[GENERAL] Please say it isn't so

2017-07-11 Thread Steve Litt
Hi all,

Please tell me this is a mistake:


Why a database system should care about how processes get started is
beyond me. Systemd is an entangled mess that every year subsumes more
and more of the operating system, in a very non-cooperative way.

There are almost ten init systems. In every one of those init systems,
one can run a process supervisor, such as runit or s6 or
daemontools-encore, completely capable of starting the postgres server.

Every year, systemd further hinders interoperability, further erodes
interchangeability of parts, and continues to address problems with
WONTFIX. In the long run, you do your users no favor by including
init-system specific code in Postgres or its makefiles. If systemd
can't correctly start Postgres, I guarantee you that s6 or runit,
running on top of systemd, can. 

Postgres doesn't care which language makes a query to it. Why
should Postgres care which init system started it? I hope you can free
Postgres of init-specific code, and if for some reason you can't do
that, at least don't recommend init-specific code.



Steve Litt 
July 2017 featured book: Quit Joblessness: Start Your Own Business

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Re: [GENERAL] browser interface to forums please?

2017-04-05 Thread Steve Litt
On Wed, 5 Apr 2017 09:31:59 -0700
Adrian Klaver  wrote:

> On 04/05/2017 09:17 AM, Magnus Hagander wrote:
> >
> > This has been tried a number of times. I'ts been a couple of years
> > since I last saw one, but multiple people have set up forums,
> > either mirrored or not. They have all died because of either lack
> > of usage or because the person who did it disappeared.  
> Mostly, because they did not work well and the folks on this end of
> the process had to do more work to get the information necessary to
> answer the question. I know I eventually stopped responding to the
> questions from those sources because it was difficult to follow the
> information flow. Namely you had to crawl back up to the forum to get
> information and then the email thread had mix of information that
> made it through on its own and some subset of information that
> dedicated people pulled in from the forum. That mix depended on
> dedication level and time available.

In addition, once you subscribe to a mailing list, all info comes to
you. No password necessary. Read, reply, lightning quick.

Contrast this with forums, where you have to remember to go out to each
and every forum you're interested in, put in the password, and then
operate within the work-flow of the forum.

I'm subscribed to mailing lists of 20 LUGs. Can you imagine the
inconvenience if I had to go out to each one and put in a password just
to see if there's anything new? With mailing lists, the information
comes to you, instead of making you go out to it.


Steve Litt 
April 2017 featured book: Troubleshooting Techniques
 of the Successful Technologist

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Re: [GENERAL] browser interface to forums please?

2017-03-27 Thread Steve Litt
On Mon, 27 Mar 2017 11:31:02 +0900
Michael Paquier  wrote:

> If you have subscribed to more mailing lists than -general, having one
> subfolder per list can also help a lot, grouping as well some of those
> having a low activity, for example:
> - one folder for -hackers and -hackers-cluster.
> - one folder for -general.
> - one folder for -jdbc and -odbc.
> - one for -bugs and -docs.
> - one for -jobs and -announce, etc.
> Something like that will make your hacking activity way easier to
> handle. I would bet that a lot of people around here do that.

I sure do. I have a heck of a lot of email in a heck of a lot of
folders, all stored in a nice, easy to drill down hierarchy. That
hierarchy is maintained by the Dovecot IMAP server that runs on my
desktop computer.

On every successful mailing list, somebody inevitably suggests
replacing it with "a forum" or "a facebook page" or some
proprietary website that acts as a middleman (Google, Meetup and
Linkedin are three of the usual suspects). Such suggestions usually go
nowhere, and when they're followed, communication usually ceases and
the the community becomes a ghost town. When it comes to having a
lively group discussion that focuses all minds into a supermind greater
than the sum of the parts, a mailing list is the best tool. Especially
if those who use it trim properly and make sure they're not being

Another mailing list benefit: Most of these other types of "community
communicators" sooner or later disappear from the Internet, just like
mailing lists. But with mailing lists, individuals can keep their own
archives. I have archives from my first LUG, even though that LUG's
mailing list went defunct in 2002.

Because my email folder hierarchy was designed by me, I can usually
find emails of any age very quickly. Responding is as easy as replying
to an email.

One assertion in the original post was that email communication is "so
1990's". That's neither a compliment nor an insult, and has prompted me
to write an essay, for which I'll provide the URL when it's finished.

Bottom line though, don't mess with success.


Steve Litt
March 2017 featured book: Troubleshooting: Why Bother?

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Re: [GENERAL] Looking for an online mentor

2016-12-09 Thread Steve Litt
On Thu, 8 Dec 2016 19:19:27 -0500
Metare Solve  wrote:

> Sorry, I got on so many lists yesterday. I'm really not that dense.
> I have absolutely no language programming skills and it is very very
> frustrating. I can HTML and that's it. I desperately want to develop
> the skills but whenever I try on my own, I hit the same wall as I do
> with SQL. I'm just bad at the deep dives into code and really need
> some honest help. 

