Re: Re(vised): Proposal to make class method non-inheritable

2005-10-17 Thread Miroslav Silovic


I think what bothers me most about this is that it seems there is no  
way to tell the difference between class methods and instance  
methods. That the distinction is only made when the body of the  
method does something which is is not supposed to do (method called  
with a class invocant attempts to access an instance variable, etc).

This is one of the major problems that I have always had with Perl 5  
OO. That there is a very fuzzy fuzzy line between the  
responsibilities of a class and an instance.

I can see the notion of a class which is not yet instantiated, this  
makes sense in many contexts. But I don't think that in order to have  
this, we need to bring back this element of Perl 5 OO. I think we can  
still have all the behaviors you have been describing, and still keep  
classes and their instances as distinct entities.

It just recently occured to me that Class is a Package. So, on the 
object model level, class methods/attributes belong to the Package part 
of a class, while instance methods/attributes belong to the Class part 
of a class - insofar as they're made distinct by use of my/our.

Larry's proposal is to remove that difference for multimethods. 
Personally I can't think of a good objection to that idea (except if it 
may be bad for performance - is there a plan to infer types and 
auto-inline? I that case, declaring that you don't care about instance 
part of the object's functionality can really help).


Re: Re(vised): Proposal to make class method non-inheritable

2005-10-17 Thread Stevan Little


On Oct 17, 2005, at 7:35 AM, Miroslav Silovic wrote:

I think what bothers me most about this is that it seems there is  
no  way to tell the difference between class methods and instance   
methods. That the distinction is only made when the body of the   
method does something which is is not supposed to do (method  
called  with a class invocant attempts to access an instance  
variable, etc).

This is one of the major problems that I have always had with Perl  
5  OO. That there is a very fuzzy fuzzy line between the   
responsibilities of a class and an instance.

I can see the notion of a class which is not yet instantiated,  
this  makes sense in many contexts. But I don't think that in  
order to have  this, we need to bring back this element of Perl 5  
OO. I think we can  still have all the behaviors you have been  
describing, and still keep  classes and their instances as  
distinct entities.

It just recently occured to me that Class is a Package.

Actually, to be precise, Class is a Module, and Module is a Package.  
Modules add the version and authority portions to the name of a  
Package, and it seems that exporting (as traits?) are Module things,  
and not Package things.

So, on the object model level, class methods/attributes belong to  
the Package part of a class, while instance methods/attributes  
belong to the Class part of a class - insofar as they're made  
distinct by use of my/our.

Well, currently in the prototype, class attributes defined with our  
are stored in the Classes symbol table (which is inherited from  
Package). Discussions with autrijus lead me to not address class  
attributes defined by my, since he felt they would be better  
addressed as normal variables within the scope of the class body.  
This is somewhat of an implementation detail, however, I think it may  
also play a part in how these things work. For instance, in the  
following example, is $.foo a class attribute? or just a local  
variable for the inner block?

class Bar {
our $.bar;
my $.foo;

I assume that the leading $. is what makes the difference, however,  
IIRC the $. is just part of the name, and no more special than  
that. Which means that I can choose that name (yes, it is evil, but I  
assume I can still do it).

But given that the variable will be accessible to all methods via the  
closure mechanism, the only thing missing I think is the ability to  
get at the variable via introspection.

Now, as for class methods, I suppose it is possible to just stash  
then in the classes symbol table like with variables. However, do we  
then loose the method call syntax? This also means that they would  
not (directly) be inheritable since inheritence moves along  
superclass lines, and not with @ISA. I am also not sure what you mean  
about multi-methods either, could you please explain more?



Re: 'self' and .foo (was: Re: Re(vised): Proposal to make class method non-inheritable)

2005-10-17 Thread Mark Reed

On 2005-10-15 15:28, Ilmari Vacklin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sat, Oct 15, 2005 at 09:49:30AM -0700, Larry Wall wrote:
 On Sat, Oct 15, 2005 at 07:39:36PM +0300, wolverian wrote:
 : IMHO just call it self (by default) and be done with it. :)
 Let it be so.
 Somewhat off-tangent: does this mean that .foo is always $


glazed, far-off look in the eye


opens desk drawer, rummages around for hand grenade


Hunh.  Who'da thunk - apparently even *flame* wars can trigger
post-traumatic stress disorder... 

Re: Re(vised): Proposal to make class method non-inheritable

2005-10-17 Thread TSa


Stevan Little wrote:
Now, as for class methods, I suppose it is possible to just stash  then 
in the classes symbol table like with variables. However, do we  then 
loose the method call syntax?

I think not. But the current notion seems to drift closer to my
idea of free methods versus slot calls. To express that in therms
of your initial equation

  object == state + behavior

would be expressed on the first meta level as

  class == data(structure) + code(structure)

which means that the compiler syntactically splits the class
definition into an active and a passive part. Call this symmetry
breaking if you like. The same asymmetry exist in the method call

  $foo .action;

because the compiler compiles that into a lookup of 'action' from
the method part of the MIR (Meta Information Repository, World in Russian)
followed by a dispatch on the actual runtime type referred to by $foo.

In other words, the name that connects the compile and runtime is 'action'.
If this name shall be retrieved from the instance at runtime without going
through the method dispatcher I have proposed to wrap-up the name as

  $foo :action;

Without the $ sigil a bare foo is interpreted as a name lookup in the code
part of the MIR which is the union of all subs and methods---subs beeing
nullary methods so to speak. That gives

   foo .action; # dispatch action on retval of foo


   foo :action; # bind named param in the call to foo.

These two things are on the tightest precedence level, which in my eyes
makes . and : meta sigils or some such.

We could actually combine these with the idea of the current name beeing
a sigilled underscore and '_._' denoting the current method on the current
topic, and '_:_' the current key from the current topic :)

Hmm, these would make {_} the closure of the current continuation or so.

This also means that they would  not 
(directly) be inheritable since inheritence moves along  superclass 
lines, and not with @ISA. I am also not sure what you mean  about 
multi-methods either, could you please explain more?

Symmetric MMD at least has the meaning that the above mentioned asymmetry
doesn't exist for infix ops on the syntactic level:

  $x foo $y;

which neither means

 ($x foo) $y; # calculated prefix op from postfix foo


  $x (foo $y); # calculated postfix op from prefix foo.

I can't speak for metric MMD, though. But IIRC, the metric is
'sum of superclass hops'.