[PHP-DB] opendir() gives failed to open dir: No error in C:\Apache\Apache\htdocs\sample_php.php

2005-01-11 Thread satya narayana
Hi All,

I am using a simple opendir() function in my code as
$o = opendir ($dir) or error (cannot open directory:

and the code fails saying opendir(tests): failed to
open dir: No error in

Don't know why the code I am getting the above error.
And definitely tests directory is accessible and it
is also a local directory(not shared over the network)
Well, I my OS is Windows 2003 64 bit OS.
PHP version is 4.3.9
thanks in advance.

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Re: [PHP-DB] Update multiple records

2005-01-11 Thread Stuart Felenstein

--- Jochem Maas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  if (count($inds)  0 AND is_array($inds)) {
  $ind = '.implode(',', $inds).';
 looks like you want to do a select statement with
 $ind in the form of
 SELECT * FROM yourtable WHERE yourfield IN ($inds)

Adding the IN clause did not help in any way.  What
I've been able to get so far is only the first record
returned from the database (even though 2 exists)

Using this result set it is picking up the correct
user records:
$query_rsLPINDS = sprintf(SELECT   
LurkerProfiles.ProfileID FROM LurkProfiles_Industries 
 INNER JOIN LurkerProfiles ON
(LurkProfiles_Industries.ProfileID =
INNER JOIN SignUp ON (LurkerProfiles.LurkID =
LurkProfiles_Industries.IndID = StaIndTypes.CareerIDs)

WHERE LurkerProfiles.ProfileID = %s and LurkID = %s
and hash = '%s',

I've created the variable for IndID like this :
$IndID = $rsLPINDS-Fields('IndID');
which when I do a print_r($IndID), prints out the
first record.
So at this point I'm trying to figure out what I need
to make $IndID an array.


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Re: [PHP-DB] Complicated Question (maybe)?

2005-01-11 Thread Frank M Flynn
Turning off 'Update' privileges in the DB will work but it's ugly.
	REVOKE UPDATE ON your table.column - or - * for all FROM the web 

   http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/GRANT.html for documentation
Now when someone tries to update this they will get an error and unless 
you have different logins fro every user UPDATE will not work for 
anyone over the web.

I  have two other ideas, although each is more work:
-Make a second table like  the first address table but add a timestamp 
column, do not use auto increment (you will set the ID to the ID in the 
original table).  In your PHP when you do an update you will first 
INSERT the original record and the current time into the new table then 
allow the UPDATE to the original table.  This will not break your app 
but will preserve the data.

-Add a column 'vaild' to the original table and when someone tries to 
update the table find the original record and set valid to 0; then 
insert a new record.  This may not work if you are joining off of the 
ID (all related records will still point to the old record).

You could also remove of disable all the UPDATE code from your PHP 
pages, no?

Good luck,
On Jan 11, 2005, at 9:39 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
From: Chris
As long as I'm understanding you correctly, this is able to be done 
with the mysql privileges.

Just create a user that isn't allowed to update that column, then use 
that user in your PHP code.

The wording of your message makes it look like you're using a webform 
to specify a columnname-value combination to update int he database. 
This is inherently insecure.

JeRRy wrote:
I want to BLOCK any possible updates from a webform or
php page to the address field.  Or even halt any sort
of update/modification from mysql to that column but
have it possible to unblock by admin.
Is this possible?  Sure I could refuse an mysql update
to do this but I want to lock out everyone to ensure
no sneaky activity or changes are made.
Is it possible or am I talking too much?
Find local movie times and trailers on Yahoo! Movies.

Re: [PHP-DB] Update multiple records

2005-01-11 Thread Martin Norland
Stumbling across some posts online, I noticed [some of] my messages were 
being sent as evil ugly HTML - so I'm going to do my best to post from 
Thunderbird for the list.  Gotta keep OE configured as is for all the 
lovely meeting scheduling.