I've written two books on Rapid Learning. You can learn this stuff, and
learn it a lot faster than most people think you can (depending on your
beliefs), but please understand you're not going to be proficient at
several programming languages and SQL and Postgres in two weeks. What
you're trying to do requires you to make a real committment over a much
longer time than a couple weeks, and you should not delay further
employment until you've learned programming, SQL, and Postgres.


> The reason I think I can learn SQL with just a bit of
> guidance is I know the concepts behind "where" and "group buys" and
> "unique," etc, but I miss a ; and get an error and then get
> frustrated.

Remember above I mentioned your beliefs as an energizer or retardant to
your learning? If errors get you frustrated, you must either change
your beliefs to believe that errors, even those caused by a silly
syntax mistake like a missing ';', are just part of the process: Fix
them and move on. If you cannot adopt that belief, you'll never succeed
in programming of any kind. Fortunately, most beliefs are fairly easy
to change.

> Purpose of the project:
> Eh, a bunch of things.
> - The project is to build my Tableau


> - The project will also give me a product [snip] portfolio.


> - I have two projects, one of them is to analyze crime rates around
> the moon phases. Just a question my dad once posed as a science
> project that I blew off. Now seems kind of interesting to me to
> pursue. Will give me date experience, mapping if I want it, can go
> down to the precinct level, etc. The other is some data I've been
> collecting for about 15 months on a pixel dragon game I play. I want
> to build a dashboard to manage my lair/income/value, etc. That is
> definitely where the SQL database comes in. I think the moon one is
> just data blending.

I doubt that crime rate analysis and a dragon game will give you
sufficient motivation for the large amount of work that will be
required to learn all of this.

> - To give me intellectual stimulation because I am a nerd.

Yeah, that'll do it.

> Just a note, I'm a female gen x with a master's degree in library and
> information science. I took a database design class in grad school
> and it was the biggest waste of money and time.

A whole heck of a lot of college courses are a waste of time. I'm
writing a series of books related to this right now.

I think you need to decide how serious you are about this. If you're
serious enough to make the committment it requires, please keep me in
the loop. Also, as somebody else already mentioned in this thread, if
you're serious about it, revise your email communications to answer
specific questions right below the questions, and delete any context
material not closely related to what you're writing back. Top posting
is great for corporate communication, where the priority is CYA. But
it's a lousy way of conducting question/answer/question/answer type
communication: You need interleave posting with scrupulous snipping of
unrelated material for that.

December 2016 featured book: Rapid Learning for the 21st Century

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Re: [GENERAL] Looking for an online mentor

2016-12-08 Thread Steve Litt
On Thu, 8 Dec 2016 17:08:41 -0800 (PST)
Rich Shepard  wrote:

> On Thu, 8 Dec 2016, Adrian Klaver wrote:
> > GUI's only get you so far. At some point you will need to dive
> > deeper to get what you. I am mostly a self taught
> > programmer(biologist by training) so I understand the hill you are
> > facing. The language I use is Python, mainly because to me it made
> > sense. For you it might be a good choice as it is quite prevalent
> > in the data analysis world. There are a lot of places to turn to to
> > learn how to use it. My suggestion for seeing if it is something
> > you can use would be to start here:  
> +1 for Python
> > Go through at least the Introduction to Python part. The rest has
> > to do with Django, Web framework built using Python.  
>Mike Driscoll has a blog (I don't recall the URL) and his Python
> 101 is a very good introduction. There are also a lot of online
> tutorials.
>I would suggest starting by learning a general programming language
> (specifically Python). That puts you in a learnable mindset. 

I absolutely concur that Python's a great starting point. It's easy, it
puts you in a learnable mindset, there are many directions you can
follow once you know Python, and Python knowledge might even get you a

> SQL is a
> set-oriented language and is quite different from procedural, object
> oriented, and functional languages.

I think she could learn SQL concurrently with Python, as long as she
completely understands that they don't do anything the same way as each
other, and they're not even for the same purpose.


Steve Litt 
November 2016 featured book: Quit Joblessness: Start Your Own Business

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Re: [GENERAL] Let's Do the CoC Right

2016-01-23 Thread Steve Litt
On Sat, 23 Jan 2016 15:43:11 -0800
"Joshua D. Drake"  wrote:

> I have been accused of being a fat hater. My crime? I suggested that 
> generally speaking, obesity is a matter of diet and exercise. Worse?
> The individual started the conversation and I am also classified as
> obese (barely, I won't be in a month).


