Re: A rule by any other name...

2006-05-10 Thread Damian Conway

Allison admirably summarized:




- We keep :words as shorthand for :skip(//)

- And :skip is shorthand for :skip(//)

...where  defaults to , but is distinct from it (i.e. it can be 
redefined independently).

- To change skipping behavior: a) override  in your grammar, b) 
set :skip(/.../) on an individual rule, or c) set 'is skip(/.../)' on a 

-  is optional whitespace, 

Not quite.  is semi-optional whitespace. More precisely, it's not optional 
between two identifier characters:

token ws {   \s+  
 |   \s*  
 |   \s*

> following skippy behavior (and it always behaves the same no matter
> what the current :skip pattern is)


Re: A rule by any other name...

2006-05-10 Thread Patrick R. Michaud
On Wed, May 10, 2006 at 05:58:57PM -0700, Allison Randal wrote:
> To summarize a phone call today, the more intelligent defaults we add to 
> differently named rule keywords the more comfortable I am with having 
> different names. So, here's what we have so far (posted both as an FYI 
> and to confirm that we have the coherent solution I think we have):
> [...]
> skip:
> - We keep :words as shorthand for :skip(//)
> - And :skip is shorthand for :skip(//)
> [...]

Please, describe these with  and  to make clear their
non-capturing semantic.  :-)

But Allison's message helps me to crystallize what has been
bugging me about the term ":skip" (and to a lesser extent ":words")
in describing what they do.  So, I'll offer my thoughts here
in case anyone wants to pick it up before we go a-changing S05
yet again.  (If no-one picks it up, I'll just wait for S05 to
be updated to whatever is decided and implement that. :-)

Whitespace in regexes and rules is metasyntactic, in that it is 
not matched literally.  Effectively what the :w (or :words or 
:skip) option does it to change the metasyntactic meaning of 
any whitespace found in the regex.  Or, another way of thinking
of it -- as S05 currently stands, 'regex' and 'token' cause
the pattern whitespace to be treated as , while 'rule'
causes the pattern whitespace to become .

So what we're really doing with this option--whatever we 
call it--is to specify what the whitespace _in the pattern_
should match.  Somehow ":skip" and  don't carry that
meaning for me.

In some sense it seems to me that the correct adverb is
more along the lines of :ws, :white, or :whitespace, in that
it says what to do with the whitespace in the pattern.  It
doesn't have to say anything about whether the pattern's
whitespace is actually matching \s* (although the default
rule for :ws/:white/:whitespace could certainly provide that

I can fully see the argument that people will still
confuse :ws and  with "whitespace in the target", 
when in reality they specify the meaning of whitespace
in the regex pattern, so :ws might not be the right choice
for the adverb.  But I think that something more closely 
meaning "whitespace in the pattern means /this/" would be a 
better adverb than :skip.

If someone *really* wants to use "skip", there's always
:ws(//) (or whatever we choose) which means 
"whitespace in the regex matches ".

> -  is a single character of obligatory whitespace

This one has bugged me since the day I first saw it implemented
in PGE.  We _already_ have \s, , and  to represent 
the notion of "a whitespace character" -- do we really need a 
separate  form also?  (An idle thought: perhaps "sp" is
better used as an :sp adverb and a corresponding  regex?)


Re: A rule by any other name...

2006-05-10 Thread Allison Randal
To summarize a phone call today, the more intelligent defaults we add to 
differently named rule keywords the more comfortable I am with having 
different names. So, here's what we have so far (posted both as an FYI 
and to confirm that we have the coherent solution I think we have):

- Has :ratchet and :skip turned on by default

- May only be used inside a grammar

- Takes default modifiers (a.k.a. traits) from the grammar in which it 
is defined

- Is inherited by subclasses of a grammar

- The default modifiers can be turned off by :!ratchet and :!skip both 
for individual rules and for an entire grammar (I'd like to see some 
syntax for this)

