08-22 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Tim Øsleby"

Subject: RE: The Photographer's Rights (please behave)

BW>You could try narrowing it down a bit so that it excludes some 

This is constructive!
We need a big guy, who enjoys a fight, and can take a lot of whipping.

Get Cakalic a can of Dream Whip and a French Maid's outfit and I expect he'd 
be up to it.

Re: Why full frame?

2005-08-23 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Kevin Waterson" 
Subject: Why full frame?

I really dont see why the rush is on to get a full frame sensor for
35mm. The current Sony chips used by Pentax seem to do the job for
most folks just fine. How many folks need the extra size when I can
make 40"x30" prints from the current sensor.

I'd like a real wide angle lens...

William Robb

Re: News from Canon... FF for 3300$

2005-08-23 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Shel Belinkoff"

Subject: Re: News from Canon... FF for 3300$

 Being totally dependent on
outside suppliers for a main and very important component doesn't seem 

a good long-term business strategy in any case.

They tried that already.
Now you can't get Panatomic-X and Ektar25..

William Robb

Re: catch-light panel

2005-08-23 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Cotty"

Subject: Re: catch-light panel

Didn't I make one out of bleach bottle for a 280T once ?

After I finish buying one of every lens, I'll have to start checking into 
flash accessories.

Whats the part number of a bleach bottle for a 280T?

William Robb 

Re: News from Canon... FF for 3300$

2005-08-23 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Thibouille" 
Subject: Re: News from Canon... FF for 3300$

Seems the FF brings problems.
Only very good quality would be usable (yes, this is rumors) but check
this pictures from Canon site... this sucks !

They aer out of focus in the corners. So this is the technical problem
making an FF sensor not usable with usual FF film lenses?

Looks more like a lens problem on one of the pictures.
The macro shot seems sharp enough.

William Robb

Re: News from Canon... FF for 3300$

2005-08-23 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Thibouille"

Subject: Re: News from Canon... FF for 3300$

Sure, but if even a third of EF optics do not work than there's a
major problem IMO.

If one optic works, it's not a sensor problem.
The picture you are looking at was shot with a 17m lens. They aren't known 
for excellent corner sharpness anyway.

William Robb 

Re: News from Canon... FF for 3300$

2005-08-23 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Thibouille" 
Subject: Re: News from Canon... FF for 3300$

Of course sensors will improve.
But seeing a photo like this promoting the 5D is still puzzling me.
C'mon this is supposed to be a marketing perfect thing.

What about reality? worse? That should be fun, really.

Specifically, what the hell are you complaining about?

William Robb

Re: "Sunning" at 24x36 inches?

2005-08-23 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "J. C. O'Connell"

Subject: "Sunning" at 24x36 inches?

I suggest you rent/buy a 4x5 camera and scan those negatives
and make 24"x36" print from true 100MP files
and maybe your definition of "stunning" will change.
Do you really think that at 24x36" print size there is no room
for vast improvement over a 6MP APS captured image?

Heck, John, they just need to buy a roll of 35mm film and get a good quality 
wet print made to see an improvement over the 6mp digital.
I have a 20x24 wet print from a 4x5 chrome on my wall that is truly 

William Robb

Re: Large Print Quality From 6mp Cameras (was: )

2005-08-23 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Shel Belinkoff"

Subject: Large Print Quality From 6mp Cameras (was: )

When I see such a print that meets my standards using the technique you've
described, I'll believe it.  I've not seen anything approaching a 16x20 or
larger made from a 6mp Pentax camera that qualifies as "stunning" by my
standards. I know that there are plug-ins and software that supposedly
provides great results.  I've yet to see the results obtained using such
software, therefore I am skeptical. However, based on the comments people
on the list make about the quality of the images posted here (mine
included, BTW), I think I may be a bit more critical than most, even with
my own photos and images.

I am also skeptical of software upsizing. It works to a degree, but at some 
point, it falls apart.
With the digital, you are giving up the ability to capture really fine 
detail and really fine tonal qualities in favour of a grain free print, 
although noise (which can look like grain) will rear it's ugly head from 
time to time.

