Re: [Penguin] What is this list for?

1999-10-22 Thread sltan

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o=[ Penguin @ My - Linux ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) ]=o

In my opinion, the following group are helpful compare to this mailing
my linuxboard

my-linux user tips

Please take note that Linux is not just purely technical.  Free of charge
is business term, but Open source/
code Free(dom) and sharing is the spirit of Linux.

Any computing user group will talk technical, the group progress, product
progress. In linux and open source world, we
also discuss about society progress.
- MS monopoly vs Linux,BSD,opensource,etc
- Why MS monopoly is bad
- standard war
- Source code and society
- Open source and human society though
- Open source vs crypto export restriction
- Linux Distro war, Redhat vs Openlinux vs Debian vs slackware vs etc

It can be technical, religion, political, education, jokes,  etc.

Why restrict yourself to technical?

p/s : for the flames, vulgur posting lately,  the solution is there long
time ago : calm down and ignore them, learn not
to make the same mistake.  You see, this is something more than tehnical :

[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 21-10-99 03:28:11 PM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: Tan Soe Liang/HQ/SIME_BANK)
Subject:  [Penguin] What is this list for?

I've been subscribed to this list, with the hope of getting information
and helping other users on matters regarding linux in Malaysia, but i
see deviation from the aim, to a rather amusing list of jokes and

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[Penguin] Progress of registration

1999-10-15 Thread sltan

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o=[ Penguin @ My - Linux ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) ]=o

Hmmm, seem my-linux registration become cross-millinium work.  Some sort of
BOLEH (tm)?

Anybody have any idea?

Or should we use another BOLEH(tm) way to accelerate the process. How about
buying a dormant organisation  and change the name?

BOLEH(tm)  - Registered Trademark of Malaysia Inc.

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Re: [Penguin] Musing on Windows.

1999-08-16 Thread sltan

o---ooO--(- Important  Message -)--Oooo
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o=[ Penguin @ My - Linux ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) ]=o

Actually, GUI does not always mean User friendliness.
Only people who don't have the idea about computing dare to say "GUI is
more userfriendly".

For production system, text base system is much user friendly and more
productive compare to GUI counterpart.

Another interesting fact is, no body or organisation really do a real
survey in the lost of production due to GUI system,  e.g. time wasted on
- mouse navigation
- finding the correct menu/option/features
- clicking the correct button
- Installation
- disaster recovery
- CPU processing (system need to refresh the screen)

Some people never learn.

-- Scott Adams is right, we live in dilbert world where morons are the
decision maker.--

[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 13-08-99 04:01:07 PM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: Tan Soe Liang/HQ/SIME_BANK)
Subject:  [Penguin] Musing on Windows.

Well this morning I went to Bank Simpanan Nasional, and I notice that
they reorganised their computer system. Saw something so ordinary yet

I remember a year ago or sometime ago...their computer systems is
terminal based. "But what do ye know, it's window age man, it gotta be
windows ... heh". Yeah those terminal screens are replaced by Windows,
running on Ms WIndows 9*. It used to be all keyboard typing for input,
now it's the cute little mouse'y and ... oh keyboard too. So now instead
using keyboard, they have to use keyboard and mouse'y, really saving up
a lot of time.

Type type here then click click there, takes like few seconds more to
switch between the mouse keyboard...really efficient, heh.

Then wat do ye know, it happened to Bill Gates so why not to this
ordinary bank operator?

It crashed!

 I was holding myself from giggling. Of course it would have to be
restarted and did she have the chance to save her work?

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[Penguin] CDROM War - Pirated RH 6.0 vs Cheapbytes RH 6.0

1999-08-11 Thread sltan

o---ooO--(- Important  Message -)--Oooo
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o=[ Penguin @ My - Linux ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) ]=o

Recently, I help somebody install the new Redhat 6.0.  (I'm still using RH
After start the Xwindows, go through some of the features, I notice that RH
6.0 is nice.

In the mean time, Domino 5.0 Sneak preview for Linux just came around the
corner, and this "little-boy"* need RH6.0 .
Since my company is running Lotus Notes, and ask a Linux geeks, this is
something I must try.  My colleage, fahroe
have downlaod the Domino 5.0,  and all we have is the 2.0.3x  kernel.

So, the first minutes, after working hour, I rush to Imbi plaza to get the
CD.  When I arrived, I look for the 2 shop that stated
as dealer for solinque( who sale the cheapbytes CD.
To my suprise, both shop sell the Cheapbytes RH CD at RM28, and the
unauthorised  RH 6.0 ( where you can see the redhat cover) at RM20.
You see, I am expecting to pay for RH CD for RM 22 or maybe a small margin,
instead of the unauthorised RH6.0 at RM20.
I just want to show little support the Linux movement not to buy the
unauthorised RH 6.0.  Because the CD is not create under any Linux advocacy
that the profit will go back to Linux movement. (Yes, it is ok for me to
buy Linux CD from any Linux advocate).
I have friend who told me about the local "celup" CDROM operation.  They
make it at volume of  thousands, and the price can be as low as RM 4-5  per
CD. Unfortunately, because linux always came out new patches, the
unauthorised RH6.0 CD will be outdated after 2-3 months.  However, the
Cheapbytes release always follow the patches, e.g. say after 3 months,
Cheapbytes will came out another version of Cheapbytes RH6.0  will a new
kernel and patches.

