RE: [PHP-DEV] Make Windows PHP Fork

2003-02-06 Thread Preston L. Bannister
This requires some Win32 magic in the invoking Win32 program, not in the
generic PHP executable - so your question is somewhat off-topic for this
list (though this may not have been apparent).

The hint:

si.cb  = sizeof(si);
si.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE;

I'd expect you to be able to figure out the rest :).

-Original Message-
From: Adam Voigt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2003 9:31 AM

Is it possible to make the php.exe under
window's fork, so it isn't visible in the
start bar? I ask because I would like to
make a PHP program that runs periodically
in the background, and I know how to start
it at computer start time, but it makes that
damned dos window pop up. There are
external programs to make it be hidden
but they require seperate install's which
makes it not an option. Any ideas?

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RE: [PHP-DEV] php.exe - php-cgi.exe

2002-12-11 Thread Preston L. Bannister
Just for the record, there is no fork() on Win32.

I have little doubt Sterling meant the Win32 equivalent :).

The only reason I felt this worth mentioning is that fork() on Unix is a
relatively cheap operation, and an advantage unique to Unix.  Some have
posted here of service providers that host huge numbers of low volume
websites using PHP in CGI mode.

On Win32 you only have one choice - start a new php.exe instance on every
request.  This is an expensive operation - possibly even more expensive than
the equivalent operation on Unix.

On Unix you have another *potential* choice - load the php executable once
and fork() on each request.  The presence of fork() on Unix offers (at least
in theory) a unique performance advantage over Win32.

-Original Message-
From: Sterling Hughes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2002 7:50 AM

Just as a note to this, under windows using PHP as a CGI is actually ideal
when you're not serving high traffic stuff, like for example the company
intranet, or a small extranet.  PHP is heavily used for such purposes, and
you most likely won't run into a bottleneck from forking php in these cases.

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RE: [PHP-DEV] php.exe - php-cgi.exe

2002-12-09 Thread Preston L. Bannister
Thanks Hartmut, that added some much needed clarity.

One comment I have to offer is the clutter you mention strongly suggests a
refactoring was needed to lift from common code the CLI or CGI affected

Including or omitting entire modules appropriate for each environment is
also a pretty good argument for seperating the two variants.

As Leon has suggested, why not just compile the variants into different
directories?  Say add a cli/ (since the CLI is newer).  Only one directory
would go into the PATH (presumably).

In the case of the Win32 variant, it looks like distinct DLLs (if using a
PHP DLL) might be a good idea.

-Original Message-
From: Hartmut Holzgraefe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, December 09, 2002 8:44 AM

Shane Caraveo wrote:

 It would have been simple enough to combine
 cli into the cgi binary and be done with it, and I suggested as much
 that it should be done a very long time ago.
   I don't recall any major
  reasons why it wasn't done, other than that cli has been experimental.

Way back CGI and CLI *did* share one binary (the CGI binary)
and the code was cluttered with code behaviour depending
on the environment the binary was called in.
The code with all these situation-dependant if() blocks
was a true mess getting even worse with every new
CGI- or CLI-only feature added.
Even worse: some features and extensions don't make sense
in a CGI (ncurses, gtk, pcntl, argc/argv parsing) while other
features belong into a CGI binary only.

The introduction of the seperate CLI binary or SAPI
happened for two reasons:
- removal of situation-dependant code in the CGI
   thus cleaning up the code base(as stated above)
- the ability to build the CLI alongside with
   *every* SAPI

So we can argue about binary naming, but definetly
*not* about about the CGI/CLI split.
No matter how similar the two binaries might look,
they *aren't*

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RE: [PHP-DEV] php.exe - php-cgi.exe

2002-12-08 Thread Preston L. Bannister
Admittedly I didn't hear whatever discussion went on before, but I wonder
why the need for two different executables?  It seems that the presence of
the CGI variables SERVER_NAME and SERVER_SOFTWARE are pretty big hints, so
you could decide at runtime whether to act as CGI or CLI.

For completeness add a couple command line option to force CLI or CGI
behavior and you're pretty much done.

-Original Message-
From: Marcus Borger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, December 08, 2002 9:50 AM

At 17:55 08.12.2002, Philip Olson wrote:

Wait, so there used to be a php-cli.exe ?  Add
that to the history request question :)

And so a user tries to install via some install
tutorial on, what problems/errors will
they see when accessing via the browser?


There was no spoon :-) ok start again:

There was no cli and only cgi binary called php.exe.
Then we decided to have a command line executable (abbrevation CLI).
And the we decided to use 'php.exe' for the new CLI and to avoid confusion
we chose to rename the CGI binary from 'php.exe'. So now there will be
some books and other papers and online docs out there which state that
php.exe has to be installedIn other words there will be users who
CLI as CGI what will lead into errors.


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RE: [PHP-DEV] [PATCH] New changes to ext_skel for C++

2002-12-04 Thread Preston L. Bannister
That would be a big YES - as in practically all C++ compilers.  It was a
part of the draft ANSI standard for C++ for rather a long time (but not in
the final standard?).

-Original Message-
From: Stig S. Bakken [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2002 1:23 AM

Isn't __cplusplus defined for all C++ compilers?

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern C {

#ifdef __cplusplus

This is pretty common in library header files at least.

 - Stig

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RE: [PHP-DEV] useless config.w32.h and solutions

2002-12-01 Thread Preston L. Bannister
There is an impedence mismatch here between typical usage on Unix and
typical usage on Windows.  Some infomation that can typically be compiled-in
on Unix must be determined at runtime on Windows.

I don't believe the environment is really a good place to be expecting this
information - not on Windows.  You run into trouble with differing
applications (bundling PHP) needing to use differing values.  If any of this
is run from a service context - it's just not going to work out well.

There is a logical approach to deriving most or all this information on
Windows that works out a bit more cleanly.

Lets start from the beginning.

PHP_BINDIR  c:\\php4
PEAR_INSTALLDIR c:\\php4\\pear
PHP_DATADIR c:\\php4
PHP_LIBDIR  c:\\php4
PHP_PREFIX  c:\\php4

PHP_BINDIR can be exactly determined at runtime (using GetModuleHandle() and
GetModuleFileName() - I can supply the idiom and bewares).

Once you know where PHP was installed, you can assume by default the other
directories as relative.  So you have:


Since these are all computed values, it would be a good idea to eliminate
the compile-time constants.  Better to not pretend - as this will help you
find code that might be a problem.

Finally you go looking for a configuration file to override the defaults.
If the configuration file was not specified on the command line, then you
pick it up from (usually) the installation directory.

( Microsoft sells the idea of using the registry at this point, but in
practice I've found it better to make only minimal use of the registry ).

What I had not figured out last I had time to look at the code, was how to
plug in computed values as though they were compiled in.

-Original Message-
From: Frank M. Kromann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, December 01, 2002 11:55 AM

Yu are right. Two of the values needs to be constants, as these are used
in building the INI array.

Setting the constants to this works:

#define PHP_BINDIR (getenv(PHP_BINDIR))?getenv(PHP_BINDIR):c:\\php4
#define PHP_EXTENSION_DIR c:\\php4
#define PHP_INCLUDE_PATH .;c:\\php4\\pear
#define PHP_LIBDIR (getenv(PHP_LIBDIR))?getenv(PHP_LIBDIR):c:\\php4
#define PHP_PREFIX (getenv(PHP_PREFIX))?getenv(PHP_PREFIX):c:\\php4

PHP_EXTENSION_DIR and PHP_INCLUDE_PATH can both be specified in php.ini
and perhaps we can find a way to set them by environment variables ?

- Frank

 On Sun, 01 Dec 2002 07:57:18 -0800
 Frank M. Kromann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  We could change it to something like this:

 As far as I remember, that s what has been done weeks ago and causes a
 compile error. Can you test it on a win32 build ? I should do it later
 tonight or tomorrow.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] C++ extensions and ext_skel

2002-11-28 Thread Preston L. Bannister
There is nothing about using a C++ compiler that makes your code less 
efficient.  The primary determinant is still overwhelmingly the 
programmer.  C++ has *never* gotten in my way when writing extremely 
efficient programs, and in fact I find it a great help.

The flip side is I've seen a lot of hideously inefficient C code.  You 
can write inefficient code in any language.

Keep in mind that PHP is a (usually) compile-at-runtime, interpreted 
language :).

John Coggeshall wrote:

Well, Personally I don't have any problem with introducing C++ into PHP
so no argument there from me. I'm curious if using C++ as opposed to C
would cause a performace hit? 

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RE: [PHP-DEV] [PATCH] ereg to pcre conversion

2002-11-02 Thread Preston L. Bannister
Unfortunately I have to agree with Markus on this.

If we don't care very much about the risk of breaking backwards
compatibility then altering calls to the ereg functions is a perfectly fine

If we *do* care about backwards compatibility then *before* committing the
changes in any permanent fashion we need to be pretty near certain there
aren't any surprises.  With the ereg functions any change could easily
impact thousands of sites.

We all miss things from time to time, so to be reasonably confident about
the changes you will need some peer review.  This could be a lot of work.
Lacking time from a couple regex-gurus, you will want to make clear the
semantic equivalence of your changes.  This means compiling a list of the
differences between ereg and pcre, and the corresponding changes in the

With lots of eyeballs we *should* be able to spot any differences not
properly identified.  Once clearly explained and understood the risk is much

This can be a lot of work :).

The flip side is once done you could have code useful to far more than just
PHP.  An adaptor to allow the pcre code to be used whereever the old regex
code was used might be useful to others.

