[PHP] Re: Close all open tags in HTML text

2004-12-09 Thread Daniel Schierbeck
Matt Palermo wrote:
I am allowing users to imput HTML code into a textarea.  After they input 
this, I wany to output their HTML to the browser.  In order for the document 
to be safe, I need to close all open HTML tags that have been left open by 
the user, along with any open comments.  Is there a way to take an HTML 
string and add closing tags and comments to it if needed?

I would use a regular expression to grab the valid opening and closing 
HTML tags, and use something á la htmlentities() on the rest of the 

Daniel Schierbeck
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[PHP] MYSQL Query question

2004-12-09 Thread Reinhart Viane
Table chat_online:
session (varchar)
activity (datetime)
Table persons
Table regions
On a page i list all persons which are in the chat_online dbase and
within a certain period:
$limit_time = time() - 130; // 2 Minutes time out. 60 * 2 = 120 
$sqlchatonline = SELECT * FROM chat_online WHERE
UNIX_TIMESTAMP(activity) = $limit_time AND
$resultchatonline=mysql_query($sqlchatonline) or die (mysql_error());
$chatvisits = mysql_num_rows($resultchatonline);
while($rowchatonline = mysql_fetch_object($resultchatonline)){
   //get the username, userid, mainpicid from the online chatter
   $getinfo= select * from persons where
   $resultgetinfo = mysql_query($getinfo) or die (mysql_error());
   $rowgetinfo= mysql_fetch_array($resultgetinfo);
echo $rowgetinfo['person_nick'];
Now i want these online chatters to be listed by person_region_int:
something like:
region A
region B
region C
How do i do this?
And a second question:
I have created a menu box which lists all regions, if a option is
selected by the user, i only want to show the online chatters of the
selected region (selecting an option defines a variable $region which
holds the region_id)
Something like:
if ($region) {
$sqlchatonline = SELECT * FROM chat_online, persons WHERE
UNIX_TIMESTAMP(chat_online.activity) = $limit_time AND
(chat_online.sessionid!='.session_id().' AND
This doe not give me the correct result: it shows all online chatters *
total amount of users of that region. It should be all online chatters
from that specified region
And a last question:
I always seem to get stuck on mysql queries when scripting. mysql.com
gives me a headache whens earching something. Does someone know a good
mysql manual site or a good mysql book?
Thx in advance

Reinhart Viane 
Domos || D-Studio 
Graaf Van Egmontstraat 15/3 -- B 2800 Mechelen -- tel +32 15 44 89 01 --
fax +32 15 43 25 26 

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Re: [PHP] ini_set doesn't work

2004-12-09 Thread Thomas Munz
your set it to '-1'!!!

thats not allowed. You must habe a value highter than zero. Its better you set 
it in generall to 60. And you forgot the 'M' fater the number like


set it better to that:


 what do I have to change in php.ini, to allow thr

 It doesn't work in my script...


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[PHP] Need shipping info

2004-12-09 Thread suneel
Hi guys...

Here I'm using a UPS service

Could any one tell what sort details we have to consider in the 
while shipping the products to the shipment gateway

thanks  regards,

[PHP] PHP4 mysqli with mysql 4.1.7?

2004-12-09 Thread Francis Mak

This message is a bit long, but I hope somebody could help me on this issue,
thank you .

I am using mysql 4.1.0(default-character-set=utf8) with PHP 4.3.3.  All
tables are using utf8 charset.
I can insert, select and display the utf8 character without any problem
using PHP, I used the normal mysql_query operation, NOT mysqli.  Yes,
msqyl_query works well in 4.1.0.

Now, I upgraded to 4.1.7(default-character-set=utf8).  I use mysql client
and I can see all data in 4.1.7 are utf8.  However, PHP shows all as ???.
character_set_server  utf8
character_set_system  utf8
character_set_database  utf8
character_set_client  utf8
character_set_connection utf8
character_set_results  utf8
collation_connection  utf8_general_ci
collation_database  utf8_general_ci
collation_server  utf8_general_ci

I struggled for a few days and finally discovered a message in mysql-lists
by Marek Lewczuk(UTF-8 problem, 24/5/2004), he has the follwing in his PHP

mysqli_query($c, SET CHARACTER SET utf8;);
mysqli_query($c, SELECT * FROM db);

I have never used mysqli before, and I found it is only avaliable in PHP5.

I have several questions to ask:

1. Can I compile PHP4 with mysqli extention?  Is there any tricks to do
2. Why mysql 4.1 + mysqli is recommended?  But not the normal mysql
3. If I upgrade to mysql 4.1.7 + PHP5, I need to rewrite all of my
application to use mysqli instead of mysql?  Any advise on this issue?
4. I see that we must use mysqli_query($c, SET CHARACTER SET utf8;);
before any query, can I compile the mysqli extention to use utf8 as default?
5. In http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.mysql.php I see a note:  If you need
charsets other than latin (default), you have to install external (not
bundled) libmysql with compiled charset support.   So, it means it is
possible to use mysql_query to with utf8?
6. Any reason why I can use mysql_query with 4.1.0 without any problem?

I know there are many questions, but I hope somebody could help me.  And I
believes there are lots of people having the same upgrade issue.
if utf8 + 4.1.7 + mysqli_query is a must instead of 4.1.7 + mysql_query, I
am sure that there will be lots of problem come up as most PHP applications
are using mysql_query only.


Francis Mak

[PHP] Objects and sessions

2004-12-09 Thread Francisco M. Marzoa Alonso
Following code:
class SessionTestC {
   protected $value;
   function __construct ( $val ) {
   $this-value = $val;
   function GetValue () {
   return $this-value;
if ( isset ($_SESSION['TestObj'])) {
   echo 'Session Test is set to: '.$_SESSION['TestObj']-GetValue().'br';
} else {
   session_start ();
   echo 'Session Test was not set.br';
   $_SESSION['TestObj'] = new SessionTestC ( 'This is a test' );
   echo a href='.basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']).'Click here./abr;
Gives me an error of incomplete object on second access, like this:
*Fatal error*: main() [function.main 
http://localhost/sfcms/Scripts/function.main]: The script tried to 
execute a method or access a property of an incomplete object. Please 
ensure that the class definition SessionTestC of the object you are 
trying to operate on was loaded _before_ unserialize() gets called or 
provide a __autoload() function to load the class definition in 
*/home/fmmarzoa/Develop/Stradivarius/Scripts/SessionTest.php* on line *16

*But as it can be seen, the class is defined in the script 
SessionTest.php itself, so... ??

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[PHP] Re: mail with attachment

2004-12-09 Thread Dre
I did not try it yet .. but I will

Manuel Lemos [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 Dre wrote:
   Thanks Manuel, I will check the class
   and here is the code of the mail sending script
 $att_name = $_POST['att'];
 echo $att_name;
 $att_size = filesize($att_name);
 $handle= fopen($att_name, r);
 $file = fread($handle, $att_size);

 You need to open the file as binary but I do not think that could cause
 the problem that you described. Did you try the class that I mentioned?
 Did it work?


 Manuel Lemos

 PHP Classes - Free ready to use OOP components written in PHP

 PHP Reviews - Reviews of PHP books and other products

 Metastorage - Data object relational mapping layer generator

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Re: [PHP] Close all open tags in HTML text

2004-12-09 Thread Robin Vickery
On Wed, 8 Dec 2004 22:33:19 -0500, Matt Palermo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am allowing users to imput HTML code into a textarea.  After they input
 this, I wany to output their HTML to the browser.  In order for the document
 to be safe, I need to close all open HTML tags that have been left open by
 the user, along with any open comments.  Is there a way to take an HTML
 string and add closing tags and comments to it if needed?

You might want to look at the html tidy functions for tidying and
repairing html:



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[PHP] Question: urldecode

2004-12-09 Thread Stuart Felenstein
In my search page, the url returned comes back with
the ..err I forget what it's called, but query string
looks like this: %5B%5D=3.  I think the %5B and 5D
should be [].

What I think is needed is rawurldecode.  I've looked
through my code and think it belongs somewhere in this

$queryString_rsVJ = ;
if (!empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) {
  $params = explode(, $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);
  $newParams = array();
  foreach ($params as $param) {
if (stristr($param, pageNum_rsVJ) == false  
stristr($param, totalRows_rsVJ) == false) {
  array_push($newParams, $param);
  if (count($newParams) != 0) {
$queryString_rsVJ =  .
htmlentities(implode(, $newParams));

would doing something like this make sense?:

$queryString_rsVJ =  .
htmlentities(rawurldecode(implode(, $newParams)));

Feedback appreciated.

Thank you 

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Re: [PHP] duplicate md5 hash's

2004-12-09 Thread Richard Davey
Hello Guy,

Thursday, December 9, 2004, 11:39:27 AM, you wrote:

GB $hash = md5(uniqid($message));

GB where message is a string that the user will input.

GB How likely is it that this hash might be repeated?

GB I'm using the hash as a primary key in a database - the user gets sent
GB the hash as part of a url to retrieve the details of that database row.

GB (its a basic send to a friend e-card system).

GB Is there any way that the same hash could have been generated more than
GB once?

It's extremely unlikely (I cannot give you any stats as to how
unlikely though, sorry).

However why not just stick the $hash creation into a self-checking
loop. I.e. make the hash - check the database - does it exist already?
- If not then the hash is good, else repeat the process. Using uniqid
will give you a unique hash on each occasion so this process
shouldn't take very long at all even if it did find a duplicate a few
times (unlikely!)

Best regards,

Richard Davey
 http://www.launchcode.co.uk - PHP Development Services
 I am not young enough to know everything. - Oscar Wilde

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[PHP] [SOLUTION] Re: [PHP] Objects and sessions

2004-12-09 Thread Francisco M. Marzoa Alonso
Thomas Munz wrote:
I think, its not possible to init an Objeect on a session. 

Yes, it can.
The problem was with serialization. With session.auto_start set to 1 on 
php.ini, seems like session's objects are unserialized before loading 
the script, so the class is not loaded when the session unserialized the 
object, and therefore it fails to unserialize it as an instance of its 

Setting session.auto_start to 0 on php.ini you should take care of 
resume sessions calling session_start() each time, but you can put that 
call after class definition, so the object will be unserialized after, 
so the problem is solved.

This code works fine:
class SessionTestC {
   protected $value;
   function __construct ( $val ) {
   $this-value = $val;
   function GetValue () {
   return $this-value;
if ( isset ($_GET['close_session'])) {
   unset ($_SESSION);
   session_start ();
   session_destroy ();
session_start ();
if ( isset ($_SESSION['TestObj'])) {
   echo 'TestObj is an instance of 
   echo 'pre';
   print_r ($SESSION['TestObj']);
   echo '/pre';

   echo a 
   echo 'Session Test is set to: '.$_SESSION['TestObj']-GetValue().'br';
} else {
   echo 'Session Test was not set.br';
   $_SESSION['TestObj'] = new SessionTestC ( 'This is a test' );
   echo a href='.basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']).'Click here./abr;

BTW, I do not know if the code I've used to destroy the session is the 
best, but this is a secondary issue...

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[PHP] allow_url_fopen ini directive not enough

2004-12-09 Thread Kelvin Jones
I would like to see a new directive to go alongside allow_url_fopen to
allow people to turn on or off the ability to include/require a remote file.
The ability to include and execute a file as php from a remote host
leaves many applications open to cross-site-scripting attacks.
This would be easily avoidable if we had a directive
(allow_url_include?) that by default removed this capability.
Any thoughts?
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[PHP] duplicate md5 hash's

2004-12-09 Thread Guy Bowden
I know this is highly unlikely... but I have this code:
$hash = md5(uniqid($message));
where message is a string that the user will input.
How likely is it that this hash might be repeated?
I'm using the hash as a primary key in a database - the user gets sent 
the hash as part of a url to retrieve the details of that database row.

