php-general Digest 19 Apr 2007 20:58:49 -0000 Issue 4744

2007-04-19 Thread php-general-digest-help

php-general Digest 19 Apr 2007 20:58:49 - Issue 4744

Topics (messages 253251 through 253283):

Re: Json.php
253251 by: Jochem Maas
253267 by: Roman Neuhauser

serialize an object
253252 by: Tobias Wurst
253253 by: Stut
253254 by: Zoltán Németh
253256 by: Buesching, Logan J
253257 by: Buesching, Logan J
253269 by: for
253274 by: Tobias Wurst

Re: register_argc_argv directive
253255 by: David Giragosian

Migrating php4 to php5 on a shared host
253258 by: Al
253260 by: clive
253261 by: Zoltán Németh

Re: CSS vs. Tables OT
253259 by: tedd
253263 by: tedd
253265 by: Philip Thompson
253266 by: Wolf
253275 by: Jim Moseby
253276 by: Dave Goodchild

Re: how to get var name and value from function?
253262 by: Tijnema !

PHP  Text Messaging
253264 by: Philip Thompson
253282 by: Brian Seymour
253283 by: Daniel Brown

Re: retrieve POST body?
253268 by: Myron Turner
253281 by: Tijnema !

Session with microtime
253270 by: Panquekas
253277 by: Jim Lucas

Re: auto page generation
253271 by: Michelle Konzack

Re: free allocated memory: HOW ?
253272 by: Michelle Konzack

Re: Suggestions for Web based FileServer/Mailaccess
253273 by: Michelle Konzack

Re: sendmail smrsh symlinks not working against php scripts
253278 by: dan1
253279 by: dan1

Re: Problems with Curl and POST
253280 by: Tijnema !


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Roman Neuhauser wrote:


 You'll have to change the code.  I'm suggesting a nice clean way that'll
 not only conform to the probable rules of PHP 6 (which are not specific
 to PHP, at least static is not), but that'll also conform to the rules
 of good design.  You're saying the changes are superfluous.  Ok then,
 but what do you really want?  I'm fine with you just griping, if it's
 labeled as such.

I just want it to keep working - the code began life in Nov 2003, when php5
was still in beta3 ... I'm all for writing better code but *having* to fix 
that works bites.

 I wouldn't do it that way. A single class should not be a database
 driver *and* manage connections.
 fair enough, although personally I find that going a bit far, I don't
 see the win in splitting up the 'driver' and 'connection manager'. not
 that this is the problem in this case.
 You wouldn't be having this upgrade problem if static DB::query(...)
 wasn't there, and it's there because class DB is a client library *and*
 a connection manager.  So I'd say this design mistake (and the fact that
 PHP allowed you to have almostatic methods) are the problem in this case.

I might plead with internals for: ;-)

class DB {
almostatic function query() { /*existence of $this is MY problem */ }

though I can't see atm how the connection management is the problem,
I assume you think this because of the way connection ids and transaction ids in
ibase are interchangable.

regardless I have a problem, I'll keep looking at the code until a clean 
presents itself, it's in/out there somewhere.

 I could easily split out the actual connection management into a
 seperate object but I'd still be stuck with the problem described
 above (which is not actually related to connection management).
 Not if you make the separation visible to the client code, which, as you

I don't follow you here. could you try an explain it in idiot language? :-P

 write below, is actually only a fraction of those 1's of lines of code.
 Do those 1's of lines of code concern you?  rlynch says indirection
 and separation of concerns are useless, you either have decent
 programmers and global search  replace, or you don't.
 yes  no. I don't have an endless budget or legions of world-class
 analysts, designers and programmers at my disposal for building
 megabucks codebases that implement near-on perfect loosely-coupled
 application designs, and I don't have the same legion to do search and
 I'm at a complete loss then. Richard, what would you advise to someone
 in such a messy situation?

my advice to myself is find a way to fix it, and then do it - not sure
what exactly that means in terms of design or code but I figure that has to be
an answer/solution somewhere :-)

---End Message---
# [EMAIL PROTECTED] / 2007-04-19 10:50:19 +0200:
 Roman Neuhauser wrote:
  I wouldn't do it that way. A single class should not be a database
  driver *and* manage connections.
  fair enough, although personally I find that going a bit far, I don't
  see the win in splitting up the 'driver' 

Re: [PHP] Json.php

2007-04-19 Thread Roman Neuhauser
# [EMAIL PROTECTED] / 2007-04-19 02:19:14 +0200:
 Roman Neuhauser wrote:
  # [EMAIL PROTECTED] / 2007-04-18 11:54:59 +0200:
  but a practical question for you Roman (seeing as your very much
  into OOP),
  I'm not very much into OOP, I'm very much into programming techniques
  that allow me to limit the number of balls I need to keep in the air
  at any given moment, and to write code that is less likely to contain
  bugs, is easier to understand, more flexible, and takes fewer lines.
 sure, I wasn't trying to offend! - in practice much of what you have
 shown here (alot of interesting stuff) has been OOP code.

No offense taken, that was just to clarify that I'm not an OOP devotee.
But try a bit of functional programming in a language like PHP without
objects. ;)

  how would you write a single method that could be called statically
  or not so that one can transparently use the same method to do
  stuff in different contexts?
  I would not.
 not helpful. the method in question exists and works.

Except it got you into trouble.

 php6 will probably decide to make it not work anymore (for no
 technical reason whatsoever),

My stance is it worked for no technical technical reason whatsoever,
but our evaluations are OT for the purposes of this discussion.

 so I'm looking to find a nice clean way of keeping my code giving the
 same result whilst conform to the probable rules that php6 will

You'll have to change the code.  I'm suggesting a nice clean way that'll
not only conform to the probable rules of PHP 6 (which are not specific
to PHP, at least static is not), but that'll also conform to the rules
of good design.  You're saying the changes are superfluous.  Ok then,
but what do you really want?  I'm fine with you just griping, if it's
labeled as such.

  I wouldn't do it that way. A single class should not be a database
  driver *and* manage connections.
 fair enough, although personally I find that going a bit far, I don't
 see the win in splitting up the 'driver' and 'connection manager'. not
 that this is the problem in this case.

You wouldn't be having this upgrade problem if static DB::query(...)
wasn't there, and it's there because class DB is a client library *and*
a connection manager.  So I'd say this design mistake (and the fact that
PHP allowed you to have almostatic methods) are the problem in this case.

 I could easily split out the actual connection management into a
 seperate object but I'd still be stuck with the problem described
 above (which is not actually related to connection management).
Not if you make the separation visible to the client code, which, as you
write below, is actually only a fraction of those 1's of lines of code.

  Do those 1's of lines of code concern you?  rlynch says indirection
  and separation of concerns are useless, you either have decent
  programmers and global search  replace, or you don't.
 yes  no. I don't have an endless budget or legions of world-class
 analysts, designers and programmers at my disposal for building
 megabucks codebases that implement near-on perfect loosely-coupled
 application designs, and I don't have the same legion to do search and
I'm at a complete loss then. Richard, what would you advise to someone
in such a messy situation?

How many Vietnam vets does it take to screw in a light bulb?
You don't know, man.  You don't KNOW.
Cause you weren't THERE.

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Re: [PHP] warning message to hide

2007-04-19 Thread Roman Neuhauser
# [EMAIL PROTECTED] / 2007-04-18 23:03:08 -0500:
 On Wed, April 18, 2007 2:21 am, Tijnema ! wrote:
  Hmm, this is what i get:
  ~# php -r 'var_dump($foo);'
  ~# php -r 'var_dump(@$foo);'
  PHP6 snapshot from a month ago.
 Your php.ini doesn't have error_reporting cranked up to include E_NOTICE.
 That's your first mistake. :-) :-) :-)
 [Roman's does have that setting changed.]

No, I've been using php-recommended.ini for the last several years.
It has that error_reporting = E_ALL by default, and that's one of the
reasons I've been using it.

How many Vietnam vets does it take to screw in a light bulb?
You don't know, man.  You don't KNOW.
Cause you weren't THERE.

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Re: [PHP] retrieve POST body?

2007-04-19 Thread Justin Frim

This is starting to get super ugly indeed...

I was hoping I wouldn't have to essentially write an HTTP daemon from
scratch, so I'll keep the sockets in mind as a *last* resort.

As much as it would simplify things if $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA (and friends)
was fixed to always contain the data regardless of the Content-Type
header used, it's going to take a long time before that fix trickles
down into other people's PHP installations.  Not everyone runs the
latest versions, and this particular script I'm working on is being
designed to be widely portable.  *sigh*

I started experimenting today with the idea of reconstructing a POST
body from the $_POST[] and $_FILES[] arrays.  It's doable, but with
limitations.  Form field names must not be permitted to contain periods,
spaces, or opening square brackets.  Those all get converted to
underscores before the keys are created to the $_POST[] array, with no
way to determine the original name.  And if the form field name has both
opening and closing square brackets respectively, weird funky
sub-arraying occurs.  Anyhow, I'd also need to do a workaround to this
form field naming limitation, because server-side form-based image maps
send the coordinates as formfieldname.x and formfieldname.y, no
exceptions.  So I'd have to search for any array key pairs that have
identical names save for a _x and _y ending, and change the underscore
back to a period.  Of course this could mess up other form fields that
just happen to end in _x and _y as specified in the HTML form, so I'd
have to try several combinations (one each found key pair at a time +
one for no changes) and keep comparing the hashes until I've found the
correct POST body reconstruction.