Stuart Felenstein wrote:
--- Jochem Maas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

if (count($inds)  0 AND is_array($inds)) {
   $ind = '.implode(',', $inds).';
looks like you want to do a select statement with
$ind in the form of
SELECT * FROM yourtable WHERE yourfield IN ($inds)

Adding the IN clause did not help in any way.  What
I've been able to get so far is only the first record
returned from the database (even though 2 exists)
Using this result set it is picking up the correct
user records:
$query_rsLPINDS = sprintf(SELECT   
LurkerProfiles.ProfileID FROM LurkProfiles_Industries 
 INNER JOIN LurkerProfiles ON
(LurkProfiles_Industries.ProfileID =
INNER JOIN SignUp ON (LurkerProfiles.LurkID =
LurkProfiles_Industries.IndID = StaIndTypes.CareerIDs)

WHERE LurkerProfiles.ProfileID = %s and LurkID = %s
and hash = '%s',
I've created the variable for IndID like this :
$IndID = $rsLPINDS-Fields('IndID');
which when I do a print_r($IndID), prints out the
first record.
So at this point I'm trying to figure out what I need
to make $IndID an array.
If I remember correctly, you're using some kind of database class that 
we spent some time pinning down how to pull the values out of.  If that 
is indeed the case - you need to request the next record to be able to 
pull that records value for the field in.  I don't remember what package 
you were using - but whatever that is, I think you need to be running 
across your result set (foreach || while ) and requesting each result as 
you go (or you need to access the property of the object that stores the 
whole result set/etc.).

Whatever the case - I'm like 95% sure that -Fields('fieldname') was for 
last pulled rows value of this field or similar and was for pulling 
record by record.

- Martin Norland, Database / Web Developer, International Outreach x3257
The opinion(s) contained within this email do not necessarily represent
those of St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.
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RE: [PHP-DB] Question regarding how-to stop the form inputting empty data at end

2005-01-11 Thread Bastien Koert
if the media_ID field is an autonumber, then there is no need to do anything 
with it...mysql will take the null and generate the next id.

From: Mike Millner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: php-db@lists.php.net
Subject: [PHP-DB] Question regarding how-to stop the form inputting empty 
data at end of the form that is empty due to a carriage return
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2005 18:52:10 -0700

Hello everyone,
I have this form that we use for keeping track of tapes we send off site 
for storage where I work. The form works almost perfectly with the help of 
a few people.

We use a scanner to input the tape id's. The scanner automatically puts a 
carriage return at the end of each tape so they all go on seperate lines.

Anyway the question is this: After the last tape is scanned I end up with a 
line put into the mysql db that looks like this: (from mysql log file)

243 Query   INSERT INTO tape_tracking_test 
(media_id,retention,out_date,return_date,box_id) values 

If you look closely you'll see the first field is '' Single quotes with 
nothing in between.

How can I get PHP to ignore that line that has empty data in the media_id 
field? I have checking in place to not allow empty fields but PHP/mysql 
think that last carriage return is not empty.

I don't want to tell users they have to backspace at the end of the last 
tape (which fixes the problem)

I hope I'm explaining this properly. If not I'm sure you guys will let me 
know :)

Here is the script:
Above here is javascript for a calendar
body onLoad=showCalendar('now')
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { // Handle the form.
   $message = NULL; // Create an empty new variable.
// Check for MediaID.
   if (strlen($_POST['MediaID'])  0) {
   $MediaID = TRUE;
   } else {
   $MediaID = FALSE;
   $message .= 'pYou forgot to enter a Media ID!/p';
// Set the page title and include the HTML header.
$page_title = 'submit!';
form action=?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ? method=post
fieldsetlegendEnter the Tape information into the form below:/legend
Select name=Retention
   option value=4WK4 Weeks/option
   option value=7WK7 Weeks/option
   option value=1YR1 Year/option
   option value=2YR2 Years/option
pbOut Date:
/bbr input type=text name=OutDate size=20 maxlength=40 
value=?php print date(Y-m-d); ? //p

pbReturn Date:/b
script type=text/javascript 

pbBox ID:/bbr input type=text name=BoxID size=20 
maxlength=40 value=?php if (!empty($_POST['BoxID'])) echo 
$_POST['BoxID']; ? //p

pbMedia ID:/bbr
textarea name=MediaID rows=6 cols=24
?php if (!empty($_POST['MediaID'])) echo $_POST['MediaID']; ?

