Re: Filename literals

2009-08-16 Thread Timothy S. Nelson

On Sun, 16 Aug 2009, David Green wrote:

On 2009-Aug-15, at 9:22 am, Jon Lang wrote:

IOW, your "outside the file" stuff is whatever can be done without
having to open the file, and your "inside the file" is whatever only
makes sense once the file has been opened.  Correct?

Pretty much, yes.

If so, could you give some examples of how such a distinction could be 
beneficial, or of how the lack of such a distinction is problematic?

	Well, my main thought in this context is that the stuff that can be 
done to the inside of a file can also be done to other streams -- TCP sockets 
for example (I know, there are differences, but the two are a lot the same), 
whereas metadata makes less sense in the context of TCP sockets; I guess this 
was one of the thoughts that led me to want separate things here.

Well, I definitely think there needs to be a class that combines the inside 
and the outside, or the data and the metadata.  Certainly the separate parts 
will exist separately for purposes of implementation, but there needs to be a 
user-friendlier view wrapped around that.  Or maybe there are (sort of) three 
levels, low, medium, and high; that is, the basic implementation level (=P6 
direct access to OS- and FS- system calls); the combined level, where an IO 
or "File" object encompasses IO::FSnode and IO::FSdata, etc.; and a 
gloss-over-the-details level with lots of sugar on top (at the expense of 
losing control over some details).

	Hmm.  With the quoting idea, I don't see the need for a "both" type of 
object.  I mean, I'd see the code happening something like this:

if (path{/path/to/file}.e) {
@lines = slurp(path{/path/to/file});


if (path{/path/to/file}.e) {
$handle = open(path{/path/to/file});

	(I'm using one of David's suggested syntaxes above, but I'm not 
closely attached to it).

	I guess what I'm saying here is that I think we can do the things 
without people having to worry about the objects being separate unless they 
care.  So, separate objects, but hide it as much as possible.  Is that 
something you're fine with?

In fact, having q, Q, or qq involved at all strikes me as wrong,
since those three are specifically for generating strings.

Pathnames still are strings, so that's fine.  In fact, there are different

	Hmm.  I'm not so sure; maybe I'm just being picky, but I want to 
clarify things in case it's important (in other words, I'm thinking out loud 
here to see if it helps).

	First, Q and friends don't generate strings, they generate string-like 
objects, which could be Str, or Match, or whatever.  Think of quoting 
constructs as a way of temporarily switching to a different sublanguage (cf. 
regex), and you'll have the idea that I have in mind.

	As for pathnames being strings, you may be right FSVO string.  But I'd 
say that, while they may be strings, they're not Str, but they do Str, as in

roleIO::FSNode does Str {...}

	(FSNode may not be the right name here, but is used for illustrative 

things going on here; one is to have a way of conveniently quoting strings 
that contain a lot of backslashes.  Just as Perl lets you pick different 
quotation marks, to make it easier to quote strings that have a lot of " or ' 
characters, so it should have a way to make it easy to quote strings with a 
lot of backslashes.  (The most obvious example being Windows paths; but there 
are other possibilities, such as needing to eval some code that already has a 
lot of backslashes in it.)

Now, you can already turn backwhacking on or off via Q's :backslash adverb; 
Q:qq includes :b (and Q:q recognises a few limited escape sequences like \\). 
So you could say Q[C:\some\path], and you could add scalar interpolation to 
say Q:s[C:\some\path\$filename].  But there's no way to have all of: literal 
backslashes + interpolation + escaped sigils.

Perhaps instead of a simple :b toggle, we could have an :escape adverb 
that defaults to :escape<\>? Then you could have 

	Maybe a global variable?  It's an interesting idea, and I'll see how 
others feel :).

The ultimate in "path literals" would be to establish a similar
"default delimiter".  [...]
 `path`.size # how big is the file?  Returns number.

There's something that slightly jars me here... I don't like the quotation 
returning an IO object.  (I like the conciseness, but there's something a bit 
off conceptually.)

	Hmm.  But doesn't normal quoting return a Str object?  And regex 
quoting return an object (Regex?  Match?  Something, anyway).