William Robb 

Re: News from Canon... FF for 3300$

2005-08-23 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Shel Belinkoff"

Subject: Re: News from Canon... FF for 3300$

Huh?  Why is it easier to inspect technical quality with digital than with
film?  Why would a digi photog inspect the results "more severely"?I'd
think any serious photog would be concerned about the technical quality of
his/her lenses to the same degree regardless of using film or digital.

I was able to take the pictures off the Canon site and expand them on my 
monitor to a quite incredibly large size.
Even with a good loupe, this kind of thing would be very difficult, if not 
impossible to do with film, and you certainly can't use scanned film images 
as a means of inspecting film image quality, only the combination of 
film/scanner quality.

William Robb 

Re: News from Canon... FF for 3300$

2005-08-23 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Sylwester Pietrzyk"

Subject: Re: News from Canon... FF for 3300$

"top-of-the-line" L 16-35/2.8 seems to be even worse. Look at the 

made by long time Canona user:
unfortunately wide-angle capabilities of FF sensors can't be realised with
genuine Canon glass. Nikon's APS-C dedicated lens DX 12-24/4 gives much
better image quality with for instance D2X...

I'm not seeing anything that would be a problem on a photographic print.
It is very easy to manufacture "problems" via unreasonable amounts of 

William Robb 

Re: Are Pentax compact digitals really that bad?

2005-08-23 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Peter Smekal"

Subject: Are Pentax compact digitals really that bad?

Hi folks,
I've been thinking about buying a small pocket digital camera for those
situations when a DSLR is too inconvenient. As old pentaxian (ME-sup, LX,
Pz-1p, *istD) I would of course rather go for a Pentax, but the reviews
(dpreview, imaging-resource, steves digocams, etc) mostly grade Pentax
Optios far behind the Canons, Sonys, Fujis Finepix' etc. espcecially when
it comes to image quality. Is it really that bad? Any experience from ...
let's say the new Optio S5z? It looks nice, is small enough for a shirt
pocket, but what about image quality? Thanks for any advice!
Peter, Sweden

I recently got to compare images from my Optio 750 against AnnSan's Canon
Pro1 (whatever that thing is).
No contest, the Optio images had less noise, and more importantly, far less
Methinks some of the internet resources are biased towards certain brands at
the expense of others.

William Robb 

Re: News from Canon... FF for 3300$

2005-08-23 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Dario Bonazza" 
Subject: Re: News from Canon... FF for 3300$

Yeah, projection lenses and slide screens are known for being fault-free 

(end of LOL)


William Robb

Re: A couple of PESOs

2005-08-23 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Herb Chong"

Subject: Re: A couple of PESOs

i have never shot with my 400/2.8 at any aperture other than f2.8. there 
isn't any point with a lens of this type. if you could use a smaller 
aperture, you wouldn't need that lens. also, if Pentax did what other 
manufacturers have done, it is designed to perform best wide open.

I didn't give that much thought. I could have gained a half stop of shutter 
speed, which might have tightened things up a bit more.
I made a print of the shot of the geeses around the radar tower today at 
work. It looks a tad over sharpened, but some of that may be from the heat 
haze from the tarmac. The white cheeks on the geese are visible in the 4x6, 
which was nice.

I must work on Ken's idea for a front rest. It can't be too hard, I am sure 
I can carve on out of pine.

William Robb 

Re: A couple of PESOs

2005-08-23 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Tom Reese"

Subject: Re: A couple of PESOs

The lens is twitchy for sure. For maximum sharpness, I recommend use of a 
very solid tripod, a cable release and mirror lockup when you can. Use all 
three if your subject allows it. Tripod and cable release together will go 
a long way toward getting sharp images.

Have you tried the old bungee cord stretched from camera tripod socket to 
tripod leg trick?

William Robb 

Re: A couple of PESOs

2005-08-23 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Kenneth Waller"

Subject: Re: A couple of PESOs

>Do you use the shutter button or the remote release?

I generally use the shutter release.

