This week's Perl 6 Summary

2005-05-25 Thread The Perl 6 Summarizer
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 2005-05-24
Note to self: It's generally not a good idea to go installing Tiger on
the day you return from holiday. It's especially not a good idea to fail
to check that it didn't completely and utterly radish your Postfix
configuration. And your emacs. And the backing store for your website.
And a bunch of other stuff. It's an especially bad idea not to have
backups of things like your aliases file...

Nor is it a good idea to get preoccupied with all these joys and
completely forget that you're supposed to be writ ting the Perl 6


I'm very, very sorry.

So, on with the show.

This week in perl6-compiler
Autrijus announced the availability of Inline::Pugs. If you've ever been
moved to mix up Perls 5 and 6 in one program, your prayers have been
answered. Just grab Pugs and Inline and you're set. Brian Ingerson made
things even more delightfully evil:

 use pugs;
 sub postfix:! { [*] 1..$_ }
 sub sum_factorial { [+] 0..$_! }
 no pugs;
 print sum_factorial(3); # 21

  Experimental Coroutine support
Autrijus announced that Pugs now has an experimental implementation of
coroutines. It's almost certainly not final, but it's good enough for
exploration and feedback purposes.

  Graphing tool for PerlGuts Illustrated
Yuval Kogman asked what tool was used to generate the 'pretty diagrams'
in PerlGuts Illustrated because he wanted to use it for diagrams in a
forthcoming PugsGuts Illustrated. Ingy said that Gisle had hand hacked
postscript based on initial diagrams drawn on graph paper. After some
discussion, the plan seems to be that Yuval will just draw diagrams,
scan them and bung them into the pugs repository. He'll rely on the
LazyWeb to turn them into beautiful scalable graphics.

  Perl Development Server
Okay everyone, repeat after me: Juerd is a star!

You may ask me why, and I shall tell you.

Juerd and his cosponsors, Twistspace will making a Perl 6 development
server available over the internet to any Perl 6 developers who are
working on 'everything that improves Perl 6 development'. So, if you've
been put off working on Pugs by the hassles of getting Haskell working
on your machine, or if you have the kind of bandwidth that makes svn
updates a painful prospect, worry no longer. Just sign up for a
development account.

There was much rejoicing and suggesting of hostnames. Rather bizarrely,
there was also discussion of the etymology of 'sipuli' (Finnish for
'onion' in case you were wondering).

  Two releases in one day
Autrijus announced the release of Pugs 6.2.4. About half an hour later
he announced the release of Pugs 6.2.5.

  Undef issues
Adrian Taylor thought he'd found some issues with Perl 6's understanding
of undef. It turned out that he'd found some issues with his own
understanding of same.

  Method/attribute chaining
Alex Gutteridge found some weirdness with the chaining of autogenerated
attribute methods (I wonder if the same weirdness occurs with hand
rolled attribute methods). So far it remains unfixed, but given the
speed of Pugs development I doubt it'll stay that way for long.

Meanwhile, in perl6-internals
  Parrot as an extension language
Colin Adams continued to have problems using Parrot as an extension
language for Eiffel. It turns out that interfacing between statically
strongly typed languages and Parrot isn't easy.

  Fixing t/src/manifest.t
Dino Morelli reported problems with t/src/manifest.t and wondered how
some of the failures came about. Jürgen Bömmels thought that the problem
was an overzealous test -- the original version of which simply ensured
that version control and the MANIFEST were in sync. He provided his
suggested version of a less eager, but still svn compatible test.
Further discussion thrashed out the various difference use cases for
manifest checking.

  More t/p6rules tests
Dino Morelli posted a bunch of tests for the Perl 6 rules. Well, he did
once he'd done battling his mailer's somewhat bizarre choice of MIME
type for his test files. Remember, if you're about to attach a .t file
to a message you send to the list, make sure your mailer doesn't declare
it to be an application/x-troff file -- text/plain is your fiend.

Patches were applied.

  Stressing the hash
Leo asked for some stress and bench mark tests for hashes because he was
in the process of redoing src/hash.c. Bob Rogers provided one.

This week's Perl 6 Summary

2003-09-01 Thread Piers Cawley
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20030831
Welcome to this week's Perl 6 summary. This week, for one week only I'm
going to break with a long established summary tradition. No, that
doesn't mean I won't be mentioning Leon Brocard this week. Nope, this
week we're going to start by discussing what's been said on the
perl6-language list this week.

Now that's out of the way, we'll continue with a summary of the
internals list.

  Continuation Passing is becoming the One True Calling Style
Jos Visser had some code that broke in an interesting fashion when
find_lex through an exception, so he asked the list about it. Leo
Tötsch explained that exceptions and old style subs don't play at all
well together. It seems to me that the total and utter deprecation of
subs using the old style calling conventions is not far distant.

  Embedding Parrot in Perl
Luke Palmer has started to learn XS in the service of his project to
embed Parrot in Perl. Unsurprisingly, he had a few questions. He got a
few answers.

  Implementing ISA
Leo Tötsch has implemented isa. The unfashionably lowercased chromatic
argued that what Leo had implemented should actually be called does.
Chris Dutton thought does should be an alias for has. Piers Cawley
thinks he might be missing something.

  More on constant PMCs and classes
Leo Tötsch's RFC on constant PMCs and classes from last week continued
to attract comments about possible interfaces and implementations.

  A miscellany of newbie questions
James Michael DuPont a bunch of questions and suggestions about bytecode
emission, the JIT and about possibly extracting the Parrot object system
into a separate library. Leo supplied answers.

  What the heck is active data?
Dan clarified what he'd meant when he talked about Active Data. His one
sentence definition being 'Active Data is data that takes some active
role in its use -- reading, writing, modifying, deleting or using in
some activity'. The consequences of such data are far reaching; even if
your code has no active data in it, Dan points out that you still have
to take the possibility into account, or solve the halting problem.

Benjamin Goldberg seemed to think that you didn't need to solve the
halting problem, you could just add scads of metadata to everything and
do dataflow analysis at compile time. I look forward with interest to
his implementation.

Matt Fowles wondered why active data necessitated keyed variants of all
the ops, asking instead why we couldn't have a prepkeyed op to return
an appropriate specialized PMC to use in the next op. Dan agreed that
such an approach was possible, but not necessarily very efficient. Leo
Tötsch disagreed with him though.

TOGoS wondered if this meant that we wouldn't know whether set Px, Py
did binding or morphing until runtime. (It doesn't. set always simply
copies a pointer). In an IRC conversation with Dan we realised that some
of this confusion arises from the fact that set_string and friends
behave as if they were called assign_string; to get the expected
set_string semantics you'd have to do:

new Px, .PerlUndef
set_string Px, some string

Hopefully this is going to get fixed.

  Mission haiku

Nicholas Clark
To make some kind of mark
Committed haiku.
Don't you.

Yes, I know that's not a haiku. It's a Clerihew. I suggest that anyone
else who feels tempted to perpetrate verse on list restrict themselves
to a sestina or a villanelle, or maybe a sonnet.

I also note that POD is a lousy format for setting poetry in.

  Jürgen gets De-Warnocked
Jürgen Bömmels had been caught on the horns of Warnock's Dilemma over a
patch he submitted a while back. It turns out that he'd been Warnocked
in part because both Leo and Dan thought he already had commit rights.
So that got fixed. Welcome to the ranks of Parrot committers Jürgen,
you've deserved it for a while.

  Parrot Z-machine
New face Amir Karger wants to write the Parrot Z-machine implementation
and had a few questions about stuff. So far he's been Warnocked.

Dan described how Parrot's notification system would work, and what that
means for weak references. Michael Schwern thought the outlined
notification system would also be awfully useful for debugger watch
expressions. Tim Bunce worried about some edge cases.

  MSVC++ complaints
Vladimir Lipskiy (who's been doing some stellar work recently on various
build issues amongst other things) found some problems trying to build
Parrot with MSVC

This Week's Perl 6 Summary

2003-08-14 Thread Piers Cawley
Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20030703
Ooh look, it's another Perl 6 summary. Doesn't that man ever take a
I think he took one last month. 
Is it in Esperanto this week? 
I don't think so. 
Does Leon Brocard get a mention? 
It certainly looks that way. 
Does it start with the internals list again? 
I think it does, in fact, here it comes now.

  Approaching Python
Discussions (and coding) of the Parrot implementation of Python
continued this week. Michal Wallace is working on taking a preexisting
(but incomplete, it's a proof of concept only) python parse tree -
parrot code generator and rejigging it to generate code for IMCC.
Assuming the initial rejig is doable, Michal surmises that getting a
complete python compiler will be 'just' a matter of fleshing out the
rest of the visitor methods, 'and then dealing with the C-stuff.'

Actually, the main strand of this discussion dealt with ways of
extending IMCC to help optimize the translation of stack based code to
code that uses registers more efficiently (register unspilling as
Benjamin Goldberg called it), which should help with any bytecode
translator based efforts.

