Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Withering away of the state

2000-05-25 Thread Brad De Long

The democratic rhetoric of Rousseau and Tocqueville becomes 
meaningless and obfuscatory emissions of hot gasses by Clinton or 

Such hyperbole is not good for communication...

So you believe Clinton when he talks about being in favor of democracy?

Of course Clinton and Blair believe deeply in democracy: it has been 
very good to them, and must therefore be the best of all possible 
forms of government.

I, on the other hand, face every day the results of the California 
voter initiative process...

Brad DeLong

Re: Re: Re: Re: Withering away of the state

2000-05-24 Thread Brad De Long

Then we are at an impasse. I think it is worth while to rescue the language of
socialism and Marxism from the Leninist distortions, but perhaps it is not.
Perhaps we have to invent a new political language.


Yep. Back to Tocqueville and Rousseau...

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Withering away of the state

2000-05-24 Thread JKSCHW

Tocquville and Rousseau offer a "new" language? I don't deny we have lots to learn 
from them, but if "new" is what we need, they don't qualify. --jks

 I think it is worth while to rescue the language of
socialism and Marxism from the Leninist distortions, but perhaps it is not.
Perhaps we have to invent a new political language.


Yep. Back to Tocqueville and Rousseau...


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Withering away of the state

2000-05-24 Thread Jim Devine

Brad wrote:
Then we are at an impasse. I think it is worth while to rescue the 
language of
socialism and Marxism from the Leninist distortions, but perhaps it is not.
Perhaps we have to invent a new political language.

Brad writes:
Yep. Back to Tocqueville and Rousseau...

If Brad is not being facetious here, he is contradicting himself: I thought 
that he rejected Rousseau's rhetoric about the "general will" and the like, 
not to mention R's conception of human malleability. (If he _is_ being 
facetious, it should be pointed out that that method is not good for 
communication unless it is in a face-to-face conversation or as part of an 
extended essay which allows the reader to understand the tone. It also 
suggests that Brad participates in pen-l not to communicate with others or 
to learn from them but to cause trouble and/or to prevent serious discussion.)

As for Tocqueville, I think that Brad has to deal with the contradiction 
between Tocquevillean local democracy (community) and capitalism's 
dynamics. As seen in the history of the world during the last 25 years (and 
especially the last decade), capitalism weakens and undermines _any_  kind 
of democracy, converting all sorts of democracy into the heartless and 
aggressive seeking of profit at all cost and/or the heartless and anonymous 
dictatorship by bureaucratic organizations such as the multinational 
corporations, the WTO, the World Bank, and the IMF. (In this experience, 
the marketization of the world goes along with its bureaucratization, 
rather than these two phenomena being substitutes.) The democratic rhetoric 
of Rousseau and Tocqueville becomes meaningless and obfuscatory emissions 
of hot gasses by Clinton or Blair.

If we accept the common image of "Leninism" as a method of stuffing 
Revolution down the throats of the people (rather than seeing a more 
complex and nuanced view of Lenin and his ideas), then we must recognize 
that in the current day, it is the US Treasury, the IMF, and the World Bank 
that are the main "Leninist" forces, imposing a neoliberal Revolution on 
the world. Instead of socialist revolution from above (as in 
interpretations of "Leninism" shared by both Stalinists and Cold Warriors), 
it's capitalist revolution from above. The worst, of course, can be seen in 
the ruins of the former Soviet Union, where the "Washington Consensus" was 
imposed on the conquered territory by the Harvard Boys, in effect leading 
to a modern version of the Carthaginian Peace (sowing the soil with salt), 
from which it will take a generation or more for the Russians to recover.

BTW, I think that any criticism of "Leninism" should be combined with 
criticism of other top-down methods.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Withering away of the state

2000-05-24 Thread Jim Devine

The democratic rhetoric of Rousseau and Tocqueville becomes meaningless 
and obfuscatory emissions of hot gasses by Clinton or Blair.

Such hyperbole is not good for communication even in face-to-face 
conversation or as part of an extended essay which allows the reader to 
understand the tone. It appears that Jim participates in pen-l not to 
communicate with others or to learn from them but to cause trouble and/or 
to prevent serious discussion.

So you believe Clinton when he talks about being in favor of democracy?


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Withering away of the state

2000-05-24 Thread Brad De Long

Brad wrote:
Then we are at an impasse. I think it is worth while to rescue the 
language of
socialism and Marxism from the Leninist distortions, but perhaps it is not.
Perhaps we have to invent a new political language.

Brad writes:
Yep. Back to Tocqueville and Rousseau...

If Brad is not being facetious here, he is contradicting himself: I 
thought that he rejected Rousseau's rhetoric about the "general 
will" and the like, not to mention R's conception of human 
malleability. (If he _is_ being facetious, it should be pointed out 
that that method is not good for communication unless it is in a 
face-to-face conversation or as part of an extended essay which 
allows the reader to understand the tone. It also suggests that Brad 
participates in pen-l not to communicate with others or to learn 
from them but to cause trouble and/or to prevent serious discussion.)

Just because I think that Rousseau's concept of the general will is 
naive doesn't mean that _Inequality_ and _The Social Contract_ aren't 
works of genius from which we can learn a lot. I like Rousseau's 
formulation of the problems--I just don't think he has the answer.

As for Tocqueville, I think that Brad has to deal with the 
contradiction between Tocquevillean local democracy (community) and 
capitalism's dynamics.

Not something Tocqueville ignored, by the way...

The democratic rhetoric of Rousseau and Tocqueville becomes 
meaningless and obfuscatory emissions of hot gasses by Clinton or 

Such hyperbole is not good for communication even in face-to-face 
conversation or as part of an extended essay which allows the reader 
to understand the tone. It appears that Jim participates in pen-l not 
to communicate with others or to learn from them but to cause trouble 
and/or to prevent serious discussion.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Withering away of the state

2000-05-23 Thread Rod Hay

Jim: I agree that circumstances both internal and external had a great deal to
do with what happened in Russia. I don't blame it all on Lenin. Socialism in a
poor country is an extremely difficult proposition. But my point is that
whatever the reason, Russia did not socialise the means of production, and
should not be called socialist.


Jim Devine wrote:

 At 06:54 AM 05/23/2000 +1000, you wrote:
 Nice post, Rod!  And I tend to side with Barkley on the SR Constituent
 Assembly, too - which seems to me to have been a more promising midwife for
 the sort of transformations you discuss (especially in light of the
 resolutions they were passing in their last days) than the dictatorship of
 a vanguard - substitutionalist elite.

 I'm not sure that the Constituent Assembly would have dealt well with the
 issue of ending WW I the way Lenin did for Russia -- or with continuing to
 fight the war, the way Karensky wanted to do. Would it have dealt well with
 violent opposition or civil war or imperialist invasion? or the extreme
 poverty of Russia at the time? the division between the peasants and the
 workers -- and the difficulty of keeping peasants united once they've
 grabbed land for themselves?

 This is not to apologize for Lenin (since I'm no Leninist). But I think
 that the objective conditions of 1917-18 in Russia were such that nice
 social democrats were unlikely to take power (or stay there, if you
 consider Karensky to be a social democrat). I think that these conditions
 bred substitutionism more than it leapt full-grown from Lenin's head. (Many
 of the SR's were more substitutionist in that many believed in the
 "propaganda of the deed." Lenin was a moderate compared to the
 bomb-throwers among the anarchists, who were strong substitutionists.)
 Substitutionism takes hold when the working class is poorly organized and
 less than class conscious. (It can be seen in the form of various lobbyists
 and lawyers who are substituting for the US working class in most struggles
 these days.)

 It's important to notice how Lenin's ideas change with circumstances in
 Russia. After he initially flirted with Kautsky's top-down "workers can
 never be socialist" perspective in WHAT IS TO BE DONE?,[*] he became less
 "vanguardist" and less "substitutionist" as the Russian workers movement
 grew in number and depth. Then, after October 1917, once the popular
 revolution begins to fade, the grass roots being torn apart by civil war,
 urban/rural conflict, etc., his ideas veer toward top-downism.

 I guess my conclusion is the opposite of Leninism, in that I see Lenin as
 more of a dependent variable than an independent one. He, like Woodrow
 Wilson, may have seen history as being on his side (as Brad asserts), but
 he was wrong. Wilson maybe was right, since his flavor of hypocrisy seems
 to rule these days (bombing Serbia to "make the world safe for democracy").

 [*] Hal Draper's article reprinted in the recent HISTORICAL MATERIALISM
 makes a convincing case that it was Kautsky who developed the top-down
 (vanguardist) conception of the party, while Lenin never went all the way
 (contrary to the strange consensus among Stalinists and Cold Warriors, who
 all agreed that Lenin = Stalin).


Rod Hay
The History of Economic Thought Archive
Batoche Books
52 Eby Street South
Kitchener, Ontario
N2G 3L1

RE: Re: Re: Re: Withering away of the state

2000-05-23 Thread Mark Jones

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Jim Devine
Sent:   23 May 2000 05:34
Subject:[PEN-L:19438] Re: Re: Re: Withering away of the state

At 06:54 AM 05/23/2000 +1000, you wrote:
Nice post, Rod!  And I tend to side with Barkley on the SR Constituent
Assembly, too - which seems to me to have been a more promising midwife for
the sort of transformations you discuss (especially in light of the
resolutions they were passing in their last days) than the dictatorship of
a vanguard - substitutionalist elite.

I'm not sure that the Constituent Assembly would have dealt well with the
issue of ending WW I the way Lenin did for Russia

Any illusions about the survivability or relevance of the Constituent
Assembly do not survive a reading of the memoirs of its own leaders or of
the S-r's generally. It's collapse may have been occasioned by Lenin but he
was not the cause of the CA's barrenness. See for instance Ziva Galil, The
Menshevik Leaders in the Russian Revolution or Diane Koenker's Strikes and
Revolution in Russia in 1917, or David Mandel's Petrograd Workers and the
Soviet seizure of power; or, best of all, Leopold Haimson's classic: The
Making of 3 Revolutionaries: Voices from the Menshevik Past

Mark Jones

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Withering away of the state

2000-05-23 Thread Jim Devine

... But my point is that whatever the reason, Russia did not socialise the 
means of production, and should not be called socialist.


I don't know if it does any good to say that the USSR wasn't socialist, 
since the vast majority of humanity uses that tag.


Re: Re: Withering away of the state

2000-05-23 Thread J. Barkley Rosser, Jr.

 I would prefer the kind of socialism that you
describe.  But, like it or not, I would still maintain
that what we saw in the USSR was a form of
Barkley Rosser
-Original Message-
Date: Monday, May 22, 2000 4:20 PM
Subject: [PEN-L:19425] Re: Withering away of the state

First, let's start with the word socialism and what it means. To me the
would be some socialisation of the means of production (I distinquish this
nationalisation). This entails the establishment of democratic institutions
capable of managing that control. I take this to be what Marx meant by the
withering away of the state. The state as a institution of a divided
would be replaced, as those divisions were resolved, by alternative
institutions (the division between the public and private sphere being one
the most important divisions, would thus be overcome).