I know a person who is fat because his/her (I'll call the person male
from now on) thyroid was removed, and weight control is extremely
difficult under those circumstances. Do you think he'd feel welcome on
a list where somebody said "generally speaking, obesity is a matter of
diet and exercise?"[1] And then perhaps someone else says he thinks fat
people are lazy.

Is my overweight friend going to set you straight? Probably not. He
knows how much antifat prejudice exists in the employment marketplace,
and doesn't want to do anything do the slightest thing to "out" himself
to potential networking associates who haven't seen him in person.

And for what? What does a person's weight have to do with a great
and powerful Open Source relational database? Not a dam thing.

Hey, if the conflict is about technology, by all means have at it. It's
an argument that needs to happen in order to produce the best result.
But when it comes to gender, gender preference, gender-assignment,
race, nationality, religion, body shape, or political party (unless the
party takes a stand on technology), the CoC should ban negative
statements about that crap.

[1] I'm not faulting your example. Your example is relevant to the
discussion. I'm faulting a hypothetical person who comes on the list
and says that, apropos to nothing.


Steve Litt 
January 2016 featured book: Twenty Eight Tales of Troubleshooting

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Re: [GENERAL] Let's Do the CoC Right

2016-01-23 Thread Steve Litt
On Sat, 23 Jan 2016 17:09:32 -0500
Melvin Davidson  wrote:

> I been pretty quiet about this whole discussion, but now I have to
> ask the following questions.
> Just how in the hell is it possible for anyone to have their actual
> sex detected unless they voluntarily provide it?

Given that my name is "Steve", I doubt anyone thinks I'm a woman. If I
were a woman named "Stephanie", should I be expected to assume a
different name in preference to making rules against saying bad things
about people and groups, unrelated to the topic of the mailing list?

> Further to the point, how is it possible to harass sexually (or
> physically) molest anyone in this forum unless they provide
> information and agree to meet in person.

I could tell crude jokes about rape. I could a woman's worth is
proportional to her looks. I could arbitrarily attribute the lower
female participation in tech to lack of intelligence. If it were just
me, it would be just one asshole mouthing off. 

But add a couple more like me, with minimal repudiation by others, and
perhaps the same old cast of characters shouting down any repudiation
with that tired old "free speech" argument that some always seem to
apply to completely offtopic negative spew, and some women who might
have made big contributions have left the project.

> Please, drop the argument about protecting against physical or verbal
> abuse, 

Yeah, if everyone else does. But a code of conduct is actually a good
idea, because there are a lot of vicious, worthless clowns out there
who like to issue gratuitous insults.

> because it does not apply to this forum.



Steve Litt 
January 2016 featured book: Twenty Eight Tales of Troubleshooting

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Re: [GENERAL] Let's Do the CoC Right

2016-01-23 Thread Steve Litt
On Sun, 24 Jan 2016 00:00:27 +
Geoff Winkless  wrote:

> On 23 January 2016 at 21:59, Steve Litt 
> wrote:
> > I'm reminded of a person on a computer on a no-Internet-connection
> > LAN saying that everyone needs equal protection from firewalls.
> > Ummm, no. The Internet connected firewall has many, many more
> > attempts made against it than the guy on the island LAN.  
> Did I say we all need equal protection? No. I said we're all entitled
> to the same level of protection. 

The preceding two sentences form a distinction that will need some

> I'm also making the point that your
> Island guy might have a mobile phone that's linked to his computer
> that you don't know about and you're assuming that cos he's on an
> island he has no right to have an opinion on firewalls.

Come on, the preceding is contrived to the point of being silly. You
know exactly what I mean.


Steve Litt 
January 2016 featured book: Twenty Eight Tales of Troubleshooting

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Re: [GENERAL] Let's Do the CoC Right

2016-01-23 Thread Steve Litt
On Sat, 23 Jan 2016 20:12:15 +
Geoff Winkless  wrote:

> On 23 January 2016 at 18:07, David E. Wheeler 
> wrote:
> > On Jan 22, 2016, at 6:14 PM, Joshua D. Drake 
> > wrote:  
> >> A Code of Conduct should protect all, equally and without bias.  
> >
> > Says someone who requires no protection at all.  
> I must object to the repeated assertions that certain people in this
> community require no protection, or have no reason to, as a way of
> discounting their arguments.
> In addition you might appreciate the irony if you took the time to
> consider the (reasonably recent) history of people with names like his
> before stating that Josh requires no protection. Everyone is entitled
> to the same level of protection, whatever their race, gender
> alignment, sexuality or whatever, and that includes us white
> middle-class men, however guilty you appear to feel the need to be
> about being one.

I'm reminded of a person on a computer on a no-Internet-connection LAN
saying that everyone needs equal protection from firewalls. Ummm, no.
The Internet connected firewall has many, many more attempts made
against it than the guy on the island LAN.