  Semantics of clone for PIO-objects
Jürgen Bömmels' work on the Parrot IO system continues to find edge
cases in Parrot's memory management subsystem. As initially written, a
clone call adds a reference to a ParrotIO object, but that object is
neither garbage collected nor refcounted, and it gets destroyed when its
first reference is destroyed. The problem can be solved by allocating a
new ParrotIO in the clone call, but Jürgen had some questions about how
to handle various things like what to do with buffering or position

Jos Visser offered a suggestion involving indirection and reference
counting which met with (at least) Melvin Smith's approval.

  Making 'make' less verbose
Leo Tötsch checked in a patch to make make's output rather less verbose.
After the patch, the make process only echos the name of the file being
compiled, and doesn't spam your terminal with the entire compiler
commandline (the compiler warnings do that). Some people liked this.
Others didn't.

  Don't trace system areas in sweep ops
One of the things we discussed at the Parrot BOF was how to solve the
'bogus objects' problem when doing timely destruction sweeps (The 'bogus
objects' problem is when the stack walk code detects chimerical objects
through holes in the C stack (hmm... if anyone has a good drawing of
this?)). After much discussion we came to the conclusion that the trick
was to only walk the system stack during DOD (Dead Object Detection)
runs that got triggered via resource starvation.

This works because There is nothing unanchored and alive beyond the
runloop's stack. Brent Dax was impressed, but then, he wasn't at the
BOF so he doesn't know how long it took us to get to the answer.

  User defined events
Klaas-Jan Stol wondered if there would be some way of generating and
posting user defined events. Uri Guttman thought that there probably
would be.

The language implementation insanity continues!

Stephen Thorne announced that he's working on implementing a PHP parser
and is seriously considering targetting Parrot. He asked for pointers to
good docs on how to go about doing so. He worried a little about
bootstrapping as well.

Luke Palmer and Simon Glover were forthcoming with lots of useful
answers and pointers.

  Why Parrot uses Continuation Passing Style
In a delayed response to a question from Klaas-Jan Stol, Dan has posted
a long message on the reasons for choosing Continuation Passing Style as
Parrot's calling convention. It's definitely worth the read if you're at
all interested in the reasoning behind Parrot (and the reason that my
copy of *Perl 6 Essentials* has a signed correction from Dan).

  IMCC supports the Parrot Calling Conventions
Leo announced that IMCC's brand of assembler, PIR (I can't remember what
it stands for, Parrot Intermediate Representation perhaps). Of course,
there are things it doesn't quite do yet (tail call detection, only
preserving 'necessary' registers...) and it's somewhat lacking on the
test front, but it's a start. Yay Leo!

  Another task for the interested: Coverage
Dan threw out another 'task for the interested' this week. At present we
don't have a complete set of coverage tests for the parrot opcodes, nor
do we even know why opcodes do have coverage. Volunteers to fix this
state of affairs (start with a coverage report 

This week's Perl 6 Summary

2003-07-29 Thread Piers Cawley
Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20030727
Welcome to another in the ongoing series of Perl 6 summaries in which
your faintly frazzled summarizer attempts to find a native speaker of
Esperanto to translate this opening paragraph in honour of the huge
amount of money (1371 Euros) raised for TPF during the YAPC::Europe
auction, when the official language of both and's
websites were auctioned off as one lot. Somewhat to the surprise of
everyone, the winning bid was for Esperanto. As Jouke Visser just
commented on IRC, the price was well worth paying just to see the looks
of panic on the faces of Mark Fowler, Leon Brocard and other
worthies as the price of keeping the website English (and changing's website to English in the process) shot up beyond the reach
of their collective pocket.

Meanwhile, we'll return to English and start with the internals list as

Junior reporter: Mr Macmillan, what caused your greatest difficulties
in your time as UK Prime Minister?

Macmillan: Events dear boy, events.

Whilst I'm not sure Dan would fully agree with Macmillan, there was a
certain amount of concern about Events (well, event handling). Damien
Neil is still convinced that asynchronous IO is the Wrong Thing, but he
hasn't convinced Dan, and (in this at least) it's Dan's opinion that
counts. -- Dan ditches the cranky reply

  Memory system issues
Jürgen Bömmels' work on the aforementioned Asynchronous IO system means
that he's been getting rather more involved with the internals of
Parrot's memory allocation and Garbage Collection system than he
intended. He had a few questions, which Dan answered.

  Splitting core.ops
Brent Dax announced that the patch splitting core.ops into a slightly
more logical set of smaller files has been committed. This occasioned a
small flurry of discussion and a smaller flurry of patches to ensure
that all the new .ops files had their associated documentation files

  Parrot docs translated to Japanese
Koichi Sasada, a Japanese university student has translated the Parrot
Primer into Japanese and put it on his website. He wanted to know if he
could publicise the translation. This summary is (at least in part) his
answer. -- In English -- In Japanese

  PMC methods
Luke Palmer can't stop thinking of other ideas as he works on
implementing lazy PMCs. His latest idea relates to accessing methods on
PMCs without having to generate scads of new opcodes (Personally, I
don't see what's wrong with using the object stuff for getting both PMC
vtable (C) methods and methods that are implemented in Parrot itself.)
Luke proposed a few ops which he reckons will solve the problem.

  objects.t Failures
Simon Glover tracked down a problem with the objects.t test file that
had been failing on some, but not all platforms. It turns out that the
class_hash wasn't included as part of the root set, which meant that the
garbage collector could try to reclaim it before it got used. Which is
bad. He supplied a two line patch to fix the problem. Which is good.

Dan made with the D'oh!, commenting that he'd known he'd forgotten

  RFC: Cleaning up the ParrotIOLayer API
Jürgen Böemmels has reached a point in his redoing of the Parrot IO
subsystem that he wanted to remove and/or rename several of the old
methods so he posted an RFC explaining what he intended to do and asked
for comments. Gregor N. Purdy had some comments, mostly to do with the
data structures involved (with particular reference to strings) but
other than that there has been no further comment.

  Parrot Emits an Executable
Daniel Grunblatt checked in a patch to make parrot generate native
executables. There are caveats about what must be done in order to get a
working executable and the original patch needed to have a few wrinkles
ironed out, but this looks like a fantastic start to me.

  Approaching Python
Michael Wallace wondered about the issue of compiling python to parrot.
He wondered if it would be possible to make use of the existing Python
compiler module which generates python bytecode from a parse tree. He
wondered if it'd be worthwhile modifying it to generate parrot bytecode.
The discussion which followed covered various options for handling
Python code, ranging from bytecode transformation to translating the
source code into Perl 6 (which is probably the least likely to save Dan
from pie).

I'm not sure if a particular approach was chosen, but Michael 

Re: This week's Perl 6 Summary

2003-07-29 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Piers Cawley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Okay, okay, PONIE really stands for 'Perl On New Internal Engine'.

That's that what they say. Actually it was: PONIEPONIE:
Perl5 Obsoletes Nasty Internals Entirely:
Parrot Occupies Numerous Interpreters Everywhere
But that was to bulky. Or too many ponies, w/o any camels...

[ quote of the week ]

 Dan: I'm really bad at reading my mails Leo: You should at least read
 *my* mails Everyone: Hear! Hear! (or words to that effect)

s/read/please read/ - albeit the pronounciation of my above is ok ;-)

Piers, thanks again for doing these summaries  it was a great pleasure
to meet you »in personam«,


This week's Perl 6 Summary

2003-06-16 Thread Piers Cawley
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20030615
Welcome to the last Perl 6 Summary of my first year of summarizing. If I
were a better writer (or if I weren't listening with half an ear to
Damian telling YAPC about Perl 6 in case anything's changed) then this
summary might well be a summary of the last year in Perl 6. But I'm not,
so it won't. Instead, I'm going to try and keep it short (summaries
generally take me about 8 hours on an average day, and I really don't
want to lose 8 hours of YAPC thank you very much).

It's getting predictable I know, but we'll start with the internals list

  Class instantiation and creation
Dan continued slouching towards full OO and outlined the issues involved
with setting up classes and asked for people's opinions. People offered

  Writing Language Debuggers
Clinton Pierce wanted to know how to go about writing language level
debuggers in Parrot. (This man is unstoppable I tell you.) He offered
some example code to show what he was trying to do. Benjamin Goldberg
had a style suggestion for the code, but nobody had much to say about
Clint's particular issue.

  Converting Parrot to continuation passing style
A lot of this week's effort was involved in getting support for the
Continuation passing style function calling into Parrot. Jonathan
Sillito posted a patch. This lead to a certain amount of confusion about
what needs to be stashed in the continuation and a certain amount of
bemusement about the implications of caller saves rather than callee
saves (in a nutshell, a calling context only has to save those registers
that *it* cares about; it doesn't have to worry about saving any other
registers, because its callers will already have saved them if they

Dan ended up rewriting the calling conventions PDD to take into account
some of the confusion revealed.