- Has no modifiers turned on by default

- May be used inside and outside a grammar

- Inside a grammar, it is not inherited by subclasses of the grammar

- Inside a grammar, it does not take default modifiers from the grammar

- Individual regexen can turn on the :ratchet or :skip modifiers

- Has :ratchet turned on by default

- Is inherited by subclasses of a grammar

- Does not take default modifiers from the grammar

- Individual token rules can turn off the :ratchet modifier with 
:!ratchet, and can turn on :skip

- (I'd still like to see more for token, perhaps some optimizations that 
are possible when you're certain you have a terminal, like "cannot call 

- We keep :words as shorthand for :skip(//)

- And :skip is shorthand for :skip(//)

- To change skipping behavior: a) override  in your grammar, b) 
set :skip(/.../) on an individual rule, or c) set 'is skip(/.../)' on a 

-  is optional whitespace, following skippy behavior (and it always 
behaves the same no matter what the current :skip pattern is)

-  is a single character of obligatory whitespace

"E pur si muove!"
-- apocryphally attributed to Galileo Galilei

Re: A rule by any other name...

2006-05-10 Thread Uri Guttman
> "AR" == Allison Randal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  AR> Including :skip(//). Yes, agreed, it's a huge
  AR> improvement. I'd be more comfortable if the default rule to use
  AR> for skipping was named  instead of . (On IRC  was
  AR> also proposed, but the connection between :skip and  is more
  AR> immediately obvious.)

a small point but why not have both  and  be aliased to each
other? i like the  connection but  is (usually) about skipping
white space which is likely the most commonly skipped text. both names
have value so we should have both. and i think in most cases you won't
see many explicit  or  as they will be implied by the
whitespace in the rule/term/whatever that has skipping enabled.


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
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Re: A rule by any other name...

2006-05-10 Thread Damian Conway

Larry wrote:

So anyway, I think "token" is sufficiently close to what we want
it to mean that we can force it to mean that, and it's sufficiently
orphaned that few people are going to complain about impressing it
into forced labor.

I'm perfectly fine with that. To quote myself out of context:

 But almost nobody knows what [the word] actually means, and of
 those few only a tiny number of pedants actually *care* anymore.
 So does it matter?



Re: A rule by any other name...

2006-05-10 Thread Larry Wall
On Wed, May 10, 2006 at 11:25:26AM +1000, Damian Conway wrote:
: True. "Token" is the wrong word for another reason: a token is a
: segments component of the input stream, *not* a rule for matching
: segmented components of the input stream. The correct term for that is
: "terminal". So a suitable keyword might well be "term".

There are several problems with that.  A small problem is that
"term" is the same length as "rule", and that makes it harder to
tell them apart visually.  A larger problem is that, unfortunately,
"term" is one of the more heavily overloaded terms (pun intended)
in computing.  Even in Perl 5 culture we use it *heavily* to mean
"non-infix".  Calling infix:<*> a "term" really grates for that reason.

The overloading of "token" is much milder, and I'd rather take the
core metaphor of token and extend it to the supertoken, because
the intent is the same.  The intent of a token is to present a
simple interface outward.  The same is true for the supertoken.
Structurally a supertoken is rather like an object, insofar as it
has a simple outside and a complicated inside.  That complicated
inside is expressed by the fact that the supertoken calls out to a
subrule.  But the supertoken itself still wants to be treated simply
in its own context, just as any object can be treated as a scalar.
The interface to a postcircumfix requires token parsing on the
outside, despite allowing full expressions on the inside.  But as
with the sub/multi/method distinction, the primary motivation is to
distinguish the outward interface, that is, how they are to be used.

So anyway, I think "token" is sufficiently close to what we want
it to mean that we can force it to mean that, and it's sufficiently
orphaned that few people are going to complain about impressing it
into forced labor.  And, in fact, the larger cultural meaning of
token implies that it's something simple that represents something
complicated, as in "a token of our appreciation."


Re: A rule by any other name...