(its a basic send to a friend e-card system).
Is there any way that the same hash could have been generated more than 

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Re: [PHP] duplicate md5 hash's

2004-12-09 Thread Guy Bowden
Thanks for the tip... I have now implemented a while loop to make sure 
that it goes into the db, as you say this should never actually loop, 
but if it does it should only loop once..

kind of extra security..
Richard Davey wrote:
Hello Guy,
Thursday, December 9, 2004, 11:39:27 AM, you wrote:
GB $hash = md5(uniqid($message));
GB where message is a string that the user will input.
GB How likely is it that this hash might be repeated?
GB I'm using the hash as a primary key in a database - the user gets sent
GB the hash as part of a url to retrieve the details of that database row.
GB (its a basic send to a friend e-card system).
GB Is there any way that the same hash could have been generated more than
GB once?
It's extremely unlikely (I cannot give you any stats as to how
unlikely though, sorry).
However why not just stick the $hash creation into a self-checking
loop. I.e. make the hash - check the database - does it exist already?
- If not then the hash is good, else repeat the process. Using uniqid
will give you a unique hash on each occasion so this process
shouldn't take very long at all even if it did find a duplicate a few
times (unlikely!)
Best regards,
Richard Davey
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Re: [PHP] Objects and sessions

2004-12-09 Thread Thomas Munz
I think, its not possible to init an Objeect on a session. Session will be 
rebuild on each reload of the site based on the session id, i think...

Maybe here the object can't be rebuild anymore...
 Following code:


 class SessionTestC {
 protected $value;

 function __construct ( $val ) {
 $this-value = $val;

 function GetValue () {
 return $this-value;

 if ( isset ($_SESSION['TestObj'])) {
 echo 'Session Test is set to:
 '.$_SESSION['TestObj']-GetValue().'br'; } else {
 session_start ();
 echo 'Session Test was not set.br';
 $_SESSION['TestObj'] = new SessionTestC ( 'This is a test' );
 echo a href='.basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']).'Click
 here./abr; }


 Gives me an error of incomplete object on second access, like this:

 *Fatal error*: main() [function.main
 http://localhost/sfcms/Scripts/function.main]: The script tried to
 execute a method or access a property of an incomplete object. Please
 ensure that the class definition SessionTestC of the object you are
 trying to operate on was loaded _before_ unserialize() gets called or
 provide a __autoload() function to load the class definition in
 */home/fmmarzoa/Develop/Stradivarius/Scripts/SessionTest.php* on line *16

 *But as it can be seen, the class is defined in the script
 SessionTest.php itself, so... ??

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[PHP] best practice question..

2004-12-09 Thread Guy Bowden
On this note - what is considered best practice in a - sent to friend 
type thing.

i.e. User inputs their name + message + email + friends email into a 
html/flash form

friend gets a link to read the message.
currently I do this:
1 collect form input
2 create hash using the md5/uniqid method : $hash = md5(uniqid($key));
3 input data to database table using the hash as the primary key value
4 send email to friend with link containing the hash
5 user clicks on link
6 hash read in from the $_GET object
7 hash used to select message details from DB and displayed to the user
There's never a security issue here - i.e. i don't mind how many times / 
who reads the message, but just want to make it hard to just guess keys 
to read other messages (otherwise it would just be the db id)

This method works for me, but is it the *right* way?
Thanks for any input
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Re: [PHP] Need shipping info

2004-12-09 Thread John Nichel
suneel wrote:
Hi guys...
Here I'm using a UPS service
Could any one tell what sort details we have to consider in the database 
while shipping the products to the shipment gateway

thanks  regards,
You might want to consider asking a php question.
adds UPS to the list of things covered by the php-general list
...it's all about the Rush
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Re: [PHP] best practice question..

2004-12-09 Thread Richard Davey
Hello Guy,

Thursday, December 9, 2004, 12:34:03 PM, you wrote:

GB There's never a security issue here - i.e. i don't mind how many times /
GB who reads the message, but just want to make it hard to just guess keys
GB to read other messages (otherwise it would just be the db id)

GB This method works for me, but is it the *right* way?

There's no right or wrong way to do this - if it works for you, then
it works :)

The only thing I would strongly suggest is a check somewhere - if the
recipient has been sent an email already (perhaps within the last 30
days?) then you don't send them another one.

That way you're not open to being a spam bot.

Best regards,

Richard Davey
 http://www.launchcode.co.uk - PHP Development Services
 I am not young enough to know everything. - Oscar Wilde

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RE: [PHP] Question: urldecode

2004-12-09 Thread Ford, Mike
To view the terms under which this email is distributed, please go to 

 -Original Message-
 From: Stuart Felenstein [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: 09 December 2004 11:52
 In my search page, the url returned comes back with
 the ..err I forget what it's called, but query string
 looks like this: %5B%5D=3.  I think the %5B and 5D
 should be [].

Are you seeing the URL-encoded version *only* in your browser's
Address/Location bar?  If so, that's perfectly normal and nothing to worry
about -- it should be automatically decoded by the Web server before being
passed to PHP.

If you're seeing the encoded version actually in your PHP script, that
sounds like a major problem, possibly indicating a missing urldecode() or
extraneous urlencode() -- in which case, please post a more detailed
analysis of your problem, examples of the unwanted behaviour, and the
relevant portions of script.



Mike Ford,  Electronic Information Services Adviser,
Learning Support Services, Learning  Information Services, JG125, James
Graham Building, Leeds Metropolitan University, Headingley Campus, LEEDS,
LS6 3QS,  United Kingdom
Tel: +44 113 283 2600 extn 4730  Fax:  +44 113 283 3211

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Re: [PHP] MYSQL Query question

2004-12-09 Thread Raditha Dissanayake
Reinhart Viane wrote:
And a last question:
I always seem to get stuck on mysql queries when scripting. mysql.com
gives me a headache whens earching something. Does someone know a good
mysql manual site or a good mysql book?

That does not mean mysql questions should be posted on php mailing lists.

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Do you know that mailing lists are automatically archived at thousands 
of websites?


Raditha Dissanayake.
http://www.radinks.com/print/card-designer/ | Card Designer Applet
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RE: [PHP] MYSQL Query question

2004-12-09 Thread Reinhart Viane
First, since it was a combined question of php and mysql I thought of
sending it here.
Secondly, this is my standard footer.

My appologizes if my question irritates you

-Original Message-
From: Raditha Dissanayake [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: donderdag 9 december 2004 14:14
Subject: Re: [PHP] MYSQL Query question

Reinhart Viane wrote:

And a last question:
I always seem to get stuck on mysql queries when scripting. mysql.com 
gives me a headache whens earching something. Does someone know a good 
mysql manual site or a good mysql book?

That does not mean mysql questions should be posted on php mailing


This message may contain confidential and proprietary material for the
sole use of the intended 
recipient.  Any review or distribution by others is strictly
If you are not the intended 
recipient please contact the sender and delete all copies.

Do you know that mailing lists are automatically archived at thousands 
of websites?



Raditha Dissanayake.
http://www.radinks.com/print/card-designer/ | Card Designer Applet
http://www.radinks.com/upload/  | Drag and Drop Upload 

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PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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RE: [PHP] Question: urldecode

2004-12-09 Thread Stuart Felenstein

--- Ford, Mike [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Are you seeing the URL-encoded version *only* in
 your browser's
 Address/Location bar?  If so, that's perfectly
 normal and nothing to worry
 about -- it should be automatically decoded by the
 Web server before being
 passed to PHP.

 If you're seeing the encoded version actually in
 your PHP script, that
 sounds like a major problem, possibly indicating a
 missing urldecode() or
 extraneous urlencode() -- in which case, please post
 a more detailed
 analysis of your problem, examples of the unwanted
 behaviour, and the
 relevant portions of script.
I have no idea about what it means to see the encoded
version in my script. I have only one urldecode in the

a href=SearchJobDetails.php?JobID=?php echo

No urlencodes anywhere. 
I'll assume it's decoded properly before going to php
because the script runs fine.  I just know that I've
seen the hex's normally converted in the browser bar.

Further, I was assuming I should add the urldecode to
the query string.  As I had posted originally.  From
the example in the manual it appears I might to pass
the params through a urldecode counter loop.  

Lastly, I wasn't concerned about the hex code, but I
just made some reconnections of scripts.  Users can
save their search parameters.  I am saving the query
string.  Now I had this set up before and the way it
was working , is when the user wanted to view or
edit their saved searches, the search page would come
back with all the parameters filled in including
shaded parameters in things like mult select lists and
menu dropdowns.  It's not working that way now , so my
first suspicion is perhaps the hex is effecting it.

I can post more of the script if that makes sense.


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[PHP] Re: Objects and sessions

2004-12-09 Thread Shen Kong
Hi, your code my be this , you must use session_start() first:
session_start ();
class SessionTestC {
   protected $value;
   function __construct ( $val ) {
   $this-value = $val;
   function GetValue () {
   return $this-value;
if ( isset ($_SESSION['TestObj'])) {
   echo 'Session Test is set to: '.$_SESSION['TestObj']-GetValue().'br';
} else {
   echo 'Session Test was not set.br';
   $_SESSION['TestObj'] = new SessionTestC ( 'This is a test' );
   echo a href='.basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']).'Click here./abr;
Francisco M. Marzoa Alonso wrote:
Following code:
class SessionTestC {
   protected $value;
   function __construct ( $val ) {
   $this-value = $val;
   function GetValue () {
   return $this-value;
if ( isset ($_SESSION['TestObj'])) {
   echo 'Session Test is set to: '.$_SESSION['TestObj']-GetValue().'br';
} else {
   session_start ();
   echo 'Session Test was not set.br';
   $_SESSION['TestObj'] = new SessionTestC ( 'This is a test' );
   echo a href='.basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']).'Click here./abr;
Gives me an error of incomplete object on second access, like this:
*Fatal error*: main() [function.main 
http://localhost/sfcms/Scripts/function.main]: The script tried to 
execute a method or access a property of an incomplete object. Please 
ensure that the class definition SessionTestC of the object you are 
trying to operate on was loaded _before_ unserialize() gets called or 
provide a __autoload() function to load the class definition in 
*/home/fmmarzoa/Develop/Stradivarius/Scripts/SessionTest.php* on line *16

*But as it can be seen, the class is defined in the script 
SessionTest.php itself, so... ??

-- http://www.openphp.cn
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[PHP] a question about the PHP manual

2004-12-09 Thread Eakin, W
   As I'm studying, and learning, PHP, I use certain resources again 
and again. A few books I've bought, some web sites, this mailing list, 
and the PHP manual. I've taken the often repeated 'RTFM' to heart, and I 
attempt to google or RTFM before considering a post to the list with a 
question, but now I have a question about the manual itself.
I've noticed that most of the replies to the questions on this list, 
when they refer to a part of the manual,  point to the same few sections 
over and over. Such as arrays, strings, sessions, objects, and a few others.
My question is this, when I'm reading the manual, is just that I should 
be concentrating on a few sections (and if so, which?), or should I be 
giving equal attention to all the sections, including some (I suppose) I 
might never use.

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[PHP] Re: Installing Apache and PHP from scratch

2004-12-09 Thread Don
 Have been using RedHat and Fedora Systems.  When I install the OS, Apache
 usually installed already and I download PHP and install manually.  I'd
 to install Apache itself but not sure what configuration to use.  Is there
 a command similar to the phpinfo() command that can tell me how an already
 installed Apache in configured?