I think the upshot of this is that the Parrot core now has everything we
need to support the documented continuation passing calling conventions.
But I could be wrong.

  Segfaulting IMCC for fun and profit
Clint Pierce's BASIC implementation efforts continue to be one of the
most effective bug hunting (in code and/or docs) efforts the Parrot team
has. This time, Clint managed to segfault IMCC by trying to declare
nested .subs using the wrong sorts of names. Leo Tötsch explained how
to fix the problem. It seems that fixing IMCC to stop it segfaulting on
this issue is hard, since the segfault happens at runtime.

  Passing the time
Clint's BASIC can now place chess! Not very well, but we're in 'dogs
dancing' territory here. Bravo Clint! There was applause.

Meanwhile in Damian's YAPC address...
  New DISPATCH method
Last week Ziggy worried about multimethod dispatch not being good
enough. This week at YAPC, Damian announced DISPATCH, a scary magic
subroutine which allows you to define your own dispatch rules.
Essentially it gets called before the built in dispatch rules, beyond
that, I know nothing.

Sorry, no link for this.

Meanwhile in perl6-language
  Ziggy's obsoleted thread
Last week I mentioned that Adam Turoff had worried a little about
multimethod dispatch, and wanted to know if it would be possible to
override the dispatch system in an easy way. This week, he outlines the
sorts of things he might want to do.

See above for the resolution. Details don't exist just yet, but we'll
get there.

  Type Conversion Matrix, Pragmas (Take 4)
Michael Lazzaro posted the latest version of his Type Conversion Matrix
and asked for comments and hopefully definitive answers. There was a
small about of discussion...

  Returning from a nested call
Whilst idly 'longing for the cleansing joy [of] Perl', Dave Storrs
wondered how/whether he could write a method that would return from its
caller. Answer: Yes, use leave.

  printf like formatting in interpolated strings
Edward Steiner wondered about having some way to to printf like
formatting of numbers in interpolated strings. Luke Palmer (who just
told me he's embarrassed about something I wrote about something he said
last week, but I'd forgotten it) came up with a cool looking suggestion
in response.

Acknowledgements, Announcements and Apologies
Well, that wraps up my first year of summary writing. Thanks to everyone
for reading, it's been fun.

I have one announcement to make: As of next week, there will be no
obligatory reference to Leon Brocard -- I'm getting bored of it, you all
must have been bored with it for months...

If you've appreciated this 

This week's Perl 6 Summary

2003-06-03 Thread Piers Cawley
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20030601
Another Monday, another Perl 6 Summary. Does this man never take a
holiday? (Yes, but only to go to Perl conferences this year, how did
that happen?)

We start with the internals list as usual.

  More on timely destruction
The discussion of how to get timely destruction with Parrot's Garbage
Collection system continued. Last week Dan announced that, for languages
that make commitments to call destructors as soon as a thing goes out of
scope, there would be a set of helpful ops to allow languages to trigger
conditional DOD (Dead Object Detection) runs at appropriate times.
People weren't desperately keen on the performance hit that this entails
(though the performance hit involved with reference counting is pretty
substantial...) but we didn't manage to come up with a better solution
to the issue.

  Bryan C. Warnock, patchmonster of the week
Bryan C. Warnock seems to be attempting to outdo Leo Tötsch in the
patchmonster stakes this week. He put in a miscellany of patches dealing
with the Perl based assembler, opcode sizes, debugging flags and
probably others. Most of them were applied with alacrity.

  The Perl 6 Essentials book
Dan Sugalski gave a rundown of how the Perl 6 Essentials book came
about, what's in it and all that jazz. He started by apologizing for not
mentioning it before, but he thought he had. This led Clint Pierce to
wonder if there was something up with Dan's Garbage Collection system.
The existence of the book probably goes some way to explaining Leo
Tötsch's relative silence over the last few weeks. Nicholas Clark
wondered if it explains why Parrot doesn't have objects yet. Brent Dax
wondered when it would be available (by OSCON this year apparently).

  IMCC, PASM and constants/macros
Clint Pierce had some big headaches with moving his BASIC interpreter
over to IMCC owing to problems with .constant which is legal for the
assembler, but not for IMCC. Leo Tötsch pointed Clint at IMCC's .const
operator. Bryan Warnock wondered if IMCC and the assembler's syntax
couldn't be unified. Leo noted that it wasn't quite that straightforward
because .constant declares an untyped constant, but .const requires
a type as well. It turns out that .const wasn't quite what Clint
needed, so Leo pointed him at .sym and .local which do seem to do
what he needs.

  3-arg opens
Bryan Warnock wondered if

open I3, temp.file, r

was valid code. Answer, no, the right way to do it is the Perlish open
I3, temp.file, . Jürgen Bömmels promised more and better
documentation for the Parrot IO system. Eventually.

  Smaller PMCs
Leo Tötsch's work on the new PMC layout continues apace. I'm afraid I
don't quite understand what's going on in this area, which does make it
rather tricky to summarize things. It seems to have a good deal to do
with memory allocation and garbage collection... Leo thinks that it's
the right thing, but there seem to be issues involved with good ways of
allocating zeroed memory.

  An experimental Wiki for parrot development
Mitchell N Charity has put up an experimental Wiki for Parrot and primed
it with a few things. Stéphane Payrard pointed out that it's rather hard
to make a WikiWord from, for example, PMC. (10 points to the first
person to email [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the expansion of PMC).

  IMCC packfile bug
While toying with, Luke Palmer discovered that it doesn't want
to play with IMCC generated .pbc files. Apparently this is because we
currently have two bytecode file formats. Leo Tötsch thought the problem
lay with which is old and slow and doesn't produce 'proper'
parrot bytecode. Leo also thought that the way worked wasn't
actually any use. Dan reckoned the time had come to ditch
too, and reckoned there was a case for renaming IMCC as parrot since it
can run either .pbc or assembly files. Leo liked the idea, but is
concerned about the state of the Tinderbox.

  Method Calling
Dan tantalized all those waiting eagerly for objects in Parrot by
discussing how to make method calls. This, of course, means a few new
ops, called findmeth, callmeth and callccmeth for the time being.
Jonathan Sillito had a few naming consistency issues with the ops. Dan
agreed there were issues and asked for suggestions for an opcode naming

  Simple Constant Propagation in IMCC
Matt Fowles posted a patch to add simple constant propagation to IMCC.
Essentially this means that, say

set I0, 5
set I1, 2
set I2, I1
add I2, I0


Re: This week's Perl 6 Summary

2003-03-31 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Monday, March 31, 2003, at 07:39  AM, Piers Cawley wrote:
  Argument initializations
Michael Lazzaro summarized the various different and proposed 
operators available in Perl 6, including a proposed ::= for 'only
assign to uninitialized variables'. Michael wondered how these 
could be
used in method signatures and proposed some changes to the 
system as set out in Apocalypse 6. People were dubious about this, 
Damian saying I don't think that allowing 20 different types of
assignment in the parameter list of a subroutine actually helps at 
I'm not sure Michael is convinced yet.
Nah, I'm convinced that nobody likes the 
putting-more-initializers-in-the-sig idea, so it can die.  And I'm 
convinced that we can't use ::= for the purpose of if-uninitialized, 
because it's not consistent with the other meaning.

I'm still hoping rather desperately for a if-uninitialized op in 
general, even if only for hashes, because the difference between 
present but undefined and not present is rather crucial for some 
common algorithms.  But I have no idea what to propose calling it, 
which is a bit of a pickle.  :-/

   $h{ k } = 'blah'; # always
   $h{ k } //= 'blah';   # if not defined
   $h{ k } ///= 'blah';  # if not exists ???

Re: This week's Perl 6 Summary

2003-03-31 Thread Jonathan Scott Duff
On Mon, Mar 31, 2003 at 10:09:43AM -0800, Michael Lazzaro wrote:
 I'm still hoping rather desperately for a if-uninitialized op in 
 general, even if only for hashes, because the difference between 
 present but undefined and not present is rather crucial for some 
 common algorithms.  

Can you give some examples?

Jonathan Scott Duff

Re: This week's Perl 6 Summary

2003-03-31 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Monday, March 31, 2003, at 10:15  AM, Jonathan Scott Duff wrote:

On Mon, Mar 31, 2003 at 10:09:43AM -0800, Michael Lazzaro wrote:
I'm still hoping rather desperately for a if-uninitialized op in
general, even if only for hashes, because the difference between
present but undefined and not present is rather crucial for some
common algorithms.
Can you give some examples?
Sure, edited slightly from my last mail...

I suppose my own most common example is a hash representing a cache... 
it's entirely possible for Cundef to be calculated and cached, but 
that doesn't mean the cache entry is invalid and should be 
recalculated every time -- a nonextant key would mean the cache entry 
is invalid.