I'm kinda leaning that way, in some respects I think I can steady the thing 
a bit myself.

I'm probably wrong, I'll check it out next time.

From the look of your lens/mount setup it appears that this lens was built 
without a thought to balance on a tripod head or it was made to be used 
with a very heavy body.

I'm thinking my 6x7 might balance it.

If you are going to fiddle with your set up you might want to think about 
a lens rest at the far end of the mounting plate (the other end from where 
the plate attaches to the lens. As you have it now, there's a long 
cantilever arm from the lens plate mount to the end of the plate at the 

Well, aren't I just the tool.
I shoulda thought of that..


William Robb

Re: PESO: Artificial Beach

2005-08-23 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Bob W"

Subject: RE: PESO: Artificial Beach

and the Queen might dislike giving up her
titles, though she could always move to Australia or Canada.

What a tragedy that would be.

Absolutely. I actually like the idea of being able to petition the Queen (or 
King as required).

William Robb 

Re: "Sunning" at 24x36 inches?

2005-08-23 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Godfrey DiGiorgi"

Subject: Re: "Sunning" at 24x36 inches?

I'd be most interested to see Cameron's image *and* hear Shel's  opinion. 
Like others, I want first hand experience of the original to  base an 
opinion on.

I'm quite happy with the print quality I'm getting right now, and I'm 
fairly critical on prints. I normally print to 11x17 or 13x19 sizes.

The biggest print I can make at my lab is 12x18, on Kodak Edge 9.
We print at 320 ppi.

I find this size is right on the edge of acceptability, and requires an 
image that isn't dependant on really fine detail.
I'm happy most of the time at that size, I don't think I would still be 
happy at 20x30 or larger, unlss the picture was to be hung quite far away.
I have a big blank wall abut 13 feet from my stairs. I would like to put a 
couple of big prints on it, but I think they will be photographs, not 

Unless I get a FF 14mp Pentax, that is.

William Robb 

Re: MY defintion of obsolete - its way different than those suggested....

2005-08-23 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "J. C. O'Connell"
Subject: MY defintion of obsolete - its way different than those 

To me, truly obsolete is something that has been replaced
by something else that is equal or superior in EVERY
aspect for same or less money, CURRENT NEW COST.

So you aren't willing to allow for the cost of the R&D required to improve 

William Robb 

Re: What Would Make a DSLR "Obsolete"?

2005-08-23 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Butch Black"

Subject: Re: What Would Make a DSLR "Obsolete"?

It's no different then the PZ-1p did not make the MX or LX obsolete.

Not being a PZ-1p camera liker, I can say without reservation that I agree 
fully with this.

Not that this matters a whit.

William Robb 

Re: 36mm x 36mm sensor?

2005-08-23 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Mark Roberts"

Subject: Re: 36mm x 36mm sensor?

I'd like a 26 x 34 sensor myself: It's just about the same image circle
as a 24 x 36 but in the 3:4 ratio I prefer (one of the things I like
about the 645 format).

What a marvelous idea.
Then my SLR customers can bitch at me about my cropping their pictures too.

William Robb

Re: MY defintion of obsolete - its way different than those suggested....

2005-08-23 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Tom C"
Subject: Re: MY defintion of obsolete - its way different than those 

No one asked for truly obsolete, just plain old obsolete.  Obsolete is in 
the mind of the beholder (user).

Then there is found obsolescence, where your fleet of LX's sits idle because 
of the DSLR that suddenly found it's way into the house...

Seriously though, part of the definition of obsolete has to include just 
plain not using the thing anymore because you are using something else now.

I should probably sell some film cameras..

William Robb 

Re: What Would Make a DSLR "Obsolete"?

2005-08-23 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Graywolf"

Subject: Re: What Would Make a DSLR "Obsolete"?

I had a stunning photograph once. It was a matted and framed 16x24 hanging 
over the sofa. The nail kept pulling out of the wall. Everyone whom it fell 
on said it was really stunning.

