Re: [HACKERS] I s this a bug of spgist index in a heavy write condition?

2013-01-13 Thread 李海龙
at 2013-01-12 02:21, Tom Lane wrote:


This time I will give you the contents of the table route_raw, the download 
link is or .

Thanks for the data, but I still can't reproduce the problem :-(.

Can you confirm whether loading this dump into an empty database and
running your test case (15 instances of that script) fails for you?

regards, tom lane

Yes,I do confirm that. I consider to try to do further test in order to 
reproduce it again in some way you can reproduce it simply.

Thanks again

Best Regards!

Re: [HACKERS] I s this a bug of spgist index in a heavy write condition?

2013-01-11 Thread Tom Lane
=?gb2312?B?wO66o8H6?= writes:
 This time I will give you the contents of the table route_raw, the download 
 link is or .

Thanks for the data, but I still can't reproduce the problem :-(.

Can you confirm whether loading this dump into an empty database and
running your test case (15 instances of that script) fails for you?

regards, tom lane

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Re: [HACKERS] I s this a bug of spgist index in a heavy write condition?

2013-01-10 Thread 李海龙
Hi,dear tom lane  pgsql-hackers

In your last e-mail, you want me to think anbout  the only  spgist-indexed 
column and give you some more further information.

This time I will give you the contents of the table route_raw, the download 
link is or .

OS Version:
CentOS release 5.5 (Final)

PostgreSQL Version:
postgres=# select version();
 PostgreSQL 9.2.2 on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (GCC) 4.1.2 
20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-50), 64-bit
(1 row)

I create a database named test_spgist,and there is only one table named 
route_raw which only has a id (primary key ) column and a spgist index column 
in the database.

Some details is shown as following:

test_spgist=# \dt
   List of relations
 Schema |   Name| Type  |  Owner
 public | route_raw | table | postgres
(1 row)

test_spgist=# \d route_raw
   Table public.route_raw
  Column   |  Type   |   Modifiers
 sourceurl | character varying(1000) | not null default ''::character varying
 id| integer | not null default 
route_raw_pkey PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
route_raw_sourceurl_idx spgist (sourceurl)

--Before the test, this table has 997736 records.
test_spgist=# select count(1) from route_raw ;

(1 row)

1. edit a shell script that function is insert data to table route_raw

$ cat /tmp/


while [ 10 -ne 9 ]
SQL=insert into route_raw(sourceurl) values 
(' ,
 , , , ,,,
 , , ')
sleep 1
$PSQL  -U $USR -d $DB -c $SQL

2. I create 15 clients and execute this shell script in each client

$ /tmp/ /dev/null
]$ /tmp/ /dev/null

3. only 1 connection to update the table

$ psql -U postgres
psql (9.2.2)
Type help for help.

postgres=# \c test_spgist
You are now connected to database test_spgist as user postgres.

test_spgist=# update route_raw set sourceurl = 
 sourceurl like '%=CGZL120701MDG0%';

4. I execute the statement select * from pg_stat_activity; and select count(1) 
from route_raw;  to monitor the connections

test_spgist=# select count(1) from route_raw ;

(1 row)


test_spgist=# select count(1) from route_raw;
(1 row)


test_spgist=# select count(1) from route_raw;
(1 row)

test_spgist=# select * from pg_stat_activity ;
 datid |   datname   |  pid  | usesysid | usename  | application_name | 
client_addr | client_hostname | client_port | backend_start |   
   xact_start   |
query_start  | state_change  | waiting | state  |

 nb sp;



Re: [HACKERS] I s this a bug of spgist index in a heavy write condition?

2013-01-08 Thread Tom Lane
=?gb2312?B?wO66o8H6?= writes:
 I am very excited to say that I may have created a test case!

I've been running variants of this example for most of the afternoon,
and have not seen a failure :-(.  So I'm afraid there is some aspect
of your situation that you've not provided enough information to
reproduce.  Most likely, that's the initial contents of your table,
which you didn't provide.  I tried seeding the table with the five
values you did show and then running the insertion loops, but no luck,
even after many millions of insertions with various timing changes.

Please see if you can put together a self-contained test case including
necessary test data.  (Note there's no reason to think that any of the
columns other than the spgist-indexed one are interesting, if that helps
you sanitize the data to the point you can let it out.)

The control flow in spgdoinsert.c is flat enough that the stack trace
alone isn't much help in understanding the bug, I'm afraid.  We can
guess that two insertions are trying to lock the same two index pages in
opposite orders, but without looking at the data that doesn't put us
much closer to a fix.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [HACKERS] I s this a bug of spgist index in a heavy write condition?

2013-01-08 Thread Tom Lane
I wrote:
 The control flow in spgdoinsert.c is flat enough that the stack trace
 alone isn't much help in understanding the bug, I'm afraid.

BTW, something that possibly *would* help, since you seem to be able to
reproduce the bug easily, is to do that and then capture the values of
the local variables in spgdoinsert() -- especially the contents of the
current and parent structs --- from each of the processes that are
stuck.  Also interesting would be to print the SpGistCache structs.
It'd go something like
frame 4
info locals
p *(SpGistCache *) index-rd_amcache

regards, tom lane

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Re: [HACKERS] I s this a bug of spgist index in a heavy write condition?

2012-12-13 Thread Tom Lane
=?utf-8?B?5p2O5rW36b6Z?= writes:
 We have lots data to insert in that table which have the spgist index,
 may be the spgist index have a bug on a heavy write condition?

Perhaps, but you certainly haven't provided any information that would
help anyone to fix the bug.  Can you create a self-contained test case?

regards, tom lane

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Re: [HACKERS] I s this a bug of spgist index in a heavy write condition?

2012-12-13 Thread 李海龙

The problem is not always appear on our system, we can't find a way to 
reproduce it.
After rebuild the index with btree, the problem is disappear

at 2012-12-14 00:16, Tom Lane wrote:
 =?utf-8?B?5p2O5rW36b6Z?= writes:
 We have lots data to insert in that table which have the spgist index,
 may be the spgist index have a bug on a heavy write condition?
 Perhaps, but you certainly haven't provided any information that would
 help anyone to fix the bug.  Can you create a self-contained test case?

   regards, tom lane

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