We all need protection --- this is true. But the transsexual has much
more bad verbiage aimed at "his (her) kind" than a run of the mill,
average person, whatever that may be.

When you go to computer conferences, how often does someone put their
hands all over you? Read this:


If you think the author of the preceding article is lying, google the
combination of "groped" and "Linux conference". Women are the minority
at these conferences, yet many more hands reach out and grab them.

We all need the necessary protection, which is not necessarily equal
protection, because some of us are subjected to much more harassment.
And I think we all need to walk a mile in other peoples shoes before
assuming others need only the meager amount of protection we need.


Steve Litt 
January 2016 featured book: Twenty Eight Tales of Troubleshooting

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Re: [GENERAL] Let's Do the CoC Right

2016-01-22 Thread Steve Litt
On Fri, 22 Jan 2016 09:25:58 -0800
Adrian Klaver  wrote:

> When and whom? This is the time for those that had issues to speak up 
> either directly or through someone else. In doing so though I would 
> expect verifiable information.

Maybe they can't.

Imagine for a second that I'm a homosexual, and that a guy cracked a
crude joke about homosexuals, and three or four people post that it was
a funny joke. Imagine further that I work for one of those troglodyte
employers who would fire me the instant they found out I was a
homosexual, and I come from a family that would disown me if they found
out. I wouldn't speak up. I wouldn't even say "I'm not a homosexual,
but I think your words are hurtful!" Because I would be so afraid of
being found out that I would not give one hint. I'd just leave.

Now imagine I was from one of those countries where homosexuality is
punishable by death. 

Speaking up is a privilege often reserved for the in crowd and the


Steve Litt 
January 2016 featured book: Twenty Eight Tales of Troubleshooting

Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
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Re: [GENERAL] CoC [Final]

2016-01-21 Thread Steve Litt
On Thu, 21 Jan 2016 10:43:26 +
Geoff Winkless  wrote:

> On 21 January 2016 at 10:37, Chris Travers 
> wrote:
> > At the end of the day this will require human judgment rather than
> > formulation.  
> Then make it explicit.
> * Disruption of the collaborative space, or patterns of behaviour
> which the majority of the core team consider to be harassment, will
> not be tolerated.

"Disruption of the collaborative space" is almost meaningless, and
almost guarantees selective enforcement.

On the other hand, "patterns of behaviour which the majority of the
core team consider to be harassment" is crystal clear. What would
happen if you just dropped "Disruption of the collaborative space"? If
not, I'd suggest a much more definitive substitute for that phrase.


Steve Litt 
January 2016 featured book: Twenty Eight Tales of Troubleshooting

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Re: [GENERAL] CoC [Final]

2016-01-19 Thread Steve Litt
On Mon, 18 Jan 2016 10:02:33 -0800
"Joshua D. Drake"  wrote:

> * Participants who disrupt the collaborative space, or participate in
> a pattern of behaviour which could be considered harassment will not
> be tolerated.

This one might come back to bite you. I, along with probably twenty
others, "disrupted the collaborative space" on the Debian-User mailing
list during the Systemd Civil War, and I'd do it over again because of
the technological and practical importance of preserving an alternative
to systemd. I'd even like to believe that in a small way I helped
recruit more people to the Devuan (Debian Fork) project.

My posting rights were removed, basically, for "disrupting the
collaborative space", and that's fine: Guilty as charged. But here's
the thing: The list was moderated by a systemd advocate, who let the
pro-systemd fanatics disrupt the collaborative space to their hearts'
content with only the mildest wrist slaps, while removing posting
rights of several anti-systemd people.

"Disrupting the collaborative space" is very hard to define even when
nobody has an agenda. When there are agendas, it almost certainly will
lead to selective enforcement.

Be careful what you wish for :-)


Steve Litt 
January 2016 featured book: Twenty Eight Tales of Troubleshooting

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2016-01-13 Thread Steve Litt
On Wed, 13 Jan 2016 09:15:45 -0500
"Regina Obe"  wrote:

> For example if Tom makes some snide remark like "Do all Bostonians
> program this way?"

Why not simply discuss the code, with no value judgment about the

"The strcpy() in the foo() function can cause intermittent problems and
open an attack route. Why not use strncpy() instead?"

Of course we all know there are some people who prefer to say something
like the following:

"Really? I mean really? People still use strcpy() in 2016? All but the
dullest know that opens an attack route."

For some reason, a significant percentage of people just LOVE to get
judgmental about the other guy's work product, rather than simply
showing a better way.

To me it's simple...

Disallow "You "

Disallow "Your code "

Encourage "It would be better if your code  because


Steve Litt 
January 2016 featured book: Twenty Eight Tales of Troubleshooting

Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
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Re: [GENERAL] Code of Conduct: Is it time?

