Re: [PHP-DB] This won't work in MySQL 4.1.10

2007-01-03 Thread Chris

Peter Karlsson wrote:
 but it runs fine in 4.1.20. In .10 I get an error message about 
unknown column c. I built the sql with help from the comments from the 
MySQL website manual and have to admit that I don't fully understand it 
all ;). Is there a way to  solve this without upgrading the server?

SELECT DISTINCT, O.header, O.state, O.prio, O.publication_date, 
O.user_id, MATCH (C.body) AGAINST ('mysearch') AS relevance FROM texts 
AS C JOIN jobs AS O ON WHERE O.paper_id = 1 AND MATCH 
(c.body) AGAINST('+mysearch' IN BOOLEAN MODE) HAVING relevance  0.2 
ORDER BY relevance DESC

You have the cases mixed up (sql is case sensitive in different areas).

You have

FROM texts AS C


MATCH(c.body) AGAINST(...)

Try changing the second match against to be C.body instead..

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Re: [PHP-DB] retaining form information when someone presses back

2007-01-03 Thread Chris

Christopher Blöcker wrote:

Flint Million:

This might not be relavent for this forum, so if not please direct me
to the proper one; although I do like to keep my email list
subscriptions down.

I have a custom application in PHP in which a user fills out a form of
information. When the user submits, I perform sanity checking on the
user's submitted data and refuse to actually process/insert it if
those checks fail. However, my users are complaining that when they
press back to correct, all the data is gone from the form and they
have to re-enter it all. I know many websites that can retain the form
data when someone presses back; how is this done?

Flint M

ok, an input field might be something like input type='text' 
name='username' size='8' maxlegth='32' -- the submitted variable would 
be stored in $_POST[username] (or $_GET[username] depending on what 
method you use to submit it)

Please no!

*At least* use htmlentities or htmlspecialchars to stop xss attacks.

If I put:


as my username, and that alerts 'x', then I can steal cookies from your 
computer and other bits of info as well.

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Re: [PHP-DB] Can't figure out why getting query was empty error

2007-01-03 Thread Chris

pantichd wrote:
Figured it out. 

The name of the table was Person instead of person...First letter was a
capital P

I didn't realize that the sql was case-sensitive.

It is with table names, field names and table aliases. Stuff like 
SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, WHERE isn't case sensitive (the sql 

Also - if you want help, please post the problem code *exactly*.

You had three problems in the post that have nothing to do with this 

mysql_select_db (table);

(Not really a problem but I highly doubt your database is called table)

mysql_query(INSERT INTO person (FirstName, LastName, Age) VALUES('Jack',
'Bauer', '67'));

//Try to insert the record
if (!mysql_query($sql,$con))

$sql is not defined anywhere - this would produce a query is empty error.

and finally you were running the query twice. It's not a problem but 
it would be a hard-to-find-bug:

// Close the connection

If you post the exact code that's having the problem it makes it so much 
easier for everyone to help...

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Re: [PHP-DB] SQL Performance Help

2007-01-03 Thread Chris

Tony Grimes wrote:

I'm developing a course calendar for a client and I'm running into
performance problems with the admin site. For example, when I try to include
registration counts in the course list, the page really slows down for large
course lists (50 or so):

===  ==
Course 1 5  10   5
Course 2 6  15   9
Course 3 4  10   6

I've been using one query to retrieve the course list and then one for each
attendee count. Is there a more efficient way of doing this all in one
query? I was thinking something like this (I'm not a SQL expert, so I don't
know if this is even possible):

count(query here) as attendee_count
FROM events AS e
LEFT OUTER JOIN event_attendees AS a ON e.event_id = a.event_id
WHERE start_time BETWEEN point_a AND point_b

Or should I just pull everything as a separate row like this and sort it all
out programmatically:

FROM events AS e
LEFT OUTER JOIN event_attendees AS a ON e.event_id = a.event_id
WHERE start_time BETWEEN point_a AND point_b

Or should I just try caching the data in PHP? Would an index help?

Index your tables, make the database do the work. Much easier and less 
prone to bugs :)

Check you have an index on:


table(start_time) (whichever that table applies to - I assume it's events).

Maybe try a multi-column index if this query gets run a lot:

create index event_eventid_start_time on events(event_id, start_time);

Use 'explain' to see which one is being used and possibly get rid of the 
other one.

I have a guide about how to index databases here:

(Yes it's a postgresql site but the same rules apply to mysql and other 
databases as well).

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Re: [PHP-DB] 10 rows

2007-01-03 Thread Chris

Ron Piggott (PHP) wrote:

I would normally just pass the offset through the get var.

I understand what you are saying in concept ... but what would a sample
command be like?

a href=;Next Link/a
a href=;Previous Link/a

You can either do it like that or just pass the page number across:

a href=;Prev/a
Viewing page 2
a href=;Next/a

It's up to you..

Either way make sure you validate your data:

$number_of_records_per_page = 20;

$page = 1;
if (isset($_GET['page'])) {
  $page = (int)$_GET['page'];

if ($page  1) {
  $page = 1;

so people can't put in strings (xss or sql injection attacks) as the 
'page' number - and so if it goes below 1 it gets reset to the first page.

$start_record = ($page-1) * $number_of_records_per_page;

I take 1 off so the first page is '1' not '0'.

The query then comes out as:

$query = select  limit  . $start_record . ,  . 

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Re: [PHP-DB] pdo_odbc and odbc

2007-01-03 Thread Chris

james tanhs wrote:

I m running on :
client: XP + Apache2.2+Php5.2 ( enabled pdo, pdo_odbc, Merant)
server: oracle8i
Are there anyone having the same problem ?

Maybe ask the php-general list since you haven't got a reply here.. 
there are more people on that list and more chances that someone will 
have a suggestion about what's going on.

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