-Original Message-
From: Markus Fischer [mailto:mfischer;]
Sent: Friday, November 01, 2002 11:12 PM
To: Ilia A.
Subject: Re: [PHP-DEV] [PATCH] ereg to pcre conversion

I somehow don't like the idea. Mostly because I fear we
introduce some BC change regarding to the ereg*
functionality we yet do not forsee which brings us in the end
more trouble (i.e. use complaining) then it's really worth.

Just let ereg* functions stay where they are, if people
complain because something doesn't work, rather tell them to
use the pcre* family.

After your patch, how sure can you be that all ereg* pattern
will work without any trouble? This would mean testing many
use apps out there ... is it worth the work?

Also, I haven't seen much maintainance needed in the both the
existing regular expression code.

I simply don't see a reason to change the inner functionality
and risk to introduce BC problems.

Also I don't see a reason to drop the ereg* function in some
future point (I see the point with emulating them, but see


On Thu, Oct 31, 2002 at 02:47:27PM -0500, Ilia A. wrote :
 Currently PHP ships with two regular expression libraries that are both
 installed by default, PCRE  regex. The regex library that is responsible
 ereg_* functions is fairly old and offers a very limited functionality
 compared to the PCRE library. In most cases the PCRE functions are also
 faster then the old ereg functions.
 I would like to propose that we drop the old ereg library and use only
 a single regular expression library, PCRE. For BC purposes I've written a
 patch (see attached file), which emulates the old ereg_* functions for
 who still rely on those, using PCRE.

 This cleanup would mean we'd only need to maintain one set of regular
 expression code, which as far as code goes is pretty complex as well as
 speed-up for people still using ereg.
 Perhaps, at some future point this would allow us to drop the ereg_*
 all together.

 Index: pcre/php_pcre.c
 RCS file: /repository/php4/ext/pcre/php_pcre.c,v
 retrieving revision 1.130
 diff -u -3 -p -r1.130 php_pcre.c
 --- pcre/php_pcre.c   24 Oct 2002 19:06:19 -  1.130
 +++ pcre/php_pcre.c   31 Oct 2002 13:57:58 -
 @@ -553,6 +553,110 @@ static void php_pcre_match(INTERNAL_FUNC
  /* }}} */

 +/* {{{ ereg_to_pcre_convert
 +static inline zval *ereg_to_pcre_convert(zval **reg_expr, int case_sens)
 + char *p, *pp;
 + int extra_len = 3;
 + zval *new_reg;
 + if (case_sens) {
 + extra_len++;
 + }
 + MAKE_STD_ZVAL(new_reg);
 + Z_STRVAL_P(new_reg) = emalloc(Z_STRLEN_PP(reg_expr) * 2 + extra_len +
 + Z_TYPE_P(new_reg) = IS_STRING;
 + pp = Z_STRVAL_PP(reg_expr);
 + p = Z_STRVAL_P(new_reg);
 + *p++ = '/';
 + while (*pp) {
 + if (*pp != '/') {
 + *p++ = *pp;
 + } else {
 + *p++ = '\\';
 + *p++ = '/';
 + extra_len++;
 + }
 + pp++;
 + }
 + *p++ = '/';
 + if (case_sens) {
 + *p++ = 'i';
 + }
 + *p++ = 's';
 + *p = '\0';
 + Z_STRLEN_P(new_reg) = Z_STRLEN_PP(reg_expr) + extra_len;
 + return new_reg;
 +/* }}} */
 +/* {{{ php_pcre_ereg_match
 +static void php_pcre_ereg_match(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, int
 + zval **old_regex, **m_string, **subpats = NULL;
 + zval **args[3];
 + zval *retval, *pcre_func, *new_regx;
 + int argc = ZEND_NUM_ARGS();
 + if ((argc != 2  argc != 

RE: [PHP-DEV] [PATCH] include statement in php.ini file

2002-09-27 Thread Preston L. Bannister

I'd vote with Rasmus here.  Adding an include statement (whatever it's
called) looks to be very low risk for inclusion in the 4.3 release.

I am a little uncomfortable with the auto-magic function to include all
files in directory.  I've been bitten more than a few times by magic that
didn't do exactly what was expected.  Not clear where the balance between
risk and convenience falls in this case.

Put me down as +1 for including specific files, and -0.5 including entire

BTW - if entire directories are included then I think it *very* important
the directory/name of each INI actually used be remembered by PHP and
reported by phpinfo().  Otherwise folks doing support are going to have a
bit tougher time.  On occasion we'd get stuck with the scenario where it
should have worked, if this INI file was included, but I can't tell if it

-Original Message-
From: Rasmus Lerdorf [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, September 27, 2002 11:01 AM

I'd like to see this in 4.3.  It's not a huge change, and it is something
that would make my life easier now.  I realize that is somewhat selfish,
but sometimes being selfish is good.


 I would recommend to wait with committing this until after PHP_4_3_0 has
 been branches, and thus we have this nice and stable for PHP 5.


 On Fri, 27 Sep 2002, David Viner wrote:

  here is a revised patch that uses additional_ini keyword instead of

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RE: [PHP-DEV] apache 2.40

2002-08-26 Thread Preston L. Bannister

Might depend on their usage.

Using Apache 2 with PHP through CGI or FastCGI should be OK.

PHP as an Apache 2 module you'd expect to take a bit longer to settle down -
especially if threading is involved.

-Original Message-
From: Rasmus Lerdorf [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, August 26, 2002 11:50 AM
To: Jonas Eriksson

 Is it now safe to set up apache 2 with php in a production server?


 When will it be safe?

Depends which Apache2 MPM you use.  Hopefully by PHP 4.3 it should be safe
for the prefork MPM.  For any other MPM, perhaps never.  We should be able
to get the threaded ones stable with a limited set of extensions
eventually, but don't hold your breath on that one.

 When will next version of php  be relised?

When we finish it.


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RE: [PHP-DEV] Moving away from ASP to PHP

2002-07-31 Thread Preston L. Bannister

By as many platforms as possible do you mean different web servers on
Windows (in which case using ActiveX components is viable), or different
operating systems (Linux? Apple's OS? Sun? z/OS?)?

Which specific platforms do you have in mind?

I would not ordinarily recommend writing code in C unless absolutely
necessary.  What skills currently exist within your programming group?
Which of those people are interested in learning new technologies, and which
will resist?

All the above will influence your choices.

BTW - some portable equivalent to COM/ActiveX components would be great.
The Mozilla project has XPCOM but I have no opinion on how well this was
done.  If XPCOM has any legs outside Mozilla then building XPCOM support
into PHP could be a big win.

-Original Message-
From: Anthony Kauffmann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2002 2:26 AM

I've recently joined a new company and we're doing all of our web
development (server-side) in ASP at the moment.  We have to create a rather
large scale application that will run on as many platforms as possible, so
you can see how IIS can be restrictive to us at this point.  The one thing
that is imperative that we do, is to be able to hide the code of the
application.  In ASP, we would simple make a DLL and then create the COM
object from the ASP scripts.

I'm not the best with the Unix/Linux flavours of this sort of thing, so I'm
not quite sure how we'd accomplish something of the same sort.  I've been a
PHP programmer for over a year at my old job, and I -definitely- prefer it
over ASP or JSP as a scripting language of choice.  I looked into making
modules (binaries?) and then re-compiling them with the code to hide them.
I assume this would mean we would have to write our code in C and then
recompile from there?

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RE: [PHP-DEV] oo != php

2002-06-07 Thread Preston L. Bannister

From: Ilker Cetinkaya [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 but after getting known of the ze2 features, I personally saw PHP finally
 growing out of that PHP, language for kiddies-image.
 IMHO PHP is a real good language for its target purpose, but it has
 potential to be much better.

PHP is a nicely done scripting language.  Scripting languages tend to
be easier to get into, easier to make changes with, and do a good job
of gluing disparate components together.  

Java is a compiled language.  Good for building complex tightly knit
applications at the higher end of the performance spectrum.  For tasks
that could be done with a scripting language, the implementation cost
is usually higher in Java.

C++ is a lower level compiled language.  Good for getting every last
bit of performance possible out of the hardware.  Also good for complex
tightly knit applications - but at an even higher development cost.

Think of each as a different tool in your toolbox.  You choose the
tool to fit the job at hand.  A screwdriver is not a kiddie hammer.
Each is well suited for different kinds of tasks.

To extend the metaphor - think of an all-in-one tool - a combination
of hammer and screwdriver, say.  In trying to combine the two tools
meant for different purposes you end up with something that is neither
a particularly good hammer, or a particularly good screwdriver.

So the focus on improving PHP in the role as a scripting language 
(not trying to make PHP into Java or C++) makes a great deal of sense.

 my 2c and may this topic never arise again,

Amen :)

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RE: [PHP-DEV] Performance of Apache 2.0 Filter

2002-06-06 Thread Preston L. Bannister

 A user posted [1] a benchmark today in the German PHP Newsgroup [2]
 stating that Apache 2.0 and PHP (current HEAD) are about 20% slower
 than Apache 1.3.

On Thu, Jun 06, 2002 at 09:05:16AM -0700, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
  It doesn't really surprise me.  The bucket brigade stuff adds overhead as
  does the thread stuff in PHP.  There is nothing inherently faster about
  threaded apps.  They tend to scale a little bit better in most cases, so
  under extreme load performance should be better.  But under light loads I
  would expect a non-threaded Apache+PHP to be quicker.

From: Aaron Bannert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Right, so I'd expect (hope) that at low load the performance is
 still reasonably fast, but at high concurrency and high load it still
 performs. Another thing that is gained in the new Apache 2.0 multithreaded
 architecture is memory conservation -- I've run a 500-thread system on
 under 20MB resident memory. Under Apache 1.3 that would require
 hundreds of MB of memory.