2016-01-11 Thread Steve Litt
On Mon, 11 Jan 2016 11:00:23 -0800
"Joshua D. Drake"  wrote:

> A CoC is not about being offended. The act of being offended is
> purely a recipients response and usually because the recipient is
> more interested in being a victim than moving forward.

I've seen text like the preceding in over 10 messages in this thread. I
could be interpreting them wrong, but they seem to be saying the
offended recipient is more interested in being a victim than moving
forward, or with some of the responses, the recipient is being a cry

In my opinion, this is a much easier position to take when it's the
other person regularly spoken of as "misinformed", "ignorant",
"neckbeard", or whatever. Much harder position when your technical
posts are regularly greeted by such personal insults, and few folks
rise to your defense.

Well, whatever, survival of the fittest. 90% of the time, the party
being personally insulted silently leaves, and is not missed. But
sometimes the community has something to lose. Let me tell you a story.

12 years ago, one guy in my LUG continually replied to me in
what I think most reasonable people would call an insulting
manner. Some of his posts called me "ignorant", "unprofessional", lack
of "checking my work", "committing libel", "lies and hypocracy", and
"reinventing history". 

I called for the LUG's Executive Committee to reign in his rhetoric,
explaining that it had gotten to such a point that I could no longer
bring friends, or possible business associates into the LUG because
they would be hearing a constant barrage of anti-Litt rhetoric, and
some of it might stick. The Exec Committee told me I was being too
sensitive and I should just let it slide.

So I got a new domain name, started a new LUG, drew membership both
from the old LUG and from the greater area. Immediately those same
people who said I was being too sensitive begged me to cancel the new
LUG and they'd institute anti-personal-insult rules.

But it was too late: I'd already done it. Over the next several years,
the new LUG grew and still meets every month, maintaining an active
mailing list and IRC channel. Meanwhile, the old LUG lost membership,
lost their nonprofit corporate status, lost their mailing list, lost
their domain name, and their remnants hold an "installfest" once a
month in a venue with no Internet (it's BYOI).

Most of the time, chalking things up to "recipient is more interested
in being a victim" does the community no harm. But every once in a
while, the costs are considerable.

All because somebody just *had* to personally insult someone else,
repeatedly, and nobody thought that was a bad thing, and when the
recipient finally objected, the objection was chalked up to him or her
valuing his/her victimhood.

About a CoC, here's what I want to know:

What *possible* value to a free software community could come of a
sentence structured like the following:

"You "

What possible harm would it do to ban such sentences? What features do
such sentences introduce into the software? Why is it difficult to
discuss features instead of people on the mailing list? How many
potential contributors have silently left after seeing personal insults
to themselves or others?

My opinion: Whether you call it CoC or mailing list rules or anything
else, some degree of it is needed, because the community allowing a
wild west of personal insults fails to achieve its potential at best,
and disintegrates at worst.


Steve Litt 
January 2016 featured book: Twenty Eight Tales of Troubleshooting

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Re: [GENERAL] Linux vs FreeBSD

2014-04-11 Thread Steve Litt
On Fri, 11 Apr 2014 14:05:43 +0200
Alban Hertroys  wrote:

> My advice to the OP:
> Install FreeBSD on a system to play around with, get a feel for how
> it works and whether you like it or not. See how it performs with
> Postgres on different file-systems; UFS2 or ZFS - UFS is the faster
> of the two, but ZFS makes up for that big time in maintainability if
> you provide it with enough memory. If you require locale-specific
> collations (native language specific sort ordering), check that it
> does what you expect.

Curious: Why not consider OpenBSD also?


Steve Litt*  http://www.troubleshooters.com/
Troubleshooting Training  *  Human Performance

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Re: [GENERAL] Need sql to pull data from terribly architected table

2012-10-24 Thread Steve Litt
On Thu, 25 Oct 2012 03:56:39 +1100, Chris Angelico said:
> On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 2:42 AM, Steve Litt
>  wrote:
> > Also, with the organization they're using, one can make new
> > "columns" on the fly. ... Anyway, the keypuncher is punching
> > data, comes across a brand new type of data (let's say "artist"), so
> > for this row the keypuncher puts in a key-value pair of "artist=Lady
> > Gaga". From a practical point of view, data structure could be
> > change at key entry time, and needn't have been anticipated by the
> > programmer nor recompiled or reorganized when a new type of data
> > element entered the requirements.
> That's wonderfully flexible, but it forfeits the protection that a
> well-designed schema gives. A system like that is likely to end up
> with different records storing the same data under slightly different
> names, and you'll have a massive proliferation of "columns" that have
> only a single row's value in them. That's fine if that's what you
> want, but from a data entry standpoint, I think it's _too_ flexible
> for most purposes.

True enough.

In my particular case, my program was used by litigation support
professionals (I probably shouldn't have called them "keypunchers") who
knew what they were doing. Secondly, IIRC, I had a separate table for
field names, so that before creating a new field name, they'd be
presented with the current ones.