The Soviet Union did not attempt to construct these institution, (in fact,
the initial period of the soviets, they did everything in their power to
alternative centres of power.) Yugoslavia and Cuba did more in this and
have a
greater claim to being socialist.

The Soviet Union was a society in which the division between capital and
was still strong. Capital, was for the main part, controlled by the
but it still existed as an opposition to labour. Little was being done to
overcome this division. The Soviet Union was one of the world's most
welfare states but it was not socialist, it was most definitely a society
which capital still ruled.


"J. Barkley Rosser, Jr." wrote:

  In what way was it not?  The USSR followed most of the
 "planks" in the platform at the end of the Communist
 Manifesto.  It even, under Khrushchev, attempted to
 maintain greenbelts and carried out other policies
 motivated by the essentially utopian goal of eliminating
 the distinction between the city and the country.
   What it was not was communist.  And neither it nor
 any other socialist state (that I am aware of, maybe Pol
 Pot made such claims) ever claimed so to be. The official
 line in the old USSR was that they were a socialist state
 "in transition" to a communist future that never arrived.
  BTW, to those who are getting upset that I have made
 some critical remarks about Marx, I say that I am a great
 admirer of Marx and fully agree that he was very perspicuitous
 about many matters, arguably the most brilliant economist
 of the nineteenth century, certainly one of the most.  But, he
 was not a god or a messiah or a prophet.  He was a human
 being subject to errors, no matter how brilliant or wise he was.
 Even if one wishes to designate him as "error-free," clearly
 his writings are open to many interpretations in many places,
 as we all well know.
 Barkley Rosser
 -Original Message-
 Date: Thursday, May 18, 2000 7:49 PM
 Subject: [PEN-L:19253] : withering away of the state

 Perhaps Marx was utopian. But we will have to wait until we have a
 society, in order to find out. The Soviet Union called itself socialist
 "J. Barkley Rosser, Jr." wrote:
   I did not mean that the vision was pathetic.  I
  meant that the actual outcome in light of the vision/
  (forecast) was pathetic.
  Barkley Rosser
 Rod Hay
 The History of Economic Thought Archive
 Batoche Books
 52 Eby Street South
 Kitchener, Ontario
 N2G 3L1

Rod Hay
The History of Economic Thought Archive
Batoche Books
52 Eby Street South
Kitchener, Ontario
N2G 3L1

Re: Withering away of the state

2000-05-23 Thread Charles Brown

 Rod Hay [EMAIL PROTECTED] 05/22/00 04:21PM 
First, let's start with the word socialism and what it means. To me the minimum
would be some socialisation of the means of production (I distinquish this from
nationalisation). This entails the establishment of democratic institutions
capable of managing that control. I take this to be what Marx meant by the
withering away of the state.


CB: State whithers away in communism, not socialism. The socialist state cannot 
whither away until there are no more capitalist states in the world. Marx knew this.

Socialism still has a state for repression of the bourgeoisie.


Re: Re: Re: Withering away of the state

2000-05-23 Thread Rod Hay

Then we are at an impasse. I think it is worth while to rescue the language of
socialism and Marxism from the Leninist distortions, but perhaps it is not.
Perhaps we have to invent a new political language.


"J. Barkley Rosser, Jr." wrote:

  I would prefer the kind of socialism that you
 describe.  But, like it or not, I would still maintain
 that what we saw in the USSR was a form of
 Barkley Rosser
 -Original Message-
 Date: Monday, May 22, 2000 4:20 PM
 Subject: [PEN-L:19425] Re: Withering away of the state

 First, let's start with the word socialism and what it means. To me the
 would be some socialisation of the means of production (I distinquish this
 nationalisation). This entails the establishment of democratic institutions
 capable of managing that control. I take this to be what Marx meant by the
 withering away of the state. The state as a institution of a divided
 would be replaced, as those divisions were resolved, by alternative
 institutions (the division between the public and private sphere being one
 the most important divisions, would thus be overcome).
 The Soviet Union did not attempt to construct these institution, (in fact,
 the initial period of the soviets, they did everything in their power to
 alternative centres of power.) Yugoslavia and Cuba did more in this and
 have a
 greater claim to being socialist.
 The Soviet Union was a society in which the division between capital and
 was still strong. Capital, was for the main part, controlled by the
 but it still existed as an opposition to labour. Little was being done to
 overcome this division. The Soviet Union was one of the world's most
 welfare states but it was not socialist, it was most definitely a society
 which capital still ruled.
 "J. Barkley Rosser, Jr." wrote:
   In what way was it not?  The USSR followed most of the
  "planks" in the platform at the end of the Communist
  Manifesto.  It even, under Khrushchev, attempted to
  maintain greenbelts and carried out other policies
  motivated by the essentially utopian goal of eliminating
  the distinction between the city and the country.
What it was not was communist.  And neither it nor
  any other socialist state (that I am aware of, maybe Pol
  Pot made such claims) ever claimed so to be. The official
  line in the old USSR was that they were a socialist state
  "in transition" to a communist future that never arrived.
   BTW, to those who are getting upset that I have made
  some critical remarks about Marx, I say that I am a great
  admirer of Marx and fully agree that he was very perspicuitous
  about many matters, arguably the most brilliant economist
  of the nineteenth century, certainly one of the most.  But, he
  was not a god or a messiah or a prophet.  He was a human
  being subject to errors, no matter how brilliant or wise he was.
  Even if one wishes to designate him as "error-free," clearly
  his writings are open to many interpretations in many places,
  as we all well know.
  Barkley Rosser
  -Original Message-
  Date: Thursday, May 18, 2000 7:49 PM
  Subject: [PEN-L:19253] : withering away of the state
  Perhaps Marx was utopian. But we will have to wait until we have a
  society, in order to find out. The Soviet Union called itself socialist
  "J. Barkley Rosser, Jr." wrote:
I did not mean that the vision was pathetic.  I
   meant that the actual outcome in light of the vision/
   (forecast) was pathetic.
   Barkley Rosser
  Rod Hay
  The History of Economic Thought Archive
  Batoche Books
  52 Eby Street South
  Kitchener, Ontario
  N2G 3L1
 Rod Hay
 The History of Economic Thought Archive
 Batoche Books
 52 Eby Street South
 Kitchener, Ontario
 N2G 3L1

Rod Hay
The History of Economic Thought Archive
Batoche Books
52 Eby Street South
Kitchener, Ontario
N2G 3L1

Re: Re: Re: Withering away of the state (fwd)

2000-05-23 Thread md7148

One needs to first understand Marx before even talking about Leninism.. 


Then we are at an impasse. I think it is worth while to rescue the
language of socialism and Marxism from the Leninist distortions, but
perhaps it is not.  Perhaps we have to invent a new political language. 


"J. Barkley Rosser, Jr." wrote:

  I would prefer the kind of socialism that you
 describe.  But, like it or not, I would still maintain
 that what we saw in the USSR was a form of
 Barkley Rosser
 -Original Message-
 Date: Monday, May 22, 2000 4:20 PM
 Subject: [PEN-L:19425] Re: Withering away of the state

 First, let's start with the word socialism and what it means. To me the
 would be some socialisation of the means of production (I distinquish this
 nationalisation). This entails the establishment of democratic institutions
 capable of managing that control. I take this to be what Marx meant by the
 withering away of the state. The state as a institution of a divided
 would be replaced, as those divisions were resolved, by alternative
 institutions (the division between the public and private sphere being one
 the most important divisions, would thus be overcome).
 The Soviet Union did not attempt to construct these institution, (in fact,
 the initial period of the soviets, they did everything in their power to
 alternative centres of power.) Yugoslavia and Cuba did more in this and
 have a
 greater claim to being socialist.
 The Soviet Union was a society in which the division between capital and
 was still strong. Capital, was for the main part, controlled by the
 but it still existed as an opposition to labour. Little was being done to
 overcome this division. The Soviet Union was one of the world's most
 welfare states but it was not socialist, it was most definitely a society
 which capital still ruled.
 "J. Barkley Rosser, Jr." wrote:
   In what way was it not?  The USSR followed most of the
  "planks" in the platform at the end of the Communist
  Manifesto.  It even, under Khrushchev, attempted to
  maintain greenbelts and carried out other policies
  motivated by the essentially utopian goal of eliminating
  the distinction between the city and the country.
What it was not was communist.  And neither it nor
  any other socialist state (that I am aware of, maybe Pol
  Pot made such claims) ever claimed so to be. The official
  line in the old USSR was that they were a socialist state
  "in transition" to a communist future that never arrived.
   BTW, to those who are getting upset that I have made
  some critical remarks about Marx, I say that I am a great
  admirer of Marx and fully agree that he was very perspicuitous
  about many matters, arguably the most brilliant economist
  of the nineteenth century, certainly one of the most.  But, he
  was not a god or a messiah or a prophet.  He was a human
  being subject to errors, no matter how brilliant or wise he was.
  Even if one wishes to designate him as "error-free," clearly
  his writings are open to many interpretations in many places,
  as we all well know.
  Barkley Rosser
  -Original Message-
  Date: Thursday, May 18, 2000 7:49 PM
  Subject: [PEN-L:19253] : withering away of the state
  Perhaps Marx was utopian. But we will have to wait until we have a
  society, in order to find out. The Soviet Union called itself socialist
  "J. Barkley Rosser, Jr." wrote:
I did not mean that the vision was pathetic.  I
   meant that the actual outcome in light of the vision/
   (forecast) was pathetic.
   Barkley Rosser
  Rod Hay
  The History of Economic Thought Archive
  Batoche Books
  52 Eby Street South
  Kitchener, Ontario
  N2G 3L1
 Rod Hay
 The History of Economic Thought Archive
 Batoche Books
 52 Eby Street South
 Kitchener, Ontario
 N2G 3L1

Rod Hay
The History of Economic Thought Archive
Batoche Books
52 Eby Street South
Kitchener, Ontario
N2G 3L1

Re: : Withering away of the state (fwd)

2000-05-23 Thread Michael Perelman

Isn't this thread becoming repetitive?
Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929

Tel. 530-898-5321

Re: Withering away of the state

2000-05-22 Thread Rod Hay

First, let's start with the word socialism and what it means. To me the minimum
would be some socialisation of the means of production (I distinquish this from
nationalisation). This entails the establishment of democratic institutions
capable of managing that control. I take this to be what Marx meant by the
withering away of the state. The state as a institution of a divided society
would be replaced, as those divisions were resolved, by alternative democratic
institutions (the division between the public and private sphere being one of
the most important divisions, would thus be overcome).