form name=submit action=
div align=centerinput type=submit name=date value=Submit 

$delimiter = \n;
$MediaID_ar = explode($delimiter,$_POST['MediaID']);
$len_ar['MediaID'] = count($MediaID_ar);
$len_ar['Retention'] = strlen($_POST['Retention']);
$len_ar['OutDate'] = strlen($_POST['OutDate']);
$len_ar['ReturnDate'] = strlen($_POST['calendarDate']);
$len_ar['BoxID'] = strlen($_POST['BoxID']);
if(($len_ar['MediaID'])  ($len_ar['OutDate'])  ($len_ar['ReturnDate']) 
 ($len_ar['BoxID'])) {

define ('DB_USER', 'mysql');
define ('DB_PASSWORD', 'mysql');
define ('DB_HOST', 'localhost');
define ('DB_NAME', 'tape_track_db');
$dbc = mysql_connect (DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD) or die 
mysql_select_db (DB_NAME);

for($i=0; $i  $len_ar['MediaID']; $i++) {
$MediaID_ar[$i] = str_replace(array(\r,\n),,$MediaID_ar[$i]);
mysql_query (INSERT INTO tape_tracking_test 
(media_id,retention,out_date,return_date,box_id) values 
('.$MediaID_ar[$i].','. $_POST['Retention'] .=%s','. $_POST['OutDate'] 
.','. $_POST['calendarDate'] .','. $_POST['BoxID'] .'));
echo mysql_error();

} else {
echo font color = RedpYou have not entered all information for each 

/form!-- End of Form --
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Re: [PHP-DB] Trying to figure out the best way to get and output data

2005-01-11 Thread Chris
It can be done in one query. Just join the two tables, and do a single 
loop through that query, printing out each row. When you reach a new 
category, display it.

Something like this:
$iCategoryID = -1;
while($aRow = ...)
   if($iCategoryID != $aRow['iCategoryID'])
   echo '[',$aRow['sCategoryName'],]\n;
   $iCategoryID = $aRow['iCategoryID'];
   echo $aRow['sSectionName'],\n;
That's bare bones, but that is, as far as I know, the best way to do it.
Seona Bellamy wrote:
Hi guys,
I'm relatively new to php, and am pretty much trying to learn as I go along.
I've been struggling to get my head around this problem for a day and half,
so I'm hoping that someone with more familiarity with the language can help
I have the following two tables:

- ID
- CategoryName
- TitleImage
- ID
- CategoryID
- SectionName
- Description
What I want is to get the name of each category and output that, and then
under each category I want to list the sections that belong to it. So for
Catgeory 1
- Section 1
- Section 2
Category 2
- Section 3
- Section 4
Is there a simple way to do this? Do I need to run one query and then run a
second query inside a loop? I have concerns about overheads using this
method, but so far it's the only one I have come up with. I'm open to
suggestions, but please spell everything out clearly because I'm still
learning. :)
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PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

Re: [PHP-DB] Question regarding how-to stop the form inputting empty data at end of the form that is empty due to a carriage return

2005-01-11 Thread Rory McKinley
Mike Millner wrote:
Hello everyone,
I have this form that we use for keeping track of tapes we send off site 
for storage where I work. The form works almost perfectly with the help 
of a few people.

We use a scanner to input the tape id's. The scanner automatically puts 
a carriage return at the end of each tape so they all go on seperate lines.