We have a print of a painting like that.
I got a print from a nice old lady that painted kind of Victorian still 
She wanted pictures of her work for submitting to a gallery, couldn't afford 
the photography, and wasn't able to do it herself.

I did a trade for a print I thought my wife would like.
It made a nice little gift for a birthday or anniversary, I don't recall 

Anyway, I framed it and hung it on the wall, and life was good, and many 
kind things were said about my thoughtfulness.

One day, she was digging around in a drawer, stood up and knocked it off the 
wall with her forehead.

She's been kinda stunned ever since.

Not really, she recovered her senses quite quickly, but she still has a ding 
in her forehead from it.

William Robb

Re: Feedback on FA 28-70 F4.0 AL

2005-08-23 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "John Taylor"

Subject: Feedback on FA 28-70 F4.0 AL

Does anyone have experience, opinions and/or samples for the FA 28-70/ f4 
AL? I just picked up a used copy for $75 and will not have a  chance to 
test it out until I get back home from travel for work.
The lens appears to be in great shape, but the focus ring seems  pretty 
loose at least off the camera. Is this normal? I'll be using  this on my 
*istDS since I can't yet afford the F2.8 model.

Got it, used it, liked it well enough for what it is.
On film.
No idea about on digital.
No, I don't have sample pictures.
It is, apparently, prone to lens element separation, so your lens might not 
be the same as my lens.

I don't know the same things that you don't know.

William Robb 

Re: 36mm x 36mm sensor?

2005-08-23 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Mark Roberts"

Subject: Re: 36mm x 36mm sensor?

Oh man, don't get me started on the subject of photo store customers who
don't understand the concept of "ratios"

No, don't get me started.
I have even replaced some hot sellers on our countertop unit with 4x5.33 
inch alternatives.
Maybe I'll change their name to "digital prints" and see what that does to 

William Robb 

Re: metrics question

2005-08-23 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Butch Black" 
Subject: metrics question

The sigma is GN 50m @ 100ASA, 105mm zoom reflector setting.  The Pentax 
one is GN 54m @ 100ASA, doesn't say what zoom that's at.

If you multiply by 3 do you roughly get your guide numbers in feet?

More or less.
A meter is actually 39 and a bit inches.

William Robb

Re: New Digital SLR Products From Pentax

2005-08-24 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Herb Chong"

Subject: Re: New Digital SLR Products From Pentax

three almost indistinguishable DSLRs in production at the same time 
doesn't make retailers happy. this strategy has been tried before.

I recall Canon making our life difficult with the Rebel film camera. I think 
they had 3 different versions in about a year and a half. Every time the new 
one came out, the old one had to be really deeply discounted, or else it 
wouldn't sell.
Twice, the company I worked for fell for a discount offer from Canon when 
they wanted to blow a camera out of their warehouse because the replacement 
model was on it's way, and twice, we ended up selling that camera body below 
our (discounted) cost just to get it out of ours.
The buyers smartened up and didn't fall for the ruse the third time, so 
Canon just made sure our orders were always backordered for the replacement 

William Robb 

Re: 36mm x 36mm sensor?

2005-08-24 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "keithw" 
Subject: Re: 36mm x 36mm sensor?

But, that's for personal use, not for sale prints.

And that's about 97.4% of the prints made.

William Robb

Re: 36mm x 36mm sensor?

2005-08-24 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "keithw"

Subject: Re: 36mm x 36mm sensor?

Ten make him an 11 X 13 1/4, or 11 X 12 3/4. It's a custom print anyhow, 
isn't it?

Does everyone measure prints, to make sure they get their money's worth?
Or, am I missing something...

No one wants to pay custom, and photo labs tend to produce stock print 
sizes, left to their own devices.
With film, the problem was not being able to fit the ends of a 35mm frame 
into an 8x10, which wasn't so much of a problem, since it was a low volume 
With digital, the problem is cropping the top and bottom off the image to 
fit a 4x6 print. This is a problem, since it is a high volume product.