$cache.{ $key } = foo($key)# (1)
if not exists $cache.{ $key };
$cache.{ $key };
In my own experiences, code similar to the above is awfully common.  
An assign-if-not-present form (at least for hashes, but in a magical 
fairy world, for arrays/params/whatever, too) such as:

  $cache.{ $key } ///= foo($key); # (2)

would be a lot cleaner, and maybe a little faster, since it's testing 
C$cache.{ $key } once instead of -- what, 2.5 or 3 times, I guess, 
depending on how you count it?
There are other examples -- working with external data sources, 
primarily -- but they pretty much always boil down to the same general 
concept.  I basically want the shortest, *fastest* possible way to say 
the caching code above given above.


Re: This week's Perl 6 Summary

2003-03-31 Thread arcadi shehter
Piers Cawley writes:
is static?
  Discussion of static/state variables continued. Arcadi Shehter wondered
  if it made sense to attach but properties to closures. I confess I
  didn't really understand what he was driving at. Austin Hastings and

Actually, I was confused , thinking that state declare trait (is
property ) of the closure , and that could explain examples before
that letter in the thread. But then it became clear that state declare
property ( but property ) of the closure - in the sence that it is born
anew every time closure is created. But then , it is still unclear ,
how one should look at closure - as a variable , as a value , or both. 

also , From the post of Larry Wall , 

state $a = INIT/FIRST/ENTER/... { ... } ;

force evaluation of the whole closure at the time prescribed by

this is similar to  behaviour in perl5: 

sub a{ my $x  = shift ; my $y ; return sub { INIT{$y=1}; $x+$y } } 
print a(1)-(), a(2)-() ; #print 22

so , yes, state creates but property of the closure , but its
initialization  controlls when and how many times that closure will be 


This week's Perl 6 Summary

2003-03-31 Thread Piers Cawley
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20030330
Welcome once again to the gallimaufry that is a Perl 6 summary.
Unfettered this week by the presence of feline distraction we plunge
straight into the crystal clear waters of perk6-internals.

  Iterator proof of concept
People must really like Leo Tötsch's Iterator proposal and patch. There
was only one comment about it this week (from Leo, so I'm not sure if it
counts) asking for thoughts about a possible Ref or Reference class.

Zach Lipton announced that he has Bonsai up and running on the Parrot
CVS repository. This gives us a shiny new way of looking at the history
of the distribution. Thanks Zach.

  BASIC, IMCC and Windows
Clinton A Pierce had problems trying to get IMCC building correctly
under Win32 in order to generate a binary distribution for the win32
platform. He finally brought up a working IMCC on Friday and asked for
comments about what a binary distribution should look like.

Inspired by the argument processing in Leon Brocard's uniq(1)
implementation, Jonathan Scott Duff presented a getopt macro for Parrot
programmers. Benjamin Goldberg had a few suggestions about how to make
things a little more flexible.

  Patch to examples/assembly/cat.pasm
Paul Duncan offered a patch to examples/assembly/cat.pasm which would
cause it to terminate when it received a ctrl-D.

  IMCC and scientific notation
Having got IMCC working in a win32 environment, Clinton A Pierce
discovered that IMCC didn't understand scientific notation, but the
parrot assembler does. Leo Tötsch pointed out that it sort of does, but
instead of 1e20 you have to write 1.e20. Joseph Ryan wondered if
handling scientific notation wasn't really a job for individual
compilers, but Clint and Mark Biggar explained why this wasn't a good
idea. As Mark said, in a world with BigFloats you don't want to have to
expand 1e2048 into a 2049 character string if you can possibly help it.

  RT spam
Someone claiming to be Marla Hurley crawled out from under a stone and
took it upon themselves to offer credit to the perl6 RT installation.
Thanks. We needed that.

Meanwhile, over in perl6-language
The language list was again busier than the internals list this week,
but volume has fallen on both lists. (If you don't count an off topic
thread on the internals list, which I haven't, there were only 22
messages there this week. And very few patches from Leopold Tötsch, I
hope he's all right.)

  is static?
Discussion of static/state variables continued. Arcadi Shehter wondered
if it made sense to attach but properties to closures. I confess I
didn't really understand what he was driving at. Austin Hastings and
Larry saw something in it, and the question shifted to ways of doing
state variable initialization, which in turn led to possible changes in
the various control of flow keywords. As Larry pointed out, if you have
a static variable:

   state $variable

Then, assuming that you need 'undef' to be a possible value for your
variable, you need some way of doing once and only one initialization of
that variable.

   state $variable;
   ONCE_AND_ONLY_ONCE { $variable = $initial_value };

The problem is that INIT and CHECK blocks happen too early; in the code
above, $initial_value may well not be set, if your state variable is set
up inside a closure this becomes even more likely. Larry reckons that
the most useful initialization semantics appear to be 'just in time'. In
other words you want initialization to happen on the first actual call
to a closure. But FIRST {...} is already taken, so Larry is
considering renaming FIRST and LAST to ENTER and LEAVE, freeing up FIRST
to mean my very first time. Freudian analysis was discouraged.

  Argument initializations
Michael Lazzaro summarized the various different and proposed assignment
operators available in Perl 6, including a proposed ::= for 'only
assign to uninitialized variables'. Michael wondered how these could be
used in method signatures and proposed some changes to the signature
system as set out in Apocalypse 6. People were dubious about this, with
Damian saying I don't think that allowing 20 different types of
assignment in the parameter list of a subroutine actually helps at all.
I'm not sure Michael is convinced yet.

Michael Lazzaro asked if anyone was actually working on P6ML (a project
name that popped up last week in the 'XML is too hard for Programmers'
thread) and if there was any idea of what such a project would 

This week's Perl 6 Summary

2003-03-18 Thread Piers Cawley
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20030316
Spring is in the air, the Apocalypse is here (or imminent, depending on
which sense of the word 'Apocalypse' you are using). We'll start with
perl6-internals as usual, before bracing ourselves for the increased
volume and ploughing on into perl6-language.

  Object Spec
Dan's 3rd try at the Objects and Classes spec received a very small
amount of further discussion this week. What there was mostly touched on
the boundary between where the line is drawn between parrot's object
system and a particular language's object system. The inference I draw
from all this is that the next Object spec will be the final(ish) Parrot
Object spec.

  Parrot 0.0.10
Steve Fink instituted a Parrot feature freeze in the run up to 0.0.10 at
the end of last week, aiming for a release on Saturday the 15th of March
and noted that he was leaning toward Juice as a code name (punning on
Leo Tötsch's work on the imcc -Oj optimizations). David Cuny pointed
out that there was already a virtual machine called Juice and suggested
a whole list of possible code names. Leo Tötsch reckoned that calling it
'Juice' would be 'too much honour' and suggested a list of anagrams of
'Parrot ten'. (Partner to, Par Rotten or Tarte porn anyone?).

It looks like we missed the release on the 15th, but Steve announced a
release candidate on the 16th, in expectation of a release on the 17th. -- Feature freeze -- Release candidate announced

  languages/BASIC reorg
Clinton A Pierce announced that he'd reorganized the languages/BASIC
subtree into 'compiled' and 'interpreted' subtrees and noted that he was
very impressed with the improvements in Parrot's speed and memory
management. Leo Tötsch pointed out a few issues with MANIFEST and the
need for a Makefile, and wondered if Clinton had run things through

  The Judy algorithm
Tim Bunce pointed everyone at the Judy dynamic array code on Sourceforge
and wondered if it would be useful for Parrot. (Judy is a high speed
dynamic array implementation optimized for modern processor
architectures apparently). Leo Tötsch thought it looked interesting and
suggested that someone try wrapping Judy up in a PMC and running some
performance tests. Elizabeth Mattijsen went and took a look and reported
some issues with memory leakage and worried that the project looked
'silent'. Tim mailed her concerns to Judy's author who addressed them in
his reply and admitted that he wasn't that good at keeping the website
up to date. He said that Judy had been 'tested carefully not to have
leakage' and wondered if it might have been an issue with the tool Liz
used to do the testing.

I await further developments with interest. If Judy can be made to work,
it looks jolly quick.

  Yet another iterator proposal
Leo Tötsch posted a request for comments on what he called 'yet another
iterator proposal'. Nobody commented. I wonder if this means everyone
liked it.

  Parrot for Windows
Benjamin Goldberg wondered if there were any precompiled parrot binaries
for Win32 available as he wants to be able to test parrot code without
the current weird rites he has to go through (see his post for details).
Clinton A Pierce put a snapshot build up on his site temporarily for
Benjamin to download. Robert Spier offered space on
for a windows build when the next release comes out which Dan thought
would be really cool. Dan also wondered about making an automated build
farm but I think he may have a tuit shortage when it comes time to
actually implement it. Joshua Hoblitt also offered to host binaries on
his CPAN mirror. Clint said he'd be happy to make milestone binaries and
wondered if there was a standard way such a distribution should be put

  Moving to PIO
Jürgen Bömmels continued to make Dan happy by moving more file related
opcodes from STDIO to Parrot's PIO libraries. The latest ops to get his
attention were open and close. Dan did a happy dance and applied the
patch before wondering if we were subject to a code freeze (I don't
think so; it was feature freeze time).