Then there's the final challenge: figuring out the order in which the
form-data blocks were arranged in the original multipart body!  It turns
out the order of the $_POST[] array elements are created in the same
order as the respective form-data parts in the original POST request,
but if the form contains a file upload, it throws a wrench in the
operation.  The trouble is the $_POST[] array does not contain any
elements for the file upload, so it's anyone's guess as to where in the
multipart POST body the uploaded file data was inserted.  The only
solution I can think of is to try all the possible combinations until
the correct hash is found.  But if the form has several fields and
multiple file uploads, this could take quite a long time...

But hey, is this any dirtier than writing an entire middle-ware HTTP
server in PHP?  ;-)

Richard Lynch wrote:

One possibly super ugly hack...

You could maybe write your own middle-ware HTTP server thingie with
some kinda socket functions, do what you want with the input, and then
pass it on to PHP somehow...

I think you might maybe be better off putting in a Feature Request to
get RAW_HTTP_POST_HEADERS or whatever it is turned on for
multipart/form-data, or even declaring it a Bug.

It might just get labeled bogus as a bug though...

You may even have some luck looking at PHP source to try to submit a
patch for it...

Doesn't seem like it would be THAT hard to do, once you find the dang
lines of C code that do file upload, and the other lines that do the
RAW_HTTP thing...

'Course, it would take me months just to find those lines of code,
knowing me. :-v


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RE: [PHP] how to get var name and value from function?

2007-04-19 Thread Ford, Mike
On 19 April 2007 04:36, Richard Lynch wrote:

 On Wed, April 18, 2007 4:57 am, Ford, Mike wrote:
  On 17 April 2007 01:18, Richard Lynch wrote:
   Or is it explicitly stated in the manual somewhere I'm not seeing
   that one can put things in $GLOBALS directly? [shrug]
 When I read that section of the manual, along with similar variables,
 such as: $_SERVER, $_GET, $_POST, $_COOKIE, $_FILES, $_ENV, $_REQUEST
 I do not, in my mind, see anything indicating that it is a documented
 feature that cramming some value into $_GLOBALS['foo'] is
 specifically supported...

Well the definition of $GLOBALS says:

  Contains a reference to every variable which is currently available
   within the global scope of the script.

I take that to mean reference as in the  operator, so that
$GLOBALS['foo'] is a reference to $foo, and when you assign to a
reference you also assign to

But, notwithstanding that, how about Example 12.3 at



Mike Ford,  Electronic Information Services Adviser,
JG125, The Headingley Library,
James Graham Building, Leeds Metropolitan University,
Headingley Campus, LEEDS,  LS6 3QS,  United Kingdom
Tel: +44 113 812 4730  Fax:  +44 113 812 3211 

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Re: [PHP] Json.php

2007-04-19 Thread Jochem Maas
Roman Neuhauser wrote:


 You'll have to change the code.  I'm suggesting a nice clean way that'll
 not only conform to the probable rules of PHP 6 (which are not specific
 to PHP, at least static is not), but that'll also conform to the rules
 of good design.  You're saying the changes are superfluous.  Ok then,
 but what do you really want?  I'm fine with you just griping, if it's
 labeled as such.

I just want it to keep working - the code began life in Nov 2003, when php5
was still in beta3 ... I'm all for writing better code but *having* to fix 
that works bites.

 I wouldn't do it that way. A single class should not be a database
 driver *and* manage connections.
 fair enough, although personally I find that going a bit far, I don't
 see the win in splitting up the 'driver' and 'connection manager'. not
 that this is the problem in this case.
 You wouldn't be having this upgrade problem if static DB::query(...)
 wasn't there, and it's there because class DB is a client library *and*
 a connection manager.  So I'd say this design mistake (and the fact that
 PHP allowed you to have almostatic methods) are the problem in this case.

I might plead with internals for: ;-)

class DB {
almostatic function query() { /*existence of $this is MY problem */ }

though I can't see atm how the connection management is the problem,
I assume you think this because of the way connection ids and transaction ids in
ibase are interchangable.

regardless I have a problem, I'll keep looking at the code until a clean 
presents itself, it's in/out there somewhere.

 I could easily split out the actual connection management into a
 seperate object but I'd still be stuck with the problem described
 above (which is not actually related to connection management).
 Not if you make the separation visible to the client code, which, as you

I don't follow you here. could you try an explain it in idiot language? :-P

 write below, is actually only a fraction of those 1's of lines of code.
 Do those 1's of lines of code concern you?  rlynch says indirection
 and separation of concerns are useless, you either have decent
 programmers and global search  replace, or you don't.
 yes  no. I don't have an endless budget or legions of world-class
 analysts, designers and programmers at my disposal for building
 megabucks codebases that implement near-on perfect loosely-coupled
 application designs, and I don't have the same legion to do search and
 I'm at a complete loss then. Richard, what would you advise to someone
 in such a messy situation?

my advice to myself is find a way to fix it, and then do it - not sure
what exactly that means in terms of design or code but I figure that has to be
an answer/solution somewhere :-)


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[PHP] serialize an object

2007-04-19 Thread Tobias Wurst
i use serialize() to save my object in $_SESSION.
But i have one Problem:
the member-variables from the baseclass are not saved.. :(
How can i fix this?

thanks in advance 

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Re: [PHP] serialize an object

2007-04-19 Thread Stut

Tobias Wurst wrote:

i use serialize() to save my object in $_SESSION.

Why? There's no point in serialising something into $_SESSION. Anything 
you put in there gets serialised by the session handler.

But i have one Problem:
the member-variables from the baseclass are not saved.. :(
How can i fix this?

Pass. I know you can specify member variables to be saved in __sleep(), 
so I guess that would be one possible workaround.


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Re: [PHP] serialize an object

2007-04-19 Thread Zoltán Németh
as far as I know serialize() saves all the properties of the object...

and I think you can store objects in session without serializing it
since PHP serializes-unserializes it for you automatically - or not?

Zoltán Németh

2007. 04. 19, csütörtök keltezéssel 13.17-kor Tobias Wurst ezt írta:
 i use serialize() to save my object in $_SESSION.
 But i have one Problem:
 the member-variables from the baseclass are not saved.. :(
 How can i fix this?
 thanks in advance 

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Re: [PHP] register_argc_argv directive

2007-04-19 Thread David Giragosian

On 4/18/07, Richard Lynch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Wed, April 18, 2007 9:04 am, Bagus Nugroho wrote:
 I'm confuse about usage of php.ini directive register_argc_argv.
 Is used for command line purpose only?

I suspect that in CGI (and possibly even FCGI) $argv and $argc may
also end up being populated, due to the way CGI works.

But, yes, essentially you'd be using those in CLI in most circumstances.

I'm not sure why you'd want to not fill in argv/argc in CLI...

But I suppose if you've got a fancy GetOPTS package of some sort
going, you might need that turned off or something...

Or maybe there's some sort of big time savings to turn them off...

There may even be Security Considerations for some people/cases where
having those off is better...

I'm just making up answers as I go here for why that setting might
even exist, but I guess somebody needed it sometime in the past.

Some people have a gift link here.
Know what I want?
I want you to buy a CD from some indie artist.
Yeah, I get a buck. So?

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$argv and $argc came in way handy when I wrote several php-gtk apps a few
years ago, which uses the CLI exe version...


RE: [PHP] serialize an object

2007-04-19 Thread Buesching, Logan J
From the PHP manual:

-Original Message-
From: Zoltán Németh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2007 8:40 AM
To: Tobias Wurst
Subject: Re: [PHP] serialize an object

as far as I know serialize() saves all the properties of the object...

and I think you can store objects in session without serializing it
since PHP serializes-unserializes it for you automatically - or not?

Zoltán Németh

2007. 04. 19, csütörtök keltezéssel 13.17-kor Tobias Wurst ezt írta:
 i use serialize() to save my object in $_SESSION.
 But i have one Problem:
 the member-variables from the baseclass are not saved.. :(
 How can i fix this?
 thanks in advance 

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RE: [PHP] serialize an object

2007-04-19 Thread Buesching, Logan J
Sorry for that ctrl+enter sends, when I wanted ctrl+V to paste :(

All registered variables are serialized after the request finishes. Registered 
variables which are undefined are marked as being not defined. On subsequent 
accesses, these are not defined by the session module unless the user defines 
them later.

Some types of data can not be serialized thus stored in sessions. It includes 
resource variables or objects with circular references (i.e. objects which 
passes a reference to itself to another object).

Note: Session handling was added in PHP 4.0.0. 

Note: Please note when working with sessions that a record of a session is 
not created until a variable has been registered using the session_register() 
function or by adding a new key to the $_SESSION superglobal array. This holds 
true regardless of if a session has been started using the session_start() 

So I'd assume his class has a circular reference if it cannot be serialized, 
and how to fix that I'm going to pass on.

-Original Message-
From: Zoltán Németh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2007 8:40 AM
To: Tobias Wurst
Subject: Re: [PHP] serialize an object

as far as I know serialize() saves all the properties of the object...

and I think you can store objects in session without serializing it
since PHP serializes-unserializes it for you automatically - or not?

Zoltán Németh

2007. 04. 19, csütörtök keltezéssel 13.17-kor Tobias Wurst ezt írta:
 i use serialize() to save my object in $_SESSION.
 But i have one Problem:
 the member-variables from the baseclass are not saved.. :(
 How can i fix this?
 thanks in advance 

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[PHP] Migrating php4 to php5 on a shared host

2007-04-19 Thread Al

I've got 2 sites on a shared host running php4 and I think it's a matter of
when, not if, I should move them to one of my host's php5 servers.