2006-05-10 Thread Patrick R. Michaud
On Wed, May 10, 2006 at 06:07:54PM +1000, Damian Conway wrote:
> >Including :skip(//). Yes, agreed, it's a huge 
> >improvement. I'd be more comfortable if the default rule to 
> >use for skipping was named  instead of . 
> >(On IRC  was also proposed, but the connection between
> >:skip and  is more immediately obvious.)
> Yes, I like  too. I too keep mistakely reading  as "WhiteSpace".

FWIW, I recently noticed noticed in another language
definition the phrase "intertoken space" as being something
that can occur on either side of any token, but not within
a token.  Perhaps some abbreviation or variation of that could 
work in place of either "ws" or "skip".

(Somehow "skip" seems too verbish to me, when the other
subrules we tend to see in a rule tend to be nounish.  Yes, I 
know that "skip" can be a noun as well, it just feels wrong.)

> I'm still utterly convinced my original three-keyword list is the right one 
> (and that the three keywords in it are the right ones too). 

Having played with regex/token/rule in the perl6 grammar a bit
further, as well as looking at a couple of others, I'm finding 
regex/token/rule to be fairly natural.  It only becomes unnatural
if I'm trying hard to optimize things -- e.g., by using "token" instead
of "rule" to avoid unnecessary calls to .  (And it may well turn
out that trying to avoid these calls is a premature or incorrect
optimization anyway -- I won't know until I'm a little farther along
in the grammars I'm work with.)


Re: A rule by any other name...

2006-05-10 Thread Ruud H.G. van Tol
Damian Conway schreef:

> grammar Perl6 is skip(/[+ | \#  | \# \N]+/) {
> ...
> }

I think that first "+" is superfluous.

Doubly so if  already stands for the run of all consecutive

Groet, Ruud

Re: A rule by any other name...

2006-05-10 Thread Ruud H.G. van Tol
Allison Randal schreef:
> Damian:

>> "Match" is a better word for what comes back from
>> a regex match (what we currently refer to as a Capture, which is
>> okay too).
> I agree there. I still prefer 'rule'.

Maybe matex (mat-ex) for "matching expression" and, within that,
capex/captex (cap-ex/capt-ex) for "capturing expression"?

Groet, Ruud

Re: A rule by any other name...

2006-05-10 Thread Allison Randal
On Wed, 10 May 2006, Damian Conway wrote:
> Allison wrote:
> I've never met anyone who *voluntarily* added
> the 'p'. ;-)

You've spent too much time in the U.S. ;)

> >  and the fact that everyone knows 'regex(p)'
> > means "regular expression" no matter how may times we say it doesn't.
> Sure. But almost nobody knows what "regular" actually means, and of
> those few only a tiny number of pedants actually *care* anymore. So
> does it matter?

Picking names that mean what they say is important in Perl. It's why we have
'given'/'when' instead of 'switch'/'case'. We don't have to use the same old
name for things just because everyone else is doing it (even if we started it).

There's nothing about 'regex' that says "backtracking enabled".

> Then don't. I teach regexes all the time and I *never* explain what
> "regular" means, or why it doesn't apply to Perl (or any other
> commonly used) regexes any more.

But isn't it appealing to stop using an archaic word that has now become

> > Maybe 'match' is a better keyword.
> I don't think so. "Match" is a better word for what comes back from
> a regex match (what we currently refer to as a Capture, which is
> okay too).

I agree there. I still prefer 'rule'.

> That's pretty much the Perl 5 argument for using "sub" for both subroutines
> and methods, which we've definitively rejected in Perl 6.

Subs and methods have a number of distinguising characteristics. If the only
distinction between them was one small characteristic change, I might argue
against using different keywords there too. (I think the choice of using only
'sub' made sense for Perl 5 with its simplistic OO semantics, but Perl 6
provides more intelligent defaults for methods so the separation makes sense

Rules inside and outside grammars are the same class. They have the same
behaviour aside from :ratchet, and :ratchet can be set without the keyword
change. More than that, the current 'rule' and 'regex' can both be used inside
and outside a grammar. If we were to take the 'sub'/'method' pattern, then
'rule' should never be allowed outside a grammar, and 'regex' should either not
be allowed inside a 'grammar', or should express some distinctive feature
inside the grammar (like "non-inherited" or "doesn't operate on the match
object", but there are better words for those concepts than 'regex').

