S04 -- closure traits clarification

2005-04-29 Thread David Christensen
In trying to hack closure trait support into pugs, I have some 
questions about closure traits, variable with will traits and 
introspection.  (Apologies if some of this has been discussed on the 
list before -- I'm just going off of the synopses, which if definite 
clarification on some of these issues has been made, should probably be 
updated to reflect the decisions made.)

Firstly, it is suggested in S04 that variables indicated with a will 
predicate contribute to the corresponding block-level trait.  I.e., if 
we have the following bit of code:

if $dbh {
	my $sth will undo {$dbh.rollback} will keep {$dbh.commit} = FIRST 
		say DB error!;
		say We're good!;

Then the block has in effect 5 total traits, 2 UNDO block, 2 KEEP 
blocks and 1 FIRST blocks.  From what I understand, the blocks for each 
trait are executed in FIFO order, thus we would rollback before we 
report the error in this contrived example.

1) What type of introspection, if any, are we providing to the language 
level?  I.e., are we providing something along the lines of

%traits = ?BLOCK.traits
where %traits is keyed on trait name (FIRST, LAST, whatever) and in 
turn is an array of closures?  This would mean, for instance that we 
could say

to get the current block's FIRST closures, if any.  When parsing the 
block for traits, coming across a new FIRST block would be akin to 

push ?BLOCK.traitsFIRST, {...block contents...}
Specifically, I'm looking for definition of the syntax, which is only 
alluded to in the Synopsis.

2) If we accept the introspection at the block-level above, it seems 
clear that we should also accept the same .traits method on variables.  
I.e., in the above DBI example, we should get back the closure(s) for 
undoing by referring to $sth.traitsUNDO.  Is a variable-level trait a 
single entry, or can we have multiple will undo {...} predicates on a 
single variable?  (The utility of such is left as an exercise to the 

3) User-definable traits.  Now, this may be a closed domain of sorts, 
but do we need to allow for the possibility of user-defined traits?  
(I'm thinking here of variable-level will predicates.)  If so, do 
user-defined traits get normalized to UPPER?  It would seem like we 
would want consistency here, because if will undo {...} and UNDO 
{...} get stored in the same trait slot, we're obviously transforming 
one of the identifiers -- should this behavior be specific to our 
built-in ones, or to all traits?

4) Which of the closure traits are supported as will predicates on 
variables?  Not all of the closure traits make sense on the 
variable-level -- this information will be useful when trying to parse 
the will predicates.

David Christensen

junctions as indicies

2005-04-18 Thread David Christensen
I'm looking in S09, and reading about junctions.  It seems to me that 
if we have a junction $j which we use to index into an array or a hash, 
it should DWIM and return a junction of the corresponding values.

$u = @ar[$j];   # 2|3|4
$v = %hash{$k}; # 1|7
Does this make sense to others?

junction adverb: :except

2005-04-18 Thread David Christensen
Hypothetical here:
If we want to calculate a set of values for a junction which map nicely 
to a range with a few outliers, would it be possibly to have a 
qualifier :except which allows us to make exceptions to our given 
range?  I.e.,

(Ignore for the moment the inefficiency of the choice of this 
particular algorithm.)

my $year = 1900;  # or whatever
my $leap_year = $year % 400 == any(0..400 :by(4) :except(100,200,300));
Here except would be a modifier on the range being generated for any(). 
 I could also see except being used to strip choices from junctions:

my $j = 1|2|3|4;
my $k=$j :except(2);  # 1|3|4
Let me know if I'm totally abusing junctions here...


2005-04-17 Thread David Christensen
Quick thought ---
Does the current design of Perl 6's hyper operators allow for 
hyper-slices?  I.e., if I want to model a matrix by using a list of 
lists, is the following code valid/useful?

my @matrix=([1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]);
my @row = @matrix[0]; # first row
my @col = @matrix[0]; #first column
my @transposed = @matrix[0..2];
I don't know if this case has been discussed earlier; is extracting an 
element considered a unary operation?  Is there some use for this 
notation, other than what  I just said?

