Re: [PERFORM] GiST indexes and concurrency (tsearch2)

2005-02-09 Thread Marinos J. Yannikos
Tom Lane wrote:
You might try the attached patch (which I just applied to HEAD).
It cuts down the number of acquisitions of the BufMgrLock by merging
adjacent bufmgr calls during a GIST index search.  [...]
Thanks - I applied it successfully against 8.0.0, but it didn't seem to 
have a noticeable effect. I'm still seeing more or less exactly 25% CPU 
usage by postgres processes and identical query times (measured with the 
Perl script I posted earlier).

Dipl.-Ing. Marinos Yannikos, CEO
Preisvergleich Internet Services AG
Obere Donaustrasse 63, A-1020 Wien
Tel./Fax: (+431) 5811609-52/-55
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
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Re: [PERFORM] GiST indexes and concurrency (tsearch2)

2005-02-09 Thread Marinos J. Yannikos
Tom Lane wrote:
I'm not completely convinced that you're seeing the same thing,
but if you're seeing a whole lot of semops then it could well be.
I'm seeing ~280 semops/second with spinlocks enabled and ~80k 
semops/second ( 4 mil. for 100 queries) with --disable-spinlocks, which 
increases total run time by ~20% only. In both cases, cpu usage stays 
around 25%, which is a bit odd.

[...]You said
you're testing a quad-processor machine, so it could be that you're
seeing the same lock contention issues that we've been trying to figure
out for the past year ...
Are those issues specific to a particular platform (only x86/Linux?) or 
is it a problem with SMP systems in general? I guess I'll be following 
the current discussion on -hackers closely...

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Re: [PERFORM] GiST indexes and concurrency (tsearch2)

2005-02-03 Thread Marinos J. Yannikos
Oleg Bartunov wrote:
On Thu, 3 Feb 2005, Marinos J. Yannikos wrote:
concurrent access to GiST indexes isn't possible at the moment. I [...]
there are should no problem with READ access.
OK, thanks everyone (perhaps it would make sense to clarify this in the 

I'm willing to see some details: version, query, explain analyze.
Query while the box is idle:
explain analyze select count(*) from fr_offer o, fr_merchant m where 
idxfti @@ to_tsquery('ranz  mc') and eur = 70 and m.m_id=o.m_id;

Aggregate  (cost=2197.48..2197.48 rows=1 width=0) (actual 
time=88.052..88.054 rows=1 loops=1)
   -  Merge Join  (cost=2157.42..2196.32 rows=461 width=0) (actual 
time=88.012..88.033 rows=3 loops=1)
 Merge Cond: (outer.m_id = inner.m_id)
 -  Index Scan using fr_merchant_pkey on fr_merchant m 
(cost=0.00..29.97 rows=810 width=4) (actual time=0.041..1.233 rows=523 
 -  Sort  (cost=2157.42..2158.57 rows=461 width=4) (actual 
time=85.779..85.783 rows=3 loops=1)
   Sort Key: o.m_id
   -  Index Scan using idxfti_idx on fr_offer o 
(cost=0.00..2137.02 rows=461 width=4) (actual time=77.957..85.754 rows=3 
 Index Cond: (idxfti @@ '\'ranz\'  \'mc\''::tsquery)
 Filter: (eur = 70::double precision)

 Total runtime: 88.131 ms
now, while using apachebench (-c10), top says this:
Cpu0  : 15.3% us, 10.0% sy,  0.0% ni, 74.7% id,  0.0% wa,  0.0% hi,  0.0% si
Cpu1  : 13.3% us, 11.6% sy,  0.0% ni, 75.1% id,  0.0% wa,  0.0% hi,  0.0% si
Cpu2  : 16.9% us,  9.6% sy,  0.0% ni, 73.4% id,  0.0% wa,  0.0% hi,  0.0% si
Cpu3  : 18.7% us, 14.0% sy,  0.0% ni, 67.0% id,  0.0% wa,  0.0% hi,  0.3% si
(this is with shared_buffers = 2000; a larger setting makes almost no 
difference for overall performance: although according to top system 
time goes to ~0 and user time to ~25%, the system still stays 70-75% idle)

 r  b   swpd   free   buff  cache   si   sobibo   incs us 
sy id wa
 2  0  0 8654316  64908 4177136005635  279   286  5 
 1 94  0
 2  0  0 8646188  64908 417713600 0 0 1156  2982 15 
10 75  0
 2  0  0 8658412  64908 417713600 0 0 1358  3098 19 
11 70  0
 1  0  0 8646508  64908 417713600 0   104 1145  2070 13 
12 75  0

so the script's execution speed is apparently not limited by the CPUs.
The query execution times go up like this while apachebench is running 
(and the system is 75% idle):