This is a subject about which I still wonder.

Multi-threading is a huge win for applications where the amount of
computation is small, and most of the time is spent waiting on I/O.

File servers are a classic example (NFS, SMB, FTP, file only HTTP)
where multi-threading is a huge win.

There are major downsides to multi-threading that need mention.  

For one making an application thread-safe requires substantial code, 
and the added code effectively imposes a run-time tax.

For another applications that do a lot of computation are very often
complex, and complex applications naturally contain more bugs.

So a complex application - one with lots of computation between each
context switch - may well be slower and less reliable when written
as a multi-threaded application.

Where is the cross-over point?

Another question is the true memory footprint.  Back in the late 
1980's pretty much every Unix vendor added copy-on-write fork() 
semantics to their implementation.  I believe Linux also uses the
same copy-on-write (sometimes known as COW) behavior in fork().

Copy-on-write means that when you fork() a process, each process
gets it's own virtual memory address space, but the physical memory 
is in fact *shared* between two processes.  Immediately after fork() 
the contents of memory is exactly the same, so why store it twice?  
When a process writes to one of the shared pages a copy is made, 
and the virtual pages no longer share physical memory.

Naturally the operating system still has to allocate virtual memory
and swap space for the new process, but the amount of added physical
memory used may in fact be very small.

So the physical memory footprint for a multi-threaded application 
may in fact not be much different from a tradition Unix application
that uses multiple processes.

I don't know how to verify this - dig out the physical memory usage
and check the copy-on-write behavior - on Linux.

Preston L. Bannister
pbannister on Yahoo Messenger

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RE: [PHP-DEV] Re: I need your support: Reinstatement of msession

2002-05-26 Thread Preston L. Bannister

From: Stig S. Bakken [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 I would like to point out that moving to PECL (pickling) is not the
 same as not having stuff bundled with PHP anymore.  The main point is to
 separate CVS areas, so the main PHP distribution has more control on
 what versions of different extensions it bundles.  As good as every
 extension (except ext/standard) could move to PECL, where they can live
 happily with their own release cycles, and PHP be released with the
 latest stable version of each it wants to bundle.
 In addition, since each PECL extension is also a PEAR package,
 extensions may be upgraded individually if the extension was build as a
 shared lib.
 How far we want to go one way or the other is still in the open. 

This is good to hear.  

Another consideration is performance for how PHP is used.

For usage where PHP is loaded once and used for a relatively long period
of time (as in mod_php?), releasing a very lean core PHP and dynamically
loading extensions is perfectly reasonable.  The runtime cost of loading
the extensions is amortized over a large number of requests.

For usage where PHP is loaded often (as in CGI usage) the cost to load
the extensions seperately can be have a much larger impact.  In this 
case you want to think about building in all the often used extensions.

Preston L. Bannister
pbannister on Yahoo Messenger

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RE: [PHP-DEV] Tip of the day: embedding php code in scripts

2002-05-20 Thread Preston L. Bannister

From: Stig S. Bakken [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Did anyone come up with this one before or do I have a first post? :-)
 exec php -d output_buffering=1 $0 $@
 print Hello World!\n;

Or the shorter (and faster) version:

#!/usr/local/bin/php -d output_buffering=1
print Hello World!\n;

Or perhaps you had something else in mind?

I believe most (all?) modern Unix implementations do #! handling
in the kernel's exec() function, so you avoid the /bin/sh startup.

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RE: [PHP-DEV] ActiveScript sapi now in CVS

2002-05-20 Thread Preston L. Bannister

It might be of help when migrating from ASP to PHP.

If you can pass values(?) between ASP and PHP then you might
be able to convert incrementally from ASP to PHP.

For applications that have too much code to convert (and test!)
in one release cycle, this could be a significant advantage.

You *do* expect folks to convert from ASP to PHP someday? :)

From: Michael Dransfield [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 it would make migration from asp to php easier... sell it to your clients 
 as enhanced asp, then show then the benefits of the php additions
 thats all i can think of ;)
 At 20:59 19/05/2002 -0700, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
 Ok, so that is how it works.  Could you talk a little bit about why
 anybody would want to do this?
 On Mon, 20 May 2002, Wez Furlong wrote:
   Well, I've added the new activescript sapi to CVS; it's still experimental,
   but it should work for quite a few uses.
   I've tested it with IE using syntax like this:
   script language=ActivePHP
   input type=submit value=clickme onclick=$window-alert(hello);
   It also works with the Windows Scripting Host; you can either explicitly
   set the engine on the command line like this:
  cscript //e:ActivePHP myscript.php
   or you can use a .wsf file like this:
   job id=test
   script language=ActivePHP
   ASP should also work; something like this should do the trick (untested!)
   It should also be possible to write a windows script component as well.
   There may be some threading issues, particularly with multi-threaded
   scripting hosts (WSH and ASP).  The scripting host architecture says
   that the engine should be free threaded, but then forces callbacks
   to occur on a particular thread.  On top of that, we need to contain
   all PHP state in a thread of it's own.  There's some interesting code
   in there...
   If you use multiple scripting languages in a script/job, the other
   languages will most probably be able to access PHP globals, but PHP
   will not be able to access their globals unless the scripting host
   explicitely registers them in the PHP global namespace.
   However, you can use expandos on an existing global object to share
   data between engines:
 $window-foo = new foo();
   will add the object foo as a property of the window object in IE.
   JavaScript should then be able to access it: property access and
   method calls are implemented (only for non-overloaded objects!).
   echo and print will send output to the debugger, not to the browser,
   console or a message box.  It might be possible to tie it into IE,
   but that will require some investigation (query the script site for
   one of the well-known IE interfaces?).
   Currently, the main engine object is implemented in C++, which has
   a few annoying compilation quirks when mixed with C.  I plan to
   rewrite it in plain old C, so don't panic.
   I'm using a recent platform SDK, so if you get warnings/errors
   concerning IActiveScriptParseProcedure, you need a newer set of headers.
   I've added a generic COM wrapper for PHP objects to the COM extension:
   you will be able to use it with other win32 sapis to pass PHP objects
   to COM servers that expect an IDispatch-able object.  The same mechanism
   could be extended to have the COM wrapper act as an event sink.

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[PHP-DEV] Updated run-tests.php

2002-05-17 Thread Preston L. Bannister

Updated run-tests.php to work well on Win32.  

The changes *should* work on Unix as well, and I'll do some 
testing once I finish getting my newer Linux box set up :).

Added some tricks I've found useful in writing unit tests:

* Require a specific explicit path to the PHP executable.
* Require a php.ini file (to control the exact configuration).
* Abort the test if any requirement is not met.
* Log what exactly is being tested (version  path, etc.).
* On failure log additional detail (to a seperate file).

Some enhancements:

* Run basic (non-extension/PEAR) tests first.
* Added project to Win32 workspace, and made dependent on php4ts.
* Generate compiler-style error reports that Emacs/MSVC can grok.

Put a little work into the test cases.  The entire tests.log file
for Win32 is attached, with an abbreviated version below:

TIME 2002-05-17 00:39:59 - start of test run
CWD : C:\net.php\php4-work
PHP : Debug_TS\\php-cgi.exe
PHP_VERSION : 4.3.0-dev
INI actual  : C:\net.php\php4-work\tests\php.ini
INI wanted  : C:\net.php\php4-work\tests\php.ini
INI tests   : C:\net.php\php4-work\Debug_TS\php.ini
Will test compiled extension: standard
Will test compiled extension: bcmath
Will test compiled extension: calendar
Will test compiled extension: ctype
Will test compiled extension: com
Will test compiled extension: ftp
Will test compiled extension: mbstring
Will test compiled extension: mysql
Will test compiled extension: odbc
Will test compiled extension: overload
Will test compiled extension: pcre
Will test compiled extension: session
Will test compiled extension: tokenizer
Will test compiled extension: xml
Will test compiled extension: wddx
TIME 2002-05-17 00:40:23 - end of test run
Number of tests :  223
Tests skipped   :   70 (31.4%)
Tests failed:   22 ( 9.9%)
Tests passed:  131 (58.7%)
Skipped 24 extensions

TIME 2002-05-17 00:39:59 - start of test run
CWD : C:\net.php\php4-work
PHP : Debug_TS\\php-cgi.exe
PHP_VERSION : 4.3.0-dev
INI actual  : C:\net.php\php4-work\tests\php.ini
INI wanted  : C:\net.php\php4-work\tests\php.ini
INI tests   : C:\net.php\php4-work\Debug_TS\php.ini

Will test compiled extension: standard
Will test compiled extension: bcmath
Will test compiled extension: calendar
Will test compiled extension: ctype
Will test compiled extension: com
Will test compiled extension: ftp
Will test compiled extension: mbstring
Will test compiled extension: mysql
Will test compiled extension: odbc
Will test compiled extension: overload
Will test compiled extension: pcre
Will test compiled extension: session
Will test compiled extension: tokenizer
Will test compiled extension: xml
Will test compiled extension: wddx

 directory C:\net.php\php4-work\tests\basic
PASS Trivial Hello World test
PASS Simple POST Method test
PASS GET and POST Method combined
PASS Two variables in POST data
PASS Three variables in POST data
PASS Add 3 variables together and print result
PASS Multiply 3 variables and print result
PASS Divide 3 variables and print result
PASS Subtract 3 variables and print result
PASS Testing | and  operators
PASS Testing $argc and $argv handling
 directory C:\net.php\php4-work\tests\classes
PASS Classes general test
PASS Classes inheritance test
 directory C:\net.php\php4-work\tests
PASS dirname test
 directory C:\net.php\php4-work\tests\func
PASS Strlen() function test
PASS Static variables in functions
PASS General function test
PASS General function test
PASS Testing register_shutdown_function()
FAIL Output buffering tests (006.phpt).
C:\net.php\php4-work\tests\func\006.phpt(1) : Output buffering tests
C:\net.php\php4-work\tests\func\006.log(1) :  Output buffering tests
PASS INI functions test
 directory C:\net.php\php4-work\tests\lang
PASS Simple If condition test
PASS Simple While Loop Test
PASS Simple Switch Test
PASS Simple If/Else Test
PASS Simple If/ElseIf/Else Test
PASS Nested If/ElseIf/Else Test
PASS Function call with global and static variables
PASS Testing recursive function
PASS Testing function parameter passing
PASS Testing function parameter passing with a return value
PASS Testing nested functions
PASS Testing stack after early function return
PASS Testing eval function
PASS Testing eval function 

RE: [PHP-DEV] Updated run-tests.php

2002-05-17 Thread Preston L. Bannister

 testing right away on Linux :)
 I've some comments:
 [root@kossu php-4.3.0dev]# php run-tests.php 
 FAIL environment variable TEST_PHP_EXECUTABLE must be set to specify PHP executable!
 Nice message, but I think it would be a good idea to default to the CLI if 
 it exists, and otherwise give this message. I think it's a nice thing that 
 as soon as PHP is compiled, users can do php run-tests.php without having 
 to tinker with environment variables. (And it annoyed me :)

Hopefully with something like the patch (at the end) you can just run make test.

