Re: Adminpack removal

2024-07-08 Thread Philippe BEAUDOIN

Le 01/07/2024 à 10:07, Daniel Gustafsson a écrit :

On 28 Jun 2024, at 09:06, Philippe BEAUDOIN  wrote:
So just looking in public repo covers probably less than 1% of the code. 
However, this may give a first idea, especialy if a feature use is already 

Searching for anything on Github is essentially a dead end since it reports so
many duplicates in forks etc.  That being said, I did a lot of searching and
browsing to find users [0], but came up empty (apart from forks which already
maintain their own copy).  A more targeted search is the Debian Code search
which at the time of removal (and well before then) showed zero occurrences of
adminpack functions in any packaged software, and no extensions which had
adminpack as a dependency.  While not an exhaustive search by any means, it
does provide a good hint.

Since you list no other extensions using adminpack to support keeping it, I
assume you also didn't find any when searching?
I just said that there are much much more code in private repos (so not 
analyzable) than in the public ones.

Daniel Gustafsson


Re: Adminpack removal

2024-06-28 Thread Philippe BEAUDOIN

Le 27/06/2024 à 10:38, Matthias van de Meent a écrit :

On Thu, 27 Jun 2024, 07:34 Philippe BEAUDOIN,  wrote:


I have just tested PG17 beta1 with the E-Maj solution I maintain. The
only issue I found is the removal of the adminpack contrib.

In the emaj extension, which is the heart of the solution, and which is
written in plpgsql, the code just uses the pg_file_unlink() function to
automatically remove files produced by COPY TO statements when no rows
have been written. In some specific use cases, it avoids the user to get
a few interesting files among numerous empty files in a directory. I
have found a workaround. That's a little bit ugly, but it works. So this
is not blocking for me.

FYI, the project's repo is on github (,
which was supposed to be scanned to detect potential adminpack usages.

The extension at first glance doesn't currently seem to depend on
adminpack: it is not included in the control file as dependency, and
has not been included as a dependency since the creation of that file.

You are right. Even before the adminpack usage removal, the extension 
was not listed as prerequisite in the control file. In fact, I 
introduced a new E-Maj feature in the version of last automn, that used 
the adminpack extension in one specific case. But the user may not 
install adminpack. In such a case, the feature was limited and a warning 
message told the user why it reached the limitation. I was waiting for 
some feedbacks before possibly adding adminpack as a real prerequisite.

Where else would you expect us to search for dependencies?

The word "adminpack" can be found in the sql source file 
(sql/emaj--4.4.0.sql), and in 2 documentation source files (in 

The pg_file_unlink() function name can be found in the same sql source file.

But, I understand that looking for simple strings in all types of files 
in a lot of repo is costly and may report a lot of noise.

More broadly, my feeling is that just looking at public repositories is 
not enough. The Postgres features usage can be found in:

- public tools, visible in repo (in github, gitlab and some other 
platforms) ;

- softwares from commercial vendors, so in close source ;

- and a huge number of applications developed in all organizations, and 
that are not public.

So just looking in public repo covers probably less than 1% of the code. 
However, this may give a first idea, especialy if a feature use is 
already detected.

In this "adminpack" case, it may be interesting to distinguish the 
pg_logdir_ls() function, which covers a very specific administration 
feature, and the other functions, which are of a general interest. It 
wouldn't be surprising that pg_logdir_ls() be really obsolete now that 
it is not used by pgAdmin anymore, and thus could be removed if nobody 
complains about that. May be the others functions could be directly 
integrated into the core (or left in adminpack, with the pgAdmin 
reference removed from the documentation).

Kind Regards.


Adminpack removal

2024-06-26 Thread Philippe BEAUDOIN


I have just tested PG17 beta1 with the E-Maj solution I maintain. The 
only issue I found is the removal of the adminpack contrib.

In the emaj extension, which is the heart of the solution, and which is 
written in plpgsql, the code just uses the pg_file_unlink() function to 
automatically remove files produced by COPY TO statements when no rows 
have been written. In some specific use cases, it avoids the user to get 
a few interesting files among numerous empty files in a directory. I 
have found a workaround. That's a little bit ugly, but it works. So this 
is not blocking for me.

FYI, the project's repo is on github (, 
which was supposed to be scanned to detect potential adminpack usages.

Finally, I wouldn't be surprise if some other user projects or 
applications use adminpack as this is a simple way to get sql functions 
that write, rename or remove files.


Re: PostgreSQL and Flashback Database

2021-02-12 Thread Philippe Beaudoin

Hi Didier,

Have you ever had a look at the E-Maj extension.

Depending on the features you are really looking for, it may fit the needs.

Here are some pointers :

- github repo for the extension :

- github repo for the web client :

- online documentation : 
<> or even in French, espacially 
for you ;-)

Feel free to contact me to talk about it.

Best regards.


Le 10/02/2021 à 09:56, ROS Didier a écrit :


My company is looking for a team of developers to implement the 
"flashback database" functionality in PostgreSQL.

  Do you think it's feasible to implement? how many days 
of development?

  Thanks in advance

Best Regards

Didier ROS


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*L'expertise PostgreSQL*
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Re: proposal: schema variables

2019-12-30 Thread Philippe BEAUDOIN
The following review has been posted through the commitfest application:
make installcheck-world:  tested, passed
Implements feature:   tested, passed
Spec compliant:   not tested
Documentation:tested, failed

Hi Pavel,

I have tested the latest version of your patch.
Both issues I reported are now fixed. And you largely applied my proposals. 
That's great !

