Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Sowing Dragons (fwd)

2000-05-18 Thread Brad De Long


I also noticed that the bill was concerned about the elimination of
corruption.  What is the record of United States regarding corruption?
Our political campaigns are nothing more than organized bribery.  Is it
possible for a non-corrupt politicians to get elected to anything higher
than the City Council in a small town?  How many corrupt leaders has
United States propped up around the world?

This is not an argument that AGOA is a bad thing...

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Sowing Dragons(fwd)

2000-05-16 Thread Doug Henwood

Rob Schaap wrote:

Two men expressing affection in a homophobic world may do so by hugging
each other, but only if they bring their forearms hard against each others'
backs, preferably bruising some ribs, and then, for but a moment, making
sure to hug hard enough to induce pain.  This is a very poignant ritual,
but must be reserved for rare and moving occasions - like when someone
remembers it is the object of theory that is the object of theory.

I think we need to theorize this - the need to differentiate this 
kind of hug from an erotic hug, the need to bruise some bones in the 
process, etc. etc. I'm reminded of that Barbara Krueger caption to a 
photo of a football game - "You devise elaborate rituals to touch 
each other."

Oh, sorry, this isn't economics.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Sowing Dragons (fwd)

2000-05-15 Thread JKSCHW

In a message dated 00-05-15 18:09:36 EDT, you write:

 A friend of mine from grad school, Donna Landry (co-editor of The 
 Spivak Reader), has been studying peasant and working class women 
 poets of the 17th  18th centuries. I asked her if she likes reading 
 the stuff, which from what I've seen, looks pretty awful. She said 
 no, but that she doesn't like poetry much anyway; she'd rather read 
 detective novels.
Sigh. You know, this confirms my worst suspicions about those philosophers 
manque who do Theory. They don't like literature, and they lack the 
discipline or training to do real philosophy, so they generate 
esxciting-sounding but essentially meaningless social theory ungrounded in 
either rigorous argument or empirical fact. Spivak, pah.  

Here we have a literature prof who doesn't like poetry, who would rather read 
detective novels, but who studies bad "subaltern subject perspective" women 
poets  because that is a PC thing to do. 

The stuff is (I wil take her word) of no literary value, and should be 
studied by someone with training as  a historian or historical sociologist, 
who might be able to teach us something about it. EP Thompson did this some 
in Customs in Common; but he loved poetry, and knew it. high and low, as an 
able literary critic--not a Theorist, but as someone who knew the period(s) 
and loved the language. Oh, well, I am a boring old reactionary who loves 
poetry, so what do I know.

However, my gripe with Theory aside, there was in the literary canon that _I_ 
was taught a lot of really good folk song and poetry by Anonymous; and you 
can find a lot of it in the ballads. My wife, same vintage as me, five tears 
later than you,a nd like me an amateur historian of medieval and Rennaisance 
England,a hs the asme recollection. Course we listen to a lot of thsi music 
in song all the time, too.

  Hey hey, ho ho, Western culture's gotta go,

Right, teach 'em Spivak instead of Milton, it's great as an emetic. 


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Sowing Dragons (fwd)

2000-05-15 Thread Rob Schaap

Please find attached one manly cyber-hug, Justin!  Well-spoken, comrade!

If, as Frost said, 'poetry is what gets left out in translation' (though
I'm convinced Dryden managed to keep plenty of Chaucer in), 'tis even the
translation that's left out in the postie critique, where the heroic
couplet is only a shitfight between the logocentric and the phonocentric,
and meanings not worth discussing beyond their a-priori definition as some
generic ether which is significant only in that it signifies nothing but
its own  deferred difference.

For myself, I've a lot more time for Spivak than Derrida.

As I have more for influenza than I do smallpox.

Anyway, good on you, Justin!

In a message dated 00-05-15 18:09:36 EDT, you write:

 A friend of mine from grad school, Donna Landry (co-editor of The
 Spivak Reader), has been studying peasant and working class women
 poets of the 17th  18th centuries. I asked her if she likes reading
 the stuff, which from what I've seen, looks pretty awful. She said
 no, but that she doesn't like poetry much anyway; she'd rather read
 detective novels.

Sigh. You know, this confirms my worst suspicions about those philosophers
manque who do Theory. They don't like literature, and they lack the
discipline or training to do real philosophy, so they generate
esxciting-sounding but essentially meaningless social theory ungrounded in
either rigorous argument or empirical fact. Spivak, pah.

Here we have a literature prof who doesn't like poetry, who would rather read
detective novels, but who studies bad "subaltern subject perspective" women
poets  because that is a PC thing to do.

The stuff is (I wil take her word) of no literary value, and should be
studied by someone with training as  a historian or historical sociologist,
who might be able to teach us something about it. EP Thompson did this some
in Customs in Common; but he loved poetry, and knew it. high and low, as an
able literary critic--not a Theorist, but as someone who knew the period(s)
and loved the language. Oh, well, I am a boring old reactionary who loves
poetry, so what do I know.

However, my gripe with Theory aside, there was in the literary canon that _I_
was taught a lot of really good folk song and poetry by Anonymous; and you
can find a lot of it in the ballads. My wife, same vintage as me, five tears
later than you,a nd like me an amateur historian of medieval and Rennaisance
England,a hs the asme recollection. Course we listen to a lot of thsi music
in song all the time, too.

  Hey hey, ho ho, Western culture's gotta go,

Right, teach 'em Spivak instead of Milton, it's great as an emetic.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Sowing Dragons (fwd)

2000-05-15 Thread md7148

what is this "manly cyber-hug"? (smile!)


Please find attached one manly cyber-hug, Justin..

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Sowing Dragons (fwd)

2000-05-15 Thread Rob Schaap

G'day Mine,

Two men expressing affection in a homophobic world may do so by hugging
each other, but only if they bring their forearms hard against each others'
backs, preferably bruising some ribs, and then, for but a moment, making
sure to hug hard enough to induce pain.  This is a very poignant ritual,
but must be reserved for rare and moving occasions - like when someone
remembers it is the object of theory that is the object of theory.


what is this "manly cyber-hug"? (smile!)


Please find attached one manly cyber-hug, Justin..

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Sowing Dragons (fwd)

2000-05-13 Thread Jim Devine

At 01:35 PM 05/13/2000 -0400, you wrote:
My understand of the shift from hunting and gathering to agriculture is that
nutritional standards did decline, but so did the risk of starvation. 
output was less uncertain.

Maybe, but it's not unmixed progress. It's more a matter of a trade-off 
(which was my point).