One possible way of limiting the possible damage you pointed out would
be to have only a select few be permitted to add new field names. I
think my program might have done that -- I seem to remember those
entering data having to call the supervisor to put in a new category of

But yeah, the data organization I mentioned requires use by halfway
intelligent and competent users, and certainly isn't universally



Steve Litt*  http://www.troubleshooters.com/
  *  http://twitter.com/stevelitt
Troubleshooting Training  *  Human Performance

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Re: [GENERAL] Need sql to pull data from terribly architected table

2012-10-24 Thread Steve Litt
On Tue, 23 Oct 2012 18:52:52 +, Gauthier, Dave said:
> Here's the deal...
> Instead of architecting and loading a table like...
> create teble foo (col1 text, col2 text, col3 text, col4 text, col5
> text); insert into foo (col1,col2,col3,col4,col5) values
> ('c1',null,'c3','c4',null);
> They did this instead...
> create table foo (property text, value text);
> insert into foo (property, value) values ('col1','c1'),
> ('col3','c3'), ('col4','c4');
> Notice how "col2" and "col5" were simply left out of the table in the
> 2nd model to indicate null.
> The question is how to do this model 1 query for model 2...
> select col1,col2 from foo where col4='c4' and col5 <> 'xxx';
> I know I have to use outer joins to deal with the potential of
> nulls.  But I don't know how to construct this.  I won't list my
> failed attempts (so as not to embarass myself :-))
> Thanks in Advance !

Hi Deve,

If it were me, I'd use a computer language like Perl, Python, Ruby, Lua
or Java to retrieve the data, rather than trying to do the whole thing
in SQL. Looking at the way they constructed their table, I'd guess the
intent was to use a language to do the logic, rather than pure SQL.

The way they constructed the table looks to me like they were trying to
comply with the first normal group -- no repeating columns (no arrays).
This would make sense if col1 through col5 were all the same type of
entity -- for instance, each is the name of a child of the couple. By
doing it as key-value pairs, each couple can have as many or as few
children as necessary, rather than reserving five columns for children
and then running into trouble when a six child family comes along.

Also, with the organization they're using, one can make new "columns"
on the fly. Years ago I created a litigation support database
structured partially as key-value pairs (along with a "row number" -- I
don't know how your database got along without a key to show which row
each key-value pair belonged to). Anyway, the keypuncher is punching
data, comes across a brand new type of data (let's say "artist"), so
for this row the keypuncher puts in a key-value pair of "artist=Lady
Gaga". From a practical point of view, data structure could be change
at key entry time, and needn't have been anticipated by the programmer
nor recompiled or reorganized when a new type of data element entered
the requirements.

I'll bet you dollars to donuts if you could speak to the original
programmer, he'd show you a good reason for his data organization, and
he'd also tell you he in no way anticipated that the data would ever be
handled purely by SQL.

Anyway, bottom line, a simple, procedural language with an interface to
Postgres would be a quick and easy way to convert this data to the type
you prefer.



Steve Litt*  http://www.troubleshooters.com/
  *  http://twitter.com/stevelitt
Troubleshooting Training  *  Human Performance

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Re: [GENERAL] Looking for Suggestion on Learning

2011-02-06 Thread Steve Litt
On Saturday 05 February 2011 18:42:09 John R Pierce wrote:
> On 02/05/11 9:30 AM, ray wrote:
> > I have built a few databases with MS Access and I would like to learn
> > how to use pgsql.  I have found some ..
> Access really isn't a database, its an application development system
> that happens to use databases, by default the Jet engine.   Postgres
> would replace Jet, but not Access itself, you'd need some other sort of
> software for creating forms & reports and such.
> Do note, you can use Postgres databases with Access, via Postgres ODBC
> or ADODB connectors.

Is there an open source product that runs on Linux that does what Access does?



Steve Litt
Recession Relief Package
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/stevelitt

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Re: [GENERAL] Crosstab query on huge amount of values