The Soviet Union did not attempt to construct these institution, (in fact, after
the initial period of the soviets, they did everything in their power to destroy
alternative centres of power.) Yugoslavia and Cuba did more in this and have a
greater claim to being socialist.

The Soviet Union was a society in which the division between capital and labour
was still strong. Capital, was for the main part, controlled by the bureaucracy,
but it still existed as an opposition to labour. Little was being done to
overcome this division. The Soviet Union was one of the world's most developed
welfare states but it was not socialist, it was most definitely a society in
which capital still ruled.


"J. Barkley Rosser, Jr." wrote:

  In what way was it not?  The USSR followed most of the
 "planks" in the platform at the end of the Communist
 Manifesto.  It even, under Khrushchev, attempted to
 maintain greenbelts and carried out other policies
 motivated by the essentially utopian goal of eliminating
 the distinction between the city and the country.
   What it was not was communist.  And neither it nor
 any other socialist state (that I am aware of, maybe Pol
 Pot made such claims) ever claimed so to be. The official
 line in the old USSR was that they were a socialist state
 "in transition" to a communist future that never arrived.
  BTW, to those who are getting upset that I have made
 some critical remarks about Marx, I say that I am a great
 admirer of Marx and fully agree that he was very perspicuitous
 about many matters, arguably the most brilliant economist
 of the nineteenth century, certainly one of the most.  But, he
 was not a god or a messiah or a prophet.  He was a human
 being subject to errors, no matter how brilliant or wise he was.
 Even if one wishes to designate him as "error-free," clearly
 his writings are open to many interpretations in many places,
 as we all well know.
 Barkley Rosser
 -Original Message-
 Date: Thursday, May 18, 2000 7:49 PM
 Subject: [PEN-L:19253] : withering away of the state

 Perhaps Marx was utopian. But we will have to wait until we have a
 society, in order to find out. The Soviet Union called itself socialist but
 "J. Barkley Rosser, Jr." wrote:
   I did not mean that the vision was pathetic.  I
  meant that the actual outcome in light of the vision/
  (forecast) was pathetic.
  Barkley Rosser
 Rod Hay
 The History of Economic Thought Archive
 Batoche Books
 52 Eby Street South
 Kitchener, Ontario
 N2G 3L1

Rod Hay
The History of Economic Thought Archive
Batoche Books
52 Eby Street South
Kitchener, Ontario
N2G 3L1

Re: Re: Withering away of the state

2000-05-22 Thread Rob Schaap

Nice post, Rod!  And I tend to side with Barkley on the SR Constituent
Assembly, too - which seems to me to have been a more promising midwife for
the sort of transformations you discuss (especially in light of the
resolutions they were passing in their last days) than the dictatorship of
a vanguard - substitutionalist elite.

Social-Democratically yours,

First, let's start with the word socialism and what it means. To me the
would be some socialisation of the means of production (I distinquish this
nationalisation). This entails the establishment of democratic institutions
capable of managing that control. I take this to be what Marx meant by the
withering away of the state. The state as a institution of a divided society
would be replaced, as those divisions were resolved, by alternative democratic
institutions (the division between the public and private sphere being one of
the most important divisions, would thus be overcome).

The Soviet Union did not attempt to construct these institution, (in fact,
the initial period of the soviets, they did everything in their power to
alternative centres of power.) Yugoslavia and Cuba did more in this and have a
greater claim to being socialist.

The Soviet Union was a society in which the division between capital and
was still strong. Capital, was for the main part, controlled by the
but it still existed as an opposition to labour. Little was being done to
overcome this division. The Soviet Union was one of the world's most developed
welfare states but it was not socialist, it was most definitely a society in
which capital still ruled.


Re: Withering away of the state (fwd)

2000-05-22 Thread md7148

Rod Hay wrote:

First, let's start with the word socialism and what it means. To me the
minimum would be some socialisation of the means of production (I
distinquish this from nationalisation).

One of the factors why people construct their language in such a
dichotomic fashion is because they seriously conflate the "state
capitalist" with the "state socialist" model, and mistakenly attribute the
charecteristics of the former to the letter. If one wants to see
capitalism in socialism, then one wants to beleive there is in fact no
difference between the two.

 This entails the establishment of democratic institutions capable of
managing that control. I take this to be what Marx meant by the withering
away of the state. 

Marx meant withering away of the "bourgeois state", the state which
he was witnessing historically. In that respect, his views of the
state can not be read out of context. My impression is that you reading
the state in the abstract here, in a Hegelian fashion. We are living in
the real world, Rod, not in the ideal world. Socialism took place in the
periphery of the world system, under the pressure of European and US
imperialistic hegemonies, so it was natural that it had some
shortcomings, but the system tried its BEST to raise the living standarts
of its people, more so rigidly than capitalist states. Shortcomings of the
capitalist state requires capitalist solutions (as in Keynesianism).
Shortcomings of the socialist state requires socialist solutions (as in
Marxism).  .

The Soviet Union did not attempt to construct these institution, (in
after the initial period of the soviets, they did everything in their
power to destroy alternative centres of power.) Yugoslavia and Cuba did
more in this and have a greater claim to being socialist. 

From Andy Wayne Austin:

"State socialist countries brought comparatively tremendous

benefits to their people. Under communist parties these countries were

substantially better off than they were before socialism and they are now

much worse off after the fall of state socialism. Between 1960 and 1980

all state socialist countries compared favorably with middle and

upper-range capitalist countries, and all state socialist society easily

surpassed the bottom third capitalist countries. In fact, there were after

1960 no state socialist societies in the bottom third of poorest

countries. There was substantially less inequality in these countries, and

the ruling parties, while having some bit more of the social surplus than

the average person, were much less well off than their counterparts in

capitalist societies (a Soviet leader, if so inclined, could only dream of

the wealth and privilege of the US politician). All this came with a high

level of social services.

State socialist societies were not perfect. There is no requirement that

any society be a utopia or live up to any ideal to be a desirable

alternative. There is probably not a single wage-laborer who desires to be

a slave. We live in the real world, Paul, and we always will. People

living under state socialist regimes were much better off than most people

living under capitalism. They really were"


"His statements are also deeply problematic because capitalist countries

in fact round up laborers in their own states or for export to their

colonies. English labor history is full of periods of rounding up

vagabonds, vagrants, orphans, etc., and selling them into bondage to

capitalists in their North American and Australian colonies. In the

United States, Indians were rounded up and forced to migrate across the

country. After slavery, blacks were rounded up by capitalists and forced

to work under the most degrading and dangerous of conditions. In the West,

Latino labor forces were subject to such treatment. And perhaps no groups

suffered more explicitly harsh treatment of this kind than the Chinese

immigrant. Now we have a vast prison system to contain the fallout from

structural unemployment, and increasingly this system is being transformed

into a slave-labor force.

There is also a problem with the notion of Soviet "colonialism" or

"imperialism" if by that term we mean the economic exploitation of a

"periphery" by a "core." In the relations between the core and periphery

in the capitalist context there is often a flow of surplus out of the

periphery into the core. Thus the periphery was underdeveloped by their

relawith the core. By contrast, relations between core and periphery

in the Soviet system system led to development in the satellites. They

were, as the capitalist ideologue would have it, proheir

satellites. Capitalist have exploited this fact by noting how much former

Soviet satellites - "propped up by the Soviet Union" - have suffered after

the "fall of communism." One can hardly claim that the extension of the

Soviet Union was of an exploitative nature analogous to the relation

between core and periphery in world capitalism, 

Re: Re: Re: Withering away of the state

2000-05-22 Thread Jim Devine

At 06:54 AM 05/23/2000 +1000, you wrote:
Nice post, Rod!  And I tend to side with Barkley on the SR Constituent
Assembly, too - which seems to me to have been a more promising midwife for
the sort of transformations you discuss (especially in light of the
resolutions they were passing in their last days) than the dictatorship of
a vanguard - substitutionalist elite.

I'm not sure that the Constituent Assembly would have dealt well with the 
issue of ending WW I the way Lenin did for Russia -- or with continuing to 
fight the war, the way Karensky wanted to do. Would it have dealt well with 
violent opposition or civil war or imperialist invasion? or the extreme 
poverty of Russia at the time? the division between the peasants and the 
workers -- and the difficulty of keeping peasants united once they've 
grabbed land for themselves?

This is not to apologize for Lenin (since I'm no Leninist). But I think 
that the objective conditions of 1917-18 in Russia were such that nice 
social democrats were unlikely to take power (or stay there, if you 
consider Karensky to be a social democrat). I think that these conditions 
bred substitutionism more than it leapt full-grown from Lenin's head. (Many 
of the SR's were more substitutionist in that many believed in the 
"propaganda of the deed." Lenin was a moderate compared to the 
bomb-throwers among the anarchists, who were strong substitutionists.) 
Substitutionism takes hold when the working class is poorly organized and 
less than class conscious. (It can be seen in the form of various lobbyists 
and lawyers who are substituting for the US working class in most struggles 
these days.)

It's important to notice how Lenin's ideas change with circumstances in 
Russia. After he initially flirted with Kautsky's top-down "workers can 
never be socialist" perspective in WHAT IS TO BE DONE?,[*] he became less 
"vanguardist" and less "substitutionist" as the Russian workers movement 
grew in number and depth. Then, after October 1917, once the popular 
revolution begins to fade, the grass roots being torn apart by civil war, 
urban/rural conflict, etc., his ideas veer toward top-downism.

I guess my conclusion is the opposite of Leninism, in that I see Lenin as 
more of a dependent variable than an independent one. He, like Woodrow 
Wilson, may have seen history as being on his side (as Brad asserts), but 
he was wrong. Wilson maybe was right, since his flavor of hypocrisy seems 
to rule these days (bombing Serbia to "make the world safe for democracy").

[*] Hal Draper's article reprinted in the recent HISTORICAL MATERIALISM 
makes a convincing case that it was Kautsky who developed the top-down 
(vanguardist) conception of the party, while Lenin never went all the way 
(contrary to the strange consensus among Stalinists and Cold Warriors, who 
all agreed that Lenin = Stalin).


Re: : withering away of the state

2000-05-19 Thread Rob Schaap

And hello again, Charles.

CB: This is a problem for you because of your utopianism. Marx predicted
that the Paris Commune would be a folly 
of dispair, but also knew that it was the beginning of actual socialism,
with all its faults, and advanced his theory of 
socialism based on it.  Similarly , the USSR to the 20th power.

The whole idea of praxis is to do with shared learning in shared action, no?
 Whilst I agree with you that it wouldn't be fair to test a post-bellum
society for its adherence to all 'the' communist criteria (this ignores the
reality of the 'getting from here to wherever there is' problem), this
doesn't mean that the SU was necessarily the beginning of actual socialism. 
It only was if we've learned from its needless flaws (and separating the
needless from the historically enforced can be hard), and the likes of
Luxemburg and Trotsky make for valuable reading on this, I reckon.  Many
Trots reckon the SU was on the path, but that it had become distorted.  I
think they go this route to keep Lenin and the Bolsheviks beyond criticism,
and the consequence is the view that all the SU needed was a political
revolution to get back to its socialist essence.