Enable server-info in your httpd.conf and be amazed at the amount of
information http;//localhost/server-info will chuck at you.

How exactly does this work?
1. In my httpd.,conf file i uncommented teh following lines:
Location /server-info
SetHandler server-info
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Allow from .lclnav.com
2.  I then restarted my apache server
3.  I then type in the location bar: HYPERLINK
I get (doesn't work):
You don't have permission to access /server-info on this server.
Note: I created the directory 'server-info' off of the directory root after
the error; still errors

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RE: [PHP] Question: urldecode

2004-12-09 Thread Ford, Mike
To view the terms under which this email is distributed, please go to 

 -Original Message-
 From: Stuart Felenstein [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: 09 December 2004 13:38
 --- Ford, Mike [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Are you seeing the URL-encoded version *only* in
  your browser's
  Address/Location bar?  If so, that's perfectly
  normal and nothing to worry
  about -- it should be automatically decoded by the
  Web server before being
  passed to PHP.
  If you're seeing the encoded version actually in
  your PHP script, that
  sounds like a major problem, possibly indicating a
  missing urldecode() or
  extraneous urlencode() -- in which case, please post
  a more detailed
  analysis of your problem, examples of the unwanted
  behaviour, and the
  relevant portions of script.
 I have no idea about what it means to see the encoded
 version in my script. I have only one urldecode in the
 a href=SearchJobDetails.php?JobID=?php echo 

I actually doubt whether you even need this urldecode() -- but it depends
where that value is coming from.

 Further, I was assuming I should add the urldecode to
 the query string.

I don't quite understand this -- if you mean the query string supplied to
your script and manifesting in your $_GET array, then no, very unlikely,
since this should have been taken care of by the Web server before it gets
anywhere near PHP.  If you're referring to echoing out URLs with query
strings on them, then that is one of the few instances where urlENcode()
might be necessary, but definitely not urlDEcode().

 Lastly, I wasn't concerned about the hex code, but I
 just made some reconnections of scripts.  Users can
 save their search parameters.  I am saving the query
 string.  Now I had this set up before and the way it
 was working , is when the user wanted to view or
 edit their saved searches, the search page would come
 back with all the parameters filled in including
 shaded parameters in things like mult select lists and
 menu dropdowns.  It's not working that way now , so my
 first suspicion is perhaps the hex is effecting it.

All I can say to this is to re-iterate the point that your Web server should
be decoding those %xx values before your script ever gets to see them.  You
*may* have to urlencode() values you write out that might one day form part
of a clickable link -- but, because of the previous sentence, you should not
yourself need to do the compensating urldecode() in the target script.

Once again, this sounds like a situation where you need to be echoing out
everything and anything of even the slightest relevance at the crucial spots
of your script -- in the debugging phase, my scripts often have a bunch of
debugging echoes every few lines, and some sections even end up with more
temporary echoes than actual script!  It's tedious wading your way through
the screenfuls of output, but can be exceedingly illuminating of an elusive



Mike Ford,  Electronic Information Services Adviser,
Learning Support Services, Learning  Information Services, JG125, James
Graham Building, Leeds Metropolitan University, Headingley Campus, LEEDS,
LS6 3QS,  United Kingdom
Tel: +44 113 283 2600 extn 4730  Fax:  +44 113 283 3211

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Re: [PHP] MYSQL Query question

2004-12-09 Thread John Nichel
Raditha Dissanayake wrote:
Reinhart Viane wrote:
And a last question:
I always seem to get stuck on mysql queries when scripting. mysql.com
gives me a headache whens earching something. Does someone know a good
mysql manual site or a good mysql book?

That does not mean mysql questions should be posted on php mailing lists.
There you go again, trying to keep this list on topic. ;)
John C. Nichel
PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP] Re: Installing Apache and PHP from scratch

2004-12-09 Thread Jason Wong
On Thursday 09 December 2004 22:12, Don wrote:

 1. In my httpd.,conf file i uncommented teh following lines:
 Location /server-info
 SetHandler server-info
 Order deny,allow
 Deny from all
 Allow from .lclnav.com

That Allow from ... has to specify an IP address / network range / domain 
(etc) that will allow your *client* to connect.

If you have shell access on the server and you have lynx/links/elinks 
installed then you should probably only Allow from and just 
access it directly from the server rather than through a remote client.

 Note: I created the directory 'server-info' off of the directory root after
 the error; still errors

You don't need to create any directories for the above to work.

As this is not PHP-related if you need more info refer to the Apache docs 
and/or ask on the Apache mailing list.

Jason Wong - Gremlins Associates - www.gremlins.biz
Open Source Software Systems Integrators
* Web Design  Hosting * Internet  Intranet Applications Development *
Search the list archives before you post
BOFH Excuse #116:

the real ttys became pseudo ttys and vice-versa.

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Re: [PHP] a question about the PHP manual

2004-12-09 Thread Miles Thompson
At 09:56 AM 12/9/2004, Eakin, W wrote:
   As I'm studying, and learning, PHP, I use certain resources again and 
again. A few books I've bought, some web sites, this mailing list, and 
the PHP manual. I've taken the often repeated 'RTFM' to heart, and I 
attempt to google or RTFM before considering a post to the list with a 
question, but now I have a question about the manual itself.
I've noticed that most of the replies to the questions on this list, when 
they refer to a part of the manual,  point to the same few sections over 
and over. Such as arrays, strings, sessions, objects, and a few others.
My question is this, when I'm reading the manual, is just that I should be 
concentrating on a few sections (and if so, which?), or should I be giving 
equal attention to all the sections, including some (I suppose) I might 
never use.


Well, those are commonly used parts of the language, along with control 
structures (IF, WHILE, CASE).

Once PHP is installed, familiarity with Chapters 10 through 42 would 
furnish a really solid grounding.

Then I'd look at the function list and focus on the functions applicable to 
your particular database and the error handling and logging functions.

After that, it depends on your programming experience, as how one thinks in 
language a may be subtly different language b. Note that there are both 
directory and file system functions; the separation is logical, but sent me 
on a worried hunt a couple of years ago. Thus we reach the land of it 
depends on what you want or have to do.

In closing, I'd recommend writing little test scripts so that you can do 
two things:
1. Figure out how to use the various functions and how they behave.
2. Then intentionally break them - knowledge of this behaviour can 
be just as important.

Alternately, like many, dig out the info as it's needed. The problem with 
this approach is missing out on new and better ways of doing things, and 
you don't enrich your toolkit. As for some (I suppose) I might never use 
- just how much time do you WANT to spend with your computer? How do the 
others in your life feel about that?

Cheers - Miles
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Re: [PHP] a question about the PHP manualB

2004-12-09 Thread Ron Clark

At 09:56 AM 12/9/2004, Eakin, W wrote:
As I'm studying, and learning, PHP, I use certain resources again and
 again. A few books I've bought, some web sites, this mailing list, and
 the PHP manual. I've taken the often repeated 'RTFM' to heart, and I
 attempt to google or RTFM before considering a post to the list with a
 question, but now I have a question about the manual itself.
I've noticed that most of the replies to the questions on this list, when
they refer to a part of the manual,  point to the same few sections over
and over. Such as arrays, strings, sessions, objects, and a few others.
My question is this, when I'm reading the manual, is just that I should
concentrating on a few sections (and if so, which?), or should I be
equal attention to all the sections, including some (I suppose) I might
never use.

I have found that when learning a new language that it is a good idea to
read the whole manual it time permits, even it there are sections that you
don't think you will ever need. Later on when programming you may need to
do something and remember that function that you never thought you would
need. It never hurts to no what's available even if you don't think you
will need it.

Ron Clark
System Administrator
Armstrong Atlantic State University

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Re: [PHP] a question about the PHP manual

2004-12-09 Thread Nick Talbott
On Thursday 09 December 2004 1:56 pm, Eakin, W wrote:
 I've noticed that most of the replies to the questions on this list,
 when they refer to a part of the manual,  point to the same few sections
 over and over. Such as arrays, strings, sessions, objects, and a few
 others. My question is this, when I'm reading the manual, is just that I
 should be concentrating on a few sections (and if so, which?), or should I
 be giving equal attention to all the sections, including some (I suppose) I
 might never use.

Here's a suggestion...

Go through Section III on Language Reference thoroughly.  You'll need to 
understand pretty much all of this.

Skim though sections IV and V (Security and Features) so you know what's there 
and come back to them before you use PHP in a real application (specially the 
Security section!)

In the function reference, look in detail at the following sections:
- Array functions
- Date and Time functions
- Directory Functions
- Filesystem functions
- String Functions
- Variable Functions
- plus the specific section for the database you want to use
The above are all pretty common requirements in most PHP applications.

Then skim though the following sections and come back to them when you need to 
use them:
- Error Handling and Logging Functions
- HTTP Functions
- Miscellaneous Functions
- Network Functions
- Regular Expression Functions

Then dig into the other sections in the function reference that interest you.

My 2p

- Nick

Nick Talbott, Powys County Council, UK
IT Policy and Strategy Manager/Rheolwr Polisi a Chynllunio TGCh

fax:   01597 824781
web:   www.powys.gov.uk

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RE: [PHP] Question:maybe urldecode

2004-12-09 Thread Stuart Felenstein

--- Ford, Mike [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Lastly, I wasn't concerned about the hex code, but
 I just made some reconnections of scripts.  Users
 can save their search parameters.  I am saving the
 query string.  Now I had this set up before and the 
 way it was working , is when the user wanted to   
 view or edit their saved searches, the search page  
 would come back with all the parameters filled in   
 including shaded parameters in things like multi
 select lists and menu dropdowns.  It's not working  
 that way now so my first suspicion is perhaps the
hex  is effecting it.

I'm not sure if this particular is a matter of
debugging.  There is a different behaviour going on
and now I'm not sure if it would have anything to with
the hex.  The textfields in the query string are just
the variable name = value.  

Basically I'm throwing this out though since I'm
wondering if there is something that should be in the
search script , that when I apply a query string to it
would fill in the field (like magic hands)

As an example, if you click on the link , you'll see
industry has 2 choices selected , and city has a
Now I can't reproduce this with my new script.



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Re: [PHP] MYSQL Query question

2004-12-09 Thread Raditha Dissanayake
John Nichel wrote:
Raditha Dissanayake wrote:
Reinhart Viane wrote:
And a last question:
I always seem to get stuck on mysql queries when scripting. mysql.com
gives me a headache whens earching something. Does someone know a good
mysql manual site or a good mysql book?

That does not mean mysql questions should be posted on php mailing 
There you go again, trying to keep this list on topic. ;)
Alright I am going to change. as they say if you can't beat them join them.
obligatory off topic post:
Do you think it's better to use innodb type tables or myisam type tables 
when using mysql even without  foreign keys?

Raditha Dissanayake.
http://www.radinks.com/print/card-designer/ | Card Designer Applet
http://www.radinks.com/upload/  | Drag and Drop Upload 

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[PHP] Finding the location of an included script

2004-12-09 Thread Gadi Cohen
Is this possible?

I'm trying to write a back end to be used in most of my websites.

While I can simply use symlinks to ensure this is included from my
various sites but only exists once on the hardrive, I'd prefer to simply
include the file and have the script itself work out where it lives.

So if I have:  include(/path/to/backend.php);

Is there a way from inside of backend.php to return /path/to ?


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Re: [PHP] Question:maybe urldecode

2004-12-09 Thread Jason Wong
On Thursday 09 December 2004 23:16, Stuart Felenstein wrote:

 I'm not sure if this particular is a matter of

Your program doesn't work the way you intended it? So if you don't debug it, 
how is it going to get from a not working as intended state, to a working 

 There is a different behaviour going on 
 and now I'm not sure if it would have anything to with
 the hex.  The textfields in the query string are just
 the variable name = value.