Now, isn't Q:path[/some/file] just creating an IO object?  Unlike /foo/, 
where "foo" just IS the pattern, "/some/file" is *not* an IO object, it's 
just a filename.  So if the special path-quoting returned an IO::File::Name 
object, I would be perfectly happy.  But you can't have $filename.size -- a 
fileNAME doesn't have a size, the file itself does.  To get from the fil

Re: S26 - The Next Generation

2009-08-16 Thread Damian Conway
Darren Duncan asked:

> But one thing I'm not sure whether or not it was addressed is regards to
> whether free-form documentation is still supported or can be effectively
> combined with embedding documentation into the places that it is
> documenting.

Yes and yes.

Normal Pod blocks weren't mentioned in the executive summary because
they haven't changed. Except that they got much better, because now you
can indent them to match the layout of the code they're interleaving.
Or, indeed, indent them simply to indicate the Pod's own lexical

The Necrotelecomnicon example was originally written like so
(before I removed the Pod keep the example properly

=head2 IPC magic

The base class for doing deep and dangerous things with IPC

#= Base class for comms necromancy hierarchy
class Magic::Necrotelecomnicon {
has $.elemental;  #= Source of all power
has $!true_name;  #  Source of all self-protection (not documented)

method cast(Spell $s)
#= Initiate a specified spell normally

#= Initiate a specified spell abnormally
method kast(Spell $s) {
do_raw_magic($s, :alternative);

which, by default (and in the absence of any semi-literate or
OO-bsessive modules one might explicitly C),
will simply produce something like:

IPC Magic

The base class for doing deep and dangerous things with
IPC is

Name:  Magic::Necrotelecomnicon:
Desc:  Base class for comms necromancy hierarchy

.elemental   : Source of all power

.cast(Spell $s)  : Initiate a specified spell normally
.kast(Spell $s)  : Initiate a specified spell abnormally


Re: S26 - The Next Generation

2009-08-16 Thread Darren Duncan

Damian Conway wrote:

It's Sunday evening and, as promised, here's the new draft of S26.

That's great to see.  And from the executive summary, it seems to include a lot 
of the features or behaviors I was suggesting in the "comments as preserved 
meta-data" thread.  I will look at this new S26 more closely soon.

But one thing I'm not sure whether or not it was addressed is regards to whether 
free-form documentation is still supported or can be effectively combined with 
embedding documentation into the places that it is documenting.

-- Darren Duncan

Re: S26 - The Next Generation

2009-08-16 Thread David Green

On 2009-Aug-16, at 2:26 pm, Damian Conway wrote:

It's Sunday evening and, as promised, here's the new draft of S26.

Yay!  (To the contents, that is, not to the posting of it.  Well, to  
the posting too, since otherwise it would have been much harder to  

Perl that accesses $=POD and/or the .WHY and .WHEREFORE methods

My favourite part is that it's actually called "WHEREFORE".  (Take  
that, all-other-programming-languages!)

Hopefully this is something close to the final draft...and something  
that every stakeholder and faction in this long discussion can  
dislike equally. ;-)

I like it very much.  But don't worry, I'll think of something to  
quibble about!


P.S. to format it using perldoc2xhtml, I had to change the "=begin  
item" at line 589 to "=for item".

r28005 - docs/Perl6/Spec

2009-08-16 Thread pugs-commits
Author: benmorrow
Date: 2009-08-16 21:16:39 +0200 (Sun, 16 Aug 2009)
New Revision: 28005

[Spec] Clarify behaviour of closure traits when an exception is thrown.

Modified: docs/Perl6/Spec/S04-control.pod
--- docs/Perl6/Spec/S04-control.pod 2009-08-16 04:04:31 UTC (rev 28004)
+++ docs/Perl6/Spec/S04-control.pod 2009-08-16 19:16:39 UTC (rev 28005)
@@ -1232,6 +1232,21 @@
 before C, C, or C, since those are done at compile or
 process initialization time).
+If an exception is thrown through a block without a C block, the
+C, C and C blocks will be run at that point, with
+C<$!> set to the in-flight exception.  If there is no in-flight
+exception when these blocks are run, C<$!> will be C.  The last
+exception caught in the outer block is available as C<< OUTER::<$!> >>,
+as usual. 
+An exception thrown from an C block will abort the C
+queue, but one thrown from a C block will not.  The exceptions
+thrown by failing C and C blocks cannot be caught by a
+C in the same block, which implies that C blocks are not
+run if a C block fails.  If a C fails while an exception is in
+flight the C failure doesn't replace C<$!> but goes straight into
 For blocks such as C and C that are run when exiting a
 scope normally, the return value (if any) from that scope is available
 as the current topic.  (It is presented as a C object.)