2011-01-17 Thread Steve Litt
On Monday 17 January 2011 07:21:11 you wrote:
> Am 17.01.2011 00:20, schrieb Steve Litt:
> > On Sunday 16 January 2011 17:40:34 Julia Jacobson wrote:
> >> Hello everybody out there using PostgreSQL,
> >>
> >> A table with the results of students in different exams
> >>
> >> student | date_of_exam | grade
> >> --
> >> Peter   | 2010-09-09   | 2
> >> Tom | 2010-09-09   | 1
> >> Andy| 2010-09-21   | 3
> >> Tom | 2010-09-21   | 4
> >> Peter   | 2010-09-21   | 1
> >> Peter   | 2010-10-11   | 2
> >>
> >> shall be transformed to a denormalized view like:
> >>
> >> student | grade_2010_09_09 | grade_2010_09_21 | grade_2010_10_11
> >> 
> >> Peter   | 2| 1| 2
> >> Tom | 1| 4| NULL
> >> Andy| NULL | 3| NULL
> >>
> >> I've already done extensive Web-search and posted in Usenet for help
> >> concerning this problem and was pointed to the tablefunc module which
> >> seems to be a solution.
> >> Since I only have a database but no administrative rights for the
> >> PostgreSQL installation, I can't use the tablefunc module.
> >> Is there any way to denormalize my table using a simple SQL script?
> >>
> >> Thanks in advance,
> >> Julia
> >
> > Hi Julia,
> >
> > If you're denormalizing it just for a report, you could do it in your
> > application, and just ringtoss rows onto the test periods.
> >
> > If you want to have a permanent table containing the denormalized
> > material (and one would have to ask why), then one possible method would
> > be the same as for the report -- let your application ring toss rows onto
> > the newly created table containing an array. Since you have no
> > administrative rights, the DBA would need to create the denormalized
> > table, and add another column every time there's a new exam.
> >
> > Let the darn thing run overnight, or perhaps do one exam at a time or a
> > small range of students at a time. Do you happen to know why they want a
> > denormalized table as opposed to just making an index sorted by student
> > and then by grade period? Do you have any idea how long it would take to
> > create an index sorted first by student and then by exam?
> >
> > I'm sure there are easier ways of doing it, but what I suggested is one
> > way that it could work.
> >
> > HTH
> >
> > SteveT
> >
> > Steve Litt
> > Recession Relief Package
> > http://www.recession-relief.US
> > Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/stevelitt
> Hello Steve,
> Thanks a lot for your answer.
> Indeed, I actually want to denormalize my table for a report, but I need
> to join the denormalized table with another table of the database for
> this report.
> So when I ring toss rows and columns in my application, it won't be
> possible to do the join anymore.
> Although I think PostgreSQL does good in not offering pivot tables like
> Oracle or MS-SQL, I'm really desperately looking for a workaround here.
> Regards,
> Julia

Hi Julia,

I liked Igor Neyman's suggestion and hope it fills the bill, but if that 
doesn't work for you, instead of setting up a join you could just have your 
app do lookups on the second table for each student/exam combination, or for 
each student.

I don't know what your report needs to do, but if part of the problem is you 
need a student total in the student's page header instead of footer, you could 
do a 2 pass thing where pass 1 is

for each student
look up corresponding row in other table
for each exam
look up corresponding row in other table
write exam temp table entry
update student totals
write student header temp table entry
write student footer temp table entry

Now here's the thing. The temp table is sorted by student, then 
line_type_flag, then exam. That flag is set by the various writes such that 
the flag for a student header sorts above the flag for the exam entries, which 
sorts above the student footer.

Then you just iterate right down the temp table, in student/flag/exam order, 
and it maps right into your report.

Like I say, I don't know if that was your problem domain, but I've used it 
quite a bit when my header needed to "read the tealeaves" to know what would 
only be known after the whole entity had been read and calculated.


Steve Litt
Recession Relief Package
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/stevelitt

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Re: [GENERAL] Crosstab query on huge amount of values

2011-01-16 Thread Steve Litt
On Sunday 16 January 2011 17:40:34 Julia Jacobson wrote:
> Hello everybody out there using PostgreSQL,
> A table with the results of students in different exams
> student | date_of_exam | grade
> --
> Peter   | 2010-09-09   | 2
> Tom | 2010-09-09   | 1
> Andy| 2010-09-21   | 3
> Tom | 2010-09-21   | 4
> Peter   | 2010-09-21   | 1
> Peter   | 2010-10-11   | 2
> shall be transformed to a denormalized view like:
> student | grade_2010_09_09 | grade_2010_09_21 | grade_2010_10_11
> Peter   | 2| 1| 2
> Tom | 1| 4| NULL
> Andy| NULL | 3| NULL
> I've already done extensive Web-search and posted in Usenet for help
> concerning this problem and was pointed to the tablefunc module which
> seems to be a solution.
> Since I only have a database but no administrative rights for the
> PostgreSQL installation, I can't use the tablefunc module.
> Is there any way to denormalize my table using a simple SQL script?
> Thanks in advance,
> Julia

Hi Julia,

If you're denormalizing it just for a report, you could do it in your 
application, and just ringtoss rows onto the test periods.

If you want to have a permanent table containing the denormalized material 
(and one would have to ask why), then one possible method would be the same as 
for the report -- let your application ring toss rows onto the newly created 
table containing an array. Since you have no administrative rights, the DBA 
would need to create the denormalized table, and add another column every time 
there's a new exam.