 After I settled the ini file problem, I encountered this:
 [...(40 more extensions)...]
 Will test compiled extension: dba
 Will test compiled extension: curl
 Will test compiled extension: ctype
 Will test compiled extension: zlib
  directory /dat/dev/php/php-4.3.0dev/tests/basic
 Cannot open file ''!
 [root@kossu php-4.3.0dev]# 
 I can not dig in further right now, because I've no time.

Hmmm ...  any reason realpath() would fail?  

I'll check this out after I can convince the new Linux box to talk to 
the network.  (Don't want to push the old Linux box - after the power 
supply fan failed :).

Change that *should* be what is needed for the Unix make follows.
This is not committed (oddly enough) as it is untested.

In file change:

test: sapi/cli/php
   TOP_BUILDDIR=$(top_builddir) TOP_SRCDIR=$(top_srcdir) \
   $(top_builddir)/sapi/cli/php -c php.ini-dist $(top_srcdir)/run-tests.php 

to the following:
test: sapi/cli/php
cd $(top_srcdir)  \
TEST_PHP_EXECUTABLE=$(top_builddir)/sapi/cli/php \
$(TEST_PHP_EXECUTABLE) -c tests run-tests.php

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RE: [PHP-DEV] Command line compilation under win32

2002-05-17 Thread Preston L. Bannister

From: Wez Furlong [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 I'm in the process of getting a more permanent win32 build environment sorted
 out, and one of the things I'd like to do is avoid the VS IDE as much as
 possible, and automate builds so that I can test changes that I make under
 unix. (Perhaps even by rshing to my win32 box).
 I know it's possible to build projects from the command line using something
 like msdev xxx.dsw, but so far I've not succeeded (and have little patience
 with win32 and the command line, because it is generally quite limited).

If you try to do automated builds through msdev you run two risks:

1.  The build environment is somewhat uncontrolled.  
2.  The IDE under some conditions will throw up dialogs and stop.

The first concern is with the global environment inherited from MSVC 
and used in the build.  MSVC pulls in libraries and include files from
you-don't-know-where and this makes it more difficult to know exactly
what has changed between builds.  

If the machine used for automated builds is strictly controlled, and 
used for nothing else this is less of a risk.

The second concern is simply that MSVC was designed as an interactive
application and may at any time decide to ask a question of the user
by presenting a dialog.  Naturally this brings an automated build to
a complete stop :).  You may on occasion have to check the box doing
the builds to make sure it has not become stopped in this fashion.

There is another approach to this that is a more hassle, but is without 
the above problems.  

In MSVC you can say Projects | Export Makefile... for all projects.
This generates nmake makefiles (*.mak) for all projects in the workspace.

If you then specify the *exact* environment variables set when you run
nmake then you know *exactly* the build environment in effect.

For my production builds (anything that might be shipped to a customer)
and only after all the unit tests pass, I use a Perl script to:

1)  Set the environment to use in the build.
2)  Update local sources from CVS.
3)  Bump the build number (updates version .h and .rc files).
4)  Run make clean.
5)  Commit all changes to CVS.
6)  Run make dist to build a distribution.
7)  Tag the sources in CVS with the build number.
8)  (Optional) upload the distribution to an FTP server.

The exact same build script works in exactly the same way (with the
exception of the platform-specific makefiles) on Unix, Windows, and
(in one case) on OS/390.

OK - so maybe this is a lot more complicated :).

The upside is that from the build number compiled into the executables
you know *exactly* the sources and build environment used.  There are
no manual intermediate steps and no possibility of human error.

Preston L. Bannister
pbannister on Yahoo Messenger

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RE: [PHP-DEV] Win32 testing and run-tests.php (was: PHP 4 Bug Summary Report)

2002-05-05 Thread Preston L. Bannister

I'm not asking you to do all the work, rather I'm trying to figure
out who is working on what, so I don't duplicate someone's work.

I take it you're testing on Unix?

The current tests are checked in to CVS?

 -Original Message-
 From: James Cox [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Saturday, May 04, 2002 6:18 PM
 i'm working on getting tests working on all platforms... but not today,
 probably very soon.
  -Original Message-
  From: Preston L. Bannister [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Sunday, May 05, 2002 2:14 AM
  Is anyone working on getting the run-tests.php and tests/*
  running on Win32?
  Who is adding test cases as bugs are closed?
  Fixed run-tests.php and added a Win32 project to run the tests.
  During the
  test run PHP faults (bad pointer/index during mbstring tests).
  This is a good thing, as it looks like this found a real PHP bug.
  Configuration: tests - Win32 Debug
   set TEST_PHP_EXECUTABLE=Debug_TS\php-cgi.exe
   cd ..  Debug_TS\php-cgi.exe -q  -c php.ini-dist run-tests.php
  OK - TEST_PHP_EXECUTABLE = Debug_TS\\php-cgi.exe
  Running tests in C:/net.php/php4-current/ext/bz2/tests
  [all 2 test(s) skipped]
  Running tests in C:/net.php/php4-current/ext/crack/tests
  [all 1 test(s) skipped]
  Running tests in C:/net.php/php4-current/ext/ctype/tests
  ctype on integers
 ... passed
  ctype on strings (002.phpt)
 ... failed
  Running tests in C:/net.php/php4-current/ext/cybermut/tests
  [all 1 test(s) skipped]
  Running tests in C:/net.php/php4-current/ext/db/tests
  [all 6 test(s) skipped]
  Running tests in C:/net.php/php4-current/ext/dbplus/tests
  [all 1 test(s) skipped]
  Running tests in C:/net.php/php4-current/ext/dbx/tests
  [all 8 test(s) skipped]
  Running tests in C:/net.php/php4-current/ext/dio/tests
  [all 1 test(s) skipped]
  Running tests in C:/net.php/php4-current/ext/domxml/tests
  [all 1 test(s) skipped]
  Running tests in C:/net.php/php4-current/ext/exif/tests
  [all 3 test(s) skipped]
  Running tests in C:/net.php/php4-current/ext/gmp/tests
  [all 3 test(s) skipped]
  Running tests in C:/net.php/php4-current/ext/iconv/tests
  [all 5 test(s) skipped]
  Running tests in C:/net.php/php4-current/ext/interbase/tests
  [all 6 test(s) skipped]
  Running tests in C:/net.php/php4-current/ext/mbstring/tests
  Simple multi-byte print test (EUC-JP)
 ... passed
  mb_internal_encoding() test
 ... passed
  mb_http_input() (003.phpt)
 ... failed
 ... passed
  mb_detect_order() (005.phpt)
 ... failed
 ... passed
  mb_output_handler() (EUC-JP)
 ... passed
 ... passed
 ... passed
 ... passed
 ... passed
 ... passed
 ... passed
 ... passed
  mb_convert_variables() (015.phpt)
 ... failed
 ... passed
 ... passed
 ... passed
 ... passed
  Running tests in C:/net.php/php4-current/ext/mcrypt/tests
  [all 1 test(s) skipped]
  Running tests in C:/net.php/php4-current/ext/mcve/tests
  [all 1 test(s) skipped]
  Running tests in C:/net.php/php4-current/ext/ncurses/tests
  [all 1 test(s) skipped]
  Running tests in C:/net.php/php4-current/ext/openssl/tests
  [all 1 test(s) skipped]
  Running tests in C:/net.php/php4-current/ext/pcntl/tests
  [all 1 test(s) skipped]
  Running tests in C:/net.php/php4-current/ext/pgsql/tests
  [all 19 test(s) skipped]
  Running tests in C:/net.php/php4-current/ext/pspell/tests
  [all 1 test(s) skipped]
  Running tests in C:/net.php/php4-current/ext

RE: [PHP-DEV] Win32 testing and run-tests.php (was: PHP 4 Bug Summary Report)

2002-05-05 Thread Preston L. Bannister

From: James Cox [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 My plan is to revamp the way that tests work, so it's more efficient. But,
 you are more than welcome to work on the current testing system, -- all the
 tests will be converted anyhow :)

First iteration - regularize the output to allow easy post-processing
(to HTML or for generating summaries), and made to run on Win32.
Added information on context of test run to log (when, where, version).
Made fatal any errors within the test scripts (rather than PHP).
Require an exactly specified version of PHP (no guessing!).