So what do the variables contain at each stage? Where do they change from 
what you expected to not what you expected?.

 Basically I'm throwing this out though since I'm
 wondering if there is something that should be in the
 search script , that when I apply a query string to it
 would fill in the field (like magic hands)

Yeah I wish I had some magic hands that writes my programs for me too. 
Sadly ...

Jason Wong - Gremlins Associates - www.gremlins.biz
Open Source Software Systems Integrators
* Web Design  Hosting * Internet  Intranet Applications Development *
Search the list archives before you post
The days are all empty and the nights are unreal.

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Re: [PHP] Question:maybe urldecode

2004-12-09 Thread Stuart Felenstein

--- Jason Wong [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Basically I'm throwing this out though since I'm
  wondering if there is something that should be in
  search script , that when I apply a query string
 to it
  would fill in the field (like magic hands)
 Yeah I wish I had some magic hands that writes my
 programs for me too. 
 Sadly ...
Jason, I don't think you read or understood my
question. As I said, it doesn't seem to be a debugging
scenario.I was asking if anyone would know a
reason why on one page , one could apply the query 
string to  url and the page would be filled in and
another page it doesnt work.  Please don't imply I'm
looking for someone to write my programs. The magic
hands was a reference to how the boxes are filled in
by placing the string in.


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[PHP] Re: Finding the location of an included script

2004-12-09 Thread Ben Ramsey
Gadi Cohen wrote:
So if I have:  include(/path/to/backend.php);
Is there a way from inside of backend.php to return /path/to ?
Check out the filesystem functions in the PHP manual. You're probably 
particularly interested in pathinfo()

Ben Ramsey
Zend Certified Engineer
Atlanta PHP - http://www.atlphp.org/
The Southeast's premier PHP community.
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Re: [PHP] a question about the PHP manual

2004-12-09 Thread Richard Lynch
Eakin, W wrote:
 As I'm studying, and learning, PHP, I use certain resources again
 and again. A few books I've bought, some web sites, this mailing list,
 and the PHP manual. I've taken the often repeated 'RTFM' to heart, and I
 attempt to google or RTFM before considering a post to the list with a
 question, but now I have a question about the manual itself.
 I've noticed that most of the replies to the questions on this list,
 when they refer to a part of the manual,  point to the same few sections
 over and over. Such as arrays, strings, sessions, objects, and a few
 My question is this, when I'm reading the manual, is just that I should
 be concentrating on a few sections (and if so, which?), or should I be
 giving equal attention to all the sections, including some (I suppose) I
 might never use.

I would recommend reading EVERYTHING in the PHP manual UP TO
Section VI: Function Reference

All of that stuff is what defines the core PHP Language, and if you don't
know it, you're going to waste a lot of time on Voodoo Programming.

Voodoo Programming: You do things that work but you have completely
erroneous beliefs about *why* and *how* they work.

If you know the jargon for what you are looking for, Google is your buddy;
But if you don't, and can only describe what you want in a paragraph of a
question, then re-read all of that, plus the FAQs.

You then want to skim through the main page of each function reference
section.  Currently that's 135 (!) pages.  Some of them you can quickly
dismiss as irrelevant for all time to me :-)  Others, you'll find out
that there's an entire science to something you thought you'd have to
invent for yourself.

Yes, that's a lot of reading.

No, you won't remember all of it.

Hell, you might not even understand all of it when you read it.

Once upon a time, I even posted an FAQ to the list, way back when, because
while I had *read* the FAQ initially, there were FAQs I didn't even
understand the Question to, much less the Answer.

Six months later, of course, I ran into the question in my own needs, and,
well, didn't *RE*-read the FAQ.

Take note of the stuff you don't understand at all, and try to memorize
the buzz-words or what you think they might be all about.

The hair you save may be your own. :-)

Like Music?

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Re: [PHP] best practice question..

2004-12-09 Thread Richard Lynch
Guy Bowden wrote:
 On this note - what is considered best practice in a - sent to friend
 type thing.

 i.e. User inputs their name + message + email + friends email into a
 html/flash form

 friend gets a link to read the message.

 currently I do this:

 1 collect form input
 2 create hash using the md5/uniqid method : $hash = md5(uniqid($key));
 3 input data to database table using the hash as the primary key value
 4 send email to friend with link containing the hash
 5 user clicks on link
 6 hash read in from the $_GET object
 7 hash used to select message details from DB and displayed to the user

 There's never a security issue here - i.e. i don't mind how many times /
 who reads the message, but just want to make it hard to just guess keys
 to read other messages (otherwise it would just be the db id)

 This method works for me, but is it the *right* way?

I would also:

Track the sender IP address, and only allow N sends per time period T.
Track the recipient email, and only allow M To:s per time period U.

The point being to stop spammers from using your system to spam the world,
or target specific victims.

Is $key the ID in the database?  You may want to consider adding in more
randomness with mt_rand() as the manual suggests on the uniqid page -- You
can still keep $key as part of the hash by doing:
md5(uniqid($key| . mt_rand(), true))

Certainly sending the md5/uniquid as the only thing exposed is about as
good as you can get for making sure that the other email URLs are
guessable -- You do run the risk that sooner or later your md5/uniquid
hash will collide with two emails on the same value.  Easy enough to
check the db and generate another hash if they do collide, so I'd add that
in if you don't have it.  Add a line after your md5(...) call and set
$hash = '42' for testing purpose, then comment it out to go back to

You could look into the larger bits and longer hashes that would be
better but I really don't think that's necessary, imho.

Like Music?

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Re: [PHP] duplicate md5 hash's

2004-12-09 Thread Richard Lynch
 GB Is there any way that the same hash could have been generated more
 GB once?

 It's extremely unlikely (I cannot give you any stats as to how
 unlikely though, sorry).

As I understand it (or don't, rather) the odds are one in 2,147,...,... (2

But that's only in theory.

In practice, I think people have demonstrated that it's not really 1 in 2

It's still damned unlikely, but making *SURE* with the loop you've got is
cheap and easy, so I'd stick with that.

Like Music?

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RE: [PHP] a question about the PHP manual

2004-12-09 Thread Justin Palmer

Richard is spot on, but learning (PHP, ASP, Java, ...) programming is
not all about reading.  Set up small examples that better enforce the
ideas in your mind about specific topics that you are having a hard time
with.  You will loose, roughly, 90% of the information by just reading.
Examples help solidify the theories.


Justin Palmer
KISS (Keep It Simple, SEARCH)!
Google::getUri( http://www.google.com );
Archives::getUri( http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=php-general );

-Original Message-
From: Richard Lynch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2004 9:15 AM
To: Eakin, W
Subject: Re: [PHP] a question about the PHP manual

Eakin, W wrote:
 As I'm studying, and learning, PHP, I use certain resources again 
 and again. A few books I've bought, some web sites, this mailing list,

 and the PHP manual. I've taken the often repeated 'RTFM' to heart, and

 I attempt to google or RTFM before considering a post to the list with

 a question, but now I have a question about the manual itself. I've 
 noticed that most of the replies to the questions on this list, when 
 they refer to a part of the manual,  point to the same few sections 
 over and over. Such as arrays, strings, sessions, objects, and a few 
 others. My question is this, when I'm reading the manual, is just that

 I should be concentrating on a few sections (and if so, which?), or 
 should I be giving equal attention to all the sections, including some

 (I suppose) I might never use.

I would recommend reading EVERYTHING in the PHP manual UP TO Section
VI: Function Reference

All of that stuff is what defines the core PHP Language, and if you
don't know it, you're going to waste a lot of time on Voodoo

Voodoo Programming: You do things that work but you have completely
erroneous beliefs about *why* and *how* they work.

If you know the jargon for what you are looking for, Google is your
buddy; But if you don't, and can only describe what you want in a
paragraph of a question, then re-read all of that, plus the FAQs.

You then want to skim through the main page of each function reference
section.  Currently that's 135 (!) pages.  Some of them you can quickly
dismiss as irrelevant for all time to me :-)  Others, you'll find out
that there's an entire science to something you thought you'd have to
invent for yourself.

Yes, that's a lot of reading.

No, you won't remember all of it.

Hell, you might not even understand all of it when you read it.

Once upon a time, I even posted an FAQ to the list, way back when,
because while I had *read* the FAQ initially, there were FAQs I didn't
even understand the Question to, much less the Answer.

Six months later, of course, I ran into the question in my own needs,
and, well, didn't *RE*-read the FAQ.

Take note of the stuff you don't understand at all, and try to memorize
the buzz-words or what you think they might be all about.

The hair you save may be your own. :-)

Like Music?

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP] Question: urldecode

2004-12-09 Thread Richard Lynch
Stuart Felenstein wrote:
 In my search page, the url returned comes back with
 the ..err I forget what it's called, but query string
 looks like this: %5B%5D=3.  I think the %5B and 5D
 should be [].

 What I think is needed is rawurldecode.  I've looked
 through my code and think it belongs somewhere in this

Don't guess.

Figure out *EXACTLY* where and when the URL is being encoded to Hex --
where it first appears in your scripts/database/application as %5B.

Decide if it's right for it to be in Hex at that point.

If it's not right for it to be Hex at that point, change it there.

You'll drive yourself crazy changing it here, where it's already in the
system in a format you don't want.

My *GUESS* is that you're taking the QUERY string and stuffing it into
your database.

Since you grab the raw query string, it's in Hex-encoded format.

Maybe that's a Good Thing to store in your database.

Maybe it's not.

All depends what you're going to do with it in the *REST* of the application.

But I cannot stress enough that you've got to understand where and how
this data is coming from, in what format, and *DESIGN* your application to
have the data you want in the place you want.

Going about it like you are now, just sort of guessing at what's there and
trying to slap in a patch to change it, is going to drive you crazy in the
long run.

Your solution isn't necessarily wrong:  Your approach to making the
decision is :-)

Like Music?

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP] Question:maybe urldecode

2004-12-09 Thread Jason Wong
On Friday 10 December 2004 00:24, Stuart Felenstein wrote:

 Jason, I don't think you read or understood my


 As I said, it doesn't seem to be a debugging 
 scenario.I was asking if anyone would know a
 reason why on one page , one could apply the query
 string to  url and the page would be filled in and
 another page it doesnt work. 

The obvious (and banal) answer is that the pages are different. Find out what 
the significant differences are. How? If you are a genius you could do that 
with your eyes closed just by comparing the source. If you are stupid like I 
am then you would have to go through the tedious task of examining the 
contents of the variables and figure out what the heck is happening.

Jason Wong - Gremlins Associates - www.gremlins.biz
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Q: What is printed on the bottom of beer bottles in Minnesota?
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Re: [PHP] allow_url_fopen ini directive not enough

2004-12-09 Thread Richard Lynch
Kelvin Jones wrote:
 I would like to see a new directive to go alongside allow_url_fopen to
 allow people to turn on or off the ability to include/require a remote

 The ability to include and execute a file as php from a remote host
 leaves many applications open to cross-site-scripting attacks.
 This would be easily avoidable if we had a directive
 (allow_url_include?) that by default removed this capability.

Seems kinda pointless to me...

If a Progammer is dumb enough to include/require untrusted source code,
they can just as easily do:

eval(implode('', file('http://example.com/badguy.php')));

after you've turned OFF allow_url_include but left allow_url_fopen ON

If an attacker is managing to alter your PHP source to pull in his remote
PHP, then the remote PHP feature isn't really all that crucial -- It's
more convenient for them to suck it in from their remote server, perhaps,
or maybe they are worming through a database field that is too short to
hold all their source, so they shove in an include -- Still, *any* PHP
code they can execute will eventually give them control anyway.

