Re: [PHP-DB] ecommerce - storing as an array or temporary record

2001-04-01 Thread Stuart J. Browne

> I am developing a script that will eventually be a "pay-to-list your
whatever" script.
> I am wondering if the best way to hold data throughout the four forms
would be to hold
> these in an array - each form would array_push() the vars into the
$listing array.

> Or would it be better to insert the records as they come in - each form -
> I am thinking that one connection to the DB might be easiest to carry out.

Why store them in a database?

In any case, Serialize()/UnSerialize() and Sessions..


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Re: [PHP-DB] retrieving images

2001-04-01 Thread Stuart J. Browne


I'm trying to retrieve and output all the binary images in my images table.
This is what I have,

$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM images",$db);

if ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {

  // display list if there are records to display

  do {
   $filetype = ($myrow["filetype"]);
   header("Content-type: $filetype");
   echo $myrow["binary_junk"]."\n";

  } while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result));

} else {

  // no records to display

  echo "Sorry, no records were found!";

When I run this, it only returns the first image in the table. Have really
know idea where to go from here.  Is one image all that can be done?

Ok.. some information for you, as you seem to mis-understand some things

A web-browser can handle certain pices of information being thrown down it's
gullett..  The Content-type: is what determines this.

If you start by throwing it an image/gif, then it will expenct a gif to come
down.  If you start throwing ""'s down, it will not only corrupt the
image, but not do anything remotely related to HTML.

Basically what you need to do is to set up a second PHP routine which grabs
the binary data from the dataqbase and displays it, using  tags.

The first routine just sets up the

hope this helps.


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Re: [PHP-DB] auto_increment in mysql

2001-03-28 Thread Stuart J. Browne

> I use MySQL 3.22.23 but I just had a hunt about on the web and I found
> a posting that confirmed your findings - I.E: auto_increment starts at
> 1!!
> I stand corrected!

The reasoning behind this a colleague of mine recently informed me of..

When an insert occurs, the new record is given the value of '0'.  The
auto-increment occurs once the insert is complete.

If you use a 0 value in the auto_increment'd field, and you do a table
modification (done this once or twice), you'll find you 0'd field jumped up
to the next auto_increment value.


--MySQL Documentation extract--
An integer column may have the additional attribute AUTO_INCREMENT. When you
insert a value of NULL (recommended) or 0 into an AUTO_INCREMENT column, the
column is set to value+1, where value is the largest value for the column
currently in the table. AUTO_INCREMENT sequences begin with 1. See section
23.4.30 mysql_insert_id(). If you delete the row containing the maximum
value for an AUTO_INCREMENT column, the value will be reused with an ISAM
table but not with a MyISAM table. If you delete all rows in the table with
DELETE FROM table_name (without a WHERE) in AUTOCOMMIT mode, the sequence
starts over for both table types. NOTE: There can be only one AUTO_INCREMENT
column per table, and it must be indexed. MySQL Version 3.23 will also only
work properly if the auto_increment column only has positive values.
Inserting a negative number is regarded as inserting a very large positive
number. This is done to avoid precision problems when numbers 'wrap' over
from positive to negative and also to ensure that one doesn't accidently get
an auto_increment column that contains 0. To make MySQL compatible with some
ODBC applications, you can find the last inserted row with the following

SELECT * from tbl_name WHERE auto_col IS NULL
--End Documentation--: manual_Reference.html#IDX839

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Re: [PHP-DB] Inserting Image as Blob in MySql DB