I don't see anything in the php manual on migrating that indicates my code
 would be affected.

I'm a little concerned about gotchas that would take my sites down while I 
fix the
 particulars for php5.

Anyone had experience or comments on the subject.


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Re: [PHP] CSS vs. Tables OT

2007-04-19 Thread tedd

At 8:59 AM +1200 4/19/07, Bruce Cowin wrote:

Now can we please close this thread!  There are better forums to discuss
this - it has nothing to do with PHP!!



True, it has nothing to do with php programming other than 
compliance, accessibility, data gathering and data presentation.

If php lived in a vacuum where computation was all there was, then 
that would not be a concern. However, we use other languages to grab 
our input and present our findings. IMO, to be well rounded we have 
to understand other languages such as html, xml, mysql, css, 
javascript and even ajax. These languages have both good and bad 
practices and carry with them responsibilities to our clients and 
adherence to standards and compliance issues. It's more than just 
pounding code.

I think it's good that we discuss these things because it brings 
about an understanding and appreciation of issues where our actions 
may have far reaching influence on important matters of which we may 
not be aware. Knowledge carries with it responsibility.




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Re: [PHP] Migrating php4 to php5 on a shared host

2007-04-19 Thread clive

Al wrote:

Anyone had experience or comments on the subject.

setup php5 dev (local||hosted) server, setup site on dev server, test


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Re: [PHP] Migrating php4 to php5 on a shared host

2007-04-19 Thread Zoltán Németh
I suggest installing php locally on a dev machine, testing your code on
it and if it works just go on.

Zoltán Németh

2007. 04. 19, csütörtök keltezéssel 10.03-kor Al ezt írta:
 I've got 2 sites on a shared host running php4 and I think it's a matter of
 when, not if, I should move them to one of my host's php5 servers.
 I don't see anything in the php manual on migrating that indicates my code
   would be affected.
 I'm a little concerned about gotchas that would take my sites down while I 
 fix the
   particulars for php5.
 Anyone had experience or comments on the subject.

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Re: [PHP] how to get var name and value from function?

2007-04-19 Thread Tijnema !

On 4/19/07, Ford, Mike [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 19 April 2007 04:36, Richard Lynch wrote:

 On Wed, April 18, 2007 4:57 am, Ford, Mike wrote:
  On 17 April 2007 01:18, Richard Lynch wrote:
   Or is it explicitly stated in the manual somewhere I'm not seeing
   that one can put things in $GLOBALS directly? [shrug]

 When I read that section of the manual, along with similar variables,
 such as: $_SERVER, $_GET, $_POST, $_COOKIE, $_FILES, $_ENV, $_REQUEST

 I do not, in my mind, see anything indicating that it is a documented
 feature that cramming some value into $_GLOBALS['foo'] is
 specifically supported...

Well the definition of $GLOBALS says:

 Contains a reference to every variable which is currently available
  within the global scope of the script.

I take that to mean reference as in the  operator, so that
$GLOBALS['foo'] is a reference to $foo, and when you assign to a
reference you also assign to

But, notwithstanding that, how about Example 12.3 at



Hmm, that's quite ugly, what happens when defining a variable outside,
and inside a function. and then get the reference to it? Will the
first var be overwritten, and when the function ends, it will refer to
the old var again?


Mike Ford,  Electronic Information Services Adviser,
JG125, The Headingley Library,
James Graham Building, Leeds Metropolitan University,
Headingley Campus, LEEDS,  LS6 3QS,  United Kingdom
Tel: +44 113 812 4730  Fax:  +44 113 812 3211

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Re: [PHP] CSS vs. Tables OT

2007-04-19 Thread tedd

At 11:36 PM -0500 4/18/07, Richard Lynch wrote:

But I don't think we're going to reach that Utopia where IE and FF
actually follow the standards in the same ways well enough to get out
of this CSS hack nightmare.

Well, as long as the old IE browsers are being used, then we'll 
continue to have problems. But even those problems can be solved. 
True, some requires hacks BUT that's a good thing that we can use 
the code to solve the problems. To me, that's not a hack, but 
rather a solution.

And I don't see the CSS spec author folks really addressing some
fundamental problems that real-world designers need addressed so they
can get the layouts they want.

I disagree. The CSS folks have solved hundreds of different types of 
layouts and have provided the techniques to solve almost any problem 
imaginable. Plus, they have been foremost in promoting a completely 
new medium -- these people have done wonders!

Whether they *ought* to want those layouts, or whether they are good
layouts for websites is arguable, but there it is... The CSS folks
don't seem to be addressing the needs of their Designer user-base,

IF there is a problem, it is that the designers aren't taking the 
time to look at what's available. If a designer wants a two column 
layout with a footer, side bar, header and is liquid -- it's there! 
If the designer wants a static keep to the top left corner of the 
browser window three column with only a header -- it's there too! In 
fact, I may be going out on a limb here, but I challenge anyone to 
describe a layout that isn't covered.

I'm hoping some day (soon) this will all be worked out all nicey-nice.

Similar to most php questions posted here, all one has to do is look.



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[PHP] PHP Text Messaging

2007-04-19 Thread Philip Thompson
Hi. I have attempted to look at the archives for this, but keep  
getting redirected back to the main PHP site when I click on the  
archive link. With that said, does anyone know of any good resources  
for sending text messages using PHP? I have Googled this topic and  
found a few, but find it hard to judge which ones are good. I have  
also looked at the SAM package, but wasn't sure how much that is  
being used by the community.

Thanks in advance,

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Re: [PHP] CSS vs. Tables OT

2007-04-19 Thread Philip Thompson

On Apr 19, 2007, at 9:08 AM, tedd wrote:

At 8:59 AM +1200 4/19/07, Bruce Cowin wrote:
Now can we please close this thread!  There are better forums to  

this - it has nothing to do with PHP!!



True, it has nothing to do with php programming other than  
compliance, accessibility, data gathering and data presentation.

If php lived in a vacuum where computation was all there was, then  
that would not be a concern. However, we use other languages to  
grab our input and present our findings. IMO, to be well rounded  
we have to understand other languages such as html, xml, mysql,  
css, javascript and even ajax. These languages have both good and  
bad practices and carry with them responsibilities to our clients  
and adherence to standards and compliance issues. It's more than  
just pounding code.

I think it's good that we discuss these things because it brings  
about an understanding and appreciation of issues where our actions  
may have far reaching influence on important matters of which we  
may not be aware. Knowledge carries with it responsibility.





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Re: [PHP] CSS vs. Tables OT

2007-04-19 Thread Wolf
That, and the big OT at the end means Off-Topic...  So if you don't want 
to get OT, just hit delete.  ;)

tedd wrote:

At 8:59 AM +1200 4/19/07, Bruce Cowin wrote:

Now can we please close this thread!  There are better forums to discuss
this - it has nothing to do with PHP!!



True, it has nothing to do with php programming other than compliance, 
accessibility, data gathering and data presentation.

If php lived in a vacuum where computation was all there was, then that 
would not be a concern. However, we use other languages to grab our 
input and present our findings. IMO, to be well rounded we have to 
understand other languages such as html, xml, mysql, css, javascript and 
even ajax. These languages have both good and bad practices and carry 
with them responsibilities to our clients and adherence to standards and 
compliance issues. It's more than just pounding code.

I think it's good that we discuss these things because it brings about 
an understanding and appreciation of issues where our actions may have 
far reaching influence on important matters of which we may not be 
aware. Knowledge carries with it responsibility.



PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Json.php

2007-04-19 Thread Roman Neuhauser
# [EMAIL PROTECTED] / 2007-04-19 10:50:19 +0200:
 Roman Neuhauser wrote:
  I wouldn't do it that way. A single class should not be a database
  driver *and* manage connections.
  fair enough, although personally I find that going a bit far, I don't
  see the win in splitting up the 'driver' and 'connection manager'. not
  that this is the problem in this case.
  You wouldn't be having this upgrade problem if static DB::query(...)
  wasn't there, and it's there because class DB is a client library *and*
  a connection manager.  So I'd say this design mistake (and the fact that
  PHP allowed you to have almostatic methods) are the problem in this case.
 I might plead with internals for: ;-)
 class DB {
   almostatic function query() { /*existence of $this is MY problem */ }

Existence of $this is YOUR problem only as long as you don't share the
code with anybody else.  At that moment, you have made life harder for
someone else.
 though I can't see atm how the connection management is the problem,
 I assume you think this because of the way connection ids and transaction ids 
 ibase are interchangable.

No, I've had virtually zero exposure to Interbase/Firebird, and have had
no idea about the phenomenon you mention.  I think it's a problem
because of the ways it reduces quality of the code.