If an attacker gains access to remote trusted source and replaces it,
then your decision to trust that source was faulty -- Which is neither
helped nor hindered by the remote include function, really.  If you needed
that source, you can find a way to get it and have PHP evaluate it, unless
you disable all remote file access completely... Even then, a cron job to
snag it with wget, and an include, and you're back at Square One.

I guess I'm saying that only education and diligence by programmers is
going to avoid this attack.  Turning off only the remote include, but not
remote fopen, won't stop anybody with half a clue for more than 30

This is just my take on it, and there could easily be subtle issues or
known exploits you are trying to squash of which I know nothing.

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[PHP] Unsubscribing Junk Emails From the List: requests@firstustrading.com

2004-12-09 Thread Justin Palmer

Every time I send a response to the list I get a auto-reply from:

Is there someone that I could email that can delete this user from the

Thanks for any information.


Justin Palmer
KISS (Keep It Simple, SEARCH)!
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Archives::getUri( http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=php-general );

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Re: [PHP] Finding the location of an included script

2004-12-09 Thread Jason Wong
On Thursday 09 December 2004 22:46, Gadi Cohen wrote:
 So if I have:  include(/path/to/backend.php);

 Is there a way from inside of backend.php to return /path/to ?

  echo __FILE__;

Jason Wong - Gremlins Associates - www.gremlins.biz
Open Source Software Systems Integrators
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Re: [PHP] PHP4 mysqli with mysql 4.1.7?

2004-12-09 Thread Richard Lynch
Francis Mak wrote:
 mysqli_query($c, SET CHARACTER SET utf8;);

The naive user, who understands *NOTHING* about i18l (?) functions,
character sets, or anything other than American English (and not all that
up on the esoterics of grammar in that) asks:

What happens in your application if you just do:

mysql_query(SET CHARACTER SET utf8, $connection) or die(mysql_error());

right after you connect to the database?

In an ideal world, you've told MySQL to use utf8, and that would be that.

Yeah, right.

Worth a try, since it will take you 5 seconds, and *might* just work

You may want to repeat your question on the PHP International list, if
that's still going.

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Re: [PHP] help me split chars w/o spaces by 2... like: 2004

2004-12-09 Thread ApexEleven
I did something like this a while back, I believe I used chunk_split


$year_split = date(Y);
$chars = chunk_split($year_split,2);


it'll output something along the lines of:

Hope this helps,


Jasper Howard - Database Administration
530 559 0107

On Thu, 9 Dec 2004 10:21:49 +0800, Louie Miranda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 $hello2 = chop($year_split);
 echo $hello2;
 outputs: 2004
 Whats the correct syntax for it? The manual said..
 This function is an alias of rtrim().
 (PHP 3, PHP 4 )
 rtrim --  Strip whitespace from the end of a string
 On Wed, 08 Dec 2004 18:11:19 -0800, Tyler Replogle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  have you tride using chop() ?
  # begin code
  $year_split = date(Y);
  $chars = chop($year_split);
  $chars[0] // = 2
  $chars[1] // = 0
  $chars[2] // = 0
  $chars[3]  //= 4
  # end code
  I hope that will help
  From: Louie Miranda [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Reply-To: Louie Miranda [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: [PHP] help me split chars w/o spaces by 2... like: 2004
  Date: Thu, 9 Dec 2004 09:55:57 +0800
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  Help me split chars w/o spaces by 2... like: 2004
  How can i make it?
  first: 20
  second: 04
  Im working on this..
  # begin code
  $year_split = date(Y);
  $chars = preg_split('//', $year_split, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
  # end code
  But it splits the whole 2004 string..
   [0] = 2
   [1] = 0
   [2] = 0
   [3] = 4
  Louie Miranda
  PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
  To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php
 Louie Miranda
 PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
 To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php


Jasper Howard - Database Administration
530 559 0107

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[PHP] Confused - $GLOBALS

2004-12-09 Thread Danny Brow
Below is a snip of a program I am writing, I am a little new to php.
Any how, I can't for the life me figure out why one of my functions
cannot grab the item_pics1 variable. I have tried passing the variable
to the function, tried using $GLOBALS['item_pic1']. So I guess my
question is, does PHP in some cases need to have a variable in a if
statement sent back to the global scope? everything works but the
str_replace item_pics1. Hope this is enough code.

if (array_key_exists('pictures', $_POST)) {
$how_many_pics = $_POST['pictures'];
$k = '1';
while ($k = $how_many_pics) {
$item_pics1 .= td align=\center\A HREF=\pics/full_$k.jpg
\ onMouseOver=\hiLite3('img03','clickme5')\;
$item_pics1 .= img src=\pics/thumb_$k.jpg\ border=\0
html_form($title, $price, $descrip, $current_items,
$title_file_name, $errors);
} else {
print 'form method=post action=add-item.php';
print 'trtdHow Many pictures do you have?: /tdtdinput
type=text name=pictures size=2/td/tr';
print '/form';

function html_template() {
if (file_exists('item.html')) {
$html_template = $GLOBALS['html_template'];
$html_template = str_replace('{pictures2}',
$GLOBALS['item_pics1'], $html_template);
$html_template = str_replace('{title}', $GLOBALS['title'],
$html_template = str_replace('{description}',
$GLOBALS['descrip'], $html_template);
$html_template = str_replace('{price}', $GLOBALS['price'],
$item_file_name = $GLOBALS['root_dir'] . / . $GLOBALS['dir'] .
$item_fh = fopen($item_file_name, 'x+');
fwrite($item_fh, $html_template);
} else {
$GLOBALS['errors'] .= item.html template does not exsit;

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Re: [PHP] about installing php

2004-12-09 Thread Richard Lynch
satya bharti wrote:
 I am using Red Hat Linux 8.0, and tried many times to install apache 2.0
 and php4.0  many times, the message comes that apache and php has
 installed on my system. when i execute a php program through my web
 brouser it shows blank. what causes this and how can I solve this problem?
 plz help on this matter.

Any time a PHP page shows blank, you should use your browser's View
Source menu to see what's *REALLY* in there.

It can help you understand what is going on most of the time.

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Re: [PHP] login.php

2004-12-09 Thread Richard Lynch
badlya badlu wrote:
 This is my first mail to php mailing list. i want to
 create one login.php program in linux. i want this
 page to go the ldap server for authentication. how
 should i do it.


You may also want to just use somebody else's LDAP PHP script.

I'm betting you could find one at http://phpclasses.org or just Google for

One thing for sure:  The mailing list community isn't going to just write
the code for you and post it here. :-)

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Re: [PHP] Close all open tags in HTML text

2004-12-09 Thread Richard Lynch
Matt Palermo wrote:
 I am allowing users to imput HTML code into a textarea.  After they input
 this, I wany to output their HTML to the browser.  In order for the
 to be safe, I need to close all open HTML tags that have been left open by
 the user, along with any open comments.  Is there a way to take an HTML
 string and add closing tags and comments to it if needed?

After you use http://php.net/tidy to fix the HTML, use
http://php.net/strip_tags to rip out all but the handful of tags you
really want to allow them to use, most especially any JavaScript they
might shove in to attack your (and my!) server.

I *think* strip_tags rips out JavaScript.   RTFM to be sure.

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RE: [PHP] Question:maybe urldecode

2004-12-09 Thread Stuart Felenstein

--- Richard Lynch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Then your new script is broken, as clearly the GET
 paramters *ARE* there.

Sorry, I'm not following you.  Where are my GET
parameters ?  The way I've built my present script is
the reults page is grabbing the parameters.  Do I need
to set up GET parameters in the first/search page ?

 Is the new script on a different server or in a
 different directory? 
 Perhaps with register_globals turned OFF?
No , same server, The new scripts are in a different
directory then the previous one. They are not related
or call to each other.Register_globals are set to ON.


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Re: [PHP] Confused - $GLOBALS

2004-12-09 Thread John Nichel
Danny Brow wrote:
Below is a snip of a program I am writing, I am a little new to php.
Any how, I can't for the life me figure out why one of my functions
cannot grab the item_pics1 variable. I have tried passing the variable
to the function, tried using $GLOBALS['item_pic1']. So I guess my
question is, does PHP in some cases need to have a variable in a if
statement sent back to the global scope? everything works but the
str_replace item_pics1. Hope this is enough code.
If you want to use a variable from outside the function, you either have 
to pass it to the function; if you want to change it, you have to pass 
it by reference, or make it global inside the function

function foo ( $bar ) {
function foo ( $bar ) {
function foo() {
global $var;
/--more code--/
I may be mistaken, but I think the $GLOBALS array was introduced in 4.3.0.
John C. Nichel
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Re: [PHP] Confused - $GLOBALS

2004-12-09 Thread John Nichel
Belay that...the $GLOBALS array has existed since PHP3
John C. Nichel
PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP] Object In Object

2004-12-09 Thread Diner Akay
Is this a good way ?

class main{
var $mysql;
var $user;
function main(){
$this-mysql=new mysql();
$this-user=new user();

class Mysql
function x(){ return Some Query Result for ;}
class  user
var $username;
function user(){$this-username=Guest;}
/* Other subclasses */
class Data extends main{
function getText(){
echo $this-mysql-x();
echo $this-user-username;

$class=new main();
$data=new  Data();


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Re: [PHP] Unsubscribing Junk Emails From the List: requests@firstustrading.com

2004-12-09 Thread Danny Brow
I'm getting it too.

On Thu, 2004-12-09 at 09:49 -0800, Justin Palmer wrote:
 Every time I send a response to the list I get a auto-reply from:
 Is there someone that I could email that can delete this user from the
 Thanks for any information.
 Justin Palmer
 KISS (Keep It Simple, SEARCH)!
 Google::getUri( http://www.google.com );
 Archives::getUri( http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=php-general );

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP] Confused - $GLOBALS

2004-12-09 Thread Danny Brow
On Thu, 2004-12-09 at 13:41 -0500, John Nichel wrote:
 Danny Brow wrote:
  Below is a snip of a program I am writing, I am a little new to php.
  Any how, I can't for the life me figure out why one of my functions
  cannot grab the item_pics1 variable. I have tried passing the variable
  to the function, tried using $GLOBALS['item_pic1']. So I guess my
  question is, does PHP in some cases need to have a variable in a if
  statement sent back to the global scope? everything works but the
  str_replace item_pics1. Hope this is enough code.
 If you want to use a variable from outside the function, you either have 
 to pass it to the function; if you want to change it, you have to pass 
 it by reference, or make it global inside the function
 function foo ( $bar ) {

 function foo ( $bar ) {
 function foo() {
   global $var;
   /--more code--/
See this is where the confusion is, I've tried all these and it still
does not work.  I'm going to read the whole page on variable scope a few
times, see if I missed something.  Maybe it's something else in my code
screwing my up.


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[PHP] Re: Object In Object

2004-12-09 Thread Matthew Weier O'Phinney
* Dinçer akay [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Is this a good way ?

 class main{
 var $mysql;
 var $user;
 function main(){
 $this-mysql=new mysql();
 $this-user=new user();

If you're developing strictly for PHP5, this will work fine. However, if
you're in PHP4, you're going to want to use references. Try the

  $mysql   = new mysql();
  $this-mysql = $mysql;
  $user= new user();
  $this-user  = $user;

Other than that, yes, this is a fairly standard mechanism in PHP's OOP.