William Robb 

Re: A couple of PESOs

2005-08-24 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Herb Chong"

Subject: Re: A couple of PESOs

something else to consider is that heat haze has much more effect than you 
would guess from what you can see through the viewfinder. i figure that 
the working range of my setup of a 400/2.8 with the 1.7X extender is 
really only up to about 500ft. much more than that on a warm day and air 
currents become too much for good sharpness. i prefer to work at no more 
than 200 ft if i can help it. for small bird work, i prefer 30-40ft.

Thanks for this. That shot of the radar tower was probably at a distance of 
a mile, perhaps even a bit more, and I was shooting just about straight down 
the airport's main runway.

William Robb 

Re: MY defintion of obsolete - its way different than those suggested....

2005-08-24 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Tom C"
Subject: Re: MY defintion of obsolete - its way different than those 

I agree.

Which one do you want?

William Robb 

Re: 36mm x 36mm sensor?

2005-08-24 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "P. J. Alling"

Subject: Re: 36mm x 36mm sensor?

About "No sane company will invest a lot in making new camera systems for 
a 35mm sensor."  Tell that to Canon, they seem to be

making a lot of money these days.

I think Canon actually made a small investment in APS C sensors, and are now 
moving towards where they wanted to be now that the technology is becoming 
realisticaly affordable.

William Robb 

Re: MZ-S

2005-08-24 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Cesar"

Subject: Re: MZ-S

It was not Norm's drinking that did in gate-boy this year.  I will have 
you know that I did redeem myself as gate-boy at the Camera Clinic.
And yes there was wine involved along with a pre-dawn trip up the 

I recall you stayed up pretty late on Saturday chatting with Doug and 

Norm crashed pretty early.

William Robb 

Re: The Nature of Film's Final Throws

2005-08-25 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Jack Davis" Subject: The Nature of Film's Final Throws

How much longer will starving film cameras demand 35mm
color pos/neg films be produced? What level of
production and availability would qualify as "in
What's the likelihood of film's resuscitation through
some manner of structural breakthrough?
Un-answerable, but care to muse?

As a readily available consumer commodity, I expect film will pretty much be 
gone within 5 years.

William Robb

Re: Pancakes for Breakfast

2005-08-25 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Shel Belinkoff"

Subject: Re: Pancakes for Breakfast

Hmmm  that may make it unsatisfactory on the DS as well.

These cameras are designed to have the aperture set from the body.
It did take some getting used to, but it is a technique not difficult to get 
to know.

William Robb 

Re: Pancakes for Breakfast

2005-08-25 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Shel Belinkoff"

Subject: Re: Pancakes for Breakfast

Oh, I didn't know that.  Don't recall ever hearing of such a thing. That
might be kinda neat ... or not.  Worth trying, anyway.

I would still prefer using an aperture ring, but since they are taking that 
option away from us, we do what we have to do.

On the istD, the front ring controls the shutter time, the rear one controls 
the aperture value. I haven't handled a Ds, apparently it only has one 
control wheel, so I don't know how it seperates the control function.

William Robb 

Re: Re: The Nature of Film's Final Throes

2005-08-26 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "mike wilson"

Subject: Re: Re: The Nature of Film's Final Throes

I think this is an area where the photographic industry has dealt itself a
severe, if not mortal, blow.  If you give Mr & Mrs Sixpack (who _do not
care_ about quality) a way to look at their pictures for free, how can you
possibly expect them to buy prints?

Fortunately, Joe and his wife are, for the most part, beer swilling
semi-neanderthals who are not literate enough to figure out how to run a
Looking at my sales figures over the past couple of years, film processing
is now at ~30% of where it peaked out 3 years ago, but prints are running
closer to 75%.

William Robb

Re: The Nature of Film's Final Throes

2005-08-26 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Mark Roberts"

Subject: Re: The Nature of Film's Final Throes

 But with digital they
don't finish a "batch" until the memory card is full. Then they come to
the shop and are shocked to see a total of $60, $70 or over $100 because
they have so many shots on that card. Even though the cost per print is
lower with film, it's a big psychological hurdle to pay it in one lump
sum like that! Most didn't want to spend the time standing at out print
kiosk going through 200 images and selecting ones to print, and few had
the willingness or knowledge of how to do it at home.