Let the darn thing run overnight, or perhaps do one exam at a time or a small 
range of students at a time. Do you happen to know why they want a 
denormalized table as opposed to just making an index sorted by student and 
then by grade period? Do you have any idea how long it would take to create an 
index sorted first by student and then by exam?

I'm sure there are easier ways of doing it, but what I suggested is one way 
that it could work. 



Steve Litt
Recession Relief Package
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/stevelitt

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Re: [GENERAL] Why can't I change a password

2011-01-16 Thread Steve Litt
On Sunday 16 January 2011 16:02:12 Raymond O'Donnell wrote:

> If you have configured PG to listen on a TCP/IP port (5432 by default),
> you can also do:
>psql -U postgres -h localhost super
> Ray.

Thanks Ray,

You were so close! The command that works is this:

psql -U super -h localhost super

That's because the super database is owned by the super user, in this 
particular case. Interestingly enough, even though I've set my port to be 5433 
instead of 5432, it wasn't necessary for me to add -p 5433.

Your method has the big benefit of being able to supervise from a Postgres 
Superuser who doesn't have a Linux account (super, in this case). Thanks for 
the info!


Steve Litt
Recession Relief Package
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/stevelitt

Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
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Re: [GENERAL] Why can't I change a password

2011-01-16 Thread Steve Litt
On Sunday 16 January 2011 16:02:12 Raymond O'Donnell wrote:
> If you have configured PG to listen on a TCP/IP port (5432 by default),
> you can also do:
>psql -U postgres -h localhost super
> Ray.

Thanks Ray,

My psql seems a lot different from others. Loook what happened:

slitt@mydesk:~$ psql -U postgres -h localhost super
Password for user postgres: 
psql: FATAL:  password authentication failed for user "postgres"
FATAL:  password authentication failed for user "postgres"
slitt@mydesk:~$ psql -U postgres -h super
Password for user postgres: 
psql: FATAL:  password authentication failed for user "postgres"
FATAL:  password authentication failed for user "postgres"

My postgresql.conf configures the port at 5433 instead of 5432, so I also 
tried this:

slitt@mydesk:~$ psql -U postgres -h localhost -p 5433 super
Password for user postgres: 
psql: FATAL:  password authentication failed for user "postgres"
FATAL:  password authentication failed for user "postgres"



Steve Litt
Recession Relief Package
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/stevelitt

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Re: [GENERAL] Why can't I change a password

2011-01-16 Thread Steve Litt
Thanks Dmitriy,

It turns out the solution I used was to su to postgres in Linux, and then run 
the command psql without arguments, at which time I could have my way with any 

More in my responses to you...

On Sunday 16 January 2011 06:21:28 Dmitriy Igrishin wrote:
> Hey Steve,
> 2011/1/16 Steve Litt 
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I've somehow messed up something.
> >
> > psql super
> psql's synopsis is
>psql [option...] [dbname [username]]
> Thus, the call "psql super" connects psql to a database
> "super" but since username unspecified it is connected
> with current Unix user (which is returned by whois(1)).
> So, you should call psql like that
>   psql super super
slitt@mydesk:~$ psql super super
psql: FATAL:  Ident authentication failed for user "super"
slitt@mydesk:~$ psql postgres postgres
psql: FATAL:  Ident authentication failed for user "postgres"

> or like that
>   psql -U super
slitt@mydesk:~$ psql -U super
psql: FATAL:  Ident authentication failed for user "super"
slitt@mydesk:~$ psql -U postgres
psql: FATAL:  Ident authentication failed for user "postgres"

Now watch this:
slitt@mydesk:~$ su - postgres
postgres@mydesk:~$ psql -U postgres
psql (8.4.5)
Type "help" for help.


Luckily for me, needing to be Linux user postgres isn't at all an 
inconvenience, so the problem is pretty much solved, although some curiosity 



Steve Litt
Recession Relief Package
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/stevelitt

Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
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[GENERAL] Why can't I change a password

2011-01-16 Thread Steve Litt
Hi all,

I've somehow messed up something.

psql super
psql (8.4.5)
Type "help" for help.

super=> \du+
   List of roles
 Role name | Attributes  | Member of | Description 
 bobo  | | {}| 
 junk  | | {}| 
 myuid | | {}| 
 postgres  | Superuser   | {}| 
   : Create role   
   : Create DB 
 slitt | Create DB   | {}| 
 super | Superuser   | {}| 
   : Create role   
   : Create DB 

super=> alter user myuid password 'mypass';
ERROR:  permission denied

I don't get it. User super is listed as attributes Superuser, create role and 
createdb, so why the lack of permission? This also happened when I was in as 

Interestingly, earlier tonight I was changing passwords just fine. I don't 
know what happened. Obviously there's a chunk of information I'm missing.

What diagnostic tests can I do to narrow this down?



Steve Litt
Recession Relief Package
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/stevelitt

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