> If we use "rule" for both kinds of regexes, we force the reader to constantly
> check surrounding context in order to understand the behaviour of the
> construct. :-(

Context is a Perlish concept. :)

It's worse to force the writer and reader to distinguish between two keywords
when they don't have a sharp difference in meaning, and when the names of the
two keywords don't provide any clues to what the difference is.

Making different things different is an important design principle, but so is
making similar things similar.

> True. "Token" is the wrong word for another reason: a token is a
> segments component of the input stream, *not* a rule for matching
> segmented components of the input stream. The correct term for that is
> "terminal". So a suitable keyword might well be "term".

I do like 'term' better.

> Whitespace skipping (for suitable values of "whitespace") is a critical
> feature of parsers. I'd go so far as to say that it's *the* killer feature of
> Parse::RecDescent.
> What you want is *whitespace* skipping (where comments are a special form of
> whitespace). What you *really* want is is whitespace skipping where you get
> to define what constitutes whitespace in each context where whitespace might
> be skipped.

That really isn't "whitespace" skipping, though. Calling it whitespace skipping
conflates two concepts that are only slightly related. I agree that skipping is
an important feature in parsers.

> But the defining characteristic of a "terminal" is that you try to match
> it exactly, without being smart about what to ignore. That's why I like the
> fundamental rule/token distinction as it is currently specified.

Can you give me some additional characteristics for 'term' beyond just "turn
off :skip"? Grammars also need to turn off skipping in rules that aren't
terminals, and the different keyword is entirely inappropriate in those cases.
Since you'd need to use ':!skip' (or whatever syntax) on other rules anyway, it
doesn't make sense to use 'term' anywhere unless it provides some additional
intelligent defaults for terminals.

> > I also suggest a new modifier for comment skipping (or skipping in
> > general) that's separate from :words, with semantics much closer to
> > Parse::RecDescent's 'skip'.
> Note, however, that the recursive nature of Parse::RecDescent's 
> directive is a profound nuisance in practice, because you have to
> remember to turn it off in every one of the terminals.

And in the current form you have to remember to use 'token' for all the
terminals. Not really a significant difference in mental effort.

> In light of all that,

Re: S02: generalized quotes and adverbs

2006-05-10 Thread Daniel Hulme
> qX ::= "q:x:y:z";
> as a simple, argumentless "word" macro.
But would that DWIM when I come to write

qX(stuff, specifically not an adverb argument);


"The  rules  of  programming  are  transitory;  only  Tao  is  eternal. 
 Therefore you  must contemplate Tao before you receive  enlightenment."
"How will I know when I have received enlightenment?"  asked the novice.
"Your program will then run correctly," replied the master. 

Description: PGP signature

Re: A rule by any other name...

2006-05-10 Thread Damian Conway

Allison wrote:

I've never met anyone who *voluntarily* added
the 'p'. ;-)

You've spent too much time in the U.S. ;)

And Australia. I don't know where the silent 'p' comes from but it sure ain't 
the New World.

Picking names that mean what they say is important in Perl. It's why we have
'given'/'when' instead of 'switch'/'case'. We don't have to use the same old
name for things just because everyone else is doing it (even if we started it).

There's nothing about 'regex' that says "backtracking enabled".

Sure there is. About 20 years of computing history. Nowadays "regex" has 
virtually nothing to "regular expressions"; it's now just the computing term 
for "compact set of instructions for a pattern matching machine".

But isn't it appealing to stop using an archaic word that has now become

No. For a start, "regex" isn't archaic. In fact it's a comparative neologism, 
having only recently broken awa--both syntactically and semantically--from the 
older "regular expression". More importantly, the *concept* hasn't become 
meaningless at all; indeed it's grown significantly in meaning over the past 
decade. And the word "regex" is now far more strongly associated with that 
expanded concept than with the original idea of a "regular expression".

That's pretty much the Perl 5 argument for using "sub" for both subroutines
and methods, which we've definitively rejected in Perl 6.

