[PHP-DEV] RE: [PHP-QA] Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: [PHP-QA] Re: [PHP-DEV] RE: [PHP-QA] 4.0.6

2001-05-02 Thread Liz

> >the com support is/was broken for 6 weeks...
> So the bug is not related to the big patch from phanto from a week ago?

Well, I have a server with 4.0.4RC6 and all is happy.. so it was deffinately
fine then!  I didnt upgrade it to  as I wasnt able (its actually a kinda live
server but its not in a location where I can change it that easily)

I am seeing that some COM stuff is now hanging with 4.0.5, however, a lot of
the stuff I use day to day is different on Personal IIS5 than the the full

So, I'll try and look at the difference in code and see if I can help pin down
any apparent problems, it seems tobe the $word->Visible=1; line, if you skip
that, it cant do a couple of other things and then allows you to Quit..


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[PHP-DEV] RE: [PHP-QA] Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: [PHP-QA] Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: [PHP-QA] 4.0.6

2001-05-02 Thread Liz

> On 2001-05-02 15:03:50, "Zeev Suraski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > We're going to have a Windows build machine at Zend, that will have
> > automated builds (it's actually quite around the corner now).  Once
> it's
> > ready, we're going to have daily snapshots as well as RC builds all the
> time.
> That's good news; the cygwin test suite suggestion is probably still valid
> though.

Another thing would be to branch into Borland C++, as thats also a strong
windows based compiler, it opens compilation to a lot more people.

I have to say, being able to download a prebuilt windows version would be
good, heres a number of reasons why..

#1 What if the problem was with the MS VC++ on the machine that built it,
rather than the actual code?
#2 It does mean that for people like me who have access to Vis Studio but are
not so familiar with it for whatever reason we can just download and test
#3 Most people have access to a windows machine, thus opening for more of the
people prepared to do proper QA to have a check on the windows stuff


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