I'd really like to commit this stuff.  The patches are getting large...

Output from run-tests.php

TIME 2002-05-05 12:52:51 - start of test run
CWD : C:\net.php\php4-current
PHP : Debug_TS\\php-cgi.exe
PHP version : 4.3.0-dev


 testing extension: ctype
 directory C:\net.php\php4-current/ext/ctype/tests
PASS ctype on integers
FAIL ctype on strings (002.phpt)


 testing extension: mbstring
 directory C:\net.php\php4-current/ext/mbstring/tests
PASS Simple multi-byte print test (EUC-JP)
PASS mb_internal_encoding() test
FAIL mb_http_input() (003.phpt)
PASS mb_http_output()
FAIL mb_detect_order() (005.phpt)
PASS mb_substitute_character()
PASS mb_output_handler() (EUC-JP)
PASS mb_preferred_mime_name()
PASS mb_strlen()
PASS mb_strpos()
PASS mb_strrpos()
PASS mb_substr()
PASS mb_strcut()
PASS mb_strimwidth()
FAIL mb_convert_variables() (015.phpt)
PASS mb_convert_encoding()
PASS mb_detect_encoding()
PASS mb_strwidth()
PASS mb_strlen()


 testing extension: session
 directory C:\net.php\php4-current/ext/session/tests
PASS Session Object Serialization
PASS session_unset() without any session
PASS Session Object Deserialization
PASS session_set_save_handler test
PASS Custom save handler, multiple session_start()s, complex data structure test.
PASS References between variables in sessions


 testing extension: standard
 directory C:\net.php\php4-current/ext/standard/tests/aggregation
FAIL aggregating everything (aggregate.phpt)
FAIL aggregating all methods (aggregate_methods.phpt)
FAIL aggregating methods specified in the list (aggregate_methods_by_list.phpt)
FAIL aggregating methods matching regular expression (aggregate_methods_by_regexp.phpt)
FAIL aggregating all default properties (aggregate_properties.phpt)
FAIL aggregating default properties specified in the list 
FAIL aggregating default properties matching regular expression 
FAIL retrieving aggregation info (aggregation_info.phpt)
FAIL deaggreating (deaggregate.phpt)
 directory C:\net.php\php4-current/ext/standard/tests/array
FAIL Test array_merge and array_walk (001.phpt)
FAIL Test arsort, asort, krsort, ksort, rsort, and sort (002.phpt)
FAIL Test usort, uksort and uasort (003.phpt)
PASS Test natsort and natcasesort
FAIL search_array and in_array (including bug 13567) (array_search.phpt)
PASS count
 directory C:\net.php\php4-current/ext/standard/tests/assert
PASS assert()
 directory C:\net.php\php4-current/ext/standard/tests/file
FAIL File type functions (001.phpt)
FAIL File/Stream functions (002.phpt)
FAIL is_file/file_exist (003.phpt)
 directory C:\net.php\php4-current/ext/standard/tests/general_functions
PASS sprintf() function
PASS quoted_printable_decode() function test
PASS levenshtein() function test
PASS fgetcsv() with tab delimited fields (BUG #8258)
PASS is_scalar() function test
FAIL quoted_printable_decode() function test with CR/LF (006.phpt)
 directory C:\net.php\php4-current/ext/standard/tests/math
FAIL Simple math tests (abs.phpt)
FAIL Tests for floor en ceil (floorceil.phpt)
FAIL Various pow() tests (pow.phpt)
FAIL Simple math tests (round.phpt)
 directory C:\net.php\php4-current/ext/standard/tests/reg
PASS RegReplace test 1
PASS RegReplace test 2
PASS ereg_replace single-quote test
PASS simple ereg test
PASS Test Regular expression register support in ereg
PASS Test ereg_replace of start-of-line
PASS Test empty result buffer in reg_replace
PASS Test back-references in regular expressions
FAIL Test split() (009.phpt)
PASS Long back references
PASS \0 back reference
PASS nonexisting back reference
PASS escapes in replace string
PASS backreferences not replaced recursively
PASS replace empty matches
PASS test backslash handling in regular expressions
 directory C:\net.php\php4-current/ext/standard/tests/serialize
PASS serialize()/unserialize()/var_dump()
PASS serialize() (Bug #14293)
 directory C:\net.php\php4-current/ext/standard/tests/strings
PASS strtr() function

[PHP-DEV] CVS Account Request: pbannister

2002-05-05 Thread Preston L. Bannister

Smoothing out the rough spots in the Win32 version of PHP.  Help to get running and 
add to the unit tests for PHP - particularly on Win32.  

If you want to know what I've done in the past, you can get a hint from Google:

(presuming the URL survives :).

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[PHP-DEV] Win32 testing and run-tests.php (was: PHP 4 Bug Summary Report)

2002-05-04 Thread Preston L. Bannister
Testing eval function inside user-defined function   ... passed
Testing include  ... passed
Testing user-defined function in included file   ... passed
Testing user-defined function falling out of an If into another  ... passed
eval() test  ... passed
eval() test  ... passed
Switch test 1... passed
Switch test 2... passed
Switch test 3... passed
Regression test  ... passed
Looped regression test (may take a while)... passed
Mean recursion test  ... passed
Testing string scanner confirmance   ... passed
Testing do-while loop... passed
Testing calling user-level functions from C  ... passed
OO Bug Test (Bug #7515) (029.phpt)   ... failed
$this in constructor test... passed
Internal hash position bug on assignment (Bug #16227) (031.phpt) ... failed
Class method registration... passed
Alternative syntaxes test... passed
Running tests in C:/net.php/php4-current/tests/strings
String functions ... passed
Formatted print functions... passed
HTML entities... passed
Number of tests:   297
Tests skipped: 118 ( 40%)
Tests failed:   70 ( 39%)
Tests passed:  109 ( 61%)
Skipped 0 extensions.
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'cd' : return code '0xff'
Error executing nmake.

__test_run_complete__ - 5 error(s), 0 warning(s)

Preston L. Bannister
pbannister on Yahoo Messenger

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RE: [PHP-DEV] config.w32.h...registry configuration

2002-05-03 Thread Preston L. Bannister

From: Zeev Suraski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 IMHO, the enemy of the good is the better.
 We can implement the binary-dir solution in no time, and it covers 95% of 
 the problems easily, but instead we'll be discussing perfect solutions and 
 end up doing nothing :)

Yes, please! :)

Remember KISS ... (and I'm not getting over-friendly here).

In fact you can get pretty near 100% with the simple solution just by having
multiple copies of the PHP executable in different directories - one for each
differing configuration.  On modern disks the size of PHP is insignificant, 
so having multiple copies is a non-issue.  

In fact this is an advantage.  If (say) you are running multiple PHP-based 
web applications, each requiring different configurations, you may in fact
be dependent on different versions of PHP.  A good, careful sysadmin will
want to upgrade one application at a time (and test!) rather than all at
once, and will want each application using it's own PHP executable.

IMHO the more complicated solutions aren't really needed.

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RE: [PHP-DEV] config.w32.h...registry configuration

2002-05-03 Thread Preston L. Bannister

From: Rasmus Lerdorf [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Well, you are correct that the size of the executable is irrelevant, but
 having different instances of PHP means less shared pages when multiple
 copies are loaded.  There is a definite advantage to having a single httpd
 binary that is the same for everyone when it comes to runtime memory

This is true, there will be less shared pages.  I *want* this!
(Though I was talking about PHP and not httpd).

When we ship a new version of our application to our customers, 
it will have been tested with a specific version of PHP.

If the customer installs another application that uses PHP, and
that application installs it's own version of PHP, there is some
risk (if PHP were shared) then this could break our application.

We really don't want our application to break!  Oddly enough the
customer feels pretty much the same.  Given the choice of burning
a bit of memory and disk space versus risking failure (and this 
could effect hundreds or thousands of users), the customer will
gladly buy just a bit more memory :).

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RE: [PHP-DEV] Win32: - config.w32.h

2002-05-02 Thread Preston L. Bannister

From: Sebastian Bergmann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   I now changed the MSVC project files in order to generate config.w32.h
   from during the build, if config.w32.h does not already
   However, as I of course found out only after committing, MSVC deletes
   config.w32.h when doing a /REBUILD, so this is a bit pointless.
   Does anyone know a way to exclude config.w32.h from being delete
   during this cleanup for rebuilds?

Yep, use a project with a makefile.  You are then in control.

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[PHP-DEV] A better strlcat()

2002-05-02 Thread Preston L. Bannister

Was looking at the strlcat() implementation in the PHP source
and saw that it does not take advantage of history :).

Look at xxx_strlcat() in the following example.

You are almost always better off using the compiler's built-in 
string functions, due to the optimizations built-in (many years ago)
to improve Dhrystone benchmark scores.  The benchmark turned out to
be a bit bogus, but the improvements made to the string functions 
are a benefit to us all :).

This is more readable (and thus more likely correct), slightly faster 
(about 4% in my testing), and in the debug build better checked.