  IMCC and PDD03 (Calling conventions)
Leo has been thinking some more about the parrot calling conventions
described in Parrot Design Document 3 and worried that they can't
actually be done. He proposed reducing the number of parameters that can
be passed in registers in order to take pressure off the 

megillah (was Re: This week's Perl 6 Summary)

2003-03-18 Thread Uri Guttman
 PC == Piers Cawley [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  PC To do that you need to declare the parameter with is
  PC copy. Uri noted that he really should keep his finger off the
  PC send button until he's read the whole 'megilla', whatever one
  PC of those is.

it is appropriate that today is purim, which is the holiday that
celebrates the story of queen esther and mordachai's victory over the
evil haman. the book of esther is one of the 5 books in the bible that
were traditionally written on a single scroll which is called a
megillah. the torah (5 books of moses) on the other hand is written on a
double scroll where you wind up on one spindle and unwind from another

so megillah really just means a type book and is used colloquially as i
did above.


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- Stem and Perl Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding 
Search or Offer Perl Jobs
Damian Conway Perl Classes - January 2003 --

Re: megillah (was Re: This week's Perl 6 Summary)

2003-03-18 Thread Austin Hastings

--- Uri Guttman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  PC == Piers Cawley [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   PC To do that you need to declare the parameter with is
   PC copy. Uri noted that he really should keep his finger off
   PC send button until he's read the whole 'megilla', whatever
   PC of those is.
 it is appropriate that today is purim, which is the holiday that
 celebrates the story of queen esther and mordachai's victory over the
 evil haman. the book of esther is one of the 5 books in the bible
 were traditionally written on a single scroll which is called a
 megillah. the torah (5 books of moses) on the other hand is written
 on a
 double scroll where you wind up on one spindle and unwind from
 so megillah really just means a type book and is used colloquially as
 i did above.

The stuff I learn on this list amazes me.

Thanks, Uri.


Re: This week's Perl 6 Summary

2003-03-11 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Piers Cawley wrote:

  Coroutines end and DFG

Nobody explained what DFG stands for.

It's a commonly used TLA standing for Data Flow Graph, which accompanies 
the CFG (Control Flow Graph). Both are necessary for register allocation.


This week's Perl 6 Summary

2003-03-11 Thread Piers Cawley
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20030309
Ooh look, it's another of those Perl 6 Summaries where Piers tries to
work a gratuitous reference to Leon Brocard into a summary of what's
been happening to the Perl 6 development process this week.

As tradition dictates, we'll start with all the action from

  Object Specs
With his great good taste and impeccable timing, Dan Sugalski managed to
release his second draft of an Object spec at 22.27 GMT on Sunday March
the second. Which meant that, strictly, the root message of this thread
doesn't belong in this summary. To which I say 'Tosh!'

Brent Dax wondered how this spec coped with classless OO languages like
JavaScript and whether such languages would have to fake things with
anonymous classes. It seems that faking it is going to the 'right' way.

Erik Bagfors asked for a clear example of the difference between
attributes and properties, and between class and object variables. Dan
didn't actually offer an example, but explained that properties are
'runtime assigned name values pairs that are stuck on a variable', while
attributes 'correspond to instance variables or slots in other object

Dave Whipp wondered about the semantics of creation and destruction of
objects with a long list of questions. Dan replied that there was a
'Class Spec' forthcoming at some point too. The Object spec concerns
itself with 'just the behaviour of objects that already exist'.

Some further discussion of this happened in perl6-language, but Dan
dragged it back into perl6-internals. I shall follow his example by
summarizing those subthreads here, whilst muttering rude words under my
breath about people make a poor summarizer's life so hard.

Garrett Goebel (not Göbel, as I mistakenly spelt it last week) wondered
about serialization and persistence and wondered whether a 'pure Parrot'
serialization scheme would be possible, allowing one to serialize Perl,
Python, Ruby etc objects at the Parrot level. Dan pointed out that there
were freeze and thaw vtable entries for PMCs, and said that he had
some 'sketches of necessary core functionality to make it feasible'. It
looks like simple 'data objects' will be simple to serialize at the
parrot level.

Sam Vilain suggested a whole bunch of extra things to be associated with
Objects. Dan noted that all of Sam's suggestions were actually things
that belonged with Classes rather than objects, with the exception of
what Sam referred to as 'associations'. Garret asked for some
clarification of what Sam was talking about, tying it to something Sam
had said in perl6-language about 'exporting object relationships in a
sensible and consistent manner', so Sam did a brain dump which outlined
a scheme for persisting almost anything in a language neutral manner
(requiring more or less complicity on the part of some languages) with
loads of neat ideas in it. Dan liked the ideas, but isn't going to go
the whole way (probably). Dan also implied that Parrot's
serialize/deserialize methods would make use of the GC system to make
sure that everything gets dumped properly, once and only once, solving
the problem of cyclic references (YAY! An OO Persistence tool writer

Dan released the next iteration of his tentative object spec on Sunday
(but a little earlier this time). He and Uri Guttman spent the rest of
the day thrashing out some issues and clarifying some terminology. Dan
is threatening a glossary with the next try at an object spec.

(Dan just suggested on IRC that I summarize these threads as 'Dan
muttered incoherently about objects again. Folks generally humored him.'
Which I would never do of course; I'm English and I know how to spell
'humour'.) -- Object spec (try 2) -- Garrett's first question -- Sam Vilain's suggestions -- Garrett asks for clarity -- Sam's brain dump. -- Object Spec (try 3)

  IMCC and multiple source files
K Stol wondered whether it was possible to write multi-file IMCC
programs. Leopold Tötsch answered that, whilst there's no Parrot linker
as yet, but by the time we read his post we could use the .include
macro to glue source files together.

  Patch Roundup
Jason Gloudon added some more ops to the sun4 JIT core. His patch was
applied, along with most of Steve Peters' patches from last week. Jürgen
Bömmels patched the print ops to use pure PIO (Parrot IO) rather than a
scary stdio/PIO hybrid. Dan applied this one with alacrity (I 

Re: This week's Perl 6 Summary [OT]

2003-03-11 Thread Paul

--- Leopold Toetsch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Piers Cawley wrote:
Coroutines end and DFG
  Nobody explained what DFG stands for.
 It's a commonly used TLA standing for Data Flow Graph, which
 accompanies the CFG (Control Flow Graph). Both are necessary
 for register allocation.

So what's a TLA? :)
btw, great work general! ;o]

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This week's Perl 6 Summary

2003-02-17 Thread Piers Cawley
The Perl 6 summary for the week ending 20030216
Welcome to the all new, entirely unaltered, all singing, all dancing
Perl 6 summary. Your beacon of reliability in the crazy world that is
Perl 6 design and development.

Another quiet week. Even quieter than last week in fact, unless my mail
spent some of the time up the spout, but I don't think so.

So, as is traditional, we kick off with perl6-internals

  CGP - The Computed Goto Prederefed Runloop
Last week I mentioned that nobody seemed to have commented on Dan's bet
with Guido van Rossum that Parrot would outperform Python by OSCON 2004.
(I also missed the fact that the penalty for losing the bet now involves
cream pies as well as $10 and a round of drinks...). After I posted the
summary to the mailing lists, Leopold Tötsch informed me that he had
commented indirectly by announcing his new, improved, ludicrously quick
runloop that combines computed GOTOs and predereferencing. Whatever that

This week, Leo and Nicholas Clark worked out how to combine the
blistering pace of the JIT core (for operations that had been translated
into hand hacked machine code) with the blistering pace of the CGP
runloop (for the other ops). As far as I can tell, this involved turning
the idea 'inside out', the VM actually starts up running JIT compiled
code and calls out to the CGP core to execute non-JITable sequences of
ops. The numbers for this approach look fantastic (quite stunningly
quick...) So Leo checked it in. -- Some numbers -- Check in notice

  Optimized runloops and threading issues
Last week we were reminded that JIT and predereferenced runloops don't
work in a threaded environment. This week Jerome Vouillon pointed out an
approach that looks like it could fix that (it seemed to convince Leo).
Dan (possibly playing mail catchup) said he was okay with having to fall
back to the old fast core (as opposed to the current, stupidly fast
core) in the presence of threads, but Leo seem to think that, using
Jerome's scheme we'll be able to have our cake, eat it and still throw
the cream pie at the Python team. Huzzah!

  keyed_int issues
Leo Tötsch had wondered about why {get,set}_type_keyed_int vtable
methods needed to take an INTVAL* value instead of a plain INTVAL as
it introduced some possibly unneeded conditional code, a stack variable
for the key and made life hard for JIT code. It looks like the pointer
is a holdover from an early approach to doing multidimensional keyed

  Changes to the calling convention and other fallout
Dan returned from the Sebastapol Perl 6 meeting with a few announcements
and one change in the parrot calling convention (how many calling
conventions have we had now?).