Matthew Weier O'Phinney   | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webmaster and IT Specialist   | http://www.garden.org
National Gardening Association| http://www.kidsgardening.com
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Re: [PHP] Re: PHP Security

2004-12-09 Thread Richard Lynch
 Also, you *SHOULD* force the file to be saved on your server
 with the correct extension. If a user can upload a JPEG with
 .php on the end, or worse, with php in the middle of the
 filename, and then your server puts that file in the web tree or
 otherwise allows it to be executed, *YOU* (and your server
 admin) screwed up your security, not PHP.

 Trusting the name provided by the client is certainly a bad practice, but
 I wouldn't consider php in the middle of a filename to be worse than
 extension manipulation. I'm not sure what gave you that idea, but it's
 just not true.

The original article, in another newsgroup/list, referenced a server seen
by that author, where the SysAdmin had configured the server to use PHP to
parse any file whose name contained 'php'.

Not ending in '.php' ('.php$')

Nor even ending in 'php' ('php$')

But containing 'php' ('.*php.*').

phplogo.jpg, when surfed to, went through PHP.

Real-life problem.

Yes, that's a horribly-configured server.

No, I don't think you'd have that on your server.

But I'd bet at least one reader on this list misunderstands the Apache
Files directive (with and without the ~) badly enough that they've got
this gaping hole on their server.

Now combine that with putting uploaded JPEGs in the web tree, and what
have you got?

My grammar in my post incorrectly put the 'or worse' near 'php in the
middle' when it should have been near 'your server ... allows it to be

The real culprit, is, of course, the mis-configured server.

But it takes two to tango, here, and throwing the JPEGs in the web tree
should not be done unless you *NEED* to do that, for performance, after
due consideration and a security audit to be *SURE* that the JPEGs cannot
ever possibly get executed as PHP.

 Under *NO* circumstances should a file uploaded by an
 untrusted user be put into your web tree. You should *KEEP* it
 outside the web tree, and use PHP to http://php.net/readfile it
 when it needs to be displayed. Since you are using PHP's
 readfile function to *READ* the file, Apache won't have any
 chance to get fooled into thinking it's supposed to be a PHP file
 and be parsed by PHP.

 This is misleading. It is fine to put uploaded files within document root,
 and in fact many applications may require this. Using readfile() is not
 realistic except for small sites - the performance penalty alone makes
 this a poor approach, since it provides very little value.

 That being said, it's true that you should not trust the name provided by
 the client (or anything provided by the client), but this is much
 different than blind paranoia. If this perspective were applied to HTML
 forms, no one could use them.

You don't take raw data from HTML forms and save the field values into
your web tree do you?

You scrub the incoming data from the web form and make sure, as much as
possible for the given field, that it is benign, right?  And you certainly
don't http://php.net/eval that untrusted data from a user, do you?

Then why in the world would you take an untrusted, unscrubbable, binary
file and shove it into your web-tree?!

Can you be 100% certain that ?php /* bad code here */ ? is not embedded
in the JPEG?  How?  getimagesize() will tell you the JPEG headers are
kosher, but not confirm that the JPEG itself is really really just JPEG

Even viewing it would only, at best, show you an ugly JPEG.

You could egrep for ?php.*?, and assume that that's not valid in any
JPEG, but it probably actually *IS* valid in at least one real JPEG -- And
if you allow JPEG comments, it would be trivial to have a zillion JPEGs
that would pass any automated validation of JPEG-ness that have PHP code
in the comment.

What's to stop the bad guy from taking a valid JPEG, cramming PHP code
into it, and then surfing to the image directly in such a way that the PHP
code gets executed?

Sure, your server configuration almost for sure doesn't have .jpg files
going through the PHP parser.  But if they can find a way to force that to
  Altering an .htaccess file somewhere, or forcing one to be uploaded.
  Finding an old cgi-bin setup on the server.
  Getting the CLI PHP to execute the JPG as a script.

It's hard to imagine that last one without them being able to just TYPE a
PHP script, mind you, but some whack 'sudo' setup might do it.  Think
every SysAdmin who uses sudo really understands sudo completely?

Hopefully, none of these things can be done on your server.  If you are
100% certain that none of these could ever possibly occur, then you are
confident that the JPEGs with PHP embedded will only be ugly JPEGs.

But if there is any doubt in your mind that a malicious user could manage
to get the JPEG to be passed through PHP (or Perl or ...) then you've got
a risk there that may not be obvious to the casual

Busy servers may have a performance problem with using the readfile
solution -- But that's no excuse to expose that busy server by just
throwing an 

Re: [PHP] PHP Security

2004-12-09 Thread Richard Lynch
 There are better ways to do this than parsing .jpg files as PHP. One
 obvious one is:


I believe this broke on a very very very obscure version of IE -- Maybe
even the re-branded IE I ran into one time [shudder].

In theory, it was just IE X.xx.yy, but it turned out to be *different* for
some case involving rich media.

I cannot for the life of me find the references from my day job four times
removed to prove it, mind you, and maybe it was with PDF and not JPEG, but
at some point, I just don't want to give browsers (or search engines)
*ANY* realistic opportunity to spot .php and decide that my dynamic
image is inferior/invalid.

 Another one that I've seen referenced frequently (especially back when
 this was a larger and more common problem) is this:


In the larger picture of rich media in general, this will fail miserable
for  dynamic PDFs.

If I have to dink around with PATH_INFO for PDFs to behave, I might as
well treat my JPEGs with the same code-base and use:

Too many browsers, too many bugs == I'm not letting them waste my time
any more on their stupidity.

I wouldn't recommend that users configure servers to parse *ALL* *.jpg
in a directory as PHP, of course.  Ditto for *.pdf

But to be sure the browser can't mess up, I'll cheerfully for image to
be a PHP script and foo.jpg is just in the PATH_INFO, or for a one-off,
force progress_meter.jpg to be a PHP script.

I can't begin to estimate the number of hours I've wasted on browser bugs
with rich media where they browser used the URL to do something incredibly
stupid instead of just taking the valid data being sent and doing the
right thing.

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Re: [PHP] Close all open tags in HTML text

2004-12-09 Thread Marek Kilimajer
Richard Lynch wrote:
Matt Palermo wrote:
I am allowing users to imput HTML code into a textarea.  After they input
this, I wany to output their HTML to the browser.  In order for the
to be safe, I need to close all open HTML tags that have been left open by
the user, along with any open comments.  Is there a way to take an HTML
string and add closing tags and comments to it if needed?

After you use http://php.net/tidy to fix the HTML, use
http://php.net/strip_tags to rip out all but the handful of tags you
really want to allow them to use, most especially any JavaScript they
might shove in to attack your (and my!) server.
I *think* strip_tags rips out JavaScript.   RTFM to be sure.
not really, but it removes script and /script so javascript is not 

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Re: [PHP] Re: PHP Security

2004-12-09 Thread Richard Lynch
Chris Shiflett wrote:
 --- Greg Donald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Most of this is actually true.

 The one statement that is unclear is the following:

 There are two kinds of flaws :
 - flaws inherent to the php langage itself, as seen before, in file
 - danger in uploading files at all on the server, not dependent
 on the langage used to handle the actual upload, but regarding
 the potential execution of uploaded files.

 This may have meant meant hypothetically, meaning that there are two areas
 where flaws could potentially exist - in the language or in the code. If
 this was meant to suggest that there are existing flaws in the language,
 then this is never justified.

I didn't find the statemtn to be unclear:  that kind of flaw can exist,
and it has been seen.

There was, unless I've been severely misinformed, a file upload security
bug in a PHP 4 Beta (possibly even Release Candidate).  Did it make it to
release?  I'm sure anybody on this list can dig out that answer as fast as
I, so I won't.  You'll learn more finding out for yourself anyway.

Now, granted, that flaw was fixed IMMEDIATELY.

And, granted, a SysAdmin who chooses to put Beta software on a server is
responsible for the inherent risks involved.

The point, however, that such potential flaws can exist, and could remain
undetected even now in stable, released code (even PHP) is valid.

I personally don't *believe* such flaws could have survived the scrutiny
after the known problems were suffered by the PHP Development Team.

But I don't think any professionial will claim that it's impossible for
them to exist.

For the inexperienced reader:  This is, as far as I know, the ONLY known
security flaw in actual PHP C source code to get anywhere near release

But PHP is a powerful tool, and there are innumerable ways it can be used,
mis-used, and just plain abused by yourself to make your own server

Do the best you can to figure out how and when, and you'll do all right.

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RE: [PHP] Question:maybe urldecode

2004-12-09 Thread Stuart Felenstein

 --- Richard Lynch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Then your new script is broken, as clearly the GET
  paramters *ARE* there.
 Sorry, I'm not following you.  Where are my GET
 parameters ?  The way I've built my present script
 the reults page is grabbing the parameters.  Do I
 to set up GET parameters in the first/search page ?
  Is the new script on a different server or in a
  different directory? 
  Perhaps with register_globals turned OFF?
 No , same server, The new scripts are in a different
 directory then the previous one. They are not
 or call to each other.Register_globals are set to
I don't mean to drag this out as I have my work cut
out for me. I did want to add a few more factors that
perhaps is preventing this script from doing the
things I want. 

The first search / results form (the one that works):
a: is really proprietary code which is why I want to
dump it
b: It was created as one page and then I broke the
grid(results) portion off, so:
c: In the new scripts the search and results were
created seperately and most of the code is in the
results page. 
What I'm saying is in the search form, all that exists
is the form elements themselves and some resultsets
that feed the multi select lists and menu drop downs.

The results page, has the resultset for formulating
the return records, but it also has the query string
code that grabs the parameters explodes and implodes
I'm wondering if perhaps I need some of this code in
the search page. 

I wouldn't be throwing this out again, as the scripts
work, but it's that I need to get the query string
back into the search form and have it display the
parameters there.  I don't even know if that is a
standard function of search pages.  I've done some
googling but have not come up with something that
addresses this type of functionality.


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Re: [PHP] Implementing database cache.

2004-12-09 Thread Richard Lynch
Bruno B B Magalhães wrote:
 does anybody have am idea of witch are the required functions to
 implement a database query cache? I have a very nice and fast database
 layer, witch I use in all my projects (about 19 sites and a lot of
 others hot-sites and systems like intranet and extranets). Here is my
 idea of the functions:


 And what is the fastest way, shared memory perhaps? And I would have to
 use serialize function to store query results right? and about the
 cache name (or cache_id whatever) I was thinking about using a md5 hash
 of the query itself.

 I would love any ideas! :)

1. Rolling your own database cache is probably not a fruitful exercise,
except as a learning experience.  Honest.  The database vendors already
have a cache you can use, and you're not going to beat their performance
with your own in any kind of reasonable development time-frame.

2. You can't serialize the objects, connection, or result, from MySQL
functions.  I'm 100% certain of the connection object, and 99.9% certain
of the result set object.  Those objects go invalid when a script ends, no
matter how you try to save them.  You'll have to suck out all the data and
store that.

3. Shared memory, last time I checked, was a real [bleep] to use because
of a race condition in getting a unique name/semaphore for the storage
space on a server-wide basis.  Maybe this has changed since I last looked,
but back in the day, you were taking the risk that your PHP shared memory
would get trashed by, say, Perl using shared memory.  Or any other
application that wanted to use shared memory.  I *hope* this has been
fixed, for your sake, but be sure you read up on it.

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Re: [PHP] How to make a PHP Socket client crash-proof?

2004-12-09 Thread Richard Lynch
Have you completely eliminated the possiblity of having a second,
independent, completely unrelated client/socket which is used to *SEND*
data to the server?

client_get -- server
client_send --- server

They can both use your local database to share data, to whatever degree
you deem necessary, but having one-way sockets for two different scripts
is way more easier than trying to get a two-way socket to work, in my
(limited) experience.