Full comparison benchmark program:
#include stdlib.h
#include stdio.h
#include string.h
#include time.h
#include assert.h

 * Appends src to string dst of size siz (unlike strncat, siz is the
 * full size of dst, not space left).  At most siz-1 characters
 * will be copied.  Always NUL terminates (unless siz == 0).
 * Returns strlen(src); if retval = siz, truncation occurred.
size_t php_strlcat(char* dst,const char* src,size_t siz)
register char *d = dst;
register const char *s = src;
register size_t n = siz;
size_t dlen;

/* Find the end of dst and adjust bytes left but don't go past end */
while (*d != '\0'  n-- != 0)
dlen = d - dst;
n = siz - dlen;

if (n == 0)
return(dlen + strlen(s));
while (*s != '\0') {
if (n != 1) {
*d++ = *s;
*d = '\0';

return(dlen + (s - src));   /* count does not include NUL */

 * Take full advantage of any compiler/library optimizations built in
 * to the standard string routines.  Look up the history of compiler 
 * comparisons with Dhrystone benchmark to understand why this wins.
 * Pre-Internet history - check Google's USENET archive.
size_t xxx_strlcat(char* s1,const char* s2,size_t nMax)
size_t n1 = strlen(s1);
size_t n2 = strlen(s2);
size_t nCopy = (nMax = (n1+n2)) ? (nMax - n1 - 1) : n2;

/* Better to leave this out and require a valid string return */
if (!nMax) return 0;

assert(n1  nMax);  /* Catch pre-existing oversize strings */
assert(0  nMax);   /* Insure return is always a valid string */

s1[n1+nCopy] = 0;
return n1+n2;   /* as documented for strlcat() */
/*return n1+nCopy;/* actual number of characters */

int main(int ac, char** av)
clock_t t1,dt;
#ifdef WIN32
__int64 nTotal;
long long nTotal;
char s1[85];
static char s2[] = 1234567890;
int nLoops = 10;

if (1  ac) {
nLoops = atoi(av[1]);

printf(Compare two strlcat() implementations for %d iterations.\n,nLoops);

t1 = clock();
nTotal = 0;
for (int i=0; inLoops; ++i) {
s1[0] = 0;
nTotal += php_strlcat(s1,s2,sizeof(s1));
nTotal += php_strlcat(s1,s2,sizeof(s1));
nTotal += php_strlcat(s1,s2,sizeof(s1));
nTotal += php_strlcat(s1,s2,sizeof(s1));
nTotal += php_strlcat(s1,s2,sizeof(s1));
nTotal += php_strlcat(s1,s2,sizeof(s1));
nTotal += php_strlcat(s1,s2,sizeof(s1));
nTotal += php_strlcat(s1,s2,sizeof(s1));
nTotal += php_strlcat(s1,s2,sizeof(s1));
nTotal += php_strlcat(s1,s2,sizeof(s1));
dt = clock() - t1;

printf(php_strlcat() copied %1.0f characters in %ld 

t1 = clock();
nTotal = 0;
for (i=0; inLoops; ++i) {
s1[0] = 0;
nTotal += xxx_strlcat(s1,s2,sizeof(s1));
nTotal += xxx_strlcat(s1,s2,sizeof(s1));
nTotal += xxx_strlcat(s1,s2,sizeof(s1));
nTotal += xxx_strlcat(s1,s2,sizeof(s1));
nTotal += xxx_strlcat(s1,s2,sizeof(s1));
nTotal += xxx_strlcat(s1,s2,sizeof(s1));
nTotal += xxx_strlcat(s1,s2,sizeof(s1));
nTotal += xxx_strlcat(s1,s2,sizeof(s1));
nTotal += xxx_strlcat(s1,s2,sizeof(s1));
nTotal += xxx_strlcat(s1,s2,sizeof(s1));
dt = clock() - t1;

printf(xxx_strlcat() copied %1.0f characters in %ld 

return 0;

Preston L. Bannister
pbannister on Yahoo Messenger

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RE: [PHP-DEV] config.w32.h...registry configuration

2002-05-02 Thread Preston L. Bannister

From: Zeev Suraski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 At 15:09 02/05/2002, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Ok then, perhaps we should have an .ini setting for it? :)
 So you want to add an .ini setting where the .ini file could be found?
 That just doesn't make sense to me :)
 That was a joke..
   The only two options I see, in that case are:
   - Add the binary path to the 3 existing lookup places
   - Add a configuration option that would determine whether CWD would be
   used, or the binary path would be used.
   I lean towards option #2 myself...
 yeah, but it still doesn't make sense :)
 It does (configuration option == configure option, not php.ini option)

Tricky :).

I'd suggest the default be to omit CWD from the php.ini search path.
This does break the compatibility for sites that use this feature.

If a site chooses to look for php.ini this is a security risk.
Better for the default to be secure.

If the site is on Unix and uses chroot() before PHP runs, then the
security risk may be eliminated.

If the site is on Windows and wants to allow customer-hosted PHP scripts
on a shared server ... this seems inherently risky in every case.

Eh.  Neither argument is especially compelling.

BTW, if you are going to look for php.ini in the current directory then
a feature like ASP's global.asa is interesting.  Instead of just checking
CWD you also check in each parent directory up to the application/web root.
Slightly less efficient, but this makes having common settings for an
application (in a directory sub-tree on the web) somewhat simpler.

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RE: [PHP-DEV] config.w32.h...registry configuration

2002-05-02 Thread Preston L. Bannister

From: Andi Gutmans [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 At 14:44 02/05/2002 +0300, Zeev Suraski wrote:
 At 14:00 02/05/2002, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, 2 May 2002, Zeev Suraski wrote:
   At 13:36 02/05/2002, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Some hosters use this feature to have different settigns for different
   Do you know this for a fact, or is this an estimate?
 This is a fact, some hoster here in .nl uses it.
 Ok then, perhaps we should have an .ini setting for it? :)
 The only two options I see, in that case are:
 - Add the binary path to the 3 existing lookup places
 - Add a configuration option that would determine whether CWD would be 
 used, or the binary path would be used.
 I lean towards option #2 myself...
 How about if we don't have a in CWD we fall back to where php.exe is 

On second thought we *can* have both backwards compatibility AND 
a default PHP installation that is more secure.

The approach is simple:

Load php.ini from PHP_CONFIG_FILE_PATH (unix) or the same directory
as php.exe (Win32).  Do *not* search CWD.  

Add an include directive to the INI file.  Looking at the PHP
implementation it looks like this could be a psuedo-setting with an
on_modify function that loads as an INI file using the value as a
file name.  So sites that *want* to load from CWD would add:

include_ini = ./php.ini

So sites that want to be less secure have make the above entry once
in the site's global php.ini.  It is a good thing to require action
and thought on the part of the site to become less secure :).

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RE: [PHP-DEV] A better strlcat()

2002-05-02 Thread Preston L. Bannister

Heh - there's a question :).

Looking at the two implementations, which do you think you better
understand (with complete certainty), and which would you be willing
to (say) bet your life on?

Personally I'm *almost* certain I know what the first does :).
I would not want to bet it is bug-free.

I'm sure the shorter implementation matches the *documented* 
strlcat() function.  The fact it runs faster is likely an artifact
of compiler optimizations specific to string functions.

I'll send this off to the OpenBSD folks just for grins.

From: Andi Gutmans [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Are you sure it behaves *exactly* like the existing one?
 I stole the implementation from OpenBSD so it might be a good idea for you 
 to send it to them.
 They are the best to shed light on this and see if it's exactly the same 
 and faster.
 At 09:00 02/05/2002 -0700, Preston L. Bannister wrote:
 Was looking at the strlcat() implementation in the PHP source
 and saw that it does not take advantage of history :).
 Look at xxx_strlcat() in the following example.
 You are almost always better off using the compiler's built-in
 string functions, due to the optimizations built-in (many years ago)
 to improve Dhrystone benchmark scores.  The benchmark turned out to
 be a bit bogus, but the improvements made to the string functions
 are a benefit to us all :).
 This is more readable (and thus more likely correct), slightly faster
 (about 4% in my testing), and in the debug build better checked.
 Full comparison benchmark program:
 #include stdlib.h
 #include stdio.h
 #include string.h
 #include time.h
 #include assert.h
   * Appends src to string dst of size siz (unlike strncat, siz is the
   * full size of dst, not space left).  At most siz-1 characters
   * will be copied.  Always NUL terminates (unless siz == 0).
   * Returns strlen(src); if retval = siz, truncation occurred.
 size_t php_strlcat(char* dst,const char* src,size_t siz)
  register char *d = dst;
  register const char *s = src;
  register size_t n = siz;
  size_t dlen;
  /* Find the end of dst and adjust bytes left but don't go past end */
  while (*d != '\0'  n-- != 0)
  dlen = d - dst;
  n = siz - dlen;
  if (n == 0)
  return(dlen + strlen(s));
  while (*s != '\0') {
  if (n != 1) {
  *d++ = *s;
  *d = '\0';
  return(dlen + (s - src));   /* count does not include NUL */
   * Take full advantage of any compiler/library optimizations built in
   * to the standard string routines.  Look up the history of compiler
   * comparisons with Dhrystone benchmark to understand why this wins.
   * Pre-Internet history - check Google's USENET archive.
 size_t xxx_strlcat(char* s1,const char* s2,size_t nMax)
  size_t n1 = strlen(s1);
  size_t n2 = strlen(s2);
  size_t nCopy = (nMax = (n1+n2)) ? (nMax - n1 - 1) : n2;
  /* Better to leave this out and require a valid string return */
  if (!nMax) return 0;
  assert(n1  nMax);  /* Catch pre-existing oversize strings */
  assert(0  nMax);   /* Insure return is always a valid string */
  s1[n1+nCopy] = 0;
  return n1+n2;   /* as documented for strlcat() */
  /*return n1+nCopy;/* actual number of characters */
 int main(int ac, char** av)
  clock_t t1,dt;
 #ifdef WIN32
  __int64 nTotal;
  long long nTotal;
  char s1[85];
  static char s2[] = 1234567890;
  int nLoops = 10;
  if (1  ac) {
  nLoops = atoi(av[1]);
  printf(Compare two strlcat() implementations for %d 
  t1 = clock();
  nTotal = 0;
  for (int i=0; inLoops; ++i) {
  s1[0] = 0;
  nTotal += php_strlcat(s1,s2,sizeof(s1));
  nTotal += php_strlcat(s1,s2,sizeof(s1));
  nTotal += php_strlcat(s1,s2,sizeof(s1));
  nTotal += php_strlcat(s1,s2,sizeof(s1));
  nTotal += php_strlcat(s1,s2,sizeof(s1));
  nTotal += php_strlcat(s1,s2,sizeof(s1));
  nTotal += php_strlcat(s1,s2,sizeof(s1));
  nTotal += php_strlcat(s1,s2,sizeof(s1));
  nTotal += php_strlcat(s1,s2,sizeof(s1));
  nTotal += php_strlcat(s1,s2,sizeof(s1));
  dt = clock() - t1;
  printf(php_strlcat() copied %1.0f characters in %ld 
  t1 = clock();
  nTotal = 0;
  for (i=0; inLoops; ++i) {
  s1[0] = 0;
  nTotal += xxx_strlcat(s1,s2,sizeof(s1));
  nTotal += xxx_strlcat(s1,s2,sizeof(s1));
  nTotal += xxx_strlcat(s1,s2,sizeof(s1));
  nTotal += xxx_strlcat(s1,s2,sizeof(s1));

