Re: [PHP-DB] Calculating Past Dates In A Different Time Zone

2013-11-10 Thread Matt Pelmear


You could use the same technique here if you want to do the work in PHP:

=== php code ===
assert( convertToGMT('2013-11-01 00:00:00') == '2013-11-01 04:00:00' ); 
// EST offset by four hours
assert( convertToGMT('2013-11-07 23:59:59') == '2013-11-08 04:59:59' ); 
// EDT offset by five hours

function convertToGMT( $local_date ) {
$date = new DateTime( $local_date, new 
DateTimeZone('America/New_York') );

$date-setTimezone( new DateTimeZone('GMT') );
$gmt_date = $date-format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
return $gmt_date;
=== php code ===

For date intervals:

=== php code ===
$date = new DateTime( '2013-11-01 00:00:00', new 
DateTimeZone('America/New_York') );

$date-add( new DateInterval('P7D') ); // 7 days
$date-setTimezone( new DateTimeZone('GMT') );
assert( $date-format('Y-m-d H:i:s') == '2013-11-08 05:00:00' );
=== php code ===

Just be careful with mutable vs. immutable DateTime objects ;)

I wouldn't mess with 23:59:59. Instead, use specific comparisons to 
make it work:
SELECT * FROM `journal_entry` WHERE `occurrence_date` = 2013-01-01 
00:00:00 AND `occurrence_date`  2013-11-08 00:00:00;
...if you're really that concerned about that one second. Alternatively 
you could use DateTime::sub() to subtract a single second and still use 
I would argue that one second doesn't matter for almost any application, 
but I obsess over such details myself, so I can't argue that point too 
strongly ;)

For reports on a given month or range of months, you can use different 
DateInterval values (P1M, etc.), or get the number of days in any 
given month from PHP's date() command.

btw, if you were considering doing all of the work in SQL (MySQL), you 
could do:

=== sql query ===
SELECT * FROM `journal_entry` WHERE `occurrence_date` BETWEEN
CONVERT_TZ( DATE_SUB(:end_date_in_local_time, INTERVAL 7 DAY), 
:local_tz, GMT )

CONVERT_TZ(:end_date_in_local_time, :local_tz, GMT);
=== sql query ===

For the specific problems you called out:
1) Calculating what time it is in GMT when it is midnight in the user's 
time zone X days ago:
You just need to use DateTime::sub() to subtract X days 
(DateInterval('P'.$X_days.'D')) from midnight today (date('Y-m-d 
00:00:00')), then convert the result to GMT. Note that this is midnight 
this morning from PHP's perspective if you use date()... my example 
below takes into account the user's timezone.

2) Calculating midnight on November 1st 2013 in the user's time zone:
$date = new DateTime( '2013-11-01 00:00:00', new 
DateTimeZone($user_tz_str) );

I'll finish with one very specific example for one of the problems you 

3) Building a query for the last 3 months.

=== php code ===
$user_tz_str = 'America/New_York';
$tz_user = new DateTimeZone($user_tz_str);
$tz_gmt = new DateTimezone('GMT'); // or UTC, or whatever...

// I wasn't sure which way you meant here, so I did a few.
// I think you'll be able to figure out what you want to do based on one 
of these or some variation on them.
$starting_point = 'this morning'; // 'this morning' or 'now' or 'ending 
before this month'

if( $starting_point == 'this morning' )
// do 3 months back from midnight this morning.
$day_date = new DateTime();
$day_date-setTimezone( $tz_user );
// $day_date-format('Y-m-d').'00:00:00' is midnight this morning 
from the perspective of the user's current time
$end_date = new DateTime( $day_date-format('Y-m-d').'00:00:00', 
$tz_user );

else if( $starting_point == 'ending before this month' )
// do three months prior to when this month started.
$day_date = new DateTime();
$day_date-setTimezone( $tz_user );
$end_date = new DateTime( $day_date-format('Y-m').'-01 00:00:00', 
$tz_user );

// use now. User timezone doesn't even matter.
$end_date = new DateTime();

$start_date = clone $end_date; // clone the object or you'll make a mess 
of things.
$start_date-sub( new DateInterval('P3M') ); // subtract 3 months. You 
could use whatever DateInterval you want here.

// make sure you do timezone conversion AFTER the DateInterval is 
subtracted, if you care about daylight savings time.

$start_date-setTimezone( $tz_gmt );
$end_date-setTimezone( $tz_gmt );

 * At this point:
 * $start_dt-format('Y-m-d H:i:s') == the beginning of our interval in GMT
 * $end_dt-format('Y-m-d H:i:s') == the end of our interval in GMT

// We'll use a PDO prepared statement as an example here. Assume $dbh 
comes from somewhere above...
$sth = $dbh-prepare( 'SELECT * FROM `journal_entry` WHERE 
`occurrence_date` BETWEEN :start_dt_gmt AND :end_dt_gmt' );
$sth-bindParam(':start_dt_gmt', $start_dt-format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 
$sth-bindParam(':end_dt_gmt', $end_dt-format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 

=== php code ===

Hope this helps,


On 11/10/2013 08:26 AM PT, Ron Piggott wrote:

Hi Everyone

I need help knowing how to calculate midnight “X” days ago in 

Re: [PHP-DB] Calculating Past Dates In A Different Time Zone

2013-11-10 Thread Tamara Temple

On Nov 10, 2013, at 10:26 AM, Ron Piggott 

 I normally use the following code to convert between time zones.  But I don’t 
 know how to calculate what time it is in GMT time zone when it is midnight in 
 the users time zone X days ago, or midnight on November 1st 2013 in the users 
 time zone.

The time zone offset will always be the same, regardless of what day it is…

Let’s say the user is in US CST, the offset to GMT/UTC is always 6 hours. If 
the prior date lies within the local DST designation, you can still use that 
info, in which the offset will be 5 hours. The major glitch happens during the 
midnight before switching to/from DST, but that’s just a special case.
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Re: [PHP-DB] Calculating Past Dates In A Different Time Zone

2013-11-10 Thread Ron Piggott

A suggestion I was given is to use the mySQL CONVERT_TZ command with the 
PHP time zone names.  But when I do:

SELECT CONVERT_TZ( `journal_entry`.`occurance_date` , 'GMT', 
'America/Bahia' ) FROM `journal_entry`

I am receiving NULL as the resulting date.  Does mySQL accept PHP time 
zone names?


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Re: [PHP-DB] Calculating Past Dates In A Different Time Zone

2013-11-10 Thread Matt Pelmear

Typically, yes.

It is possible you don't have the time zone tables populated. 
America/Bahia works for me, so I suspect that is the case.
The relevant manual page to load this data (assuming your server is 
running in a unix environment) is here:

If it is running in a Windows environment:


On 11/10/2013 04:22 PM PT, Ron Piggott wrote:

A suggestion I was given is to use the mySQL CONVERT_TZ command with 
the PHP time zone names.  But when I do:

SELECT CONVERT_TZ( `journal_entry`.`occurance_date` , 'GMT', 
'America/Bahia' ) FROM `journal_entry`

I am receiving NULL as the resulting date.  Does mySQL accept PHP 
time zone names?
