[HACKERS] pg_dump - failed sanity check, type

2001-03-20 Thread Cedar Cox

(First of all, is this the right list?)

When doing
  pg_dump testdb -u
I get
  failed sanity check, type with oid 899762 was not found

I searched my backend log for this oid and found something near the
'tryme' function.  As far as I can find I have two functions defined with
different args and one has a problem.  These are an old unused functions I
wrote in plpgsql.  I'm guessing that if I remove them the problem will go

  Result   | Function  | Arguments
 bool  | tryme | - 
 bool  | tryme | record 

testdb=# select proargtypes from pg_proc where proname='tryme';
(2 rows)

Am I making sense?  .. comments?  What's going on?


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[HACKERS] triggered data change violation

2001-03-20 Thread Cedar Cox

Added note:  The trigger is a BEFORE trigger.

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 20:43:59 +0200 (IST)
Subject: triggered data change violation

ERROR:  triggered data change violation on relation "tblstsc2options"

What is this?  It doesn't happen unless I'm in a transaction.  I'm
INSERTing a record and then DELETEing it (in the same transaction) and on
delete I get this error.  If I commit and begin a new transaction before
the delete everything is fine.  Is it something my trigger causing?  I
don't have any UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE statements in my trigger (and I
am returning old on delete).


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