RE: [PHP-DEV] config.w32.h

2002-05-01 Thread Preston L. Bannister

From: Daniel Beulshausen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 At 18:35 01.05.2002 +0200, Sebastian Bergmann wrote:
 Daniel Beulshausen wrote:
   do you mean constants like PHP_EXTENSION_DIR?
For instance, yes.
   they should be changed to use the windows registry anyway...
Feel free to do it :)
 this isn't going to be a big task, i'll put it onto my todo.

I'd rather strongly suggest this value not be in the registry.

What happens in the case were two different applications are installed
on the same machine, and both use PHP - but different versions and with
different libraries?  You really don't want machine-global settings.

This isn't a theoretical question! :)  

We will be using PHP in our application and need to be certain that 
any changes the customer makes to there global use of PHP does not
crater out application.  We can get this assurance by using a local
copy of PHP in our application, with a local php.ini file.

Instead I'd suggest that the settings stay in php.ini, but that PHP
look for php.ini first local to the installation of php.exe.

I posted a (tested!) patch a few days back to do exactly this.

Preston L. Bannister
pbannister on Yahoo Messenger

PHP Development Mailing List
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RE: [PHP-DEV] config.w32.h

2002-05-01 Thread Preston L. Bannister

From: Daniel Beulshausen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

 At 18:35 01.05.2002 +0200, Sebastian Bergmann wrote:
 Daniel Beulshausen wrote:
   do you mean constants like PHP_EXTENSION_DIR?
For instance, yes.
   they should be changed to use the windows registry anyway...
Feel free to do it :)

 this isn't going to be a big task, i'll put it onto my todo.

From: Sebastian Bergmann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

 Preston L. Bannister wrote:
  Instead I'd suggest that the settings stay in php.ini, but that PHP
  look for php.ini first local to the installation of php.exe.

   The settings we're talking about are not in php.ini.

Perhaps I misunderstood.

Are we talking about (for example) changing this value?

OnUpdateStringUnempty, extension_dir, php_core_globals,

Or these?


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[PHP-DEV] [PATCH] to get mbstring.c to compile

2002-04-30 Thread Preston L. Bannister

The latest patch mbstring.c prevents PHP from compiling when none of the
HAVE_MBSTR_* defines are present (which would be most sites!).  The code
requires the php_mbstr_default_identify_list array must always be defined.

Now as an English-only person I have no notion which values and ordering is
correct.  Presumably someone with this knowledge can make the appropriate
adjustments :).

Although looking at this code, I suspect that the encodings chosen should be
chosen not a compile time, but at run time.  There was a rather a lot of
discussion in the Apache Jakarta mailing lists about encodings chosen on a
per-request basis.

In any case - this patch allows the code to compile anywhere.

Index: ext/mbstring/mbstring.c
RCS file: /repository/php4/ext/mbstring/mbstring.c,v
retrieving revision 1.66
diff -u -b -r1.66 mbstring.c
--- ext/mbstring/mbstring.c 30 Apr 2002 12:00:42 -  1.66
+++ ext/mbstring/mbstring.c 30 Apr 2002 13:56:16 -
@@ -71,43 +71,32 @@
 #include mbregex.h

-#if defined(HAVE_MBSTR_JA)
 static const enum mbfl_no_encoding php_mbstr_default_identify_list[] = {
+#if defined(HAVE_MBSTR_JA)
-   mbfl_no_encoding_utf8,

-#if defined(HAVE_MBSTR_CN)  !defined(HAVE_MBSTR_JA)
-static const enum mbfl_no_encoding php_mbstr_default_identify_list[] = {
-   mbfl_no_encoding_ascii,
-   mbfl_no_encoding_utf8,
+#if defined(HAVE_MBSTR_CN)

-#if defined(HAVE_MBSTR_TW)  !defined(HAVE_MBSTR_JA)
-static const enum mbfl_no_encoding php_mbstr_default_identify_list[] = {
-   mbfl_no_encoding_ascii,
-   mbfl_no_encoding_utf8,
+#if defined(HAVE_MBSTR_TW)

-#if defined(HAVE_MBSTR_KR)  !defined(HAVE_MBSTR_JA)
-static const enum mbfl_no_encoding php_mbstr_default_identify_list[] = {
-   mbfl_no_encoding_ascii,
-   mbfl_no_encoding_utf8,
+#if defined(HAVE_MBSTR_KR)
+   mbfl_no_encoding_utf8

 static const int php_mbstr_default_identify_list_size =
sizeof(php_mbstr_default_identify_list)/sizeof(enum mbfl_no_encoding);

Preston L. Bannister
pbannister on Yahoo Messenger

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[PHP-DEV] [PATCH] to temporary file open

2002-04-30 Thread Preston L. Bannister

On Win32 you can use the environment variables TMP and TEMP to obtain the
directory for temporary files.  For portability of applications it makes a
great deal of sense (especially when documenting your application!) if the
same overrides for temporary file placement is checked in the same order on
every platform.

Note that this change is backwards compatible in the sense that absent any
overrides the placement of temporary files is the default for each platform.

Index: main/php_open_temporary_file.c
RCS file: /repository/php4/main/php_open_temporary_file.c,v
retrieving revision 1.14
diff -u -b -r1.14 php_open_temporary_file.c
--- main/php_open_temporary_file.c  28 Feb 2002 08:27:03 -  1.14
+++ main/php_open_temporary_file.c  30 Apr 2002 13:56:36 -
 -150,47 +150,40 
 PHPAPI FILE *php_open_temporary_file(const char *dir, const char *pfx, char
**opened_path_p TSRMLS_DC)
-   static char path_tmp[] = /tmp;
-   FILE *fp;
+FILE* fp = 0;
if (!pfx) {
pfx = tmp.;
if (opened_path_p) {
*opened_path_p = NULL;
-   if ((fp=php_do_open_temporary_file((char *) dir, pfx, opened_path_p
+fp = php_do_open_temporary_file((char *) dir, pfx, opened_path_p
+if (fp) {
return fp;
-   if ((fp=php_do_open_temporary_file(getenv(TMPDIR), pfx, opened_path_p
+fp = php_do_open_temporary_file(getenv(TMPDIR), pfx, opened_path_p
+if (fp) {
return fp;
-#if PHP_WIN32
-   {
-   char *TempPath;
-   TempPath = (char *) emalloc(MAXPATHLEN);
-   if (GetTempPath(MAXPATHLEN, TempPath)) {
-   fp = php_do_open_temporary_file(TempPath, pfx, opened_path_p 
-   }
-   efree(TempPath);
+fp = php_do_open_temporary_file(getenv(TEMP), pfx, opened_path_p
+if (fp) {
return fp;
-   if ((fp=php_do_open_temporary_file(P_tmpdir, pfx, opened_path_p
+fp = php_do_open_temporary_file(getenv(TMP), pfx, opened_path_p
+if (fp) {
return fp;
-   if ((fp=php_do_open_temporary_file(path_tmp, pfx, opened_path_p
+#ifdef P_tmpdir
+fp = php_do_open_temporary_file(P_tmpdir, pfx, opened_path_p
+if (fp) {
return fp;
-   return NULL;
+fp = php_do_open_temporary_file(/tmp, pfx, opened_path_p TSRMLS_CC);
+if (fp) {
+return fp;
+return 0;
 /* }}} */

Preston L. Bannister
pbannister on Yahoo Messenger

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[PHP-DEV] [PATCH] to locate php.ini on Win32 with executable

2002-04-30 Thread Preston L. Bannister

Searching for php.ini only in %windir% is a problem when more than
application is using PHP on the same Win32 machine.  What you really want is
behavior similar to PHP on Unix where php.ini is first looked for local to
the PHP executable.

The following patch has PHP looking for the php.ini first in the same
directory as PHP.exe and next in the Windows installation directory.

Note that this change is backwards compatible.