Subs and methods have a number of distinguising characteristics. If the only
distinction between them was one small characteristic change, I might argue
against using different keywords there too. (I think the choice of using only
'sub' made sense for Perl 5 with its simplistic OO semantics, but Perl 6
provides more intelligent defaults for methods so the separation makes sense

I think you're wrong. I think "sub" has proved not to be the right choice in 
Perl 5 either. As abstractions, methods and subs are very different. In usage, 
they're very different. It's only in implementation that they're similar. 
Using the same keyword for two constructs that are used--and which act--very 
differently was a rare misstep on Larry's part.

And it's those same enormous abstract and pragmatic differences that we need 
two keywords to distinguish when it comes to pattern matching. Think about the 
trouble we're going to have translating Perl 5 subs to Perl 6 subs or methods, 
precisely because of the lack of semantic marking. The designers of Perl 7 
won't thank us if we repeat the mistake with regexes and rules.

Rules inside and outside grammars are the same class. They have the same
behaviour aside from :ratchet,

And skipping!

and :ratchet can be set without the keyword change.

But then you've no way of knowing from *local* context which way it defaults 
for a given instance.

More than that, the current 'rule' and 'regex' can both be used inside
and outside a grammar. If we were to take the 'sub'/'method' pattern, then
'rule' should never be allowed outside a grammar,

I entirely agree.

and 'regex' should either not be allowed inside a 'grammar', 

> or should express some distinctive feature

inside the grammar (like "non-inherited" or "doesn't operate on the match

The main distinction is that rules are "ratcheted and skippy" whereas regexes 
aren't. But yes regexes they ought not be inherited either.

but there are better words for those concepts than 'regex').

If you can come up with even one other word that means "backtrackable, 
non-skippy, and uninherited", in the same way that "rule" implies "ratcheted, 
whitespace-skipping, and heritable", then I'd be more than delighted to 
consider it.

Personally, I thought "regex" already fit the bill admirably, since 
backtracking, not skipping, and not inheriting is exactly what regexes do in 
most current languages (including Perl 5).

If we use "rule" for both kinds of regexes, we force the reader to constantly
check surrounding context in order to understand the behaviour of the
construct. :-(

Context is a Perlish concept. :)

*Local* context is. Having three fundamental behaviours change because of a 
namespace declaration 1000 lines earlier doesn't seem very Perlish to me.

Making different things different is an important design principle, but so is
making similar things similar.

I disagree. What we've been doing in Perl 6 is making different things
different, and identical things identical (or, more precisely, consolidating 
things that turn out to be identical if you look closely enough).

But regexes and rules aren't identical; merely similar. And making
similar things identical is a *bad* idea in language. IANL(inguist) but
it seems to me that most languages evolve towards make similar things as
different as possible, so that they're not accidentally confused.

I do like 'term' better.

Me too. :-)

That really isn't "whitespace" skipping, though. 

Sure it is. "Whitespace" is just the industry

Re: Scans

2006-05-10 Thread Markus Laire

And here I mis-read < as <=.
Perhaps I should stop "fixing", as I'm making too many errors here...

On 5/10/06, Markus Laire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > filter (list [<] @array) @array ==>
> > first monotonically increasing run in @array
> >
> This seems false. @array = (1 2 2 1 2 3), if I understand you correctly,
> yields (1 2 2 3).

No, it yields (1, 2, 2)

Correction: (1, 2)

list [<] @array
list [<] (1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 3)
1 < 2,
1 < 2 < 2,
1 < 2 < 2 < 1,
1 < 2 < 2 < 1 < 2,
1 < 2 < 2 < 1 < 2 < 3,
Bool::True, Bool::True, Bool::True, Bool::False, Bool::False, Bool::False

Correction: Bool::True, Bool::True, Bool::False, Bool::False,
Bool::False, Bool::False

And so
filter (list [<] @array) @array
would give first 3 elements of @array, i.e. (1, 2, 2)

Correction: First 2 elements, i.e. (1, 2)