 Aggregate  (cost=2197.48..2197.48 rows=1 width=0) (actual 
time=952.661..952.663 rows=1 loops=1)
   -  Merge Join  (cost=2157.42..2196.32 rows=461 width=0) (actual 
time=952.621..952.641 rows=3 loops=1)
 Merge Cond: (outer.m_id = inner.m_id)
 -  Index Scan using fr_merchant_pkey on fr_merchant m 
(cost=0.00..29.97 rows=810 width=4) (actual time=2.078..3.338 rows=523 
 -  Sort  (cost=2157.42..2158.57 rows=461 width=4) (actual 
time=948.345..948.348 rows=3 loops=1)
   Sort Key: o.m_id
   -  Index Scan using idxfti_idx on fr_offer o 
(cost=0.00..2137.02 rows=461 width=4) (actual time=875.643..948.301 
rows=3 loops=1)
 Index Cond: (idxfti @@ '\'ranz\'  \'mc\''::tsquery)
 Filter: (eur = 70::double precision)
 Total runtime: 952.764 ms

I can't seem to find out where the bottleneck is, but it doesn't seem to 
be CPU or disk. top shows that postgres processes are frequently in 
this state:

 6701 postgres  16   0  204m  58m  56m S  9.3  0.2   0:06.96 semtimedo

Any hints are appreciated...
Dipl.-Ing. Marinos Yannikos, CEO
Preisvergleich Internet Services AG
Obere Donaustraße 63/2, A-1020 Wien
Tel./Fax: (+431) 5811609-52/-55
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [PERFORM] GiST indexes and concurrency (tsearch2)

2005-02-03 Thread Marinos J. Yannikos
Oleg Bartunov wrote:
what if you construct apachebench  Co free  script and see if
the issue still exists. There are could be many issues doesn't
connected to postgresql and tsearch2.
Yes, the problem persists - I wrote a small perl script that forks 10 
chils processes and executes the same queries in parallel without any 
php/apachebench involved:

--- 8 ---
use DBI;
$sql=select count(*) from fr_offer o, fr_merchant m where idxfti @@ 
to_tsquery('ranz  mc') and eur = 70 and m.m_id=o.m_id;;

sub reaper { my $waitedpid = wait; $running--; $SIG{CHLD} = \reaper; }
$SIG{CHLD} = \reaper;
for $i (1..$n)
if (fork()  0) { $running++; }
 AutoCommit = 1 }) || die !db;
for my $j (1..$nq)
my $sth=$dbh-prepare($sql);
$r=$sth-execute() or print STDERR $dbh-errstr();
exit 0;
while ($running  0)
sleep 1;
print Running: $running\n;
--- 8 ---

Result (now with shared_buffers = 2, hence less system and more user 

Cpu0  : 25.1% us,  0.0% sy,  0.0% ni, 74.9% id,  0.0% wa,  0.0% hi,  0.0% si
Cpu1  : 18.3% us,  0.0% sy,  0.0% ni, 81.7% id,  0.0% wa,  0.0% hi,  0.0% si
Cpu2  : 27.8% us,  0.3% sy,  0.0% ni, 71.9% id,  0.0% wa,  0.0% hi,  0.0% si
Cpu3  : 23.5% us,  0.3% sy,  0.0% ni, 75.9% id,  0.0% wa,  0.0% hi,  0.3% si
 7571 postgres  16   0  204m  62m  61m R 10.6  0.2   0:01.97 - 
 7583 postgres  16   0  204m  62m  61m S  9.6  0.2   0:02.06 semtimedo 
 7586 postgres  16   0  204m  62m  61m S  9.6  0.2   0:02.00 semtimedo 
 7575 postgres  16   0  204m  62m  61m S  9.3  0.2   0:02.12 semtimedo 
 7578 postgres  16   0  204m  62m  61m R  9.3  0.2   0:02.05 - 

i.e., virtually no difference. With 1000 queries and 10 in parallel, the 
apachebench run takes 60.674 seconds and the perl script 59.392 seconds.