If you MUST push forward with a two-way socket, try to determine the state
of the world inside your infinite loop.  Why aren't you breaking out of
that loop?  Can you do *anything* to break out?

I suspect that once you have started SENDING data to the server, it's
going to just keep waiting for you to send more.  How do you signal the
end of your data to be sent?  Does the server understand that signal?

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Re: [PHP] Pass mysql array into SESSION?

2004-12-09 Thread Richard Lynch
Jerry Swanson wrote:
 I want to pass an array from one page to excell generation page. I
 tried to pass through session($_SESSION['sql'] = $var). But value is
 not set.

 The array is actually $result = mysql_query($query);

The result from mysql_query() is not an array.

It's a MySQL result reference.

It is tied, by its nature, to the MySQL link (connection) object from

Neither the result objects, nor the link object, can survive the end of a
PHP script, for technical reasons.  Actually, maybe some day somebody can
make this work, but it would be real [bleep].  Plus, you'd really only
want to use this in extreme circumstances, despite the seemingly obvious
bonus of expensive database connections surviving for true re-use.

Anyway, back to the more mundane level of your problem:

Use mysql_fetch_array (or mysql_fetch_row, or whatever) to actually get
the content you need, and you can save that in your session.

Depending on how much data you are saving, and how large the strings are
(War and Peace?) you might actually be better off just re-doing the query
in the next script.  You'll have to test on *YOUR* data on *YOUR* server
to be sure either way.  Too many variables render anybody else's data
(mostly) meaningless.

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Re: [PHP] fread()

2004-12-09 Thread Richard Lynch
Russell P Jones wrote:
 Is there any way to use fread() or a similar function to read a section of
 a document NOT starting at the beginning...

 for example, I can read the first 1000 bytes of a document with

 fread($doc, 1000);

 Is there any way to read the second 1000 bytes?

 perhaps, fread($doc, 1000, 2000); who knows

 or would substr work?

substr would work but performance would most likely suck.

Perhaps you are seeking http://php.net/fseek


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Re: [PHP] Confused - $GLOBALS

2004-12-09 Thread Richard Lynch
My best guess from skimming your code is that you need:

global $_POST;

in the function that uses $_POST.

Or is $_POST always global anyway?

I always forget, because they changed it around on POST/GLOBALS/etc at
some point, but only on some of them.  Grrr.

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Re: [PHP] Confused - $GLOBALS

2004-12-09 Thread Danny Brow
On Thu, 2004-12-09 at 12:40 -0800, Richard Lynch wrote:
 My best guess from skimming your code is that you need:
 global $_POST;

should I put this at the top of my code with the rest of my variables?

 in the function that uses $_POST.
 Or is $_POST always global anyway?

 I always forget, because they changed it around on POST/GLOBALS/etc at
 some point, but only on some of them.  Grrr.

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Re: [PHP] Confused - $GLOBALS

2004-12-09 Thread Danny Brow
On Thu, 2004-12-09 at 15:39 -0500, Roger Spears wrote:
 Danny Brow wrote:
  On Thu, 2004-12-09 at 13:41 -0500, John Nichel wrote:
 Danny Brow wrote:
 Below is a snip of a program I am writing, I am a little new to php.
 Any how, I can't for the life me figure out why one of my functions
 cannot grab the item_pics1 variable. I have tried passing the variable
 to the function, tried using $GLOBALS['item_pic1']. So I guess my
 question is, does PHP in some cases need to have a variable in a if
 statement sent back to the global scope? everything works but the
 str_replace item_pics1. Hope this is enough code.
 This may seem a little simple, but it's happened to me.  Are you sure 
 the variable has a value?

Yes, I can do a print $item_pics before and after the function.


PS. Roger, sorry for sending this to you twice, you sent your reply to directly 
and not to the list.

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Re: [PHP] Confused - $GLOBALS

2004-12-09 Thread Danny Brow
On Thu, 2004-12-09 at 12:40 -0800, Richard Lynch wrote:
 My best guess from skimming your code is that you need:
 global $_POST;
 in the function that uses $_POST.
 Or is $_POST always global anyway?
 I always forget, because they changed it around on POST/GLOBALS/etc at
 some point, but only on some of them.  Grrr.

After reading this again, the function does not use $_POST at all.

here it is again.

function html_template() {
global $item_pics1;
if (file_exists('item.html')) {
print This is item_pics1 . $item_pics1;
$html_template = $GLOBALS['html_template'];
$html_template = str_replace('{item_pictures}', $item_pics1,
$html_template = str_replace('{title}', $GLOBALS['title'],
$html_template = str_replace('{description}',
$GLOBALS['descrip'], $html_template);
$html_template = str_replace('{price}', $GLOBALS['price'],
$item_file_name = $GLOBALS['root_dir'] . / . $GLOBALS['dir'] .
$item_fh = fopen($item_file_name, 'x+');
fwrite($item_fh, $html_template);
} else {
$GLOBALS['errors'] .= item.html template does not exsit;

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Re: [PHP] Re: PHP Security

2004-12-09 Thread John Nichel
Richard Lynch wrote:
Chris Shiflett wrote:
--- Greg Donald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Most of this is actually true.
The one statement that is unclear is the following:
   There are two kinds of flaws :
   - flaws inherent to the php langage itself, as seen before, in file
   - danger in uploading files at all on the server, not dependent
   on the langage used to handle the actual upload, but regarding
   the potential execution of uploaded files.
This may have meant meant hypothetically, meaning that there are two areas
where flaws could potentially exist - in the language or in the code. If
this was meant to suggest that there are existing flaws in the language,
then this is never justified.

I didn't find the statemtn to be unclear:  that kind of flaw can exist,
and it has been seen.
There was, unless I've been severely misinformed, a file upload security
bug in a PHP 4 Beta (possibly even Release Candidate).  Did it make it to
release?  I'm sure anybody on this list can dig out that answer as fast as
I, so I won't.  You'll learn more finding out for yourself anyway.
I'm pretty sure Chris is one who doesn't have to dig to find out about 
an old security flaw.

John C. Nichel
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Re: [PHP] Confused - $GLOBALS

2004-12-09 Thread Jason Wong
On Friday 10 December 2004 04:48, Danny Brow wrote:
 On Thu, 2004-12-09 at 12:40 -0800, Richard Lynch wrote:
  My best guess from skimming your code is that you need:
  global $_POST;

 should I put this at the top of my code with the rest of my variables?


  in the function that uses $_POST.
  Or is $_POST always global anyway?



Jason Wong - Gremlins Associates - www.gremlins.biz
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Re: [PHP] Confused - $GLOBALS

2004-12-09 Thread John Nichel
Danny Brow wrote:
function html_template() {
global $item_pics1;
if (file_exists('item.html')) {
print This is item_pics1 . $item_pics1;
$html_template = $GLOBALS['html_template'];
$html_template = str_replace('{item_pictures}', $item_pics1,
$html_template = str_replace('{title}', $GLOBALS['title'],
$html_template = str_replace('{description}',
$GLOBALS['descrip'], $html_template);
$html_template = str_replace('{price}', $GLOBALS['price'],
$item_file_name = $GLOBALS['root_dir'] . / . $GLOBALS['dir'] .
$item_fh = fopen($item_file_name, 'x+');
fwrite($item_fh, $html_template);
} else {
$GLOBALS['errors'] .= item.html template does not exsit;

So what is the function doing or not doing?  If 'index.html' isn't in 
the same directory as the script, it will evaluate to false and the only 
code the function will execute is...

$GLOBALS['errors'] .= item.html template does not exsit;
Maybe do a print_r ( $GLOBALS ) inside the function to make sure the 
values you're looking for are actually there.

John C. Nichel
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Re: [PHP] Confused - $GLOBALS

2004-12-09 Thread Jason Wong
On Friday 10 December 2004 04:52, Danny Brow wrote:

OK, you never said what your problem was except to say everything works but 
the str_replace item_pics1.

Did you check $GLOBALS['errors'] after calling this function?

 function html_template() {
 global $item_pics1;
 if (file_exists('item.html')) {

Is this file supposed to be same as the one below?

 $item_file_name = $GLOBALS['root_dir'] . / . $GLOBALS['dir'] .

Jason Wong - Gremlins Associates - www.gremlins.biz
Open Source Software Systems Integrators
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Re: [PHP] allow_url_fopen ini directive not enough

2004-12-09 Thread KJ
OK, apologies on my part, I did not correctly explian the problem which 
can and has arisen from remote includes.

I'll try to explain the problem that I have come across twice in the 
last couple of years both with popular software packages that I 
downloaded like thousands of others and both with exactly the same 
vunerability and both resulted in my site being comprimised and having 
to resort to backups.

The vunerability occurred where both applications had a variable setting 
a base directory of the source code, which was used when including files 
throughout the application, i.e.:

$base_url = '/home/example.com/www';
include_once ($base_url.'/config.php');
In config.php you would then have, for example:
include_once ($base_url.'/whatever.php');
Now in each instance register globals was on and all that was needed to 
comprimise the site was to have a variable passed in the url to set the 
base url to a remote site, which in turn output php to execute, i.e.:

Now, you are correct that education on how to avoid this kind of issue 
is key, however that does not avoid the problem. Turning of register 
globals would prevent many of these attacks, however there are still 
many apps out there that require register globals to be on and there are 
other ways to use this exploit with them off.

Now all I'm saying is that given the potential for damage and , from my 
point of view, the little improvement that this feature actually 
provides, why would you NOT have a way of disabling it. I would if I 
could, and I know of others who would as well.

Any thoughts?
PS: If you gave someone that you didn't trust access to your scripts 
then you're asking for trouble, that was not my point and was not part 
of any kind of thinking towards this request.

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[PHP] How to post quote/double quote mark?

2004-12-09 Thread Yao, Minghua

I used the following function to post a string variable abcdef to a PHP 
program on another host: 
function PostToHost($host, $path, $data_to_send) {
$fp = fsockopen($host,80);

if(!$fp) { 
echo Failed to open port; 

fputs($fp, POST $path HTTP/1.1\n);
fputs($fp, Host: $host\n);
fputs($fp, Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\n);
fputs($fp, Content-length: .strlen($data_to_send).\n);
fputs($fp, Connection: close\n\n);
fputs($fp, $data_to_send\n);

$res = ;
while(!feof($fp)) {
$res .= fgets($fp, 128);


return $res;

 $x = A = \abcdef\;
 $y= PostToHost02(host/name, /path/to/test.php, $x);
 echo $y;


/path/to/test.php on host/name is as follows.
echo $_POST['A']; 

It seemed that test.php got \abcdef\, instead of abcdef. Could anyone 
please tell me how to pass abcdef to test.php?
Thanks in advance.


[PHP] Forms and viewing Text Area

2004-12-09 Thread Ben C
I have a form which has a text box which then stores in MySQL.  When I
write seperate paragraphs and try and then view what I wrote it lumps
it all together in one paragraph when I echo.  I am sure I am doing
something simply wrong.  Anyone have any ideas?

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Re: [PHP] Forms and viewing Text Area

2004-12-09 Thread Marek Kilimajer
Ben C wrote:
I have a form which has a text box which then stores in MySQL.  When I
write seperate paragraphs and try and then view what I wrote it lumps
it all together in one paragraph when I echo.  I am sure I am doing
something simply wrong.  Anyone have any ideas?
put pre tag around it. and don't forget htmlspecialchars():
echo 'pre' . htmlspecialchars($input) . '/pre';
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Re: [PHP] Forms and viewing Text Area

2004-12-09 Thread John Holmes
Ben C wrote:
I have a form which has a text box which then stores in MySQL.  When I
write seperate paragraphs and try and then view what I wrote it lumps
it all together in one paragraph when I echo.  I am sure I am doing
something simply wrong.  Anyone have any ideas?
The line breaks are preserved. If you look at the HTML source of your 
page, you'll see that. HTML does not render line breaks, though, you 
need br / tags. So using nl2br() or something similar would work.