Or does DB not handle database connections? If not, how come the static
call DB::query(SELECT fubar FROM snafu) works? Guess it does things
besides querying (probably why it's a generic DB in the first place).

 regardless I have a problem, I'll keep looking at the code until a clean 
 presents itself, it's in/out there somewhere.
  I could easily split out the actual connection management into a
  seperate object but I'd still be stuck with the problem described
  above (which is not actually related to connection management).
  Not if you make the separation visible to the client code, which, as you
 I don't follow you here. could you try an explain it in idiot language? :-P

Split the two functions, and don't try to hide the fact that they're two
functions; after all, if you do it correctly, the static one will
probably end in a different class.

  write below, is actually only a fraction of those 1's of lines of 
  Do those 1's of lines of code concern you?  rlynch says indirection
  and separation of concerns are useless, you either have decent
  programmers and global search  replace, or you don't.
  yes  no. I don't have an endless budget or legions of world-class
  analysts, designers and programmers at my disposal for building
  megabucks codebases that implement near-on perfect loosely-coupled
  application designs, and I don't have the same legion to do search and
  I'm at a complete loss then. Richard, what would you advise to someone
  in such a messy situation?
 my advice to myself is find a way to fix it, and then do it - not sure
 what exactly that means in terms of design or code but I figure that has to be
 an answer/solution somewhere :-)

Don't try to cram connection management into a db client driver class.
The rest will just fall out of it.

How many Vietnam vets does it take to screw in a light bulb?
You don't know, man.  You don't KNOW.
Cause you weren't THERE.

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Re: [PHP] retrieve POST body?

2007-04-19 Thread Myron Turner

André Medeiros wrote:

php://stdin perhaps?

On 4/18/07, Justin Frim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

André Medeiros wrote:

 Reading from php://input on a webserver will retrieve the Body of the
 HTTP Request.

Not for me it doesn't.
That only seems to work when the form is submitted as
application/x-www-form-urlencoded.  When the form is submitted as
multipart/form-data, php://input is blank.

You probably could use this small Perl script via exec:

   read(STDIN, $buffer, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'});

print $buffer;


Myron Turner

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[PHP] Re: serialize an object

2007-04-19 Thread for

On 19.04.2007 13:17 Tobias Wurst wrote:

i use serialize() to save my object in $_SESSION.

you don't need this. php serializes your objects for you

But i have one Problem:
the member-variables from the baseclass are not saved.. :(
How can i fix this?

can you provide a small example?

thanks in advance 

gosha bine

extended php parser ~
blok ~

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[PHP] Session with microtime

2007-04-19 Thread Panquekas


I'm writting a script where I use the function microtime with sessions and I
have a problem.

This is my code:

if( $_SESSION['uperm'] == '1' ){
 $t_start = microtime(1);


if( $_SESSION['uperm'] == '1' ){
 $t_end = microtime(1) - $t_start;
 $time .= \n   . 'PThis page was loaded in ' .
number_format($t_end, 3) . ' seconds./P';

And when I log with any account (admin or user) is echoed to me something
like this:
This page was loaded in 1,177,003,846.594 seconds.

This is too much because the page isn't loaded in this time. And when I
refresh the page it appears:
This page was loaded in 0.012 seconds.

Why is this? I can't explain.

And this started to appear when I put the if to check the user
permissions. If I turn off the if it'll run normally.

Can anyone explain why is that?

Thanks in advance.

[PHP] Re: auto page generation

2007-04-19 Thread Michelle Konzack
Hello Tim,

Am 2007-04-16 19:22:21, schrieb Tim:
 Also can i reccomend:
 Web Database Applications with PHP and MySQL

Do you know an equivalent book for php5 and PostgreSQL 8.1/8.2?

Michelle Konzack
Tamay Dogan Network
Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
# Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917  ICQ #328449886
   50, rue de Soultz MSN LinuxMichi
0033/6/6192519367100 Strasbourg/France   IRC #Debian (

Description: Digital signature

[PHP] Re: free allocated memory: HOW ?

2007-04-19 Thread Michelle Konzack
Hello Arthur,

Am 2007-04-12 13:40:08, schrieb Arthur Erdös:
 Hello all,
 is there a way to free memory allocated by variables in PHP?? This is a 
 very important issue concerning long running scripts...
 I have a script that generates  5000 Newsletters and when the script 
 finishes it uses 1.8 GB (!!) of RAM. Although I am using unset() to 
 clean up variables (tried with $var = null too).

Are you running Linux?

If yes, are aou realy sure it eat this amount of memory?

I have a pgp-cli prog which seems to eat 12 GByte (of 16 GByte)
after one week of use, but the stuff is ONLY cached...

Michelle Konzack
Tamay Dogan Network
Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
# Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917  ICQ #328449886
   50, rue de Soultz MSN LinuxMichi
0033/6/6192519367100 Strasbourg/France   IRC #Debian (

Description: Digital signature

[PHP] Re: Suggestions for Web based FileServer/Mailaccess

2007-04-19 Thread Michelle Konzack
Hello Richard,

It seems no one had understood me right...

Am 2007-04-10 21:48:12, schrieb Richard Lynch:
 Personally, I would use and friends to add
 the mailbox, and let the OS and installed IMAP software choose the
 correct mbox/Maildir option based on the server configuration, rather
 than try to out-guess them...

This is WHAT I already do...

But currently I have two Spaces:
The one for the E-Mails and one for the files

WHich mean, if I ahve a friend called Richard and his Messages goes
into the Mailfolder Peoples/Richard and I want to see what I have
from him, like Files, Pics or whatever... I have to go to a second
place the File Section to look at it.

What I want is a fusion of the MailSpace and the FileSpace.

Currently I have a black hole and do not know HOW to implement this.

In general, EACH Mailfolder can have a FileSpace and visa versa.

Michelle Konzack
Tamay Dogan Network
Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
# Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917  ICQ #328449886
   50, rue de Soultz MSN LinuxMichi
0033/6/6192519367100 Strasbourg/France   IRC #Debian (

Description: Digital signature

[PHP] Re: serialize an object

2007-04-19 Thread Tobias Wurst
i think I found a bug:

i  used __sleep and __wakeup - don't work

without __sleep and __wakeup - it is working :)

you don't need this. php serializes your objects for you
thats true, thanks :)

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RE: [PHP] CSS vs. Tables OT

2007-04-19 Thread Jim Moseby
 fact, I may be going out on a limb here, but I challenge anyone to 
 describe a layout that isn't covered.

I want a layout that looks identical in every browser without resorting to
something like:

  case 'IE':include('ie.css');
  case 'Mozilla':include('mozilla.css');

I don't think thats possible right now, is it?


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Re: [PHP] CSS vs. Tables OT

2007-04-19 Thread Dave Goodchild

Can we kill this now please? It's not a php issue, is an old and endless
argument and is better addressed on a css / design list.

Re: [PHP] Session with microtime

2007-04-19 Thread Jim Lucas

Panquekas wrote:


I'm writting a script where I use the function microtime with sessions 
and I

have a problem.

This is my code:

if( $_SESSION['uperm'] == '1' ){
 $t_start = microtime(1);

when you initially log in, it creates this variable.

Sounds to me like it is creating the $_SESSION['uperm']  value after you are calling the previous 
if() {...}

do this

if ( $_SESSION['uperm'] == '1' ) {
$t_start = microtime(1);
die('I made it here');

if it does not die(), then you know that it isn't getting into this first IF 

also, sounds like you have E_WARNING  E_NOTICE turned off. I would suggest that you enable these by 
placing this at the very top of your script. ( at least for debugging purpose, not in production )

ini_set('display_errors', 'On');

this will probably if you a notice not that the variable $t_start is undefined when try and hit the 
following block of code.


if( $_SESSION['uperm'] == '1' ){
 $t_end = microtime(1) - $t_start;
 $time .= \n   . 'PThis page was loaded in ' .
number_format($t_end, 3) . ' seconds./P';

And when I log with any account (admin or user) is echoed to me something
like this:
This page was loaded in 1,177,003,846.594 seconds.

This is too much because the page isn't loaded in this time. And when I
refresh the page it appears:
This page was loaded in 0.012 seconds.

Why is this? I can't explain.

And this started to appear when I put the if to check the user
permissions. If I turn off the if it'll run normally.

Can anyone explain why is that?

Thanks in advance.


Jim Lucas

Different eyes see different things. Different hearts beat on different strings. But there are times 
for you and me when all such things agree.

- Rush

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Re: [PHP] sendmail smrsh symlinks not working against php scripts

2007-04-19 Thread dan1

However, if I put a hardlink instead of the symlink, all works fine!
The permissions of the symlink and the file linekd are all 777.

Has anyone already had this problem before, or would anyone have an
idea of
the cause?

smrsh itself may disallow symlinks.  Wouldn't surprise me.

Why not just use #!/usr/bin/php -q at the top of your PHP script?

I cannot do this, because the script itself is not executed. The e-mail I 
sent from within this script does not arrive when it is failing.

But it works well with a hardlink.
I didn't expect smrsh to prevent symlinks.
When I contact sendmail people, they tell me it is a PHP problem. Would you 
agree that this is not the case, and merely to have to do with smrsh?


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Re: [PHP] sendmail smrsh symlinks not working against php scripts

2007-04-19 Thread dan1

smrsh itself may disallow symlinks.  Wouldn't surprise me.

Why not just use #!/usr/bin/php -q at the top of your PHP script?

Something else to my previous answer.
Here is the answer of the sendmail guys. Maybe they are still right? Would 
PHP have a problem to handle symlinked input files? I have the security mode 
disabled in the php.ini file.


This is a poor place to find an answer, because the one thing that
stands out is that this is a problem with php, not Sendmail, and this is
a Sendmail newsgroup not a php newsgroup.  Your  dangerously outdated
version of php is running and emitting an error (No input file
specified.) that doesn't make sense outside of php, but probably
indicates special handling done by php when given a symlink instead of a
regular file.