Funny you should mention that.
You probably didn't see the change in demographic.
The majority of the consumers for digital pictures at my lab are teenage to 
early 20's females.
they treat the kiosk as a social event, generally there is always a small 
group of young ladies working on a print order at one of the machines.

William Robb 

Re: The Nature of Film's Final Throes

2005-08-26 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Mark Roberts"

Subject: Re: The Nature of Film's Final Throes

I'm watching to see when the first such place opens up *without* a
minilab. I'm also waiting to see when the first one is pulled out of an
existing location because the income is no longer worth the trouble.
Anyone care to speculate on this one?

The income not worth the trouble is not going to be a problem real soon. I 
think the strategy is to make the customer do several trips into the store.
I can run off a 100 print digital order in about 20 minutes, but if I take a 
couple of hours, there is a good chance that customer will leave the 
premises and come back, generating 2 retail opportunities for the store, 
rather than just one.

William Robb 

Re: Survey: Your Most Unusual Shot

2005-08-26 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Doug Brewer" 
Subject: Re: Survey: Your Most Unusual Shot

oh, Lord, we're trying to =attract= people to the NPW. Let's not 
threaten them with having to listen to me.

Wasn't so bad. You have a mellifluous accent.

William Robb

Re: The Nature of Film's Final Throes

2005-08-26 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "mike wilson"

Subject: Re: The Nature of Film's Final Throes

Whichever way you look at it, that's down in all areas.  It will be 
interesting to see how things pan out in the next few years.

Oh yes.
The 75% number actually pleases me, it means we are making lots of digital 

More than I was expecting to be making, really.

William Robb 

Re: Re:The Nature of Film's Final Throes

2005-08-26 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Unca Mikey"

Subject: Re:The Nature of Film's Final Throes

I shoot film, so I have spent time finding the best/cheapest places to get 
my film processed and printed:  Sam's Club, several grocery chains, 
Wolf/Ritz Camera, and a couple of pro labs.  In every case, the labs are 
busy busy busy.

My lab is pretty busy all the time too.
However, there are far fewer labs in my neck of the woods now than there was 
even 5 years ago.
They also don't give us quite enough people to do the job (my opinion only), 
so we are always pretty busy.

William Robb 

Re: People & Portraits #34 - GDG

2005-08-26 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Godfrey DiGiorgi"

Subject: PAW: People & Portraits #34 - GDG

Nice shot.

William Robb

Re: The Nature of Film's Final Throes

2005-08-26 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "mike wilson"

Subject: Re: The Nature of Film's Final Throes

Sales of cameras, probably.  The British media is full of adverts from all 
the photo companies begging people to buy their easy to use printers and 
for-crying-out-loud to print something and use some consumeables. The 
industry is only just beginning to see how badly it has wounded itself by 
remving the cash cow that was film and processing.

Digital photography was going to happen, whether any old image industry 
companies got on board or not.
The digital camera started life as an extension of the home electronics 
market, not the camera/photography market of the time, I believe it was Sony 
who made the first consumer digital camera.

Given my druthers, I'd be just as happy if digital had't come along.
It makes my daytime work unpleasant.

If the photofinishing industry hadn't reacted as early and as fully as it 
did, there would be no industry left.

Film, on the other hand, is doomed.

The digital camera has made several fairly seperate industries into direct 
competition with each other.
The film companies can either compete with the camera companies and 
electronics companies, or get pushed out of the market, because it's all the 
same market now.

William Robb

Re: The Nature of Film's Final Throes

2005-08-27 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "E.R.N. Reed"

Subject: Re: The Nature of Film's Final Throes

Mark Roberts wrote:

Even if they have a computer they may not use it for viewing photos.

But if they use it for email, they probably *do* use it for viewing photos 
(as they'll have relatives and possibly friends who want to share pictures 
by email.)