I have also spent some time to review more closely the documentation. I will 
send you a direct mail with an attached file for some minor comments on this 

Except these documentation remarks to come, I haven't any other issue or 
suggestion to report.
Note that I have not closely looked at the C code itself. But may be some other 
reviewers have already done that job.
If yes, my feeling is that the patch could soon be set as "Ready for commiter".

Best regards. Philippe.

The new status of this patch is: Waiting on Author

Re: Global temporary tables

2019-12-22 Thread Philippe BEAUDOIN
Hi all,

I am not aware enough in the Postgres internals to give advice about the 

But my feeling is that there is another big interest for this feature: simplify 
the Oracle to PostgreSQL migration of applications that use global termporary 
tables. And this is quite common when stored procedures are used. In such a 
case, we currently need to modify the logic of the code, always implementing an 
ugly solution (either add CREATE TEMP TABLE statements in the code everywhere 
it is needed, or use a regular table with additional TRUNCATE statements if we 
can ensure that only a single connection uses the table at a time).

So, Konstantin and all, Thanks by advance for all that could be done on this 
feature :-)

Best regards.

Re: proposal: schema variables

2019-12-22 Thread Philippe BEAUDOIN
The following review has been posted through the commitfest application:
make installcheck-world:  tested, passed
Implements feature:   tested, failed
Spec compliant:   not tested
Documentation:tested, failed

Hi Pavel,

First of all, I would like to congratulate you for this great work. This patch 
is really cool. The lack of package variables is sometimes a blocking issue for 
Oracle to Postgres migrations, because the usual emulation with GUC is 
sometimes not enough, in particular when there are security concerns or when 
the database is used in a public cloud.

As I look forward to having this patch commited, I decided to spend some time 
to participate to the review, although I am not a C specialist and I have not a 
good knowledge of the Postgres internals. Here is my report.

A) Installation

The patch applies correctly and the compilation is fine. The "make check" 
doesn't report any issue.

B) Basic usage

I tried some simple schema variables use cases. No problem.

C) The interface

The SQL changes look good to me.

However, in the CREATE VARIABLE command, I would replace the "TRANSACTION" word 

I have also tried to replace this word by a ON ROLLBACK clause at the end of 
the statement, like for ON COMMIT, but I have not found a satisfying wording to 

D) Behaviour

I am ok with variables not being transactional by default. That's the most 
simple, the most efficient, it emulates the package variables of other RDBMS 
and it will probably fit the most common use cases.

Note that I am not strongly opposed to having by default transactional 
variables. But I don't know whether this change would be a great work. We would 
have at least to find another keyword in the CREATE VARIABLE statement. 

It is possible to create a NOT NULL variable without DEFAULT. When trying to 
read the variable before a LET statement, one gets an error massage saying that 
the NULL value is not allowed (and the documentation is clear about this case). 
Just for the records, I wondered whether it wouldn't be better to forbid a NOT 
NULL variable creation that wouldn't have a DEFAULT value. But finally, I think 
this behaviour provides a good way to force the variable initialisation before 
its use. So let's keep it as is.

E) ACL and Rights

I played a little bit with the GRANT and REVOKE statements. 

I have got an error (Issue 1). The following statement chain:
  create variable public.sv1 int;
  grant read on variable sv1 to other_user;
  drop owned by other_user;
reports : ERROR:  unexpected object class 4287

I then tried to use DEFAULT PRIVILEGES. Despite this is not documented, I 
successfuly performed:
  alter default privileges in schema public grant read on variables to 
  alter default privileges in schema public grant write on variables to 

When variables are then created, the grants are properly given.
And the psql \ddp command perfectly returns:
 Default access privileges
  Owner   | Schema | Type |Access privileges
 postgres | public |  | simple_user=SW/postgres
(1 row)

So the ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES documentation chapter has to reflect this new 
syntax (Issue 2).

BTW, in the ACL, the READ privilege is represented by a S letter. A comment in 
the source reports that the R letter was used in the past for rule privilege. 
Looking at the postgres sources, I see that this privilege on rules has been 
suppressed  in 8.2, so 13 years ago. As this R letter would be a so much better 
choice, I wonder whether it couldn't be reused now for this new purpose. Is it 
important to keep this letter frozen ?

F) Extension

I then created an extension, whose installation script creates a schema 
variable and functions that use it. The schema variable is correctly linked to 
the extension, so that dropping the extension drops the variable.

But there is an issue when dumping the database (Issue 3). The script generated 
by pg_dump includes the CREATE EXTENSION statement as expected but also a 
redundant CREATE VARIABLE statement for the variable that belongs to the 
extension. As a result, one of course gets an error at restore time.

G) Row Level Security

I did a test activating RLS on a table and creating a POLICY that references a 
schema variable in its USING and WITH CHECK clauses. Everything worked fine.

H) psql

A \dV meta-command displays all the created variables.
I would change a little bit the provided view. More precisely I would:
- rename "Constraint" into "Is nullable" and report it as a boolean
- rename "Special behave" into "Is transactional" and report it as a boolean
- change the order of columns so to have:
Schema | Name | Type | Is nullable | Default | Owner | Is transactional | 
Transaction end action
"Is nullable" being aside "Default"

I) Performance

I just quickly looked at the performance, and