A more structural criticism (one that doesn't put the blame for what went
wrong on a couple of big personalities during the '20s, esp. Unca Joe) might
have it that the party, constituted and legitimised as it was, could be
expected to 'substitute itself for the class' to the point it became a
ruling class insofar as it enjoyed decisive political economic power, became
ever more distanced (materially) from its purported constituency, and
developed material interests that were specific to it and inimical to
workers.  That would indicate that a social revolution, rather than a
political one, would be needed even to get the SU on the right road.

Whatever, the SU is gone, and it is probably one of the harshest capitalist
systems on the face of a benighted planet.  The aparat is now
uncontentiously the bourgeoisie, and the workers are exploited so intensely
as to reduce life expectancies to what used to be called third world levels.
 We've already seen that Trotsky (himself often, but not always, of the
Bolshevik persuasion) saw a lot of this in the SU he saw in the thirties.

All in all, I take the view that Leninism has to be investigated with the
possibility in mind that some of its flaws were profound, regardless of the
invidious position in which the early revolutionaries were confronted.  

So I reckon you *can* be a non-Utopian non-Leninist, and that there is
nothing at all dogmatic about such a position.

So there.

Re: Re: Re: : withering away of the state (fwd)

2000-05-19 Thread Rod Hay

I have read everything.



 What did you read about Soviet socialism?


 Interesting musings Carrol, but words have meanings, and what most people
 mean by the word socialism is not what was seen in the USSR. You can call
 it what you want, but I don't call it socialism.


 Carrol Cox wrote:

  Rod Hay wrote:
   Perhaps Marx was utopian. But we will have to wait until we have a socialists
   society, in order to find out. The Soviet Union called itself socialist but it
  This I think is utopian. Socialism is a movement, not a platonic form against
  which you can measure any state and say it is or isn't "socialist." It would
  seem to me wrong to assume that there will not be many  more episodes
  in the socialist movement which will go greatly astray in one way or another,
  many more defeats. THe struggles of 6 billion people and their descendants
  to find their way out of capitalism will almost certainly contain episodes
  at least as unpleasant as the USSR at its worst. The struggle for socialism
  has to be essentially g self-justifying at each step, regardless of the
  (temporary) final outcomes of each struggle. If the only or even the
  chief reason to fight for socialism is the achievement of the socialism
  for our great-grandchildren, then socialism is a bust.
  This is *not* to disagree with Rosa Luxemburg that the final goal is
  everything, the struggle is nothing. The role of that final goal is the
  understanding we achieve through it of the present. Hence the
  struggle depends on the final goal *independently* of whether or
  not we ever achieve that final goal.
  Marx, as I understand him, did not propose the classless society and
  the withering away of the state as a prize to reward us at the end. He
  saw that just as feudalism could be understood from the perspective
  of capitalism, so capitalism could only be understood from the perspective
  of communism. We can only understand the capitalist state (and therefore
  organize our struggle against it) by seeing it from the perspective of
  the society in which the state has withered away.
  [I really think it would help if a larger proportion of marxists suffered
  from depression. That would help dampen the galloping optimism
  that blithely says the USSR was not socialist -- for the implication
  of that evaluation is that socialism of just the sort we want will be
  easily attainable if we just have the right ideas. Horse Feathers!]
  The evil at the heart of capitalism (or of any social order of which
  the market is the central institution) is that Reality becomes
  the Future, while the past and present become mere appearance.
  I began to see this by reading and re-reading Plato's *Republic*
  and attempting to explain it to undergraduates. In Plato's timarchy
  (in effect a landed aristocracy of some sort) the Past is the Real.
  The present is merely a recapitulation of the past and is emptied
  of reality. In what he called an oligarchy (a state ruled by those
  whose motive was the accumulation of wealth [=money?],
  the past was non-existent, and the present only the shadow of
  the future. Action becomes meaningless in itself, since it cannot
  exhibit ambition (which is the struggle to maintain what the past
  has given us) nor can it be its own end. Since anything resembling
  capitalism was still nearly 2000 years away, it was remarkable
  that even in the piddling financial manipulations of his day Plato
  could see this. The core capitalist metaphor, that of *investment*
  catches up this trivialization of the present by the future.
  The *demos* Plato discarded with contempt: they *chose* (he
  implies) to live only in the present, their lives dominated by a
  lowly lust for immediate satisfaction. (One of the many modern
  equivalents of this is the accusation that unwed mothers have
  babies in order to make money off of public aid.) There would
  have been no way to theorize this in Plato's world, for that
  depended on the development of wage labor under capitalism
  and its theorization in Marx's conceptions of surplus value
  and alienation. The working class, by definition, is that class
  which *must* live in the present (that being the main thrust
  of the assumption that labor power is purchased at is value).
  And it is this (unavoidable) attachment of the working to the
  present (which implicitly is also a valuation of the past such as
  the investor dare not allow him/herself) which makes the working
  class a *potentially* revolutionary class. Its revolutionary task
  is to free humanity from the tyranny of the future.

 Rod Hay
 The History of Economic Thought Archive
 Batoche Books
 52 Eby Street South
 Kitchener, Ontario
 N2G 3L1

Rod Hay
The History of Economic Thought Archive

Re: Re: Re: : withering away of the state (fwd)

2000-05-19 Thread md7148

for example? 


I have read everything. 



 What did you read about Soviet socialism?


 Interesting musings Carrol, but words have meanings, and what most people
 mean by the word socialism is not what was seen in the USSR. You can call
 it what you want, but I don't call it socialism.


 Carrol Cox wrote:

  Rod Hay wrote:
   Perhaps Marx was utopian. But we will have to wait until we have a socialists
   society, in order to find out. The Soviet Union called itself socialist but it
  This I think is utopian. Socialism is a movement, not a platonic form against
  which you can measure any state and say it is or isn't "socialist." It would
  seem to me wrong to assume that there will not be many  more episodes
  in the socialist movement which will go greatly astray in one way or another,
  many more defeats. THe struggles of 6 billion people and their descendants
  to find their way out of capitalism will almost certainly contain episodes
  at least as unpleasant as the USSR at its worst. The struggle for socialism
  has to be essentially g self-justifying at each step, regardless of the
  (temporary) final outcomes of each struggle. If the only or even the
  chief reason to fight for socialism is the achievement of the socialism
  for our great-grandchildren, then socialism is a bust.
  This is *not* to disagree with Rosa Luxemburg that the final goal is
  everything, the struggle is nothing. The role of that final goal is the
  understanding we achieve through it of the present. Hence the
  struggle depends on the final goal *independently* of whether or
  not we ever achieve that final goal.
  Marx, as I understand him, did not propose the classless society and
  the withering away of the state as a prize to reward us at the end. He
  saw that just as feudalism could be understood from the perspective
  of capitalism, so capitalism could only be understood from the perspective
  of communism. We can only understand the capitalist state (and therefore
  organize our struggle against it) by seeing it from the perspective of
  the society in which the state has withered away.
  [I really think it would help if a larger proportion of marxists suffered
  from depression. That would help dampen the galloping optimism
  that blithely says the USSR was not socialist -- for the implication
  of that evaluation is that socialism of just the sort we want will be
  easily attainable if we just have the right ideas. Horse Feathers!]
  The evil at the heart of capitalism (or of any social order of which
  the market is the central institution) is that Reality becomes
  the Future, while the past and present become mere appearance.
  I began to see this by reading and re-reading Plato's *Republic*
  and attempting to explain it to undergraduates. In Plato's timarchy
  (in effect a landed aristocracy of some sort) the Past is the Real.
  The present is merely a recapitulation of the past and is emptied
  of reality. In what he called an oligarchy (a state ruled by those
  whose motive was the accumulation of wealth [=money?],
  the past was non-existent, and the present only the shadow of
  the future. Action becomes meaningless in itself, since it cannot
  exhibit ambition (which is the struggle to maintain what the past
  has given us) nor can it be its own end. Since anything resembling
  capitalism was still nearly 2000 years away, it was remarkable
  that even in the piddling financial manipulations of his day Plato
  could see this. The core capitalist metaphor, that of *investment*
  catches up this trivialization of the present by the future.
  The *demos* Plato discarded with contempt: they *chose* (he
  implies) to live only in the present, their lives dominated by a
  lowly lust for immediate satisfaction. (One of the many modern
  equivalents of this is the accusation that unwed mothers have
  babies in order to make money off of public aid.) There would
  have been no way to theorize this in Plato's world, for that
  depended on the development of wage labor under capitalism
  and its theorization in Marx's conceptions of surplus value
  and alienation. The working class, by definition, is that class
  which *must* live in the present (that being the main thrust
  of the assumption that labor power is purchased at is value).
  And it is this (unavoidable) attachment of the working to the
  present (which implicitly is also a valuation of the past such as
  the investor dare not allow him/herself) which makes the working
  class a *potentially* revolutionary class. Its revolutionary task
  is to free humanity from the tyranny of the future.

 Rod Hay
 The History of Economic Thought Archive
 Batoche Books
 52 Eby Street South
 Kitchener, Ontario
 N2G 3L1

Rod Hay
The History of Economic 

Re: Re: withering away of the state

2000-05-19 Thread Charles Brown

 "J. Barkley Rosser, Jr." [EMAIL PROTECTED] 05/18/00 06:14PM 
 I did not mean that the vision was pathetic.  I
meant that the actual outcome in light of the vision/
(forecast) was pathetic.


CB: It was not Marx's vision that the state would whither away until there were no 
more capitalist states to defeat ( by the working classes from within). USSR, PRC 
therefore not pathetic within Marx's "vision". He was much less utopian than you are 
about. Didn't promise a rose garden in socialism.


Re: : withering away of the state

2000-05-19 Thread Charles Brown

And now the latest hits from the Holier than Thou Marxist Chorus:

Perhaps Marx was utopian. But we will have to wait until we have a socialists
society, in order to find out. The Soviet Union called itself socialist but it

  I did not mean that the vision was pathetic.  I
 meant that the actual outcome in light of the vision/
 (forecast) was pathetic.

 Interesting musings Carrol, but words have meanings, and what most people 
mean by
 the word socialism is not what was seen in the USSR. You can call it what 
you want,
 but I don't call it socialism. 

Actually, isn't it a big part of our problem that what _most people_ DO mean 
by "socialism" what they had in the USSR? 

Re: : withering away of the state

2000-05-19 Thread Charles Brown

 Rob Schaap [EMAIL PROTECTED] 05/19/00 12:09AM 
And hello again, Charles.

