Re: [HACKERS] serial type as foreign key referential integrity violation

2002-09-03 Thread Shridhar Daithankar

On 31 Aug 2002 at 5:28, Zhicong Leo Liang wrote:

 Hi all,
   Just briefly describe my problem.
   I have two tables.
 create table A(
a1 serial primary key,
a2 varchars(10)

that should be varchar..

 create table B(
 b1 integer primary key,
 b2 Integer,
 foreign key(b2) references a(a1)
 insert into A values('123'); 
 select a1 from A where a2='123'
 insert into B values (1,1);
 ERROR!! referential integrity violation - key referenced from B not found in A.

this works.. I guess it's matter of writing a bit cleaner sql if nothing else. 
I am using postgresql-7.2-12mdk with mandrake8.2. 

I don't know which approach is better or correct, yours or mine. But this 
solves your problems at least..

test=# select * from a;
 a1  | a2
 123 |
(1 row)

test=# insert into A(a2) values('123');
INSERT 4863345 1
test=# select * from a;
 a1  | a2
 123 |
   1 | 123
(2 rows)

test=# insert into b(b1,b2) values(1,1);
INSERT 4863346 1
test=# select * from a;
 a1  | a2
 123 |
   1 | 123
(2 rows)

test=# select * from b;
 b1 | b2
  1 |  1
(1 row)



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Re: [HACKERS] serial type as foreign key referential integrity

2002-09-03 Thread Stephan Szabo

On 31 Aug 2002, Zhicong Leo Liang wrote:

 Hi all,
   Just briefly describe my problem.
   I have two tables.
 create table A(
a1 serial primary key,
a2 varchars(10)
 create table B(
 b1 integer primary key,
 b2 Integer,
 foreign key(b2) references a(a1)
 insert into A values('123');
 select a1 from A where a2='123'

Did you actually do that sequence and get that result?
Because you shouldn't.  That should have put a 123 in a1 and
a NULL in a2.
Perhaps you meant insert into a(a2) values('123');

 insert into B values (1,1);
 ERROR!! referential integrity violation - key referenced from B not found in A.

In any case doing the above (with correction) and the insert
works fine for me.  We'll need more info.

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