Looking at the output there, I'd *guess* that you have php set up wrong
for this sort of use. I'm not a php expert, so I won't try to guess at a

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Re: [PHP] Problems with Curl and POST

2007-04-19 Thread Tijnema !

On 4/17/07, mbneto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Richard,

I am using the same script.  And it is using the CURLOPT_POST.

- mb

On 4/16/07, Richard Lynch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 HEAD is just like GET, only it gets just the headers (hence the name)
 usually to see if the document has changed according to LastModified:
 before doing a full-blown GET.

 There shouldn't be a HEAD done before a POST...

 Are you sure you are doing a CURLOPT_POST and not CURLOPT_GET...?

 On Mon, April 16, 2007 4:43 pm, mbneto wrote:
  I am tring to use curl to access, via POST, a remote 'service'.
  managed to test it fine but when I use real data to feed the curl it
  me strange results.
  When I check the logs of the remote web server one thing that alarms
  me is
  that with test data I see
  A.B.C.D - - [16/Apr/2007:17:41:53 -0400] POST /service.php HTTP/1.1
  200 61
  with real data (using the same script)
  A.B.C.D - - [16/Apr/2007:17:48:55 -0400] HEAD /service.php HTTP/1.1
  200 -
  After reading the user contributed notes I found that it must be
  with encoding.  But even if I use the suggested code
  $o=;foreach ($post_data as $k=$v)

echo $post_data; // Echo your data here to check if this is really
what you want to insert.

  // Add error handling
  if(!curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post_data)) {

echo curl_error($ch);

  I get the same results.
  Any tips?
  php 5.0.4

I guess you insert data twice, or something like that. I modified
above code, test it.



 Some people have a gift link here.
 Know what I want?
 I want you to buy a CD from some indie artist.
 Yeah, I get a buck. So?

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Re: [PHP] retrieve POST body?

2007-04-19 Thread Tijnema !

On 4/19/07, Myron Turner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

André Medeiros wrote:
 php://stdin perhaps?

 On 4/18/07, Justin Frim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 André Medeiros wrote:

  Reading from php://input on a webserver will retrieve the Body of the
  HTTP Request.

 Not for me it doesn't.
 That only seems to work when the form is submitted as
 application/x-www-form-urlencoded.  When the form is submitted as
 multipart/form-data, php://input is blank.

You probably could use this small Perl script via exec:

   read(STDIN, $buffer, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'});

print $buffer;

If you call this script via exec, it can't return the POST data send
to the PHP script right?

btw, we are here on a PHP list, not PERL :)



Myron Turner

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RE: [PHP] PHP Text Messaging

2007-04-19 Thread Brian Seymour
I know sends email to phones. Perhaps using the mail function you
could just send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and they would get the
message.  To my knowledge this is a free service and works with all phone
providers since they do the message for you. Just a thought.

Hope this helps,

-Original Message-
From: Philip Thompson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2007 10:28 AM
To: php General List
Subject: [PHP] PHP  Text Messaging

Hi. I have attempted to look at the archives for this, but keep  
getting redirected back to the main PHP site when I click on the  
archive link. With that said, does anyone know of any good resources  
for sending text messages using PHP? I have Googled this topic and  
found a few, but find it hard to judge which ones are good. I have  
also looked at the SAM package, but wasn't sure how much that is  
being used by the community.

Thanks in advance,

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Re: [PHP] PHP Text Messaging

2007-04-19 Thread Daniel Brown

   I actually believe that vText is strictly for Verizon Wireless users,
but I tried sending web messages to friends without it and, according to the
system, the messages went through.  So I guess you could give it a shot.

On 4/19/07, Brian Seymour [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I know sends email to phones. Perhaps using the mail function
could just send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and they would get the
message.  To my knowledge this is a free service and works with all phone
providers since they do the message for you. Just a thought.

Hope this helps,

-Original Message-
From: Philip Thompson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2007 10:28 AM
To: php General List
Subject: [PHP] PHP  Text Messaging

Hi. I have attempted to look at the archives for this, but keep
getting redirected back to the main PHP site when I click on the
archive link. With that said, does anyone know of any good resources
for sending text messages using PHP? I have Googled this topic and
found a few, but find it hard to judge which ones are good. I have
also looked at the SAM package, but wasn't sure how much that is
being used by the community.

Thanks in advance,

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Daniel P. Brown
[office] (570-) 587-7080 Ext. 272
[mobile] (570-) 766-8107

[PHP] Ways to tell if existing setup is SAPI or Shared Object?

2007-04-19 Thread Weston C

What ways are there to tell if PHP is actually built into an Apache 2
installation or if it's installed as a shared object?

I've dropped a file containing phpinfo() on the server I'm looking at,
hoping the Server API value would give me a clue, but it just says
Apache 2.0 Filter, and I don't know if Apache filters are required
to be one or the other

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[Fwd: Re: [PHP] Session with microtime]

2007-04-19 Thread Jim Lucas

Panquekas wrote:

It's d0ne, thank you very much!

No problem, just remember to reply on list next time.

It was what you were saying, the $_SESSION['uperm'] wasn't being define in
the first place, I moved my login script above that if and it work it 

And thanks for that trick of error reporting, I wasn't using, although I
known that, but I didn't remember doing that.

that isn't a trick, you would be better off having those lines in any scripts 
that you run.
I actually have my server default to those settings, as do many OPs.

I notice that some variables that I use for showing some errors and some to
check the mysql querys were having some notices too, it's that normal? (I
just define it when I need to show some error or something like that)

whenever you go to use a variable, that you are requiring, double check to make 
sure that it exists
with isset() or empty()

This will probably point you in the right direction to fixing things.

Thanks once again Jim Lucas for your help.

Once again, no problem.


Jim Lucas

Different eyes see different things. Different hearts beat on different 
strings. But there are times
for you and me when all such things agree.

- Rush

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Re: [PHP] Ways to tell if existing setup is SAPI or Shared Object?

2007-04-19 Thread Richard Lynch
On Thu, April 19, 2007 4:08 pm, Weston C wrote:
 What ways are there to tell if PHP is actually built into an Apache 2
 installation or if it's installed as a shared object?

 I've dropped a file containing phpinfo() on the server I'm looking at,
 hoping the Server API value would give me a clue, but it just says
 Apache 2.0 Filter, and I don't know if Apache filters are required
 to be one or the other

If I had to take a wild guess, I'd say Filter was a shared object...

But I suppose if you compiled it directly into Apache (does anybody do
that anymore?) you might still see the same thing...

If you can read httpd.conf, and find a LoadModule there with php, then
it's shared, I think.

The php_sapi_name function and PHP_SAPI constant may be of use if you
just want SAPI info in your program, rather than all of phpinfo()

They're probably all exactly the same output, though.

Some people have a gift link here.
Know what I want?
I want you to buy a CD from some indie artist.
Yeah, I get a buck. So?

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Re: [PHP] sendmail smrsh symlinks not working against php scripts

2007-04-19 Thread Richard Lynch
On Thu, April 19, 2007 1:23 pm, dan1 wrote:
 However, if I put a hardlink instead of the symlink, all works
 The permissions of the symlink and the file linekd are all 777.

 Has anyone already had this problem before, or would anyone have an
 idea of
 the cause?

 smrsh itself may disallow symlinks.  Wouldn't surprise me.

 Why not just use #!/usr/bin/php -q at the top of your PHP script?

 I cannot do this, because the script itself is not executed.

What exactly do you want to happen then?

 e-mail I
 sent from within this script does not arrive when it is failing.

If it's not executed, it would be very difficult for it to send an
email from within the script.

 But it works well with a hardlink.
 I didn't expect smrsh to prevent symlinks.
 When I contact sendmail people, they tell me it is a PHP problem.
 Would you
 agree that this is not the case, and merely to have to do with smrsh?

At this point, I don't have any idea what you're trying to do, much
less what is going wrong with it.

Some people have a gift link here.
Know what I want?
I want you to buy a CD from some indie artist.
Yeah, I get a buck. So?

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] sendmail smrsh symlinks not working against php scripts

2007-04-19 Thread Richard Lynch
On Thu, April 19, 2007 1:33 pm, dan1 wrote:
 This is a poor place to find an answer, because the one thing that
 stands out is that this is a problem with php, not Sendmail, and this
 a Sendmail newsgroup not a php newsgroup.  Your  dangerously outdated
 version of php is running and emitting an error (No input file
 specified.) that doesn't make sense outside of php, but probably
 indicates special handling done by php when given a symlink instead of
 regular file.

No input specified is pretty self explanatory...

You ran PHP, but didn't give it a PHP script as input.

Some people have a gift link here.
Know what I want?
I want you to buy a CD from some indie artist.
Yeah, I get a buck. So?

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Re: [PHP] Re: Suggestions for Web based FileServer/Mailaccess

2007-04-19 Thread Richard Lynch
On Thu, April 19, 2007 11:42 am, Michelle Konzack wrote:
 Hello Richard,

 It seems no one had understood me right...

 Am 2007-04-10 21:48:12, schrieb Richard Lynch:
 Personally, I would use and friends to add
 the mailbox, and let the OS and installed IMAP software choose the
 correct mbox/Maildir option based on the server configuration,
 than try to out-guess them...

 This is WHAT I already do...

 But currently I have two Spaces:
 The one for the E-Mails and one for the files

 WHich mean, if I ahve a friend called Richard and his Messages goes
 into the Mailfolder Peoples/Richard and I want to see what I have
 from him, like Files, Pics or whatever... I have to go to a second
 place the File Section to look at it.