  Macro support in IMCC
Jürgen Bömmels announced that he'd implemented macro expansion in IMCC
(Yay Jürgen!). Leo liked it, but requested a few changes before he'd
check it in, so hopefully, some time soon the mainline IMCC will have
macros, which is very nice.

Meanwhile, in perl6-language
Almost all the discussion was about the difference between arrays and
lists. Deborah Ariel Pickett came up with a good list of questions about
arrays and array references in scalar and list contexts, which Michael
Lazzaro answered (very neatly I thought) with a list of their different
contextual behaviours. Deborah extended Michael's list to hashes and
hashrefs in a reasonably obvious way. Smylers came up with a possible
new sigquote (after paraphrasing): We should limit new features to
those that arise from a desire for the functionality rather than a
desire to use up 'spare' syntax. (Okay, it's not exactly *snappy*, but
I think it's important). -- Deborah's questions -- Michael's answers

And that wraps it up for the language list. I'm sure it'll pick up again
soon though. There are rumours of a draft apocalypse in the next couple
of weeks, and presumably that implies a real apocalypse soon after.
Assuming we haven't had another kind of Apocalypse in the mean time.

Announcements, Acknowledgements and AnotherWordBeginningWithA
This week's summary was again prepared in the comfy chair with
surprisingly few distractions apart from the late arrival of mail from
Leon Brocard announcing that he'd implemented a brainf*ck compiler in
brainf*ck, but that didn't really happen this week so I've got no excuse
for mentioning Leon's name in this 

This week's Perl 6 Summary

2003-02-11 Thread p6summarizer
  The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20030209
Welcome to the latest Perl 6 summary, your handy cut out and keep guide
to the goings on in the crazy world of Perl 6 design and development.

It's been a rather quiet week this week; only 75 messages in
perl6-internals and a mere 57 in perl6-language. So, at least it's

We start off, as is traditional, with perl6-internals

  The 2004 Performance challenge
Dan announced that he'd made a bet with Guido van Rossum that Parrot
would be faster at executing a pure python benchmark of some sort to be
determined. The details of the challenge will be announced at OSCON 2003
and the results at OSCON 2004. Dan stands to lose $10 and a round of
beer for the Zope/Pythonlabs folks. (Dunno how many of them there are
though...). We don't know what he stands to win yet, but I'd hope 'beers
from each of the Zope/Pythonlabs folks' are included.

For some reason nobody commented on this.

  More Parrot Objects
Jerome Quelin wondered how Parrot objects would handle property
inheritance. Dan pointed out that properties don't get inherited and
Jerome realised he meant to ask about attribute inheritance. Attributes
*are* inherited but are mostly invisible to any methods but the methods
of the class that defines the attributes (though they will be accessible
(presumably through reflection)).

In another subthread, we got confused by multimethods. -- Multimethods

  Bytecode Metadata
James Michael DuPont wanted to know what had been decided about Bytecode
metadata and outlined the things that he'd like to know about a given
bytecode. Leo Tötsch reckoned that what James wanted was either in the
bytecode right now, or was handleable by the framework that was in
place. He pointed James to docs/parrotbyte.pod in the Parrot

Further discussions centred on the *amount* of metadata and whether this
would affect loading speed and efficiency, or get in the way of the
desired 'mmap and go' principle. Jürgen Bömmels pointed out that we also
had to be capable of passing meta data from a compiler 'through' IMCC
and on to the final bytecode. There was also a touching reunion between
James Michael DuPont and Gopal V. Ah...

  Multi programming language questions
Phil Hassey has been lurking, fascinated on the internals list for a
couple of months. This week he broke the silence by asking a couple of
questions about cross language function dispatch, string compatibility
and global scopes. For instance, PHP, Common Lisp and others are case
insensitive about functions. Which is okay when you're calling such a
function from a case sensitive language, but can be tricky if you call
out from a case insensitive to a case sensitive language. Dan thought
that there wasn't going to be much that could be done about this problem
(at least, not transparently) but seems to think that the other issues
raised shouldn't be too problematic.

  Random questions
David popped up and, after remarking on the amount of progress Parrot
had made since he last looked at it, had a few questions about various
bits and pieces. Leo and Dan provided a bunch of good answers.

  A Scheme for extending core.ops
Leo Tötsch seems to have got bored of 'just' being the Patch Monster and
has been producing some discussion documents proposing all sorts of
useful tricks for improving the design/speed/extensibility of Parrot's
internals. This week he turned his attention to core.ops. His plan
involves a way of reducing the size of core_ops, improving cache
locality and generally solving a raft of problems I didn't even know
Parrot had. His new scheme allows for a small core.ops, easy extension
and no execution speed penalty for non core ops. As is usual with Leo's
stuff, the scheme came with code. Gregor had a bunch of observations and
suggestions and he and Leo thrashed out a slightly modified scheme for
going forward.

  Week of the alternative runloops
Leo Tö offered a couple of different core runloops this week. First up
was the Computed Goto Prederefed (CGP) runloop which, essentially
combined a two runloop optimization techniques to provide what can only
be described as massive speedups. The -O3 compiled version ran
parrot_mops 6 times faster than the basic 'fast_core' and more than 3
times faster than the previous fastest core. People were impressed.

A few days later, Leo reached into his bag of tricks and pulled out the
CSwitch runloop that did 

This week's Perl 6 Summary

2003-01-27 Thread Piers Cawley
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20030126
Welcome to the first Perl 6 summary of the new 'Copious Free Time
enabled' era, which should mean that these summaries will get mailed out
on Monday evening from now on.

We start, as usual, with perl6-internals

  The eval patch
Leopold Tötsch continued to work on making eval and its associated
operators work and asked for some opinions about a problem he was having
with jumps between code segments. Jason Gloudon played sounding board
and the two of them found a way forward.

  The Parrot crashes
Dan announced that Parrot was crashing big time under (at least) OS X,
throwing segfaults in the NCI mark routine. Other people contributed
reports of what was happening on their platform and Leo Tötsch tried to
track down the error, working on the assumption that it was something to
do with his eval patch as that was the last patch that had gone in.

Later in the week Dan realised that part of the problem with OS X was a
problem with imclexer.c, an autogenerated file being generated with bad
code. Leo reckoned it was a problem with something having been multiply
defined, which had since been fixed.

Still later in the week, Steve Fink offered some analysis on the NCI
mark routine and a patch which attempted to fix the problems he saw with
it. Leo reckoned that the patch wasn't quite right, but the analysis was
good and used that to fix the problem and discovered in the process that
the parrot build process's dependency analysis wasn't quite up to the
mark. (I don't think there's a fix for that yet, but at least we know
the problem exists...)

  Compiling to Parrot
K Stol is looking for a final project for his Bachelor's degree and
would like to implement some language targeting Parrot and asked for
suggestions. Simon Wistow suggested PHP or Lua, Leon Brocard suggested
Java (though Gopal V wasn't sure that was such a good idea just yet).
Dan suggested that, just because someone else was already working on a
TCL compiler it didn't mean it wasn't worth trying anyway, but
apparently it would have been unlikely to get approval as a Bachelor's
project. There was some further discussion of Lua and whether there
would be any real point in implementing it and the thread died down
before Mr Stol told anyone what he'd decided to do, which was rather a
shame I thought.

  Extending the packfile format
Some months ago, Jürgen Bömmels offered a patch to extend the Parrot
packfile format whilst retaining backward compatibility. This week,
after a little modification, Leo Tötsch applied it. James Mastros
wondered if it didn't make sense (at least before parrot 1.0) to ignore
backward compatibility issues and just make it right. Leo and Dan
agreed, but Leo pointed out that, at least until the switch from to IMCC was complete, maintaining backward compatibility was
the right thing. (So, if you're currently using to assemble
your language, consider moving it to IMCC sooner rather than later).

  The long running Objects thread
Discussions continued. A good deal of time this week was spent
discussing the overrideablility (there's got to be better word than
that...) of OO method dispatch for different languages (and at a
language level too I hope -- I like flexibility). Python for instance
seems to require that every step in the process be subject to override.
Dan pointed out that dispatch would end up being implemented as vtable
methods on per language Object PMCs so that messages from one language's
objects to another's would use the target language's dispatch rules.
Which seems rather cute (in a good way). -- Christopher Armstrong talks
about Python -- Dan on how it works.