Maybe you will ask, why somebody try to pirated unauthorised linux CDROM,
if Linux Distro will obsolete in 3 months time?
The logic is simple,  the cost.

Printing CDROM in bulk, is dirt cheap (if you know where to find it).  For
1000 CDs, the cost per CD can be RM4++. If you print
even more, the cost per CD will reduce below RM4, or even RM3.

Just look at the margin,  say a dealer selling unauthorised RH6.0 at RM20,
if the cost is RM5,  he will get a gross profit of RM15.
For Cheapbytes story,  If Solinque(Malaysia cheapbtyes distributor) give
the dealer for RM 15,  if they sale the CDROM at RM 22, they only earn
gross of  RM7.  If they mark up the Cheapbytes CDROM to RM28 (as in my
case), they will get RM12.

The logic is simple, if you sale "pirated" RH6.0 CDROM, you earn RM 3 more
than selling  "official" Cheapbytes RH6.0 CDROM.   In addition, the cost of
of both CDROM are odd -  RM5 vs RM   15. That's mean, with every Cheapbytes
CD , will cost the dealer for another 2 "pirated" CDROM.

The delimma is, should I buy the Cheapbytes CDROM at RM28, or buy the
pirated CD that do nothing for Linux community?

*little-boy - Name for one atom boom which end the WWII

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Re: [Penguin] POP3

1999-08-04 Thread sltan

o---ooO--(- Important  Message -)--Oooo
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o=[ Penguin @ My - Linux ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) ]=o


There is no POP3  rpm.  What you can find is the IMAP  rpm. Actually Pop2,
pop3 and imap is bundle in this rpm. Without the Imap package, you can't
run pop3 in Redhat.

Check whether the imap rpm installed in your system

rpm -ql  imap

You should see something like this

If you get 'package not installed' , install it. Get the imap rpm and
install it using this command
rpm -ivh   imap*.rpm

Open your editor, e.g. vi  to modify the /etc/inetd.conf
vi  /etc/inetd.conf

# Pop and imap mail services et al
#pop-2   stream  tcp nowait  root/usr/sbin/tcpd  ipop2d
#pop-3   stream  tcp nowait  root/usr/sbin/tcpd  ipop3d
#imapstream  tcp nowait  root/usr/sbin/tcpd  imapd

Remove the "#" sign for he services you want to start.

Then reboot your system. (FYI, there is way to restart the network setting
without reboot Linux)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 05-08-99 07:25:42 AM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: Tan Soe Liang/HQ/SIME_BANK)
Subject:  [Penguin] POP3


I tried to set up POP3 server, dah buang comment kat dalam /etc/inetd.conf.
Lepas restart and telnet 0 110,  message yang keluar ialah

 Connected to 0.
 Escape character is '^^]'.
 Connection closed by foreign host.

Actually, dia tunggu jugak a few seconds before closing the connection. In
short, memang tak sempat pun nak send any commands to the server.

Please help. I am currently using RedHat 6.

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Re: [Penguin] KERNEL PANIC

1999-08-04 Thread sltan

o---ooO--(- Important  Message -)--Oooo
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o=[ Penguin @ My - Linux ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) ]=o

The linux is depend on the /etc/fstab  to identify the hard disk partition
Say if you use plug you hd in system X,   IDE 1  Master,  the linux will
think it as /dev/hda . and partition created using that  hd will be
/dev/hda1, /dev/hda2, etc.

The relationship is something like this
Controller  hd name partition named in /etc/fstab
IDE 1  Master   /dev/hda/dev/hda1... /dev/hdax
IDE 1 Slave /dev/hdb/dev/hdb1... /dev/hdbx
IDE 2  Master  /dev/hdc /dev/hdc1... /dev/hdcx
IDE 2 Slave /dev/hdd/dev/hdd1.. /dev/hddx

To fix this problem, you can
1. plug it back to the new system, change /etc/fstab files entry to suite
old 486 system or
2. If you old 486 support EIDE, plug it to the same controller as like in
your new system.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 05-08-99 04:19:27 AM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: Tan Soe Liang/HQ/SIME_BANK)
Subject:  [Penguin] KERNEL PANIC

hmm ..  camana nak setat ni.. aaa.. OK!
saye baru jer menginstall PC 486 saya dengan redhat 6.0, masalahnye
begini.. supaya proses menginstall lebih cepat saya telah mencabut hard
disk PC tersebut dan memasangkannya kepada PC AMDK6 saya. tetapi...
bile gue pasang balik hard disk tu kat PC 486 tu maka masalah yang saye
jangkakan pon terjadi..
mesejnya menjadi begini:
kernel panic: kernel compiled for Pentium+, requires TSC.
In swapper task-not syncing.

bagaimanakah nak membolehkan saya masuk shell command agar kernel buleh
di kompail kembali? (adakah ia possible?)

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Re: [Penguin] POP3

1999-08-04 Thread sltan

o---ooO--(- Important  Message -)--Oooo
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o=[ Penguin @ My - Linux ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) ]=o

To switch off the pop3 feature under full installation setup, comment the
pop3  under the /etc/inetd.conf file.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 05-08-99 09:32:04 AM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: Tan Soe Liang/HQ/SIME_BANK)
Subject:  Re: [Penguin] POP3

Biasanya RedHat, kalau install semua, pop3 by default memang on. Macamana
boleh tak on by default tu?



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