Re: [PHP-DB] Displaying groups from SELECT

2003-06-06 Thread Gürhan Özen
On Fri, 2003-06-06 at 21:49, Becoming Digital wrote:
 I'm wearing the stupid hat today, so please pardon this.  I know I must be
 overlooking something.
 I have a small catalogue with two tables (categories, products) from which I'm
 trying to display items.  I'm trying to print the contents as below without
 using two queries, but I'm having a difficult time with it.
 I think this came up fairly recently, but I cannot for the life of me figure out
 what search terms would answer this question.  As you can see from the message
 subject, I don't even know how to refer to my problem.  Thanks a lot for all
 your help.
 Edward Dudlik
 Becoming Digital

  Hi Ed, 
 The magic word is DISTINCT :)
 $query=SELECT DISTINCT(category) AS cat_name FROM table_name;
 print ul;
 while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
print li.($row[cat_name]).;
$query1=SELECT productname FROM tablename WHERE
while ($row1=mysql_fetch_array($result1)) {
   print li.($row1[productname]).;
print /ul;
print /ul;

I hope this helps..

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Re: [PHP-DB] mysqldump

2003-06-02 Thread Gürhan Özen
Can you show the code? How r u running mysqldump in your php code? I
think phpmyadmin has such facility as well, you may want to check their
code and see how they did it ...

On Sat, 2003-05-31 at 06:51, buttoz wrote:
 i want to backup mysql database.
 i use mysqldump command .
 when i use this command from server (win2000) , command promt its work fine.
 but when run this command (mysqldump) from php file, it creat backup file
 with zero size.
 what can i do , help me?
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Re: [PHP-DB] formatting a timestamp

2003-06-02 Thread Gürhan Özen
Please give more information about your problem. Are you trying to
format a timestamp field in a MySQL table?
If yes, you can do something like, 
SELECT DATE_FORMAT( columnname, '%m-%d-%y : %T-%i' );
Hope this helps...

On Sat, 2003-05-31 at 01:38, Rick Dahl wrote:
 I want to print out a timestamp of length 14.  I want to have it formatted 
 mm-dd-yy : hh-mm
 I have looked but all I can find is how to format a date and I don't want 
 that.  I want the time also.
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Re: [PHP-DB] query string

2003-06-02 Thread Gürhan Özen
On Sun, 2003-06-01 at 22:26, Ian Fingold wrote:
 I'm trying to build a query string for one of my links.. for example...
 I need to be able to grab the values of 'week' and 'team' from an array, I
 can do that no problem, but when the code runs it cuts off the value if
 there is a space in the string. so instead of putting fun team in the
 query string it cuts it off and just puts.. fun 
 So my question, is there a function or any way to prevent this from

   Hi Ian, 
 I have no idea what you are trying to do.. Well if you are getting
those values from a URL, $week and $team variables in your php script
should have the values in them.. In later versions of PHP, they will be
_POST['week'] and _POST['team'] or _GET['week'] or _GET['team']
depending on which method is used.. You don't need to parse the URL and
run them through an array.. :)

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Re: [PHP-DB] query string

2003-06-02 Thread Gürhan Özen
On Sun, 2003-06-01 at 23:20, Ian Fingold wrote:
 Sorry I don't think I explained very well... heres my situation...
 I have a mysql database set up... I have a user table with 2
 fields...team_name and fant_week.
 What I want to do is, depending on who is logged in, I want my link to
 change the value of 'team' to the logged in members team name, like wise for
 the week.
 For example..
 if gorno is logged in and his team is called fun team the link will
 reflect his team and look like this...
 fant_stnd3.php?week=1team=fun team
 or if say... billbo is logged in and his team is called silly team the
 link will look like this
 fant_stnd3.php?week=1team=silly team
 but again, my problem is that it's cutting off the team value when there is
 a space in the string..

 Ok.. I can't say anything, unless i know where and how it is being cut
off.. From that scenario you said.. You should probably query the week
name and team name from the database and then redirect the browser to
the location.. 
so something like..
  $query= select weekname, teamname from tablename where
username=.($username). limit 1;
  header( Location:

Of course, you will need to replace servername, tablename and column
names with appropriate values..
I hope this helps..



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