  Intersegment branching
Leo Tötsch added a new opcode for intersegment branches, called
branch_cs which was his implementation of the fix that he and Jason
Gloudon had discussed while talking about problems with eval. Dan
didn't think Parrot needed this and that we could just use a plain jump.
Leo pointed out that there were several places where this didn't quite
work, especially in the presence of JIT optimization. Dan didn't think
that didn't mean it wouldn't work, but reckoned that the cases Leo
pointed out were reasons he wanted to see intersegment jumps mediated by
subroutine calls. Leo followed up to this with an example. I can't for
the life 

This week's Perl 6 summary

2003-01-22 Thread p6summarizer
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20030119
Summary time again, damn but those tuits are hard to round up. Guess,
what? perl6-internals comes first. 141 messages this week versus the
language list's 143.

  Objects (again)
Objects were still very much on everyone's mind as the discussions of
Dan's initial thoughts about objects in Parrot continued. Jonathan
Sillito put up a list of questions about Dan's original message which
Dan answered promptly. Down the thread a little Dan mentioned that he
hoped Parrot's objects would serve, reasonably unmodified for a bunch of
languages (ie, he hoped that there wouldn't be a requirement for
PythonRef/Attr/Class/Object etc), Chris Armstrong thought that, given
what Dan had outlined so far, that wouldn't be straightforward. Dan
thanked him for throwing a spanner in the works, asking for more details
which Chris provided.

Meanwhile Jonathan had some supplementary questions... Hmm... doing this
blow by blow will take forever. Suffice to say that details are being
thrashed out. At one point Dan's head started to spin as terminology
mismatches started to bite, leading Nicholas Clark to suggest an
entirely new set of terms involving houses and hotels (but with some
serious underpinnings). -- thread root, from last week. -- Jonathan's questions -- Chris throws a spanner -- Nicholas tries for a
  monopoly on silliness

  Optimizing and per file flags
Nicholas Clark wrote about requiring the ability to adjust compiler
optimization flags on a per file basis (brought up by Dan on IRC
apparently) and proposed a scheme. Quote of the thread (and quite
possibly the year so far): When unpack is going into an infinite loop
on a Cray 6000 miles away that you don't have any access to, there isn't
much more you can do. Thanks for that one Nick.

  The draft todo/worklist
Dan posted his current todo/worklist, which he described as reasonably
high level, and a bit terse. I particularly liked the last entry
Working Perl 5 parser. Surprisingly, there was very little discussion,
maybe everyone liked it.

  Parrot Examples
Joe Yates asked if we could add a helloworld.pasm to
parrot/examples/assembly. Joseph Guhlin wondered what was so special

print Hello, world\n

that it would need a file of its own (though he did forget the end in
his post, and segfaults are not really what you want in sample code).

  Thoughts on infant mortality (continued)
Jason Gloudon posted a wonderfully clear exposition of the problems
facing anyone trying to implement a portable, incremental garbage
collector for Parrot which sparked a small amount of discussion and
muttering from Dan about the temptation to program down to the metal.

  Operators neg and abs in core.ops
Bernhard Schmalhofer posted an enormous patch adding neg and abs
operators to core.ops. There were a few issues with the patch so it
hasn't gone in yet and an issue with what underlying C functions are
available reared its head too.

  The eval patch
Leo Tötsch seems to have spent most of the week working on getting
eval working and he opened a ticket on to track what's
happening with it. The response to this can be summarized as 'Wow!

Once more, for Googlism, Leopold Toetsch is my hero.

  Pretty Pictures
Mitchell N Charity posted some pretty pictures that he'd generated with
doxygen and graphviz. Most of the responses to this suggested he use
different tools. Ah well.

  Solaris tinderbox failures
Andy Dougherty created an RT ticket for the Solaris tinderbox, which
have been failing with the delightfully useful 'PANIC: Unknown signature
type and wondered if things could be fixed up to be a little more
informative. Apparently it was as issue with Leo's recently checked in
eval patch. So Leo fixed it.

  Parrot compilers
Cory Spencer wondered about how the current compilers that target parrot
work, noting that they seem to be duplicating a good deal of labour, and
wondered if anyone had worked on a gcc like framework with a
standardized Abstract Syntax Tree (AST). Everyone pointed him at IMCC.
Gopal V also pointed out that, given the variety of implementation
languages (C, Perl, Parrot...) 

This week's Perl 6 summary

2002-12-24 Thread Piers Cawley
The Perl Summary for the week ending 20021222
Hello, good morning and welcome to the Christmas edition of the Perl 6
summary. For some reason I have convinced myself to sit here on
Christmas Eve writing a summary for all you crazy kids out there who
hang on my every word. Plus, it beats wrapping all the presents and last
minute panic shopping.

So, let's get perl6-internals out of the way first.

  The Road to 0.0.9
The first half of the week saw a feature freeze in the run up to the
release of Parrot 0.0.9, so people spent their time trying to track down
and fix various tinderbox issues and other bugs.

Steve Fink worked on trying to get the NCI (Native Call Interface) tests
to work properly.

Simon Glover and Leo Tötsch worked on tracking down a GC bug that was
causing problems for the scratchpad tests.

Andy Dougherty is having problems getting languages/perl6 to pass its
tests. Apparently part of the problem is that the undef function isn't
fully defined.

Andy also found problems with sprintf and 64 bit INTVALs (fixed by Brent
Dax), PMCs and 64 bit INTVALs (fixed by Leo Tötsch), PerlHashes and
gcc-2.95.3 and 2.8.1 on Solaris (confirmed as a problem with other
versions of gcc on Solaris by Joshua Hoblitt), dependency issues between
Jako and IMCC from a clean directory and problems with the Jako life

Bruce Gray sent a pile of fixes for Win32 systems, covering GC and build

  Compiling to ParrotVM
Klaas-Jan Stol is thinking of writing a compiler that targets Parrot for
his Bachelor's in Computer Science, probably a TCL compiler, and he
asked for suggestions and tips.

David Robins made a few suggestions and pointed out that parrot is a
moving target. Dan protested that it wasn't moving that much (If I
'adn't nailed it to the perch, it'd've muscled up to them bars and...
VOOM!) and said that he thought a TCL to Parrot compiler would be
great. Will Coleda put up a URL for his first pass at such a beast and
asked that we be gentle with him (he put up a URL for his second pass
later, which is the link below). Gopal V pointed out that IMCC may be a
better target than Parrot assembly as that took care of register
allocation and generally helped programmers retain their hair and also
suggested that, if the compiler was written in C then DotGNU's TreeCC
would be worth looking at. Tanton Gibbs, who is working on a C++
compiler agreed that TreeCC is 'an extremely nice system' that he
recommended highly.

  Register scanning
Apologizing for reopening the register scanning can of worms, Steve Fink
wondered about the requirement that all Parrot GC implementations scan
all hardware registers for live pointers. Apparently this is a real
problem with, for example, the IA64 architecture. He proposed that
configure probe for systems that would support register scanning GC, but
that the default implementation should use a 'registration' system. He
followed this up with a 'naive' implementation of such a system. Jason
Gloudon suggested another scheme that I'm afraid I didn't understand to
implement 'accurate' GC.

  Returning a new PMC from ops
David Robins wondered about the cleanest way to return a new PMC from an
op. He and Leo Tötsch thrashed it out.

  Parrot v0.0.9 Nazgul released
Steve Fink announced the release of Parrot version 0.0.9, aka Nazgul
complete with a long list of new features, and the usual call for
further assistance. Well done everyone. As Steve says, Parrot is getting
dangerously close to being really usable...

Meanwhile, in perl6-language
It was quiet... too quiet. Only 48 messages in perl6-language, maybe
we're all keeping quiet so as not to distract Larry from writing the
next Apocalypse.

  Comparing Object Identity
This thread (along with every other thread in the language list this
week) continued from last week. Dan pointed out that using long lived
object IDs (ie. unique for all time) would be expensive, and reckoned
that the basic approach should be fast and good enough for the common
case. Piers Cawley wondered if doing object 'identity' comparison with a
method (eg: $$other_obj);) wasn't actually the best way
forward. (Piers had been applying his OO rule of thumb -- if you're not
sure of how to do something, take a look at a Smalltalk image). Dave
Whipp proposed an adverb syntax ($a eq : ID $b) which would be

   $a eq:i 

Re: This week's Perl 6 summary

2002-12-24 Thread David Wheeler
On Tuesday, December 24, 2002, at 02:55  AM, Piers Cawley wrote:

Apparently part of the problem is that the undef function isn't
fully defined.

Well, isn't that sort-of the point?



David Wheeler AIM: dwTheory
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ: 15726394  Yahoo!: dew7e

This week's Perl 6 summary

2002-11-21 Thread Piers Cawley
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20021117
Oh! my ears and whiskers, I'm late!

It's 0650, it's 20021120 and I've only just started writing the summary.
Call me lazy, call me a shirker, call me anything you damn well please,
just don't interrupt me while I'm writing this.

Yup, it's past time for another peek into the lives of those strange
beings we call the Perl 6 development community, starting off, as usual,
with the perl6-internals crew.