CB: This is a problem for you because of your utopianism. Marx predicted
that the Paris Commune would be a folly 
of dispair, but also knew that it was the beginning of actual socialism,
with all its faults, and advanced his theory of 
socialism based on it.  Similarly , the USSR to the 20th power.

The whole idea of praxis is to do with shared learning in shared action, no?


CB: Yes, nicely put. 


 Whilst I agree with you that it wouldn't be fair to test a post-bellum
society for its adherence to all 'the' communist criteria (this ignores the
reality of the 'getting from here to wherever there is' problem), this
doesn't mean that the SU was necessarily the beginning of actual socialism. 
It only was if we've learned from its needless flaws (and separating the
needless from the historically enforced can be hard), and the likes of
Luxemburg and Trotsky make for valuable reading on this, I reckon.  Many
Trots reckon the SU was on the path, but that it had become distorted.  I
think they go this route to keep Lenin and the Bolsheviks beyond criticism,
and the consequence is the view that all the SU needed was a political
revolution to get back to its socialist essence.


CB: "the path" is not there already.  "The path"is made in praxis.

"All " the SU needed was a revolution in one or two big capitalist countries, like 
Germany and France.


A more structural criticism (one that doesn't put the blame for what went
wrong on a couple of big personalities during the '20s, esp. Unca Joe) might
have it that the party, constituted and legitimised as it was, could be
expected to 'substitute itself for the class' to the point it became a
ruling class insofar as it enjoyed decisive political economic power, became
ever more distanced (materially) from its purported constituency, and
developed material interests that were specific to it and inimical to
workers.  That would indicate that a social revolution, rather than a
political one, would be needed even to get the SU on the right road.   


CB: Imperialism was able to force the party and state to be overly centralized, by 
keeping the SU under permanent war or threat of war through its whole existence. Even 
hindsight does not show that the SU could risk much decentralization until the 
socialist democracy destroying, and socialism destroying institutions were to set, as 
you sketch.

Whatever, the SU is gone, and it is probably one of the harshest capitalist
systems on the face of a benighted planet.  The aparat is now
uncontentiously the bourgeoisie, and the workers are exploited so intensely
as to reduce life expectancies to what used to be called third world levels.
 We've already seen that Trotsky (himself often, but not always, of the
Bolshevik persuasion) saw a lot of this in the SU he saw in the thirties.

All in all, I take the view that Leninism has to be investigated with the
possibility in mind that some of its flaws were profound, regardless of the
invidious position in which the early revolutionaries were confronted. 

CB: Leninism as theory is not profoundly flawed. Leninism as practiced had enormously 
profound virtues and big flaws both.  No current anti-Leninists have demonstrated that 
they have theory or practice superior to that of historical Leninism.  They are 
armchair, holier-than-thou'ers.


So I reckon you *can* be a non-Utopian non-Leninist, and that there is
nothing at all dogmatic about such a position.

CB: But to be non-utopian , one would have to show more results in the real world than 
any non-Leninists have.  The test of your claim is practice ( See Marx's Second ? 
Third Thesis on Feuerbach)

Claims such as Justin's that my approach to Lenin and Marx is like that of an  
approach to the Father , Son and Holy Ghost, are, ironically, themselves, liberal 
dogma, unfounded selfcongratulation that Justin or someone thinks more critically and 
undogmatically than I. This is false. Justin's thinking is not more critical, 
non-dogmatic than mine, as demonstrated constantly on these lists.

Liberals and anti-Leninists are most often dogmatists themselves, and can't claim the 
mantel of anti-dogmatism by declaration and insult.


Re: Re: Re: Re: : withering away of the state (fwd)

2000-05-19 Thread J. Barkley Rosser, Jr.

  "Everything"?  Really?  Ponomaesh  Russki yazik?
Barkley Rosser
-Original Message-
Date: Friday, May 19, 2000 7:11 AM
Subject: [PEN-L:19273] Re: Re: Re: : withering away of the state (fwd)

I have read everything.



 What did you read about Soviet socialism?


 Interesting musings Carrol, but words have meanings, and what most
 mean by the word socialism is not what was seen in the USSR. You can
 it what you want, but I don't call it socialism.


 Carrol Cox wrote:

  Rod Hay wrote:
   Perhaps Marx was utopian. But we will have to wait until we have a
   society, in order to find out. The Soviet Union called itself
socialist but it
  This I think is utopian. Socialism is a movement, not a platonic form
  which you can measure any state and say it is or isn't "socialist." It
  seem to me wrong to assume that there will not be many  more episodes
  in the socialist movement which will go greatly astray in one way or
  many more defeats. THe struggles of 6 billion people and their
  to find their way out of capitalism will almost certainly contain
  at least as unpleasant as the USSR at its worst. The struggle for
  has to be essentially g self-justifying at each step, regardless of
  (temporary) final outcomes of each struggle. If the only or even the
  chief reason to fight for socialism is the achievement of the socialism
  for our great-grandchildren, then socialism is a bust.
  This is *not* to disagree with Rosa Luxemburg that the final goal is
  everything, the struggle is nothing. The role of that final goal is the
  understanding we achieve through it of the present. Hence the
  struggle depends on the final goal *independently* of whether or
  not we ever achieve that final goal.
  Marx, as I understand him, did not propose the classless society and
  the withering away of the state as a prize to reward us at the end. He
  saw that just as feudalism could be understood from the perspective
  of capitalism, so capitalism could only be understood from the
  of communism. We can only understand the capitalist state (and
  organize our struggle against it) by seeing it from the perspective of
  the society in which the state has withered away.
  [I really think it would help if a larger proportion of marxists
  from depression. That would help dampen the galloping optimism
  that blithely says the USSR was not socialist -- for the implication
  of that evaluation is that socialism of just the sort we want will be
  easily attainable if we just have the right ideas. Horse Feathers!]
  The evil at the heart of capitalism (or of any social order of which
  the market is the central institution) is that Reality becomes
  the Future, while the past and present become mere appearance.
  I began to see this by reading and re-reading Plato's *Republic*
  and attempting to explain it to undergraduates. In Plato's timarchy
  (in effect a landed aristocracy of some sort) the Past is the Real.
  The present is merely a recapitulation of the past and is emptied
  of reality. In what he called an oligarchy (a state ruled by those
  whose motive was the accumulation of wealth [=money?],
  the past was non-existent, and the present only the shadow of
  the future. Action becomes meaningless in itself, since it cannot
  exhibit ambition (which is the struggle to maintain what the past
  has given us) nor can it be its own end. Since anything resembling
  capitalism was still nearly 2000 years away, it was remarkable
  that even in the piddling financial manipulations of his day Plato
  could see this. The core capitalist metaphor, that of *investment*
  catches up this trivialization of the present by the future.
  The *demos* Plato discarded with contempt: they *chose* (he
  implies) to live only in the present, their lives dominated by a
  lowly lust for immediate satisfaction. (One of the many modern
  equivalents of this is the accusation that unwed mothers have
  babies in order to make money off of public aid.) There would
  have been no way to theorize this in Plato's world, for that
  depended on the development of wage labor under capitalism
  and its theorization in Marx's conceptions of surplus value
  and alienation. The working class, by definition, is that class
  which *must* live in the present (that being the main thrust
  of the assumption that labor power is purchased at is value).
  And it is this (unavoidable) attachment of the working to the
  present (which implicitly is also a valuation of the past such as
  the investor dare not allow him/herself) which makes the working
  class a *potentially* revolutionary class. Its revolutionary task
  is to free humanity from the tyranny of the future.

Re: : withering away of the state

2000-05-19 Thread Jim Devine

At 07:46 PM 5/18/00 -0400, you wrote:
Perhaps Marx was utopian. But we will have to wait until we have a socialists
society, in order to find out. The Soviet Union called itself socialist but it

I think that quibbling about whether or not the USSR was "socialist" is 
useless. Names are not that important, while "socialism" typically refers 
more to a movement than an end-result.

I used to think that the USSR should be called "collectivist" rather than 
"socialist" (for reasons similar to Rod's) but I noticed that in the 
Manifesto and elsewhere, Marx and Engels never made the assumption that 
"socialism" was a good thing. They are quite critical of socialists (and 
call themselves communists).

The key question is not whether or not the USSR was "socialist," but rather 
_what kind_ of socialism it was. I think of as an example of bureaucratic 
socialism (BS). With the receding of the grass-roots working-class 
movement, with the imperialist invasions and the civil war, with the 
conflict between the peasants and the workers, the party-state ended up as 
the only force holding things together, providing order, organizing and 
developing the economy, defending the country against its foreign enemies, 
etc. Under these conditions, a small minority of the population could grab 
and keep state power for themselves "in the name of the proletariat."


Re: : withering away of the state

2000-05-19 Thread Doug Henwood

Charles Brown wrote:

Actually, isn't it a big part of our problem that what _most people_ DO mean
by "socialism" what they had in the USSR? --jks

CB: This is a problem for you because of your utopianism. Marx 
predicted that the Paris Commune would be a folly of dispair, but 
also knew that it was the beginning of actual socialism, with all 
its faults, and advanced his theory of socialism based on it. 
Similarly , the USSR to the 20th power.

Wait a minute. A model that failed and which is now held in almost 
universally low regard - you may not like that, but it's a fact - is 
the basis of a future socialism? Justin may be a utopian, but you're 
a dystopian then.


Re: Re: : withering away of the state

2000-05-19 Thread Carrol Cox

Doug Henwood wrote:

 Wait a minute. A model that failed and which is now held in almost
 universally low regard

I've never praised or dispraised any position on the grounds that
it was or was not "marxist." I'll break that habit now. The use of
the concept of "model" in reference to social systems is aggressively
anti-marxist -- that is, it is incompatible with almost anything Marx
ever wrote. In marxist terms the USSR cannot be either a good
nor a bad model simply because in marxist terms it was not a
model of any sort. (In most usages of the word -- and in almost
all instances of the serious use of the concept -- "model" is
a version of Platonic Realism.)


Re: Re: : withering away of the state

2000-05-19 Thread JKSCHW

Charles says:

Claims such as Justin's that my approach to Lenin and Marx is like that of an  
approach to the Father , Son and Holy Ghost, are, ironically, themselves, liberal 
dogma, unfounded selfcongratulation that Justin or someone thinks more critically and 
undogmatically than I. This is false. Justin's thinking is not more critical, 
non-dogmatic than mine, as demonstrated constantly on these lists.

* * 

People can and will draw their own conclusions about that. 


Re: : withering away of the state

2000-05-19 Thread Charles Brown

 Doug Henwood [EMAIL PROTECTED] 05/19/00 12:41PM 
Charles Brown wrote:

Actually, isn't it a big part of our problem that what _most people_ DO mean
by "socialism" what they had in the USSR? --jks

CB: This is a problem for you because of your utopianism. Marx 
predicted that the Paris Commune would be a folly of dispair, but 
also knew that it was the beginning of actual socialism, with all 
its faults, and advanced his theory of socialism based on it. 
Similarly , the USSR to the 20th power.