Most of the photos viewed on computers are yer basic pornography.
A lot of people are turning back to photo labs for prints from digital.
It seems that we not only like looking at pictures, we also like the social 
interaction of having a stack of prints that we can pass around to our 
We are now seeing a lot of pictures that are being uploaded to our server 
from other parts of the country to be printed and picked up by locals who 
are home from vacation.
They aren't emailing files, they are, in effect, sending paper prints across 
country via ftp.

They can make pictures on inkjet printers at home, but it is very expensive, 
and for a lot of people, it is also a technical challenge that they don't 
want to take on.

William Robb

Re: The Nature of Film's Final Throes

2005-08-27 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Shel Belinkoff"

Subject: Re: The Nature of Film's Final Throes

That's pretty neat.  What size do you mostly print - 4x6 or so?  JPEG or
TIFF?  How do you get paid?

4x6 or 5x7 off the server. We could print more sizes, up to 12x18, but not 
all stores can, no no stores do.
I haven't given it much thought. Certainly mostly JPEGS, I'm not even sure 
if we'll accept anything else via ftp.
Generally, we get paid by debit card, but however we get paid, it happens 
when the customer picks up the work.

William Robb 

Re: Manfrotto legs are slipping

2005-08-27 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Derby Chang" 
Subject: Manfrotto legs are slipping

I have a Manfrotto #055 tripod, with the old style lever locks (instead 
of the wing-type). Recently, the three locks on the lower section have 
started to lose their grip, so it it slips with the slightest weight on 
it. The upper locks are fine. Very annoying as I can only use the tripod 
at groin height (ahem).

I tried tigtening the hex bolts, but they are already pretty tight. Does 
anyone have any suggestions on how to fix this?

Replace the entire clamp unit on each leg.
The old 055 is one of the poorest pieces of engineering I have ever seen.

William Robb

Peso: Two from the football game

2005-08-28 Thread William Robb

Shot with the F*300/4.5.
Seems a decent enough lens

William Robb

Re: Bicycling in France: All primes

2005-08-28 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Mark Roberts"Subject: Bicycling in France: All primes

> Should be fun... as long as I can scrape by on my (very) minimal French
language skills :-)

This should serve you well in most any difficult situation:

" Je passe le vent dans votre direction générale "

William Robb 

Re: Peso: Two from the football game

2005-08-28 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Boris Liberman" Subject: Re: Peso: Two from the football game

Bill, it is technically very sound and competent... But without any 
knowledge of the game (it is American football, isn't it?) I can say 
nothing more.

Canadian football.
It's similar, but different, nonetheless.
Thanks for looking

William Robb

Re: Concert lens length restriction

2005-08-28 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Pat White" Subject: Concert lens length restriction

Has anyone else heard of a 4-inch limit on length of lenses at a concert? 
It was a first for me.

Intersting bit of ignorance, since:
A) Inches officially don't exist is Canada.
B) Some of these really long range zoome lenses are anout that ong when 

William Robb 

Re: Peso: Two from the football game

2005-08-28 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "frank theriault" 
Subject: Re: Peso: Two from the football game

 It was always fun trying to explain a "Roughriders
vs. Roughriders" game to foreigners .

It was Roughriders (Sask.) vs. Rough Riders (Ottawa).
What's to be confused about?

William Robb

Re: A couple of PESOs

2005-08-28 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "frank theriault"

Subject: Re: A couple of PESOs

They let you take pix near airports with big honking lenses in

It's pretty laid back here.

I like the shots, BTW.


Re: Bicycling in France: All primes

2005-08-28 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Bob W" Subject: RE: Bicycling in France: All primes

"péter" is the verb you're trying to squeeze out.

I suppose  gaz de liberté  would also work.

William (French by Google) Robb 

Re: Peso: Two from the football game

2005-08-29 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "David Mann" Subject: Re: Peso: Two from the football game

On Aug 29, 2005, at 3:16 AM, William Robb wrote:

I like the second one better.  Don't you guys use real grass anymore?

Thanks Dave.
I think Edmonton still has real turf at Commonwealth Stadium, but I am 
pretty sure they are the last of the real turf football stadiums in Canada.

William Robb

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