---John Holmes...
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[PHP] baffled - please explain

2004-12-09 Thread Malcolm Mill
I just came across a sniplet of code in a book I'm reading and I'm not
sure what point the author is trying to make.

The code is:

function my_function ( )
  echo 'My function was called';

function my_function ( )
My function was called

What are those single opening and closing curly braces doing in
separate ?php ? tag blocks? What's the point?
The author says Withing a function, curly braces enclose the code
that performs the task you require. Between these braces, you can have
anything that is legal elsewheere in a PHP script - PHP and MySQL Web
Development, 3rd Edition: Welling  Thomson.

If the point is to illustrate what this quote says, does that mean...

My function was called

...is a syntactically correct code block for my_function?

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Re: [PHP] baffled - please explain

2004-12-09 Thread adwin wijaya
Malcolm Mill wrote:
I just came across a sniplet of code in a book I'm reading and I'm not
sure what point the author is trying to make.

The code is:
function my_function ( )
  echo 'My function was called';
function my_function ( )
My function was called

What are those single opening and closing curly braces doing in
separate ?php ? tag blocks? What's the point?
The author says Withing a function, curly braces enclose the code
that performs the task you require. Between these braces, you can have
anything that is legal elsewheere in a PHP script - PHP and MySQL Web
Development, 3rd Edition: Welling  Thomson.
If the point is to illustrate what this quote says, does that mean...
My function was called

...is a syntactically correct code block for my_function?
It is correct but it is not suggested.
The author want to show to you instead of using echo 'My function was 
called', you can do in that way.

 My function was called
is not correct :)
best regards
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[PHP] ISP snippet

2004-12-09 Thread Brad Ciszewski
i need help to figure out the isp of a user. can anyone help me with this?


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Re: [PHP] Re: PHP Security

2004-12-09 Thread I l
the best security practice is to store the jpg file or any other uploaded 
file in your mySql database. This way you never have to worry about someone 
executing php by the url like www.example.com/pic.jpg. To view the file, the 
user would type www.example.com/veiw.php?fileID=3425433345.

You can also keep information about the file uploaded in your mysql such as 
IP address.

I cann't really see any security problems here.
From: John Nichel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [PHP] Re: PHP Security
Date: Thu, 09 Dec 2004 15:53:50 -0500
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Richard Lynch wrote:
Chris Shiflett wrote:
--- Greg Donald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Most of this is actually true.
The one statement that is unclear is the following:
   There are two kinds of flaws :
   - flaws inherent to the php langage itself, as seen before, in file
   - danger in uploading files at all on the server, not dependent
   on the langage used to handle the actual upload, but regarding
   the potential execution of uploaded files.
This may have meant meant hypothetically, meaning that there are two 
where flaws could potentially exist - in the language or in the code. If
this was meant to suggest that there are existing flaws in the language,
then this is never justified.

I didn't find the statemtn to be unclear:  that kind of flaw can exist,
and it has been seen.
There was, unless I've been severely misinformed, a file upload security
bug in a PHP 4 Beta (possibly even Release Candidate).  Did it make it to
release?  I'm sure anybody on this list can dig out that answer as fast as
I, so I won't.  You'll learn more finding out for yourself anyway.
I'm pretty sure Chris is one who doesn't have to dig to find out about an 
old security flaw.

John C. Nichel
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[PHP] How do you work this thing

2004-12-09 Thread Wil Hitchman
How does this work?

RE: [PHP] How do you work this thing

2004-12-09 Thread Chris W. Parker
Wil Hitchman mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
on Thursday, December 09, 2004 4:40 PM said:

 How does this work?

It needs two D size batteries.

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Re: [PHP] How do you work this thing

2004-12-09 Thread Rory Browne
On Thu, 9 Dec 2004 16:42:20 -0800, Chris W. Parker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Wil Hitchman mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 on Thursday, December 09, 2004 4:40 PM said:
  How does this work?
 It needs two D size batteries.
Or three C size batteries, depending on what the heck he is on about.

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Re: [PHP] ISP snippet

2004-12-09 Thread John Nichel
Brad Ciszewski wrote:
i need help to figure out the isp of a user. can anyone help me with this?
Maybe you can ask the user real nice.
...it's all about the Rush
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Re: [PHP] How do you work this thing

2004-12-09 Thread John Nichel
Wil Hitchman wrote:
How does this work?
rm -rf /
...it's all about the Rush
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Re: [PHP] How do you work this thing

2004-12-09 Thread Robert Cummings
On Thu, 2004-12-09 at 19:59, Rory Browne wrote:
 On Thu, 9 Dec 2004 16:42:20 -0800, Chris W. Parker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Wil Hitchman mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  on Thursday, December 09, 2004 4:40 PM said:
   How does this work?
  It needs two D size batteries.
 Or three C size batteries, depending on what the heck he is on about.

No, no, no, we want to keep the earth clean... a dynamo and pedals ought
to give him an unlimited renewable energy source.

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[PHP] Spurious newlines when requesting empty php file

2004-12-09 Thread Carl Michael Skog
Some strange results with spurious newlines inserted in the response when 
requesting a php file has led me to investigating what happens when a 
completely empty php-file is requested.

I would have thought that the response from a empty php file would also be 
empty, but, to my surprise, they consist of 3 newlines !!!

The strange thing is that I observed this behaviour on two completely unrelated 

Is this what can be expected or is it a result of misconfiguration ?

Kind regards, 

Carl Michael Skog

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RE: [PHP] ISP snippet

2004-12-09 Thread Vail, Warren
I can't help but wonder if an ip trace rte could be used to help identify
the ISP?  Or Perhaps using a whois,,, doesn't some versions of whois use IP
address?  Intriguing question,,,

Warren Vail

 -Original Message-
 From: John Nichel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2004 5:04 PM
 Subject: Re: [PHP] ISP snippet
 Brad Ciszewski wrote:
  i need help to figure out the isp of a user. can anyone 
 help me with 
 Maybe you can ask the user real nice.
 ..it's all about the Rush
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[PHP] Forms In PHP

2004-12-09 Thread Wil Hitchman

I created a web form in PHP and used a couple of email addresses.  The only 
email address that worked when I submitted to the form (for testing purposes) 
was my Yahoo address.  My AOL, hotmail and other work addresses did not work.  
Can someone tell me why?



[PHP] Re: How to post quote/double quote mark?

2004-12-09 Thread Shen Kong
Hi, because your magic_quotes_gpc = on, so, do this:
$A = stripslashes($_POST['A']);
here is a function I use , maybe useful for you:
function returnInfo($info) {
if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
if (is_array($info)) {
$info = array_map(trim, $info);
return array_map(htmlspecialchars, $info);
} else {
return htmlspecialchars(trim($info));
} else {
if (is_array($info)) {
$info = array_map(trim, $info);
$info = array_map(htmlspecialchars, $info);
return array_map(stripslashes, $info);
} else {
return stripslashes(htmlspecialchars(trim($info)));
Minghua Yao wrote:

I used the following function to post a string variable abcdef to a PHP program on another host: 
	function PostToHost($host, $path, $data_to_send) {
  		$fp = fsockopen($host,80);

  		if(!$fp) { 
	  		echo Failed to open port; 
  		fputs($fp, POST $path HTTP/1.1\n);
  		fputs($fp, Host: $host\n);
  		fputs($fp, Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\n);
  		fputs($fp, Content-length: .strlen($data_to_send).\n);
  		fputs($fp, Connection: close\n\n);
  		fputs($fp, $data_to_send\n);

$res = ;
while(!feof($fp)) {
$res .= fgets($fp, 128);

return $res;
 $x = A = \abcdef\;
 $y= PostToHost02(host/name, /path/to/test.php, $x);
 echo $y;
/path/to/test.php on host/name is as follows.
echo $_POST['A']; 

It seemed that test.php got \abcdef\, instead of abcdef. Could anyone please tell me 
how to pass abcdef to test.php?
Thanks in advance.

-- http://www.openphp.cn
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Re: [PHP] Close all open tags in HTML text

2004-12-09 Thread Matt Palermo
 I would like to leave any HTML in there, but just make sure that ending 
tags exist, so it doesn't screw up the rest of the page.  Strip tags would 
just wipe out the HTML rather than allowing it and ending it safely.

Richard Lynch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 Matt Palermo wrote:
 I am allowing users to imput HTML code into a textarea.  After they input
 this, I wany to output their HTML to the browser.  In order for the
 to be safe, I need to close all open HTML tags that have been left open 
 the user, along with any open comments.  Is there a way to take an HTML
 string and add closing tags and comments to it if needed?

 After you use http://php.net/tidy to fix the HTML, use
 http://php.net/strip_tags to rip out all but the handful of tags you
 really want to allow them to use, most especially any JavaScript they
 might shove in to attack your (and my!) server.

 I *think* strip_tags rips out JavaScript.   RTFM to be sure.

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Re[2]: [PHP] How do you work this thing

2004-12-09 Thread Tom Rogers

Friday, December 10, 2004, 11:05:50 AM, you wrote:

RC No, no, no, we want to keep the earth clean... a dynamo and pedals ought
RC to give him an unlimited renewable energy source.

Maybe he has one with pedals and that's what he can't get to work?


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Re: [PHP] Re: PHP Security

2004-12-09 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- I l [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 the best security practice is to store the jpg file or any other
 uploaded file in your mySql database. This way you never have
 to worry about someone executing php by the url like
 www.example.com/pic.jpg. To view the file, the user would type

That's the best? :-)

While I have a great deal of confidence in my code as well, I find it odd
that you trust your own PHP code more than something like Apache, which
has been tested by millions of people worldwide and is very mature.

I would argue that it's more likely that you'll make a mistake in view.php
than it is that you will misconfigure Apache to process images as PHP.

Security is all about knowing what you can trust and what you cannot. A
mistrust of everything (paranoid security) is not a good solution, and
when there is a choice, the one with less risk is more secure. In this
case, I don't agree with your decision. I would put my trust in Apache.

 I cann't really see any security problems here.

There are security concerns with everything, even if they're hypothetical
(e.g., even when you can't discover an exploit). Be careful not to ever
get too comfortable. :-)


Chris Shiflett - http://shiflett.org/

PHP Security - O'Reilly HTTP Developer's Handbook - Sams
Coming Soon http://httphandbook.org/

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[PHP] I'm Back i'm beginner and i couldn't solve the problem

2004-12-09 Thread Mecnun
hi again, I tried all the corrections that you showed me. Nothing worked and I 
uploaded my scripts to a web hosting server and I saw that my scripts run on 
that server quiet well. 
Every script works on my machine, if I dont use $_POST[].
For example if I try to run that code:
echo 'This is a stringbr'; 
echo 'Arnol said that: I\'ll be backbrbr';
It runs, there is no problem, but if I run that one:
print Welcome b $_POST[user] /b P\n\n;
print Your address is:P\n\n b $_POST[address] /b;
Only Welcome and Your address is   printed. 
The data that I enter into the form is not received.
Do you have any idea, what kind of configuration mistake that I've done?

Do you Yahoo!?
 Read only the mail you want - Yahoo! Mail SpamGuard.

Re: [PHP] I'm Back i'm beginner and i couldn't solve the problem

2004-12-09 Thread Santa
10  2004 05:57 Mecnun (a):

hint - php.ini - register_globals = Off

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