Wait a minute. A model that failed...


CB: Wouldn't call it a model that failed, but efforts to build socialism that had 
enormous successes and failures.

Here's an example of an enormous success. It played a key role in the liberation of 
most of the paleocolonial world ! A gigantic blow to white supremacism. That was a 
profound success of the Soviet Union. Another success was proving that a society could 
exist with no unemployment and free health care and higher education. 

Unfortunately , they had to put a lot of their success into  building defenses against 
imperialist war. But they were up to the task.

 and which is now held in almost 
universally low regard...


CB: You give too much regard to the opinion of the current generation. History has not 
ended , nor  is its judgment of the SU final with those to whom you refer. 

- you may not like that, but it's a fact -

CB: It's a fact, among the minority of the world population who think about such, but 
the significance of the fact - the opinion of the current generation of ideologists  - 
is not what you imply. 

the basis of a future socialism? Justin may be a utopian, but you're 
a dystopian then.


CB: All turns on your topian approach. You only see utopias and dystopias. You refuse 
to acknowledge scientific vision ( as defined by the Father , the Son and the Holy 
Ghost, and the Devil herself ) which contemplates vulgar trial and error as as 
important to the process as neat and clean"models", armchair holier than 
thou"theories". You don't have practice as part of your epistemology, only models, 
theory, topias.  Soviet Union is only a "failure" for a utopian approach, (and 
bourgeois approach, as the latter allows you to ignore its enormous successes in your 
measurement of its history). A scientific approach finds trials , errors and truths. 
The SU passed some of the tests and failed others. Normal array result in a scientific 
practice ( practice is short for experimentation and industry) .  It would be very 
unwise  to throw out the positive  results from the history of the SU under the humbug 
that it was an absolute failure. 

You would have been one calling Marx a distopian for focussing on positive lessons 
from  the Paris Commune, which failed much worse and quicker than the Soviet Union.


Re: Re: : withering away of the state

2000-05-19 Thread J. Barkley Rosser, Jr.

 It is possible to say that the USSR was a "model
of socialism" (Carrol Cox's complaint, nothwithstanding)
while nevertheless maintaining that it was/is not THE
"model for socialism."
Barkley Rosser
-Original Message-
From: Doug Henwood [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Friday, May 19, 2000 12:41 PM
Subject: [PEN-L:19300] Re: : withering away of the state

Charles Brown wrote:

Actually, isn't it a big part of our problem that what _most people_ DO
by "socialism" what they had in the USSR? --jks

CB: This is a problem for you because of your utopianism. Marx
predicted that the Paris Commune would be a folly of dispair, but
also knew that it was the beginning of actual socialism, with all
its faults, and advanced his theory of socialism based on it.
Similarly , the USSR to the 20th power.

Wait a minute. A model that failed and which is now held in almost
universally low regard - you may not like that, but it's a fact - is
the basis of a future socialism? Justin may be a utopian, but you're
a dystopian then.


Re: Re: : withering away of the state

2000-05-19 Thread Charles Brown

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 05/19/00 12:55PM 
Charles says:

Claims such as Justin's that my approach to Lenin and Marx is like that of an  
approach to the Father , Son and Holy Ghost, are, ironically, themselves, liberal 
dogma, unfounded selfcongratulation that Justin or someone thinks more critically and 
undogmatically than I. This is false. Justin's thinking is not more critical, 
non-dogmatic than mine, as demonstrated constantly on these lists.

* * 

People can and will draw their own conclusions about that. 


CB: Except for you. You will draw your conclusion based on some liberal dogma.

RE: Re: Re: : withering away of the state

2000-05-19 Thread Max B. Sawicky

Perhaps but that could cut two ways,
as in socialism yes, good no.  No
reason to assume every form of socialism
would be desirable.


 I bet if we took a count more people would consider the USSR
 socialism (communism even) than not.


  Rod Hay [EMAIL PROTECTED] 05/18/00 09:15PM 
 Interesting musings Carrol, but words have meanings, and what
 most people mean by
 the word socialism is not what was seen in the USSR. You can call
 it what you want,
 but I don't call it socialism.


 Carrol Cox wrote:

  Rod Hay wrote:
   Perhaps Marx was utopian. But we will have to wait until we
 have a socialists
   society, in order to find out. The Soviet Union called itself
 socialist but it
  This I think is utopian. Socialism is a movement, not a
 platonic form against
  which you can measure any state and say it is or isn't
 "socialist." It would
  seem to me wrong to assume that there will not be many  more episodes
  in the socialist movement which will go greatly astray in one
 way or another,
  many more defeats. THe struggles of 6 billion people and their
  to find their way out of capitalism will almost certainly
 contain episodes
  at least as unpleasant as the USSR at its worst. The struggle
 for socialism
  has to be essentially g self-justifying at each step,
 regardless of the
  (temporary) final outcomes of each struggle. If the only or even the
  chief reason to fight for socialism is the achievement of the socialism
  for our great-grandchildren, then socialism is a bust.
  This is *not* to disagree with Rosa Luxemburg that the final goal is
  everything, the struggle is nothing. The role of that final goal is the
  understanding we achieve through it of the present. Hence the
  struggle depends on the final goal *independently* of whether or
  not we ever achieve that final goal.
  Marx, as I understand him, did not propose the classless society and
  the withering away of the state as a prize to reward us at the end. He
  saw that just as feudalism could be understood from the perspective
  of capitalism, so capitalism could only be understood from the
  of communism. We can only understand the capitalist state (and therefore
  organize our struggle against it) by seeing it from the perspective of
  the society in which the state has withered away.
  [I really think it would help if a larger proportion of
 marxists suffered
  from depression. That would help dampen the galloping optimism
  that blithely says the USSR was not socialist -- for the implication
  of that evaluation is that socialism of just the sort we want will be
  easily attainable if we just have the right ideas. Horse Feathers!]
  The evil at the heart of capitalism (or of any social order of which
  the market is the central institution) is that Reality becomes
  the Future, while the past and present become mere appearance.
  I began to see this by reading and re-reading Plato's *Republic*
  and attempting to explain it to undergraduates. In Plato's timarchy
  (in effect a landed aristocracy of some sort) the Past is the Real.
  The present is merely a recapitulation of the past and is emptied
  of reality. In what he called an oligarchy (a state ruled by those
  whose motive was the accumulation of wealth [=money?],
  the past was non-existent, and the present only the shadow of
  the future. Action becomes meaningless in itself, since it cannot
  exhibit ambition (which is the struggle to maintain what the past
  has given us) nor can it be its own end. Since anything resembling
  capitalism was still nearly 2000 years away, it was remarkable
  that even in the piddling financial manipulations of his day Plato
  could see this. The core capitalist metaphor, that of *investment*
  catches up this trivialization of the present by the future.
  The *demos* Plato discarded with contempt: they *chose* (he
  implies) to live only in the present, their lives dominated by a
  lowly lust for immediate satisfaction. (One of the many modern
  equivalents of this is the accusation that unwed mothers have
  babies in order to make money off of public aid.) There would
  have been no way to theorize this in Plato's world, for that
  depended on the development of wage labor under capitalism
  and its theorization in Marx's conceptions of surplus value
  and alienation. The working class, by definition, is that class
  which *must* live in the present (that being the main thrust
  of the assumption that labor power is purchased at is value).
  And it is this (unavoidable) attachment of the working to the
  present (which implicitly is also a valuation of the past such as
  the investor dare not allow him/herself) which makes the working
  class a *potentially* revolutionary class. Its revolutionary task
  is to free humanity from the tyranny of the future.

 Rod Hay
 The History of Economic Thought Archive

RE: Re: Re: : withering away of the state

2000-05-19 Thread Charles Brown

This may seem a cliche, but I'd say it is more complex than "yea, yea, or nay, nay", ( 
I really hate to say this one) "good and bad", "success and failure". 

It had some good and some bad ( and ugly), some success and some failure ( and freedom 

For us, the importance of the SU is to learn the positive and negative lessons, for 
when we do it. No, it is not only a source of negative lessons. Wrong. The "all bad" 
version throws out the baby with the bath water.

Ok , Max , two points for you for getting me to use all these cliches.

But the point here is also, the harm to the reputation of socialism. On that, it is 
important first, to debunk the exaggeration of its failures, raise its coveredup 
successes, and broadcast the positive as well as negative critique, as in any 
scientific, objective process.


 "Max B. Sawicky" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 05/19/00 02:15PM 
Perhaps but that could cut two ways,
as in socialism yes, good no.  No
reason to assume every form of socialism
would be desirable.


 I bet if we took a count more people would consider the USSR
 socialism (communism even) than not.


  Rod Hay [EMAIL PROTECTED] 05/18/00 09:15PM 
 Interesting musings Carrol, but words have meanings, and what
 most people mean by
 the word socialism is not what was seen in the USSR. You can call
 it what you want,
 but I don't call it socialism.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: : withering away of the state (fwd)

2000-05-19 Thread Rod Hay

No Barkeley just a silly answer to a silly question. But I have read enough,
that anything radically new would surprise me.


"J. Barkley Rosser, Jr." wrote:

   "Everything"?  Really?  Ponomaesh  Russki yazik?
 Barkley Rosser
 -Original Message-
 Date: Friday, May 19, 2000 7:11 AM
 Subject: [PEN-L:19273] Re: Re: Re: : withering away of the state (fwd)