I suppose the same could be said for Lists of Hashes:
my @records=({name=Tom,age=27},{name=Dick,age=33});
my @names= @records{'name'};
say @names;
# Tom Dick
Of course, for this to be useful, the lists would have to be 
homogenous; @array is List of Hashes (excuse the syntax; I'm still 
getting up to speed with a lot of the P6 specific issues).

Again, apologies if this is a closed domain/already has some other 
method of retrieving the same information.

David Christensen

Re: Hyper-slices?

2005-04-17 Thread David Christensen
I definitely like the hyper stuff how it is; maybe the answer is to 
just define an infix:[[]] operator which returns the crosswise slice 
of a nested list of lists.  In any case it could be shunted aside to 
some package and certainly does not need to be in core.

my @transposed = @matrix[0..2];
The thing that makes me wonder about that is whether it builds 
arrays inside for you, or whether it just flattens everything out.
Obviously in this case it *should* give you arrays.

On the other hand, if you did the standard map transform that hypers 

my @transposed = map { $_[0..2] } @matrix
Then it's clearly flattening.
What I'm currently thinking is that Perl is terrible for matrix stuff.
Maybe we should keep it that way, and punt to PDL.  But as it stands, 
have no hope of appeasing the mathematicians in this area without 
redoing hyper stuff.  And I think that the hyper stuff is pretty close
to right for non-matrix purposes, so it would be hard to redo it 
perturbing what we have.


Hyper operator corner case?

2005-04-12 Thread David Christensen
Hey folks,
I wanted to delurk and address an issue that may need clarification in 
regards to hyper operators.

Quoting S03:
If one argument is insufficiently dimensioned, Perl upgrades it:
 (3,8,2,9,3,8) - 1;  # (2,7,1,8,2,7)
Now in this example case, it's pretty clear that the scalar 1 gets 
turned into a list of 1s with the length of the lhs.  What about the 
case of a larger-dimensioned or single-dimensioned array?

  (1,2,3,4,5) + (1,2)
Is this equivalent to:
a) (1,2,3,4,5) + (1,2,undef,undef,undef) (undef padding)
b) (1,2,3,4,5) + (1,2,1,2,1) (repetition)
c) (1,2,3,4,5) + (1,2,2,2,2) (stretching)
d) (1,2) + (1,2) (truncation)
e) something else, ie, warnings about mismatched dimension, die(), 
segfault, kill -9 1 (whatever your sadism level is).

Additionally, I was wondering if there was a difference between:
(3,8,2,9,3,8) - 1
(3,8,2,9,3,8) - (1)
I suppose the answer to that depends on the answer to the above 

If the answer is the a) case as above and undef resolves to 0 
numerically, then we run into another issue to consider.  In the case 
of addition and subtraction, 0 is the identity element, and so:

(1,2,3,4,5) + (1,2) yields (2,4,3,4,5).
But the intuitiveness goes away with multiplication, and completely 
blows up with division:

(1,2,3,4,5) * (1,2) yields (1,4,0,0,0), probably not what we wanted.
(1,2,3,4,5) / (1,2) yields (1,1,NaN,NaN,NaN), and probably die()s 
with division by zero errors.

If in the addition and subtraction cases we want to preserve the 
identity cases for the slots not accounted for, undef is fine because 
it resolves to 0; to provide the same features for multiplication and 
division, the identity element would have to be 1.  But that would 
suppose that the potential hyper-operators would know what their 
appropriate identity elements were (and that such a thing is meaningful 
to them).

Additionally, if there is a difference between the automatic scalar 
promotion and list promotion, we could run into errors where people 
would expect an expression to be a scalar which would be promoted in 
the documented fashion, but would really be promoted in one of a)-e), 
breaking what they expected:

(1..5) + ($a-$b) # list context for the expression?  Promotes like 
(1..5) + +($a-$b) # forced scalar context -- promotes like 
(1..5) + (1) # promotes like what?

David Christensen

Re: Hyper Here-Docs? (was: Re: angle quotes for here-docs ?)

2004-11-30 Thread David Christensen
Incidentally, just like mathematically (albeit slightly loosely) an 
element of a set can be thought of as a function from any singleton, 
would it be possible for Perl 6 to provide a fast (under the 
syntactical point of view) way to promote a term to a function 
returning it?

What's wrong with the perl 5:
sub mysub($x) {
return sub { $x };  # the sub{$x} is the construct