2001-03-25 Thread Stuart J. Browne

> Does anyone know the proper method for inserting an image(*.jpg or
> *.gif) into a MySql database blob field?  I am recieving the file via an
> html form with the usual enctype for this and 
> parameters.  I can save it as just a regular file and then display it
> fine on the page, but no way can I update the database with this...and
> have tried everything imaginable...surely this is done everyday and is
> quite simple.
> code snippet below - and yes, I am a php beginner...ASP by day and
> trying to learn
> PHP by night..
> -
> $photo  = fopen($txtImage, "r");
> $filecontents = fread($photo, filesize($txtImage));
> echo "";
> echo "";
> $anotherfile = fopen("/www/htdocs/Survey/$thisfile", "a+");
> fputs($anotherfile, $filecontents);
> //fclose($anotherfile);
> echo "";
> echo "";
> echo "";
> echo $photo;
> echo "";
> echo "";
> $crapola = "101010101";
> echo "";
>  $connection = mysql_connect("","fractalv","fw348vnj")
> or die ("crap!");
>  $db = mysql_select_db("fractalv", $connection) or die ("db");
>  $sql = "INSERT INTO Images (Image,
> ImageType,ImageGallery,ImageLink,ThumbnailLink) VALUES
> ('$filecontents','$txtImageType', '$txtImageGallery', '$txtImageLink',
> '$txtThumbnailLink')";
>  $sql_result = mysql_query($sql,$connection) or die ("could not insert
> into DB");
>  mysql_close($connection);
> -ect.
> thanks in advance for absolutley any ideas!


I can think of two possible ways..  Depending on the version of MySQL
you have.

If you have v3.23, MySQL has a function called LOAD_FILE() which you can
pass the temporary file-name that you get from the wb page:

mysql_query( "insert into Images ( Image ) values ( load_file(
$txtImage ) );" );

Failing that, I would think that you have to read it in (as you do above),
escape it (addslashes() in php) then isnert that escaped string into the
database :

mysql_query( "insert into Images ( Image ) values ( '" . addslashes(
$filecontents ) . "' ); " );

Anyway.. a few possibilities to look into.


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Re: [PHP-DB] Help with displaying rest of page after MySQL error

2001-03-16 Thread Stuart J. Browne

""Stuart J. Browne"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
98ujpk$i2j$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:98ujpk$i2j$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > My first line of PHP code (embedded in HTML) has:
> >
> > $db = mysql_connect("x","y","z") or
> > die("saysomethinghere");
> >
> > If I have a connection problem, it does print the
> > "die" message and the connection error, but it also
> > stops the page right there: no more HTML is displayed.
> Well, you've mentioned your problem right here.  'or die (
> "saysomethinghere" );'.  Die meaing just that. "Die".  Don't process
> anything further.
> > I know about suppressing the error message with "@"
> > but this wouldn't seem to help this problem.
> Try something like:
> $db = mysql_connect("X", "Y", "Z");

err dang it..  make that:

$db = @mysql_connect("x", "y", "z");

> $db_error = mysql_errno();
> if ($db_error <> 0) {
> print "Error conencting to the database";
> $db_error = 1;
> } else {
> # Do the rest of your MySQL Queries etc. here
> # or do checks to make sure $db_error is 0 prior
> # to doing any...
> }
> hope this helps, or atleast points you in the right direction for
> resolution.


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Re: [PHP-DB] Help with displaying rest of page after MySQL error

2001-03-16 Thread Stuart J. Browne

> My first line of PHP code (embedded in HTML) has:
> $db = mysql_connect("x","y","z") or
> die("saysomethinghere");
> If I have a connection problem, it does print the
> "die" message and the connection error, but it also
> stops the page right there: no more HTML is displayed.

Well, you've mentioned your problem right here.  'or die (
"saysomethinghere" );'.  Die meaing just that. "Die".  Don't process
anything further.

> I know about suppressing the error message with "@"
> but this wouldn't seem to help this problem.

Try something like:

$db = mysql_connect("X", "Y", "Z");
$db_error = mysql_errno();
if ($db_error <> 0) {
print "Error conencting to the database";
$db_error = 1;
} else {
# Do the rest of your MySQL Queries etc. here
# or do checks to make sure $db_error is 0 prior
# to doing any...

hope this helps, or atleast points you in the right direction for


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