 I have read everything.
  What did you read about Soviet socialism?
  Interesting musings Carrol, but words have meanings, and what most
  mean by the word socialism is not what was seen in the USSR. You can
  it what you want, but I don't call it socialism.
  Carrol Cox wrote:
   Rod Hay wrote:
Perhaps Marx was utopian. But we will have to wait until we have a
society, in order to find out. The Soviet Union called itself
 socialist but it
   This I think is utopian. Socialism is a movement, not a platonic form
   which you can measure any state and say it is or isn't "socialist." It
   seem to me wrong to assume that there will not be many  more episodes
   in the socialist movement which will go greatly astray in one way or
   many more defeats. THe struggles of 6 billion people and their
   to find their way out of capitalism will almost certainly contain
   at least as unpleasant as the USSR at its worst. The struggle for
   has to be essentially g self-justifying at each step, regardless of
   (temporary) final outcomes of each struggle. If the only or even the
   chief reason to fight for socialism is the achievement of the socialism
   for our great-grandchildren, then socialism is a bust.
   This is *not* to disagree with Rosa Luxemburg that the final goal is
   everything, the struggle is nothing. The role of that final goal is the
   understanding we achieve through it of the present. Hence the
   struggle depends on the final goal *independently* of whether or
   not we ever achieve that final goal.
   Marx, as I understand him, did not propose the classless society and
   the withering away of the state as a prize to reward us at the end. He
   saw that just as feudalism could be understood from the perspective
   of capitalism, so capitalism could only be understood from the
   of communism. We can only understand the capitalist state (and
   organize our struggle against it) by seeing it from the perspective of
   the society in which the state has withered away.
   [I really think it would help if a larger proportion of marxists
   from depression. That would help dampen the galloping optimism
   that blithely says the USSR was not socialist -- for the implication
   of that evaluation is that socialism of just the sort we want will be
   easily attainable if we just have the right ideas. Horse Feathers!]
   The evil at the heart of capitalism (or of any social order of which
   the market is the central institution) is that Reality becomes
   the Future, while the past and present become mere appearance.
   I began to see this by reading and re-reading Plato's *Republic*
   and attempting to explain it to undergraduates. In Plato's timarchy
   (in effect a landed aristocracy of some sort) the Past is the Real.
   The present is merely a recapitulation of the past and is emptied
   of reality. In what he called an oligarchy (a state ruled by those
   whose motive was the accumulation of wealth [=money?],
   the past was non-existent, and the present only the shadow of
   the future. Action becomes meaningless in itself, since it cannot
   exhibit ambition (which is the struggle to maintain what the past
   has given us) nor can it be its own end. Since anything resembling
   capitalism was still nearly 2000 years away, it was remarkable
   that even in the piddling financial manipulations of his day Plato
   could see this. The core capitalist metaphor, that of *investment*
   catches up this trivialization of the present by the future.
   The *demos* Plato discarded with contempt: they *chose* (he
   implies) to live only in the present, their lives dominated by a
   lowly lust for immediate satisfaction. (One of the many modern
   equivalents of this is the accusation that unwed mothers have
   babies in order to make money off of public aid.) There would
   have been no way to theorize this in Plato's world, for that
   depended on the development of wage labor under capitalism
   and its theorization in Marx's conceptions of surplus value
   and alienation. The working class, by definition, is that class
   which *must* live in the present (that being the main thrust
   of the assumption that labor power is purchased at is value).
   And it is this (unavoidable) attachment of the wo

Re: withering away of the state

2000-05-18 Thread Jim Devine

Barkley writes that Marx was
... also very utopian, especially the bit about the withering away of the 
state.  What a pathetic joke.

Of course, there are lots of things that famous people said that we can 
dismiss as "pathetic jokes," with the benefit of hindsight. Even we 
non-famous people on pen-l aren't correct in our predictions. For someone 
writing in the 19th century, Marx is amazingly correct in his predictions, 
with the last 25 years or so fitting his vision more and more.

Even so, I can't find any place where he saw this withering away as somehow 
inevitable and therefore a prediction that could be proven to be "pathetic" 
in hindsight. Rather, it's a potentiality, something that _can_ occur given 
the development of working class organization and consciousness. In the 
MANIFESTO, one of ME's most rhetorical of works, they don't see 
proletarian revolution -- or the move to a stateless society -- as 
inevitable. In fact, the class struggle might lead to the mutual 
destruction of the contending classes. This seemingly Hobbesian situation, 
in turn, sets the stage for Bonapartism (cf. Draper) and worse.

But the "withering away of the state" in Marx is simply something that he 
shared with the libertarians, the desire to subordinate the state to 
society. While the libertarians will always be frustrated in this goal -- 
since the existence of class society (something they ignore) will always 
require either a large repressive state or a welfare state, and most 
likely, both -- Marx saw the end of classes as opening the way to reducing 
the state's role dramatically, to ending the division between society and 
the state (with the former in charge).


Re: Re: withering away of the state

2000-05-18 Thread J. Barkley Rosser, Jr.

 I did not mean that the vision was pathetic.  I
meant that the actual outcome in light of the vision/
(forecast) was pathetic.
Barkley Rosser
-Original Message-
From: Jim Devine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thursday, May 18, 2000 5:30 PM
Subject: [PEN-L:19247] Re: withering away of the state

Barkley writes that Marx was
... also very utopian, especially the bit about the withering away of the
state.  What a pathetic joke.

Of course, there are lots of things that famous people said that we can
dismiss as "pathetic jokes," with the benefit of hindsight. Even we
non-famous people on pen-l aren't correct in our predictions. For someone
writing in the 19th century, Marx is amazingly correct in his predictions,
with the last 25 years or so fitting his vision more and more.

Even so, I can't find any place where he saw this withering away as somehow
inevitable and therefore a prediction that could be proven to be "pathetic"
in hindsight. Rather, it's a potentiality, something that _can_ occur given
the development of working class organization and consciousness. In the
MANIFESTO, one of ME's most rhetorical of works, they don't see
proletarian revolution -- or the move to a stateless society -- as
inevitable. In fact, the class struggle might lead to the mutual
destruction of the contending classes. This seemingly Hobbesian situation,
in turn, sets the stage for Bonapartism (cf. Draper) and worse.

But the "withering away of the state" in Marx is simply something that he
shared with the libertarians, the desire to subordinate the state to
society. While the libertarians will always be frustrated in this goal --
since the existence of class society (something they ignore) will always
require either a large repressive state or a welfare state, and most
likely, both -- Marx saw the end of classes as opening the way to reducing
the state's role dramatically, to ending the division between society and
the state (with the former in charge).


Re: Re: Re: withering away of the state

2000-05-18 Thread Jim Devine

Barkley writes:
  I did not mean that the vision was pathetic.  I meant that the 
 actual outcome in light of the vision/
(forecast) was pathetic.

but as I said:

 Of course, there are lots of things that famous people said that we can
 dismiss as "pathetic jokes," with the benefit of hindsight. Even we
 non-famous people on pen-l aren't correct in our predictions. For someone
 writing in the 19th century, Marx is amazingly correct in his predictions,
 with the last 25 years or so fitting his vision more and more.
 Even so, I can't find any place where he saw this withering away as somehow
 inevitable and therefore a prediction that could be proven to be "pathetic"
 in hindsight. Rather, it's a potentiality, something that _can_ occur given
 the development of working class organization and consciousness. In the
 MANIFESTO, one of ME's most rhetorical of works, they don't see
 proletarian revolution -- or the move to a stateless society -- as
 inevitable. In fact, the class struggle might lead to the mutual
 destruction of the contending classes. This seemingly Hobbesian situation,
 in turn, sets the stage for Bonapartism (cf. Draper) and worse.


Re: : withering away of the state

2000-05-18 Thread Carrol Cox

Rod Hay wrote:

 Perhaps Marx was utopian. But we will have to wait until we have a socialists
 society, in order to find out. The Soviet Union called itself socialist but it

This I think is utopian. Socialism is a movement, not a platonic form against
which you can measure any state and say it is or isn't "socialist." It would
seem to me wrong to assume that there will not be many  more episodes
in the socialist movement which will go greatly astray in one way or another,
many more defeats. THe struggles of 6 billion people and their descendants
to find their way out of capitalism will almost certainly contain episodes
at least as unpleasant as the USSR at its worst. The struggle for socialism
has to be essentially g self-justifying at each step, regardless of the
(temporary) final outcomes of each struggle. If the only or even the
chief reason to fight for socialism is the achievement of the socialism
for our great-grandchildren, then socialism is a bust.

This is *not* to disagree with Rosa Luxemburg that the final goal is
everything, the struggle is nothing. The role of that final goal is the
understanding we achieve through it of the present. Hence the
struggle depends on the final goal *independently* of whether or
not we ever achieve that final goal.

Marx, as I understand him, did not propose the classless society and
the withering away of the state as a prize to reward us at the end. He
saw that just as feudalism could be understood from the perspective
of capitalism, so capitalism could only be understood from the perspective
of communism. We can only understand the capitalist state (and therefore
organize our struggle against it) by seeing it from the perspective of
the society in which the state has withered away.

[I really think it would help if a larger proportion of marxists suffered
from depression. That would help dampen the galloping optimism
that blithely says the USSR was not socialist -- for the implication
of that evaluation is that socialism of just the sort we want will be
easily attainable if we just have the right ideas. Horse Feathers!]

The evil at the heart of capitalism (or of any social order of which
the market is the central institution) is that Reality becomes
the Future, while the past and present become mere appearance.
I began to see this by reading and re-reading Plato's *Republic*
and attempting to explain it to undergraduates. In Plato's timarchy
(in effect a landed aristocracy of some sort) the Past is the Real.
The present is merely a recapitulation of the past and is emptied
of reality. In what he called an oligarchy (a state ruled by those
whose motive was the accumulation of wealth [=money?],
the past was non-existent, and the present only the shadow of
the future. Action becomes meaningless in itself, since it cannot
exhibit ambition (which is the struggle to maintain what the past
has given us) nor can it be its own end. Since anything resembling
capitalism was still nearly 2000 years away, it was remarkable
that even in the piddling financial manipulations of his day Plato
could see this. The core capitalist metaphor, that of *investment*
catches up this trivialization of the present by the future.

The *demos* Plato discarded with contempt: they *chose* (he
implies) to live only in the present, their lives dominated by a
lowly lust for immediate satisfaction. (One of the many modern
equivalents of this is the accusation that unwed mothers have
babies in order to make money off of public aid.) There would
have been no way to theorize this in Plato's world, for that
depended on the development of wage labor under capitalism
and its theorization in Marx's conceptions of surplus value
and alienation. The working class, by definition, is that class
which *must* live in the present (that being the main thrust
of the assumption that labor power is purchased at is value).

And it is this (unavoidable) attachment of the working to the
present (which implicitly is also a valuation of the past such as
the investor dare not allow him/herself) which makes the working
class a *potentially* revolutionary class. Its revolutionary task
is to free humanity from the tyranny of the future.


Re: Re: : withering away of the state

2000-05-18 Thread Rod Hay

Interesting musings Carrol, but words have meanings, and what most people mean by
the word socialism is not what was seen in the USSR. You can call it what you want,
but I don't call it socialism.


Carrol Cox wrote:

 Rod Hay wrote:

  Perhaps Marx was utopian. But we will have to wait until we have a socialists
  society, in order to find out. The Soviet Union called itself socialist but it

 This I think is utopian. Socialism is a movement, not a platonic form against
 which you can measure any state and say it is or isn't "socialist." It would
 seem to me wrong to assume that there will not be many  more episodes
 in the socialist movement which will go greatly astray in one way or another,
 many more defeats. THe struggles of 6 billion people and their descendants
 to find their way out of capitalism will almost certainly contain episodes
 at least as unpleasant as the USSR at its worst. The struggle for socialism
 has to be essentially g self-justifying at each step, regardless of the
 (temporary) final outcomes of each struggle. If the only or even the
 chief reason to fight for socialism is the achievement of the socialism
 for our great-grandchildren, then socialism is a bust.

 This is *not* to disagree with Rosa Luxemburg that the final goal is
 everything, the struggle is nothing. The role of that final goal is the
 understanding we achieve through it of the present. Hence the
 struggle depends on the final goal *independently* of whether or
 not we ever achieve that final goal.