 What I want is a fusion of the MailSpace and the FileSpace.

 Currently I have a black hole and do not know HOW to implement this.

 In general, EACH Mailfolder can have a FileSpace and visa versa.

Where do the Files come from in the first place?
External source?

If they were attachments, maybe you'd be better off just leaving them
in the Maildir...

I suppose you could build a parallel File System to your Maildirs,
then within each of those, make a directory by Message-id: header,
then put any attachments with the cid: name as the file name.

That should make everything unique...

Some people have a gift link here.
Know what I want?
I want you to buy a CD from some indie artist.
Yeah, I get a buck. So?

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Session with microtime

2007-04-19 Thread Richard Lynch
On Thu, April 19, 2007 11:32 am, Panquekas wrote:
 I'm writting a script where I use the function microtime with sessions
 and I
 have a problem.

 This is my code:

 if( $_SESSION['uperm'] == '1' ){
   $t_start = microtime(1);


 if( $_SESSION['uperm'] == '1' ){
   $t_end = microtime(1) - $t_start;
   $time .= \n   . 'PThis page was loaded in ' .
 number_format($t_end, 3) . ' seconds./P';

 And when I log with any account (admin or user) is echoed to me
 like this:
 This page was loaded in 1,177,003,846.594 seconds.

 This is too much because the page isn't loaded in this time. And when
 refresh the page it appears:
 This page was loaded in 0.012 seconds.

 Why is this? I can't explain.

 And this started to appear when I put the if to check the user
 permissions. If I turn off the if it'll run normally.

 Can anyone explain why is that?

You've messed up and put the session_start() inside the if( )block.

Put session_start at the very top of the file, *BEFORE* the $_SESSION
variable is used for anything at all.

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Re: [PHP] Ways to tell if existing setup is SAPI or Shared Object?

2007-04-19 Thread Weston C

On 4/19/07, Richard Lynch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Thu, April 19, 2007 4:08 pm, Weston C wrote:
 What ways are there to tell if PHP is actually built into an Apache 2
 installation or if it's installed as a shared object?

 phpinfo() / Server API value .. just says Apache 2.0 Filter

If you can read httpd.conf, and find a LoadModule there with php, then
it's shared, I think.

I do have access to httpd.conf. I can't find a LoadModule directive
for php in it, though. Is that a bad sign? Could they possibly have
been stuffed into any of the other lesser-used conf files?

The php_sapi_name function and PHP_SAPI constant may be of use if you
just want SAPI info in your program, rather than all of phpinfo()

They're probably all exactly the same output, though.

Seems to give the same result.

... if you compiled it directly into Apache (does anybody do
that anymore?)

I certainly wouldn't. But I think this is the default Apache2
distribution on RH9, and you just never know with those folks. ;)

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Re: [PHP] Migrating php4 to php5 on a shared host

2007-04-19 Thread Richard Lynch

Install PHP5 on any old box you have laying around and test there first.

On Thu, April 19, 2007 9:03 am, Al wrote:
 I've got 2 sites on a shared host running php4 and I think it's a
 matter of
 when, not if, I should move them to one of my host's php5 servers.

 I don't see anything in the php manual on migrating that indicates my
   would be affected.

 I'm a little concerned about gotchas that would take my sites down
 while I fix the
   particulars for php5.

 Anyone had experience or comments on the subject.


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Re: [PHP] register_argc_argv directive

2007-04-19 Thread Richard Lynch
On Thu, April 19, 2007 8:37 am, David Giragosian wrote:
 $argv and $argc came in way handy when I wrote several php-gtk apps a
 years ago, which uses the CLI exe version...

They are way handy for any CLI.

The question I'm kinda wondering is what purpose is served by having a
php.ini setting to turn the dang things *OFF*?...

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Re: [PHP] serialize an object

2007-04-19 Thread Richard Lynch
I'm wondering if the OP is failing to re-define the baseclass when
loading in the saved object...

But, yes, get rid of the by-hand serializing first, as PHP will
serialize it for you.

On Thu, April 19, 2007 7:40 am, Zoltán Németh wrote:
 as far as I know serialize() saves all the properties of the object...

 and I think you can store objects in session without serializing it
 since PHP serializes-unserializes it for you automatically - or not?

 Zoltán Németh

 2007. 04. 19, csütörtök keltezéssel 13.17-kor Tobias Wurst ezt
 i use serialize() to save my object in $_SESSION.
 But i have one Problem:
 the member-variables from the baseclass are not saved.. :(
 How can i fix this?

 thanks in advance

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RE: [PHP] how to get var name and value from function?

2007-04-19 Thread Richard Lynch
On Thu, April 19, 2007 3:34 am, Ford, Mike wrote:
 But, notwithstanding that, how about Example 12.3 at

That's good enough for me.

Just never noticed it before.


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Re: [PHP] how to get var name and value from function?

2007-04-19 Thread Richard Lynch
On Thu, April 19, 2007 9:21 am, Tijnema ! wrote:
 Hmm, that's quite ugly, what happens when defining a variable outside,
 and inside a function. and then get the reference to it? Will the
 first var be overwritten, and when the function ends, it will refer to
 the old var again?

I can't un-twist your sentence into code, but if you can, you could
probably test it and find out faster than we could answer...


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Re: [PHP] Ways to tell if existing setup is SAPI or Shared Object?

2007-04-19 Thread Edward Vermillion

On Apr 19, 2007, at 4:59 PM, Weston C wrote:

On 4/19/07, Richard Lynch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Thu, April 19, 2007 4:08 pm, Weston C wrote:
 What ways are there to tell if PHP is actually built into an  
Apache 2

 installation or if it's installed as a shared object?

 phpinfo() / Server API value .. just says Apache 2.0 Filter

If you can read httpd.conf, and find a LoadModule there with php,  

it's shared, I think.

I do have access to httpd.conf. I can't find a LoadModule directive
for php in it, though. Is that a bad sign? Could they possibly have
been stuffed into any of the other lesser-used conf files?

Fedora, and I'm assuming RedHat and possibly others that use their  
system layout, will put the loading line in /etc/httpd/conf.d/ 
php.conf so yes it can be in an external configuration file.


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Re: [PHP] retrieve POST body?

2007-04-19 Thread Richard Lynch
On Thu, April 19, 2007 2:50 am, Justin Frim wrote:
 limitations.  Form field names must not be permitted to contain
 spaces, or opening square brackets.  Those all get converted to
 underscores before the keys are created to the $_POST[] array, with no
 way to determine the original name.  And if the form field name has
 opening and closing square brackets respectively, weird funky
 sub-arraying occurs.  Anyhow, I'd also need to do a workaround to this

Don't be calling my form arrays weird funky!

That's one of PHP's greatest features!


[lots more stuff deleted]

Also, I'll point out that it's only sheer coincidence any ordering you
are seeing in $_POST and the POST body.  Well, not coincidence, but
it's NOT a documented feature.

The HTML/HTTP don't even have to provide the INPUTs in order, even
though in practice, they all do that.

Relying on that order is probably a Bad Idea all around.

And, to make you even more miserable, it's not just . and [ that get
converted to _ by PHP for the keys...

Because of the history of PHP and register_globals, *ANY* character
not fitting this PCRE pattern: [a-z_][a-z0-9_]* is gonna get

type=image name=image - image_x
name=image.x - image_x
name=image_x - image_x
name=image[x - image_x
name=image=x - image_x
name=image{x - image_x
name=image,x - image_x

Of course, those may not be valid HTML names according to one or more
HTTP specs you care to pull out...

But that don't mean somebody somewhere isn't using them successfully
and won't blame you when it breaks :-(

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Re: [PHP] Ways to tell if existing setup is SAPI or Shared Object?

2007-04-19 Thread Richard Lynch
On Thu, April 19, 2007 4:59 pm, Weston C wrote:
 On 4/19/07, Richard Lynch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, April 19, 2007 4:08 pm, Weston C wrote:
  What ways are there to tell if PHP is actually built into an
 Apache 2
  installation or if it's installed as a shared object?
  phpinfo() / Server API value .. just says Apache 2.0 Filter

 If you can read httpd.conf, and find a LoadModule there with php,
 it's shared, I think.

 I do have access to httpd.conf. I can't find a LoadModule directive
 for php in it, though. Is that a bad sign? Could they possibly have
 been stuffed into any of the other lesser-used conf files?


The LoadModule could be anywhere in the various httpd.conf included

Well, not ANYWHERE, as I don't think it can be only in a virtual host
or directory...

 The php_sapi_name function and PHP_SAPI constant may be of use if
 just want SAPI info in your program, rather than all of phpinfo()

 They're probably all exactly the same output, though.

 Seems to give the same result.

 ... if you compiled it directly into Apache (does anybody do
 that anymore?)

 I certainly wouldn't. But I think this is the default Apache2
 distribution on RH9, and you just never know with those folks. ;)

Almost for sure a shared library on default Apache 2 in RedHat 9, if
you are just doing up2date or whatever to maintain it.

Though I always compiled my apache and php from source on RH9 personally.

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Re: [PHP] register_argc_argv directive

2007-04-19 Thread Stut

Richard Lynch wrote:

On Thu, April 19, 2007 8:37 am, David Giragosian wrote:

$argv and $argc came in way handy when I wrote several php-gtk apps a
years ago, which uses the CLI exe version...

They are way handy for any CLI.

