Re: [PERFORM] configure shmmax on MAC OS X

2004-04-13 Thread Jeff Bohmer

On OS X, I've always made these changes in:


and manually checked it with sysctl after reboot.  Works for me.

100k buffers is probably overkill.  There can be a performance penalty with too many 
buffers.  See this lists' archives for more.  10k would probably be a better start.

- Jeff

>Hi, all,
>I have got a new MaC OS G5 with 8GB RAM. So i tried to increase
>the shmmax in Kernel so that I can take advantage of the RAM.
>I searched the web and read the manual for PG7.4 chapter 16.5.1.
>After that, I edited /etc/rc file:
>sysctl -w kern.sysv.shmmax=4294967296 // byte
>sysctl -w kern.sysv.shmmin=1
>sysctl -w kern.sysv.shmmni=32
>sysctl -w kern.sysv.shmseg=8
>sysctl -w kern.sysv.shmall=1048576 //4kpage
>for 4G shared RAM.
>Then I changed postgresql.conf:
>shared_buffer=10 //could be bigger?
>and restart the machine and postgres server. To my surprise, postgres server wouldn't
>start, saying that the requested shared memory exceeds kernel's shmmax.
>My suspision is that the change i made in /etc/rc does not take effect.Is there a way
>to check it?  Is there an
>up limit for how much RAM can be allocated for shared buffer in MAC OS X? Or
>is there something wrong with my calculation in numbers?
>Thanks a lot!
>---(end of broadcast)---
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Jeff Bohmer
VisionLink, Inc.
People. Tools. Change. Community.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
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Re: [PERFORM] Hardware suggestions for Linux/PGSQL server

2003-12-15 Thread Jeff Bohmer
In the last exciting episode, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Andrew G. Hammond") wrote:
 I don't know what your budget is, but there are now 10k RPM SATA 150
 drives on the market. Their price/performance is impressive. You may
 want to consider going with a bunch of these instead of SCSI disks
 (more spindles vs. faster spindles). 3ware makes a hardware raid
 card that can drive up to 12 SATA disks. I have been told by a few
 people who have used it that the linux driver is very solid.
We got a couple of those in for testing purposes; when opportunity
presents itself, I'll have to check to see if they are any more honest
about commits than traditional IDE drives.
If they still "lie" the same way IDE drives do, it is entirely
possible that they are NOT nearly as impressive as you presently
imagine.  It's not much good if they're "way fast" if you can't trust
them to actually store data when they claim it is stored...
We lost data because of this very problem when a UPS didn't signal 
the shut down before it ran out of juice.

Here's an excellent explanation of the problem:
This post indicates that SATA drives still have problems, but a new 
ATA standard might fix things in the future:

SATA RAID is a good option for a testing server, though.

- Jeff
Jeff Bohmer
VisionLink, Inc.
People. Tools. Change. Community.
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [PERFORM] Hardware suggestions for Linux/PGSQL server

2003-12-13 Thread Jeff Bohmer

Shridhar Daithankar wrote:
FWIW, there are only two pieces of software that need 64bit aware 
for a typical server job. Kernel and glibc. Rest of the apps can do 
fine as 32 bits unless you are oracle and insist on outsmarting OS.

In fact running 32 bit apps on 64 bit OS has plenty of advantages 
like effectively using the cache. Unless you need 64bit, going for 
64bit software is not advised.
This is a good point. While doing research on this matter a few 
months back, I saw comments by people testing 64-bit MySQL that some 
operations would run faster and some slower due to the use of 64-bit 
datatypes versus 32-bit. The best solution in the end is probably to 
run 32-bit Postgres under a 64-bit kernel -- unless your DB tends to 
have a lot of 64-bit datatypes.

Thanks Shridhar and William,

This advice has been very helpful.  I would imagine a lot of folks 
are, or will soon be looking at 32- vs. 64-bit just for memory 
reasons and not 64-bit apps.

- Jeff
Jeff Bohmer
VisionLink, Inc.
People. Tools. Change. Community.
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [PERFORM] Hardware suggestions for Linux/PGSQL server

2003-12-13 Thread Jeff Bohmer
Just one more piece of advice, you might want to look into a good battery
backed cache hardware RAID controller.  They work quite well for heavily
updated databases.  The more drives you throw at the RAID array the faster
it will be.
I've seen this list often recommended such a setup.  We'll probably 
get battery-backed write cache and start out with a 4 disk RAID 10 
array.  Then add more disks and change RAID 5 if more read 
performance is needed.

- Jeff
Jeff Bohmer
VisionLink, Inc.
People. Tools. Change. Community.
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [PERFORM] Hardware suggestions for Linux/PGSQL server

2003-12-11 Thread Jeff Bohmer

Properly tuned, PG on Linux runs really nice. A few people have 
mentioned the VM swapping algorithm on Linux is semi-dumb. I get 
around that problem by having a ton of memory and almost no swap.
I think we want your approach: enough RAM to avoid swapping altogether.