 Marx, as I understand him, did not propose the classless society and
 the withering away of the state as a prize to reward us at the end. He
 saw that just as feudalism could be understood from the perspective
 of capitalism, so capitalism could only be understood from the perspective
 of communism. We can only understand the capitalist state (and therefore
 organize our struggle against it) by seeing it from the perspective of
 the society in which the state has withered away.

 [I really think it would help if a larger proportion of marxists suffered
 from depression. That would help dampen the galloping optimism
 that blithely says the USSR was not socialist -- for the implication
 of that evaluation is that socialism of just the sort we want will be
 easily attainable if we just have the right ideas. Horse Feathers!]

 The evil at the heart of capitalism (or of any social order of which
 the market is the central institution) is that Reality becomes
 the Future, while the past and present become mere appearance.
 I began to see this by reading and re-reading Plato's *Republic*
 and attempting to explain it to undergraduates. In Plato's timarchy
 (in effect a landed aristocracy of some sort) the Past is the Real.
 The present is merely a recapitulation of the past and is emptied
 of reality. In what he called an oligarchy (a state ruled by those
 whose motive was the accumulation of wealth [=money?],
 the past was non-existent, and the present only the shadow of
 the future. Action becomes meaningless in itself, since it cannot
 exhibit ambition (which is the struggle to maintain what the past
 has given us) nor can it be its own end. Since anything resembling
 capitalism was still nearly 2000 years away, it was remarkable
 that even in the piddling financial manipulations of his day Plato
 could see this. The core capitalist metaphor, that of *investment*
 catches up this trivialization of the present by the future.

 The *demos* Plato discarded with contempt: they *chose* (he
 implies) to live only in the present, their lives dominated by a
 lowly lust for immediate satisfaction. (One of the many modern
 equivalents of this is the accusation that unwed mothers have
 babies in order to make money off of public aid.) There would
 have been no way to theorize this in Plato's world, for that
 depended on the development of wage labor under capitalism
 and its theorization in Marx's conceptions of surplus value
 and alienation. The working class, by definition, is that class
 which *must* live in the present (that being the main thrust
 of the assumption that labor power is purchased at is value).

 And it is this (unavoidable) attachment of the working to the
 present (which implicitly is also a valuation of the past such as
 the investor dare not allow him/herself) which makes the working
 class a *potentially* revolutionary class. Its revolutionary task
 is to free humanity from the tyranny of the future.


Rod Hay
The History of Economic Thought Archive
Batoche Books
52 Eby Street South
Kitchener, Ontario
N2G 3L1

Re: Re: Re: : withering away of the state

2000-05-18 Thread JKSCHW

In a message dated 5/18/00 9:19:18 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

 Interesting musings Carrol, but words have meanings, and what most people 
mean by
 the word socialism is not what was seen in the USSR. You can call it what 
you want,
 but I don't call it socialism. 

Actually, isn't it a big part of our problem that what _most people_ DO mean 
by "socialism" what they had in the USSR? --jks

Re: Re: : withering away of the state

2000-05-18 Thread Charles Brown

I bet if we took a count more people would consider the USSR socialism (communism 
even) than not.


 Rod Hay [EMAIL PROTECTED] 05/18/00 09:15PM 
Interesting musings Carrol, but words have meanings, and what most people mean by
the word socialism is not what was seen in the USSR. You can call it what you want,
but I don't call it socialism.


Carrol Cox wrote:

 Rod Hay wrote:

  Perhaps Marx was utopian. But we will have to wait until we have a socialists
  society, in order to find out. The Soviet Union called itself socialist but it

 This I think is utopian. Socialism is a movement, not a platonic form against
 which you can measure any state and say it is or isn't "socialist." It would
 seem to me wrong to assume that there will not be many  more episodes
 in the socialist movement which will go greatly astray in one way or another,
 many more defeats. THe struggles of 6 billion people and their descendants
 to find their way out of capitalism will almost certainly contain episodes
 at least as unpleasant as the USSR at its worst. The struggle for socialism
 has to be essentially g self-justifying at each step, regardless of the
 (temporary) final outcomes of each struggle. If the only or even the
 chief reason to fight for socialism is the achievement of the socialism
 for our great-grandchildren, then socialism is a bust.

 This is *not* to disagree with Rosa Luxemburg that the final goal is
 everything, the struggle is nothing. The role of that final goal is the
 understanding we achieve through it of the present. Hence the
 struggle depends on the final goal *independently* of whether or
 not we ever achieve that final goal.

 Marx, as I understand him, did not propose the classless society and
 the withering away of the state as a prize to reward us at the end. He
 saw that just as feudalism could be understood from the perspective
 of capitalism, so capitalism could only be understood from the perspective
 of communism. We can only understand the capitalist state (and therefore
 organize our struggle against it) by seeing it from the perspective of
 the society in which the state has withered away.

 [I really think it would help if a larger proportion of marxists suffered
 from depression. That would help dampen the galloping optimism
 that blithely says the USSR was not socialist -- for the implication
 of that evaluation is that socialism of just the sort we want will be
 easily attainable if we just have the right ideas. Horse Feathers!]

 The evil at the heart of capitalism (or of any social order of which
 the market is the central institution) is that Reality becomes
 the Future, while the past and present become mere appearance.
 I began to see this by reading and re-reading Plato's *Republic*
 and attempting to explain it to undergraduates. In Plato's timarchy
 (in effect a landed aristocracy of some sort) the Past is the Real.
 The present is merely a recapitulation of the past and is emptied
 of reality. In what he called an oligarchy (a state ruled by those
 whose motive was the accumulation of wealth [=money?],
 the past was non-existent, and the present only the shadow of
 the future. Action becomes meaningless in itself, since it cannot
 exhibit ambition (which is the struggle to maintain what the past
 has given us) nor can it be its own end. Since anything resembling
 capitalism was still nearly 2000 years away, it was remarkable
 that even in the piddling financial manipulations of his day Plato
 could see this. The core capitalist metaphor, that of *investment*
 catches up this trivialization of the present by the future.

 The *demos* Plato discarded with contempt: they *chose* (he
 implies) to live only in the present, their lives dominated by a
 lowly lust for immediate satisfaction. (One of the many modern
 equivalents of this is the accusation that unwed mothers have
 babies in order to make money off of public aid.) There would
 have been no way to theorize this in Plato's world, for that
 depended on the development of wage labor under capitalism
 and its theorization in Marx's conceptions of surplus value
 and alienation. The working class, by definition, is that class
 which *must* live in the present (that being the main thrust
 of the assumption that labor power is purchased at is value).

 And it is this (unavoidable) attachment of the working to the
 present (which implicitly is also a valuation of the past such as
 the investor dare not allow him/herself) which makes the working
 class a *potentially* revolutionary class. Its revolutionary task
 is to free humanity from the tyranny of the future.


Rod Hay
The History of Economic Thought Archive 
Batoche Books 
52 Eby Street South
Kitchener, Ontario
N2G 3L1

Re: Re: : withering away of the state (fwd)

2000-05-18 Thread md7148

What did you read about Soviet socialism?


Interesting musings Carrol, but words have meanings, and what most people
mean by the word socialism is not what was seen in the USSR. You can call
it what you want, but I don't call it socialism.


Carrol Cox wrote:

 Rod Hay wrote:

  Perhaps Marx was utopian. But we will have to wait until we have a socialists
  society, in order to find out. The Soviet Union called itself socialist but it

 This I think is utopian. Socialism is a movement, not a platonic form against
 which you can measure any state and say it is or isn't "socialist." It would
 seem to me wrong to assume that there will not be many  more episodes
 in the socialist movement which will go greatly astray in one way or another,
 many more defeats. THe struggles of 6 billion people and their descendants
 to find their way out of capitalism will almost certainly contain episodes
 at least as unpleasant as the USSR at its worst. The struggle for socialism
 has to be essentially g self-justifying at each step, regardless of the
 (temporary) final outcomes of each struggle. If the only or even the
 chief reason to fight for socialism is the achievement of the socialism
 for our great-grandchildren, then socialism is a bust.

 This is *not* to disagree with Rosa Luxemburg that the final goal is
 everything, the struggle is nothing. The role of that final goal is the
 understanding we achieve through it of the present. Hence the
 struggle depends on the final goal *independently* of whether or
 not we ever achieve that final goal.

 Marx, as I understand him, did not propose the classless society and
 the withering away of the state as a prize to reward us at the end. He
 saw that just as feudalism could be understood from the perspective
 of capitalism, so capitalism could only be understood from the perspective
 of communism. We can only understand the capitalist state (and therefore
 organize our struggle against it) by seeing it from the perspective of
 the society in which the state has withered away.

 [I really think it would help if a larger proportion of marxists suffered
 from depression. That would help dampen the galloping optimism
 that blithely says the USSR was not socialist -- for the implication
 of that evaluation is that socialism of just the sort we want will be
 easily attainable if we just have the right ideas. Horse Feathers!]

 The evil at the heart of capitalism (or of any social order of which
 the market is the central institution) is that Reality becomes
 the Future, while the past and present become mere appearance.
 I began to see this by reading and re-reading Plato's *Republic*
 and attempting to explain it to undergraduates. In Plato's timarchy
 (in effect a landed aristocracy of some sort) the Past is the Real.
 The present is merely a recapitulation of the past and is emptied
 of reality. In what he called an oligarchy (a state ruled by those
 whose motive was the accumulation of wealth [=money?],
 the past was non-existent, and the present only the shadow of
 the future. Action becomes meaningless in itself, since it cannot
 exhibit ambition (which is the struggle to maintain what the past
 has given us) nor can it be its own end. Since anything resembling
 capitalism was still nearly 2000 years away, it was remarkable
 that even in the piddling financial manipulations of his day Plato
 could see this. The core capitalist metaphor, that of *investment*
 catches up this trivialization of the present by the future.

 The *demos* Plato discarded with contempt: they *chose* (he
 implies) to live only in the present, their lives dominated by a
 lowly lust for immediate satisfaction. (One of the many modern
 equivalents of this is the accusation that unwed mothers have
 babies in order to make money off of public aid.) There would
 have been no way to theorize this in Plato's world, for that
 depended on the development of wage labor under capitalism
 and its theorization in Marx's conceptions of surplus value
 and alienation. The working class, by definition, is that class
 which *must* live in the present (that being the main thrust
 of the assumption that labor power is purchased at is value).

 And it is this (unavoidable) attachment of the working to the
 present (which implicitly is also a valuation of the past such as
 the investor dare not allow him/herself) which makes the working
 class a *potentially* revolutionary class. Its revolutionary task
 is to free humanity from the tyranny of the future.


Rod Hay
The History of Economic Thought Archive
Batoche Books
52 Eby Street South
Kitchener, Ontario
N2G 3L1