Anyway the question is this: After the last tape is scanned I end up 
with a line put into the mysql db that looks like this: (from mysql log 

243 Query   INSERT INTO tape_tracking_test 
(media_id,retention,out_date,return_date,box_id) values 

If you look closely you'll see the first field is '' Single quotes with 
nothing in between.

How can I get PHP to ignore that line that has empty data in the 
media_id field? I have checking in place to not allow empty fields but 
PHP/mysql think that last carriage return is not empty.

I don't want to tell users they have to backspace at the end of the last 
tape (which fixes the problem)

I hope I'm explaining this properly. If not I'm sure you guys will let 
me know :)

Here is the script:
Above here is javascript for a calendar
body onLoad=showCalendar('now')
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { // Handle the form.
   $message = NULL; // Create an empty new variable.
// Check for MediaID.
   if (strlen($_POST['MediaID'])  0) {
   $MediaID = TRUE;
   } else {
   $MediaID = FALSE;
   $message .= 'pYou forgot to enter a Media ID!/p';
// Set the page title and include the HTML header.
$page_title = 'submit!';
form action=?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ? method=post
fieldsetlegendEnter the Tape information into the form below:/legend
Select name=Retention
   option value=4WK4 Weeks/option
   option value=7WK7 Weeks/option
   option value=1YR1 Year/option
   option value=2YR2 Years/option
pbOut Date:
/bbr input type=text name=OutDate size=20 maxlength=40 
value=?php print date(Y-m-d); ? //p

pbReturn Date:/b
script type=text/javascript 

pbBox ID:/bbr input type=text name=BoxID size=20 
maxlength=40 value=?php if (!empty($_POST['BoxID'])) echo 
$_POST['BoxID']; ? //p

pbMedia ID:/bbr
textarea name=MediaID rows=6 cols=24
?php if (!empty($_POST['MediaID'])) echo $_POST['MediaID']; ?

form name=submit action=
div align=centerinput type=submit name=date value=Submit 

$delimiter = \n;
$MediaID_ar = explode($delimiter,$_POST['MediaID']);
$len_ar['MediaID'] = count($MediaID_ar);
$len_ar['Retention'] = strlen($_POST['Retention']);
$len_ar['OutDate'] = strlen($_POST['OutDate']);
$len_ar['ReturnDate'] = strlen($_POST['calendarDate']);
$len_ar['BoxID'] = strlen($_POST['BoxID']);
if(($len_ar['MediaID'])  ($len_ar['OutDate'])  
($len_ar['ReturnDate'])  ($len_ar['BoxID'])) {

define ('DB_USER', 'mysql');
define ('DB_PASSWORD', 'mysql');
define ('DB_HOST', 'localhost');
define ('DB_NAME', 'tape_track_db');
$dbc = mysql_connect (DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD) or die 
mysql_select_db (DB_NAME);

for($i=0; $i  $len_ar['MediaID']; $i++) {
$MediaID_ar[$i] = str_replace(array(\r,\n),,$MediaID_ar[$i]);
mysql_query (INSERT INTO tape_tracking_test 
(media_id,retention,out_date,return_date,box_id) values 
('.$MediaID_ar[$i].','. $_POST['Retention'] .=%s','. 
$_POST['OutDate'] .','. $_POST['calendarDate'] .','. $_POST['BoxID'] 
echo mysql_error();

} else {
echo font color = RedpYou have not entered all information for each 

/form!-- End of Form --
Hi Mike
I am not sure of the format of the media id, but can you not use a 
simple regex so that if mediaID is not of a certain pattern (e.g. all 
alphanumeric and a certain length), the relevant corrective action is taken?

Rory McKinley
Nebula Solutions
+27 21 555 3227 - office
+27 21 551 0676 - fax
+27 82 857 2391 - mobile

Rory McKinley
Nebula Solutions
+27 21 555 3227 - office
+27 21 551 0676 - fax
+27 82 857 2391 - mobile

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