Markus Laire

Re: Scans

2006-05-10 Thread Markus Laire

On 5/9/06, Jonathan Scott Duff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Tue, May 09, 2006 at 06:07:26PM +0300, Markus Laire wrote:
> ps. Should first element of scan be 0-argument or 1-argument case.
> i.e. should list([+] 1) return (0, 1) or (1)

I noticed this in earlier posts and thought it odd that anyone
would want to get an extra zero arg that they didn't specify. My
vote would be that list([+] 1) == (1)  just like [+] 1 == 1

Yes, that was an error on my part. I mis-read the example from Juerd
as giving 0 arguments for first item, while it gives the "0th"
argument of an array.

I (now) agree that it doesn't seem to be usefull to include the 0-argument case.

Markus Laire

Re: Scans

2006-05-10 Thread Markus Laire

In the previous mail I accidentally read [<=] as [>=]

On 5/10/06, Markus Laire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > filter (list [<=] @array) @array ==>
> > first monotonically non-decreasing run in @array
> So @array = (1 0 -1 -2 -1 -3) ==> (1, -1) is monotonically non-decreasing?

This would give (1, 0, -1, -2)

Correction: This would give (1)

list [<=] (1, 0, -1, -2, -1, -3)
1 <= 0,
1 <= 0 <= -1,
1 <= 0 <= -1 <= -2,
1 <= 0 <= -1 <= -2 <= -1,
1 <= 0 <= -1 <= -2 <= -1 <= -3
Bool::True, Bool::True, Bool::True, Bool::True, Bool::False, Bool::False

   Bool::True, Bool::False, Bool::False, Bool::False, Bool::False, Bool::False

And so
filter (list [<=] @array) @array
would give first 4 elements of @array, i.e. (1, 0, -1, -2)

Correction: It would give only first element of @array, i.e. (1)

Markus Laire

Re: A rule by any other name...

2006-05-10 Thread Juerd
Damian Conway skribis 2006-05-10 18:07 (+1000):
> > More than that, the current 'rule' and 'regex' can both be used inside
> > and outside a grammar. If we were to take the 'sub'/'method' pattern, then
> > 'rule' should never be allowed outside a grammar,
> I entirely agree.

I don't. While disallowing named methods and rules may be a wise idea
(I'm not sure they are), the anonymous forms are probably very useful to
have around.

my $method = method { ... };


Re: Scans

2006-05-10 Thread Markus Laire

On 5/10/06, Austin Hastings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Mark A. Biggar wrote:
> Use hyper compare ops to select what you want followed by using filter
> to prune out the unwanted.
> filter gives you with scan:
> filter (list [<] @array) @array ==>
> first monotonically increasing run in @array
This seems false. @array = (1 2 2 1 2 3), if I understand you correctly,
yields (1 2 2 3).

No, it yields (1, 2, 2)

   list [<] @array
   list [<] (1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 3)
   1 < 2,
   1 < 2 < 2,
   1 < 2 < 2 < 1,
   1 < 2 < 2 < 1 < 2,
   1 < 2 < 2 < 1 < 2 < 3,
   Bool::True, Bool::True, Bool::True, Bool::False, Bool::False, Bool::False

And so
   filter (list [<] @array) @array
would give first 3 elements of @array, i.e. (1, 2, 2)

> filter (list [<=] @array) @array ==>
> first monotonically non-decreasing run in @array

So @array = (1 0 -1 -2 -1 -3) ==> (1, -1) is monotonically non-decreasing?

This would give (1, 0, -1, -2)

   list [<=] (1, 0, -1, -2, -1, -3)
   1 <= 0,
   1 <= 0 <= -1,
   1 <= 0 <= -1 <= -2,
   1 <= 0 <= -1 <= -2 <= -1,
   1 <= 0 <= -1 <= -2 <= -1 <= -3
   Bool::True, Bool::True, Bool::True, Bool::True, Bool::False, Bool::False

And so
   filter (list [<=] @array) @array
would give first 4 elements of @array, i.e. (1, 0, -1, -2)

Markus Laire