The question I'm kinda wondering is what purpose is served by having a
php.ini setting to turn the dang things *OFF*?...

I seem to recall the theory behind it is that it saves some pointless 
parsing when running a SAPI that won't use them.


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Re: [PHP] warning message to hide

2007-04-19 Thread Richard Lynch
On Thu, April 19, 2007 2:27 am, Roman Neuhauser wrote:
 No, I've been using php-recommended.ini for the last several years.
 It has that error_reporting = E_ALL by default, and that's one of the
 reasons I've been using it.

I don't think your PHP CLI is using the php.ini that you think it's

Here's what happens without E_NOTICE:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ php -r 'var_dump($foo);'

Notice: Undefined variable:  foo in Command line code on line 1

Call Stack:
0.0002   1. {main}() Command line code:0

Dump $_GET
Dump $_POST
Dump $_FILES
Dump $_ENV
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ php -v
PHP 4.4.4-pl6-gentoo (cli) (built: Feb  9 2007 21:33:47)
Copyright (c) 1997-2006 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v1.3.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2004 Zend Technologies
with Xdebug v2.0.0RC1, Copyright (c) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006,
by Derick Rethans

Though, granted, I have some funky call-stack add-on happening here,
that all kicks in AFTER the E_NOTICE fires off.

Double check what php.ini is getting used by your CLI by doing this:

php -i | grep php.ini

If the php.ini file at that path doesn't have E_NOTICE on, you ain't
got it.

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Re: [PHP] Json.php

2007-04-19 Thread Richard Lynch
On Thu, April 19, 2007 2:25 am, Roman Neuhauser wrote:
 I'm at a complete loss then. Richard, what would you advise to someone
 in such a messy situation?

I don't really see why anybody is getting bent out of shape about
'almostatic' methods in PHP, but if they're maybe gonna go away, roll
out the patch now...

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Re: [PHP] warning message to hide

2007-04-19 Thread Roman Neuhauser
# [EMAIL PROTECTED] / 2007-04-19 17:28:42 -0500:
 On Thu, April 19, 2007 2:27 am, Roman Neuhauser wrote:
  No, I've been using php-recommended.ini for the last several years.
  It has that error_reporting = E_ALL by default, and that's one of the
  reasons I've been using it.
 I don't think your PHP CLI is using the php.ini that you think it's
 Here's what happens without E_NOTICE:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ php -r 'var_dump($foo);'
 Notice: Undefined variable:  foo in Command line code on line 1

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ 1060:0  php -r 'echo E_ALL, \n;' 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ 1061:0  php -r 'echo error_reporting(), \n; 
PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: foo in Command line code on line 1
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ 1062:0  php -r 'error_reporting(E_ALL  ~E_NOTICE); echo 
error_reporting(), \n; var_dump($foo);' 

How many Vietnam vets does it take to screw in a light bulb?
You don't know, man.  You don't KNOW.
Cause you weren't THERE.

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RE: [PHP] CSS vs. Tables OT

2007-04-19 Thread Richard Lynch
On Thu, April 19, 2007 1:00 pm, Jim Moseby wrote:
 fact, I may be going out on a limb here, but I challenge anyone to
 describe a layout that isn't covered.

 I want a layout that looks identical in every browser without
 resorting to
 something like:

   case 'IE':include('ie.css');
   case 'Mozilla':include('mozilla.css');

 I don't think thats possible right now, is it?

Sure it is, if you don't demand a 3-column full-width footer layout,
or worse...


Actually, I guess it depends what you mean by identical... Cuz if
you mean pixel-perfect identical, and you're using PHP for dynamic
content, then, no, you'll never get that even *with* the different CSS
for different browsers...

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Re: [PHP] warning message to hide

2007-04-19 Thread Richard Lynch
On Thu, April 19, 2007 5:47 pm, Roman Neuhauser wrote:
 # [EMAIL PROTECTED] / 2007-04-19 17:28:42 -0500:
 On Thu, April 19, 2007 2:27 am, Roman Neuhauser wrote:
  No, I've been using php-recommended.ini for the last several
  It has that error_reporting = E_ALL by default, and that's one of
  reasons I've been using it.

 I don't think your PHP CLI is using the php.ini that you think it's

 Here's what happens without E_NOTICE:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ php -r 'var_dump($foo);'

 Notice: Undefined variable:  foo in Command line code on line 1


I meant *with* E_NOTICE

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Re: [PHP] warning message to hide

2007-04-19 Thread Roman Neuhauser
# [EMAIL PROTECTED] / 2007-04-19 17:57:25 -0500:
 On Thu, April 19, 2007 5:47 pm, Roman Neuhauser wrote:
  # [EMAIL PROTECTED] / 2007-04-19 17:28:42 -0500:
  On Thu, April 19, 2007 2:27 am, Roman Neuhauser wrote:
   No, I've been using php-recommended.ini for the last several
   It has that error_reporting = E_ALL by default, and that's one of
   reasons I've been using it.
  I don't think your PHP CLI is using the php.ini that you think it's
  Here's what happens without E_NOTICE:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ php -r 'var_dump($foo);'
  Notice: Undefined variable:  foo in Command line code on line 1
 I meant *with* E_NOTICE

Yeah, that's what I had posted.  I think you have mistaken me with
Tijnema !:

On Thu, April 19, 2007 2:27 am, Roman Neuhauser wrote:
: # [EMAIL PROTECTED] / 2007-04-18 23:03:08 -0500:
:  On Wed, April 18, 2007 2:21 am, Tijnema ! wrote:
:   Hmm, this is what i get: 
:   ~# php -r 'var_dump($foo);'
:   NULL
:   ~# php -r 'var_dump(@$foo);'
:   NULL
:   PHP6 snapshot from a month ago.
:  Your php.ini doesn't have error_reporting cranked up to include E_NOTICE.
:  That's your first mistake. :-) :-) :-)
:  [Roman's does have that setting changed.]
: No, I've been using php-recommended.ini for the last several years.
: It has that error_reporting = E_ALL by default, and that's one of the
: reasons I've been using it.

IOW, I don't have error_reporting changed, to the contrary: I use the
the default value from php.ini-recommended unchanged.

How many Vietnam vets does it take to screw in a light bulb?
You don't know, man.  You don't KNOW.
Cause you weren't THERE.

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Re: [PHP] retrieve POST body?

2007-04-19 Thread Myron Turner

Tijnema ! wrote:

On 4/19/07, Myron Turner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

André Medeiros wrote:
 php://stdin perhaps?

 On 4/18/07, Justin Frim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 André Medeiros wrote:

  Reading from php://input on a webserver will retrieve the Body 
of the

  HTTP Request.

 Not for me it doesn't.
 That only seems to work when the form is submitted as
 application/x-www-form-urlencoded.  When the form is submitted as
 multipart/form-data, php://input is blank.

You probably could use this small Perl script via exec:

   read(STDIN, $buffer, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'});

print $buffer;

If you call this script via exec, it can't return the POST data send
to the PHP script right?

You're right.  It doesn't carry across from Perl to PHP.  As penance, I 
worked out how to do it using PHP:

form action = post_data.php method=post
input type= hidden value = abcdefg name=post_test
input type = submit  name=submit value=submit_this

if(isset($_POST['submit'])) {

$putdata = fopen(php://input, r);

/* Read the data and write it to stdout */
while ($data = fread($putdata, 1024))
 echo $data, \n;

/* Close the streams */


btw, we are here on a PHP list, not PERL :)

Does this mean you wouldn't use exec or system to run anything but PHP 
scripts?  Or just that you wouldn't talk about it here, under penalty of 
exclusion from PHP heaven?  :)


Myron Turner

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Re: [PHP] Re: auto page generation

2007-04-19 Thread Chris

Michelle Konzack wrote:

Hello Tim,

Am 2007-04-16 19:22:21, schrieb Tim:

Also can i reccomend:

Web Database Applications with PHP and MySQL

Do you know an equivalent book for php5 and PostgreSQL 8.1/8.2?

Beginning PHP and PostgreSQL 8: From Novice to Professional (Paperback)

might have something you need.

(I would send an amazon link but it's about 200 characters :P).

Postgresql  php tutorials

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Re: [PHP] retrieve POST body?

2007-04-19 Thread Justin Frim

Sorry burst your bubble, but your solution isn't a viable one in my case.
php://input only works if the form is submitted using 

Take your sample HTML code there and add enctype=multipart/form-data 
to the form tag, and I'm pretty sure you'll find that php://input 
contains no data.  (Both PHP 5.2.1 running as a CGI on Windows and PHP 
5.2.0 running as an Apache module on FreeBSD exhibit this behaviour.)

And before anyone asks, it *is* a requirement to accept 
multipart/form-data submissions because that's the only way you can 
properly implement a file upload on a web form.

Myron Turner wrote:

Tijnema ! wrote:

On 4/19/07, Myron Turner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

André Medeiros wrote:
 php://stdin perhaps?

 On 4/18/07, Justin Frim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 André Medeiros wrote:

  Reading from php://input on a webserver will retrieve the Body 
of the

  HTTP Request.

 Not for me it doesn't.
 That only seems to work when the form is submitted as
 application/x-www-form-urlencoded.  When the form is submitted as
 multipart/form-data, php://input is blank.

You probably could use this small Perl script via exec:

   read(STDIN, $buffer, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'});

print $buffer;

If you call this script via exec, it can't return the POST data send
to the PHP script right?