Re: Filename literals

2009-08-16 Thread David Green

On 2009-Aug-15, at 9:22 am, Jon Lang wrote:

IOW, your "outside the file" stuff is whatever can be done without
having to open the file, and your "inside the file" is whatever only
makes sense once the file has been opened.  Correct?  If so, could you
give some examples of how such a distinction could be beneficial, or
of how the lack of such a distinction is problematic?

Well, I definitely think there needs to be a class that combines the  
inside and the outside, or the data and the metadata.  Certainly the  
separate parts will exist separately for purposes of implementation,  
but there needs to be a user-friendlier view wrapped around that.  Or  
maybe there are (sort of) three levels, low, medium, and high; that  
is, the basic implementation level (=P6 direct access to OS- and FS-  
system calls); the combined level, where an IO or "File" object  
encompasses IO::FSnode and IO::FSdata, etc.; and a gloss-over-the- 
details level with lots of sugar on top (at the expense of losing  
control over some details).

In fact, having q, Q, or qq involved at all strikes me as wrong,
since those three are specifically for generating strings.

Pathnames still are strings, so that's fine.  In fact, there are  
different things going on here; one is to have a way of conveniently  
quoting strings that contain a lot of backslashes.  Just as Perl lets  
you pick different quotation marks, to make it easier to quote strings  
that have a lot of " or ' characters, so it should have a way to make  
it easy to quote strings with a lot of backslashes.  (The most obvious  
example being Windows paths; but there are other possibilities, such  
as needing to eval some code that already has a lot of backslashes in  

Now, you can already turn backwhacking on or off via Q's :backslash  
adverb; Q:qq includes :b (and Q:q recognises a few limited escape  
sequences like \\).  So you could say Q[C:\some\path], and you could  
add scalar interpolation to say Q:s[C:\some\path\$filename].  But  
there's no way to have all of: literal backslashes + interpolation +  
escaped sigils.

Perhaps instead of a simple :b toggle, we could have an :escape  
adverb that defaults to :escape<\>? Then you could have  

The ultimate in "path literals" would be to establish a similar
"default delimiter".  [...]
  `path`.size # how big is the file?  Returns number.

There's something that slightly jars me here... I don't like the  
quotation returning an IO object.  (I like the conciseness, but  
there's something a bit off conceptually.)  Let's see, `exec command`  
bugs me too -- it's quoting something and then doing something with  
the quoted string.  (It's not entirely unreasonable as a cryptic  
shorthand in the shell, but I think P6 should have an actual command  
for that (e.g. the proposed run-gather()).)  Similarly, in this  
example, we're quoting a pathname, and then creating an IO object from  

So I don't like the quoting-and-then-using, when done by the quotation  
marks, although having a function (really, macro) that does its own  
quoting seems fine: "io /some/autoquoted/filename".  And /regex/  
doesn't bother me either.  Hm.  Ah, but an instant regex isn't doing  
anything besides creating an object -- it is comparable to q[foo]  
creating a Str.  So `exec me!` bothers me because it isn't just  
returning some kind of "System::Command" object, it's more like  
creating the object and then calling the .run() method on it too.  / 
pattern/ doesn't *do* anything with the regex.

Now, isn't Q:path[/some/file] just creating an IO object?  Unlike / 
foo/, where "foo" just IS the pattern, "/some/file" is *not* an IO  
object, it's just a filename.  So if the special path-quoting returned  
an IO::File::Name object, I would be perfectly happy.  But you can't  
have $filename.size -- a fileNAME doesn't have a size, the file itself  
does.  To get from the filename to the file, you need another step,  
and it's that extra step I don't like being hidden inside quotation  
marks, just as in the `exec` case.

Anyway, that's a subtle but important point, I think.  Fortunately, in  
the end it doesn't have to work out much differently: instead a "path"  
quoter that does IO-stuff, have a "path" function (macro, whatever)  
that does quoting stuff.

$file = new IO::File(FSNode => "/path/to/file");
$file = path "/path/to/file";
$file = io /path/to/file;
$file = file://localhost/path/to/file;

Incidentally, I do think it's worth having an actual File::Name type,  
even though names are really just strings.  For example, not all  
strings are valid filenames if the FS doesn't handle Unicode.   
However, Strings should get transparently cast to IO::Names wherever  
possible, so the typical user would never have to notice the difference.

IO::Name objects also provide a way to concatenate items correctly, as  
per Hinrik's original post regarding a be