[peirce-l] Re: What fundamenal psychological laws is Peirce referring to?

2006-09-23 Thread Bill Bailey

Joe, thanks for your response. I "get it" 

Festinger came to mind because "selective exposure" as 
amode of dissonance avoidance was a major topic in communication 
research. I haven't read that literature in years--and I didn't 
particularly buy into it then--so don't trust me now. As I recall, one 
mode of dissonance reduction wassimilar tothe pre-dissonance 
mode:"selective perception," or "cherry picking"--selecting only the 
data consonant with the threatened belief or behavior. 
"Rationalization"was a dissonance reduction means, I think, though it 
seems nearly tautological.In terms of Festinger's smoking-health 
dissonance I remember itin this form: "We're all going to die of 
something." There is also the heroic, the transcendent "We all owe a 
death." Simple denial is a common means: "If smoking causes cancer, 
most smokers would get it, but in fact most don't." Researchers turned up 
so many techniques of dissonance reduction I no longer remember which were 
originallyproposed by Festinger and which came later. 

Some, by the way (I think Eliot Aronson among them), 
argued cognitive dissonance was nota logical but a psychological 
phenomena, and that humans were not rational but rationalizers. And, 
relevant to your remarks below, some argued that the need to reduce the 
dissonance resulted not from logical tensions, but from the social concept of 
the self. For example, the argument goes, if it were only a logical 
tension operating, there'd be no tension experienced from telling a lie for 
money. It would make logical sense to say anything asked of you for either 
a few or many bucks. The tension arisesonly as a result of social 
norms:"What kind of person am I to tell a lie for a lousy couple of 
bucks." In my personal experience with smoking, I could have cared less 
about the dissonance between my smoking and the health information. It was 
simply desire; I didn't want to quit. I became involved in "dissonance 
reduction" behaviors only when socially challenged or when I thought about 
dealing such challenges.

As regards the argument that social consciousness is 
priorto theconsciousness of self, doesn't "social consciousness" 
somewhat load the dice? Social consciousness requires some degree of 
"exteriorizing," creating an "out there" of objectsthrough processes of 
representation that must be acquired through learning and language. 
Aparallelconsciousness of self would necessarily be a consequent and 
never an antecedent development. Now, I believe that is the case for the 
"consciousness of . . . " modality of mind in which the self is a 
representational construct. But from what did all that construction 
arise? I think we are necessarily forced to accept a more primary mode of 
information processing, the more autistic or "child-like" consciousness in which 
feelings, actions, and perceptions are merged in a single plane of 
experience. Iview the learned social consciousness as a 
secondaryoverlay onto the primary mode--which persists throughout out 
lives as our everyday mind. In the primary mode,events and object 
are experienced pretty much in terms of their immediate relevances--what we are 
feeling and doing.The contents of the acquired secondary mode are 
assimilated into the primary mode of information processing. Hence we can 
very subjectively find beauty and enjoyment in the spontaneous elaboration of 
theories that cause freshmen, stumbling alongin the secondary mode, 

Isn't it the imposition of social consciousness which 
forces upon us rationalization if not rationality 
itself?Even those who live in 
literature and want to eat the fruit from still life paintings must rationalize 
the irrational. (I thinkthe "irrational" in human 
behavioris seldom the opposite of "rational," but more nearly 
something like "autistic," "narcissistic," or "egocentric," and as such more 
nearly the opposite of "social.")

Bill Bailey

"Joe, I don't understand why you think the order 
might be reversed. To resort to authority is essentially to cease thinking 
and to unquestioningly accept. There's no cognitive 
dissonanceavoidance necessary. But if we begin with trying to avoid 
dissonance, and society forces us to confront it, then authority is one possible 
resort. (Leon Festinger's school ofresearch would 
suggeststill other possibilities of dissonance 
reduction.)"REPLY:Well, I was thinking of the argument one might 
make that social consciousness is prior to consciousness of self, and the method 
of tenacity seems to me to be motivated by the value of self-integrity, the 
instinctive tendency not to give up on any part of oneself, and one's beliefs 
are an important aspect of what one tends to think of when one thinks of one's 
identity. Losing some beliefs e.g. in religion, in one's parents, in the 
worthiness of one's country, etc., can be experienced as a kind of 
self-destruction and people often seem to demonstrate great fear of that 
happening to them. 