Dipl.-Ing. Marinos Yannikos, CEO
Preisvergleich Internet Services AG
Obere Donaustraße 63/2, A-1020 Wien
Tel./Fax: (+431) 5811609-52/-55
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
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Re: [PERFORM] GiST indexes and concurrency (tsearch2)

2005-02-03 Thread Marinos J. Yannikos
Tom Lane schrieb:
What's the platform exactly (hardware and OS)?
- SCSI version, 2 x 146GB 10k rpm disks in software RAID-1
- 32GB RAM
OS: Linux 2.6.10-rc3, x86_64, debian GNU/Linux distribution
- CONFIG_K8_NUMA is currently turned off (no change, but now all CPUs 
have ~25% load, previously one was 100% busy and the others idle)

- CONFIG_GART_IOMMU=y (but no change, tried both settings)
[other kernel options didn't seem to be relevant for tweaking at the 
moment, mostly they're safe defaults]

The PostgreSQL data directory is on an ext2 filesystem.
Dipl.-Ing. Marinos Yannikos, CEO
Preisvergleich Internet Services AG
Obere Donaustrasse 63, A-1020 Wien
Tel./Fax: (+431) 5811609-52/-55
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
 subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
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[PERFORM] GiST indexes and concurrency (tsearch2)

2005-02-02 Thread Marinos J. Yannikos
according to , 
concurrent access to GiST indexes isn't possible at the moment. I 
haven't read the thesis mentioned there, but I presume that concurrent 
read access is also impossible. Is there any workaround for this, esp. 
if the index is usually only read and not written to?

It seems to be a big problem with tsearch2, when multiple clients are 
hammering the db (we have a quad opteron box here that stays 75% idle 
despite an apachebench with concurrency 10 stressing the php script that 
uses tsearch2, with practically no disk accesses)

Dipl.-Ing. Marinos Yannikos, CEO
Preisvergleich Internet Services AG
Obere Donaustraße 63/2, A-1020 Wien
Tel./Fax: (+431) 5811609-52/-55
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [PERFORM] optimization ideas for frequent, large(ish) updates

2004-02-15 Thread Marinos J. Yannikos
Jeff Trout wrote:

Remember that it is going to allocate 800MB per sort.  It is not you 
can allocate up to 800MB, so if you need 1 meg, use one meg.  Some 
queries may end up having a few sort steps.
I didn't know that it always allocates the full amount of memory 
specificed in the configuration (e.g. the annotated configuration guide 
says: Note that for a complex query, several sorts might be running in 
parallel, and each one _will be allowed to use_ as much memory as this 
value specifies before it starts to put data into temporary files.). 
The individual postgres processes don't look like they're using the full 
amount either (but that could be because the memory isn't written to).

In terms of sort mem it is best to set a system default to a nice good 
value for most queries.  and then in your reporting queries or other 
ones set sort_mem for that session (set sort_mem = 80) then only 
that session will use the looney sort_mem
Queries from the web front-end use up to ~130MB sort memory (according 
to pgsql_tmp), so I set this to 150MB - thanks.

It would be interesting to know if your machine is swapping.
It's not being monitored closely (other than with the occasional top), 
 but it's highly unlikely:

Mem:  12441864k total, 10860648k used,  1581216k free,84552k buffers
Swap:  4008176k total, 2828k used,  4005348k free,  9762628k cached
(that's a typical situation - the 2828k used are probably some rarely 
used processes that have lower priority than the cache ...)

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [PERFORM] optimization ideas for frequent, large(ish) updates

2004-02-14 Thread Marinos J. Yannikos
Josh Berkus wrote:

800MB for sort mem?   Are you sure you typed that correctly?   You must be 
counting on not having a lot of concurrent queries.  It sure will speed up 
index updating, though!
800MB is correct, yes... There are usually only 10-30 postgres processes 
 active (imagine 5-10 people working on the web front-end while cron 
jobs access the db occasionally). Very few queries can use such large 
amounts of memory for sorting, but they do exist.

I think you might do well to experiment with using the checkpoint_delay and 
checkpoint_sibilings settings in order to get more efficient batch processing 
of updates while selects are going on.

I thought that could improve only concurrent transactions...

What have you set max_fsm_relations and max_fsm_pages to?  The latter should 
be very high for you, like 10,000,000
good guess ;-) the former is set to 10,000 (I'm not sure how useful this 
is for those temporary tables)

For that matter, what *version* of PostgreSQL are you running?