Index: main/php_ini.c
RCS file: /repository/php4/main/php_ini.c,v
retrieving revision 1.85
diff -u -b -r1.85 php_ini.c
--- main/php_ini.c  19 Apr 2002 05:48:22 -  1.85
+++ main/php_ini.c  30 Apr 2002 14:51:59 -
 -226,19 +226,19 
php_ini_search_path = php_ini_path_override;
free_ini_search_path = 0;
} else {
-   char *default_location;
-   int free_default_location;
 #ifdef PHP_WIN32
-   default_location = (char *) emalloc(512);
+char sSearchPath[1024];
+char *default_location = sSearchPath;

-   if (!GetWindowsDirectory(default_location, 255)) {
-   default_location[0]=0;
-   }
-   free_default_location=1;
+/* Look in the same directory as the executable. */
+GetModuleFileName(0,sSearchPath,sizeof(sSearchPath)) || (sSearchPath[0] = 0);
+{ char* p = strrchr(sSearchPath,'\\'); if (p) *++p = 0; }
+/* Add the Windows base directory as well. */
+{ int n = strlen(sSearchPath); 
+GetWindowsDirectory(sSearchPath+n,sizeof(sSearchPath)-n); }
-   default_location = PHP_CONFIG_FILE_PATH;
-   free_default_location=0;
+char *default_location = PHP_CONFIG_FILE_PATH;
php_ini_search_path = (char *) 
free_ini_search_path = 1;
 -255,9 +255,6 
sprintf(php_ini_search_path, .%c%s, 
ZEND_PATHS_SEPARATOR, default_location);
-   if (free_default_location) {
-   efree(default_location);
-   }
PG(safe_mode) = 0;

Preston L. Bannister
pbannister on Yahoo Messenger

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[PHP-DEV] [PATCH] to not require cgi.force_redirect= 0 under IIS on Win32

2002-04-30 Thread Preston L. Bannister

Takes a step out of setting up PHP for IIS.  

My understanding of the previous discussion was that cgi.force_redirect 
is not required if running under IIS.  This patch detects IIS.

One less thing to go wrong configuring under Win32 and IIS :).

Index: sapi/cgi/cgi_main.c
RCS file: /repository/php4/sapi/cgi/cgi_main.c,v
retrieving revision 1.158
diff -u -b -r1.158 cgi_main.c
--- sapi/cgi/cgi_main.c 12 Apr 2002 00:20:29 -  1.158
+++ sapi/cgi/cgi_main.c 30 Apr 2002 15:06:59 -
 -577,6 +577,14 
/* check force_cgi after startup, so we have proper output */
if (cfg_get_long(cgi.force_redirect, force_redirect) == FAILURE) {
 force_redirect = 1;
+/* We don't need force_cgi on if running under IIS. */
+char* sServerSoftware = getenv(SERVER_SOFTWARE);
+char* sExpected = Microsoft-IIS;
+if (sServerSoftware  (0 == 
+strncmp(sServerSoftware,sExpected,strlen(sExpected {
+force_redirect = 0;
if (cgi  force_redirect) {
 if (cfg_get_string(cgi.redirect_status_env, redirect_status_env) == 

Preston L. Bannister
pbannister on Yahoo Messenger

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[PHP-DEV] [PATCH] to reflect installation values unknown at build time on Win32

2002-04-30 Thread Preston L. Bannister

There are values known at compile time on Unix that are *not* known
at compile time on Win32.  Rather than compile in something misleading
(and very likely wrong), better to *not* supply a value.

Index: ext/standard/info.c
RCS file: /repository/php4/ext/standard/info.c,v
retrieving revision 1.171
diff -u -b -r1.171 info.c
--- ext/standard/info.c 29 Mar 2002 10:19:23 -  1.171
+++ ext/standard/info.c 30 Apr 2002 14:51:54 -
 -250,7 +250,7 
php_info_print_table_row(2, Virtual Directory Support, disabled );

-   php_info_print_table_row(2, Configuration File (php.ini) Path, 
+   php_info_print_table_row(2, Configuration File (php.ini) Path, 

php_info_print_table_row(2, Debug Build, yes );
Index: main/config.w32.h
RCS file: /repository/php4/main/config.w32.h,v
retrieving revision 1.58
diff -u -b -r1.58 config.w32.h
--- main/config.w32.h   28 Apr 2002 17:50:09 -  1.58
+++ main/config.w32.h   30 Apr 2002 14:51:57 -
 -5,18 +5,6 
$Id: config.w32.h,v 1.58 2002/04/28 17:50:09 sebastian Exp $

-/* Default PHP / PEAR directories */
-#define PHP_BINDIR c:\\php4
-#define PHP_CONFIG_FILE_PATH (getenv(SystemRoot))?getenv(SystemRoot):
-#define PHP_DATADIR c:\\php4
-#define PHP_EXTENSION_DIR c:\\php4
-#define PHP_INCLUDE_PATH   .;c:\\php4\\pear
-#define PHP_LIBDIR c:\\php4
-#define PHP_LOCALSTATEDIR c:\\php4
-#define PHP_SYSCONFDIR c:\\php4
-#define PEAR_INSTALLDIR c:\\php4\\pear
 /* Enable / Disable BCMATH extension (default: enabled) */
 #define WITH_BCMATH 1

 -156,3 +144,15 
 #undef HAVE_RINT
 #define HAVE_STRFTIME 1
 #define SIZEOF_INT 4
+/* Values that cannot be known at compile time. */
+#define PHP_BINDIR  
+#define PHP_DATADIR 
+#define PHP_LIBDIR  
Index: main/main.c
RCS file: /repository/php4/main/main.c,v
retrieving revision 1.446
diff -u -b -r1.446 main.c
--- main/main.c 30 Apr 2002 00:17:48 -  1.446
+++ main/main.c 30 Apr 2002 14:51:58 -
 -990,6 +990,11 
+ *  The following directories are known at the time PHP
+ *  is configured and built on Unix, but not on Win32.
+ */

Index: main/win95nt.h
RCS file: /repository/php4/main/win95nt.h,v
retrieving revision 1.13
diff -u -b -r1.13 win95nt.h
--- main/win95nt.h  25 Apr 2002 09:01:35 -  1.13
+++ main/win95nt.h  30 Apr 2002 14:51:59 -
 -55,7 +55,9 

 /* sendmail is built-in */
 #define PHP_PROG_SENDMAIL Built in mailer

Preston L. Bannister
pbannister on Yahoo Messenger

PHP Development Mailing List
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RE: [PHP-DEV] [PATCH] to get mbstring.c to compile

2002-04-30 Thread Preston L. Bannister

Duh - wrong diff.  This is what I get for doing too many things at once :).

The following compiles w/o trouble on Win32.

Index: ext/mbstring/mbstring.c
RCS file: /repository/php4/ext/mbstring/mbstring.c,v
retrieving revision 1.66
diff -u -b -r1.66 mbstring.c
--- ext/mbstring/mbstring.c 30 Apr 2002 12:00:42 -  1.66
+++ ext/mbstring/mbstring.c 30 Apr 2002 15:21:26 -
@@ -71,45 +71,34 @@
 #include mbregex.h

-#if defined(HAVE_MBSTR_JA)
 static const enum mbfl_no_encoding php_mbstr_default_identify_list[] = {
+#if defined(HAVE_MBSTR_JA)
-   mbfl_no_encoding_utf8,
-   mbfl_no_encoding_sjis
+   mbfl_no_encoding_sjis,

-#if defined(HAVE_MBSTR_CN)  !defined(HAVE_MBSTR_JA)
-static const enum mbfl_no_encoding php_mbstr_default_identify_list[] = {
-   mbfl_no_encoding_ascii,
-   mbfl_no_encoding_utf8,
+#if defined(HAVE_MBSTR_CN)
-   mbfl_no_encoding_cp936
+   mbfl_no_encoding_cp936,

-#if defined(HAVE_MBSTR_TW)  !defined(HAVE_MBSTR_JA)
-static const enum mbfl_no_encoding php_mbstr_default_identify_list[] = {
-   mbfl_no_encoding_ascii,
-   mbfl_no_encoding_utf8,
+#if defined(HAVE_MBSTR_TW)
-   mbfl_no_encoding_big5
+   mbfl_no_encoding_big5,

-#if defined(HAVE_MBSTR_KR)  !defined(HAVE_MBSTR_JA)
-static const enum mbfl_no_encoding php_mbstr_default_identify_list[] = {
-   mbfl_no_encoding_ascii,
-   mbfl_no_encoding_utf8,
+#if defined(HAVE_MBSTR_KR)
-   mbfl_no_encoding_uhc
+   mbfl_no_encoding_uhc,

-static const int php_mbstr_default_identify_list_size = 
sizeof(php_mbstr_default_identify_list)/sizeof(enum mbfl_no_encoding);
+   mbfl_no_encoding_utf8
+static const int php_mbstr_default_identify_list_size =

 static unsigned char third_and_rest_force_ref[] = { 3, BYREF_NONE, BYREF_NONE, 
 static unsigned char second_args_force_ref[] = { 2, BYREF_NONE, BYREF_FORCE };

 -Original Message-
 From: Preston L. Bannister [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2002 7:21 AM
 Subject: [PHP-DEV] [PATCH] to get mbstring.c to compile

 The latest patch mbstring.c prevents PHP from compiling when none of the
 HAVE_MBSTR_* defines are present (which would be most sites!).  The code
 requires the php_mbstr_default_identify_list array must always be defined.

 Now as an English-only person I have no notion which values and ordering is
 correct.  Presumably someone with this knowledge can make the appropriate
 adjustments :).

 Although looking at this code, I suspect that the encodings chosen should be
 chosen not a compile time, but at run time.  There was a rather a lot of
 discussion in the Apache Jakarta mailing lists about encodings chosen on a
 per-request basis.

 In any case - this patch allows the code to compile anywhere.

[snipped wrong diff]

Preston L. Bannister
pbannister on Yahoo Messenger

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[PHP-DEV] CVS account request?

2002-04-30 Thread Preston L. Bannister

I submitted a CVS account request via the web page (, 
but I don't see a corresponding message in the
mailing list.

Is the web page broken, or is this normal?

We're using PHP in our web application, and I'd like to take off some of the rough 
edges from the Win32 version of PHP :).

Preston L. Bannister
pbannister on Yahoo Messenger

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