With 4GB of RAM, you're already running into bigmem. By default, 
Linux gives 2GB of address space to programs and 2GB to kernel.
It seems I don't fully understand the bigmem situation.  I've 
searched the archives, googled, checked RedHat's docs, etc.  But I'm 
getting conflicting, incomplete and/or out of date information.  Does 
anyone have pointers to bigmem info or configuration for the 2.4 

If Linux is setup with 2GB for kernel and 2GB for user, would that be 
OK with a DB size of 2-2.5 GB?  I'm figuring the kernel will cache 
most/all of the DB in it's 2GB and there's 2GB left for PG processes. 
Where does PG's SHM buffers live, kernel or user?  (I don't plan on 
going crazy with buffers, but will guess we'd need about 128MB, 256MB 
at most.)

I usually see people quote 5%-15% penalty in general for using PAE 
versus a flat address space. I've seen simple MySQL benchmarks where 
64-bit versions run 35%+ faster versus 32-bit+PAE but how that 
translates to PG, I dunno yet.

We'd like to always have enough RAM to cache the entire database. 
While 64bit is in our long-term future, we're willing to stick with 
32bit Linux until 64bit Linux on Itanium/Opteron and 64bit 
PostgreSQL "settle in" to proven production-quality.
Well if this is the case, you probably should get an Opteron server 
*now* and just run 32-bit Linux on it until you're sure about the 
software. No point in buying a Xeon and then throwing the machine 
away in a year when you decide you need 64-bit for more speed.
That's a good point.  I had forgotten about the option to run 32bit 
on an Operton.  If we had 3GB or 4GB initially on an Opteron, we'd 
need bigmem for 32bit Linux, right?

This might work nicely since we'd factor in the penalty from PAE for 
now and have the performance boost from moving to 64bit available on 
demand.  Not having to build another DB server in a year would also 
be nice.

FYI, we need stability first and performance second.

Thank you,
- Jeff

Jeff Bohmer
VisionLink, Inc.
People. Tools. Change. Community.
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

[PERFORM] Hardware suggestions for Linux/PGSQL server

2003-12-11 Thread Jeff Bohmer
Hi everyone,

I want to pick your brains for hardware suggestions about a 
Linux-based PostgreSQL 7.4 server.  It will be a dedicated DB server 
backing our web sites and hit by application servers (which do 
connection pooling).  I've hopefully provided all relevant 
information below.  Any thoughts, comments or suggestions are welcome.

Our current server and database:
Mac OS X Server 10.2.8
single 1.25GHz G4
2 GB 333MHz RAM
7200 rpm SCSI drive for OS, logs
15k rpm SCSI drive for data
PostgreSQL 7.3.4
1 database, 1.1 GB in size, growing by ~15 MB / week
60 tables, 1 schema, largest is 1m rows, 1 at 600k, 3 at 100k
Peak traffic:
500 UPDATEs, INSERTs and DELETEs / minute
6000 SELECTs / minutes
90 connections
Performance is fine most of the time, but not during peak loads. 
We're never swapping and disk IO during the SELECT peaks is hardly 
anything (under 3MB/sec).  I think UPDATE peaks might be saturating 
disk IO.  Normally, most queries finish in under .05 seconds.  Some 
take 2-3 seconds.  During peaks, the fast queries are just OK and the 
slower ones take too long (like over 8 seconds).

We're moving to Linux from OS X for improved stability and more 
hardware options.  We need to do this soon.  The current server is 
max'd out at 2GB RAM and I'm afraid might start swapping in a month.

Projected database/traffic in 12 months:
Database size will be at least 2.5 GB
Largest table still 1m rows, but 100k tables will grow to 250k
Will be replicated to a suitable standby slave machine
Peak traffic:
2k UPDATEs, INSERTs, DELETEs / minute
20k SELECTs / minute
150 - 200 connections
We're willing to shell out extra bucks to get something that will 
undoubtedly handle the projected peak load in 12 months with 
excellent performance.  But we're not familiar with PG's performance 
on Linux and don't like to waste money.

I've been thinking of this (overkill? not enough?):
2 Intel 32-bit CPUs
Lowest clock speed chip for the fastest available memory bus
4 GB RAM (maybe we only need 3 GB to start with?)
For PostgreSQL data and logs ...
15k rpm SCSI disks
RAID 5, 7 disks, 256MB battery-backed write cache
(Should we save $ and get a 4-disk RAID 10 array?)
I wonder about the 32bit+bigmem vs. 64bit question.  At what database 
size will we need more than 4GB RAM?

We'd like to always have enough RAM to cache the entire database. 
While 64bit is in our long-term future, we're willing to stick with 
32bit Linux until 64bit Linux on Itanium/Opteron and 64bit PostgreSQL 
"settle in" to proven production-quality.

- Jeff

Jeff Bohmer
VisionLink, Inc.
People. Tools. Change. Community.
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
 joining column's datatypes do not match