You're right.  It doesn't carry across from Perl to PHP.  As penance, 
I worked out how to do it using PHP:

form action = post_data.php method=post
input type= hidden value = abcdefg name=post_test
input type = submit  name=submit value=submit_this

if(isset($_POST['submit'])) {

$putdata = fopen(php://input, r);

/* Read the data and write it to stdout */
while ($data = fread($putdata, 1024))
 echo $data, \n;

/* Close the streams */


btw, we are here on a PHP list, not PERL :)

Does this mean you wouldn't use exec or system to run anything but PHP 
scripts?  Or just that you wouldn't talk about it here, under penalty 
of exclusion from PHP heaven?  :)

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Re: [PHP] retrieve POST body?

2007-04-19 Thread Myron Turner
That's not been my experience.  I've tested it with 
enctype=multipart/form-data, since that's what you asked for, though 
the enctype wasn't included in my sample code.  I've run it on PHP 
Version = 5.1.6 (Fedora core 4) and PHP 4.3.11 Fedora core 2.

Here it is on Fedora 2:
The code is
That latter is just a symbolic link to the former.

It's possible that there's been a change in 5.2 that changes this 
behavior, or possibly the way the FreeBSD and Windows handle STDOUT.
My little earlier snippet of Perl should work on any system, and so if 
you know any Perl, an elaboration of that would be the way to go. 

Justin Frim wrote:

Sorry burst your bubble, but your solution isn't a viable one in my case.
php://input only works if the form is submitted using 

Take your sample HTML code there and add enctype=multipart/form-data 
to the form tag, and I'm pretty sure you'll find that php://input 
contains no data.  (Both PHP 5.2.1 running as a CGI on Windows and PHP 
5.2.0 running as an Apache module on FreeBSD exhibit this behaviour.)

And before anyone asks, it *is* a requirement to accept 
multipart/form-data submissions because that's the only way you can 
properly implement a file upload on a web form.


Myron Turner

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Re: [PHP] retrieve POST body?

2007-04-19 Thread Gregory Beaver
Justin Frim wrote:
 Sorry burst your bubble, but your solution isn't a viable one in my case.
 php://input only works if the form is submitted using
 Take your sample HTML code there and add enctype=multipart/form-data
 to the form tag, and I'm pretty sure you'll find that php://input
 contains no data.  (Both PHP 5.2.1 running as a CGI on Windows and PHP
 5.2.0 running as an Apache module on FreeBSD exhibit this behaviour.)
 And before anyone asks, it *is* a requirement to accept
 multipart/form-data submissions because that's the only way you can
 properly implement a file upload on a web form.

Good news and bad news.  Rasmus reports on IRC:

[21:57] Rasmus_ We never buffer the data in file upload mode
[21:57] Rasmus_ it is streamed to disk, so no, you can't get it all in
a variable like that
[21:57] Rasmus_ set a different content-type if you want to do that
[21:57] Rasmus_ assuming you have control over the client
[21:58] CelloG can you do a file upload without multipart?
[21:59] Rasmus_ Well, if you want to pick a POST apart yourself, sure
[21:59] Rasmus_ set a mime type PHP doesn't understand and it will be
in http_raw_post_data and then you can do whatever you want with it

So the answer is sort of.  You would have to parse the POST data
yourself, but it is technically a possibility.

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Re: [PHP] copy file from server to shared network folder

2007-04-19 Thread Tom Rogers

Friday, April 20, 2007, 2:04:14 PM, you wrote:
HH Hi everyone,
HH I can't seem to be able to copy a txt file from the server over to a network
HH drive.
HH Server is apache on winxp and the remote PC is also running XP.
HH Remote folder is shared with all read/write rights enabled.
HH I also tried executing a bat file where the bat file contains the copy
HH command and that didn't work either.
HH 2x clicking on the bat file works.
HH I tried
HH echo exec(c:\\test.bat);
HH and also
HH echo system (c:\\test.bat);
HH and
HH exec('c:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /c START c:\test.bat');
HH and
HH exec('c:\\Windows\\system32\\cmd.exe /c START c:\\test.bat');
HH with no success.
HH The last 2 items did launch the cmd process.
HH Any ideas?

Apache won't have rights to access the network, you need to read:


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Re: [PHP] retrieve POST body?

2007-04-19 Thread Gregory Beaver
Myron Turner wrote:
 That's not been my experience.  I've tested it with
 enctype=multipart/form-data, since that's what you asked for, though
 the enctype wasn't included in my sample code.  I've run it on PHP
 Version = 5.1.6 (Fedora core 4) and PHP 4.3.11 Fedora core 2.
 Here it is on Fedora 2:
 The code is

the enctype attribute should be in the form tag, not the submit
input.  Put it in form and your php://input will disappear

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Re: [PHP] retrieve POST body?

2007-04-19 Thread Myron Turner

Gregory Beaver wrote:

[21:58] CelloG can you do a file upload without multipart?
[21:59] Rasmus_ Well, if you want to pick a POST apart yourself, sure
[21:59] Rasmus_ set a mime type PHP doesn't understand and it will be
in http_raw_post_data and then you can do whatever you want with it

So the answer is sort of.  You would have to parse the POST data
yourself, but it is technically a possibility.

That was also in the back of my mind when responding.  When file uploads 
first came out and weren't yet handled by the Perl CGI module, we had to 
learn to parse the input stream ourselves.  It's still not clear why 
that should be necessary at this time.  For instance, if it's necessary 
to pass in CGI  parameters at the same time as sending out  a file, the 
parameters can be tacked onto a query string and they will be packed 
into both the $_POST and the $_GET arrays. 


Myron Turner

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Re: [PHP] retrieve POST body?

2007-04-19 Thread Myron Turner

Gregory Beaver wrote:

Myron Turner wrote:

That's not been my experience.  I've tested it with
enctype=multipart/form-data, since that's what you asked for, though
the enctype wasn't included in my sample code.  I've run it on PHP
Version = 5.1.6 (Fedora core 4) and PHP 4.3.11 Fedora core 2.
Here it is on Fedora 2:
The code is

the enctype attribute should be in the form tag, not the submit
input.  Put it in form and your php://input will disappear

That's what happens when your trying to do too many tings at once. 




Myron Turner

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Re: [PHP] Ways to tell if existing setup is SAPI or Shared Object?

2007-04-19 Thread Weston C

On 4/19/07, Edward Vermillion [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Fedora, and I'm assuming RedHat and possibly others that use their
system layout, will put the loading line in /etc/httpd/conf.d/
php.conf so yes it can be in an external configuration file.

That's the exact location, and it's a shared object. Thank you!

The other method I thought of was to search for, and if
it's found, rename it, restart Apache, and see if/where it complains.

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Re: [PHP] retrieve POST body?

2007-04-19 Thread Justin Frim

But how will the user-agent know how to pack the data?

AFAIK, if you don't specify enctype in the form tag, the user-agent 
will assume application/x-www-form-urlencoded.  I'm assuming that if you 
put in something that's not recognized (like 
multipart/x-non-parsed-form-data), the user-agent won't know what it is 
and will again default to application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

So to use the dirty hack suggested by Rasmus in that IRC log, I'd need 
some way of instructing the user-agent to use multipart/form-data, but 
then destroy the Content-Type header in the request *before* PHP sees it 
and snags the body.

Gregory Beaver wrote:

Good news and bad news.  Rasmus reports on IRC:

[21:57] Rasmus_ We never buffer the data in file upload mode
[21:57] Rasmus_ it is streamed to disk, so no, you can't get it all in
a variable like that
[21:57] Rasmus_ set a different content-type if you want to do that
[21:57] Rasmus_ assuming you have control over the client
[21:58] CelloG can you do a file upload without multipart?
[21:59] Rasmus_ Well, if you want to pick a POST apart yourself, sure
[21:59] Rasmus_ set a mime type PHP doesn't understand and it will be
in http_raw_post_data and then you can do whatever you want with it

So the answer is sort of.  You would have to parse the POST data
yourself, but it is technically a possibility.

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Re: [PHP] retrieve POST body?

2007-04-19 Thread Justin Frim
Regarding some discussion a while back about putting in a feature 
request for obtaining the POST body...

I can see the advantage of streaming the POST body directly to disk, 
because then you don't have to allocate a huge amount of memory for 
keeping a copy of the POST body in a variable.  So maybe (and this is 
wishful thinking), a feature could be added to PHP where the entire POST 
body, unaltered, is streamed to a file in the same fasion as those 
individual temporary files referenced in the $_FILES[] array.

Then for HTTP digest authenticated requests with integrity protection, I 
could just call md5_file() on this special file, and my world would be a 
whole lot simpler!  (And any other script programmers, should they need 
to access the POST body for whatever reason, can just read the file and 
parse it however necessary.  No gigantic memory overhead involved.)

Just a thought.

Gregory Beaver wrote:

Good news and bad news.  Rasmus reports on IRC:

[21:57] Rasmus_ We never buffer the data in file upload mode
[21:57] Rasmus_ it is streamed to disk, so no, you can't get it all in
a variable like that
[21:57] Rasmus_ set a different content-type if you want to do that
[21:57] Rasmus_ assuming you have control over the client
[21:58] CelloG can you do a file upload without multipart?
[21:59] Rasmus_ Well, if you want to pick a POST apart yourself, sure
[21:59] Rasmus_ set a mime type PHP doesn't understand and it will be
in http_raw_post_data and then you can do whatever you want with it

So the answer is sort of.  You would have to parse the POST data
yourself, but it is technically a possibility.

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