[peirce-l] Re: What fundamenal psychological laws is Peirce referring to?

2006-09-23 Thread Joseph Ransdell
regards tthe logical vs. psychological distinction: Jeff Kasser
wrote an important paper on what that distinction meant for
Peirce a few years ago. The title is "Peirce's Supposed
Psychologism". It;s on the ARISBE website: http://members.door.net/arisbe/menu/library/aboutcsp/kasser/psychol.htm  
Jeff makes it pretty clear, I think, that what Peirce meant by
"psychologism" -- which Peirce frequently inveighs against but is often
accused of himself -- is not what most people who talk about this
now assume that it is. I won't attempt to state Jeff's
conclusions here with any exactitude -- he will be joining the
discussion himself in a few days when he gets some free time -- but
just roughly indicate what he is getting at -- or at least what I
learned or think I learned from his paper -- namely, that the
conception of thought or mind is not uniquely the proper province of
any special science, be it psychology (scientific or otherwise)
or sociology or linguistics or the theory of computing machines or
whatever. The idea of mind or thought is also a basic commonsense
conception which has been around in the West in an overt form since the
time when people first started speculating about thought and mind in
ancient Greece. In the terminology Peirce adopted from Jeremy
Bentham, we should distinguish between a COENOSCOPIC sense of
"mind" or "thought" or other mentalistic term and an IDIOSCOPIC
sense of such terms.. The former is the sense of "mind" or
"thought" which we have in mind [!!] when we say something like "What
are you thinking about?", "What's on you mind?", "He spoke his
mind", and so forth, as distinct from the sense which is appropriate
for use in the context of some special scientific study of mind.   
To understand what is meant by the word "mind" as used in scientific
psychology, let us say, we have to find out what people who have
established or mastered something in that field understand by such
terms since the meaning of such terms in that context is a matter of
what the course of special study of its subject matter has resulted in
up to this point. That is the idioscopic sense of "mind", "thought",
etc. But long before there was anything like a science of
psychology and long before we were old enough to understand that there
is any such thing as psychology we had already learned in the course of
our ordinary dealings with people something about the nature of mind in
the "coenoscopic" sense of the term. For we all learn early on,
as small children, that we have to figure out what people are
thinking in order to understand what they are wanting to say, for
example; we learn that people can be sincere or insincere, saying one
thing and thinking another; we learn that they sometimes lie,
pretending to think what what they do not actually think or believe;
people change their minds; they tell us what is on their minds; and we
learn also that they believe us or doubt us, too, when we say
something, and so forth. We become constantly -- I don't mean
obsessively but just as a mater of course -- aware of that sort of
thing in any conversation we have or any communications we read.
In other words it is just the plain old everyday understanding that is
indispensable for ordinary life, which may be shot through with
contradiction and incoherence but,.for better or worse, is
indispensable nonethelessNow it is a nice question
to get clear on exactly what we must be minimally assuming or taking
for granted in drawing such commonsense distinctions in our ordinary
day-in, day-out dealing with people, and we may very well make big
mistakes in trying to say what they are; but whatever the right
analysis of that yields -- which may take some considerable skill to
get right -- it will be our common sense understanding of what mind is,
what thinking is, etc. That is our "coenoscopic" understanding of
what mind is and that is what philosophers -- including logicians --
are (or ought to be) concerned to explicate when they are doing their
proper job..Such is, I believe, Peirce's view of the
distinction of two kinds of understanding of what mind is. There
is, by the way, a corresponding distinction to be drawn between our
ordinary commonsense (coenoscopic) physics -- our understanding
of the purely physical aspect of the things we have to deal with in
moving about and moving other things in the world, and then there os
the special scientific (ideoscopic) understanding. Now, at one
point Jeff quotes a passage from Peirce in which he claims that at the
basis of the special sciences we in fact find coenoscopic conceptions
which we think of as being idioscopic though they are not. ==quote Peirce=
Now it is a circumstance most significant for the logic of science,
that this science of dynamics, upon which all the physical sciences
repose, when defined in the strict way in which its founders understood
it, and not as embracing the law of the conservation of energy, neither
is nor