  Quick Roadmap
Dan returned unscathed from this year's Lightweight Languages workshop
and presented a short roadmap for the next few miles. Dan reckons that
if we hit all those milestones we'll have a complete imperative core.
Which will be nice.

  Branch Dump
Michael Collins stuck his head above the parapet to report that using
branch provoked a core dump on his Linux setup. It turned out to be a
problem with his code. Dan debugged his code and offered a reasonably
full explanation of how parrot's branch actually works (and why you
should really use labels in hand written assembler.) Gopal V worried
that allowing branches to non-instructions was unsafe and wondered if,
at least, a parrot -fverify switch might be in order. Dan agreed, but
his reasoning was somewhat different.

Elsewhere in the thread Dan tells us that he wants safe interpreters to
be as safe as a locked down VMS system, but he's unsure as to whether
we'll reach that gaol. (Mmm... nice typo there Piers, leave it)

  Parrot BASIC 2
Clinton A. Pierce announced his complete re-write of BASIC for Parrot,
this time modelling his implementation on QuickBASIC. Here's a list of
the new features, lifted from Clint's announcement:

*   Compiled directly to Parrot Assembly

*   Interpreted

*   Richer syntax than Parrot BASIC 1.0, which was based on GW-BASIC

*   Much, much faster than Parrot BASIC 1.0

*   Support for user defined types

*   Support for variable scopes (but apparently, QuickBASIC scoping is

Nobody said anything -- I think they were rendered speechless. However,
I'd like to take the opportunity to use this platform to say Yay
Clint!. This is superb news. Okay, so supporting BASIC wasn't exactly
Parrot's initial goal, but it's great to see that a single hacker can
implement such a complete language using Parrot.

  scope and functions in languages/scheme
Not to be outdone by Clint's BASIC implementation, Jürgen Bömmels has
taken advantage of Jon Sillito's lexical scopes patch to add functions
to scheme (before it was just scheme syntax, now it has some claim to
being really scheme like). Bravo Jürgen!

  Leo Tötsch is the Patch Monster
This week, Leo has been mostly:

*   Fixing JIT to make it restartable

*   Fixing JIT to make it play well with Perl 6

*   Fixing JIT so you can see what's going on when you use gdb.

And generally seeming to pop up with useful contributions in almost
every thread. Where does he find the time?

  Bootstrapping Perl 6
Marius Nita asked about the Perl 6 compiler, wondering what language
it'd be written in, Perl or C? Markus Laire thought it'd eventually get
written in Perl 6 or Parrot `or something else which runs on parrot'.
Gopal V worried about the bootstrapping problem and asked that the Perl
6 compiler be written in something other than Perl 6 in an attempt to
avoid a `dependency hellhole'. Brent Dax pointed out that we're pretty
much obliged to write Perl 6 in Perl in order to get the self modifying
parser behaviour and noted that we'd ship it as bytecode. Nicholas Clark
pointed out that, strictly, you can't build perl5 from scratch without
an installation of perl5, but the p5porters get 'round the problem by
shipping the generated headers as part of the perl5 tarball.

Dan points out that the goal is for Parrot to require a C compiler and a
platform shell or Make tool (either should do). Nicholas Clark attempted
to kick off a variant of Monty Python's `Yorkshiremen' skit (Make tool?
Luxury! We 'ad to make do wi' a console and switches! You were lucky!
We used to 'ave to mek waves in' t'mercury delay line wi' us tongues!),
reckoning that it should be possible to get by with just a C compiler
and asked that we `archive this message and hold it against me when the
time comes, and you're looking for someone to prove it by making it
work'. -- Archive this message

  Quick note on JIT bits
Dan announced that he was about to `do exceptions' and wanted to give a

This week's Perl 6 Summary

2002-11-13 Thread Piers Cawley
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20021110
Far off in distant Newark a figure, muttering something about `Leon
Brocard', shambles across a railway bridge and makes its way into a
waiting room. Time passes. After a while, a train arrives and the figure
shambles on board, takes its seat, pulls a laptop from its bag and
starts to type. This is what it types: `=head1 The Perl 6 Summary for
the week ending 20021110'.

Yes, it's time for another update on the japes and tomfoolery from the
world of Perl 6. We start, as usual, with perl6-internals.

  The Myth of Fingerprints
At the end of the previous week, Gregor posted an outline of his
proposal for fixing the fingerprinting issue with dynamic loading. (The
fingerprinting issue is that 'old' .pbc files may break big time when
run on newer Parrots. Ideally we'd like Parrot to refuse to run such
files *before* bad things happen. It's proposed that this be done by
adding `fingerprints' to .pbc to allow for identification by Parrot.)
Leopold Tötsch wasn't at all sure about Gregor's approach, pointing out
that it would have massive speed implications, and lo, the thread got
dragged off in the direction of a discussion of optimizing Parrot for
speed. How did that happen then?

  on_exit not portable
Andy Dougherty pointed out that Solaris doesn't have on_exit, which is
used by Parrot to clean up after itself, and suggested that
interpreter.c be reworked to use atexit. However, SunOS has on_exit
but doesn't have atexit. It's a quandary. Josh Wilmes suggested
implementing Parrot_on_exit() and Parrot_exit() in platform.c and
half promised a patch (unless somebody beat him to it.) Leo Tötsch and
Nicholas Clark both said, essentially Nice idea, go do it.

Dan chimed in, pointing out that the current on_exit behaviour seemed
to be there as a workaround for bugs in exceptions, and that fixing
those was probably the better idea. Leo turned off the 'on_exit' stuff,
just as Josh was sending a patch implementing the Parrot_* functions. I
think that, as we now stand, we're back to doing exit cleanup, but using
the portable Parrot_* functions.

  Should memory be washed?
Peter Gibbs was unsure of the guarantees given by Parrot_allocate and
friends regarding the contents of the memory supplied. Apparently, some
code appears to assume that it will get pre-washed memory, while other
code does its own cleaning. Which is right? Leo Tötsch reckons that the
current behaviour (memory is zeroed at allocation time) should be
guaranteed. Dan wasn't so sure that this was a good idea if we go for a
`malloc like' scheme and thought that it could be argued that it was a
bug for any code to assume that the memory it got was zeroed.

Eventual consensus was that the basic allocator should not guarantee
zeroed memory, but that there should be a set of allocator functions
that *do* return zeroed memory. Leo checked in a patch to that effect.

Then they started talking about performance.

  string_set is back
Leopold Tötsch has added a 'string_set' function which allows strings to
be recycled instead of having to create new strings every time. This can
lead to substantial speed gains when used appropriately. This led to a
discussion on when it was appropriate to use non destructive assignment
and when to use a destructive set. Somewhat to my surprise, nobody has
yet suggested the lispish set is non destructive, set! is
destructive split, allowing the Parrot coder to choose. Looks like I
just suggested it here.

Meanwhile, over in perl6-language
Amazingly, the main topic of conversation this week wasn't the dreaded
operator thread...

  Unifying invocant and topic naming syntax
Allison Randal has written an article about Perl 6 topics for
`Ralph' read this and didn't appear to like it very much, particularly
the sub foo ($bar) is given($baz) { ... } syntax which sets $baz to
the value of the caller's topic. (If you're not sure what I'm talking
about, now would be a good time to read Allison's article. Topics are
great, you'll like them.) Ralph wanted to do sub foo ($baz : $bar is
topic) { ... }, and supplied several further, terser and terser
declaration forms, method f ($self : $c : $a*, $b) {...} anyone?

Allison thought Ralph was barking up the wrong tree, and explained the
thinking behind the topic related syntax and pointed out that Ralph
appeared to be conflating two `independent but interacting features'
with his proposal, but Ralph didn't give up that easily. Eventually,
after comments from Damian and 

Re: This week's Perl 6 Summary

2002-11-13 Thread fearcadi
Piers Cawley writes:
FMTWYENTK about :=
  Bravely declining to expand the acronym in his subject, arcardi posted a
  summary of his current understanding of the behavior of :=, the

its far more then what you ever need to know
and after Damian Conway answer it becomes JEOWYNTK - 
just enough of what you ever need to know .

( is it ??? ) 

arcadi . 

Re: This week's Perl 6 Summary

2002-11-13 Thread Deborah Ariel Pickett
 Larry then confessed that he was thinking of changing the declaration of
 parallel for loops from:
   for @a ; @b ; @c - $a ; $b ; $c {...}
 to something like:
   for parallel(@a, @b, @c) - $a, $b, $c {...}

Assuming that semicolon is no longer going to be a supercomma in these
situations, does that mean that we C addicts can have Cfor back to do
the kinds of loops that we mean when we say for loops?  I really
don't much like the Cloop keyword.

  for ($i = 1; $i  10; $i++) { ... }

(Or is there still some syntactic ambiguity that I haven't thought of?)

Debbie Pickett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 The city lights shine seaward, swirling in a trance, her eyes upon the water
   alone in her last dance. - _Oh Life (There Must be More)_, Alan Parsons