Also, make sure that your tables get vaccuumed regularly.  
There is a noticeable difference between a properly vacuumed db (nightly 
vacuum full) and a non-vacuumed one and people will start complaining 
immediately if something goes wrong there...

Well, a battery-backed RAID controller with a fast cache would certainly help.
(RAID-5 with 9 15k rpm drives; at a hindsight, perhaps we should have 
tried a 0+1)

You'll also be glad to know that a *lot* of the improvements in the upcoming 
PostgreSQL 7.5 are aimed at giving better peformance on large, high-activity 
databases like yours.
That's good to hear...

---(end of broadcast)---
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[PERFORM] (partial?) indexes, LIKE and NULL

2004-01-27 Thread Marinos J. Yannikos

with the following table:

 Column | Type | Modifiers
 t  | text |
 a btree (t)
Shouldn't queries that use
   ... where t like '%something%'
benefit from a when t is NULL in almost all cases, since the query 
planner could use a to access the few non-NULL rows quickly? It 
doesn't seem to work right now.

(I assume that it would make no difference if the index a was partial, 
excluding NULLs)

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [PERFORM] why do optimizer parameters have to be set manually?

2003-12-19 Thread Marinos J. Yannikos
Tom Lane wrote:
No, they are not that easy to determine.  In particular I think the idea
of automatically feeding back error measurements is hopeless, because
you cannot tell which parameters are wrong.
Isn't it just a matter of solving an equation system with n variables (n 
being the number of parameters), where each equation stands for the 
calculation of the run time of a particular query? I.e. something like
this for a sequential scan over 1000 rows with e.g. 2 operators used per 
iteration that took 2 seconds (simplified so that the costs are actual 
timings and not relative costs to a base value):

1000 * sequential_scan_cost + 1000 * 2 * cpu_operator_cost = 2.0 seconds

With a sufficient number of equations (not just n, since not all query 
plans use all the parameters) this system can be solved for the 
particular query mix that was used. E.g. with a second sequential scan 
over 2000 rows with 1 operator per iteration that took 3 seconds you can 

sequential_scan_cost = 1ms
cpu_operator_cost = 0.5ms
This could probably be implemented with very little overhead compared to 
the actual run times of the queries.


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[PERFORM] why do optimizer parameters have to be set manually?

2003-12-18 Thread Marinos J. Yannikos

it seems to me that the optimizer parameters (like random_page_cost 
etc.) could easily be calculated and adjusted dynamically be the DB 
backend based on the planner's cost estimates and actual run times for 
different queries. Perhaps the developers could comment on that?

I'm not sure how the parameters are used internally (apart from whatever 
EXPLAIN shows), but if cpu_operator_cost is the same for all 
operators, this should probably also be adjusted for individual 
operators (I suppose that  is not as costly as ~*).

As far as the static configuration is concerned, I'd be interested in 
other users' parameters and hardware configurations. Here's ours (for a 
write-intensive db that also performs many queries with regular 
expression matching):

effective_cache_size = 100  # typically 8KB each
#random_page_cost = 0.2 # units are one sequential page fetch cost
random_page_cost = 3# units are one sequential page fetch cost
#cpu_tuple_cost = 0.01  # (same)
cpu_index_tuple_cost = 0.01 # (same) 0.1
#cpu_operator_cost = 0.0025 # (same)
cpu_operator_cost = 0.025   # (same)
other options:

shared_buffers = 24 # 2*max_connections, min 16, typically 8KB each
max_fsm_relations = 1   # min 10, fsm is free space map, ~40 bytes
max_fsm_pages = 1000# min 1000, fsm is free space map, ~6 bytes
#max_locks_per_transaction = 20 # min 10
wal_buffers = 128   # min 4, typically 8KB each
sort_mem = 80   # min 64, size in KB
vacuum_mem = 10 # min 1024, size in KB
checkpoint_segments = 80# in logfile segments, min 1, 16MB each
checkpoint_timeout = 300# range 30-3600, in seconds
commit_delay = 10   # range 0-10, in microseconds
commit_siblings = 5 # range 1-1000
12GB RAM, dual 2,80GHz Xeon, 6x 10K rpm disks in a RAID-5, Linux 2.4.23 
with HT enabled.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster